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1769 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-18-Tibshirani announces new research result: A significance test for the lasso

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Introduction: Lasso and me For a long time I was wrong about lasso. Lasso (“least absolute shrinkage and selection operator”) is a regularization procedure that shrinks regression coefficients toward zero, and in its basic form is equivalent to maximum penalized likelihood estimation with a penalty function that is proportional to the sum of the absolute values of the regression coefficients. I first heard about lasso from a talk that Trevor Hastie Rob Tibshirani gave at Berkeley in 1994 or 1995. He demonstrated that it shrunk regression coefficients to zero. I wasn’t impressed, first because it seemed like no big deal (if that’s the prior you use, that’s the shrinkage you get) and second because, from a Bayesian perspective, I don’t want to shrink things all the way to zero. In the sorts of social and environmental science problems I’ve worked on, just about nothing is zero. I’d like to control my noisy estimates but there’s nothing special about zero. At the end of the talk I stood

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 I first heard about lasso from a talk that Trevor Hastie Rob Tibshirani gave at Berkeley in 1994 or 1995. [sent-3, score-0.685]

2 He demonstrated that it shrunk regression coefficients to zero. [sent-4, score-0.289]

3 At the end of the talk I stood up and asked Trevor Rob why he thought it was a good idea to have zero estimates and he Trevor Hastie stood up and said something about how it can be costly to keep track of lots of predictors so it could be efficient to set a bunch of coefficients to zero. [sent-8, score-0.336]

4 I didn’t buy it: if cost is a consideration, I’d think cost should be in the calculation, the threshold for setting a coefficient to zero should depend on the cost of the variable, and so on. [sent-9, score-0.279]

5 What I mean is, I think my reactions made sense: lasso corresponds to one particular penalty function and, if the goal is reducing cost of saving variables in a typical social-science regression problem, there’s no reason to use some single threshold. [sent-11, score-0.956]

6 First, whether or not lasso is just an implementation of Bayes, the fact is that mainstream Bayesians weren’t doing much of it. [sent-13, score-0.736]

7 We didn’t have anything like lasso in the first or the second edition of Bayesian Data Analysis, and in my applied work I had real difficulties with regression coefficients getting out of control (see Table 2 of this article from 2003, for example). [sent-14, score-1.018]

8 I could go around smugly thinking that lasso was a trivial implementation of a prior distribution, coupled with a silly posterior-mode summary. [sent-15, score-0.904]

9 So, yes, lasso was a great idea, and I didn’t get the point. [sent-23, score-0.685]

10 I see routine regression analysis all the time that does no regularization and as a result suffers from the usual problem of noisy estimates and dramatic overestimates of the magnitudes of effect. [sent-28, score-0.346]

11 Just look at the tables of regression coefficients in just about any quantitative empirical paper in political science or economics or public health. [sent-29, score-0.38]

12 I’d been thinking about the last paragraph here and how lasso has been so important and how I was so slow to catch on, and it seemed worth writing about. [sent-33, score-0.838]

13 We have discovered a test statistic for the lasso that has a very simple Exp(1) asymptotic distribution, accounting for the adaptive fitting. [sent-40, score-0.836]

14 It also could help bring the lasso into the mainstream. [sent-42, score-0.685]

15 It shows how a basic adaptive (frequentist) inference—difficult to do in standard least squares regression, falls out naturally in the lasso paradigm. [sent-43, score-0.775]

16 I looked it up on Google scholar and the 1996 lasso paper has over 7000 citations, with dozens of other papers on lasso having hundreds of citations each. [sent-45, score-1.49]

17 What fascinates me is that the lasso world is a sort of parallel Bayesian world. [sent-47, score-0.685]

18 So one thing I like about the lasso world is that it frees a whole group of researchers—those who, for whatever reason, feel uncomfortable with Bayesian methods—to act in what i consider an open-ended Bayesian way. [sent-50, score-0.732]

19 To get back to the paper that Rob sent me: I already think that lasso (by itself, and as an inspiration for Bayesian regularization) is a great idea. [sent-52, score-0.748]

20 But if it will help a new group of applied researchers hop on to the regularization bandwagon, I’m all for it. [sent-55, score-0.324]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('lasso', 0.685), ('tibshirani', 0.256), ('hastie', 0.173), ('rob', 0.158), ('bayesians', 0.145), ('regression', 0.137), ('trevor', 0.121), ('regularization', 0.115), ('coefficients', 0.109), ('adaptive', 0.09), ('cost', 0.076), ('prior', 0.073), ('tables', 0.071), ('ideas', 0.07), ('bayesian', 0.067), ('stood', 0.066), ('researchers', 0.065), ('paper', 0.063), ('shrinkage', 0.061), ('statistic', 0.061), ('penalty', 0.058), ('didn', 0.058), ('citations', 0.057), ('absolute', 0.056), ('term', 0.055), ('new', 0.054), ('worked', 0.053), ('parameters', 0.052), ('thinking', 0.052), ('zero', 0.051), ('slow', 0.051), ('implementation', 0.051), ('ve', 0.051), ('seemed', 0.05), ('noisy', 0.05), ('frequentist', 0.048), ('regressions', 0.048), ('group', 0.047), ('late', 0.045), ('somehow', 0.045), ('distribution', 0.045), ('always', 0.044), ('estimates', 0.044), ('work', 0.044), ('really', 0.043), ('applied', 0.043), ('smugly', 0.043), ('shrinks', 0.043), ('sidebar', 0.043), ('shrunk', 0.043)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 1.0000002 1769 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-18-Tibshirani announces new research result: A significance test for the lasso

Introduction: Lasso and me For a long time I was wrong about lasso. Lasso (“least absolute shrinkage and selection operator”) is a regularization procedure that shrinks regression coefficients toward zero, and in its basic form is equivalent to maximum penalized likelihood estimation with a penalty function that is proportional to the sum of the absolute values of the regression coefficients. I first heard about lasso from a talk that Trevor Hastie Rob Tibshirani gave at Berkeley in 1994 or 1995. He demonstrated that it shrunk regression coefficients to zero. I wasn’t impressed, first because it seemed like no big deal (if that’s the prior you use, that’s the shrinkage you get) and second because, from a Bayesian perspective, I don’t want to shrink things all the way to zero. In the sorts of social and environmental science problems I’ve worked on, just about nothing is zero. I’d like to control my noisy estimates but there’s nothing special about zero. At the end of the talk I stood

2 0.276216 1849 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-09-Same old same old

Introduction: In an email I sent to a colleague who’s writing about lasso and Bayesian regression for R users: The one thing you might want to add, to fit with your pragmatic perspective, is to point out that these different methods are optimal under different assumptions about the data. However, these assumptions are never true (even in the rare cases where you have a believable prior, it won’t really follow the functional form assumed by bayesglm ; even in the rare cases where you have a real loss function, it won’t really follow the mathematical form assumed by lasso etc), but these methods can still be useful and be given the interpretation of regularized estimates. Another thing that someone might naively think is that regularization is fine but “ unbiased ” is somehow the most honest. In practice, if you stick to “unbiased” methods such as least squares, you’ll restrict the number of variables you can include in your model. So in reality you suffer from omitted-variable bias. So th

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same-blog 1 0.97175676 1769 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-18-Tibshirani announces new research result: A significance test for the lasso

Introduction: Lasso and me For a long time I was wrong about lasso. Lasso (“least absolute shrinkage and selection operator”) is a regularization procedure that shrinks regression coefficients toward zero, and in its basic form is equivalent to maximum penalized likelihood estimation with a penalty function that is proportional to the sum of the absolute values of the regression coefficients. I first heard about lasso from a talk that Trevor Hastie Rob Tibshirani gave at Berkeley in 1994 or 1995. He demonstrated that it shrunk regression coefficients to zero. I wasn’t impressed, first because it seemed like no big deal (if that’s the prior you use, that’s the shrinkage you get) and second because, from a Bayesian perspective, I don’t want to shrink things all the way to zero. In the sorts of social and environmental science problems I’ve worked on, just about nothing is zero. I’d like to control my noisy estimates but there’s nothing special about zero. At the end of the talk I stood

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Introduction: In an email I sent to a colleague who’s writing about lasso and Bayesian regression for R users: The one thing you might want to add, to fit with your pragmatic perspective, is to point out that these different methods are optimal under different assumptions about the data. However, these assumptions are never true (even in the rare cases where you have a believable prior, it won’t really follow the functional form assumed by bayesglm ; even in the rare cases where you have a real loss function, it won’t really follow the mathematical form assumed by lasso etc), but these methods can still be useful and be given the interpretation of regularized estimates. Another thing that someone might naively think is that regularization is fine but “ unbiased ” is somehow the most honest. In practice, if you stick to “unbiased” methods such as least squares, you’ll restrict the number of variables you can include in your model. So in reality you suffer from omitted-variable bias. So th

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