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1868 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-23-Validation of Software for Bayesian Models Using Posterior Quantiles

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Introduction: Every once in awhile I get a question that I can directly answer from my published research. When that happens it makes me so happy. Here’s an example. Patrick Lam wrote, Suppose one develops a Bayesian model to estimate a parameter theta. Now suppose one wants to evaluate the model via simulation by generating fake data where you know the value of theta and see how well you recover theta with your model, assuming that you use the posterior mean as the estimate. The traditional frequentist way of evaluating it might be to generate many datasets and see how well your estimator performs each time in terms of unbiasedness or mean squared error or something. But given that unbiasedness means nothing to a Bayesian and there is no repeated sampling interpretation in a Bayesian model, how would you suggest one would evaluate a Bayesian model? My reply: I actually have a paper on this ! It is by Cook, Gelman, and Rubin. The idea is to draw theta from the prior distribution.

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Every once in awhile I get a question that I can directly answer from my published research. [sent-1, score-0.266]

2 Patrick Lam wrote, Suppose one develops a Bayesian model to estimate a parameter theta. [sent-4, score-0.414]

3 Now suppose one wants to evaluate the model via simulation by generating fake data where you know the value of theta and see how well you recover theta with your model, assuming that you use the posterior mean as the estimate. [sent-5, score-2.334]

4 The traditional frequentist way of evaluating it might be to generate many datasets and see how well your estimator performs each time in terms of unbiasedness or mean squared error or something. [sent-6, score-1.761]

5 But given that unbiasedness means nothing to a Bayesian and there is no repeated sampling interpretation in a Bayesian model, how would you suggest one would evaluate a Bayesian model? [sent-7, score-1.099]

6 My reply: I actually have a paper on this ! [sent-8, score-0.077]

7 The idea is to draw theta from the prior distribution. [sent-10, score-0.431]

8 You can find the paper in the published papers section on my website. [sent-11, score-0.328]

9 Although unbiasedness doesn’t mean much to a Bayesian, calibration does. [sent-14, score-0.758]

10 We’re planning on implementing this in Stan at some point. [sent-15, score-0.233]

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wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('unbiasedness', 0.469), ('theta', 0.337), ('bayesian', 0.24), ('evaluate', 0.199), ('model', 0.182), ('mean', 0.158), ('develops', 0.152), ('generating', 0.143), ('patrick', 0.14), ('recover', 0.138), ('suppose', 0.137), ('squared', 0.136), ('estimator', 0.131), ('calibration', 0.131), ('implementing', 0.129), ('performs', 0.127), ('repeated', 0.119), ('cook', 0.118), ('fake', 0.116), ('evaluating', 0.113), ('datasets', 0.109), ('published', 0.107), ('simulation', 0.105), ('generate', 0.105), ('frequentist', 0.104), ('planning', 0.104), ('traditional', 0.094), ('draw', 0.094), ('wants', 0.091), ('awhile', 0.089), ('assuming', 0.089), ('interpretation', 0.088), ('gelman', 0.082), ('via', 0.081), ('section', 0.081), ('stan', 0.08), ('sampling', 0.08), ('parameter', 0.08), ('happens', 0.079), ('suggest', 0.078), ('well', 0.077), ('paper', 0.077), ('posterior', 0.076), ('terms', 0.073), ('directly', 0.07), ('value', 0.068), ('means', 0.066), ('although', 0.066), ('error', 0.065), ('papers', 0.063)]

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same-blog 1 1.0000001 1868 andrew gelman stats-2013-05-23-Validation of Software for Bayesian Models Using Posterior Quantiles

Introduction: Every once in awhile I get a question that I can directly answer from my published research. When that happens it makes me so happy. Here’s an example. Patrick Lam wrote, Suppose one develops a Bayesian model to estimate a parameter theta. Now suppose one wants to evaluate the model via simulation by generating fake data where you know the value of theta and see how well you recover theta with your model, assuming that you use the posterior mean as the estimate. The traditional frequentist way of evaluating it might be to generate many datasets and see how well your estimator performs each time in terms of unbiasedness or mean squared error or something. But given that unbiasedness means nothing to a Bayesian and there is no repeated sampling interpretation in a Bayesian model, how would you suggest one would evaluate a Bayesian model? My reply: I actually have a paper on this ! It is by Cook, Gelman, and Rubin. The idea is to draw theta from the prior distribution.

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Introduction: Nick Firoozye writes: While I am absolutely sympathetic to the Bayesian agenda I am often troubled by the requirement of having priors. We must have priors on the parameter of an infinite number of model we have never seen before and I find this troubling. There is a similarly troubling problem in economics of utility theory. Utility is on consumables. To be complete a consumer must assign utility to all sorts of things they never would have encountered. More recent versions of utility theory instead make consumption goods a portfolio of attributes. Cadillacs are x many units of luxury y of transport etc etc. And we can automatically have personal utilities to all these attributes. I don’t ever see parameters. Some model have few and some have hundreds. Instead, I see data. So I don’t know how to have an opinion on parameters themselves. Rather I think it far more natural to have opinions on the behavior of models. The prior predictive density is a good and sensible notion. Also

3 0.23525733 1610 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-06-Yes, checking calibration of probability forecasts is part of Bayesian statistics

Introduction: Yes, checking calibration of probability forecasts is part of Bayesian statistics. At the end of this post are three figures from Chapter 1 of Bayesian Data Analysis illustrating empirical evaluation of forecasts. But first the background. Why am I bringing this up now? It’s because of something Larry Wasserman wrote the other day : One of the striking facts about [baseball/political forecaster Nate Silver's recent] book is the emphasis the Silver places on frequency calibration. . . . Have no doubt about it: Nate Silver is a frequentist. For example, he says: One of the most important tests of a forecast — I would argue that it is the single most important one — is called calibration. Out of all the times you said there was a 40 percent chance of rain, how often did rain actually occur? If over the long run, it really did rain about 40 percent of the time, that means your forecasts were well calibrated. I had some discussion with Larry in the comments section of h

4 0.23501486 1089 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-28-Path sampling for models of varying dimension

Introduction: Somebody asks: I’m reading your paper on path sampling. It essentially solves the problem of computing the ratio \int q0(omega)d omega/\int q1(omega) d omega. I.e the arguments in q0() and q1() are the same. But this assumption is not always true in Bayesian model selection using Bayes factor. In general (for BF), we have this problem, t1 and t2 may have no relation at all. \int f1(y|t1)p1(t1) d t1 / \int f2(y|t2)p2(t2) d t2 As an example, suppose that we want to compare two sets of normally distributed data with known variance whether they have the same mean (H0) or they are not necessarily have the same mean (H1). Then the dummy variable should be mu in H0 (which is the common mean of both set of samples), and should be (mu1, mu2) (which are the means for each set of samples). One straight method to address my problem is to preform path integration for the numerate and the denominator, as both the numerate and the denominator are integrals. Each integral can be rewrit

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Introduction: Some things I respect When it comes to meta-models of statistics, here are two philosophies that I respect: 1. (My) Bayesian approach, which I associate with E. T. Jaynes, in which you construct models with strong assumptions, ride your models hard, check their fit to data, and then scrap them and improve them as necessary. 2. At the other extreme, model-free statistical procedures that are designed to work well under very weak assumptions—for example, instead of assuming a distribution is Gaussian, you would just want the procedure to work well under some conditions on the smoothness of the second derivative of the log density function. Both the above philosophies recognize that (almost) all important assumptions will be wrong, and they resolve this concern via aggressive model checking or via robustness. And of course there are intermediate positions, such as working with Bayesian models that have been shown to be robust, and then still checking them. Or, to flip it arou

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Introduction: Every once in awhile I get a question that I can directly answer from my published research. When that happens it makes me so happy. Here’s an example. Patrick Lam wrote, Suppose one develops a Bayesian model to estimate a parameter theta. Now suppose one wants to evaluate the model via simulation by generating fake data where you know the value of theta and see how well you recover theta with your model, assuming that you use the posterior mean as the estimate. The traditional frequentist way of evaluating it might be to generate many datasets and see how well your estimator performs each time in terms of unbiasedness or mean squared error or something. But given that unbiasedness means nothing to a Bayesian and there is no repeated sampling interpretation in a Bayesian model, how would you suggest one would evaluate a Bayesian model? My reply: I actually have a paper on this ! It is by Cook, Gelman, and Rubin. The idea is to draw theta from the prior distribution.

2 0.78694904 1089 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-28-Path sampling for models of varying dimension

Introduction: Somebody asks: I’m reading your paper on path sampling. It essentially solves the problem of computing the ratio \int q0(omega)d omega/\int q1(omega) d omega. I.e the arguments in q0() and q1() are the same. But this assumption is not always true in Bayesian model selection using Bayes factor. In general (for BF), we have this problem, t1 and t2 may have no relation at all. \int f1(y|t1)p1(t1) d t1 / \int f2(y|t2)p2(t2) d t2 As an example, suppose that we want to compare two sets of normally distributed data with known variance whether they have the same mean (H0) or they are not necessarily have the same mean (H1). Then the dummy variable should be mu in H0 (which is the common mean of both set of samples), and should be (mu1, mu2) (which are the means for each set of samples). One straight method to address my problem is to preform path integration for the numerate and the denominator, as both the numerate and the denominator are integrals. Each integral can be rewrit

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Introduction: Yes, checking calibration of probability forecasts is part of Bayesian statistics. At the end of this post are three figures from Chapter 1 of Bayesian Data Analysis illustrating empirical evaluation of forecasts. But first the background. Why am I bringing this up now? It’s because of something Larry Wasserman wrote the other day : One of the striking facts about [baseball/political forecaster Nate Silver's recent] book is the emphasis the Silver places on frequency calibration. . . . Have no doubt about it: Nate Silver is a frequentist. For example, he says: One of the most important tests of a forecast — I would argue that it is the single most important one — is called calibration. Out of all the times you said there was a 40 percent chance of rain, how often did rain actually occur? If over the long run, it really did rain about 40 percent of the time, that means your forecasts were well calibrated. I had some discussion with Larry in the comments section of h

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