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1960 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-28-More on that machine learning course

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Introduction: Following up on our discussion the other day, Andrew Ng writes: Looking at the “typical” ML syllabus, I think most classes do a great job teaching the core ideas, but that there’re two recent trends in ML that are usually not yet reflected. First, unlike 10 years ago, a lot of our students are now taking ML not to do ML research, but to apply it in other research areas or in industry. I’d like to serve these students as well. While many ML classes do a nice job teaching the theory and core algorithms, I’ve seen very few that teach the “hands-on” tactics for how to actually build a high-performance ML system, or on how to think about piecing together a complex ML architecture. For example, what sorts of diagnostics do you run to figure out why your algorithm isn’t giving reasonable accuracy? How much do you invest in collecting additional training data? How do you structure your org chart and metrics if you think there’re 3 components that need to be built and plugged

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Following up on our discussion the other day, Andrew Ng writes: Looking at the “typical” ML syllabus, I think most classes do a great job teaching the core ideas, but that there’re two recent trends in ML that are usually not yet reflected. [sent-1, score-0.486]

2 First, unlike 10 years ago, a lot of our students are now taking ML not to do ML research, but to apply it in other research areas or in industry. [sent-2, score-0.132]

3 While many ML classes do a nice job teaching the theory and core algorithms, I’ve seen very few that teach the “hands-on” tactics for how to actually build a high-performance ML system, or on how to think about piecing together a complex ML architecture. [sent-4, score-0.675]

4 For example, what sorts of diagnostics do you run to figure out why your algorithm isn’t giving reasonable accuracy? [sent-5, score-0.165]

5 How much do you invest in collecting additional training data? [sent-6, score-0.219]

6 How do you structure your org chart and metrics if you think there’re 3 components that need to be built and plugged together? [sent-7, score-0.231]

7 Second, I think most ML classes have been slow to appreciate the rise of Big Data. [sent-12, score-0.585]

8 (Surprisingly, I find that even some classes titled “Big Data” are still slow to appreciate the rise of Big Data. [sent-13, score-0.564]

9 ) The volume, scale, magnitude of data that we all have access to now is completely unprecedented, and a lot of Silicon Valley’s ML advances have been because of this. [sent-14, score-0.099]

10 (For example, the single most commonly used learning algorithm in the Valley is probably logistic regression, only applied at massive scale. [sent-15, score-0.201]

11 ) This rise of data has led to a parallel literature on data warehousing, and tools like Hadoop/Hive/Storm/Kafka/AWS/… for exploiting this data. [sent-16, score-0.33]

12 The way you think about obtaining and training on 1B examples is very different than the way you think about training on 10K examples, and it goes beyond the algorithmic questions like online vs. [sent-17, score-0.606]

13 batch, into computer systems issues, hardware constraints, and questions like how to plan for polyglot persistence. [sent-18, score-0.133]

14 I think this will become even more true over time. [sent-20, score-0.069]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('ml', 0.795), ('classes', 0.189), ('rise', 0.176), ('training', 0.117), ('algorithm', 0.111), ('valley', 0.105), ('teaching', 0.091), ('learning', 0.09), ('core', 0.086), ('slow', 0.084), ('algorithms', 0.084), ('questions', 0.07), ('piecing', 0.07), ('proximate', 0.07), ('students', 0.07), ('think', 0.069), ('appreciate', 0.067), ('algorithmic', 0.066), ('exploit', 0.063), ('hardware', 0.063), ('tactics', 0.063), ('iterating', 0.063), ('apply', 0.062), ('batch', 0.061), ('unprecedented', 0.061), ('plugged', 0.059), ('silicon', 0.058), ('exploiting', 0.058), ('syllabus', 0.056), ('invest', 0.056), ('metrics', 0.056), ('big', 0.056), ('together', 0.056), ('graduates', 0.055), ('diagnostics', 0.054), ('expense', 0.053), ('superior', 0.053), ('job', 0.051), ('advances', 0.051), ('tradeoff', 0.051), ('obtaining', 0.05), ('served', 0.05), ('examples', 0.048), ('titled', 0.048), ('data', 0.048), ('chart', 0.047), ('trade', 0.046), ('serve', 0.046), ('collecting', 0.046), ('mathematically', 0.046)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 1960 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-28-More on that machine learning course

Introduction: Following up on our discussion the other day, Andrew Ng writes: Looking at the “typical” ML syllabus, I think most classes do a great job teaching the core ideas, but that there’re two recent trends in ML that are usually not yet reflected. First, unlike 10 years ago, a lot of our students are now taking ML not to do ML research, but to apply it in other research areas or in industry. I’d like to serve these students as well. While many ML classes do a nice job teaching the theory and core algorithms, I’ve seen very few that teach the “hands-on” tactics for how to actually build a high-performance ML system, or on how to think about piecing together a complex ML architecture. For example, what sorts of diagnostics do you run to figure out why your algorithm isn’t giving reasonable accuracy? How much do you invest in collecting additional training data? How do you structure your org chart and metrics if you think there’re 3 components that need to be built and plugged

2 0.63783747 1956 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-25-What should be in a machine learning course?

Introduction: Nando de Freitas writes: We’re designing two machine learning (ML) courses at Oxford (introductory and advanced ML). In doing this, we have many questions and wonder what your thoughts are on the following: - Which do you think are the key optimization papers/ideas that should be covered. - Which topics do you think are coolest things in ML? - Which are the essential ideas, tools and approaches? - Are there other courses you would recommend? - Which are good resources for students to learn to code and apply convolutional nets? Theano? What are the key deep learning things to know first? - Which are the best scalable classifiers? … pegasos .. etc. - Which are the coolest applications that can be easily given as a programming exercise? - What theory to teach? PAC? PAC-Bayes? CLTs? - What are the best tutorials on sample complexity for ML? - How much should we emphasize the trade-offs of computing/optimization-approximation-estimation. - What are the ML algorithms mostly

3 0.1269947 2133 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-13-Flexibility is good

Introduction: If I made a separate post for each interesting blog discussion, we’d get overwhelmed. That’s why I often leave detailed responses in the comments section, even though I’m pretty sure that most readers don’t look in the comments at all. Sometimes, though, I think it’s good to bring such discussions to light. Here’s a recent example. Michael wrote : Poor predictive performance usually indicates that the model isn’t sufficiently flexible to explain the data, and my understanding of the proper Bayesian strategy is to feed that back into your original model and try again until you achieve better performance. Corey replied : It was my impression that — in ML at least — poor predictive performance is more often due to the model being too flexible and fitting noise. And Rahul agreed : Good point. A very flexible model will describe your training data perfectly and then go bonkers when unleashed on wild data. But I wrote : Overfitting comes from a model being flex

4 0.11472203 1377 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-13-A question about AIC

Introduction: Jacob Oaknin asks: Akaike ‘s selection criterion is often justified on the basis of the empirical risk of a ML estimate being a biased estimate of the true generalization error of a parametric family, say the family, S_m, of linear regressors on a m-dimensional variable x=(x_1,..,x_m) with gaussian noise independent of x (for instance in “Unifying the derivations for the Akaike and Corrected Akaike information criteria”, by J.E.Cavanaugh, Statistics and Probability Letters, vol. 33, 1997, pp. 201-208). On the other hand, the family S_m is known to have finite VC-dimension (VC = m+1), and this fact should grant that empirical risk minimizer is asymtotically consistent regardless of the underlying probability distribution, and in particular for the assumed gaussian distribution of noise(“An overview of statistical learning theory”, by V.N.Vapnik, IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks, vol. 10, No. 5, 1999, pp. 988-999) What am I missing? My reply: I’m no expert on AIC so

5 0.10559429 1047 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-08-I Am Too Absolutely Heteroskedastic for This Probit Model

Introduction: Soren Lorensen wrote: I’m working on a project that uses a binary choice model on panel data. Since I have panel data and am using MLE, I’m concerned about heteroskedasticity making my estimates inconsistent and biased. Are you familiar with any statistical packages with pre-built tests for heteroskedasticity in binary choice ML models? If not, is there value in cutting my data into groups over which I guess the error variance might vary and eyeballing residual plots? Have you other suggestions about how I might resolve this concern? I replied that I wouldn’t worry so much about heteroskedasticity. Breaking up the data into pieces might make sense, but for the purpose of estimating how the coefficients might vary—that is, nonlinearity and interactions. Soren shot back: I’m somewhat puzzled however: homoskedasticity is an identifying assumption in estimating a probit model: if we don’t have it all sorts of bad things can happen to our parameter estimates. Do you suggest n

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.92058891 1960 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-28-More on that machine learning course

Introduction: Following up on our discussion the other day, Andrew Ng writes: Looking at the “typical” ML syllabus, I think most classes do a great job teaching the core ideas, but that there’re two recent trends in ML that are usually not yet reflected. First, unlike 10 years ago, a lot of our students are now taking ML not to do ML research, but to apply it in other research areas or in industry. I’d like to serve these students as well. While many ML classes do a nice job teaching the theory and core algorithms, I’ve seen very few that teach the “hands-on” tactics for how to actually build a high-performance ML system, or on how to think about piecing together a complex ML architecture. For example, what sorts of diagnostics do you run to figure out why your algorithm isn’t giving reasonable accuracy? How much do you invest in collecting additional training data? How do you structure your org chart and metrics if you think there’re 3 components that need to be built and plugged

2 0.84746903 1956 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-25-What should be in a machine learning course?

Introduction: Nando de Freitas writes: We’re designing two machine learning (ML) courses at Oxford (introductory and advanced ML). In doing this, we have many questions and wonder what your thoughts are on the following: - Which do you think are the key optimization papers/ideas that should be covered. - Which topics do you think are coolest things in ML? - Which are the essential ideas, tools and approaches? - Are there other courses you would recommend? - Which are good resources for students to learn to code and apply convolutional nets? Theano? What are the key deep learning things to know first? - Which are the best scalable classifiers? … pegasos .. etc. - Which are the coolest applications that can be easily given as a programming exercise? - What theory to teach? PAC? PAC-Bayes? CLTs? - What are the best tutorials on sample complexity for ML? - How much should we emphasize the trade-offs of computing/optimization-approximation-estimation. - What are the ML algorithms mostly

3 0.77835357 1517 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-01-“On Inspiring Students and Being Human”

Introduction: Rachel Schutt (the author of the Taxonomy of Confusion) has a blog! for the course she’s teaching at Columbia, “Introduction to Data Science.” It sounds like a great course—I wish I could take it! Her latest post is “On Inspiring Students and Being Human”: Of course one hopes as a teacher that one will inspire students . . . But what I actually mean by “inspiring students” is that you are inspiring me; you are students who inspire: “inspiring students”. This is one of the happy unintended consequences of this course so far for me. She then gives examples of some of the students in her class and some of their interesting ideas: Phillip is a PhD student in the sociology department . . . He’s in the process of developing his thesis topic around some of the themes we’ve been discussing in this class, such as the emerging data science community. Arvi works at the College Board and is a part time student . . . He analyzes user-level data of students who have signed up f

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Introduction: Joe Blitzstein and Xiao-Li Meng write : An e ffectively designed examination process goes far beyond revealing students’ knowledge or skills. It also serves as a great teaching and learning tool, incentivizing the students to think more deeply and to connect the dots at a higher level. This extends throughout the entire process: pre-exam preparation, the exam itself, and the post-exam period (the aftermath or, more appropriately, afterstat of the exam). As in the publication process, the first submission is essential but still just one piece in the dialogue. Viewing the entire exam process as an extended dialogue between students and faculty, we discuss ideas for making this dialogue induce more inspiration than perspiration, and thereby making it a memorable deep-learning triumph rather than a wish-to-forget test-taking trauma. We illustrate such a dialogue through a recently introduced course in the Harvard Statistics Department, Stat 399: Problem Solving in Statistics, and tw

5 0.72082204 1611 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-07-Feedback on my Bayesian Data Analysis class at Columbia

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similar blogs list:

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1 0.94968659 1047 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-08-I Am Too Absolutely Heteroskedastic for This Probit Model

Introduction: Soren Lorensen wrote: I’m working on a project that uses a binary choice model on panel data. Since I have panel data and am using MLE, I’m concerned about heteroskedasticity making my estimates inconsistent and biased. Are you familiar with any statistical packages with pre-built tests for heteroskedasticity in binary choice ML models? If not, is there value in cutting my data into groups over which I guess the error variance might vary and eyeballing residual plots? Have you other suggestions about how I might resolve this concern? I replied that I wouldn’t worry so much about heteroskedasticity. Breaking up the data into pieces might make sense, but for the purpose of estimating how the coefficients might vary—that is, nonlinearity and interactions. Soren shot back: I’m somewhat puzzled however: homoskedasticity is an identifying assumption in estimating a probit model: if we don’t have it all sorts of bad things can happen to our parameter estimates. Do you suggest n

2 0.94508982 1555 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-31-Social scientists who use medical analogies to explain causal inference are, I think, implicitly trying to borrow some of the scientific and cultural authority of that field for our own purposes

Introduction: I’m sorry I don’t have any new zombie papers in time for Halloween. Instead I’d like to be a little monster by reproducing a mini-rant from this article on experimental reasoning in social science: I will restrict my discussion to social science examples. Social scientists are often tempted to illustrate their ideas with examples from medical research. When it comes to medicine, though, we are, with rare exceptions, at best ignorant laypersons (in my case, not even reaching that level), and it is my impression that by reaching for medical analogies we are implicitly trying to borrow some of the scientific and cultural authority of that field for our own purposes. Evidence-based medicine is the subject of a large literature of its own (see, for example, Lau, Ioannidis, and Schmid, 1998).

3 0.9446286 991 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-04-Insecure researchers aren’t sharing their data

Introduction: Jelte Wicherts writes: I thought you might be interested in reading this paper that is to appear this week in PLoS ONE. In it we [Wicherts, Marjan Bakker, and Dylan Molenaar] show that the willingness to share data from published psychological research is associated both with “the strength of the evidence” (against H0) and the prevalence of errors in the reporting of p-values. The issue of data archiving will likely be put on the agenda of granting bodies and the APA/APS because of what Diederik Stapel did . I hate hate hate hate hate when people don’t share their data. In fact, that’s the subject of my very first column on ethics for Chance magazine. I have a story from 22 years ago, when I contacted some scientists and showed them how I could reanalyze their data more efficiently (based on a preliminary analysis of their published summary statistics). They seemed to feel threatened by the suggestion and refused to send me their raw data. (It was an animal experiment

4 0.9430269 687 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-29-Zero is zero

Introduction: Nathan Roseberry writes: I thought I had read on your blog that bar charts should always include zero on the scale, but a search of your blog (or google) didn’t return what I was looking for. Is it considered a best practice to always include zero on the axis for bar charts? Has this been written in a book? My reply: The idea is that the area of the bar represents “how many” or “how much.” The bar has to go down to 0 for that to work. You don’t have to have your y-axis go to zero, but if you want the axis to go anywhere else, don’t use a bar graph, use a line graph. Usually line graphs are better anyway. I’m sure this is all in a book somewhere.

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Introduction: This post is by Phil. A little over three years ago I wrote a post about exercise and weight loss in which I described losing a fair amount of weight due to (I believe) an exercise regime, with no effort to change my diet; this contradicted the prediction of studies that had recently been released. The comment thread on that post is quite interesting: a lot of people had had similar experiences — losing weight, or keeping it off, with an exercise program that includes very short periods of exercise at maximal intensity — while other people expressed some skepticism about my claims. Some commenters said that I risked injury; others said it was too early to judge anything because my weight loss might not last. The people who predicted injury were right: running the curve during a 200m sprint a month or two after that post, I strained my Achilles tendon. Nothing really serious, but it did keep me off the track for a couple of months, and rather than go back to sprinting I switched t

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