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738 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-30-Works well versus well understood

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Introduction: John Cook discusses the John Tukey quote, “The test of a good procedure is how well it works, not how well it is understood.” Cook writes: At some level, it’s hard to argue against this. Statistical procedures operate on empirical data, so it makes sense that the procedures themselves be evaluated empirically. But I [Cook] question whether we really know that a statistical procedure works well if it isn’t well understood. Specifically, I’m skeptical of complex statistical methods whose only credentials are a handful of simulations. “We don’t have any theoretical results, buy hey, it works well in practice. Just look at the simulations.” Every method works well on the scenarios its author publishes, almost by definition. If the method didn’t handle a scenario well, the author would publish a different scenario. I agree with Cook but would give a slightly different emphasis. I’d say that a lot of methods can work when they are done well. See the second meta-principle liste

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 John Cook discusses the John Tukey quote, “The test of a good procedure is how well it works, not how well it is understood. [sent-1, score-0.571]

2 Statistical procedures operate on empirical data, so it makes sense that the procedures themselves be evaluated empirically. [sent-3, score-0.67]

3 But I [Cook] question whether we really know that a statistical procedure works well if it isn’t well understood. [sent-4, score-0.856]

4 Specifically, I’m skeptical of complex statistical methods whose only credentials are a handful of simulations. [sent-5, score-0.58]

5 “We don’t have any theoretical results, buy hey, it works well in practice. [sent-6, score-0.539]

6 ” Every method works well on the scenarios its author publishes, almost by definition. [sent-8, score-0.829]

7 If the method didn’t handle a scenario well, the author would publish a different scenario. [sent-9, score-0.459]

8 I’d say that a lot of methods can work when they are done well. [sent-11, score-0.227]

9 See the second meta-principle listed in my discussion of Efron from last year. [sent-12, score-0.159]

10 The short story is: lots of methods can work well if you’re Tukey. [sent-13, score-0.445]

11 I also think statisticians are overly impressed by the appreciation of their scientific collaborators. [sent-16, score-0.282]

12 Just cos a Nobel-winning biologist or physicist or whatever thinks your method is great, it doesn’t mean your method is in itself great. [sent-17, score-0.735]

13 If Brad Efron or Don Rubin had come through the door bringing their methods, Mister Nobel Prize would probably have loved them too. [sent-18, score-0.277]

14 Second, and back to the original quote above, Tukey was notorious for developing methods that were based on theoretical models and then rubbing out the traces of the theory and presenting the methods alone. [sent-19, score-0.98]

15 For example, the hanging rootogram makes some sense–if you think of counts as following Poisson distributions. [sent-20, score-0.284]

16 This predilection of Tukey’s makes a certain philosophical sense (see my argument a few months ago) but I still find it a bit irritating to hide one’s traces even for the best of reasons. [sent-21, score-0.834]

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wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('cook', 0.333), ('tukey', 0.267), ('traces', 0.227), ('methods', 0.227), ('well', 0.218), ('works', 0.21), ('efron', 0.202), ('method', 0.19), ('procedures', 0.142), ('procedure', 0.135), ('predilection', 0.131), ('quote', 0.116), ('author', 0.112), ('theoretical', 0.111), ('operate', 0.11), ('appreciation', 0.105), ('hanging', 0.103), ('handful', 0.103), ('biologist', 0.103), ('credentials', 0.103), ('hide', 0.101), ('makes', 0.1), ('scenarios', 0.099), ('irritating', 0.099), ('nobel', 0.099), ('overly', 0.098), ('door', 0.096), ('publishes', 0.096), ('loved', 0.095), ('cos', 0.095), ('sense', 0.093), ('john', 0.092), ('brad', 0.092), ('mister', 0.091), ('poisson', 0.089), ('prize', 0.086), ('bringing', 0.086), ('physicist', 0.083), ('scenario', 0.083), ('evaluated', 0.083), ('philosophical', 0.083), ('second', 0.082), ('counts', 0.081), ('impressed', 0.079), ('listed', 0.077), ('statistical', 0.075), ('mean', 0.074), ('handle', 0.074), ('skeptical', 0.072), ('presenting', 0.072)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999994 738 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-30-Works well versus well understood

Introduction: John Cook discusses the John Tukey quote, “The test of a good procedure is how well it works, not how well it is understood.” Cook writes: At some level, it’s hard to argue against this. Statistical procedures operate on empirical data, so it makes sense that the procedures themselves be evaluated empirically. But I [Cook] question whether we really know that a statistical procedure works well if it isn’t well understood. Specifically, I’m skeptical of complex statistical methods whose only credentials are a handful of simulations. “We don’t have any theoretical results, buy hey, it works well in practice. Just look at the simulations.” Every method works well on the scenarios its author publishes, almost by definition. If the method didn’t handle a scenario well, the author would publish a different scenario. I agree with Cook but would give a slightly different emphasis. I’d say that a lot of methods can work when they are done well. See the second meta-principle liste

2 0.21459849 496 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-01-Tukey’s philosophy

Introduction: The great statistician John Tukey, in his writings from the 1970s onward (and maybe earlier) was time and again making the implicit argument that you should evaluate a statistical method based on what it does; you should {\em not} be staring at the model that purportedly underlies the method, trying to determine if the model is “true” (or “true enough”). Tukey’s point was that models can be great to inspire methods, but the model is the scaffolding; it is the method that is the building you have to live in. I don’t fully agree with this philosophy–I think models are a good way to understand data and also often connect usefully to scientific models (although not as cleanly as is thought by our friends who work in economics or statistical hypothesis testing). To put it another way: What makes a building good? A building is good if it is useful. If a building is useful, people will use it. Eventually improvements will be needed, partly because the building will get worn down, part

3 0.19645916 1527 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-10-Another reason why you can get good inferences from a bad model

Introduction: John Cook considers how people justify probability distribution assumptions: Sometimes distribution assumptions are not justified. Sometimes distributions can be derived from fundamental principles [or] . . . on theoretical grounds. For example, large samples and the central limit theorem together may justify assuming that something is normally distributed. Often the choice of distribution is somewhat arbitrary, chosen by intuition or for convenience, and then empirically shown to work well enough. Sometimes a distribution can be a bad fit and still work well, depending on what you’re asking of it. Cook continues: The last point is particularly interesting. It’s not hard to imagine that a poor fit would produce poor results. It’s surprising when a poor fit produces good results. And then he gives an example of an effective but inaccurate model used to model survival times in a clinical trial. Cook explains: The [poorly-fitting] method works well because of the q

4 0.14232753 39 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-18-The 1.6 rule

Introduction: In ARM we discuss how you can go back and forth between logit and probit models by dividing by 1.6. Or, to put it another way, logistic regression corresponds to a latent-variable model with errors that are approximately normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.6. (This is well known, it’s nothing original with our book.) Anyway, John Cook discusses the approximation here .

5 0.13930519 414 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-14-“Like a group of teenagers on a bus, they behave in public as if they were in private”

Introduction: Well put.

6 0.13777176 534 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-24-Bayes at the end

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15 0.1076897 1582 andrew gelman stats-2012-11-18-How to teach methods we don’t like?

16 0.10756484 1750 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-05-Watership Down, thick description, applied statistics, immutability of stories, and playing tennis with a net

17 0.10341382 1827 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-27-Continued fractions!!

18 0.099820927 1690 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-23-When are complicated models helpful in psychology research and when are they overkill?

19 0.098623678 1763 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-14-Everyone’s trading bias for variance at some point, it’s just done at different places in the analyses

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same-blog 1 0.97633827 738 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-30-Works well versus well understood

Introduction: John Cook discusses the John Tukey quote, “The test of a good procedure is how well it works, not how well it is understood.” Cook writes: At some level, it’s hard to argue against this. Statistical procedures operate on empirical data, so it makes sense that the procedures themselves be evaluated empirically. But I [Cook] question whether we really know that a statistical procedure works well if it isn’t well understood. Specifically, I’m skeptical of complex statistical methods whose only credentials are a handful of simulations. “We don’t have any theoretical results, buy hey, it works well in practice. Just look at the simulations.” Every method works well on the scenarios its author publishes, almost by definition. If the method didn’t handle a scenario well, the author would publish a different scenario. I agree with Cook but would give a slightly different emphasis. I’d say that a lot of methods can work when they are done well. See the second meta-principle liste

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3 0.7578789 1750 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-05-Watership Down, thick description, applied statistics, immutability of stories, and playing tennis with a net

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2 0.95757687 697 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-05-A statistician rereads Bill James

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same-blog 5 0.95539308 738 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-30-Works well versus well understood

Introduction: John Cook discusses the John Tukey quote, “The test of a good procedure is how well it works, not how well it is understood.” Cook writes: At some level, it’s hard to argue against this. Statistical procedures operate on empirical data, so it makes sense that the procedures themselves be evaluated empirically. But I [Cook] question whether we really know that a statistical procedure works well if it isn’t well understood. Specifically, I’m skeptical of complex statistical methods whose only credentials are a handful of simulations. “We don’t have any theoretical results, buy hey, it works well in practice. Just look at the simulations.” Every method works well on the scenarios its author publishes, almost by definition. If the method didn’t handle a scenario well, the author would publish a different scenario. I agree with Cook but would give a slightly different emphasis. I’d say that a lot of methods can work when they are done well. See the second meta-principle liste

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