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518 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-15-Regression discontinuity designs: looking for the keys under the lamppost?

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Introduction: Jas sends along this paper (with Devin Caughey), entitled Regression-Discontinuity Designs and Popular Elections: Implications of Pro-Incumbent Bias in Close U.S. House Races, and writes: The paper shows that regression discontinuity does not work for US House elections. Close House elections are anything but random. It isn’t election recounts or something like that (we collect recount data to show that it isn’t). We have collected much new data to try to hunt down what is going on (e.g., campaign finance data, CQ pre-election forecasts, correct many errors in the Lee dataset). The substantive implications are interesting. We also have a section that compares in details Gelman and King versus the Lee estimand and estimator. I had a few comments: David Lee is not estimating the effect of incumbency; he’s estimating the effect of the incumbent party, which is a completely different thing. The regression discontinuity design is completely inappropriate for estimating the

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 House Races, and writes: The paper shows that regression discontinuity does not work for US House elections. [sent-3, score-0.28]

2 I had a few comments: David Lee is not estimating the effect of incumbency; he’s estimating the effect of the incumbent party, which is a completely different thing. [sent-11, score-0.999]

3 The regression discontinuity design is completely inappropriate for estimating the effect of incumbency. [sent-12, score-0.627]

4 I guess I should’ve published this, but Lee’s idea seemed so evidently inappropriate (at least for the problem of estimating incumbency advantage in the U. [sent-14, score-0.829]

5 ) that it didn’t seem worth devoting effort to it. [sent-16, score-0.115]

6 Leigh Linden did convince me that the estimate makes sense for India, though, where it really does seem to make more sense to think of incumbency as a property of a political party rather than of an individual legislator. [sent-17, score-0.811]

7 Gary King and I distinguished between incumbency effect and incumbent party effect in our 1990 AJPS paper, where we explicitly laid out the causal inference. [sent-18, score-1.4]

8 Finally, the most sophisticated analysis of incumbency advantaget and its variation that I know of is my recent Jasa paper with Huang. [sent-20, score-0.611]

9 In short, we’re estimating the effect of incumbency, Lee is estimating the effect of incumbent party. [sent-21, score-0.999]

10 You can see this through a thought experiment in which all congressmembers are term-limited to serve only two years. [sent-22, score-0.147]

11 There would then never be any incumbents running for reelection (thus, no incumbency effect) but there would be an incumbent party effect. [sent-23, score-1.021]

12 And, correspondingly, the Gelman and Huang (or Gelman and King) estimate of incumbency advantage would be undefined, but the Lee estimator of incumbent party effect would work just fine. [sent-24, score-1.268]

13 Perhaps you should make your title and abstract more general, since really the key contribution of your paper is not about incumbency (since, as you point out, the different estimates happen to be pretty similar for U. [sent-26, score-0.721]

14 The implication I get from the beginning of the paper is that, if only the RD assumptions were valid, Lee’s estimate would be just fine. [sent-30, score-0.211]

15 Later on, you clarify that there are tradeoffs–basically, Lee is attempting to trade off validity for reliability. [sent-31, score-0.111]

16 (I say that he’s trading off valididty because I don’t think anyone would really consider the incumbent-party effect as an incumbency effect. [sent-32, score-0.751]

17 And a connection to the concepts of reliability and validity might be useful. [sent-35, score-0.2]

18 That’s a general issue in causal inference: do you want a biased, assumption-laden estimate of the actual quantity of interest, or a crisp randomized estimate of something that’s vaguely related that you happen to have an experiment (or natural experiment) on? [sent-36, score-0.565]

19 Also, I really really don’t recommend fitting fourth-order polynomials. [sent-39, score-0.11]

20 I suppose I should write a paper about this–maybe you’d be interested in collaborating on such an effort? [sent-43, score-0.168]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('incumbency', 0.502), ('lee', 0.351), ('incumbent', 0.253), ('caughey', 0.196), ('effect', 0.194), ('estimating', 0.179), ('party', 0.152), ('sekhon', 0.144), ('king', 0.119), ('validity', 0.111), ('paper', 0.109), ('discontinuity', 0.108), ('causal', 0.105), ('estimate', 0.102), ('house', 0.099), ('experiment', 0.09), ('reliability', 0.089), ('gelman', 0.087), ('inappropriate', 0.083), ('designs', 0.083), ('mass', 0.073), ('implications', 0.069), ('elections', 0.067), ('cq', 0.065), ('linden', 0.065), ('leigh', 0.065), ('splines', 0.065), ('suprised', 0.065), ('advantage', 0.065), ('regression', 0.063), ('devin', 0.062), ('devoting', 0.062), ('estimand', 0.062), ('huang', 0.062), ('hunt', 0.062), ('collaborating', 0.059), ('undefined', 0.059), ('congressmembers', 0.057), ('incumbents', 0.057), ('reelection', 0.057), ('ajps', 0.057), ('crisp', 0.057), ('polynomials', 0.057), ('correspondingly', 0.055), ('really', 0.055), ('happen', 0.055), ('natural', 0.054), ('effort', 0.053), ('jasa', 0.052), ('temptation', 0.052)]

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same-blog 1 0.9999997 518 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-15-Regression discontinuity designs: looking for the keys under the lamppost?

Introduction: Jas sends along this paper (with Devin Caughey), entitled Regression-Discontinuity Designs and Popular Elections: Implications of Pro-Incumbent Bias in Close U.S. House Races, and writes: The paper shows that regression discontinuity does not work for US House elections. Close House elections are anything but random. It isn’t election recounts or something like that (we collect recount data to show that it isn’t). We have collected much new data to try to hunt down what is going on (e.g., campaign finance data, CQ pre-election forecasts, correct many errors in the Lee dataset). The substantive implications are interesting. We also have a section that compares in details Gelman and King versus the Lee estimand and estimator. I had a few comments: David Lee is not estimating the effect of incumbency; he’s estimating the effect of the incumbent party, which is a completely different thing. The regression discontinuity design is completely inappropriate for estimating the

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Introduction: A recent article on global warming reminded me of the difficulty of letting the data speak. William Nordhaus shows the following graph: And then he writes: One of the reasons that drawing conclusions on temperature trends is tricky is that the historical temperature series is highly volatile, as can be seen in the figure. The presence of short-term volatility requires looking at long-term trends. A useful analogy is the stock market. Suppose an analyst says that because real stock prices have declined over the last decade (which is true), it follows that there is no upward trend. Here again, an examination of the long-term data would quickly show this to be incorrect. The last decade of temperature and stock market data is not representative of the longer-term trends. The finding that global temperatures are rising over the last century-plus is one of the most robust findings of climate science and statistics. I see what he’s saying, but first, I don’t find the st

3 0.16767716 1310 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-09-Varying treatment effects, again

Introduction: This time from Bernard Fraga and Eitan Hersh. Once you think about it, it’s hard to imagine any nonzero treatment effects that don’t vary. I’m glad to see this area of research becoming more prominent. ( Here ‘s a discussion of another political science example, also of voter turnout, from a few years ago, from Avi Feller and Chris Holmes.) Some of my fragmentary work on varying treatment effects is here (Treatment Effects in Before-After Data) and here (Estimating Incumbency Advantage and Its Variation, as an Example of a Before–After Study).

4 0.1543061 478 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-20-More on why “all politics is local” is an outdated slogan

Introduction: Yesterday I wrote that Mickey Kaus was right to point out that it’s time to retire Tip O’Neill’s famous dictum that “all politics are local.” As Kaus points out, all the congressional elections in recent decades have been nationalized. The slogan is particularly silly for Tip O’Neill himself. Sure, O’Neill had to have a firm grip on local politics to get his safe seat in the first place, but after that it was smooth sailing. Jonathan Bernstein disagrees , writing: Yes, but: don’t most Members of the House have ironclad partisan districts? And isn’t the most important single thing they can do to protect themselves involve having pull in state politics to avoid being gerrymandered? That is “all politics is local,” no? There’s also a fair amount they can do to stay on the good side of their local party, thus avoiding a primary fight. And, even in an era of nationalized elections, there’s still plenty a Member of Congress can do to to influence elections on the margins, a

5 0.13353673 1939 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-15-Forward causal reasoning statements are about estimation; reverse causal questions are about model checking and hypothesis generation

Introduction: Consider two broad classes of inferential questions : 1. Forward causal inference . What might happen if we do X? What are the effects of smoking on health, the effects of schooling on knowledge, the effect of campaigns on election outcomes, and so forth? 2. Reverse causal inference . What causes Y? Why do more attractive people earn more money? Why do many poor people vote for Republicans and rich people vote for Democrats? Why did the economy collapse? When statisticians and econometricians write about causal inference, they focus on forward causal questions. Rubin always told us: Never ask Why? Only ask What if? And, from the econ perspective, causation is typically framed in terms of manipulations: if x had changed by 1, how much would y be expected to change, holding all else constant? But reverse causal questions are important too. They’re a natural way to think (consider the importance of the word “Why”) and are arguably more important than forward questions.

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same-blog 1 0.95566058 518 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-15-Regression discontinuity designs: looking for the keys under the lamppost?

Introduction: Jas sends along this paper (with Devin Caughey), entitled Regression-Discontinuity Designs and Popular Elections: Implications of Pro-Incumbent Bias in Close U.S. House Races, and writes: The paper shows that regression discontinuity does not work for US House elections. Close House elections are anything but random. It isn’t election recounts or something like that (we collect recount data to show that it isn’t). We have collected much new data to try to hunt down what is going on (e.g., campaign finance data, CQ pre-election forecasts, correct many errors in the Lee dataset). The substantive implications are interesting. We also have a section that compares in details Gelman and King versus the Lee estimand and estimator. I had a few comments: David Lee is not estimating the effect of incumbency; he’s estimating the effect of the incumbent party, which is a completely different thing. The regression discontinuity design is completely inappropriate for estimating the

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same-blog 1 0.97390497 518 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-15-Regression discontinuity designs: looking for the keys under the lamppost?

Introduction: Jas sends along this paper (with Devin Caughey), entitled Regression-Discontinuity Designs and Popular Elections: Implications of Pro-Incumbent Bias in Close U.S. House Races, and writes: The paper shows that regression discontinuity does not work for US House elections. Close House elections are anything but random. It isn’t election recounts or something like that (we collect recount data to show that it isn’t). We have collected much new data to try to hunt down what is going on (e.g., campaign finance data, CQ pre-election forecasts, correct many errors in the Lee dataset). The substantive implications are interesting. We also have a section that compares in details Gelman and King versus the Lee estimand and estimator. I had a few comments: David Lee is not estimating the effect of incumbency; he’s estimating the effect of the incumbent party, which is a completely different thing. The regression discontinuity design is completely inappropriate for estimating the

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5 0.96200055 1506 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-21-Building a regression model . . . with only 27 data points

Introduction: Dan Silitonga writes: I was wondering whether you would have any advice on building a regression model on a very small datasets. I’m in the midst of revamping the model to predict tax collections from unincorporated businesses. But I only have 27 data points, 27 years of annual data. Any advice would be much appreciated. My reply: This sounds tough, especially given that 27 years of annual data isn’t even 27 independent data points. I have various essentially orthogonal suggestions: 1 [added after seeing John Cook's comment below]. Do your best, making as many assumptions as you need. In a Bayesian context, this means that you’d use a strong and informative prior and let the data update it as appropriate. In a less formal setting, you’d start with a guess of a model and then alter it to the extent that your data contradict your original guess. 2. Get more data. Not by getting information on more years (I assume you can’t do that) but by breaking up the data you do

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