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1735 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-24-F-f-f-fake data

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Introduction: Tiago Fragoso writes: Suppose I fit a two stage regression model Y = a + bx + e a = cw + d + e1 I could fit it all in one step by using MCMC for example (my model is more complicated than that, so I’ll have to do it by MCMC). However, I could fit the first regression only using MCMC because those estimates are hard to obtain and perform the second regression using least squares or a separate MCMC. So there’s an ‘one step’ inference based on doing it all at the same time and a ‘two step’ inference by fitting one and using the estimates on the further steps. What is gained or lost between both? Is anything done in this question? My response: Rather than answering your particular question, I’ll give you my generic answer, which is to simulate fake data from your model, then fit your model both ways and see how the results differ. Repeat the simulation a few thousand times and you can make all the statistical comparisons you like.

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Tiago Fragoso writes: Suppose I fit a two stage regression model Y = a + bx + e a = cw + d + e1 I could fit it all in one step by using MCMC for example (my model is more complicated than that, so I’ll have to do it by MCMC). [sent-1, score-2.395]

2 However, I could fit the first regression only using MCMC because those estimates are hard to obtain and perform the second regression using least squares or a separate MCMC. [sent-2, score-2.116]

3 So there’s an ‘one step’ inference based on doing it all at the same time and a ‘two step’ inference by fitting one and using the estimates on the further steps. [sent-3, score-0.88]

4 My response: Rather than answering your particular question, I’ll give you my generic answer, which is to simulate fake data from your model, then fit your model both ways and see how the results differ. [sent-6, score-1.36]

5 Repeat the simulation a few thousand times and you can make all the statistical comparisons you like. [sent-7, score-0.493]

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[('mcmc', 0.416), ('fit', 0.298), ('step', 0.28), ('regression', 0.222), ('bx', 0.218), ('using', 0.193), ('model', 0.182), ('gained', 0.168), ('answering', 0.165), ('simulate', 0.165), ('estimates', 0.159), ('inference', 0.147), ('stage', 0.145), ('thousand', 0.145), ('fake', 0.145), ('squares', 0.144), ('obtain', 0.141), ('generic', 0.138), ('repeat', 0.137), ('simulation', 0.132), ('lost', 0.123), ('perform', 0.12), ('complicated', 0.116), ('separate', 0.111), ('question', 0.109), ('fitting', 0.108), ('ll', 0.105), ('comparisons', 0.098), ('two', 0.087), ('suppose', 0.085), ('ways', 0.082), ('response', 0.078), ('however', 0.078), ('times', 0.074), ('answer', 0.073), ('second', 0.072), ('done', 0.07), ('one', 0.069), ('could', 0.067), ('hard', 0.066), ('anything', 0.065), ('results', 0.064), ('least', 0.063), ('give', 0.061), ('particular', 0.06), ('based', 0.057), ('rather', 0.048), ('first', 0.045), ('statistical', 0.044), ('example', 0.038)]

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same-blog 1 0.99999988 1735 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-24-F-f-f-fake data

Introduction: Tiago Fragoso writes: Suppose I fit a two stage regression model Y = a + bx + e a = cw + d + e1 I could fit it all in one step by using MCMC for example (my model is more complicated than that, so I’ll have to do it by MCMC). However, I could fit the first regression only using MCMC because those estimates are hard to obtain and perform the second regression using least squares or a separate MCMC. So there’s an ‘one step’ inference based on doing it all at the same time and a ‘two step’ inference by fitting one and using the estimates on the further steps. What is gained or lost between both? Is anything done in this question? My response: Rather than answering your particular question, I’ll give you my generic answer, which is to simulate fake data from your model, then fit your model both ways and see how the results differ. Repeat the simulation a few thousand times and you can make all the statistical comparisons you like.

2 0.18005039 774 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-20-The pervasive twoishness of statistics; in particular, the “sampling distribution” and the “likelihood” are two different models, and that’s a good thing

Introduction: Lots of good statistical methods make use of two models. For example: - Classical statistics: estimates and standard errors using the likelihood function; tests and p-values using the sampling distribution. (The sampling distribution is not equivalent to the likelihood, as has been much discussed, for example in sequential stopping problems.) - Bayesian data analysis: inference using the posterior distribution; model checking using the predictive distribution (which, again, depends on the data-generating process in a way that the likelihood does not). - Machine learning: estimation using the data; evaluation using cross-validation (which requires some rule for partitioning the data, a rule that stands outside of the data themselves). - Bootstrap, jackknife, etc: estimation using an “estimator” (which, I would argue, is based in some sense on a model for the data), uncertainties using resampling (which, I would argue, is close to the idea of a “sampling distribution” in

3 0.15762764 861 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-19-Will Stan work well with 40×40 matrices?

Introduction: Tomas Iesmantas writes: I’m dealing with high dimensional (40-50 parameters) hierarchical bayesian model applied to nonlinear Poisson regression problem. Now I’m using an adaptive version for the Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithm with a truncated drift (Yves F. Atchade, 2003) to obtain samples from posterior. But this algorithm is not very efficient in my case, it needs several millions iterations as burn-in period. And simulation takes quite a long time, since algorithm has to work with 40×40 matrices. Maybe you know another MCMC algorithm which could take not so many burn-in samples and would be able to deal with nonlinear regression? In non-hierarchical nonlinear regression model adaptive metropolis algorithm is enough, but in hierarchical case I could use something more effective. My reply: Try fitting the model in Stan. If that doesn’t work, let me know.

4 0.15704645 1972 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-07-When you’re planning on fitting a model, build up to it by fitting simpler models first. Then, once you have a model you like, check the hell out of it

Introduction: In response to my remarks on his online book, Think Bayes, Allen Downey wrote: I [Downey] have a question about one of your comments: My [Gelman's] main criticism with both books is that they talk a lot about inference but not so much about model building or model checking (recall the three steps of Bayesian data analysis). I think it’s ok for an introductory book to focus on inference, which of course is central to the data-analytic process—but I’d like them to at least mention that Bayesian ideas arise in model building and model checking as well. This sounds like something I agree with, and one of the things I tried to do in the book is to put modeling decisions front and center. But the word “modeling” is used in lots of ways, so I want to see if we are talking about the same thing. For example, in many chapters, I start with a simple model of the scenario, do some analysis, then check whether the model is good enough, and iterate. Here’s the discussion of modeling

5 0.15268701 1489 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-09-Commercial Bayesian inference software is popping up all over

Introduction: Steve Cohen writes: As someone who has been working with Bayesian statistical models for the past several years, I [Cohen] have been challenged recently to describe the difference between Bayesian Networks (as implemented in BayesiaLab software) and modeling and inference using MCMC methods. I hope you have the time to give me (or to write on your blog) and relatively simple explanation that an advanced layman could understand. My reply: I skimmed the above website but I couldn’t quite see what they do. My guess is that they use MCMC and also various parametric approximations such as variational Bayes. They also seem to have something set up for decision analysis. My guess is that, compared to a general-purpose tool such as Stan, this Bayesia software is more accessible to non-academics in particular application areas (in this case, it looks like business marketing). But I can’t be sure. I’ve also heard about another company that looks to be doing something similar: h

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.98163778 1735 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-24-F-f-f-fake data

Introduction: Tiago Fragoso writes: Suppose I fit a two stage regression model Y = a + bx + e a = cw + d + e1 I could fit it all in one step by using MCMC for example (my model is more complicated than that, so I’ll have to do it by MCMC). However, I could fit the first regression only using MCMC because those estimates are hard to obtain and perform the second regression using least squares or a separate MCMC. So there’s an ‘one step’ inference based on doing it all at the same time and a ‘two step’ inference by fitting one and using the estimates on the further steps. What is gained or lost between both? Is anything done in this question? My response: Rather than answering your particular question, I’ll give you my generic answer, which is to simulate fake data from your model, then fit your model both ways and see how the results differ. Repeat the simulation a few thousand times and you can make all the statistical comparisons you like.

2 0.86991036 861 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-19-Will Stan work well with 40×40 matrices?

Introduction: Tomas Iesmantas writes: I’m dealing with high dimensional (40-50 parameters) hierarchical bayesian model applied to nonlinear Poisson regression problem. Now I’m using an adaptive version for the Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithm with a truncated drift (Yves F. Atchade, 2003) to obtain samples from posterior. But this algorithm is not very efficient in my case, it needs several millions iterations as burn-in period. And simulation takes quite a long time, since algorithm has to work with 40×40 matrices. Maybe you know another MCMC algorithm which could take not so many burn-in samples and would be able to deal with nonlinear regression? In non-hierarchical nonlinear regression model adaptive metropolis algorithm is enough, but in hierarchical case I could use something more effective. My reply: Try fitting the model in Stan. If that doesn’t work, let me know.

3 0.84937823 852 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-13-Checking your model using fake data

Introduction: Someone sent me the following email: I tried to do a logistic regression . . . I programmed the model in different ways and got different answers . . . can’t get the results to match . . . What am I doing wrong? . . . Here’s my code . . . I didn’t have the time to look at his code so I gave the following general response: One way to check things is to try simulating data from the fitted model, then fit your model again to the simulated data and see what happens. P.S. He followed my suggestion and responded a few days later: Yeah, that did the trick! I was treating a factor variable as a covariate! I love it when generic advice works out!

4 0.78436583 1406 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-05-Xiao-Li Meng and Xianchao Xie rethink asymptotics

Introduction: In an article catchily entitled, “I got more data, my model is more refined, but my estimator is getting worse! Am I just dumb?”, Meng and Xie write: Possibly, but more likely you are merely a victim of conventional wisdom. More data or better models by no means guarantee better estimators (e.g., with a smaller mean squared error), when you are not following probabilistically principled methods such as MLE (for large samples) or Bayesian approaches. Estimating equations are par- ticularly vulnerable in this regard, almost a necessary price for their robustness. These points will be demonstrated via common tasks of estimating regression parameters and correlations, under simple mod- els such as bivariate normal and ARCH(1). Some general strategies for detecting and avoiding such pitfalls are suggested, including checking for self-efficiency (Meng, 1994, Statistical Science) and adopting a guiding working model. Using the example of estimating the autocorrelation ρ under a statio

5 0.78413469 964 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-19-An interweaving-transformation strategy for boosting MCMC efficiency

Introduction: Yaming Yu and Xiao-Li Meng write in with a cool new idea for improving the efficiency of Gibbs and Metropolis in multilevel models: For a broad class of multilevel models, there exist two well-known competing parameterizations, the centered parameterization (CP) and the non-centered parameterization (NCP), for effective MCMC implementation. Much literature has been devoted to the questions of when to use which and how to compromise between them via partial CP/NCP. This article introduces an alternative strategy for boosting MCMC efficiency via simply interweaving—but not alternating—the two parameterizations. This strategy has the surprising property that failure of both the CP and NCP chains to converge geometrically does not prevent the interweaving algorithm from doing so. It achieves this seemingly magical property by taking advantage of the discordance of the two parameterizations, namely, the sufficiency of CP and the ancillarity of NCP, to substantially reduce the Markovian

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1 0.99159211 1989 andrew gelman stats-2013-08-20-Correcting for multiple comparisons in a Bayesian regression model

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3 0.98879808 854 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-15-A silly paper that tries to make fun of multilevel models

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