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271 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-12-GLM – exposure

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Introduction: Bernard Phiri writes: I am relatively new to glm models, anyhow, I am currently using your book “Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models” (pages 109-115). I am using a Poisson GLM model to analyse an aerial census dataset of wild herbivores on a ranch in Kenya. In my analysis I have the following variables: 1. Outcome variable: count of wild herbivores sighted at a given location 2. Explanatory variable1: vegetation type i.e. type of vegetation of the grid in which animals were sighted (the ranch is divided into 1x1km grids) 3. Explanatory variable2: animal species e.g. eland, elephant, zebra etc 4. Exposure: proximity to water i.e. distance (km) to the nearest water point My questions are as follows: 1. Am I correct to include proximity to water point as an offset? I notice that in the example in your book the offset is a count, does this matter? 2. By including proximity to water in the model as an exposure am I correct to interpret th

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Bernard Phiri writes: I am relatively new to glm models, anyhow, I am currently using your book “Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models” (pages 109-115). [sent-1, score-0.514]

2 I am using a Poisson GLM model to analyse an aerial census dataset of wild herbivores on a ranch in Kenya. [sent-2, score-0.909]

3 In my analysis I have the following variables: 1. [sent-3, score-0.044]

4 Outcome variable: count of wild herbivores sighted at a given location 2. [sent-4, score-0.796]

5 type of vegetation of the grid in which animals were sighted (the ranch is divided into 1x1km grids) 3. [sent-7, score-0.942]

6 distance (km) to the nearest water point My questions are as follows: 1. [sent-13, score-0.711]

7 Am I correct to include proximity to water point as an offset? [sent-14, score-1.032]

8 I notice that in the example in your book the offset is a count, does this matter? [sent-15, score-0.407]

9 By including proximity to water in the model as an exposure am I correct to interpret this as “the chances of sighting an animal is the same for every kilometre away from the water point”? [sent-17, score-1.841]

10 My reply: I would use proximity to water as a predictor, not an offset, just as, in the wells example in chapter 5 of our book, we use proximity to the nearest well as a predictor. [sent-18, score-1.75]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('proximity', 0.468), ('water', 0.425), ('offset', 0.271), ('herbivores', 0.228), ('sighted', 0.228), ('vegetation', 0.208), ('ranch', 0.208), ('nearest', 0.167), ('wild', 0.16), ('glm', 0.155), ('explanatory', 0.153), ('animal', 0.148), ('exposure', 0.129), ('predictor', 0.119), ('count', 0.115), ('anyhow', 0.098), ('wells', 0.098), ('analyse', 0.09), ('type', 0.088), ('elephant', 0.088), ('grids', 0.088), ('bernard', 0.083), ('correct', 0.082), ('book', 0.081), ('grid', 0.073), ('animals', 0.073), ('species', 0.072), ('poisson', 0.071), ('chances', 0.069), ('location', 0.065), ('using', 0.065), ('divided', 0.064), ('census', 0.063), ('distance', 0.062), ('point', 0.057), ('relatively', 0.056), ('notice', 0.055), ('dataset', 0.054), ('interpret', 0.054), ('pages', 0.052), ('models', 0.052), ('follows', 0.049), ('outcome', 0.048), ('currently', 0.048), ('analysis', 0.044), ('etc', 0.044), ('chapter', 0.044), ('variable', 0.042), ('model', 0.041), ('use', 0.04)]

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same-blog 1 0.99999994 271 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-12-GLM – exposure

Introduction: Bernard Phiri writes: I am relatively new to glm models, anyhow, I am currently using your book “Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models” (pages 109-115). I am using a Poisson GLM model to analyse an aerial census dataset of wild herbivores on a ranch in Kenya. In my analysis I have the following variables: 1. Outcome variable: count of wild herbivores sighted at a given location 2. Explanatory variable1: vegetation type i.e. type of vegetation of the grid in which animals were sighted (the ranch is divided into 1x1km grids) 3. Explanatory variable2: animal species e.g. eland, elephant, zebra etc 4. Exposure: proximity to water i.e. distance (km) to the nearest water point My questions are as follows: 1. Am I correct to include proximity to water point as an offset? I notice that in the example in your book the offset is a count, does this matter? 2. By including proximity to water in the model as an exposure am I correct to interpret th

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Introduction: Kaiser writes thoughtfully about the costs, benefits, and incentives for different policy recommendation options regarding a recent water crisis. Good stuff: it’s solid “freakonomics”–and I mean this in positive way: a mix of economic and statistical analysis, with assumptions stated clearly. Kaiser writes: Using the framework from Chapter 4, we should think about the incentives facing the Mass. Water Resources Authority: A false positive error (people asked to throw out water when water is clean) means people stop drinking tap water temporarily, perhaps switching to bottled water, and the officials claim victory when no one falls sick, and businesses that produce bottled water experience a jump in sales. It is also very difficult to prove a “false positive” when people have stopped drinking the water. So this type of error is easy to hide behind. A false negative error (people told it’s safe to drink water when water is polluted) becomes apparent when someone falls sick

3 0.15652673 179 andrew gelman stats-2010-08-03-An Olympic size swimming pool full of lithium water

Introduction: As part of his continuing plan to sap etc etc., Aleks pointed me to an article by Max Miller reporting on a recommendation from Jacob Appel: Adding trace amounts of lithium to the drinking water could limit suicides. . . . Communities with higher than average amounts of lithium in their drinking water had significantly lower suicide rates than communities with lower levels. Regions of Texas with lower lithium concentrations had an average suicide rate of 14.2 per 100,000 people, whereas those areas with naturally higher lithium levels had a dramatically lower suicide rate of 8.7 per 100,000. The highest levels in Texas (150 micrograms of lithium per liter of water) are only a thousandth of the minimum pharmaceutical dose, and have no known deleterious effects. I don’t know anything about this and am offering no judgment on it; I’m just passing it on. The research studies are here and here . I am skeptical, though, about this part of the argument: We are not talking a

4 0.14232951 413 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-14-Statistics of food consumption

Introduction: Visual Economics shows statistics on average food consumption in America: My brief feedback is that water is confounded with these results. They should have subtracted water content from the weight of all dietary items, as it inflates the proportion of milk, vegetable and fruit items that contain more water. They did that for soda (which is represented as sugar/corn syrup), amplifying the inconsistency. Time Magazine had a beautiful gallery that visualizes diets around the world in a more appealing way.

5 0.070691966 696 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-04-Whassup with glm()?

Introduction: We’re having problem with starting values in glm(). A very simple logistic regression with just an intercept with a very simple starting value (beta=5) blows up. Here’s the R code: > y <- rep (c(1,0),c(10,5)) > glm (y ~ 1, family=binomial(link="logit")) Call: glm(formula = y ~ 1, family = binomial(link = "logit")) Coefficients: (Intercept) 0.6931 Degrees of Freedom: 14 Total (i.e. Null); 14 Residual Null Deviance: 19.1 Residual Deviance: 19.1 AIC: 21.1 > glm (y ~ 1, family=binomial(link="logit"), start=2) Call: glm(formula = y ~ 1, family = binomial(link = "logit"), start = 2) Coefficients: (Intercept) 0.6931 Degrees of Freedom: 14 Total (i.e. Null); 14 Residual Null Deviance: 19.1 Residual Deviance: 19.1 AIC: 21.1 > glm (y ~ 1, family=binomial(link="logit"), start=5) Call: glm(formula = y ~ 1, family = binomial(link = "logit"), start = 5) Coefficients: (Intercept) 1.501e+15 Degrees of Freedom: 14 Total (i.

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same-blog 1 0.9472385 271 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-12-GLM – exposure

Introduction: Bernard Phiri writes: I am relatively new to glm models, anyhow, I am currently using your book “Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models” (pages 109-115). I am using a Poisson GLM model to analyse an aerial census dataset of wild herbivores on a ranch in Kenya. In my analysis I have the following variables: 1. Outcome variable: count of wild herbivores sighted at a given location 2. Explanatory variable1: vegetation type i.e. type of vegetation of the grid in which animals were sighted (the ranch is divided into 1x1km grids) 3. Explanatory variable2: animal species e.g. eland, elephant, zebra etc 4. Exposure: proximity to water i.e. distance (km) to the nearest water point My questions are as follows: 1. Am I correct to include proximity to water point as an offset? I notice that in the example in your book the offset is a count, does this matter? 2. By including proximity to water in the model as an exposure am I correct to interpret th

2 0.75608081 1121 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-15-R-squared for multilevel models

Introduction: Fred Schiff writes: I’m writing to you to ask about the “R-squared” approximation procedure you suggest in your 2004 book with Dr. Hill. [See also this paper with Pardoe---ed.] I’m a media sociologist at the University of Houston. I’ve been using HLM3 for about two years. Briefly about my data. It’s a content analysis of news stories with a continuous scale dependent variable, story prominence. I have 6090 news stories, 114 newspapers, and 59 newspaper group owners. All the Level-1, Level-2 and dependent variables have been standardized. Since the means were zero anyway, we left the variables uncentered. All the Level-3 ownership groups and characteristics are dichotomous scales that were left uncentered. PROBLEM: The single most important result I am looking for is to compare the strength of nine competing Level-1 variables in their ability to predict and explain the outcome variable, story prominence. We are trying to use the residuals to calculate a “R-squ

3 0.69638181 14 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-01-Imputing count data

Introduction: Guy asks: I am analyzing an original survey of farmers in Uganda. I am hoping to use a battery of welfare proxy variables to create a single welfare index using PCA. I have quick question which I hope you can find time to address: How do you recommend treating count data? (for example # of rooms, # of chickens, # of cows, # of radios)? In my dataset these variables are highly skewed with many responses at zero (which makes taking the natural log problematic). In the case of # of cows or chickens several obs have values in the hundreds. My response: Here’s what we do in our mi package in R. We split a variable into two parts: an indicator for whether it is positive, and the positive part. That is, y = u*v. Then u is binary and can be modeled using logisitc regression, and v can be modeled on the log scale. At the end you can round to the nearest integer if you want to avoid fractional values.

4 0.68297815 1094 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-31-Using factor analysis or principal components analysis or measurement-error models for biological measurements in archaeology?

Introduction: Greg Campbell writes: I am a Canadian archaeologist (BSc in Chemistry) researching the past human use of European Atlantic shellfish. After two decades of practice I am finally getting a MA in archaeology at Reading. I am seeing if the habitat or size of harvested mussels (Mytilus edulis) can be reconstructed from measurements of the umbo (the pointy end, and the only bit that survives well in archaeological deposits) using log-transformed measurements (or allometry; relationships between dimensions are more likely exponential than linear). Of course multivariate regressions in most statistics packages (Minitab, SPSS, SAS) assume you are trying to predict one variable from all the others (a Model I regression), and use ordinary least squares to fit the regression line. For organismal dimensions this makes little sense, since all the dimensions are (at least in theory) free to change their mutual proportions during growth. So there is no predictor and predicted, mutual variation of

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same-blog 1 0.85222566 271 andrew gelman stats-2010-09-12-GLM – exposure

Introduction: Bernard Phiri writes: I am relatively new to glm models, anyhow, I am currently using your book “Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models” (pages 109-115). I am using a Poisson GLM model to analyse an aerial census dataset of wild herbivores on a ranch in Kenya. In my analysis I have the following variables: 1. Outcome variable: count of wild herbivores sighted at a given location 2. Explanatory variable1: vegetation type i.e. type of vegetation of the grid in which animals were sighted (the ranch is divided into 1x1km grids) 3. Explanatory variable2: animal species e.g. eland, elephant, zebra etc 4. Exposure: proximity to water i.e. distance (km) to the nearest water point My questions are as follows: 1. Am I correct to include proximity to water point as an offset? I notice that in the example in your book the offset is a count, does this matter? 2. By including proximity to water in the model as an exposure am I correct to interpret th

2 0.67369008 1457 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-13-Retro ethnic slurs

Introduction: From Watership Down: There is a rabbit saying, ‘In the warren, more stories than passages’; and a rabbit can no more refuse to tell a story than an Irishman can refuse to fight. Wow. OK, if someone made a joke about New Yorkers being argumentative or people from Iowa being boring (sorry, Tom!), I wouldn’t see it as being in poor taste. But somehow, to this non-U.K. reader, Adams’s remark about “Irishmen” seems a bit over the top. I’m not criticizing it as offensive, exactly; it just is a bit jarring, and it’s kind of hard for me to believe someone would just write that as a throwaway line anymore. Things have changed a lot since 1971, I guess, or maybe in England an Irish joke is no more offensive/awkward than a joke about corrupt Chicagoans, loopy Californians, or crazy Floridians would be here.

3 0.6546939 1546 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-24-Hey—has anybody done this study yet?

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4 0.56893051 129 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-05-Unrelated to all else

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