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1218 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-18-Check your missing-data imputations using cross-validation

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Introduction: Elena Grewal writes: I am currently using the iterative regression imputation model as implemented in the Stata ICE package. I am using data from a survey of about 90,000 students in 142 schools and my variable of interest is parent level of education. I want only this variable to be imputed with as little bias as possible as I am not using any other variable. So I scoured the survey for every variable I thought could possibly predict parent education. The main variable I found is parent occupation, which explains about 35% of the variance in parent education for the students with complete data on both. I then include the 20 other variables I found in the survey in a regression predicting parent education, which explains about 40% of the variance in parent education for students with complete data on all the variables. My question is this: many of the other variables I found have more missing values than the parent education variable, and also, although statistically significant

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Elena Grewal writes: I am currently using the iterative regression imputation model as implemented in the Stata ICE package. [sent-1, score-0.66]

2 I am using data from a survey of about 90,000 students in 142 schools and my variable of interest is parent level of education. [sent-2, score-1.332]

3 I want only this variable to be imputed with as little bias as possible as I am not using any other variable. [sent-3, score-0.504]

4 So I scoured the survey for every variable I thought could possibly predict parent education. [sent-4, score-1.17]

5 The main variable I found is parent occupation, which explains about 35% of the variance in parent education for the students with complete data on both. [sent-5, score-2.282]

6 I then include the 20 other variables I found in the survey in a regression predicting parent education, which explains about 40% of the variance in parent education for students with complete data on all the variables. [sent-6, score-2.47]

7 My question is this: many of the other variables I found have more missing values than the parent education variable, and also, although statistically significant predictors in the complete case sample, have very small coefficients. [sent-7, score-1.75]

8 Is my method of including all the variables that were statistically significant predictors in the imputation model a valid strategy for deciding what to include in the imputation? [sent-9, score-1.014]

9 My reply: Your imputation plan seems reasonable. [sent-10, score-0.354]

10 To check it, you can do some cross-validation: randomly remove 1/5 (say) of the observations for your variable of interest, run the algorithm, then compare the held-out values to the random imputations. [sent-11, score-0.886]

11 We did some of this in our 1998 paper but I still haven’t gotten around to formalizing the method. [sent-12, score-0.182]

12 The cross-validation check won’t save you if you have serious nonignorable missingness (for example, large values more likely than small values to be misreported), but it can be thought of as a minimal check. [sent-13, score-0.903]

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[('parent', 0.585), ('imputation', 0.297), ('variable', 0.289), ('education', 0.2), ('values', 0.196), ('complete', 0.173), ('check', 0.141), ('variables', 0.13), ('explains', 0.128), ('survey', 0.125), ('misreported', 0.118), ('students', 0.118), ('predictors', 0.112), ('variance', 0.107), ('elena', 0.107), ('formalizing', 0.107), ('occupation', 0.103), ('ice', 0.103), ('missingness', 0.1), ('statistically', 0.098), ('found', 0.097), ('significant', 0.089), ('imputed', 0.088), ('include', 0.084), ('iterative', 0.084), ('deciding', 0.082), ('interest', 0.081), ('regression', 0.076), ('minimal', 0.075), ('stata', 0.075), ('gotten', 0.075), ('implemented', 0.074), ('using', 0.074), ('remove', 0.073), ('small', 0.07), ('randomly', 0.068), ('save', 0.066), ('observations', 0.065), ('valid', 0.064), ('algorithm', 0.062), ('predicting', 0.062), ('schools', 0.06), ('thought', 0.059), ('strategy', 0.058), ('possibly', 0.057), ('plan', 0.057), ('predict', 0.055), ('currently', 0.055), ('compare', 0.054), ('bias', 0.053)]

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same-blog 1 1.0 1218 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-18-Check your missing-data imputations using cross-validation

Introduction: Elena Grewal writes: I am currently using the iterative regression imputation model as implemented in the Stata ICE package. I am using data from a survey of about 90,000 students in 142 schools and my variable of interest is parent level of education. I want only this variable to be imputed with as little bias as possible as I am not using any other variable. So I scoured the survey for every variable I thought could possibly predict parent education. The main variable I found is parent occupation, which explains about 35% of the variance in parent education for the students with complete data on both. I then include the 20 other variables I found in the survey in a regression predicting parent education, which explains about 40% of the variance in parent education for students with complete data on all the variables. My question is this: many of the other variables I found have more missing values than the parent education variable, and also, although statistically significant

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Introduction: Steve Miller writes: Much of what I do is cross-national analyses of survey data (largely World Values Survey). . . . My big question pertains to (what I would call) exploratory analysis of multilevel data, especially when the group-level predictors are of theoretical importance. A lot of what I do involves analyzing cross-national survey items of citizen attitudes, typically of political leadership. These survey items are usually yes/no responses, or four-part responses indicating a level of agreement (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree) that can be condensed into a binary variable. I believe these can be explained by reference to country-level factors. Much of the group-level variables of interest are count variables with a modal value of 0, which can be quite messy. How would you recommend exploring the variation in the dependent variable as it could be explained by the group-level count variable of interest, before fitting the multilevel model itself? When

3 0.17933187 935 andrew gelman stats-2011-10-01-When should you worry about imputed data?

Introduction: Majid Ezzati writes: My research group is increasingly focusing on a series of problems that involve data that either have missingness or measurements that may have bias/error. We have at times developed our own approaches to imputation (as simple as interpolating a missing unit and as sophisticated as a problem-specific Bayesian hierarchical model) and at other times, other groups impute the data. The outputs are being used to investigate the basic associations between pairs of variables, Xs and Ys, in regressions; we may or may not interpret these as causal. I am contacting colleagues with relevant expertise to suggest good references on whether having imputed X and/or Y in a subsequent regression is correct or if it could somehow lead to biased/spurious associations. Thinking about this, we can have at least the following situations (these could all be Bayesian or not): 1) X and Y both measured (perhaps with error) 2) Y imputed using some data and a model and X measur

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Introduction: Michael McLaughlin sent me the following query with the above title. Some time ago, I [McLaughlin] was handed a dataset that needed to be modeled. It was generated as follows: 1. Random navigation errors, historically a binary mixture of normal and Laplace with a common mean, were collected by observation. 2. Sadly, these data were recorded with too few decimal places so that the resulting quantization is clearly visible in a scatterplot. 3. The quantized data were then interpolated (to an unobserved location). The final result looks like fuzzy points (small scale jitter) at quantized intervals spanning a much larger scale (the parent mixture distribution). This fuzziness, likely ~normal or ~Laplace, results from the interpolation. Otherwise, the data would look like a discrete analogue of the normal/Laplace mixture. I would like to characterize the latent normal/Laplace mixture distribution but the quantization is “getting in the way”. When I tried MCMC on this proble

5 0.16145864 1330 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-19-Cross-validation to check missing-data imputation

Introduction: Aureliano Crameri writes: I have questions regarding one technique you and your colleagues described in your papers: the cross validation (Multiple Imputation with Diagnostics (mi) in R: Opening Windows into the Black Box, with reference to Gelman, King, and Liu, 1998). I think this is the technique I need for my purpose, but I am not sure I understand it right. I want to use the multiple imputation to estimate the outcome of psychotherapies based on longitudinal data. First I have to demonstrate that I am able to get unbiased estimates with the multiple imputation. The expected bias is the overestimation of the outcome of dropouts. I will test my imputation strategies by means of a series of simulations (delete values, impute, compare with the original). Due to the complexity of the statistical analyses I think I need at least 200 cases. Now I don’t have so many cases without any missings. My data have missing values in different variables. The proportion of missing values is

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same-blog 1 0.98020154 1218 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-18-Check your missing-data imputations using cross-validation

Introduction: Elena Grewal writes: I am currently using the iterative regression imputation model as implemented in the Stata ICE package. I am using data from a survey of about 90,000 students in 142 schools and my variable of interest is parent level of education. I want only this variable to be imputed with as little bias as possible as I am not using any other variable. So I scoured the survey for every variable I thought could possibly predict parent education. The main variable I found is parent occupation, which explains about 35% of the variance in parent education for the students with complete data on both. I then include the 20 other variables I found in the survey in a regression predicting parent education, which explains about 40% of the variance in parent education for students with complete data on all the variables. My question is this: many of the other variables I found have more missing values than the parent education variable, and also, although statistically significant

2 0.8577255 14 andrew gelman stats-2010-05-01-Imputing count data

Introduction: Guy asks: I am analyzing an original survey of farmers in Uganda. I am hoping to use a battery of welfare proxy variables to create a single welfare index using PCA. I have quick question which I hope you can find time to address: How do you recommend treating count data? (for example # of rooms, # of chickens, # of cows, # of radios)? In my dataset these variables are highly skewed with many responses at zero (which makes taking the natural log problematic). In the case of # of cows or chickens several obs have values in the hundreds. My response: Here’s what we do in our mi package in R. We split a variable into two parts: an indicator for whether it is positive, and the positive part. That is, y = u*v. Then u is binary and can be modeled using logisitc regression, and v can be modeled on the log scale. At the end you can round to the nearest integer if you want to avoid fractional values.

3 0.78577423 1900 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-15-Exploratory multilevel analysis when group-level variables are of importance

Introduction: Steve Miller writes: Much of what I do is cross-national analyses of survey data (largely World Values Survey). . . . My big question pertains to (what I would call) exploratory analysis of multilevel data, especially when the group-level predictors are of theoretical importance. A lot of what I do involves analyzing cross-national survey items of citizen attitudes, typically of political leadership. These survey items are usually yes/no responses, or four-part responses indicating a level of agreement (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree) that can be condensed into a binary variable. I believe these can be explained by reference to country-level factors. Much of the group-level variables of interest are count variables with a modal value of 0, which can be quite messy. How would you recommend exploring the variation in the dependent variable as it could be explained by the group-level count variable of interest, before fitting the multilevel model itself? When

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Introduction: Sam Stroope writes: I’m creating county-level averages based on individual-level respondents. My question is, how few respondents are reasonable to use when calculating the average by county? My end model will be a county-level (only) SEM model. My reply: Any number of respondents should work. If you have very few respondents, you should just end up with large standard errors which will propagate through your analysis. P.S. I must have deleted my original reply by accident so I reconstructed something above.

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Introduction: Elena Grewal writes: I am currently using the iterative regression imputation model as implemented in the Stata ICE package. I am using data from a survey of about 90,000 students in 142 schools and my variable of interest is parent level of education. I want only this variable to be imputed with as little bias as possible as I am not using any other variable. So I scoured the survey for every variable I thought could possibly predict parent education. The main variable I found is parent occupation, which explains about 35% of the variance in parent education for the students with complete data on both. I then include the 20 other variables I found in the survey in a regression predicting parent education, which explains about 40% of the variance in parent education for students with complete data on all the variables. My question is this: many of the other variables I found have more missing values than the parent education variable, and also, although statistically significant

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Introduction: Remember How to Lie With Statistics? It turns out that the author worked for the cigarette companies. John Mashey points to this, from Robert Proctor’s book, “Golden Holocaust: Origins of the Cigarette Catastrophe and the Case for Abolition”: Darrell Huff, author of the wildly popular (and aptly named) How to Lie With Statistics, was paid to testify before Congress in the 1950s and then again in the 1960s, with the assigned task of ridiculing any notion of a cigarette-disease link. On March 22, 1965, Huff testified at hearings on cigarette labeling and advertising, accusing the recent Surgeon General’s report of myriad failures and “fallacies.” Huff peppered his attack with with amusing asides and anecdotes, lampooning spurious correlations like that between the size of Dutch families and the number of storks nesting on rooftops–which proves not that storks bring babies but rather that people with large families tend to have larger houses (which therefore attract more storks).

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