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653 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-08-Multilevel regression with shrinkage for “fixed” effects

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Introduction: Dean Eckles writes: I remember reading on your blog that you were working on some tools to fit multilevel models that also include “fixed” effects — such as continuous predictors — that are also estimated with shrinkage (for example, an L1 or L2 penalty). Any new developments on this front? I often find myself wanting to fit a multilevel model to some data, but also needing to include a number of “fixed” effects, mainly continuous variables. This makes me wary of overfitting to these predictors, so then I’d want to use some kind of shrinkage. As far as I can tell, the main options for doing this now is by going fully Bayesian and using a Gibbs sampler. With MCMCglmm or BUGS/JAGS I could just specify a prior on the fixed effects that corresponds to a desired penalty. However, this is pretty slow, especially with a large data set and because I’d like to select the penalty parameter by cross-validation (which is where this isn’t very Bayesian I guess?). My reply: We allow info

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Dean Eckles writes: I remember reading on your blog that you were working on some tools to fit multilevel models that also include “fixed” effects — such as continuous predictors — that are also estimated with shrinkage (for example, an L1 or L2 penalty). [sent-1, score-1.889]

2 I often find myself wanting to fit a multilevel model to some data, but also needing to include a number of “fixed” effects, mainly continuous variables. [sent-3, score-1.234]

3 This makes me wary of overfitting to these predictors, so then I’d want to use some kind of shrinkage. [sent-4, score-0.365]

4 As far as I can tell, the main options for doing this now is by going fully Bayesian and using a Gibbs sampler. [sent-5, score-0.201]

5 With MCMCglmm or BUGS/JAGS I could just specify a prior on the fixed effects that corresponds to a desired penalty. [sent-6, score-0.791]

6 However, this is pretty slow, especially with a large data set and because I’d like to select the penalty parameter by cross-validation (which is where this isn’t very Bayesian I guess? [sent-7, score-0.444]

7 My reply: We allow informative priors in blmer/bglmer. [sent-9, score-0.258]

8 Unfortunately blmer/bglmer aren’t ready yet but they will be soon, I hope. [sent-10, score-0.231]

9 We’re also working on a bigger project of multilevel models for deep interactions of continuous predictors. [sent-12, score-1.195]

10 But that won’t be ready for awhile; we still have to figure out what we want to do there. [sent-13, score-0.307]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('continuous', 0.28), ('fixed', 0.261), ('penalty', 0.25), ('multilevel', 0.231), ('ready', 0.231), ('mcmcglmm', 0.185), ('predictors', 0.175), ('effects', 0.173), ('eckles', 0.161), ('wary', 0.146), ('overfitting', 0.143), ('needing', 0.136), ('include', 0.132), ('shrinkage', 0.131), ('specify', 0.126), ('developments', 0.126), ('dean', 0.126), ('mainly', 0.125), ('gibbs', 0.125), ('fit', 0.12), ('desired', 0.117), ('corresponds', 0.114), ('select', 0.114), ('wanting', 0.113), ('working', 0.111), ('options', 0.11), ('slow', 0.11), ('arm', 0.108), ('bigger', 0.108), ('front', 0.104), ('deep', 0.1), ('soon', 0.1), ('also', 0.097), ('package', 0.097), ('bayesian', 0.096), ('interactions', 0.096), ('models', 0.093), ('tools', 0.092), ('fully', 0.091), ('awhile', 0.089), ('priors', 0.087), ('allow', 0.086), ('informative', 0.085), ('unfortunately', 0.082), ('estimated', 0.081), ('parameter', 0.08), ('project', 0.079), ('aren', 0.077), ('want', 0.076), ('remember', 0.076)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.99999994 653 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-08-Multilevel regression with shrinkage for “fixed” effects

Introduction: Dean Eckles writes: I remember reading on your blog that you were working on some tools to fit multilevel models that also include “fixed” effects — such as continuous predictors — that are also estimated with shrinkage (for example, an L1 or L2 penalty). Any new developments on this front? I often find myself wanting to fit a multilevel model to some data, but also needing to include a number of “fixed” effects, mainly continuous variables. This makes me wary of overfitting to these predictors, so then I’d want to use some kind of shrinkage. As far as I can tell, the main options for doing this now is by going fully Bayesian and using a Gibbs sampler. With MCMCglmm or BUGS/JAGS I could just specify a prior on the fixed effects that corresponds to a desired penalty. However, this is pretty slow, especially with a large data set and because I’d like to select the penalty parameter by cross-validation (which is where this isn’t very Bayesian I guess?). My reply: We allow info

2 0.1993551 1228 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-25-Continuous variables in Bayesian networks

Introduction: Antti Rasinen writes: I’m a former undergrad machine learning student and a current software engineer with a Bayesian hobby. Today my two worlds collided. I ask for some enlightenment. On your blog you’ve repeatedly advocated continuous distributions with Bayesian models. Today I read this article by Ricky Ho, who writes: The strength of Bayesian network is it is highly scalable and can learn incrementally because all we do is to count the observed variables and update the probability distribution table. Similar to Neural Network, Bayesian network expects all data to be binary, categorical variable will need to be transformed into multiple binary variable as described above. Numeric variable is generally not a good fit for Bayesian network. The last sentence seems to be at odds with what you’ve said. Sadly, I don’t have enough expertise to say which view of the world is correct. During my undergrad years our team wrote an implementation of the Junction Tree algorithm. We r

3 0.19522546 1644 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-30-Fixed effects, followed by Bayes shrinkage?

Introduction: Stuart Buck writes: I have a question about fixed effects vs. random effects . Amongst economists who study teacher value-added, it has become common to see people saying that they estimated teacher fixed effects (via least squares dummy variables, so that there is a parameter for each teacher), but that they then applied empirical Bayes shrinkage so that the teacher effects are brought closer to the mean. (See this paper by Jacob and Lefgren, for example.) Can that really be what they are doing? Why wouldn’t they just run random (modeled) effects in the first place? I feel like there’s something I’m missing. My reply: I don’t know the full story here, but I’m thinking there are two goals, first to get an unbiased estimate of an overall treatment effect (and there the econometricians prefer so-called fixed effects; I disagree with them on this but I know where they’re coming from) and second to estimate individual teacher effects (and there it makes sense to use so-called

4 0.19095907 472 andrew gelman stats-2010-12-17-So-called fixed and random effects

Introduction: Someone writes: I am hoping you can give me some advice about when to use fixed and random effects model. I am currently working on a paper that examines the effect of . . . by comparing states . . . It got reviewed . . . by three economists and all suggest that we run a fixed effects model. We ran a hierarchial model in the paper that allow the intercept and slope to vary before and after . . . My question is which is correct? We have ran it both ways and really it makes no difference which model you run, the results are very similar. But for my own learning, I would really like to understand which to use under what circumstances. Is the fact that we use the whole population reason enough to just run a fixed effect model? Perhaps you can suggest a good reference to this question of when to run a fixed vs. random effects model. I’m not always sure what is meant by a “fixed effects model”; see my paper on Anova for discussion of the problems with this terminology: http://w

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Introduction: Tom Clark writes: Drew Linzer and I [Tom] have been working on a paper about the use of modeled (“random”) and unmodeled (“fixed”) effects. Not directly in response to the paper, but in conversations about the topic over the past few months, several people have said to us things to the effect of “I prefer fixed effects over random effects because I care about identification.” Neither Drew nor I has any idea what this comment is supposed to mean. Have you come across someone saying something like this? Do you have any thoughts about what these people could possibly mean? I want to respond to this concern when people raise it, but I have failed thus far to inquire what is meant and so do not know what to say. My reply: I have a “cultural” reply, which is that so-called fixed effects are thought to make fewer assumptions, and making fewer assumptions is considered a generally good thing that serious people do, and identification is considered a concern of serious people, so they g

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same-blog 1 0.9791913 653 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-08-Multilevel regression with shrinkage for “fixed” effects

Introduction: Dean Eckles writes: I remember reading on your blog that you were working on some tools to fit multilevel models that also include “fixed” effects — such as continuous predictors — that are also estimated with shrinkage (for example, an L1 or L2 penalty). Any new developments on this front? I often find myself wanting to fit a multilevel model to some data, but also needing to include a number of “fixed” effects, mainly continuous variables. This makes me wary of overfitting to these predictors, so then I’d want to use some kind of shrinkage. As far as I can tell, the main options for doing this now is by going fully Bayesian and using a Gibbs sampler. With MCMCglmm or BUGS/JAGS I could just specify a prior on the fixed effects that corresponds to a desired penalty. However, this is pretty slow, especially with a large data set and because I’d like to select the penalty parameter by cross-validation (which is where this isn’t very Bayesian I guess?). My reply: We allow info

2 0.8377583 2145 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-24-Estimating and summarizing inference for hierarchical variance parameters when the number of groups is small

Introduction: Chris Che-Castaldo writes: I am trying to compute variance components for a hierarchical model where the group level has two binary predictors and their interaction. When I model each of these three predictors as N(0, tau) the model will not converge, perhaps because the number of coefficients in each batch is so small (2 for the main effects and 4 for the interaction). Although I could simply leave all these as predictors as unmodeled fixed effects, the last sentence of section 21.2 on page 462 of Gelman and Hill (2007) suggests this would not be a wise course of action: For example, it is not clear how to define the (finite) standard deviation of variables that are included in interactions. I am curious – is there still no clear cut way to directly compute the finite standard deviation for binary unmodeled variables that are also part of an interaction as well as the interaction itself? My reply: I’d recommend including these in your model (it’s probably easiest to do so

3 0.82816637 1194 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-04-Multilevel modeling even when you’re not interested in predictions for new groups

Introduction: Fred Wu writes: I work at National Prescribing Services in Australia. I have a database representing say, antidiabetic drug utilisation for the entire Australia in the past few years. I planned to do a longitudinal analysis across GP Division Network (112 divisions in AUS) using mixed-effects models (or as you called in your book varying intercept and varying slope) on this data. The problem here is: as data actually represent the population who use antidiabetic drugs in AUS, should I use 112 fixed dummy variables to capture the random variations or use varying intercept and varying slope for the model ? Because some one may aruge, like divisions in AUS or states in USA can hardly be considered from a “superpopulation”, then fixed dummies should be used. What I think is the population are those who use the drugs, what will happen when the rest need to use them? In terms of exchangeability, using varying intercept and varying slopes can be justified. Also you provided in y

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same-blog 1 0.98251456 653 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-08-Multilevel regression with shrinkage for “fixed” effects

Introduction: Dean Eckles writes: I remember reading on your blog that you were working on some tools to fit multilevel models that also include “fixed” effects — such as continuous predictors — that are also estimated with shrinkage (for example, an L1 or L2 penalty). Any new developments on this front? I often find myself wanting to fit a multilevel model to some data, but also needing to include a number of “fixed” effects, mainly continuous variables. This makes me wary of overfitting to these predictors, so then I’d want to use some kind of shrinkage. As far as I can tell, the main options for doing this now is by going fully Bayesian and using a Gibbs sampler. With MCMCglmm or BUGS/JAGS I could just specify a prior on the fixed effects that corresponds to a desired penalty. However, this is pretty slow, especially with a large data set and because I’d like to select the penalty parameter by cross-validation (which is where this isn’t very Bayesian I guess?). My reply: We allow info

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Introduction: I read this article by Rivka Galchen on quantum computing. Much of the article was about an eccentric scientist in his fifties named David Deutch. I’m sure the guy is brilliant but I wasn’t particularly interested in his not particularly interesting life story (apparently he’s thin and lives in Oxford). There was a brief description of quantum computing itself, which reminds me of the discussion we had a couple years ago under the heading, The laws of conditional probability are false (and the update here ). I don’t have anything new to say here; I’d just never heard of quantum computing before and it seemed relevant to our discussion. The uncertainty inherent in quantum computing seems closely related to Jouni’s idea of fully Bayesian computing , that uncertainty should be inherent in the computational structure rather than tacked on at the end. P.S. No, I’m not working on July 4th! This post is two months old, we just have a long waiting list of blog entries.

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