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651 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-06-My talk at Northwestern University tomorrow (Thursday)

meta infos for this blog

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Introduction: Of Beauty, Sex, and Power: Statistical Challenges in Estimating Small Effects. At the Institute of Policy Research, Thurs 7 Apr 2011, 3.30pm . Regular blog readers know all about this topic. ( Here are the slides.) But, rest assured, I don’t just mock. I also offer constructive suggestions. My last talk at Northwestern was fifteen years ago. Actually, I gave two lectures then, in the process of being turned down for a job enjoying their chilly Midwestern hospitality. P.S. I searched on the web and also found this announcement which gives the wrong title.

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Regular blog readers know all about this topic. [sent-4, score-0.218]

2 My last talk at Northwestern was fifteen years ago. [sent-8, score-0.49]

3 Actually, I gave two lectures then, in the process of being turned down for a job enjoying their chilly Midwestern hospitality. [sent-9, score-0.983]

4 I searched on the web and also found this announcement which gives the wrong title. [sent-12, score-0.925]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('northwestern', 0.279), ('midwestern', 0.279), ('fifteen', 0.243), ('apr', 0.238), ('enjoying', 0.233), ('searched', 0.221), ('assured', 0.217), ('constructive', 0.209), ('announcement', 0.197), ('beauty', 0.197), ('lectures', 0.197), ('thurs', 0.192), ('institute', 0.175), ('challenges', 0.166), ('turned', 0.154), ('sex', 0.151), ('regular', 0.15), ('web', 0.141), ('rest', 0.138), ('offer', 0.136), ('estimating', 0.134), ('title', 0.129), ('gave', 0.123), ('power', 0.123), ('policy', 0.117), ('gives', 0.116), ('process', 0.112), ('job', 0.108), ('readers', 0.106), ('talk', 0.098), ('wrong', 0.091), ('small', 0.088), ('last', 0.085), ('found', 0.081), ('also', 0.078), ('blog', 0.065), ('actually', 0.064), ('years', 0.064), ('research', 0.058), ('statistical', 0.057), ('two', 0.056), ('know', 0.047)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 651 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-06-My talk at Northwestern University tomorrow (Thursday)

Introduction: Of Beauty, Sex, and Power: Statistical Challenges in Estimating Small Effects. At the Institute of Policy Research, Thurs 7 Apr 2011, 3.30pm . Regular blog readers know all about this topic. ( Here are the slides.) But, rest assured, I don’t just mock. I also offer constructive suggestions. My last talk at Northwestern was fifteen years ago. Actually, I gave two lectures then, in the process of being turned down for a job enjoying their chilly Midwestern hospitality. P.S. I searched on the web and also found this announcement which gives the wrong title.

2 0.27175185 679 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-25-My talk at Stanford on Tuesday

Introduction: Of Beauty, Sex, and Power: Statistical Challenges in Estimating Small Effects. Tues 26 Apr, 12-1 in the Graham Stuart Lounge, 4th Floor, Encina West.

3 0.19371513 694 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-04-My talk at Hunter College on Thurs

Introduction: Of beauty, sex, and power: Statistical challenges in estimating small effects . Thurs 5 May at 11am at Roosevelt House, at 47-49 East 65th Street (north side of East 65th street, between Park and Madison Avenues).

4 0.16280967 680 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-26-My talk at Berkeley on Wednesday

Introduction: Something on Applied Bayesian Statistics April 27, 4:10-5 p.m., 1011 Evans Hall I will deliver one of the following three talks: 1. Of beauty, sex, and power: Statistical challenges in estimating small effects 2. Why we (usually) don’t worry about multiple comparisons 3. Parameterization and Bayesian modeling Whoever shows up on time to the seminar gets to vote, and I’ll give the talk that gets the most votes.

5 0.13679886 1013 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-16-My talk at Math for America on Saturday

Introduction: Here’s what I’ll talk about for 3 hours : Statistics—Inside and Outside the Classroom (1) Of Beauty, Sex, and Power: Statistical Challenges in the Estimation of Small Effects . A silly example of the frequencies of boy and girl babies leads us to some important research involving the meaning of statistical significance. (2) Mathematics, Statistics, and Political Science . We explore the differences between mathematical and statistical thinking, developing the ideas using examples from my own research in political science. (3) Statistics Teaching Activities . For twenty years I have been collecting class-participation demonstrations in statistics and probability. Here are some of my favorites.

6 0.10365673 1794 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-09-My talks in DC and Baltimore this week

7 0.097259909 1916 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-27-The weirdest thing about the AJPH story

8 0.094472617 1821 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-24-My talk midtown this Friday noon (and at Columbia Monday afternoon)

9 0.090668142 1034 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-29-World Class Speakers and Entertainers

10 0.090485856 660 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-14-Job opening at NIH for an experienced statistician

11 0.07744655 1915 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-27-Huh?

12 0.074975044 2100 andrew gelman stats-2013-11-14-BDA class G+ hangout another try

13 0.074609369 548 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-01-What goes around . . .

14 0.073113941 1126 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-18-Bob on Stan

15 0.070640802 2147 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-25-Measuring Beauty

16 0.068904959 1390 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-23-Traditionalist claims that modern art could just as well be replaced by a “paint-throwing chimp”

17 0.068182409 1624 andrew gelman stats-2012-12-15-New prize on causality in statstistics education

18 0.067146733 546 andrew gelman stats-2011-01-31-Infovis vs. statistical graphics: My talk tomorrow (Tues) 1pm at Columbia

19 0.066853374 1545 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-23-Two postdoc opportunities to work with our research group!! (apply by 15 Nov 2012)

20 0.06679666 1197 andrew gelman stats-2012-03-04-“All Models are Right, Most are Useless”

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.091), (1, -0.038), (2, -0.036), (3, -0.001), (4, 0.011), (5, 0.024), (6, -0.037), (7, -0.015), (8, -0.02), (9, -0.016), (10, -0.033), (11, 0.05), (12, 0.063), (13, 0.064), (14, -0.011), (15, -0.022), (16, -0.009), (17, -0.005), (18, 0.03), (19, 0.024), (20, -0.047), (21, 0.009), (22, 0.019), (23, 0.01), (24, 0.025), (25, -0.007), (26, -0.08), (27, -0.037), (28, 0.008), (29, -0.036), (30, -0.003), (31, 0.015), (32, -0.012), (33, 0.011), (34, 0.021), (35, -0.009), (36, 0.012), (37, -0.012), (38, 0.007), (39, -0.018), (40, 0.045), (41, 0.02), (42, 0.016), (43, 0.048), (44, 0.028), (45, -0.056), (46, 0.02), (47, -0.013), (48, -0.001), (49, -0.007)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.96128595 651 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-06-My talk at Northwestern University tomorrow (Thursday)

Introduction: Of Beauty, Sex, and Power: Statistical Challenges in Estimating Small Effects. At the Institute of Policy Research, Thurs 7 Apr 2011, 3.30pm . Regular blog readers know all about this topic. ( Here are the slides.) But, rest assured, I don’t just mock. I also offer constructive suggestions. My last talk at Northwestern was fifteen years ago. Actually, I gave two lectures then, in the process of being turned down for a job enjoying their chilly Midwestern hospitality. P.S. I searched on the web and also found this announcement which gives the wrong title.

2 0.75256515 679 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-25-My talk at Stanford on Tuesday

Introduction: Of Beauty, Sex, and Power: Statistical Challenges in Estimating Small Effects. Tues 26 Apr, 12-1 in the Graham Stuart Lounge, 4th Floor, Encina West.

3 0.71039361 694 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-04-My talk at Hunter College on Thurs

Introduction: Of beauty, sex, and power: Statistical challenges in estimating small effects . Thurs 5 May at 11am at Roosevelt House, at 47-49 East 65th Street (north side of East 65th street, between Park and Madison Avenues).

4 0.70614713 1821 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-24-My talk midtown this Friday noon (and at Columbia Monday afternoon)

Introduction: At the City University of New York Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue (between 34th and 35th street), room 6002. The topic: causality and statistical learning . Announcement is here (scroll down). It says that if you would like to attend any event, please respond by emailing I’m also giving a shorter talk on the same topic in the Sustainable Development Seminar Series 4pm Monday 29 Apr in room 407 International Affairs Bldg (at 118th St. and Amsterdam Ave.). It’s just a coincidence that I’m giving the same talk twice. I was asked at different times to speak for these groups. When someone asks me to speak, I let them pick from recent talks on the list .

5 0.65590912 165 andrew gelman stats-2010-07-27-Nothing is Linear, Nothing is Additive: Bayesian Models for Interactions in Social Science

Introduction: My talks at Cambridge this Wed and Thurs in the department of Machine Learning . Powerpoints are here and here . Also some videos are here (but no videos of the “Nothing is Linear, Nothing is Additive” talk).

6 0.64822066 2275 andrew gelman stats-2014-03-31-Just gave a talk

7 0.63387781 1526 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-09-Little Data: How traditional statistical ideas remain relevant in a big-data world

8 0.63223135 548 andrew gelman stats-2011-02-01-What goes around . . .

9 0.62633097 1598 andrew gelman stats-2012-11-30-A graphics talk with no visuals!

10 0.62141412 1771 andrew gelman stats-2013-03-19-“Ronald Reagan is a Statistician and Other Examples of Learning From Diverse Sources of Information”

11 0.61552089 2039 andrew gelman stats-2013-09-25-Harmonic convergence

12 0.60936463 1143 andrew gelman stats-2012-01-29-G+ > Skype

13 0.60563219 407 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-11-Data Visualization vs. Statistical Graphics

14 0.59056956 699 andrew gelman stats-2011-05-06-Another stereotype demolished

15 0.5815571 680 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-26-My talk at Berkeley on Wednesday

16 0.58133358 1073 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-20-Not quite getting the point

17 0.5766241 2323 andrew gelman stats-2014-05-07-Cause he thinks he’s so-phisticated

18 0.57172585 1050 andrew gelman stats-2011-12-10-Presenting at the econ seminar

19 0.57069099 913 andrew gelman stats-2011-09-16-Groundhog day in August?

20 0.5649544 438 andrew gelman stats-2010-11-30-I just skyped in from Kentucky, and boy are my arms tired

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(15, 0.075), (16, 0.071), (21, 0.043), (24, 0.086), (29, 0.27), (53, 0.044), (66, 0.034), (71, 0.029), (99, 0.217)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

1 0.90190452 1915 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-27-Huh?

Introduction: I received the following bizarre email: Apr 26, 2013 Dear Andrew Gelman You are receiving this notice because you have published a paper with the American Journal of Public Health within the last few years. Currently, content on the Journal is closed access for the first 2 years after publication, and then freely accessible thereafter. On June 1, 2013, the Journal will be extending its closed-access window from 2 years to 10 years. Extending this window will close public access to your article via the Journal web portal, but public access will still be available via the National Institutes of Health PubMedCentral web portal. If you would like to make your article available to the public for free on the Journal web portal, we are extending this limited time offer of open access at a steeply discounted rate of $1,000 per article. If interested in purchasing this access, please contact Brian Selzer, Publications Editor, at Additionally, you may purchas

same-blog 2 0.88460219 651 andrew gelman stats-2011-04-06-My talk at Northwestern University tomorrow (Thursday)

Introduction: Of Beauty, Sex, and Power: Statistical Challenges in Estimating Small Effects. At the Institute of Policy Research, Thurs 7 Apr 2011, 3.30pm . Regular blog readers know all about this topic. ( Here are the slides.) But, rest assured, I don’t just mock. I also offer constructive suggestions. My last talk at Northwestern was fifteen years ago. Actually, I gave two lectures then, in the process of being turned down for a job enjoying their chilly Midwestern hospitality. P.S. I searched on the web and also found this announcement which gives the wrong title.

3 0.87334836 764 andrew gelman stats-2011-06-14-Examining US Legislative process with “Many Bills”

Introduction: This is Many Bills , a visualization of US bills by IBM: I learned about it a few days ago from Irene Ros at Foo Camp . It definitely looks better than my own analysis of US Senate bills .

4 0.81999123 1687 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-21-Workshop on science communication for graduate students

Introduction: Nathan Sanders writes: Applications are now open for the Communicating Science 2013 workshop (, to be held in Cambridge, MA on June 13-15th, 2013. Graduate students at US institutions in all fields of science and engineering are encouraged to apply – funding is available for travel expenses and accommodations. The application can be found here: Participants will build the communication skills that technical professionals need to express complex ideas to their peers, experts in other fields, and the general public. There will be panel discussions on the following topics: * Engaging Non-Scientific Audiences * Science Writing for a Cause * Communicating Science Through Fiction * Sharing Science with Scientists * The World of Non-Academic Publishing * Communicating using Multimedia and the Web In addition to these discussions, ample time is allotted for interacting with the experts and with att

5 0.79908323 1940 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-16-A poll that throws away data???

Introduction: Mark Blumenthal writes: What do you think about the “random rejection” method used by PPP that was attacked at some length today by a Republican pollster. Our just published post on the debate includes all the details as I know them. The Storify of Martino’s tweets has some additional data tables linked to toward the end. Also, more specifically, setting aside Martino’s suggestion of manipulation (which is also quite possible with post-stratification weights), would the PPP method introduce more potential random error than weighting? From Blumenthal’s blog: B.J. Martino, a senior vice president at the Republican polling firm The Tarrance Group, went on an 30-minute Twitter rant on Tuesday questioning the unorthodox method used by PPP [Public Policy Polling] to select samples and weight data: “Looking at @ppppolls new VA SW. Wondering how many interviews they discarded to get down to 601 completes? Because @ppppolls discards a LOT of interviews. Of 64,811 conducted

6 0.79721349 1034 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-29-World Class Speakers and Entertainers

7 0.78891921 1539 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-18-IRB nightmares

8 0.7624746 1344 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-25-Question 15 of my final exam for Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys

9 0.75481802 1533 andrew gelman stats-2012-10-14-If x is correlated with y, then y is correlated with x

10 0.75248897 2051 andrew gelman stats-2013-10-04-Scientific communication that accords you “the basic human dignity of allowing you to draw your own conclusions”

11 0.74453211 1491 andrew gelman stats-2012-09-10-Update on Levitt paper on child car seats

12 0.7420662 1024 andrew gelman stats-2011-11-23-Of hypothesis tests and Unitarians

13 0.73609221 2133 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-13-Flexibility is good

14 0.73133695 1345 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-26-Question 16 of my final exam for Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys

15 0.72894019 1392 andrew gelman stats-2012-06-26-Occam

16 0.71674037 2057 andrew gelman stats-2013-10-10-Chris Chabris is irritated by Malcolm Gladwell

17 0.71569395 868 andrew gelman stats-2011-08-24-Blogs vs. real journalism

18 0.70506555 1341 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-24-Question 14 of my final exam for Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys

19 0.7034272 1742 andrew gelman stats-2013-02-27-What is “explanation”?

20 0.70183796 1944 andrew gelman stats-2013-07-18-You’ll get a high Type S error rate if you use classical statistical methods to analyze data from underpowered studies