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225 nips-2013-One-shot learning and big data with n=2

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Author: Lee H. Dicker, Dean P. Foster

Abstract: We model a “one-shot learning” situation, where very few observations y1 , ..., yn ∈ R are available. Associated with each observation yi is a very highdimensional vector xi ∈ Rd , which provides context for yi and enables us to predict subsequent observations, given their own context. One of the salient features of our analysis is that the problems studied here are easier when the dimension of xi is large; in other words, prediction becomes easier when more context is provided. The proposed methodology is a variant of principal component regression (PCR). Our rigorous analysis sheds new light on PCR. For instance, we show that classical PCR estimators may be inconsistent in the specified setting, unless they are multiplied by a scalar c > 1; that is, unless the classical estimator is expanded. This expansion phenomenon appears to be somewhat novel and contrasts with shrinkage methods (c < 1), which are far more common in big data analyses. 1

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Associated with each observation yi is a very highdimensional vector xi ∈ Rd , which provides context for yi and enables us to predict subsequent observations, given their own context. [sent-10, score-0.111]

2 One of the salient features of our analysis is that the problems studied here are easier when the dimension of xi is large; in other words, prediction becomes easier when more context is provided. [sent-11, score-0.151]

3 The proposed methodology is a variant of principal component regression (PCR). [sent-12, score-0.141]

4 For instance, we show that classical PCR estimators may be inconsistent in the specified setting, unless they are multiplied by a scalar c > 1; that is, unless the classical estimator is expanded. [sent-14, score-0.138]

5 This expansion phenomenon appears to be somewhat novel and contrasts with shrinkage methods (c < 1), which are far more common in big data analyses. [sent-15, score-0.059]

6 We propose effective methods for one-shot learning in this setting, and derive risk approximations that are informative in an asymptotic regime where the number of training examples n is fixed (e. [sent-27, score-0.196]

7 These approximations provide insight into the significance of various parameters that are relevant for oneshot learning. [sent-30, score-0.09]

8 One important feature of the proposed one-shot setting is that prediction becomes “easier” when d is large – in other words, prediction becomes easier when more context is provided. [sent-31, score-0.159]

9 The methods considered in this paper are variants of principal component regression (PCR) [13]. [sent-35, score-0.126]

10 [19], who studied principal component scores in high dimensions, and work by Hall, Jung, Marron and co-authors [10, 11, 18, 21], who have studied “high dimension, low sample size” data, with fixed n and d → ∞, in a variety of contexts, including 1 PCA. [sent-43, score-0.153]

11 We show that the classical PCR estimator is generally inconsistent in the one-shot learning regime, where n is fixed and d → ∞. [sent-48, score-0.098]

12 To remedy this, we propose a bias-corrected PCR estimator, which is obtained by expanding the classical PCR estimator (i. [sent-49, score-0.09]

13 Risk approximations obtained in Section 5 imply that the bias-corrected estimator is consistent when n is fixed and d → ∞. [sent-52, score-0.124]

14 These results are supported by a simulation study described in Section 7, where we also consider an “oracle” PCR estimator for comparative purposes. [sent-53, score-0.063]

15 It is noteworthy that the bias-corrected estimator is an expanded version of the classical estimator. [sent-54, score-0.088]

16 Shrinkage, which would correspond to multiplying the classical estimator by a scalar 0 ≤ c < 1, is a far more common phenomenon in high-dimensional data analysis, e. [sent-55, score-0.109]

17 [19] argued for bias-correction via expansion in the analysis of principal component scores). [sent-58, score-0.12]

18 , (yn , xn ), where yi ∈ R is a scalar outcome and xi ∈ Rd is an associated d-dimensional “context” vector, for i = 1, . [sent-62, score-0.081]

19 Suppose that yi and xi are related via yi xi = hi θ + ξi ∈ R, hi ∼ N (0, η 2 ), ξi ∼ N (0, σ 2 ), √ = hi γ du + i ∈ Rd , i ∼ N (0, τ 2 I), i = 1, . [sent-66, score-0.271]

20 , id )T , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, are all assumed to be independent; hi is a latent factor linking the outcome yi and the vector xi ; ξi and i are random noise. [sent-73, score-0.115]

21 RV (ˆ) is small) in ˆ y an asymptotic regime whose key features are (i) n is fixed, (ii) d → ∞, (iii) σ 2 → 0, and (iv) inf η 2 γ 2 /τ 2 > 0. [sent-97, score-0.111]

22 We suggest that this regime reflects a one-shot learning setting, where n is small and d is large (captured by (i)-(ii) from the previous sentence), and there is abundant contextual information for predicting future outcomes (which is ensured by (iii)-(iv)). [sent-98, score-0.081]

23 In a specified asymptotic regime (not necessarily the one-shot regime), we say that a prediction method y is consistent if ˆ RV (ˆ) → 0. [sent-99, score-0.186]

24 Weak consistency is another type of consistency that is considered below. [sent-100, score-0.118]

25 We say that y y is weakly consistent if |ˆ − ynew | → 0 in probability. [sent-101, score-0.147]

26 2 3 Principal component regression By assumption, the data (yi , xi ) are multivariate normal. [sent-103, score-0.088]

27 This suggests studying linear prediction rules of the form y (xnew ) = ˆ T ˆ for some estimator β of β. [sent-105, score-0.151]

28 In this paper, we restrict our attention to linear prediction rules, ˆ xnew β, focusing on estimators related to principal component regression (PCR). [sent-106, score-0.367]

29 In its most basic form, principal component regression involves regressing y T T ˆ on XUk for some (typically small) k, and taking β = Uk (Uk X T XUk )−1 Uk X T y. [sent-118, score-0.126]

30 Thus, it is natural to restrict our attention to PCR with k = 1; more explicitly, consider ˆ β pcr = ˆ1 uT X T y ˆ u1 T XT Xu ˆ ˆ1 u1 = 1 T T ˆ u X yˆ 1 . [sent-120, score-0.583]

31 u l1 1 (5) ˆ In the following sections, we study consistency and risk properties of β pcr and related estimators. [sent-121, score-0.684]

32 4 Weak consistency and big data with n = 2 Before turning our attention to risk approximations for PCR in Section 5 below (which contains the paper’s main technical contributions), we discuss weak consistency in the one-shot asymptotic regime, devoting special attention to the case where n = 2. [sent-122, score-0.337]

33 Second, it will become apparent below that the risk of the consistent PCR methods studied in this paper depends on inverse moments of χ2 random variables. [sent-125, score-0.118]

34 For very small n, these inverse moments do not exist and, consequently, the risk of the associated prediction methods may be infinite. [sent-126, score-0.126]

35 On the other hand, the weak consistency results obtained in this section are valid for all n ≥ 2. [sent-128, score-0.115]

36 1 Heuristic analysis for n = 2 ˆ Recall the PCR estimator (5) and let ypcr (x) = xT β pcr be the associated linear prediction rule. [sent-130, score-1.114]

37 1 ˆ ˆ These expressions for l1 and u1 yield an explicit expression for β pcr when n = 2 and facilitate a simple heuristic analysis of PCR, which we undertake in this subsection. [sent-132, score-0.568]

38 This analysis suggests that ypcr is not consistent when σ 2 → 0 and d → ∞ (at least for n = 2). [sent-133, score-0.47]

39 However, the analysis ˆ ˆ also suggests that consistency can be achieved by multiplying β pcr by a scalar c ≥ 1; that is, by ˆ . [sent-134, score-0.684]

40 This observation leads us to consider and rigorously analyze a bias-corrected PCR expanding β pcr method, which we ultimately show is consistent in fixed n settings, if σ 2 → 0 and d → ∞. [sent-135, score-0.615]

41 On the other hand, it will also be shown below that ypcr is inconsistent in one-shot asymptotic regimes. [sent-136, score-0.486]

42 ˆ For large d, the basic approximations ||xi ||2 ≈ γ 2 dh2 + τ 2 d and xT x2 ≈ γ 2 dhi hj lead to the 1 1 following approximation for ypcr (xnew ): ˆ ˆ ypcr (xnew ) = xT β pcr ≈ ˆ new γ 2 (h2 + h2 ) 1 2 hnew θ + epcr , γ 2 (h2 + h2 ) + τ 2 1 2 3 (6) where epcr = γ 2 hnew ˆ uT X T ξ. [sent-137, score-1.856]

43 + h2 ) + τ 2 d}2 1 2 {γ 2 d(h2 1 Thus, τ2 hnew θ + epcr − ξnew . [sent-138, score-0.193]

44 (7) + h2 ) + τ 2 2 The second and third terms on the right-hand side in (7), epcr − ξnew , represent a random error that vanishes as d → ∞ and σ 2 → 0. [sent-139, score-0.086]

45 On the other hand, the first term on the right-hand side in (7), −τ 2 hnew θ/{γ 2 (h2 + h2 ) + τ 2 }, is a bias term that is, in general, non-zero when d → ∞ and 1 2 σ 2 → 0; in other words ypcr is inconsistent. [sent-140, score-0.594]

46 This bias is apparent in the expression for ypcr (xnew ) ˆ ˆ given in (6); in particular, the first term on the right-hand side of (6) is typically smaller than hnew θ. [sent-141, score-0.598]

47 ˆ One way to correct for the bias of ypcr is to multiply β pcr by ˆ ypcr (xnew ) − ynew ≈ − ˆ γ 2 (h2 1 l1 γ 2 (h2 + h2 ) + τ 2 1 2 ≥ 1, ≈ l1 − l2 γ 2 (h2 + h2 ) 2 1 where 1 ||x1 ||2 + ||x2 ||2 − (||x1 ||2 − ||x2 ||2 )2 + 4(xT x2 )2 ≈ τ 2 d 1 2 is the second-largest eigenvalue of X T X. [sent-142, score-1.547]

48 Define the bias-corrected principal component regression estimator l1 ˆ 1 ˆ ˆ β bc = uT X T y β pcr = l1 − l2 l1 − l2 1 ˆ ˆ and let ybc (x) = xT β bc be the associated linear prediction rule. [sent-143, score-1.506]

49 Then ybc (xnew ) = xT β bc ≈ ˆ ˆ new hnew θ + ebc , where hnew ˆ ebc = 2 2 uT X T ξ. [sent-144, score-0.932]

50 contained in a compact subset of (0, ∞)), then ybc (xnew ) − ynew ≈ ebc → 0 in probability; in other words, ybc ˆ ˆ is weakly consistent. [sent-147, score-0.995]

51 Indeed, weak consistency of ybc follows from Theorem 1 below. [sent-148, score-0.497]

52 Thus, when n = 2, ybc is weakly consistent, but not consistent. [sent-151, score-0.43]

53 Define the bias-corrected PCR estimator l1 ˆ 1 ˆ ˆ β bc = β = uT X T yˆ 1 u (8) l1 − ln pcr l1 − ln 1 ˆ and the associated linear prediction rule ybc (x) = xT β bc . [sent-154, score-1.468]

54 The main weak consistency result of the ˆ paper is given below. [sent-155, score-0.098]

55 y (9) d→∞ θ,η,τ,γ∈C σ 2 →0 u∈Rd On the other hand, lim inf inf d→∞ θ,η,τ,γ∈C σ 2 →0 u∈Rd PV {|ˆpcr (xnew ) − ynew | > r} > 0. [sent-160, score-0.155]

56 Theorem 1 implies that in the specified fixed n asymptotic setting, bias-corrected PCR is weakly consistent (9) and that the more standard PCR method ypcr ˆ is inconsistent (10). [sent-162, score-0.543]

57 In (8), it is noteworthy that l1 /(l1 − ln ) ≥ 1: in ˆ ˆ order to achieve (weak) consistency, the bias corrected estimator β bc is obtained by expanding β pcr . [sent-164, score-0.864]

58 By contrast, shrinkage is a far more common method for obtaining improved estimators in many regression and prediction settings (the literature on shrinkage estimation is vast, perhaps beginning with [23]). [sent-165, score-0.148]

59 4 5 Risk approximations and consistency In this section, we present risk approximations for ypcr and ybc that are valid when n ≥ 9. [sent-166, score-1.055]

60 A more ˆ ˆ careful analysis may yield approximations that are valid for smaller n; however, this is not pursued further here. [sent-167, score-0.086]

61 When d is large, σ 2 is small, and θ, η, τ, γ ∈ C, for some compact subset C ⊆ (0, ∞), Theorem 2 suggests that ˆ RV (ˆpcr ) ≈ θ2 η 2 EV (uT u1 )2 − 1 y 2 , l1 ˆ (uT u1 )2 − 1 l1 − ln RV (ˆbc ) ≈ θ2 η 2 EV y 2 . [sent-174, score-0.082]

62 Thus, consistency of ypcr and ybc in the one-shot regime hinges on asymptotic properties of ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ EV {(uT u1 )2 − 1}2 and EV {l1 /(l1 − ln )(uT u1 )2 − 1}2 . [sent-175, score-1.02]

63 ˆ Proposition 1 (a) implies that in the one-shot regime, EV {(uT u1 )2 − 1}2 → E{τ 2 /(η 2 γ 2 Wn + τ 2 )2 } = 0; by Theorem 2 (a), it follows that ypcr is inconsistent. [sent-181, score-0.427]

64 On the other hand, Proposition 1 ˆ 2 ˆ (b) implies that EV l1 /(l1 − ln )(uT u1 )2 − 1 → 0 in the one-shot regime; thus, by Theorem 2 (b), ybc is consistent. [sent-182, score-0.443]

65 This suggests that both terms (11)-(12) in Theorem 2 (b) have similar magnitude and, consequently, are both necessary to obtain accurate approximations for RV (ˆbc ). [sent-190, score-0.065]

66 (It may be desirable to obtain more accurate approxy 2 Tˆ 2 imations for EV l1 /(l1 − ln )(u u1 ) − 1 ; this could potentially be leveraged to obtain better approximations for RV (ˆbc ). [sent-191, score-0.092]

67 Theorem 2 and Proposition 1 give risk approximations that are valid for all d and n ≥ 9. [sent-193, score-0.122]

68 However, as illustrated by Corollary 1, these approximations are most effective in a one-shot asymptotic setting, where n is fixed and d is large. [sent-194, score-0.078]

69 Approximate feature complexity for ybc is easily computed using Theorem 2 and Proposition 1 (clearly, ˆ feature complexity depends heavily on model parameters, such as θ, the y-data noise level σ 2 , and the x-data signal-to-noise ratio η 2 γ 2 /τ 2 ). [sent-197, score-0.399]

70 6 An oracle estimator In this section, we discuss a third method related to ypcr and ybc , which relies on information that ˆ ˆ is typically not available in practice. [sent-198, score-0.925]

71 ˆ Recall that both ybc and ypcr depend on the first principal component u1 , which may be viewed as ˆ ˆ an estimate of u. [sent-200, score-0.931]

72 If an oracle provides knowledge of u in advance, then it is natural to consider the oracle PCR estimator uT X T y ˆ β or = T T u u X Xu ˆ and the associated linear prediction rule yor (x) = xT β or . [sent-201, score-0.34]

73 Clearly, yor is consistent in the one-shot regime: if C ⊆ (0, ∞) is compact and n ≥ 3 is fixed, then ˆ lim sup d→∞ θ,η,τ,γ∈C σ 2 →0 u∈Rd 7 RV (ˆor ) = 0. [sent-205, score-0.214]

74 y Numerical results In this section, we describe the results of a simulation study where we compared the performance of ypcr , ybc , and yor . [sent-206, score-0.949]

75 For each ˆ ˆ ˆ simulated dataset, we computed β pcr , β bc , β or and the corresponding conditional prediction error RV (ˆ|y, X) y = E {ˆ(xnew ) − ynew }2 y, X y θ2 η2 , ψ2 d + 1 for y = ypcr , ybc , yor . [sent-213, score-1.854]

76 The empirical prediction error for each method y was then computed by avˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ eraging RV (ˆ|y, X) over all 1000 simulated datasets. [sent-214, score-0.125]

77 We also computed the“theoretical” prediction y error for each method, using the results from Sections 5-6, where appropriate. [sent-215, score-0.1]

78 More specifically, for ypcr and ybc , we used the leading terms of the approximations in Theorem 2 and Proposition 1 to ˆ ˆ obtain the theoretical prediction error; for yor , we used the formula given in Proposition 2 (see Table ˆ 1 for more details). [sent-216, score-1.103]

79 Finally, we computed the relative error between the empirical prediction error = ˆ ˆ (β − β)T (τ 2 I + η 2 γ 2 duuT )(β − β) + σ 2 + Table 1: Formulas for theoretical prediction error used in simulations (derived from Theorem 2 and Propositions 1-2). [sent-217, score-0.327]

80 Expectations in theoretical prediction error expressions for ypcr and ybc were ˆ ˆ computed empirically. [sent-218, score-0.963]

81 Prediction error for ypcr (PCR), ybc (Bias-corrected PCR), and yor (oracle). [sent-221, score-0.98]

82 Observe that ybc has smaller ˆ empirical prediction error than ypcr in every setting considered in Tables 2-3, and ybc substantially ˆ ˆ outperforms ypcr in most settings. [sent-251, score-1.777]

83 Indeed, the empirical prediction error for ybc when n = 9 is ˆ ˆ smaller than that of ypcr when n = 20 (for both d = 500 and d = 5000); in other words, ybc ˆ ˆ outperforms ypcr , even when ypcr has more than twice as much training data. [sent-252, score-2.204]

84 Additionally, the ˆ ˆ empirical prediction error of ybc is quite close to that of the oracle method yor , especially when n ˆ ˆ is relatively large. [sent-253, score-0.696]

85 These results highlight the effectiveness of the bias-corrected PCR method ybc in ˆ settings where σ 2 and n are small, η 2 γ 2 /τ 2 is substantially larger than 0, and d is large. [sent-254, score-0.399]

86 For n = 2, 4, theoretical prediction error is unavailable in some instances. [sent-255, score-0.137]

87 Prediction error for ypcr (PCR), ybc (Bias-corrected PCR), and yor (oracle). [sent-257, score-0.98]

88 17%) pursued an expression for RV (ˆpcr ) when n = 2 (it appears that RV (ˆpcr ) < ∞); furthermore, the y y approximations in Theorem 2 for RV (ˆpcr ), RV (ˆbc ) do not apply when n = 4. [sent-286, score-0.069]

89 In instances where y y theoretical prediction error is available, is finite, and d = 500, the relative error between empirical and theoretical prediction error for ypcr and ybc ranges from 8. [sent-287, score-1.19]

90 Thus, the accuracy of the theoretical prediction error formulas tends to improve as d increases, as one would expect. [sent-292, score-0.159]

91 Further improved measures of theoretical prediction error for ypcr and ybc could potentially be obtained by refining the approximations in Theorem 2 and ˆ ˆ Proposition 1. [sent-293, score-1.011]

92 The simulations described in the previous section indicate that ybc outperforms the uncorrected PCR method ypcr ˆ ˆ in settings where twice as much labeled data is available for ypcr . [sent-306, score-1.253]

93 As opposed to the single-factor model (1)-(2), one could consider a more general k-factor model, where yi = hT θ + ξi and xi = Shi + i ; here hi = (hi1 , . [sent-310, score-0.1]

94 , hik )T ∈ Rk is a multivariate normal random vector i √ (a k-dimensional factor linking yi and xi ), θ = (θ1 , . [sent-313, score-0.089]

95 On the distribution of the largest eigenvalue in principal components analysis. [sent-416, score-0.095]

96 Finite sample approximation results for principal component analysis: A matrix perturbation approach. [sent-424, score-0.105]

97 On consistency and sparsity for principal components analysis in high dimensions. [sent-431, score-0.134]

98 Convergence and prediction of principal component scores in highdimensional settings. [sent-444, score-0.202]

99 Optimal detection of sparse principal components in high dimension. [sent-449, score-0.075]

100 Inadmissibility of the usual estimator for the mean of a multivariate normal distribution. [sent-464, score-0.064]

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[(0, 0.104), (1, 0.026), (2, 0.036), (3, 0.0), (4, 0.006), (5, 0.049), (6, -0.015), (7, 0.048), (8, -0.059), (9, 0.006), (10, -0.012), (11, 0.004), (12, -0.01), (13, 0.007), (14, -0.019), (15, -0.026), (16, 0.025), (17, 0.057), (18, 0.004), (19, 0.049), (20, 0.032), (21, 0.041), (22, -0.037), (23, 0.058), (24, 0.013), (25, -0.003), (26, -0.004), (27, 0.047), (28, 0.003), (29, -0.01), (30, 0.043), (31, -0.016), (32, -0.055), (33, -0.052), (34, 0.017), (35, -0.067), (36, -0.081), (37, -0.1), (38, 0.059), (39, 0.069), (40, 0.046), (41, -0.049), (42, 0.015), (43, -0.04), (44, -0.064), (45, 0.086), (46, -0.039), (47, 0.012), (48, 0.076), (49, 0.044)]

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Author: Lee H. Dicker, Dean P. Foster

Abstract: We model a “one-shot learning” situation, where very few observations y1 , ..., yn ∈ R are available. Associated with each observation yi is a very highdimensional vector xi ∈ Rd , which provides context for yi and enables us to predict subsequent observations, given their own context. One of the salient features of our analysis is that the problems studied here are easier when the dimension of xi is large; in other words, prediction becomes easier when more context is provided. The proposed methodology is a variant of principal component regression (PCR). Our rigorous analysis sheds new light on PCR. For instance, we show that classical PCR estimators may be inconsistent in the specified setting, unless they are multiplied by a scalar c > 1; that is, unless the classical estimator is expanded. This expansion phenomenon appears to be somewhat novel and contrasts with shrinkage methods (c < 1), which are far more common in big data analyses. 1

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Abstract: In this paper we focus on the principal component regression and its application to high dimension non-Gaussian data. The major contributions are two folds. First, in low dimensions and under the Gaussian model, by borrowing the strength from recent development in minimax optimal principal component estimation, we first time sharply characterize the potential advantage of classical principal component regression over least square estimation. Secondly, we propose and analyze a new robust sparse principal component regression on high dimensional elliptically distributed data. The elliptical distribution is a semiparametric generalization of the Gaussian, including many well known distributions such as multivariate Gaussian, rank-deficient Gaussian, t, Cauchy, and logistic. It allows the random vector to be heavy tailed and have tail dependence. These extra flexibilities make it very suitable for modeling finance and biomedical imaging data. Under the elliptical model, we prove that our method can estimate the regression coefficients in the optimal parametric rate and therefore is a good alternative to the Gaussian based methods. Experiments on synthetic and real world data are conducted to illustrate the empirical usefulness of the proposed method. 1

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Author: Lee H. Dicker, Dean P. Foster

Abstract: We model a “one-shot learning” situation, where very few observations y1 , ..., yn ∈ R are available. Associated with each observation yi is a very highdimensional vector xi ∈ Rd , which provides context for yi and enables us to predict subsequent observations, given their own context. One of the salient features of our analysis is that the problems studied here are easier when the dimension of xi is large; in other words, prediction becomes easier when more context is provided. The proposed methodology is a variant of principal component regression (PCR). Our rigorous analysis sheds new light on PCR. For instance, we show that classical PCR estimators may be inconsistent in the specified setting, unless they are multiplied by a scalar c > 1; that is, unless the classical estimator is expanded. This expansion phenomenon appears to be somewhat novel and contrasts with shrinkage methods (c < 1), which are far more common in big data analyses. 1

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