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76 nips-2013-Correlated random features for fast semi-supervised learning

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Author: Brian McWilliams, David Balduzzi, Joachim Buhmann

Abstract: This paper presents Correlated Nystr¨ m Views (XNV), a fast semi-supervised alo gorithm for regression and classification. The algorithm draws on two main ideas. First, it generates two views consisting of computationally inexpensive random features. Second, multiview regression, using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) on unlabeled data, biases the regression towards useful features. It has been shown that CCA regression can substantially reduce variance with a minimal increase in bias if the views contains accurate estimators. Recent theoretical and empirical work shows that regression with random features closely approximates kernel regression, implying that the accuracy requirement holds for random views. We show that XNV consistently outperforms a state-of-the-art algorithm for semi-supervised learning: substantially improving predictive performance and reducing the variability of performance on a wide variety of real-world datasets, whilst also reducing runtime by orders of magnitude. 1

Reference: text

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1 Correlated random features for fast semi-supervised learning Brian McWilliams ETH Z¨ rich, Switzerland u brian. [sent-1, score-0.077]

2 ch Abstract This paper presents Correlated Nystr¨ m Views (XNV), a fast semi-supervised alo gorithm for regression and classification. [sent-10, score-0.058]

3 First, it generates two views consisting of computationally inexpensive random features. [sent-12, score-0.212]

4 Second, multiview regression, using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) on unlabeled data, biases the regression towards useful features. [sent-13, score-0.156]

5 It has been shown that CCA regression can substantially reduce variance with a minimal increase in bias if the views contains accurate estimators. [sent-14, score-0.307]

6 Recent theoretical and empirical work shows that regression with random features closely approximates kernel regression, implying that the accuracy requirement holds for random views. [sent-15, score-0.2]

7 We show that XNV consistently outperforms a state-of-the-art algorithm for semi-supervised learning: substantially improving predictive performance and reducing the variability of performance on a wide variety of real-world datasets, whilst also reducing runtime by orders of magnitude. [sent-16, score-0.071]

8 For learning non-linear relationships, kernel methods achieve excellent performance but na¨vely require operations cubic in ı the number of training points. [sent-18, score-0.092]

9 Random features have been introduced to approximate kernel machines when the number of training examples is very large, rendering exact kernel computation intractable. [sent-20, score-0.234]

10 Among several different approaches, the Nystr¨ m method for low-rank kernel approximation [1] exhibits good theoretical o properties and empirical performance [3–5]. [sent-21, score-0.102]

11 Semi-supervised learning aims to improve prediction by extracting useful structure from the unlabeled data points and using this in conjunction with a function learned on a small number of labeled points. [sent-23, score-0.212]

12 We investigate two ways of doing so: one based on the Nystr¨ m method and another based on random o Fourier features (so-called kitchen sinks) [2, 6]. [sent-28, score-0.11]

13 It turns out that the Nystr¨ m method almost always o outperforms Fourier features by a quite large margin, so we only report these results in the main text. [sent-29, score-0.11]

14 The second step, following [7], uses Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA, [8, 9]) to bias the optimization procedure towards features that are correlated across the views. [sent-30, score-0.148]

15 Intuitively, if both views contain accurate estimators, then penalizing uncorrelated features reduces variance without increasing the bias by much. [sent-31, score-0.411]

16 Recent theoretical work by Bach [5] shows that Nystr¨ m views can be exo pected to contain accurate estimators. [sent-32, score-0.211]

17 We find that XNV outperforms SSSL by around 10-15% on average, depending on the number of labeled points available, see §3. [sent-34, score-0.127]

18 We also find that the performance of XNV exhibits dramatically less variability than SSSL, with a typical reduction of 30%. [sent-35, score-0.06]

19 However, since SSSL does not scale up to large sets of unlabeled data, we modify SSSL by introducing a Nystr¨ m approximation to improve runtime performance. [sent-37, score-0.122]

20 Our approximate version of SSSL outperforms kernel ridge regression (KRR) by > 50% on the 18 datasets on average, in line with the results reported in [10], suggesting that we lose little by replacing the exact SSSL with our approximate implementation. [sent-39, score-0.254]

21 Surprisingly, despite guaranteeing improved prediction performance under a relatively weak assumption on the views, CCA regression has not been widely used since its proposal – to the best of our knowledge this is first empirical evaluation of multi-view regression’s performance. [sent-43, score-0.108]

22 A possible reason for this is the difficulty in obtaining naturally occurring data equipped with multiple views that can be shown to satisfy the multi-view assumption. [sent-44, score-0.195]

23 We overcome this problem by constructing random views that satisfy the assumption by design. [sent-45, score-0.243]

24 First, given two equally useful but sufficiently different views on a dataset, penalizing regression using the canonical norm (computed via CCA), can substantially improve performance [7]. [sent-48, score-0.46]

25 The second is the Nystr¨ m method for constructing random features [1], which we use to o construct the views. [sent-49, score-0.107]

26 , (xn , yn ) for xi 2 RD and yi 2 R, sampled according to joint distribution P (x, y). [sent-54, score-0.096]

27 Further suppose we have two views on the data z(⌫) : RD ! [sent-55, score-0.195]

28 Further let L(Z) denote the space of linear maps from a linear space Z to the reals, and define: f (⌫) := argmin loss(g) for ⌫ 2 {1, 2} and f := argmin loss(g). [sent-61, score-0.064]

29 CCA finds bases for the two sets of variables such that the correlation between projections onto the bases are maximized. [sent-66, score-0.126]

30 ⇣ ⌘ (1) (2) The first pair of canonical basis vectors, b1 , b1 is found by solving: ⇣ ⌘ argmax corr b(1)> z(1) , b(2)> z(2) . [sent-67, score-0.152]

31 Orthogonality: ET zj zk ] = jk , where jk is the Kronecker delta, and ⇥ (1)> (2) ⇤ ¯ ¯ 2. [sent-73, score-0.091]

32 is referred to as the j th canonical correlation coefficient. [sent-79, score-0.195]

33 Given vector z(⌫) in the canonical basis, define its canonical norm as v uD ⇣ ⌘2 uX 1 j (⌫) (⌫) k¯ kCCA := t z zj ¯ . [sent-81, score-0.315]

34 Assume we observe n pairs of views coupled with real valued labels n on h i> (⌫) (1) (2) (⌫) (⌫) zi , zi , yi , canonical ridge regression finds coefficients b = b1 , . [sent-83, score-0.561]

35 , bM such that i=1 X⇣ b (⌫) := argmin 1 yi n i=1 n (⌫) > (⌫) ¯ zi ⌘2 +k (⌫) 2 kCCA . [sent-86, score-0.098]

36 (3) The resulting estimator, referred to as the canonical shrinkage estimator, is b(⌫) = j j n n X (⌫) (4) ¯ zi,j yi . [sent-87, score-0.197]

37 i=1 Penalizing with the canonical norm biases the optimization towards features that are highly correlated across the views. [sent-88, score-0.282]

38 Good regressors exist in both views by Assumption 1. [sent-89, score-0.215]

39 Thus, intuitively, penalizing uncorrelated features significantly reduces variance, without increasing the bias by much. [sent-90, score-0.184]

40 Let (⌫) f b denote the estimator constructed with the canonical shrinkage estimator, Eq. [sent-93, score-0.179]

41 P 2 1 The first term, 5✏, bounds the bias of the canonical estimator, whereas the second, n j bounds P 2 the variance. [sent-96, score-0.159]

42 The j can be thought of as a measure of the “intrinsic dimensionality” of the unlabeled data, which controls the rate of convergence. [sent-97, score-0.072]

43 If the canonical correlation coefficients decay sufficiently rapidly, then the increase in bias is more than made up for by the decrease in variance. [sent-98, score-0.217]

44 2 Constructing random views We construct two views satisfying Assumption 1 in expectation, see Theorem 3 below. [sent-100, score-0.39]

45 To ensure our method scales to large sets of unlabeled data, we use random features generated using the Nystr¨ m o method [1]. [sent-101, score-0.149]

46 Where here, (x) defines a mapping from RD to a high dimensional feature space and (·, ·) is a positive semi-definite kernel function. [sent-104, score-0.065]

47 The idea behind random features is to instead define a lower-dimensional mapping, z(xi ) : RD ! [sent-105, score-0.077]

48 Vectors of random features can be constructed as b z(xi ) = D 1/2 > b ˆ ˆ V> [(xi , x1 ), . [sent-119, score-0.077]

49 Constructing features in this way reduces the time complexity of learning a non-linear prediction function from O(N 3 ) to O(N ) [15]. [sent-123, score-0.127]

50 , 'r } where r is the rank of K and the 'i are the first ˆ ˆ ˆ r eigenfunctions of LM . [sent-128, score-0.074]

51 H spanned by the eigenfunctions of linear operator LM in Eq. [sent-130, score-0.074]

52 Solving o minr w2R is equivalent to solving N 1 X `(w> z(xi ), yi ) + kwk2 2 N i=1 2 N 1 X `(f (xi ), yi ) + kf k2  . [sent-132, score-0.08]

53 3 (7) (8) The proposed algorithm: Correlated Nystr¨ m Views (XNV) o Algorithm 1 details our approach to semi-supervised learning based on generating two views consisting of Nystr¨ m random features and penalizing features which are weakly correlated across views. [sent-134, score-0.449]

54 o The setting is that we have labeled data {xi , yi }n and a large amount of unlabeled data {xi }N i=1 i=n+1 . [sent-135, score-0.193]

55 The next two steps implement multi-view regression using the randomly generated views z(1) (x) and z(2) (x). [sent-137, score-0.253]

56 o n Input: Labeled data: {xi , yi }i=1 and unlabeled data: {xi }N i=n+1 ˆ ˆ 1: Generate features. [sent-140, score-0.112]

57 , x2M uniformly from the dataset, compute the eigendecomˆ ˆ positions of the sub-sampled kernel matrices K(1) and K(2) which are constructed from the samples 1, . [sent-144, score-0.065]

58 Compute CCA bases B(1) , B(2) and canonical correlations ¯ two views and set zi 3: Labeled data. [sent-155, score-0.413]

59 M for the (9) features are heavily downweighted in the CCA basis without introducing an additional tuning parameter. [sent-161, score-0.092]

60 The further penalty on the `2 norm (in the CCA basis) is introduced as a practical measure to control the variance of the estimator b which can become large if there are many highly correlated 1 features (i. [sent-162, score-0.183]

61 Nystr¨ m sampling, step 1, reduces the O(N 3 ) o operations required for kernel learning to O(N ). [sent-170, score-0.083]

62 The quality of the kernel approximation in (5) has been the subject of detailed study in recent years leading to a number of strong empirical and theoretical results [3–5, 15]. [sent-175, score-0.083]

63 , yN ] , and define smoothed estimate ykernel := (K + 1 ˜ ˜ ˆ N I) K(y + ⇠) and smoothed Nystr¨ m estimate yNystr¨ m := (K + N I) 1 K(y + ⇠), both o o computed by minimizing the MSE with ridge penalty . [sent-181, score-0.171]

64 For sufficiently large M (depending on ⌘, see [5]), we have ⇥ ⇤ ⇥ ⇤ ˆ ˆ EM E⇠ ky yNystr¨ m k2  (1 + 4⌘) · E⇠ ky ykernel k2 o 2 2 ˜ where EM refers to the expectation over subsampled columns used to construct K. [sent-183, score-0.08]

65 In short, the best smoothed estimators in the Nystr¨ m views are close to the optimal smoothed o estimator. [sent-184, score-0.255]

66 Since the kernel estimate is consistent, loss(f ) ! [sent-185, score-0.065]

67 An alternative approach to constructing random views is to use Fourier features instead of Nystr¨ m features in Step 1. [sent-190, score-0.379]

68 We therefore do not discuss Fourier features in the main text, see §SI. [sent-193, score-0.077]

69 (6) and then solves argmin w2Rs n X i=1 0 s X @ wj j=1 k (xi ) 12 yi A , (10) where s is set by the user. [sent-199, score-0.072]

70 First, instead of constructing the full Gram matrix, we construct a Nystr¨ m approximation by sampling M points from the labeled and o unlabeled training set. [sent-205, score-0.255]

71 Second, instead of thresholding eigenfunctions, we use the easier to tune ridge penalty which penalizes directions proportional to the inverse square of their eigenvalues [18]. [sent-206, score-0.079]

72 As justification, note that Proposition 2 states that the Nystr¨ m approximation to kernel regression o ˆ actually solves a ridge regression problem in the span of the eigenfunctions of LM . [sent-207, score-0.37]

73 We will also refer to the Nystr¨ m approximation to the span of L o SSSL using 2M features as SSSL2M . [sent-209, score-0.113]

74 The datasets cover a variety of regression (denoted by R) and two-class classification (C) problems. [sent-213, score-0.091]

75 The sarcos dataset involves predicting the joint position of a robot arm; following convention we report results on the 1st, 5th and 7th joint positions. [sent-214, score-0.08]

76 The SSSL algorithm was shown to exhibit state-of-the-art performance over fully and semisupervised methods in scenarios where few labeled training examples are available [10]. [sent-215, score-0.108]

77 We set the kernel width, and the `2 regularisation strength, , for each method using 5-fold cross validation with 1000 labeled training examples. [sent-219, score-0.173]

78 We trained all methods using a squared error loss function, `(f (xi ), yi ) = (f (xi ) yi )2 , with M = 200 random features, and n = 100, 150, 200, . [sent-220, score-0.116]

79 runtimes bank8 cal housing sylva SSSL 72s 2300s SSSL2M 0. [sent-243, score-0.108]

80 3s 26s For the cal housing dataset, XNV exhibits an almost 1800⇥ speed up over SSSL. [sent-247, score-0.095]

81 For regression tasks we report on the mean squared error (MSE) on the testing set normalized by the variance of the test output. [sent-252, score-0.104]

82 XNV vs SSSLM/2M Avg reduction in error Avg reduction in std err n = 100 11% 15% n = 200 16% 30% n = 300 15% 31% n = 400 12% 33% n = 500 9% 30% The reduced variability is to be expected from Theorem 1. [sent-256, score-0.149]

83 4 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 number of labeled training points 900 100 1000 (a) adult 300 400 500 600 700 800 number of labeled training points 0 1000 100 200 XNV XNV 0. [sent-279, score-0.27]

84 5 300 400 500 600 700 800 number of labeled training points (c) census 0. [sent-288, score-0.135]

85 2 SSSLM prediction error 900 (b) cal housing 0. [sent-289, score-0.124]

86 The plots in Figure 1 shows a representative comparison of mean prediction errors for several datasets when n = 100, . [sent-306, score-0.065]

87 Observe that XNV almost always improves prediction accuracy and reduces variance compared with SSSLM and SSSL2M when the labeled training set contains between 100 and 500 labeled points. [sent-311, score-0.255]

88 This suggests that when there are few labeled points, obtaining a 6 Computed in Matlab 7. [sent-316, score-0.081]

89 7 more accurate estimate of the eigenfunctions of the kernel does not necessarily improve predictive performance. [sent-318, score-0.155]

90 Indeed, when more random features are added, stronger regularization is required to reduce the influence of uninformative features, this also has the effect of downweighting informative features. [sent-319, score-0.077]

91 2 compares the performance of SSSLM and XNV to fully supervised kernel ridge regression (KRR). [sent-322, score-0.202]

92 Nystr¨ m features significantly outperform Fourier features, in line o with observations in [3]. [sent-325, score-0.077]

93 The table below shows the relative improvement of XNV over XKS: XNV vs XKS Avg reduction in error Avg reduction in std err n = 100 30% 36% n = 200 28% 44% n = 300 26% 34% n = 400 25% 37% n = 500 24% 36% Further results and discussion for XKS are included in the supplementary material. [sent-326, score-0.129]

94 By combining two randomly generated views of Nystr¨ m features via an efficient implementation of CCA, XNV outperforms the o prior state-of-the-art, SSSL, by 10-15% (depending on the number of labeled points) on average over 18 datasets. [sent-546, score-0.372]

95 An interesting research direction is to investigate using the recently developed deep CCA algorithm, which extracts higher order correlations between views [19], as a preprocessing step. [sent-548, score-0.216]

96 Since CCA gives us a criterion by which to measure the important of random features, in the future we aim to investigate active sampling schemes based on canonical correlations which may yield better performance by selecting the most informative indices to sample. [sent-550, score-0.158]

97 o 8 References [1] Williams C, Seeger M: Using the Nystr¨ m method to speed up kernel machines. [sent-553, score-0.065]

98 [5] Bach F: Sharp analysis of low-rank kernel approximations. [sent-561, score-0.065]

99 [11] Belkin M, Niyogi P, Sindhwani V: Manifold regularization: A geometric framework for learning from labeled and unlabeled examples. [sent-573, score-0.153]

100 [12] Blum A, Mitchell T: Combining labeled and unlabeled data with co-training. [sent-575, score-0.153]

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3 0.69286937 144 nips-2013-Inverse Density as an Inverse Problem: the Fredholm Equation Approach

Author: Qichao Que, Mikhail Belkin

Abstract: q We address the problem of estimating the ratio p where p is a density function and q is another density, or, more generally an arbitrary function. Knowing or approximating this ratio is needed in various problems of inference and integration often referred to as importance sampling in statistical inference. It is also closely related to the problem of covariate shift in transfer learning. Our approach is based on reformulating the problem of estimating the ratio as an inverse problem in terms of an integral operator corresponding to a kernel, known as the Fredholm problem of the first kind. This formulation, combined with the techniques of regularization leads to a principled framework for constructing algorithms and for analyzing them theoretically. The resulting family of algorithms (FIRE, for Fredholm Inverse Regularized Estimator) is flexible, simple and easy to implement. We provide detailed theoretical analysis including concentration bounds and convergence rates for the Gaussian kernel for densities defined on Rd and smooth d-dimensional sub-manifolds of the Euclidean space. Model selection for unsupervised or semi-supervised inference is generally a difficult problem. It turns out that in the density ratio estimation setting, when samples from both distributions are available, simple completely unsupervised model selection methods are available. We call this mechanism CD-CV for Cross-Density Cross-Validation. We show encouraging experimental results including applications to classification within the covariate shift framework. 1

4 0.64513141 40 nips-2013-Approximate Inference in Continuous Determinantal Processes

Author: Raja Hafiz Affandi, Emily Fox, Ben Taskar

Abstract: Determinantal point processes (DPPs) are random point processes well-suited for modeling repulsion. In machine learning, the focus of DPP-based models has been on diverse subset selection from a discrete and finite base set. This discrete setting admits an efficient sampling algorithm based on the eigendecomposition of the defining kernel matrix. Recently, there has been growing interest in using DPPs defined on continuous spaces. While the discrete-DPP sampler extends formally to the continuous case, computationally, the steps required are not tractable in general. In this paper, we present two efficient DPP sampling schemes that apply to a wide range of kernel functions: one based on low rank approximations via Nystr¨ m o and random Fourier feature techniques and another based on Gibbs sampling. We demonstrate the utility of continuous DPPs in repulsive mixture modeling and synthesizing human poses spanning activity spaces. 1

5 0.64406282 327 nips-2013-The Randomized Dependence Coefficient

Author: David Lopez-Paz, Philipp Hennig, Bernhard Schölkopf

Abstract: We introduce the Randomized Dependence Coefficient (RDC), a measure of nonlinear dependence between random variables of arbitrary dimension based on the Hirschfeld-Gebelein-R´ nyi Maximum Correlation Coefficient. RDC is defined in e terms of correlation of random non-linear copula projections; it is invariant with respect to marginal distribution transformations, has low computational cost and is easy to implement: just five lines of R code, included at the end of the paper. 1

6 0.63651472 170 nips-2013-Learning with Invariance via Linear Functionals on Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space

7 0.60564852 135 nips-2013-Heterogeneous-Neighborhood-based Multi-Task Local Learning Algorithms

8 0.5920819 90 nips-2013-Direct 0-1 Loss Minimization and Margin Maximization with Boosting

9 0.58635306 244 nips-2013-Parametric Task Learning

10 0.57630074 297 nips-2013-Sketching Structured Matrices for Faster Nonlinear Regression

11 0.55319202 44 nips-2013-B-test: A Non-parametric, Low Variance Kernel Two-sample Test

12 0.55108935 171 nips-2013-Learning with Noisy Labels

13 0.54500753 225 nips-2013-One-shot learning and big data with n=2

14 0.53714502 211 nips-2013-Non-Linear Domain Adaptation with Boosting

15 0.53306997 31 nips-2013-Adaptivity to Local Smoothness and Dimension in Kernel Regression

16 0.52404058 145 nips-2013-It is all in the noise: Efficient multi-task Gaussian process inference with structured residuals

17 0.51908463 209 nips-2013-New Subsampling Algorithms for Fast Least Squares Regression

18 0.51764017 223 nips-2013-On the Relationship Between Binary Classification, Bipartite Ranking, and Binary Class Probability Estimation

19 0.51506591 65 nips-2013-Compressive Feature Learning

20 0.51146907 120 nips-2013-Faster Ridge Regression via the Subsampled Randomized Hadamard Transform

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1 0.76951802 12 nips-2013-A Novel Two-Step Method for Cross Language Representation Learning

Author: Min Xiao, Yuhong Guo

Abstract: Cross language text classification is an important learning task in natural language processing. A critical challenge of cross language learning arises from the fact that words of different languages are in disjoint feature spaces. In this paper, we propose a two-step representation learning method to bridge the feature spaces of different languages by exploiting a set of parallel bilingual documents. Specifically, we first formulate a matrix completion problem to produce a complete parallel document-term matrix for all documents in two languages, and then induce a low dimensional cross-lingual document representation by applying latent semantic indexing on the obtained matrix. We use a projected gradient descent algorithm to solve the formulated matrix completion problem with convergence guarantees. The proposed method is evaluated by conducting a set of experiments with cross language sentiment classification tasks on Amazon product reviews. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed learning method outperforms a number of other cross language representation learning methods, especially when the number of parallel bilingual documents is small. 1

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Author: Brian McWilliams, David Balduzzi, Joachim Buhmann

Abstract: This paper presents Correlated Nystr¨ m Views (XNV), a fast semi-supervised alo gorithm for regression and classification. The algorithm draws on two main ideas. First, it generates two views consisting of computationally inexpensive random features. Second, multiview regression, using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) on unlabeled data, biases the regression towards useful features. It has been shown that CCA regression can substantially reduce variance with a minimal increase in bias if the views contains accurate estimators. Recent theoretical and empirical work shows that regression with random features closely approximates kernel regression, implying that the accuracy requirement holds for random views. We show that XNV consistently outperforms a state-of-the-art algorithm for semi-supervised learning: substantially improving predictive performance and reducing the variability of performance on a wide variety of real-world datasets, whilst also reducing runtime by orders of magnitude. 1

3 0.65342063 118 nips-2013-Fast Determinantal Point Process Sampling with Application to Clustering

Author: Byungkon Kang

Abstract: Determinantal Point Process (DPP) has gained much popularity for modeling sets of diverse items. The gist of DPP is that the probability of choosing a particular set of items is proportional to the determinant of a positive definite matrix that defines the similarity of those items. However, computing the determinant requires time cubic in the number of items, and is hence impractical for large sets. In this paper, we address this problem by constructing a rapidly mixing Markov chain, from which we can acquire a sample from the given DPP in sub-cubic time. In addition, we show that this framework can be extended to sampling from cardinalityconstrained DPPs. As an application, we show how our sampling algorithm can be used to provide a fast heuristic for determining the number of clusters, resulting in better clustering.

4 0.60235673 341 nips-2013-Universal models for binary spike patterns using centered Dirichlet processes

Author: Il M. Park, Evan W. Archer, Kenneth Latimer, Jonathan W. Pillow

Abstract: Probabilistic models for binary spike patterns provide a powerful tool for understanding the statistical dependencies in large-scale neural recordings. Maximum entropy (or “maxent”) models, which seek to explain dependencies in terms of low-order interactions between neurons, have enjoyed remarkable success in modeling such patterns, particularly for small groups of neurons. However, these models are computationally intractable for large populations, and low-order maxent models have been shown to be inadequate for some datasets. To overcome these limitations, we propose a family of “universal” models for binary spike patterns, where universality refers to the ability to model arbitrary distributions over all 2m binary patterns. We construct universal models using a Dirichlet process centered on a well-behaved parametric base measure, which naturally combines the flexibility of a histogram and the parsimony of a parametric model. We derive computationally efficient inference methods using Bernoulli and cascaded logistic base measures, which scale tractably to large populations. We also establish a condition for equivalence between the cascaded logistic and the 2nd-order maxent or “Ising” model, making cascaded logistic a reasonable choice for base measure in a universal model. We illustrate the performance of these models using neural data. 1

5 0.52870721 215 nips-2013-On Decomposing the Proximal Map

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