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242 nips-2013-PAC-Bayes-Empirical-Bernstein Inequality

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Author: Ilya O. Tolstikhin, Yevgeny Seldin

Abstract: We present a PAC-Bayes-Empirical-Bernstein inequality. The inequality is based on a combination of the PAC-Bayesian bounding technique with an Empirical Bernstein bound. We show that when the empirical variance is significantly smaller than the empirical loss the PAC-Bayes-Empirical-Bernstein inequality is significantly tighter than the PAC-Bayes-kl inequality of Seeger (2002) and otherwise it is comparable. Our theoretical analysis is confirmed empirically on a synthetic example and several UCI datasets. The PAC-Bayes-Empirical-Bernstein inequality is an interesting example of an application of the PAC-Bayesian bounding technique to self-bounding functions. 1

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 The inequality is based on a combination of the PAC-Bayesian bounding technique with an Empirical Bernstein bound. [sent-6, score-0.433]

2 We show that when the empirical variance is significantly smaller than the empirical loss the PAC-Bayes-Empirical-Bernstein inequality is significantly tighter than the PAC-Bayes-kl inequality of Seeger (2002) and otherwise it is comparable. [sent-7, score-1.185]

3 The PAC-Bayes-Empirical-Bernstein inequality is an interesting example of an application of the PAC-Bayesian bounding technique to self-bounding functions. [sent-9, score-0.433]

4 PAC-Bayesian analysis provides concentration inequalities for the divergence between expected and empirical loss of randomized prediction rules. [sent-13, score-0.555]

5 For a hypothesis space H a randomized prediction rule associated with a distribution ρ over H operates by picking a hypothesis at random according to ρ from H each time it has to make a prediction. [sent-14, score-0.303]

6 If ρ is a delta-distribution we recover classical prediction rules that pick a single hypothesis h ∈ H. [sent-15, score-0.134]

7 Otherwise, the prediction strategy resembles Bayesian prediction from the posterior distribution, with a distinction that ρ does not have to be the Bayes posterior. [sent-16, score-0.176]

8 Importantly, many of PAC-Bayesian inequalities hold for all posterior distributions ρ simultaneously (with high probability over a random draw of a training set). [sent-17, score-0.351]

9 Ideally, we prefer to derive new algorithms that find the posterior distribution ρ that minimizes the PAC-Bayesian bound on the expected loss. [sent-19, score-0.317]

10 However, we can also use PAC-Bayesian bounds in order to estimate the expected loss of posterior distributions ρ that were found by other algorithms, such as empirical risk minimization, regularized empirical risk minimization, Bayesian posteriors, and so forth. [sent-20, score-0.655]

11 There are two forms of PAC-Bayesian inequalities that are currently known to be the tightest depending on a situation. [sent-22, score-0.123]

12 One is the PAC-Bayes-kl inequality of Seeger [7] and the other is the PACBayes-Bernstein inequality of Seldin et. [sent-23, score-0.58]

13 However, the PAC-Bayes-Bernstein inequality is expressed in terms of the true expected variance, which is rarely accessible in practice. [sent-26, score-0.388]

14 Therefore, in order to apply the PAC-Bayes-Bernstein inequality we need an upper bound on the expected variance 1 (or, more precisely, on the average of the expected variances of losses of each hypothesis h ∈ H weighted according to the randomized prediction rule ρ). [sent-27, score-1.156]

15 In fact, for the binary loss this result cannot be significantly improved (see Section 3). [sent-29, score-0.144]

16 However, when the loss is not binary it may be possible to obtain a tighter bound on the variance, which will lead to a tighter bound on the loss than the PAC-Bayes-kl inequality. [sent-30, score-0.906]

17 [6] a deterministic upper bound on the variance of importance-weighted sampling combined with PAC-Bayes-Bernstein inequality yielded an order of magnitude improvement relative to application of PAC-Bayes-kl inequality to the same problem. [sent-33, score-0.927]

18 We note that the bound on the variance used by Seldin et. [sent-34, score-0.304]

19 In this work we derive the PAC-Bayes-Empirical-Bernstein bound, in which the expected average variance of the loss weighted by ρ is replaced by the weighted average of the empirical variance of the loss. [sent-37, score-0.572]

20 Bounding the expected variance by the empirical variance is generally tighter than bounding it by the empirical loss. [sent-38, score-0.762]

21 Therefore, the PAC-Bayes-Empirical-Bernstein bound is generally tighter than the PAC-Bayes-kl bound, although the exact comparison also depends on the divergence between the posterior and the prior and the sample size. [sent-39, score-0.466]

22 In Section 5 we provide an empirical comparison of the two bounds on several synthetic and UCI datasets. [sent-40, score-0.213]

23 In the first step we combine the PAC-Bayesian bounding technique with the Empirical Bernstein inequality [9] and derive a PACBayesian bound on the variance. [sent-42, score-0.604]

24 The PAC-Bayesian bound on the variance bounds the divergence between averages [weighted by ρ] of expected and empirical variances of the losses of hypotheses in H and holds with high probability for all averaging distributions ρ simultaneously. [sent-43, score-0.903]

25 In the second step the PAC-Bayesian bound on the variance is substituted into the PAC-Bayes-Bernstein inequality yielding the PAC-Bayes-Empirical-Bernstein bound. [sent-44, score-0.594]

26 training sample S = {(Xi , Yi )}n drawn according to an unknown distribution D on the product-space i=1 X × Y, a loss function : Y 2 → [0, 1], and a hypothesis class H. [sent-53, score-0.285]

27 We use h (X, Y ) = (Y, h(X)) to denote the loss of a hypothesis h on a pair (X, Y ). [sent-55, score-0.245]

28 For a fixed hypothesis h ∈ H denote its expected loss by L(h) = E(X,Y )∼D [ h (X, Y )], n 1 the empirical loss Ln (h) = n i=1 h (Xi , Yi ), and the variance of the loss V(h) = Var(X,Y )∼D [ h (X, Y )] = E(X,Y )∼D h (X, Y ) − E(X,Y )∼D [ h (X, Y )] 2 . [sent-56, score-0.828]

29 We define Gibbs regression rule Gρ associated with a distribution ρ over H in the following way: for each point X Gibbs regression rule draws a hypothesis h according to ρ and applies it to X. [sent-57, score-0.279]

30 The expected loss of Gibbs regression rule is denoted by L(Gρ ) = Eh∼ρ [L(h)] and the empirical loss is ρ(h) denoted by Ln (Gρ ) = Eh∼ρ [Ln (h)]. [sent-58, score-0.539]

31 We use KL(ρ π) = Eh∼ρ ln π(h) to denote the KullbackLeibler divergence between two probability distributions [10]. [sent-59, score-0.501]

32 2 PAC-Bayes-kl bound Before presenting our results we review several existing PAC-Bayesian bounds. [sent-63, score-0.202]

33 The result in Theorem 1 was presented by Maurer [11, Theorem 5] and is one of the tightest known concentration bounds on the expected loss of Gibbs regression rule. [sent-64, score-0.434]

34 Theorem 1 generalizes (and slightly tightens) PAC-Bayes-kl inequality of Seeger [7, Theorem 1] from binary to arbitrary loss functions bounded in the [0, 1] interval. [sent-65, score-0.473]

35 For any fixed probability distribution π over H, for any n ≥ 8 and δ > 0, with probability greater than 1 − δ over a random draw of a sample S, for all distributions ρ over H simultaneously: √ KL(ρ π) + ln 2 δ n kl Ln (Gρ ) L(Gρ ) ≤ . [sent-67, score-0.864]

36 (1) n kl(q p)/2, Theorem 1 directly implies (up to minor Since by Pinsker’s inequality |p − q| ≤ factors) the more explicit PAC-Bayesian bound of McAllester [12]: √ KL(ρ π) + ln 2 δ n L(Gρ ) ≤ Ln (Gρ ) + , (2) 2n which holds with probability greater than 1 − δ for all ρ simultaneously. [sent-68, score-0.964]

37 We note that kl is easy to invert numerically and for small values of Ln (Gρ ) (less than 1/4) the implicit bound in (1) is significantly tighter than the explicit bound in (2). [sent-69, score-0.723]

38 This can be seen from another relaxation suggested by McAllester [2], which follows from (1) by the inequality p ≤ q + 2qkl(q p) + 2kl(q p) for p < q: √ L(Gρ ) ≤ Ln (Gρ ) + √ 2Ln (Gρ ) KL(ρ π) + ln 2 δ n 2 KL(ρ π) + ln 2 δ n + . [sent-70, score-1.108]

39 (3) n n From inequality (3) we clearly see that inequality (1) achieves “fast convergence rate” or, in other √ words, when L(Gρ ) is zero (or small compared to 1/ n) the bound converges at the rate of 1/n √ rather than 1/ n as a function of n. [sent-71, score-0.751]

40 [8] introduced a general technique for combining PAC-Bayesian analysis with concentration of measure inequalities and derived the PAC-Bayes-Bernstein bound cited below. [sent-75, score-0.364]

41 n ¯ Furthermore, the result holds if Eρ [V(h)] is replaced by an upper bound V (ρ), as long as ¯ (ρ) ≤ 1 for all ρ. [sent-84, score-0.241]

42 worked with cumulative losses and variances, whereas we work with normalized losses and variances, which means that their losses and variances differ by a multiplicative factor of n from our definitions. [sent-88, score-0.375]

43 Second, we note that the statement on the possibility of replacing Eρ [V(h)] by an upper bound is not part of [8, Theorem 8], but it is mentioned and analyzed explicitly in the text. [sent-89, score-0.214]

44 Since 4 is a trivial upper bound on the variance of a random variable bounded in the [0, 1] interval, the requirement is not a limitation. [sent-91, score-0.386]

45 Finally, we note that since we are working with “one-sided” variables (namely, the loss is bounded in the [0, 1] interval rather than “two-sided” [−1, 1] interval, which was considered in [8]) the variance is bounded by 1 (rather than 1), which leads to a slight improvement in the value of ν1 . [sent-92, score-0.396]

46 4 Since in reality we rarely have access to the expected variance Eρ [V(h)] the tightness of Theorem ¯ 2 entirely depends on the tightness of the upper bound V (ρ). [sent-93, score-0.525]

47 If we use the trivial upper bound Eρ [V(h)] ≤ 1 the result is roughly equivalent to (2), which is inferior to Theorem 1. [sent-94, score-0.247]

48 Design of a 4 tighter upper bound on Eρ [V(h)] that holds for all ρ simultaneously is the subject of the following section. [sent-95, score-0.463]

49 3 Main Results The key result of our paper is a PAC-Bayesian bound on the average expected variance Eρ [V(h)] given in terms of the average empirical variance Eρ [Vn (h)] = Eh∼ρ [Vn (h)], where Vn (h) = 1 n−1 n h (Xi , Yi ) − Ln (h) 2 (5) i=1 is an unbiased estimate of the variance V(h). [sent-96, score-0.732]

50 The bound is given in Theorem 3 and it holds with high probability for all distributions ρ simultaneously. [sent-97, score-0.252]

51 Substitution of this bound into Theorem 2 yields the PAC-Bayes-Empirical-Bernstein inequality given in Theorem 4. [sent-98, score-0.461]

52 Thus, the PAC-BayesEmpirical-Bernstein inequality is based on two subsequent applications of the PAC-Bayesian bounding technique. [sent-99, score-0.391]

53 1 PAC-Bayesian bound on the variance Theorem 3 is based on an application of the PAC-Bayesian bounding technique to the difference Eρ [V(h)] − Eρ [Vn (h)]. [sent-101, score-0.447]

54 We note that Vn (h) is a second-order U-statistics [13] and Theorem 3 provides an interesting example of combining PAC-Bayesian analysis with concentration inequalities for self-bounding functions. [sent-102, score-0.151]

55 Note that (6) closely resembles the explicit bound on L(Gρ ) in (3). [sent-105, score-0.202]

56 If the empirical variance Vn (h) √ is close to zero the impact of the second term of the bound (that scales with 1/ n) is relatively small and we obtain “fast convergence rate” of Eρ [Vn (h)] to Eρ [V(h)]. [sent-106, score-0.399]

57 Finally, we note that the impact of c2 on ln ν2 is relatively small and so c2 can be taken very close to 1. [sent-107, score-0.409]

58 2 PAC-Bayes-Empirical-Bernstein bound Theorem 3 controls the average variance Eρ [V(h)] for all posterior distributions ρ simultaneously. [sent-109, score-0.473]

59 δ By taking δ1 = δ2 = 2 we have the claims of Theorems 2 and 3 holding simultaneously with 4 probability greater than 1 − δ. [sent-110, score-0.151]

60 Substitution of the bound on Eρ [V(h)] from Theorem 3 into the PAC-Bayes-Bernstein inequality in Theorem 2 yields the main result of our paper, the PAC-BayesEmpirical-Bernstein inequality, that controls the loss of Gibbs regression rule Eρ [L(h)] for all posterior distributions ρ simultaneously. [sent-111, score-0.863]

61 We also note that when the loss is bounded in the [0,1] interval we have Vn (h) ≤ (n/(n − 1))Ln (h) (since h (X, Y )2 ≤ h (X, Y )). [sent-118, score-0.224]

62 Therefore, the PB-EB bound is never much worse than the PB-kl bound and if the empirical variance is small compared to the empirical loss it can be much tighter. [sent-119, score-0.809]

63 We note that for the binary loss ( (y, y ) ∈ {0, 1}) we have V(h) = L(h)(1 − L(h)) and in this case the empirical variance cannot be significantly smaller than the empirical loss and PB-EB does not provide an advantage over PB-kl. [sent-120, score-0.611]

64 We also note that the unrelaxed version of the PB-kl inequality in equation (1) has better behavior for very small sample sizes and in such cases PB-kl can be tighter than PB-EB even when the empirical variance is small. [sent-121, score-0.732]

65 7Ln (Gρ ) the PB-EB inequality can be significantly tighter than the PB-kl bound and otherwise it is comparable (except for very small sample sizes). [sent-123, score-0.639]

66 For any function fn : H × (X × Y) → R and for any distribution π over H, such that π is independent of S, with probability greater than 1 − δ over a random draw of S, for all distributions ρ over H simultaneously: 1 Eρ [fn (h, S)] ≤ KL(ρ π) + ln + ln Eπ ES ∼Dn efn (h,S ) . [sent-130, score-1.067]

67 (8) δ The smart part is to choose fn (h, S) so that we get the quantities of interest on the left hand side of (8) and at the same time are able to bound the last term on the right hand side of (8). [sent-131, score-0.248]

68 1 2 Average sample variance 1 2 2 Average sample variance 2. [sent-147, score-0.346]

69 1 Average empirical loss (a) n = 1000 (b) n = 4000 Figure 1: The Ratio of the gap between PB-EB and Ln (Gρ ) to the gap between PB-kl and Ln (Gρ ) for different values of n, Eρ [Vn (h)], and Ln (Gρ ). [sent-153, score-0.239]

70 PB-EB is tighter below the dashed line with label 1. [sent-154, score-0.138]

71 We take fn (h, S) = λ nV(h) − nVn (h) − λ n−1 V(h) 2 and substitute fn and the bound on its moment generating function in (9) into (8). [sent-157, score-0.365]

72 To complete the proof it is left to optimize the bound with respect to λ. [sent-158, score-0.206]

73 Since it is impossible to minimize the bound simultaneously for all ρ with a single value of λ, we follow the technique suggested by Seldin et. [sent-159, score-0.297]

74 and take a grid of λ-s in a form of a geometric progression and apply a union bound over this grid. [sent-161, score-0.209]

75 Then, for each ρ we pick a value of λ from the grid, which is the closest to the value of λ that minimizes the bound for the corresponding ρ. [sent-162, score-0.171]

76 (The approximation of the optimal λ by the closest λ from the grid is behind the factor c2 in the bound and the ln ν2 factor is the result of the union bound over the grid of λ-s. [sent-163, score-0.827]

77 By our choice of δ1 = δ2 = 2 the upper bounds of Theorems 2 and 3 hold simultaneously with probability greater than 1 − δ. [sent-166, score-0.261]

78 b we examine the ratio of the complexity parts of the two bounds PB-EB − Ln (Gρ ) , PB-kl − Ln (Gρ ) where PB-EB is used to denote the value of the PB-EB bound in equation (7) and PB-kl is used to denote the value of the PB-kl bound in equation (1). [sent-171, score-0.445]

79 As we already said, the advantage of the PB-EB inequality over the PB-kl inequality is most prominent in regression (for classification with zero-one loss it is roughly comparable to PB-kl). [sent-182, score-0.772]

80 Below we provide regression experiments with L1 loss on synthetic data and three datasets from the UCI repository [15]. [sent-183, score-0.306]

81 We use the PB-EB and PB-kl bounds to bound the loss of a regularized empirical 6 risk minimization algorithm. [sent-184, score-0.504]

82 In all our experiments the inputs Xi lie in a d-dimensional unit ball centered at the origin ( Xi 2 ≤ 1) and the outputs Y take values in [−0. [sent-185, score-0.157]

83 The hypothesis class HW is defined as HW = hw (X) = w, X : w ∈ Rd , w 2 ≤ 0. [sent-188, score-0.243]

84 This construction ensures that the L1 regression loss (y, y ) = |y − y | is bounded in the [0, 1] −1 interval. [sent-190, score-0.231]

85 The posterior distribution ρw is taken to ˆ ˆ be a uniform distribution on a d-dimensional ball of radius centered at the weight vector w, where ˆ w is the solution of the following minimization problem: 1 ˆ w = arg min w n n |Yi − w, Xi | + λ∗ w 2 . [sent-192, score-0.231]

86 We use binary search in order to find the minimal (non-negative) ˆ λ∗ , such that the posterior ρw is supported by HW (meaning that the ball of radius around w is ˆ within the ball of radius 0. [sent-195, score-0.319]

87 The sigmoid function creates a mismatch between the data generating distribution and the linear hypothesis class. [sent-216, score-0.132]

88 1) this results in small empirical variance of the loss Vn (h) and medium to high empirical loss Ln (h). [sent-218, score-0.611]

89 We see that except for very small sample sizes (n < 1000) the PB-EB bound outperforms the PB-kl bound. [sent-229, score-0.247]

90 Inferior performance for very small sample sizes is a result of domination of the O(1/n) term in the PB-EB bound (7). [sent-230, score-0.247]

91 2 UCI datasets We compare our PAC-Bayes-Empirical-Bernstein inequality (7) with the PAC-Bayes-kl inequality (1) on three UCI regression datasets: Wine Quality, Parkinsons Telemonitoring, and Concrete Compressive Strength. [sent-233, score-0.657]

92 6 Conclusions and future work We derived a new PAC-Bayesian bound that controls the convergence of averages of empirical variances of losses of hypotheses in H to averages of expected variances of losses of hypothesis in H simultaneously for all averaging distributions ρ. [sent-238, score-1.078]

93 This bound is an interesting example of combination 7 0. [sent-239, score-0.171]

94 5 PB−EB PB−kl Train error Test error Expected loss 0. [sent-248, score-0.144]

95 5 PB−EB PB−kl Train error Test error Expected loss Expected loss 0. [sent-249, score-0.288]

96 2 1000 2000 3000 Sample size (d) d = 6, w0 0 =3 Figure 2: The values of the PAC-Bayes-kl and PAC-Bayes-Empirical-Bernstein bounds together with the test and train errors on synthetic data. [sent-256, score-0.19]

97 0011 of PAC-Bayesian bounding technique with concentration inequalities for self-bounding functions. [sent-282, score-0.294]

98 We also demonstrated an empirical advantage of the new PAC-BayesEmpirical-Bernstein inequality over the PAC-Bayes-kl inequality on several synthetic and real-life regression datasets. [sent-284, score-0.774]

99 Another interesting direction would be to decrease the last term in the bound in Theorem 3, as it is done in the PAC-Bayes-kl inequality. [sent-287, score-0.171]

100 This can probably be achieved by deriving a PAC-Bayes-kl inequality for the variance. [sent-288, score-0.29]

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[(0, 0.208), (1, 0.017), (2, 0.098), (3, -0.035), (4, 0.043), (5, 0.113), (6, 0.044), (7, 0.016), (8, -0.01), (9, 0.026), (10, 0.049), (11, 0.04), (12, 0.018), (13, -0.046), (14, 0.108), (15, -0.059), (16, -0.03), (17, 0.035), (18, -0.027), (19, 0.051), (20, -0.055), (21, 0.001), (22, 0.029), (23, 0.104), (24, -0.253), (25, 0.068), (26, -0.147), (27, 0.061), (28, -0.108), (29, -0.042), (30, -0.049), (31, -0.074), (32, -0.113), (33, -0.014), (34, -0.006), (35, -0.017), (36, -0.069), (37, -0.131), (38, 0.127), (39, -0.084), (40, 0.064), (41, 0.02), (42, 0.274), (43, -0.046), (44, 0.078), (45, -0.043), (46, 0.019), (47, 0.019), (48, 0.066), (49, 0.035)]

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