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225 nips-2013-One-shot learning and big data with n=2

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Author: Lee H. Dicker, Dean P. Foster

Abstract: We model a “one-shot learning” situation, where very few observations y1 , ..., yn ∈ R are available. Associated with each observation yi is a very highdimensional vector xi ∈ Rd , which provides context for yi and enables us to predict subsequent observations, given their own context. One of the salient features of our analysis is that the problems studied here are easier when the dimension of xi is large; in other words, prediction becomes easier when more context is provided. The proposed methodology is a variant of principal component regression (PCR). Our rigorous analysis sheds new light on PCR. For instance, we show that classical PCR estimators may be inconsistent in the specified setting, unless they are multiplied by a scalar c > 1; that is, unless the classical estimator is expanded. This expansion phenomenon appears to be somewhat novel and contrasts with shrinkage methods (c < 1), which are far more common in big data analyses. 1

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