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86 high scalability-2007-09-09-Clustering Solution

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Introduction: Hi, I'm i nterested in peop l es thoughts on the best choice for a database clustering so l ution. I have a database that is most l y varchars and numbers that doesn't store any b i nary data at a l l. It's used at about 70% read and 30% wr i tes - though we're using memcached at the moment so it's not rea l ly hit that hard. We're current l y using mysql w i th m/cluster, but are interested in a new so l ution. Possib l e candidate so far are unic l uster (which doesn't seem mature yet.) or DRBD. Had anyone had a simi l ar experience and can make any suggest i ons? Thanks

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Hi, I'm i nterested in peop l es thoughts on the best choice for a database clustering so l ution. [sent-1, score-0.802]

2 I have a database that is most l y varchars and numbers that doesn't store any b i nary data at a l l. [sent-2, score-0.4]

3 It's used at about 70% read and 30% wr i tes - though we're using memcached at the moment so it's not rea l ly hit that hard. [sent-3, score-0.872]

4 We're current l y using mysql w i th m/cluster, but are interested in a new so l ution. [sent-4, score-0.358]

5 Possib l e candidate so far are unic l uster (which doesn't seem mature yet. [sent-5, score-0.833]

6 Had anyone had a simi l ar experience and can make any suggest i ons? [sent-7, score-0.309]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('peoples', 0.411), ('mature', 0.288), ('suggestions', 0.255), ('moment', 0.241), ('binary', 0.238), ('thoughts', 0.238), ('candidate', 0.235), ('clustering', 0.219), ('thanks', 0.204), ('mostly', 0.178), ('seem', 0.167), ('anyone', 0.156), ('numbers', 0.155), ('hit', 0.151), ('choice', 0.149), ('far', 0.143), ('currently', 0.138), ('interested', 0.137), ('similar', 0.136), ('writes', 0.133), ('though', 0.13), ('memcached', 0.125), ('database', 0.107), ('store', 0.105), ('possible', 0.103), ('experience', 0.099), ('mysql', 0.096), ('best', 0.089), ('using', 0.082), ('read', 0.081), ('really', 0.072), ('used', 0.062), ('make', 0.054), ('new', 0.043), ('data', 0.033)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 86 high scalability-2007-09-09-Clustering Solution

Introduction: Hi, I'm i nterested in peop l es thoughts on the best choice for a database clustering so l ution. I have a database that is most l y varchars and numbers that doesn't store any b i nary data at a l l. It's used at about 70% read and 30% wr i tes - though we're using memcached at the moment so it's not rea l ly hit that hard. We're current l y using mysql w i th m/cluster, but are interested in a new so l ution. Possib l e candidate so far are unic l uster (which doesn't seem mature yet.) or DRBD. Had anyone had a simi l ar experience and can make any suggest i ons? Thanks

2 0.13276215 302 high scalability-2008-04-10-Mysql scalability and failover...

Introduction: Hi, I am an owner of an large community website and currently we are having problems with our database architecture. We are using 2 database servers and spread tables across them to divide read/writes. We have about 90% reads and 10% writes. We use Memcached on all our webservers to cache as much as we can, traffic is load balanced between webservers. We have 2 extra servers ready to put to use! We have looked into a couple of solution so far: Continuent Uni/Cluster aka Sequoia -> Commercial version way too expensive and Java isn't as fast as it suppose to be. MySQL Proxy -> We couldn't find any good example on how to create a master - master with failover scenario. MySQL Clustering -> Seems to be not mature enough, had a lot of performance issues when we tried to go online with it. MySQL DRDB HA -> Only good for failover, cannot be scaled! MySQL Replication -> Well don't get me started ;) So now I turn to you guys to help me out, I am with my hands in my hair a

3 0.12691684 557 high scalability-2009-04-06-A picture is realy worth a thousand word, and also a window in time...

Introduction: Photograpic picture to me is window, an address to that specific moment what do your think about that?

4 0.12555988 177 high scalability-2007-12-08-thesimsonstage.ea.com

Introduction: Cou l d anyone make an overv i ew of thesimsonstage.ea.com arch i tecture, i.e. some stats, w i ch techno l ogy thay use, how they imp l ement karaoke f l ash-based p l ayer, wh i ch med i a server they use, how many bandw i d t h does it need, etc. Any informat i on wi l l be he l pful. Thanks.

5 0.12229194 132 high scalability-2007-10-25-Who can answer or analyze the image store and visit solution about alibaba.com?Thanks

Introduction: Who can answer or analyze the image store and visit solution about alibaba.com?Thanks

6 0.12100805 360 high scalability-2008-08-04-A Bunch of Great Strategies for Using Memcached and MySQL Better Together

7 0.1204289 196 high scalability-2007-12-30-MySQL clustering strategies and comparisions

8 0.11162355 729 high scalability-2009-10-28-And the winner is: MySQL or Memcached or Tokyo Tyrant?

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11 0.10048968 178 high scalability-2007-12-10-1 Master, N Slaves

12 0.092781559 239 high scalability-2008-02-04-Streaming Video on Amazon EC2?

13 0.092760496 384 high scalability-2008-09-16-EE-Appserver Clustering OR Terracota OR Coherence OR something else?

14 0.092571519 383 high scalability-2008-09-10-Shard servers -- go big or small?

15 0.092078596 283 high scalability-2008-03-18-Shared filesystem on EC2

16 0.090471573 292 high scalability-2008-03-30-Scaling Out MySQL

17 0.088275649 226 high scalability-2008-01-28-DR-BC for web-DB servers

18 0.085292086 238 high scalability-2008-02-04-IPS-IDS for heavy content site

19 0.085196398 716 high scalability-2009-10-06-Building a Unique Data Warehouse

20 0.084402166 17 high scalability-2007-07-16-Paper: Guide to Cost-effective Database Scale-Out using MySQL

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.102), (1, 0.049), (2, -0.035), (3, -0.06), (4, 0.038), (5, 0.068), (6, -0.062), (7, -0.067), (8, 0.03), (9, -0.014), (10, -0.043), (11, -0.022), (12, 0.025), (13, 0.034), (14, 0.048), (15, -0.014), (16, -0.017), (17, 0.004), (18, -0.021), (19, 0.005), (20, -0.011), (21, 0.001), (22, -0.042), (23, 0.06), (24, 0.007), (25, 0.036), (26, 0.096), (27, -0.039), (28, 0.014), (29, -0.028), (30, -0.002), (31, -0.028), (32, -0.032), (33, 0.046), (34, -0.034), (35, 0.042), (36, 0.056), (37, -0.03), (38, 0.042), (39, -0.02), (40, 0.052), (41, 0.023), (42, -0.007), (43, -0.005), (44, 0.07), (45, -0.002), (46, 0.021), (47, 0.001), (48, 0.031), (49, 0.051)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.9463073 86 high scalability-2007-09-09-Clustering Solution

Introduction: Hi, I'm i nterested in peop l es thoughts on the best choice for a database clustering so l ution. I have a database that is most l y varchars and numbers that doesn't store any b i nary data at a l l. It's used at about 70% read and 30% wr i tes - though we're using memcached at the moment so it's not rea l ly hit that hard. We're current l y using mysql w i th m/cluster, but are interested in a new so l ution. Possib l e candidate so far are unic l uster (which doesn't seem mature yet.) or DRBD. Had anyone had a simi l ar experience and can make any suggest i ons? Thanks

2 0.68005806 729 high scalability-2009-10-28-And the winner is: MySQL or Memcached or Tokyo Tyrant?

Introduction: Matt, from the ever excellent MySQL Performance Blog , decided to run a test using a simple scenario drawn from his client experience in the gaming space. The scenario: read a row based on a primary key, update the row, write it to disk, and use the row to lookup another row. Matt ran three different tests explained in a series of three different articles: MySQL and MySQL + Memcached,   Memcached Only , and Tokyo Tyrant . The lovingly compiled details along with many cool graphs are in the articles, but in general the lessons learned are: When memcached has enough memory (so records being accessed are in RAM), memcached + MySQL can provide a 10x performance boost over MySQL alone. When the RAM is too small and hot records, those being accessed a lot, aren't in RAM, or perhaps applications are doing a sequential scan of a table and the entire table isn't cached, then memcached won't be the big bang improvement you may be hoping for. When the database is removed and memcac

3 0.6750747 302 high scalability-2008-04-10-Mysql scalability and failover...

Introduction: Hi, I am an owner of an large community website and currently we are having problems with our database architecture. We are using 2 database servers and spread tables across them to divide read/writes. We have about 90% reads and 10% writes. We use Memcached on all our webservers to cache as much as we can, traffic is load balanced between webservers. We have 2 extra servers ready to put to use! We have looked into a couple of solution so far: Continuent Uni/Cluster aka Sequoia -> Commercial version way too expensive and Java isn't as fast as it suppose to be. MySQL Proxy -> We couldn't find any good example on how to create a master - master with failover scenario. MySQL Clustering -> Seems to be not mature enough, had a lot of performance issues when we tried to go online with it. MySQL DRDB HA -> Only good for failover, cannot be scaled! MySQL Replication -> Well don't get me started ;) So now I turn to you guys to help me out, I am with my hands in my hair a

4 0.67490166 73 high scalability-2007-08-23-Postgresql on high availability websites?

Introduction: I was looking at the pingdom infrastructure matrix (http://royal.pingdom.com/royalfiles/0702_infrastructure_matrix.pdf) and I saw that no sites are using Postgresql, and then I searched through highscalability.com and saw very few mentions of postgresql. Are there any examples of high-traffic sites that use postgresql? Does anyone have any experience with it? I'm having trouble finding good, recent studies of postgres (and postgres compared w/ mysql) online.

5 0.6631273 690 high scalability-2009-08-31-Scaling MySQL on Amazon Web Services

Introduction: I've recently started working with a large company who is looking to take one of their heavily utilized applications and move it to Amazon Web Services. I'm not looking to start a debate on the merits of EC2, the decision to move to aws is already made (and is a much better decision than paying a vendor millions to host it). I've done my reasearch and I'm comfortable with creating this environment with one exception, scaling MySQL. I havent done much work with MySQL, i'm more of an Oracle guy up to now. I'm struggling to determine a way to scale MySQL on the fly in a way so that replication works, the server takes its proper place in line for master candidacy, and the apache servers become aware of it. So this is really three questions: 1. What are some proven methods of load balancing the read traffic going from apache to MySQL. 2. How do I let the load balancing mechanism know when I scale up / down a new Mysql Server? 3. How to alert the master of the new server and initiate

6 0.63074517 15 high scalability-2007-07-16-Blog: MySQL Performance Blog - Everything about MySQL Performance.

7 0.62901103 675 high scalability-2009-08-08-1dbase vs. many and cloud hosting vs. dedicated server(s)?

8 0.62391472 1399 high scalability-2013-02-05-Ask HighScalability: Memcached and Relations

9 0.60316885 62 high scalability-2007-08-08-Partial String Matching

10 0.59267861 222 high scalability-2008-01-25-Application Database and DAL Architecture

11 0.58538574 532 high scalability-2009-03-11-Sharding and Connection Pools

12 0.58157623 17 high scalability-2007-07-16-Paper: Guide to Cost-effective Database Scale-Out using MySQL

13 0.57807833 785 high scalability-2010-02-26-MySQL and Memcached: End of an Era?

14 0.57587177 455 high scalability-2008-12-01-MySQL Database Scale-out and Replication for High Growth Businesses

15 0.57392901 685 high scalability-2009-08-20-Dependency Injection and AOP frameworks for .NET

16 0.56884009 770 high scalability-2010-02-03-NoSQL Means Never Having to Store Blobs Again

17 0.56871396 196 high scalability-2007-12-30-MySQL clustering strategies and comparisions

18 0.56286836 454 high scalability-2008-12-01-Deploying MySQL Database in Solaris Cluster Environments

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similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(1, 0.171), (2, 0.228), (61, 0.175), (67, 0.212), (79, 0.062)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

1 0.92715669 718 high scalability-2009-10-08-Riak - web-shaped data storage system

Introduction: Update: Short presentation NYC by Bryan Fink  demonstrating the riak web-shaped data storage engine Riak is another new and interesting key-value store entrant. Some of the features it offers are: Document-oriented Scalable, decentralized key-value store Standard  get ,  put , and  delete  operations.  Distributed, fault-tolerant storage solution. Configurable levels of consistency, availability, and partition tolerance Support for Erlang, Ruby, PHP, Javascript, Java, Python, HTTP   open source  and NoSQL Pluggable backends Eventing system Monitoring Inter-cluster replication Links between records that can be traversed. Map/Reduce. Functions are executed on the data node. One interesting difference is that a list keys are required to specify which values are operated on as apposed to running calculations on all values.  Related Articles Hacker News Thread . More juicy details on how Riak compares to Cassandra, mongodb, couchdb, etc.

2 0.91078562 898 high scalability-2010-09-09-6 Scalability Lessons

Introduction: Jesper Söderlund not only put together a few interesting  scalability patterns , he also came up with a few interesting  scalability lessons : Lesson #1 . Put Smarty compile and template caches on an active-active DRBD cluster with high load and your servers will DIE! Lesson #2 . Don't use out-of-the-box configurations. Lesson #3 . Single points of contention will eventually become a bottleneck. Lesson #4 . Plan in advance.  Lesson #5 . Offload your databases as much as possible. Lesson #6 . File systems matter and can run out of space / inodes. For more details and explanations see the original post.

3 0.90264803 1422 high scalability-2013-03-12-If Your System was a Symphony it Might Sound Like This...

Introduction: I am in no way a music expert, but when I listen to Symphony No. 4 by Charles Ives , I imagine it's what a complex software/hardware system might sound like if we could hear its inner workings. Ives uses a lot of riotously competing rhythms in this work. It can sound discordant, yet the effect is deeply layered and eventually harmonious, just like the systems we use, create, and become part of. I was pointed to this piece by someone who said there were two conductors. I'd never heard of such a thing! So I was intrigued. The first version of the performance sounds and looks great, but it unfortunately does not use two conductors. The second version uses two conductors, but is unfortunately just a snippet. It's strikingly odd to see two conductors, but I imagine different parts of our systems using different conductors too, running at different rhythms, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, sometimes there are outbursts, sometimes in vicious conflict. Yet conceptually it all stills seem

same-blog 4 0.89561826 86 high scalability-2007-09-09-Clustering Solution

Introduction: Hi, I'm i nterested in peop l es thoughts on the best choice for a database clustering so l ution. I have a database that is most l y varchars and numbers that doesn't store any b i nary data at a l l. It's used at about 70% read and 30% wr i tes - though we're using memcached at the moment so it's not rea l ly hit that hard. We're current l y using mysql w i th m/cluster, but are interested in a new so l ution. Possib l e candidate so far are unic l uster (which doesn't seem mature yet.) or DRBD. Had anyone had a simi l ar experience and can make any suggest i ons? Thanks

5 0.83675659 423 high scalability-2008-10-19-Alternatives to Google App Engine

Introduction: One particularly interesting EC2 third party provider is GigaSpaces with their XAP platform that provides in memory transactions backed up to a database. The in memory transactions appear to scale linearly across machines thus providing a distributed in-memory datastore that gets backed up to persistent storage.

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