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898 high scalability-2010-09-09-6 Scalability Lessons

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Introduction: Jesper Söderlund not only put together a few interesting  scalability patterns , he also came up with a few interesting  scalability lessons : Lesson #1 . Put Smarty compile and template caches on an active-active DRBD cluster with high load and your servers will DIE! Lesson #2 . Don't use out-of-the-box configurations. Lesson #3 . Single points of contention will eventually become a bottleneck. Lesson #4 . Plan in advance.  Lesson #5 . Offload your databases as much as possible. Lesson #6 . File systems matter and can run out of space / inodes. For more details and explanations see the original post.

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Jesper Söderlund not only put together a few interesting  scalability patterns , he also came up with a few interesting  scalability lessons : Lesson #1 . [sent-1, score-0.826]

2 Put Smarty compile and template caches on an active-active DRBD cluster with high load and your servers will DIE! [sent-2, score-0.742]

3 Single points of contention will eventually become a bottleneck. [sent-6, score-0.457]

4 File systems matter and can run out of space / inodes. [sent-12, score-0.298]

5 For more details and explanations see the original post. [sent-13, score-0.481]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('lesson', 0.494), ('soderlund', 0.29), ('smarty', 0.277), ('jesper', 0.277), ('drbd', 0.24), ('compile', 0.216), ('explanations', 0.213), ('offload', 0.197), ('template', 0.177), ('die', 0.166), ('put', 0.151), ('contention', 0.15), ('caches', 0.138), ('came', 0.128), ('original', 0.126), ('patterns', 0.123), ('interesting', 0.12), ('eventually', 0.118), ('plan', 0.115), ('lessons', 0.114), ('matter', 0.108), ('points', 0.105), ('scalability', 0.096), ('space', 0.093), ('details', 0.093), ('become', 0.084), ('together', 0.082), ('file', 0.076), ('cluster', 0.074), ('databases', 0.072), ('post', 0.062), ('run', 0.053), ('single', 0.051), ('load', 0.05), ('see', 0.049), ('much', 0.047), ('servers', 0.044), ('systems', 0.044), ('high', 0.043), ('also', 0.036), ('use', 0.027)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 1.0 898 high scalability-2010-09-09-6 Scalability Lessons

Introduction: Jesper Söderlund not only put together a few interesting  scalability patterns , he also came up with a few interesting  scalability lessons : Lesson #1 . Put Smarty compile and template caches on an active-active DRBD cluster with high load and your servers will DIE! Lesson #2 . Don't use out-of-the-box configurations. Lesson #3 . Single points of contention will eventually become a bottleneck. Lesson #4 . Plan in advance.  Lesson #5 . Offload your databases as much as possible. Lesson #6 . File systems matter and can run out of space / inodes. For more details and explanations see the original post.

2 0.24680181 884 high scalability-2010-08-23-6 Ways to Kill Your Servers - Learning How to Scale the Hard Way

Introduction: This is a guest post by Steffen Konerow, author of the High Performance Blog . Learning how to scale isn’t easy without any prior experience. Nowadays you have plenty of websites like highscalability.com to get some inspiration, but unfortunately there is no solution that fits all websites and needs. You still have to think on your own to find a concept that works for your requirements. So did I. A few years ago, my bosses came to me and said “We’ve got a new project for you. It’s the relaunch of a website that has already 1 million users a month. You have to build the website and make sure we’ll be able to grow afterwards”. I was already an experienced coder, but not in these dimensions, so I had to start learning how to scale – the hard way. The software behind the website was a PHP content management system, based on Smarty and MySQL. The first task was finding a proper hosting company who had the experience and would also manage the servers for us. After some researc

3 0.21363761 828 high scalability-2010-05-17-7 Lessons Learned While Building Reddit to 270 Million Page Views a Month

Introduction: Steve Huffman , co-founder of social news site  Reddit , gave an excellent presentation  ( slides , transcript ) on the lessons he learned while building and growing Reddit to 7.5 million users per month, 270 million page views per month, and 20+ database servers. Steve says a lot of the lessons were really obvious, so you may not find a lot of completely new ideas in the presentation. But Steve has an earnestness and genuineness about him that is so obviously grounded in experience that you can't help but think deeply about what you could be doing different. And if Steve didn't know about these lessons, I'm betting others don't either. There are seven lessons, each has their own summary section: Lesson one: Crash Often; Lesson 2: Separation of Services; Lesson 3: Open Schema; Lesson 4: Keep it Stateless; Lesson 5: Memcache; Lesson 6: Store Redundant Data; Lesson 7: Work Offline. By far the most surprising feature of their architecture is in Lesson Six, whose essential idea is:

4 0.19930054 897 high scalability-2010-09-08-4 General Core Scalability Patterns

Introduction: Jesper Söderlund put together an excellent list of four general scalability patterns and four subpatterns in his post Scalability patterns and an interesting story : Load distribution - Spread the system load across multiple processing units Load balancing / load sharing - Spreading the load across many components with equal properties for handling the request Partitioning - Spreading the load across many components by routing an individual request to a component that owns that data specific Vertical partitioning - Spreading the load across the functional boundaries of a problem space, separate functions being handled by different processing units Horizontal partitioning - Spreading a single type of data element across many instances, according to some partitioning key, e.g. hashing the player id and doing a modulus operation, etc. Quite often referred to as sharding. Queuing and batch  - Achieve efficiencies of scale by

5 0.11943579 906 high scalability-2010-09-22-Applying Scalability Patterns to Infrastructure Architecture

Introduction: Too often software design patterns are overlooked by network and application delivery network architects but these patterns are often equally applicable to addressing a broad range of architectural challenges in the application delivery tier of the data center.  By Lori Mac Vittie, F5 Networks  The “ High Scalability ” blog is fast becoming one of my favorite reads. Last week did not disappoint with a post highlighting a set of scalability design patterns that was, apparently, inspired by yet another High Scalability post on “ 6 Ways to Kill Your Servers: Learning to Scale the Hard Way. ”   Credit:Michael Chow/azcentral.com     This particular post caught my attention primarily because although I’ve touched on many of these patterns in the past, I’ve never thought to call them   what they are: scalability patterns. That’s probably a side-effect of forgetting that building an architecture of any kind is at its core computer science and thus

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topicId topicWeight

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.96203244 898 high scalability-2010-09-09-6 Scalability Lessons

Introduction: Jesper Söderlund not only put together a few interesting  scalability patterns , he also came up with a few interesting  scalability lessons : Lesson #1 . Put Smarty compile and template caches on an active-active DRBD cluster with high load and your servers will DIE! Lesson #2 . Don't use out-of-the-box configurations. Lesson #3 . Single points of contention will eventually become a bottleneck. Lesson #4 . Plan in advance.  Lesson #5 . Offload your databases as much as possible. Lesson #6 . File systems matter and can run out of space / inodes. For more details and explanations see the original post.

2 0.64918751 402 high scalability-2008-10-05-Paper: Scalability Design Patterns

Introduction: I have introduced pattern languages in my earlier post on The Pattern Bible for Distributed Computing . Achieving highest possible scalability is a complex combination of many factors. This PLoP 2007 paper presents a pattern language that can be used to make a system highly scalable. The Scalability Pattern Language introduced by Kanwardeep Singh Ahluwalia includes patterns to: Introduce Scalability Optimize Algorithm Add Hardware Add Parallelism Add Intra-Process Parallelism Add Inter-Porcess Parallelism Add Hybrid Parallelism Optimize Decentralization Control Shared Resources Automate Scalability

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Introduction: Disqus - Scaling the Worlds Largest Django App.  Interesting overview of a commenting system with 75 million comments and 250 million visitors. Lots of good details on how they partition their database, testing, continuous integration, feature switches, caching, delayed signals, and more. Things I learnt tracking a billion events in 24 hours : Know your host, Scaling isn't just servers, My servers need to talk to me more, Kill switches for users, What you don't know is the problem, Don't mix server roles, Know your most important users outside of your site. Tweets of Gold: georgebarnett : I read High Scalability for useful articles about large scaling. Sadly though, nothing useful ever shows up. #NoLongerBothering northscale : wow that is fast! :) RT @cgoldberg: was just running > 100k ops/sec against my 2-node #Membase cluster... zazooom #nosql turbofunctor : The root of many (horizontal) scalability problems is an application level access to a writab

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Introduction: Software design patterns are an emerging tool for guiding and documenting system design. Patterns usually describe software abstractions used by advanced designers and programmers in their software. Patterns can provide guidance for designing highly scalable distributed systems. Let's see how! Patterns are in essence solutions to problems. Most of them are expressed in a format called Alexandrian form which draws on constructs used by Christopher Alexander. There are variants but most look like this: The pattern name The problem the pattern is trying to solve Context Solution Examples Design rationale: This tells where the pattern came from, why it works, and why experts use it Patterns rarely stand alone. Each pattern works on a context, and transforms the system in that context to produce a new system in a new context. New problems arise in the new system and context, and the next ‘‘layer’’ of patterns can be applied. A pattern language is a structured col

5 0.60669768 220 high scalability-2008-01-22-The high scalability community

Introduction: Hi, First of all; thanks for a creating a GREAT resource on high scalability architecture. For us building high scalability solutions from the west coast of (tiny) Norway good input on the subject isn't always abundant. Which leads me to my next question; Are there any events or conferences on high scalability / SaaS in the US or internationally that any of you would recommend architects or data center managers to attend?

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Introduction: Jesper Söderlund not only put together a few interesting  scalability patterns , he also came up with a few interesting  scalability lessons : Lesson #1 . Put Smarty compile and template caches on an active-active DRBD cluster with high load and your servers will DIE! Lesson #2 . Don't use out-of-the-box configurations. Lesson #3 . Single points of contention will eventually become a bottleneck. Lesson #4 . Plan in advance.  Lesson #5 . Offload your databases as much as possible. Lesson #6 . File systems matter and can run out of space / inodes. For more details and explanations see the original post.

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