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60 fast ml-2014-04-30-Converting categorical data into numbers with Pandas and Scikit-learn

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Introduction: Many machine learning tools will only accept numbers as input. This may be a problem if you want to use such tool but your data includes categorical features. To represent them as numbers typically one converts each categorical feature using “one-hot encoding”, that is from a value like “BMW” or “Mercedes” to a vector of zeros and one 1 . This functionality is available in some software libraries. We load data using Pandas, then convert categorical columns with DictVectorizer from scikit-learn. Pandas is a popular Python library inspired by data frames in R. It allows easier manipulation of tabular numeric and non-numeric data. Downsides: not very intuitive, somewhat steep learning curve. For any questions you may have, Google + StackOverflow combo works well as a source of answers. UPDATE: Turns out that Pandas has get_dummies() function which does what we’re after. More on this in a while. We’ll use Pandas to load the data, do some cleaning and send it to Scikit-

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 This may be a problem if you want to use such tool but your data includes categorical features. [sent-2, score-0.267]

2 To represent them as numbers typically one converts each categorical feature using “one-hot encoding”, that is from a value like “BMW” or “Mercedes” to a vector of zeros and one 1 . [sent-3, score-0.407]

3 We load data using Pandas, then convert categorical columns with DictVectorizer from scikit-learn. [sent-5, score-0.544]

4 It allows easier manipulation of tabular numeric and non-numeric data. [sent-7, score-0.216]

5 We’ll use Pandas to load the data, do some cleaning and send it to Scikit-learn’s DictVectorizer . [sent-12, score-0.196]

6 The difference is as follows: OneHotEncoder takes as input categorical values encoded as integers - you can get them from LabelEncoder . [sent-14, score-0.611]

7 The representation above is redundant, because to encode three values you need two indicator columns. [sent-16, score-0.23]

8 In general, one needs d - 1 columns for d values . [sent-17, score-0.34]

9 It won’t result in information loss, because in the redundant scheme with d columns one of the indicators must be non-zero, so if two out of three are zeros then the third must be 1 . [sent-20, score-0.88]

10 And if one among the two is positive than the third must be zero. [sent-21, score-0.219]

11 Pandas Before The question is how to convert some columns from a data frame to a list of dicts. [sent-22, score-0.546]

12 Then we create a new data frame containing only these columns. [sent-24, score-0.365]

13 Therefore we transpose the data frame and then call . [sent-26, score-0.217]

14 values() If you have a few categorical columns, you can list them as above. [sent-31, score-0.395]

15 In the Analytics Edge competition, there are about 100 categorical columns, so in this case it’s easier to drop columns which are not categorical: cols_to_drop = [ 'UserID, 'YOB', 'votes', 'Happy'] cat_df = df. [sent-32, score-0.66]

16 values() After Using the vectorizer from sklearn. [sent-37, score-0.18]

17 feature_extraction import DictVectorizer as DV vectorizer = DV( sparse = False ) vec_x_cat_train = vectorizer. [sent-38, score-0.18]

18 fillna( 'NA' ) This way, the vectorizer will create additional column=NA for each feature with NAs. [sent-42, score-0.268]

19 768 in terms of AUC, while the alternative representation yielded 0. [sent-44, score-0.187]

20 py , headers from the source file will end up in one of the output files, probably in train . [sent-58, score-0.17]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('dictvectorizer', 0.361), ('pandas', 0.361), ('categorical', 0.267), ('frame', 0.217), ('columns', 0.201), ('vectorizer', 0.18), ('dv', 0.145), ('encoded', 0.145), ('indicators', 0.145), ('onehotencoder', 0.145), ('missing', 0.143), ('values', 0.139), ('edge', 0.132), ('list', 0.128), ('must', 0.123), ('column', 0.121), ('keys', 0.12), ('redundant', 0.12), ('numeric', 0.12), ('analytics', 0.115), ('headers', 0.106), ('alternative', 0.096), ('third', 0.096), ('easier', 0.096), ('drop', 0.096), ('representation', 0.091), ('copy', 0.088), ('create', 0.088), ('axis', 0.076), ('load', 0.076), ('csv', 0.072), ('therefore', 0.072), ('zeros', 0.072), ('numbers', 0.068), ('source', 0.064), ('solution', 0.064), ('names', 0.061), ('na', 0.06), ('cleaning', 0.06), ('steep', 0.06), ('intuitive', 0.06), ('integers', 0.06), ('positives', 0.06), ('header', 0.06), ('containing', 0.06), ('touch', 0.06), ('combo', 0.06), ('send', 0.06), ('vectorizing', 0.06), ('competition', 0.059)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0000001 60 fast ml-2014-04-30-Converting categorical data into numbers with Pandas and Scikit-learn

Introduction: Many machine learning tools will only accept numbers as input. This may be a problem if you want to use such tool but your data includes categorical features. To represent them as numbers typically one converts each categorical feature using “one-hot encoding”, that is from a value like “BMW” or “Mercedes” to a vector of zeros and one 1 . This functionality is available in some software libraries. We load data using Pandas, then convert categorical columns with DictVectorizer from scikit-learn. Pandas is a popular Python library inspired by data frames in R. It allows easier manipulation of tabular numeric and non-numeric data. Downsides: not very intuitive, somewhat steep learning curve. For any questions you may have, Google + StackOverflow combo works well as a source of answers. UPDATE: Turns out that Pandas has get_dummies() function which does what we’re after. More on this in a while. We’ll use Pandas to load the data, do some cleaning and send it to Scikit-

2 0.12307119 20 fast ml-2013-02-18-Predicting advertised salaries

Introduction: We’re back to Kaggle competitions. This time we will attempt to predict advertised salaries from job ads and of course beat the benchmark. The benchmark is, as usual, a random forest result. For starters, we’ll use a linear model without much preprocessing. Will it be enough? Congratulations! You have spotted the ceiling cat. A linear model better than a random forest - how so? Well, to train a random forest on data this big, the benchmark code extracts only 100 most common words as features, and we will use all. This approach is similiar to the one we applied in Merck challenge . More data beats a cleverer algorithm, especially when a cleverer algorithm is unable to handle all of data (on your machine, anyway). The competition is about predicting salaries from job adverts. Of course the figures usually appear in the text, so they were removed. An error metric is mean absolute error (MAE) - how refreshing to see so intuitive one. The data for Job salary prediction con

3 0.1140347 7 fast ml-2012-10-05-Predicting closed questions on Stack Overflow

Introduction: This time we enter the Stack Overflow challenge , which is about predicting a status of a given question on SO. There are five possible statuses, so it’s a multi-class classification problem. We would prefer a tool able to perform multiclass classification by itself. It can be done by hand by constructing five datasets, each with binary labels (one class against all others), and then combining predictions, but it might be a bit tricky to get right - we tried. Fortunately, nice people at Yahoo, excuse us, Microsoft, recently relased a new version of Vowpal Wabbit , and this new version supports multiclass classification. In case you’re wondering, Vowpal Wabbit is a fast linear learner. We like the “fast” part and “linear” is OK for dealing with lots of words, as in this contest. In any case, with more than three million data points it wouldn’t be that easy to train a kernel SVM, a neural net or what have you. VW, being a well-polished tool, has a few very convenient features.

4 0.1050252 32 fast ml-2013-07-05-Processing large files, line by line

Introduction: Perhaps the most common format of data for machine learning is text files. Often data is too large to fit in memory; this is sometimes referred to as big data. But do you need to load the whole data into memory? Maybe you could at least pre-process it line by line. We show how to do this with Python. Prepare to read and possibly write some code. The most common format for text files is probably CSV. For sparse data, libsvm format is popular. Both can be processed using csv module in Python. import csv i_f = open( input_file, 'r' ) reader = csv.reader( i_f ) For libsvm you just set the delimiter to space: reader = csv.reader( i_f, delimiter = ' ' ) Then you go over the file contents. Each line is a list of strings: for line in reader: # do something with the line, for example: label = float( line[0] ) # .... writer.writerow( line ) If you need to do a second pass, you just rewind the input file: 0 ) for line in re

5 0.10272651 33 fast ml-2013-07-09-Introducing phraug

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topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.242), (1, -0.183), (2, -0.002), (3, 0.005), (4, -0.02), (5, 0.077), (6, -0.169), (7, 0.103), (8, 0.092), (9, 0.103), (10, 0.055), (11, -0.114), (12, -0.005), (13, -0.09), (14, -0.153), (15, 0.344), (16, -0.164), (17, 0.243), (18, -0.08), (19, 0.007), (20, -0.051), (21, 0.003), (22, -0.078), (23, 0.053), (24, -0.063), (25, 0.185), (26, 0.113), (27, 0.02), (28, -0.153), (29, 0.18), (30, 0.139), (31, 0.033), (32, 0.137), (33, 0.002), (34, -0.015), (35, 0.192), (36, 0.159), (37, 0.221), (38, -0.032), (39, 0.409), (40, -0.121), (41, -0.182), (42, -0.131), (43, -0.113), (44, -0.173), (45, -0.013), (46, 0.093), (47, 0.061), (48, 0.007), (49, 0.091)]

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same-blog 1 0.97574103 60 fast ml-2014-04-30-Converting categorical data into numbers with Pandas and Scikit-learn

Introduction: Many machine learning tools will only accept numbers as input. This may be a problem if you want to use such tool but your data includes categorical features. To represent them as numbers typically one converts each categorical feature using “one-hot encoding”, that is from a value like “BMW” or “Mercedes” to a vector of zeros and one 1 . This functionality is available in some software libraries. We load data using Pandas, then convert categorical columns with DictVectorizer from scikit-learn. Pandas is a popular Python library inspired by data frames in R. It allows easier manipulation of tabular numeric and non-numeric data. Downsides: not very intuitive, somewhat steep learning curve. For any questions you may have, Google + StackOverflow combo works well as a source of answers. UPDATE: Turns out that Pandas has get_dummies() function which does what we’re after. More on this in a while. We’ll use Pandas to load the data, do some cleaning and send it to Scikit-

2 0.25419533 20 fast ml-2013-02-18-Predicting advertised salaries

Introduction: We’re back to Kaggle competitions. This time we will attempt to predict advertised salaries from job ads and of course beat the benchmark. The benchmark is, as usual, a random forest result. For starters, we’ll use a linear model without much preprocessing. Will it be enough? Congratulations! You have spotted the ceiling cat. A linear model better than a random forest - how so? Well, to train a random forest on data this big, the benchmark code extracts only 100 most common words as features, and we will use all. This approach is similiar to the one we applied in Merck challenge . More data beats a cleverer algorithm, especially when a cleverer algorithm is unable to handle all of data (on your machine, anyway). The competition is about predicting salaries from job adverts. Of course the figures usually appear in the text, so they were removed. An error metric is mean absolute error (MAE) - how refreshing to see so intuitive one. The data for Job salary prediction con

3 0.18821107 7 fast ml-2012-10-05-Predicting closed questions on Stack Overflow

Introduction: This time we enter the Stack Overflow challenge , which is about predicting a status of a given question on SO. There are five possible statuses, so it’s a multi-class classification problem. We would prefer a tool able to perform multiclass classification by itself. It can be done by hand by constructing five datasets, each with binary labels (one class against all others), and then combining predictions, but it might be a bit tricky to get right - we tried. Fortunately, nice people at Yahoo, excuse us, Microsoft, recently relased a new version of Vowpal Wabbit , and this new version supports multiclass classification. In case you’re wondering, Vowpal Wabbit is a fast linear learner. We like the “fast” part and “linear” is OK for dealing with lots of words, as in this contest. In any case, with more than three million data points it wouldn’t be that easy to train a kernel SVM, a neural net or what have you. VW, being a well-polished tool, has a few very convenient features.

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Introduction: Perhaps the most common format of data for machine learning is text files. Often data is too large to fit in memory; this is sometimes referred to as big data. But do you need to load the whole data into memory? Maybe you could at least pre-process it line by line. We show how to do this with Python. Prepare to read and possibly write some code. The most common format for text files is probably CSV. For sparse data, libsvm format is popular. Both can be processed using csv module in Python. import csv i_f = open( input_file, 'r' ) reader = csv.reader( i_f ) For libsvm you just set the delimiter to space: reader = csv.reader( i_f, delimiter = ' ' ) Then you go over the file contents. Each line is a list of strings: for line in reader: # do something with the line, for example: label = float( line[0] ) # .... writer.writerow( line ) If you need to do a second pass, you just rewind the input file: 0 ) for line in re

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similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.89044523 60 fast ml-2014-04-30-Converting categorical data into numbers with Pandas and Scikit-learn

Introduction: Many machine learning tools will only accept numbers as input. This may be a problem if you want to use such tool but your data includes categorical features. To represent them as numbers typically one converts each categorical feature using “one-hot encoding”, that is from a value like “BMW” or “Mercedes” to a vector of zeros and one 1 . This functionality is available in some software libraries. We load data using Pandas, then convert categorical columns with DictVectorizer from scikit-learn. Pandas is a popular Python library inspired by data frames in R. It allows easier manipulation of tabular numeric and non-numeric data. Downsides: not very intuitive, somewhat steep learning curve. For any questions you may have, Google + StackOverflow combo works well as a source of answers. UPDATE: Turns out that Pandas has get_dummies() function which does what we’re after. More on this in a while. We’ll use Pandas to load the data, do some cleaning and send it to Scikit-

2 0.23325107 12 fast ml-2012-12-21-Tuning hyperparams automatically with Spearmint

Introduction: The promise What’s attractive in machine learning? That a machine is learning, instead of a human. But an operator still has a lot of work to do. First, he has to learn how to teach a machine, in general. Then, when it comes to a concrete task, there are two main areas where a human needs to do the work (and remember, laziness is a virtue, at least for a programmer, so we’d like to minimize amount of work done by a human): data preparation model tuning This story is about model tuning. Typically, to achieve satisfactory results, first we need to convert raw data into format accepted by the model we would like to use, and then tune a few hyperparameters of the model. For example, some hyperparams to tune for a random forest may be a number of trees to grow and a number of candidate features at each split ( mtry in R randomForest). For a neural network, there are quite a lot of hyperparams: number of layers, number of neurons in each layer (specifically, in each hid

3 0.22808464 7 fast ml-2012-10-05-Predicting closed questions on Stack Overflow

Introduction: This time we enter the Stack Overflow challenge , which is about predicting a status of a given question on SO. There are five possible statuses, so it’s a multi-class classification problem. We would prefer a tool able to perform multiclass classification by itself. It can be done by hand by constructing five datasets, each with binary labels (one class against all others), and then combining predictions, but it might be a bit tricky to get right - we tried. Fortunately, nice people at Yahoo, excuse us, Microsoft, recently relased a new version of Vowpal Wabbit , and this new version supports multiclass classification. In case you’re wondering, Vowpal Wabbit is a fast linear learner. We like the “fast” part and “linear” is OK for dealing with lots of words, as in this contest. In any case, with more than three million data points it wouldn’t be that easy to train a kernel SVM, a neural net or what have you. VW, being a well-polished tool, has a few very convenient features.

4 0.22398724 61 fast ml-2014-05-08-Impute missing values with Amelia

Introduction: One of the ways to deal with missing values in data is to impute them. We use Amelia R package on The Analytics Edge competition data. Since one typically gets many imputed sets, we bag them with good results. So good that it seems we would have won the contest if not for a bug in our code. The competition Much to our surprise, we ranked 17th out of almost 1700 competitors - from the public leaderboard score we expected to be in top 10%, barely. The contest turned out to be one with huge overfitting possibilities, and people overfitted badly - some preliminary leaders ended up down the middle of the pack, while we soared up the ranks. But wait! There’s more. When preparing this article, we discovered a bug - apparently we used only 1980 points for training: points_in_test = 1980 train = data.iloc[:points_in_test,] # should be [:-points_in_test,] test = data.iloc[-points_in_test:,] If not for this little bug, we would have won, apparently. Imputing data A

5 0.22093044 19 fast ml-2013-02-07-The secret of the big guys

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