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59 fast ml-2014-04-21-Predicting happiness from demographics and poll answers

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Introduction: This time we attempt to predict if poll responders said they’re happy or not. We also take a look at what features are the most important for that prediction. There is a private competition at Kaggle for students of The Analytics Edge MOOC. You can get the invitation link by signing up for the course and going to the week seven front page. It’s an entry-level, educational contest - there’s no prizes and the data is small. The competition is based on data from the Show of Hands , a mobile polling application for US residents. The link between the app and the MOOC is MIT: it’s an MIT’s class and MIT’s alumnus’ app. You get a few thousand examples. Each consists of some demographics: year of birth gender income household status education level party preference Plus a number of answers to yes/no poll questions from the Show of Hands. Here’s a sample: Are you good at math? Have you cried in the past 60 days? Do you brush your teeth two or more times ever

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 This time we attempt to predict if poll responders said they’re happy or not. [sent-1, score-0.516]

2 There is a private competition at Kaggle for students of The Analytics Edge MOOC. [sent-3, score-0.071]

3 You can get the invitation link by signing up for the course and going to the week seven front page. [sent-4, score-0.184]

4 It’s an entry-level, educational contest - there’s no prizes and the data is small. [sent-5, score-0.205]

5 The competition is based on data from the Show of Hands , a mobile polling application for US residents. [sent-6, score-0.196]

6 The link between the app and the MOOC is MIT: it’s an MIT’s class and MIT’s alumnus’ app. [sent-7, score-0.175]

7 Each consists of some demographics: year of birth gender income household status education level party preference Plus a number of answers to yes/no poll questions from the Show of Hands. [sent-9, score-1.001]

8 Do you drink the unfiltered tap water in your home? [sent-14, score-0.062]

9 The goal is to predict how a person responded to “are you happy? [sent-17, score-0.241]

10 It should be interesting to see what factors have the most impact on the target variable. [sent-20, score-0.166]

11 The contest is evaluated using AUC and the top of the leaderboard scores about 0. [sent-21, score-0.071]

12 The data has a lot of missing values, because few responders answered all 101 questions. [sent-23, score-0.351]

13 There’s a variable with vote count for each person: Among demographics only YOB has missing values. [sent-24, score-0.339]

14 na(data$YOB)] = 0 It is convenient to use R, because R can handle categorical values natively, without vectorizing to one-hot encoding. [sent-27, score-0.071]

15 8 # proportion of training examples n = nrow( data ) train_len = round( n * p_train ) test_start = train_len + 1 i = sample. [sent-29, score-0.063]

16 Now to see which factors are important for predicting happiness. [sent-38, score-0.104]

17 var = 18, main = "Importance of variables" ) It seems that what matters is mostly demographics, with an exception of gender. [sent-41, score-0.142]

18 Apparently there’s a gap: the three questions matter much more than the others. [sent-44, score-0.096]

19 They are: 118237: Do you feel like you are “in over-your-head” in any aspect of your life right now? [sent-45, score-0.267]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('yob', 0.596), ('demographics', 0.255), ('mit', 0.255), ('income', 0.17), ('person', 0.17), ('poll', 0.17), ('matters', 0.142), ('education', 0.142), ('responders', 0.142), ('happy', 0.142), ('feel', 0.125), ('link', 0.113), ('importance', 0.113), ('factors', 0.104), ('level', 0.104), ('questions', 0.096), ('missing', 0.084), ('contest', 0.071), ('prizes', 0.071), ('life', 0.071), ('home', 0.071), ('mooc', 0.071), ('bayes', 0.071), ('naive', 0.071), ('aspect', 0.071), ('private', 0.071), ('round', 0.071), ('answers', 0.071), ('front', 0.071), ('child', 0.071), ('inherently', 0.071), ('mac', 0.071), ('responded', 0.071), ('application', 0.071), ('vectorizing', 0.071), ('auc', 0.068), ('show', 0.064), ('data', 0.063), ('status', 0.062), ('year', 0.062), ('impact', 0.062), ('math', 0.062), ('gender', 0.062), ('said', 0.062), ('app', 0.062), ('mobile', 0.062), ('study', 0.062), ('unfiltered', 0.062), ('answered', 0.062), ('birth', 0.062)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 59 fast ml-2014-04-21-Predicting happiness from demographics and poll answers

Introduction: This time we attempt to predict if poll responders said they’re happy or not. We also take a look at what features are the most important for that prediction. There is a private competition at Kaggle for students of The Analytics Edge MOOC. You can get the invitation link by signing up for the course and going to the week seven front page. It’s an entry-level, educational contest - there’s no prizes and the data is small. The competition is based on data from the Show of Hands , a mobile polling application for US residents. The link between the app and the MOOC is MIT: it’s an MIT’s class and MIT’s alumnus’ app. You get a few thousand examples. Each consists of some demographics: year of birth gender income household status education level party preference Plus a number of answers to yes/no poll questions from the Show of Hands. Here’s a sample: Are you good at math? Have you cried in the past 60 days? Do you brush your teeth two or more times ever

2 0.067736447 60 fast ml-2014-04-30-Converting categorical data into numbers with Pandas and Scikit-learn

Introduction: Many machine learning tools will only accept numbers as input. This may be a problem if you want to use such tool but your data includes categorical features. To represent them as numbers typically one converts each categorical feature using “one-hot encoding”, that is from a value like “BMW” or “Mercedes” to a vector of zeros and one 1 . This functionality is available in some software libraries. We load data using Pandas, then convert categorical columns with DictVectorizer from scikit-learn. Pandas is a popular Python library inspired by data frames in R. It allows easier manipulation of tabular numeric and non-numeric data. Downsides: not very intuitive, somewhat steep learning curve. For any questions you may have, Google + StackOverflow combo works well as a source of answers. UPDATE: Turns out that Pandas has get_dummies() function which does what we’re after. More on this in a while. We’ll use Pandas to load the data, do some cleaning and send it to Scikit-

3 0.066710711 20 fast ml-2013-02-18-Predicting advertised salaries

Introduction: We’re back to Kaggle competitions. This time we will attempt to predict advertised salaries from job ads and of course beat the benchmark. The benchmark is, as usual, a random forest result. For starters, we’ll use a linear model without much preprocessing. Will it be enough? Congratulations! You have spotted the ceiling cat. A linear model better than a random forest - how so? Well, to train a random forest on data this big, the benchmark code extracts only 100 most common words as features, and we will use all. This approach is similiar to the one we applied in Merck challenge . More data beats a cleverer algorithm, especially when a cleverer algorithm is unable to handle all of data (on your machine, anyway). The competition is about predicting salaries from job adverts. Of course the figures usually appear in the text, so they were removed. An error metric is mean absolute error (MAE) - how refreshing to see so intuitive one. The data for Job salary prediction con

4 0.063878193 22 fast ml-2013-03-07-Choosing a machine learning algorithm

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5 0.056177124 57 fast ml-2014-04-01-Exclusive Geoff Hinton interview

Introduction: Geoff Hinton is a living legend. He almost single-handedly invented backpropagation for training feed-forward neural networks. Despite in theory being universal function approximators, these networks turned out to be pretty much useless for more complex problems, like computer vision and speech recognition. Professor Hinton responded by creating deep networks and deep learning, an ultimate form of machine learning. Recently we’ve been fortunate to ask Geoff a few questions and have him answer them. Geoff, thanks so much for talking to us. You’ve had a long and fruitful career. What drives you these days? Well, after a man hits a certain age, his priorities change. Back in the 80s I was happy when I was able to train a network with eight hidden units. Now I can finally have thousands and possibly millions of them. So I guess the answer is scale. Apart from that, I like people at Google and I like making them a ton of money. They happen to pay me well, so it’s a win-win situ

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topicId topicWeight

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same-blog 1 0.96859556 59 fast ml-2014-04-21-Predicting happiness from demographics and poll answers

Introduction: This time we attempt to predict if poll responders said they’re happy or not. We also take a look at what features are the most important for that prediction. There is a private competition at Kaggle for students of The Analytics Edge MOOC. You can get the invitation link by signing up for the course and going to the week seven front page. It’s an entry-level, educational contest - there’s no prizes and the data is small. The competition is based on data from the Show of Hands , a mobile polling application for US residents. The link between the app and the MOOC is MIT: it’s an MIT’s class and MIT’s alumnus’ app. You get a few thousand examples. Each consists of some demographics: year of birth gender income household status education level party preference Plus a number of answers to yes/no poll questions from the Show of Hands. Here’s a sample: Are you good at math? Have you cried in the past 60 days? Do you brush your teeth two or more times ever

2 0.13069297 60 fast ml-2014-04-30-Converting categorical data into numbers with Pandas and Scikit-learn

Introduction: Many machine learning tools will only accept numbers as input. This may be a problem if you want to use such tool but your data includes categorical features. To represent them as numbers typically one converts each categorical feature using “one-hot encoding”, that is from a value like “BMW” or “Mercedes” to a vector of zeros and one 1 . This functionality is available in some software libraries. We load data using Pandas, then convert categorical columns with DictVectorizer from scikit-learn. Pandas is a popular Python library inspired by data frames in R. It allows easier manipulation of tabular numeric and non-numeric data. Downsides: not very intuitive, somewhat steep learning curve. For any questions you may have, Google + StackOverflow combo works well as a source of answers. UPDATE: Turns out that Pandas has get_dummies() function which does what we’re after. More on this in a while. We’ll use Pandas to load the data, do some cleaning and send it to Scikit-

3 0.12939933 20 fast ml-2013-02-18-Predicting advertised salaries

Introduction: We’re back to Kaggle competitions. This time we will attempt to predict advertised salaries from job ads and of course beat the benchmark. The benchmark is, as usual, a random forest result. For starters, we’ll use a linear model without much preprocessing. Will it be enough? Congratulations! You have spotted the ceiling cat. A linear model better than a random forest - how so? Well, to train a random forest on data this big, the benchmark code extracts only 100 most common words as features, and we will use all. This approach is similiar to the one we applied in Merck challenge . More data beats a cleverer algorithm, especially when a cleverer algorithm is unable to handle all of data (on your machine, anyway). The competition is about predicting salaries from job adverts. Of course the figures usually appear in the text, so they were removed. An error metric is mean absolute error (MAE) - how refreshing to see so intuitive one. The data for Job salary prediction con

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similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.87707311 59 fast ml-2014-04-21-Predicting happiness from demographics and poll answers

Introduction: This time we attempt to predict if poll responders said they’re happy or not. We also take a look at what features are the most important for that prediction. There is a private competition at Kaggle for students of The Analytics Edge MOOC. You can get the invitation link by signing up for the course and going to the week seven front page. It’s an entry-level, educational contest - there’s no prizes and the data is small. The competition is based on data from the Show of Hands , a mobile polling application for US residents. The link between the app and the MOOC is MIT: it’s an MIT’s class and MIT’s alumnus’ app. You get a few thousand examples. Each consists of some demographics: year of birth gender income household status education level party preference Plus a number of answers to yes/no poll questions from the Show of Hands. Here’s a sample: Are you good at math? Have you cried in the past 60 days? Do you brush your teeth two or more times ever

2 0.23501182 27 fast ml-2013-05-01-Deep learning made easy

Introduction: As usual, there’s an interesting competition at Kaggle: The Black Box. It’s connected to ICML 2013 Workshop on Challenges in Representation Learning, held by the deep learning guys from Montreal. There are a couple benchmarks for this competition and the best one is unusually hard to beat 1 - only less than a fourth of those taking part managed to do so. We’re among them. Here’s how. The key ingredient in our success is a recently developed secret Stanford technology for deep unsupervised learning: sparse filtering by Jiquan Ngiam et al. Actually, it’s not secret. It’s available at Github , and has one or two very appealling properties. Let us explain. The main idea of deep unsupervised learning, as we understand it, is feature extraction. One of the most common applications is in multimedia. The reason for that is that multimedia tasks, for example object recognition, are easy for humans, but difficult for computers 2 . Geoff Hinton from Toronto talks about two ends

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Introduction: Now that we have Spearmint basics nailed, we’ll try tuning a random forest, and specifically two hyperparams: a number of trees ( ntrees ) and a number of candidate features at each split ( mtry ). Here’s some code . We’re going to use a red wine quality dataset. It has about 1600 examples and our goal will be to predict a rating for a wine given all the other properties. This is a regression* task, as ratings are in (0,10) range. We will split the data 80/10/10 into train, validation and test set, and use the first two to establish optimal hyperparams and then predict on the test set. As an error measure we will use RMSE. At first, we will try ntrees between 10 and 200 and mtry between 3 and 11 (there’s eleven features total, so that’s the upper bound). Here are the results of two Spearmint runs with 71 and 95 tries respectively. Colors denote a validation error value: green : RMSE < 0.57 blue : RMSE < 0.58 black : RMSE >= 0.58 Turns out that some diffe

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Introduction: Little Spearmint couldn’t sleep that night. I was so close… - he was thinking. It seemed that he had found a better than default value for one of the random forest hyperparams, but it turned out to be false. He made a decision as he fell asleep: Next time, I will show them! The way to do this is to use a dataset that is known to produce lower error with high mtry values, namely previously mentioned Madelon from NIPS 2003 Feature Selection Challenge. Among 500 attributes, only 20 are informative, the rest are noise. That’s the reason why high mtry is good here: you have to consider a lot of features to find a meaningful one. The dataset consists of a train, validation and test parts, with labels being available for train and validation. We will further split the training set into our train and validation sets, and use the original validation set as a test set to evaluate final results of parameter tuning. As an error measure we use Area Under Curve , or AUC, which was

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