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61 fast ml-2014-05-08-Impute missing values with Amelia

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Introduction: One of the ways to deal with missing values in data is to impute them. We use Amelia R package on The Analytics Edge competition data. Since one typically gets many imputed sets, we bag them with good results. So good that it seems we would have won the contest if not for a bug in our code. The competition Much to our surprise, we ranked 17th out of almost 1700 competitors - from the public leaderboard score we expected to be in top 10%, barely. The contest turned out to be one with huge overfitting possibilities, and people overfitted badly - some preliminary leaders ended up down the middle of the pack, while we soared up the ranks. But wait! There’s more. When preparing this article, we discovered a bug - apparently we used only 1980 points for training: points_in_test = 1980 train = data.iloc[:points_in_test,] # should be [:-points_in_test,] test = data.iloc[-points_in_test:,] If not for this little bug, we would have won, apparently. Imputing data A

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 One of the ways to deal with missing values in data is to impute them. [sent-1, score-0.33]

2 Since one typically gets many imputed sets, we bag them with good results. [sent-3, score-0.355]

3 So good that it seems we would have won the contest if not for a bug in our code. [sent-4, score-0.227]

4 The contest turned out to be one with huge overfitting possibilities, and people overfitted badly - some preliminary leaders ended up down the middle of the pack, while we soared up the ranks. [sent-6, score-0.318]

5 When preparing this article, we discovered a bug - apparently we used only 1980 points for training: points_in_test = 1980 train = data. [sent-9, score-0.226]

6 Imputing data A common strategy found in the forums, besides using Support Vector Machines as a classifier, was to impute missing values with mice , as described in the class. [sent-12, score-0.664]

7 imputed_data = complete( mice( data )) Imputing with mice , while straightforward, seemed very slow - no end in sight - so we turned to another R package: Amelia. [sent-13, score-0.404]

8 The package is named after Amelia Earhart , a famous American woman aviator who went missing over the ocean. [sent-15, score-0.241]

9 The good thing about the software is that it works much faster than mice , partly due to employing multiple cores. [sent-17, score-0.453]

10 Column types The main thing to do when running the algorithm is to specify types of columns: noms = c( 'some', 'nominal', 'columns' ) ords = c( 'and', 'ordinal', 'if', 'you', 'need', 'them' ) idvars = c( 'these', 'will', 'be', 'ignored' ) a. [sent-22, score-0.764]

11 out = amelia( data, noms = noms, ords = ords, idvars = idvars ) Nominal is another word for categorical. [sent-23, score-0.826]

12 Ordinals you can skip, unless you specifically want them imputed as integers. [sent-24, score-0.355]

13 And idvars will be preserved in the output but otherwise ignored - put your target variable among them. [sent-25, score-0.236]

14 Parallelism By default, Amelia performs five runs, so you end up with five imputed sets. [sent-27, score-0.445]

15 It makes sense to set the number of imputed datasets to be equal to [multiple of] the number of cores in your CPU, so that all cores work in parallel. [sent-29, score-0.511]

16 ncpus = 8 m = ncpus * 10 # 80 sets, see Bagging a. [sent-30, score-0.472]

17 , parallel = 'multicore', ncpus = ncpus ) Output The object returned by the function holds a list of imputed sets. [sent-34, score-0.87]

18 This strategy produced the best score for us, although SVM trained on data with missing values filled in a particular way was also quite good (final AUC = 0. [sent-46, score-0.369]

19 785 result pictured above comes from bagging 96 imputed sets. [sent-49, score-0.6]

20 Post scriptum: an experiment with imputing y In principle, it’s possible to use imputation software to fill missing values for y in the test set. [sent-51, score-0.532]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('amelia', 0.532), ('imputed', 0.355), ('idvars', 0.236), ('mice', 0.236), ('ncpus', 0.236), ('bagging', 0.196), ('bug', 0.177), ('imputing', 0.177), ('noms', 0.177), ('ords', 0.177), ('missing', 0.147), ('impute', 0.118), ('strategy', 0.098), ('package', 0.094), ('types', 0.087), ('turned', 0.078), ('cores', 0.078), ('multiple', 0.072), ('columns', 0.071), ('sets', 0.067), ('values', 0.065), ('particular', 0.059), ('software', 0.053), ('contest', 0.05), ('preparing', 0.049), ('harvard', 0.049), ('preliminary', 0.049), ('employing', 0.049), ('complete', 0.049), ('remove', 0.049), ('pictured', 0.049), ('principle', 0.049), ('middle', 0.049), ('huge', 0.049), ('segmentation', 0.049), ('end', 0.047), ('possible', 0.047), ('auc', 0.047), ('bad', 0.043), ('fill', 0.043), ('forums', 0.043), ('ended', 0.043), ('performs', 0.043), ('seemed', 0.043), ('surprise', 0.043), ('expected', 0.043), ('support', 0.043), ('holds', 0.043), ('partly', 0.043), ('issue', 0.043)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 61 fast ml-2014-05-08-Impute missing values with Amelia

Introduction: One of the ways to deal with missing values in data is to impute them. We use Amelia R package on The Analytics Edge competition data. Since one typically gets many imputed sets, we bag them with good results. So good that it seems we would have won the contest if not for a bug in our code. The competition Much to our surprise, we ranked 17th out of almost 1700 competitors - from the public leaderboard score we expected to be in top 10%, barely. The contest turned out to be one with huge overfitting possibilities, and people overfitted badly - some preliminary leaders ended up down the middle of the pack, while we soared up the ranks. But wait! There’s more. When preparing this article, we discovered a bug - apparently we used only 1980 points for training: points_in_test = 1980 train = data.iloc[:points_in_test,] # should be [:-points_in_test,] test = data.iloc[-points_in_test:,] If not for this little bug, we would have won, apparently. Imputing data A

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Introduction: Many machine learning tools will only accept numbers as input. This may be a problem if you want to use such tool but your data includes categorical features. To represent them as numbers typically one converts each categorical feature using “one-hot encoding”, that is from a value like “BMW” or “Mercedes” to a vector of zeros and one 1 . This functionality is available in some software libraries. We load data using Pandas, then convert categorical columns with DictVectorizer from scikit-learn. Pandas is a popular Python library inspired by data frames in R. It allows easier manipulation of tabular numeric and non-numeric data. Downsides: not very intuitive, somewhat steep learning curve. For any questions you may have, Google + StackOverflow combo works well as a source of answers. UPDATE: Turns out that Pandas has get_dummies() function which does what we’re after. More on this in a while. We’ll use Pandas to load the data, do some cleaning and send it to Scikit-

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Introduction: There’s a contest at Kaggle held by Qatar University. They want to be able to discriminate men from women based on handwriting. For a thousand bucks, well, why not? Congratulations! You have spotted the ceiling cat. As Sashi noticed on the forums , it’s not difficult to improve on the benchmarks a little bit. In particular, he mentioned feature selection, normalizing the data and using a regularized linear model. Here’s our version of the story. Let’s start with normalizing. There’s a nice function for that in R, scale() . The dataset is small, 1128 examples, so we can go ahead and use R. Turns out that in its raw form, the data won’t scale. That’s because apparently there are some columns with zeros only. That makes it difficult to divide. Fortunately, we know just the right tool for the task. We learned about it on Kaggle forums too. It’s a function in caret package called nearZeroVar() . It will give you indexes of all the columns which have near zero var

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Introduction: Little Spearmint couldn’t sleep that night. I was so close… - he was thinking. It seemed that he had found a better than default value for one of the random forest hyperparams, but it turned out to be false. He made a decision as he fell asleep: Next time, I will show them! The way to do this is to use a dataset that is known to produce lower error with high mtry values, namely previously mentioned Madelon from NIPS 2003 Feature Selection Challenge. Among 500 attributes, only 20 are informative, the rest are noise. That’s the reason why high mtry is good here: you have to consider a lot of features to find a meaningful one. The dataset consists of a train, validation and test parts, with labels being available for train and validation. We will further split the training set into our train and validation sets, and use the original validation set as a test set to evaluate final results of parameter tuning. As an error measure we use Area Under Curve , or AUC, which was

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same-blog 1 0.9738676 61 fast ml-2014-05-08-Impute missing values with Amelia

Introduction: One of the ways to deal with missing values in data is to impute them. We use Amelia R package on The Analytics Edge competition data. Since one typically gets many imputed sets, we bag them with good results. So good that it seems we would have won the contest if not for a bug in our code. The competition Much to our surprise, we ranked 17th out of almost 1700 competitors - from the public leaderboard score we expected to be in top 10%, barely. The contest turned out to be one with huge overfitting possibilities, and people overfitted badly - some preliminary leaders ended up down the middle of the pack, while we soared up the ranks. But wait! There’s more. When preparing this article, we discovered a bug - apparently we used only 1980 points for training: points_in_test = 1980 train = data.iloc[:points_in_test,] # should be [:-points_in_test,] test = data.iloc[-points_in_test:,] If not for this little bug, we would have won, apparently. Imputing data A

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Introduction: Many machine learning tools will only accept numbers as input. This may be a problem if you want to use such tool but your data includes categorical features. To represent them as numbers typically one converts each categorical feature using “one-hot encoding”, that is from a value like “BMW” or “Mercedes” to a vector of zeros and one 1 . This functionality is available in some software libraries. We load data using Pandas, then convert categorical columns with DictVectorizer from scikit-learn. Pandas is a popular Python library inspired by data frames in R. It allows easier manipulation of tabular numeric and non-numeric data. Downsides: not very intuitive, somewhat steep learning curve. For any questions you may have, Google + StackOverflow combo works well as a source of answers. UPDATE: Turns out that Pandas has get_dummies() function which does what we’re after. More on this in a while. We’ll use Pandas to load the data, do some cleaning and send it to Scikit-

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Introduction: There’s a contest at Kaggle held by Qatar University. They want to be able to discriminate men from women based on handwriting. For a thousand bucks, well, why not? Congratulations! You have spotted the ceiling cat. As Sashi noticed on the forums , it’s not difficult to improve on the benchmarks a little bit. In particular, he mentioned feature selection, normalizing the data and using a regularized linear model. Here’s our version of the story. Let’s start with normalizing. There’s a nice function for that in R, scale() . The dataset is small, 1128 examples, so we can go ahead and use R. Turns out that in its raw form, the data won’t scale. That’s because apparently there are some columns with zeros only. That makes it difficult to divide. Fortunately, we know just the right tool for the task. We learned about it on Kaggle forums too. It’s a function in caret package called nearZeroVar() . It will give you indexes of all the columns which have near zero var

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Introduction: One of the ways to deal with missing values in data is to impute them. We use Amelia R package on The Analytics Edge competition data. Since one typically gets many imputed sets, we bag them with good results. So good that it seems we would have won the contest if not for a bug in our code. The competition Much to our surprise, we ranked 17th out of almost 1700 competitors - from the public leaderboard score we expected to be in top 10%, barely. The contest turned out to be one with huge overfitting possibilities, and people overfitted badly - some preliminary leaders ended up down the middle of the pack, while we soared up the ranks. But wait! There’s more. When preparing this article, we discovered a bug - apparently we used only 1980 points for training: points_in_test = 1980 train = data.iloc[:points_in_test,] # should be [:-points_in_test,] test = data.iloc[-points_in_test:,] If not for this little bug, we would have won, apparently. Imputing data A

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Introduction: The promise What’s attractive in machine learning? That a machine is learning, instead of a human. But an operator still has a lot of work to do. First, he has to learn how to teach a machine, in general. Then, when it comes to a concrete task, there are two main areas where a human needs to do the work (and remember, laziness is a virtue, at least for a programmer, so we’d like to minimize amount of work done by a human): data preparation model tuning This story is about model tuning. Typically, to achieve satisfactory results, first we need to convert raw data into format accepted by the model we would like to use, and then tune a few hyperparameters of the model. For example, some hyperparams to tune for a random forest may be a number of trees to grow and a number of candidate features at each split ( mtry in R randomForest). For a neural network, there are quite a lot of hyperparams: number of layers, number of neurons in each layer (specifically, in each hid

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Introduction: There’s a contest at Kaggle held by Qatar University. They want to be able to discriminate men from women based on handwriting. For a thousand bucks, well, why not? Congratulations! You have spotted the ceiling cat. As Sashi noticed on the forums , it’s not difficult to improve on the benchmarks a little bit. In particular, he mentioned feature selection, normalizing the data and using a regularized linear model. Here’s our version of the story. Let’s start with normalizing. There’s a nice function for that in R, scale() . The dataset is small, 1128 examples, so we can go ahead and use R. Turns out that in its raw form, the data won’t scale. That’s because apparently there are some columns with zeros only. That makes it difficult to divide. Fortunately, we know just the right tool for the task. We learned about it on Kaggle forums too. It’s a function in caret package called nearZeroVar() . It will give you indexes of all the columns which have near zero var

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