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50 fast ml-2014-01-20-How to get predictions from Pylearn2

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Introduction: A while ago we’ve shown how to get predictions from a Pylearn2 model. It is a little tricky, partly because of splitting data into batches. If you’re able to fit your data in memory, you can strip the batch handling code and it becomes easier to see what’s going on. We exercise the concept to distinguish cats from dogs again, with superior results. Step by step You have a pickled model from Pylearn2. Let’s load it: from pylearn2.utils import serial model_path = 'model.pkl' model = serial.load( model_path ) Next, some Theano weirdness. Theano is a compiler for symbolic expressions and with these expressions we deal when predicting. We need to define expressions for X and Y: X = model.get_input_space().make_theano_batch() Y = model.fprop( X ) Mind you, these are not variables, but rather descriptions of how to get variables. Y is easy to understand: just feed the data to the model and forward-propagate. X is more of an idiom, the incantations above make sur

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 A while ago we’ve shown how to get predictions from a Pylearn2 model. [sent-1, score-0.238]

2 It is a little tricky, partly because of splitting data into batches. [sent-2, score-0.188]

3 If you’re able to fit your data in memory, you can strip the batch handling code and it becomes easier to see what’s going on. [sent-3, score-0.366]

4 We exercise the concept to distinguish cats from dogs again, with superior results. [sent-4, score-0.557]

5 Step by step You have a pickled model from Pylearn2. [sent-5, score-0.422]

6 Theano is a compiler for symbolic expressions and with these expressions we deal when predicting. [sent-10, score-0.772]

7 We need to define expressions for X and Y: X = model. [sent-11, score-0.575]

8 Y is easy to understand: just feed the data to the model and forward-propagate. [sent-15, score-0.099]

9 In case of classification, you need to throw in argmax : Y = T. [sent-17, score-0.214]

10 argmax( Y, axis = 1 ) The next step is to define a link between X and Y. [sent-18, score-0.684]

11 This link is a function that takes X and returns Y. [sent-19, score-0.476]

12 function : the interface for compiling graphs into callable objects . [sent-21, score-0.437]

13 function( [X], Y ) The final step is what you’d expect: you provide some data to the function and it returns predictions: y = f( x_test ) Both x_test and y are numpy arrays. [sent-23, score-0.521]

14 Credit: @CuteEmergency A practical example In the previous article we learned how to get 88% accuracy with a pre-trained network. [sent-27, score-0.079]

15 Kyle has been publishing his code for the contest all along. [sent-29, score-0.107]

16 The general idea is to use a pre-trained network not to classify, but to extract features from images . [sent-31, score-0.074]

17 Then you train a custom classifier, here a biggish perceptron with two hidden layers, rectified linear units and dropout. [sent-34, score-0.085]

18 The resulting network is able to distinguish between classes much better than the original model because it’s trained specifically for the task at hand. [sent-35, score-0.48]

19 Now it’s available, but still - here’s our simpler version without batches . [sent-37, score-0.173]

20 UPDATE : Ian Goodfellow merged the slightly more polished script into Pylearn2, as scripts/mlp/predict_csv. [sent-38, score-0.214]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('expressions', 0.386), ('step', 0.216), ('distinguish', 0.214), ('kyle', 0.214), ('define', 0.189), ('returns', 0.189), ('link', 0.171), ('theano', 0.157), ('function', 0.116), ('next', 0.108), ('tricky', 0.107), ('polished', 0.107), ('throw', 0.107), ('publishing', 0.107), ('ordinary', 0.107), ('merged', 0.107), ('pickled', 0.107), ('goodfellow', 0.107), ('interface', 0.107), ('argmax', 0.107), ('callable', 0.107), ('kastner', 0.107), ('objects', 0.107), ('road', 0.107), ('transforms', 0.107), ('model', 0.099), ('concept', 0.094), ('handling', 0.094), ('partly', 0.094), ('splitting', 0.094), ('float', 0.094), ('classify', 0.094), ('ian', 0.094), ('initially', 0.094), ('batch', 0.094), ('batches', 0.094), ('decaf', 0.094), ('able', 0.093), ('exercise', 0.085), ('easier', 0.085), ('ago', 0.085), ('rectified', 0.085), ('dogs', 0.085), ('shown', 0.079), ('understand', 0.079), ('practical', 0.079), ('simpler', 0.079), ('cats', 0.079), ('predictions', 0.074), ('network', 0.074)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999994 50 fast ml-2014-01-20-How to get predictions from Pylearn2

Introduction: A while ago we’ve shown how to get predictions from a Pylearn2 model. It is a little tricky, partly because of splitting data into batches. If you’re able to fit your data in memory, you can strip the batch handling code and it becomes easier to see what’s going on. We exercise the concept to distinguish cats from dogs again, with superior results. Step by step You have a pickled model from Pylearn2. Let’s load it: from pylearn2.utils import serial model_path = 'model.pkl' model = serial.load( model_path ) Next, some Theano weirdness. Theano is a compiler for symbolic expressions and with these expressions we deal when predicting. We need to define expressions for X and Y: X = model.get_input_space().make_theano_batch() Y = model.fprop( X ) Mind you, these are not variables, but rather descriptions of how to get variables. Y is easy to understand: just feed the data to the model and forward-propagate. X is more of an idiom, the incantations above make sur

2 0.13355611 45 fast ml-2013-11-27-Object recognition in images with cuda-convnet

Introduction: Object recognition in images is where deep learning, and specifically convolutional neural networks, are often applied and benchmarked these days. To get a piece of the action, we’ll be using Alex Krizhevsky’s cuda-convnet , a shining diamond of machine learning software, in a Kaggle competition. Continuing to run things on a GPU, we turn to applying convolutional neural networks for object recognition. This kind of network was developed by Yann LeCun and it’s powerful, but a bit complicated: Image credit: EBLearn tutorial A typical convolutional network has two parts. The first is responsible for feature extraction and consists of one or more pairs of convolution and subsampling/max-pooling layers, as you can see above. The second part is just a classic fully-connected multilayer perceptron taking extracted features as input. For a detailed explanation of all this see unit 9 in Hugo LaRochelle’s neural networks course . Daniel Nouri has an interesting story about

3 0.11671974 52 fast ml-2014-02-02-Yesterday a kaggler, today a Kaggle master: a wrap-up of the cats and dogs competition

Introduction: Out of 215 contestants, we placed 8th in the Cats and Dogs competition at Kaggle. The top ten finish gave us the master badge. The competition was about discerning the animals in images and here’s how we did it. We extracted the features using pre-trained deep convolutional networks, specifically decaf and OverFeat . Then we trained some classifiers on these features. The whole thing was inspired by Kyle Kastner’s decaf + pylearn2 combo and we expanded this idea. The classifiers were linear models from scikit-learn and a neural network from Pylearn2 . At the end we created a voting ensemble of the individual models. OverFeat features We touched on OverFeat in Classifying images with a pre-trained deep network . A better way to use it in this competition’s context is to extract the features from the layer before the classifier, as Pierre Sermanet suggested in the comments. Concretely, in the larger OverFeat model ( -l ) layer 24 is the softmax, at least in the

4 0.09764991 49 fast ml-2014-01-10-Classifying images with a pre-trained deep network

Introduction: Recently at least two research teams made their pre-trained deep convolutional networks available, so you can classify your images right away. We’ll see how to go about it, with data from the Cats & Dogs competition at Kaggle as an example. We’ll be using OverFeat , a classifier and feature extractor from the New York guys lead by Yann LeCun and Rob Fergus. The principal author, Pierre Sermanet, is currently first on the Dogs vs. Cats leaderboard . The other available implementation we know of comes from Berkeley. It’s called Caffe and is a successor to decaf . Yangqing Jia , the main author of these, is also near the top of the leaderboard. Both networks were trained on ImageNet , which is an image database organized according to the WordNet hierarchy . It was the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2012 in which Alex Krizhevsky crushed the competition with his network. His error was 16%, the second best - 26%. Data The Kaggle competition featur

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same-blog 1 0.98369664 50 fast ml-2014-01-20-How to get predictions from Pylearn2

Introduction: A while ago we’ve shown how to get predictions from a Pylearn2 model. It is a little tricky, partly because of splitting data into batches. If you’re able to fit your data in memory, you can strip the batch handling code and it becomes easier to see what’s going on. We exercise the concept to distinguish cats from dogs again, with superior results. Step by step You have a pickled model from Pylearn2. Let’s load it: from pylearn2.utils import serial model_path = 'model.pkl' model = serial.load( model_path ) Next, some Theano weirdness. Theano is a compiler for symbolic expressions and with these expressions we deal when predicting. We need to define expressions for X and Y: X = model.get_input_space().make_theano_batch() Y = model.fprop( X ) Mind you, these are not variables, but rather descriptions of how to get variables. Y is easy to understand: just feed the data to the model and forward-propagate. X is more of an idiom, the incantations above make sur

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Introduction: Out of 215 contestants, we placed 8th in the Cats and Dogs competition at Kaggle. The top ten finish gave us the master badge. The competition was about discerning the animals in images and here’s how we did it. We extracted the features using pre-trained deep convolutional networks, specifically decaf and OverFeat . Then we trained some classifiers on these features. The whole thing was inspired by Kyle Kastner’s decaf + pylearn2 combo and we expanded this idea. The classifiers were linear models from scikit-learn and a neural network from Pylearn2 . At the end we created a voting ensemble of the individual models. OverFeat features We touched on OverFeat in Classifying images with a pre-trained deep network . A better way to use it in this competition’s context is to extract the features from the layer before the classifier, as Pierre Sermanet suggested in the comments. Concretely, in the larger OverFeat model ( -l ) layer 24 is the softmax, at least in the

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Introduction: Object recognition in images is where deep learning, and specifically convolutional neural networks, are often applied and benchmarked these days. To get a piece of the action, we’ll be using Alex Krizhevsky’s cuda-convnet , a shining diamond of machine learning software, in a Kaggle competition. Continuing to run things on a GPU, we turn to applying convolutional neural networks for object recognition. This kind of network was developed by Yann LeCun and it’s powerful, but a bit complicated: Image credit: EBLearn tutorial A typical convolutional network has two parts. The first is responsible for feature extraction and consists of one or more pairs of convolution and subsampling/max-pooling layers, as you can see above. The second part is just a classic fully-connected multilayer perceptron taking extracted features as input. For a detailed explanation of all this see unit 9 in Hugo LaRochelle’s neural networks course . Daniel Nouri has an interesting story about

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Introduction: Recently at least two research teams made their pre-trained deep convolutional networks available, so you can classify your images right away. We’ll see how to go about it, with data from the Cats & Dogs competition at Kaggle as an example. We’ll be using OverFeat , a classifier and feature extractor from the New York guys lead by Yann LeCun and Rob Fergus. The principal author, Pierre Sermanet, is currently first on the Dogs vs. Cats leaderboard . The other available implementation we know of comes from Berkeley. It’s called Caffe and is a successor to decaf . Yangqing Jia , the main author of these, is also near the top of the leaderboard. Both networks were trained on ImageNet , which is an image database organized according to the WordNet hierarchy . It was the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2012 in which Alex Krizhevsky crushed the competition with his network. His error was 16%, the second best - 26%. Data The Kaggle competition featur

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.91866976 50 fast ml-2014-01-20-How to get predictions from Pylearn2

Introduction: A while ago we’ve shown how to get predictions from a Pylearn2 model. It is a little tricky, partly because of splitting data into batches. If you’re able to fit your data in memory, you can strip the batch handling code and it becomes easier to see what’s going on. We exercise the concept to distinguish cats from dogs again, with superior results. Step by step You have a pickled model from Pylearn2. Let’s load it: from pylearn2.utils import serial model_path = 'model.pkl' model = serial.load( model_path ) Next, some Theano weirdness. Theano is a compiler for symbolic expressions and with these expressions we deal when predicting. We need to define expressions for X and Y: X = model.get_input_space().make_theano_batch() Y = model.fprop( X ) Mind you, these are not variables, but rather descriptions of how to get variables. Y is easy to understand: just feed the data to the model and forward-propagate. X is more of an idiom, the incantations above make sur

2 0.26336354 49 fast ml-2014-01-10-Classifying images with a pre-trained deep network

Introduction: Recently at least two research teams made their pre-trained deep convolutional networks available, so you can classify your images right away. We’ll see how to go about it, with data from the Cats & Dogs competition at Kaggle as an example. We’ll be using OverFeat , a classifier and feature extractor from the New York guys lead by Yann LeCun and Rob Fergus. The principal author, Pierre Sermanet, is currently first on the Dogs vs. Cats leaderboard . The other available implementation we know of comes from Berkeley. It’s called Caffe and is a successor to decaf . Yangqing Jia , the main author of these, is also near the top of the leaderboard. Both networks were trained on ImageNet , which is an image database organized according to the WordNet hierarchy . It was the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2012 in which Alex Krizhevsky crushed the competition with his network. His error was 16%, the second best - 26%. Data The Kaggle competition featur

3 0.26121402 52 fast ml-2014-02-02-Yesterday a kaggler, today a Kaggle master: a wrap-up of the cats and dogs competition

Introduction: Out of 215 contestants, we placed 8th in the Cats and Dogs competition at Kaggle. The top ten finish gave us the master badge. The competition was about discerning the animals in images and here’s how we did it. We extracted the features using pre-trained deep convolutional networks, specifically decaf and OverFeat . Then we trained some classifiers on these features. The whole thing was inspired by Kyle Kastner’s decaf + pylearn2 combo and we expanded this idea. The classifiers were linear models from scikit-learn and a neural network from Pylearn2 . At the end we created a voting ensemble of the individual models. OverFeat features We touched on OverFeat in Classifying images with a pre-trained deep network . A better way to use it in this competition’s context is to extract the features from the layer before the classifier, as Pierre Sermanet suggested in the comments. Concretely, in the larger OverFeat model ( -l ) layer 24 is the softmax, at least in the

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Introduction: What do you get when you mix one part brilliant and one part daft? You get Pylearn2, a cutting edge neural networks library from Montreal that’s rather hard to use. Here we’ll show how to get through the daft part with your mental health relatively intact. Pylearn2 comes from the Lisa Lab in Montreal , led by Yoshua Bengio. Those are pretty smart guys and they concern themselves with deep learning. Recently they published a paper entitled Pylearn2: a machine learning research library [arxiv] . Here’s a quote: Pylearn2 is a machine learning research library - its users are researchers . This means (…) it is acceptable to assume that the user has some technical sophistication and knowledge of machine learning. The word research is possibly the most common word in the paper. There’s a reason for that: the library is certainly not production-ready. OK, it’s not that bad. There are only two difficult things: getting your data in getting predictions out What’

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