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39 fast ml-2013-09-19-What you wanted to know about AUC

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Introduction: AUC, or Area Under Curve, is a metric for binary classification. It’s probably the second most popular one, after accuracy. Unfortunately, it’s nowhere near as intuitive. That is, until you have read this article. Accuracy deals with ones and zeros, meaning you either got the class label right or you didn’t. But many classifiers are able to quantify their uncertainty about the answer by outputting a probability value. To compute accuracy from probabilities you need a threshold to decide when zero turns into one. The most natural threshold is of course 0.5. Let’s suppose you have a quirky classifier. It is able to get all the answers right, but it outputs 0.7 for negative examples and 0.9 for positive examples. Clearly, a threshold of 0.5 won’t get you far here. But 0.8 would be just perfect. That’s the whole point of using AUC - it considers all possible thresholds. Various thresholds result in different true positive/false positive rates. As you decrease the threshold, you get

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Accuracy deals with ones and zeros, meaning you either got the class label right or you didn’t. [sent-5, score-0.053]

2 To compute accuracy from probabilities you need a threshold to decide when zero turns into one. [sent-7, score-0.543]

3 It is able to get all the answers right, but it outputs 0. [sent-11, score-0.12]

4 Various thresholds result in different true positive/false positive rates. [sent-19, score-0.244]

5 As you decrease the threshold, you get more true positives, but also more false positives. [sent-20, score-0.264]

6 The relation between them can be plotted: Image credit: Wikipedia From a random classifier you can expect as many true positives as false positives. [sent-21, score-0.657]

7 Computing AUC You compute AUC from a vector of predictions and a vector of true labels. [sent-27, score-0.392]

8 auc In Matlab (but not Octave), you have perfcurve which can even return the best threshold, or optimal operating point In R, one of the packages that provide ROC AUC is caTools Finer points Let’s get more precise with naming. [sent-31, score-0.852]

9 ROC stands for Receiver Operating Characteristic, a term from signal theory. [sent-33, score-0.053]

10 Sometimes you may encounter references to ROC or ROC curve - think AUC then. [sent-34, score-0.168]

11 But wait - Gael Varoquaux points out that AUC is not always area under the curve of a ROC curve. [sent-35, score-0.441]

12 In the situation where you have imbalanced classes, it is often more useful to report AUC for a precision-recall curve. [sent-36, score-0.173]

13 ROC AUC is insensitive to imbalanced classes, however. [sent-37, score-0.127]

14 9 ); % mostly negatives p = zeros(1000,1); % always predicting zero [X,Y,T,AUC] = perfcurve(y,p,1) % 0. [sent-39, score-0.198]

15 In case your class labels are mostly negative or mostly positive, a classifier that always outputs 0 or 1, respectively, will achieve high accuracy. [sent-41, score-0.651]

16 The same goes to random predictions: y = real( rand(1000,1) > 0. [sent-44, score-0.056]

17 1 ); % mostly positives p = rand(1000,1); % random predictions [X,Y,T,AUC] = perfcurve(y,p,1) % 0. [sent-45, score-0.17]

18 9 ); % mostly negatives p = rand(1000,1); % random predictions [X,Y,T,AUC] = perfcurve(y,p,1) % 0. [sent-47, score-0.17]

19 4883 plot(X,Y) And zero zero seven, there’s one more thing you need to know about AUC: it doesn’t care about absolute values, it only cares about ranking. [sent-48, score-0.166]

20 This means that your quirky classifier might as well output 700 for negatives and 900 for positives and it would be perfectly OK for AUC, even when you’re supposed to provide probabilities. [sent-49, score-0.603]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('roc', 0.443), ('auc', 0.403), ('rand', 0.317), ('perfcurve', 0.253), ('threshold', 0.232), ('positives', 0.211), ('curve', 0.168), ('area', 0.139), ('negatives', 0.139), ('imbalanced', 0.127), ('quirky', 0.127), ('positive', 0.126), ('classifier', 0.126), ('true', 0.118), ('mostly', 0.114), ('operating', 0.093), ('false', 0.093), ('negative', 0.093), ('always', 0.084), ('zero', 0.083), ('matlab', 0.08), ('predictions', 0.073), ('real', 0.072), ('compute', 0.067), ('probabilities', 0.067), ('vector', 0.067), ('outputs', 0.067), ('zeros', 0.063), ('classes', 0.056), ('random', 0.056), ('class', 0.053), ('hamner', 0.053), ('perfect', 0.053), ('octave', 0.053), ('stands', 0.053), ('gael', 0.053), ('varoquaux', 0.053), ('answers', 0.053), ('decrease', 0.053), ('precise', 0.053), ('relation', 0.053), ('points', 0.05), ('accuracy', 0.048), ('ben', 0.046), ('respectively', 0.046), ('versions', 0.046), ('decide', 0.046), ('classifiers', 0.046), ('favourite', 0.046), ('report', 0.046)]

similar blogs list:

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Introduction: AUC, or Area Under Curve, is a metric for binary classification. It’s probably the second most popular one, after accuracy. Unfortunately, it’s nowhere near as intuitive. That is, until you have read this article. Accuracy deals with ones and zeros, meaning you either got the class label right or you didn’t. But many classifiers are able to quantify their uncertainty about the answer by outputting a probability value. To compute accuracy from probabilities you need a threshold to decide when zero turns into one. The most natural threshold is of course 0.5. Let’s suppose you have a quirky classifier. It is able to get all the answers right, but it outputs 0.7 for negative examples and 0.9 for positive examples. Clearly, a threshold of 0.5 won’t get you far here. But 0.8 would be just perfect. That’s the whole point of using AUC - it considers all possible thresholds. Various thresholds result in different true positive/false positive rates. As you decrease the threshold, you get

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Introduction: Lately we’ve been working with the Madelon dataset. It was originally prepared for a feature selection challenge, so while we’re at it, let’s select some features. Madelon has 500 attributes, 20 of which are real, the rest being noise. Hence the ideal scenario would be to select just those 20 features. Fortunately we know just the right software for this task. It’s called mRMR , for minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance , and is available in C and Matlab versions for various platforms. mRMR expects a CSV file with labels in the first column and feature names in the first row. So the game plan is: combine training and validation sets into a format expected by mRMR run selection filter the original datasets, discarding all features but the selected ones evaluate the results on the validation set if all goes well, prepare and submit files for the competition We’ll use R scripts for all the steps but feature selection. Now a few words about mRMR. It will show you p

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Introduction: Little Spearmint couldn’t sleep that night. I was so close… - he was thinking. It seemed that he had found a better than default value for one of the random forest hyperparams, but it turned out to be false. He made a decision as he fell asleep: Next time, I will show them! The way to do this is to use a dataset that is known to produce lower error with high mtry values, namely previously mentioned Madelon from NIPS 2003 Feature Selection Challenge. Among 500 attributes, only 20 are informative, the rest are noise. That’s the reason why high mtry is good here: you have to consider a lot of features to find a meaningful one. The dataset consists of a train, validation and test parts, with labels being available for train and validation. We will further split the training set into our train and validation sets, and use the original validation set as a test set to evaluate final results of parameter tuning. As an error measure we use Area Under Curve , or AUC, which was

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Introduction: This is about Amazon access control challenge at Kaggle. Either we’re getting smarter, or the competition is easy. Or maybe both. You can beat the benchmark quite easily and with AUC of 0.875 you’d be comfortably in the top twenty percent at the moment. We scored fourth in our first attempt - the model was quick to develop and back then there were fewer competitors. Traditionally we use Vowpal Wabbit . Just simple binary classification with the logistic loss function and 10 passes over the data. It seems to work pretty well even though the classes are very unbalanced: there’s only a handful of negatives when compared to positives. Apparently Amazon employees usually get the access they request, even though sometimes they are refused. Let’s look at the data. First a label and then a bunch of IDs. 1,39353,85475,117961,118300,123472,117905,117906,290919,117908 1,17183,1540,117961,118343,123125,118536,118536,308574,118539 1,36724,14457,118219,118220,117884,117879,267952

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same-blog 1 0.99123549 39 fast ml-2013-09-19-What you wanted to know about AUC

Introduction: AUC, or Area Under Curve, is a metric for binary classification. It’s probably the second most popular one, after accuracy. Unfortunately, it’s nowhere near as intuitive. That is, until you have read this article. Accuracy deals with ones and zeros, meaning you either got the class label right or you didn’t. But many classifiers are able to quantify their uncertainty about the answer by outputting a probability value. To compute accuracy from probabilities you need a threshold to decide when zero turns into one. The most natural threshold is of course 0.5. Let’s suppose you have a quirky classifier. It is able to get all the answers right, but it outputs 0.7 for negative examples and 0.9 for positive examples. Clearly, a threshold of 0.5 won’t get you far here. But 0.8 would be just perfect. That’s the whole point of using AUC - it considers all possible thresholds. Various thresholds result in different true positive/false positive rates. As you decrease the threshold, you get

2 0.17331423 30 fast ml-2013-06-01-Amazon aspires to automate access control

Introduction: This is about Amazon access control challenge at Kaggle. Either we’re getting smarter, or the competition is easy. Or maybe both. You can beat the benchmark quite easily and with AUC of 0.875 you’d be comfortably in the top twenty percent at the moment. We scored fourth in our first attempt - the model was quick to develop and back then there were fewer competitors. Traditionally we use Vowpal Wabbit . Just simple binary classification with the logistic loss function and 10 passes over the data. It seems to work pretty well even though the classes are very unbalanced: there’s only a handful of negatives when compared to positives. Apparently Amazon employees usually get the access they request, even though sometimes they are refused. Let’s look at the data. First a label and then a bunch of IDs. 1,39353,85475,117961,118300,123472,117905,117906,290919,117908 1,17183,1540,117961,118343,123125,118536,118536,308574,118539 1,36724,14457,118219,118220,117884,117879,267952

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Introduction: Lately we’ve been working with the Madelon dataset. It was originally prepared for a feature selection challenge, so while we’re at it, let’s select some features. Madelon has 500 attributes, 20 of which are real, the rest being noise. Hence the ideal scenario would be to select just those 20 features. Fortunately we know just the right software for this task. It’s called mRMR , for minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance , and is available in C and Matlab versions for various platforms. mRMR expects a CSV file with labels in the first column and feature names in the first row. So the game plan is: combine training and validation sets into a format expected by mRMR run selection filter the original datasets, discarding all features but the selected ones evaluate the results on the validation set if all goes well, prepare and submit files for the competition We’ll use R scripts for all the steps but feature selection. Now a few words about mRMR. It will show you p

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Introduction: Little Spearmint couldn’t sleep that night. I was so close… - he was thinking. It seemed that he had found a better than default value for one of the random forest hyperparams, but it turned out to be false. He made a decision as he fell asleep: Next time, I will show them! The way to do this is to use a dataset that is known to produce lower error with high mtry values, namely previously mentioned Madelon from NIPS 2003 Feature Selection Challenge. Among 500 attributes, only 20 are informative, the rest are noise. That’s the reason why high mtry is good here: you have to consider a lot of features to find a meaningful one. The dataset consists of a train, validation and test parts, with labels being available for train and validation. We will further split the training set into our train and validation sets, and use the original validation set as a test set to evaluate final results of parameter tuning. As an error measure we use Area Under Curve , or AUC, which was

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Introduction: AUC, or Area Under Curve, is a metric for binary classification. It’s probably the second most popular one, after accuracy. Unfortunately, it’s nowhere near as intuitive. That is, until you have read this article. Accuracy deals with ones and zeros, meaning you either got the class label right or you didn’t. But many classifiers are able to quantify their uncertainty about the answer by outputting a probability value. To compute accuracy from probabilities you need a threshold to decide when zero turns into one. The most natural threshold is of course 0.5. Let’s suppose you have a quirky classifier. It is able to get all the answers right, but it outputs 0.7 for negative examples and 0.9 for positive examples. Clearly, a threshold of 0.5 won’t get you far here. But 0.8 would be just perfect. That’s the whole point of using AUC - it considers all possible thresholds. Various thresholds result in different true positive/false positive rates. As you decrease the threshold, you get

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Introduction: Lately we’ve been working with the Madelon dataset. It was originally prepared for a feature selection challenge, so while we’re at it, let’s select some features. Madelon has 500 attributes, 20 of which are real, the rest being noise. Hence the ideal scenario would be to select just those 20 features. Fortunately we know just the right software for this task. It’s called mRMR , for minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance , and is available in C and Matlab versions for various platforms. mRMR expects a CSV file with labels in the first column and feature names in the first row. So the game plan is: combine training and validation sets into a format expected by mRMR run selection filter the original datasets, discarding all features but the selected ones evaluate the results on the validation set if all goes well, prepare and submit files for the competition We’ll use R scripts for all the steps but feature selection. Now a few words about mRMR. It will show you p

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