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2152 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-28-Using randomized incentives as an instrument for survey nonresponse?

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Introduction: I received the following question: Is there a classic paper on instrumenting for survey non-response? some colleagues in public health are going to carry out a survey and I wonder about suggesting that they build in a randomization of response-encouragement (e.g. offering additional $ to a subset of those who don’t respond initially). Can you recommend a basic treatment of this, and why it might or might not make sense compared to IPW using covariates (without an instrument)? My reply: Here’s the best analysis I know of on the effects of incentives for survey response. There have been several survey-experiments on the subject. The short answer is that the effect on nonresponse is small and the outcome is highly variable, hence you can’t very well use it as an instrument in any particular survey. My recommended approach to dealing with nonresponse is to use multilevel regression and poststratification; an example is here . Inverse-probability weighting doesn’t really w

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 I received the following question: Is there a classic paper on instrumenting for survey non-response? [sent-1, score-0.667]

2 some colleagues in public health are going to carry out a survey and I wonder about suggesting that they build in a randomization of response-encouragement (e. [sent-2, score-1.139]

3 offering additional $ to a subset of those who don’t respond initially). [sent-4, score-0.499]

4 Can you recommend a basic treatment of this, and why it might or might not make sense compared to IPW using covariates (without an instrument)? [sent-5, score-0.678]

5 My reply: Here’s the best analysis I know of on the effects of incentives for survey response. [sent-6, score-0.507]

6 There have been several survey-experiments on the subject. [sent-7, score-0.07]

7 The short answer is that the effect on nonresponse is small and the outcome is highly variable, hence you can’t very well use it as an instrument in any particular survey. [sent-8, score-1.497]

8 My recommended approach to dealing with nonresponse is to use multilevel regression and poststratification; an example is here . [sent-9, score-1.074]

9 Inverse-probability weighting doesn’t really work because you don’t know the probability of nonresponse; all you really can do, usually, is poststratify. [sent-10, score-0.434]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('nonresponse', 0.488), ('instrument', 0.321), ('survey', 0.236), ('instrumenting', 0.224), ('randomization', 0.163), ('initially', 0.161), ('poststratification', 0.147), ('carry', 0.146), ('covariates', 0.146), ('offering', 0.143), ('subset', 0.14), ('weighting', 0.139), ('dealing', 0.139), ('incentives', 0.129), ('suggesting', 0.126), ('build', 0.125), ('recommended', 0.124), ('classic', 0.112), ('respond', 0.11), ('hence', 0.108), ('additional', 0.106), ('outcome', 0.105), ('recommend', 0.098), ('highly', 0.097), ('treatment', 0.095), ('received', 0.095), ('colleagues', 0.094), ('multilevel', 0.093), ('health', 0.093), ('variable', 0.091), ('basic', 0.091), ('compared', 0.088), ('short', 0.087), ('use', 0.087), ('discuss', 0.085), ('usually', 0.085), ('wonder', 0.084), ('issues', 0.08), ('might', 0.08), ('really', 0.076), ('public', 0.072), ('regression', 0.072), ('know', 0.072), ('approach', 0.071), ('probability', 0.071), ('answer', 0.071), ('several', 0.07), ('effects', 0.07), ('small', 0.067), ('effect', 0.066)]

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same-blog 1 1.0 2152 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-28-Using randomized incentives as an instrument for survey nonresponse?

Introduction: I received the following question: Is there a classic paper on instrumenting for survey non-response? some colleagues in public health are going to carry out a survey and I wonder about suggesting that they build in a randomization of response-encouragement (e.g. offering additional $ to a subset of those who don’t respond initially). Can you recommend a basic treatment of this, and why it might or might not make sense compared to IPW using covariates (without an instrument)? My reply: Here’s the best analysis I know of on the effects of incentives for survey response. There have been several survey-experiments on the subject. The short answer is that the effect on nonresponse is small and the outcome is highly variable, hence you can’t very well use it as an instrument in any particular survey. My recommended approach to dealing with nonresponse is to use multilevel regression and poststratification; an example is here . Inverse-probability weighting doesn’t really w

2 0.17772323 1315 andrew gelman stats-2012-05-12-Question 2 of my final exam for Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys

Introduction: 2. Which of the following are useful goals in a pilot study? (Indicate all that apply.) (a) You can search for statistical significance, then from that decide what to look for in a confirmatory analysis of your full dataset. (b) You can see if you find statistical significance in a pre-chosen comparison of interest. (c) You can examine the direction (positive or negative, even if not statistically significant) of comparisons of interest. (d) With a small sample size, you cannot hope to learn anything conclusive, but you can get a crude estimate of effect size and standard deviation which will be useful in a power analysis to help you decide how large your full study needs to be. (e) You can talk with survey respondents and get a sense of how they perceived your questions. (f) You get a chance to learn about practical difficulties with sampling, nonresponse, and question wording. (g) You can check if your sample is approximately representative of your population. Soluti

3 0.15204144 1430 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-26-Some thoughts on survey weighting

Introduction: From a comment I made in an email exchange: My work on survey adjustments has very much been inspired by the ideas of Rod Little. Much of my efforts have gone toward the goal of integrating hierarchical modeling (which is so helpful for small-area estimation) with post stratification (which adjusts for known differences between sample and population). In the surveys I’ve dealt with, nonresponse/nonavailability can be a big issue, and I’ve always tried to emphasize that (a) the probability of a person being included in the sample is just about never known, and (b) even if this probability were known, I’d rather know the empirical n/N than the probability p (which is only valid in expectation). Regarding nonparametric modeling: I haven’t done much of that (although I hope to at some point) but Rod and his students have. As I wrote in the first sentence of the above-linked paper, I do think the current theory and practice of survey weighting is a mess, in that much depends on so

4 0.15032172 1898 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-14-Progress! (on the understanding of the role of randomization in Bayesian inference)

Introduction: Leading theoretical statistician Larry Wassserman in 2008 : Some of the greatest contributions of statistics to science involve adding additional randomness and leveraging that randomness. Examples are randomized experiments, permutation tests, cross-validation and data-splitting. These are unabashedly frequentist ideas and, while one can strain to fit them into a Bayesian framework, they don’t really have a place in Bayesian inference. The fact that Bayesian methods do not naturally accommodate such a powerful set of statistical ideas seems like a serious deficiency. To which I responded on the second-to-last paragraph of page 8 here . Larry Wasserman in 2013 : Some people say that there is no role for randomization in Bayesian inference. In other words, the randomization mechanism plays no role in Bayes’ theorem. But this is not really true. Without randomization, we can indeed derive a posterior for theta but it is highly sensitive to the prior. This is just a restat

5 0.14399891 352 andrew gelman stats-2010-10-19-Analysis of survey data: Design based models vs. hierarchical modeling?

Introduction: Alban Zeber writes: Suppose I have survey data from say 10 countries where by each country collected the data based on different sampling routines – the results of this being that each country has its own weights for the data that can be used in the analyses. If I analyse the data of each country separately then I can incorporate the survey design in the analyses e.g in Stata once can use svyset ….. But what happens when I want to do a pooled analysis of the all the data from the 10 countries: Presumably either 1. I analyse the data from each country separately (using multiple or logistic regression, …) accounting for the survey design and then combine the estimates using a meta analysis (fixed or random) OR 2. Assume that the data from each country is a simple random sample from the population, combine the data from the 10 countries and then use multilevel or hierarchical models My question is which of the methods is likely to give better estimates? Or is the

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.98297131 2152 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-28-Using randomized incentives as an instrument for survey nonresponse?

Introduction: I received the following question: Is there a classic paper on instrumenting for survey non-response? some colleagues in public health are going to carry out a survey and I wonder about suggesting that they build in a randomization of response-encouragement (e.g. offering additional $ to a subset of those who don’t respond initially). Can you recommend a basic treatment of this, and why it might or might not make sense compared to IPW using covariates (without an instrument)? My reply: Here’s the best analysis I know of on the effects of incentives for survey response. There have been several survey-experiments on the subject. The short answer is that the effect on nonresponse is small and the outcome is highly variable, hence you can’t very well use it as an instrument in any particular survey. My recommended approach to dealing with nonresponse is to use multilevel regression and poststratification; an example is here . Inverse-probability weighting doesn’t really w

2 0.86543763 1430 andrew gelman stats-2012-07-26-Some thoughts on survey weighting

Introduction: From a comment I made in an email exchange: My work on survey adjustments has very much been inspired by the ideas of Rod Little. Much of my efforts have gone toward the goal of integrating hierarchical modeling (which is so helpful for small-area estimation) with post stratification (which adjusts for known differences between sample and population). In the surveys I’ve dealt with, nonresponse/nonavailability can be a big issue, and I’ve always tried to emphasize that (a) the probability of a person being included in the sample is just about never known, and (b) even if this probability were known, I’d rather know the empirical n/N than the probability p (which is only valid in expectation). Regarding nonparametric modeling: I haven’t done much of that (although I hope to at some point) but Rod and his students have. As I wrote in the first sentence of the above-linked paper, I do think the current theory and practice of survey weighting is a mess, in that much depends on so

3 0.80878001 784 andrew gelman stats-2011-07-01-Weighting and prediction in sample surveys

Introduction: A couple years ago Rod Little was invited to write an article for the diamond jubilee of the Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin. His article was published with discussions from Danny Pfefferman, J. N. K. Rao, Don Rubin, and myself. Here it all is . I’ll paste my discussion below, but it’s worth reading the others’ perspectives too. Especially the part in Rod’s rejoinder where he points out a mistake I made. Survey weights, like sausage and legislation, are designed and best appreciated by those who are placed a respectable distance from their manufacture. For those of us working inside the factory, vigorous discussion of methods is appreciated. I enjoyed Rod Little’s review of the connections between modeling and survey weighting and have just a few comments. I like Little’s discussion of model-based shrinkage of post-stratum averages, which, as he notes, can be seen to correspond to shrinkage of weights. I would only add one thing to his formula at the end of his

4 0.80537176 1900 andrew gelman stats-2013-06-15-Exploratory multilevel analysis when group-level variables are of importance

Introduction: Steve Miller writes: Much of what I do is cross-national analyses of survey data (largely World Values Survey). . . . My big question pertains to (what I would call) exploratory analysis of multilevel data, especially when the group-level predictors are of theoretical importance. A lot of what I do involves analyzing cross-national survey items of citizen attitudes, typically of political leadership. These survey items are usually yes/no responses, or four-part responses indicating a level of agreement (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree) that can be condensed into a binary variable. I believe these can be explained by reference to country-level factors. Much of the group-level variables of interest are count variables with a modal value of 0, which can be quite messy. How would you recommend exploring the variation in the dependent variable as it could be explained by the group-level count variable of interest, before fitting the multilevel model itself? When

5 0.77829307 1814 andrew gelman stats-2013-04-20-A mess with which I am comfortable

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same-blog 1 0.99515676 2152 andrew gelman stats-2013-12-28-Using randomized incentives as an instrument for survey nonresponse?

Introduction: I received the following question: Is there a classic paper on instrumenting for survey non-response? some colleagues in public health are going to carry out a survey and I wonder about suggesting that they build in a randomization of response-encouragement (e.g. offering additional $ to a subset of those who don’t respond initially). Can you recommend a basic treatment of this, and why it might or might not make sense compared to IPW using covariates (without an instrument)? My reply: Here’s the best analysis I know of on the effects of incentives for survey response. There have been several survey-experiments on the subject. The short answer is that the effect on nonresponse is small and the outcome is highly variable, hence you can’t very well use it as an instrument in any particular survey. My recommended approach to dealing with nonresponse is to use multilevel regression and poststratification; an example is here . Inverse-probability weighting doesn’t really w

2 0.9878332 1688 andrew gelman stats-2013-01-22-That claim that students whose parents pay for more of college get worse grades

Introduction: Theodore Vasiloudis writes: I came upon this article by Laura Hamilton, an assistant professor in the University of California at Merced, that claims that “The more money that parents provide for higher education, the lower the grades their children earn.” I can’t help but feel that there something wrong with the basis of the study or a confounding factor causing this apparent correlation, and since you often comment on studies on your blog I thought you might find this study interesting. My reply: I have to admit that the description above made me suspicious of the study before I even looked at it. On first thought, I’d expect the effect of parent’s financial contributions to be positive (as they free the student from the need to get a job during college), but not negative. Hamilton argues that “parental investments create a disincentive for student achievement,” which may be—but I’m generally suspicious of arguments in which the rebound is bigger than the main effect.

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Introduction: Hadley Wickham asks: I was wondering if you knew of any good articles on the use of error bars. I’m particularly looking for articles that discuss the difference between error of means and error of difference in the context of models (e.g. mixed models) where they are very different. I suspect every applied field has a couple of good articles, but it’s really hard to search for them. Can anyone help on this? My only advice is to get rid of those horrible crossbars at the ends of the error bars. The crossbars draw attention to the error bars’ endpoints, which are generally not important at all. See, for example, my Anova paper , for some examples of how I like error bars to look.

5 0.98387152 2009 andrew gelman stats-2013-09-05-A locally organized online BDA course on G+ hangout?

Introduction: Eoin Lawless wrote me: I’ve been reading your blog (and John Kruschke ‘s) for several months now, as a result of starting to learn Bayesian methods from Doing Bayesian Data Analysis [I love the title of that book! --- ed.]. More recently I completed a Coursera course on Data Science. I found learning through the medium of a online course to be an amazing experience. It does not replace books, but learning new material at the same time as other people and discussing it in the forums is very motivational. Additionally it is much easier to work through exercises and projects when there is a deadline and some element of competition than to plow through the end of chapter exercises in a book. This is especially true, I believe, when the learning is for a long term goal, rather than to be used immediately in work, for example. My question: you are obviously evangelical about the benefits that Bayesian statistics brings, have you ever considered producing a Coursera (or similar) cour

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