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1470 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-26-Graphs showing regression uncertainty: the code!

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Introduction: After our discussion of visual displays of regression uncertainty, I asked Solomon Hsiang and Lucas Leeman to send me their code. Both of them replied. Solomon wrote: The matlab and stata functions I wrote, as well as the script that replicates my figures, are all posted on my website . Also, I just added options to the main matlab function (vwregress.m) to make it display the spaghetti plot (similar to what Lucas did, but a simple bootstrap) and the shaded CI that you suggested (see figs below). They’re good suggestions. Personally, I [Hsiang] like the shaded CI better, since I think that all the visual activity in the spaghetti plot is a little distracting and sometimes adds visual weight in places where I wouldn’t want it. But the option is there in case people like it. Solomon then followed up with: I just thought of this small adjustment to your filled CI idea that seems neat. Cartographers like map projections that conserve area. We can do som

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 m) to make it display the spaghetti plot (similar to what Lucas did, but a simple bootstrap) and the shaded CI that you suggested (see figs below). [sent-5, score-0.716]

2 Personally, I [Hsiang] like the shaded CI better, since I think that all the visual activity in the spaghetti plot is a little distracting and sometimes adds visual weight in places where I wouldn’t want it. [sent-7, score-1.107]

3 Imagine that we squirt out ink uniformly to draw the conditional mean and then smear the ink vertically so that it stretches from the lower confidence bound to the upper confidence bound. [sent-12, score-0.883]

4 In places where the CI band is narrow, this will cause very little spreading of the ink so the CI band will be dark. [sent-13, score-0.912]

5 But in places where the CI band is wide, the ink is smeared a lot so it gets lighter. [sent-14, score-0.636]

6 For any vertical sliver of the CI band (think dx) the amount of ink displayed (integrated along a vertical line) will be constant. [sent-15, score-0.692]

7 But in places where we have a lot of information, the display will have more visual weight. [sent-16, score-0.281]

8 I think this is a somewhat more natural visual-weighting scheme for the CI band than the 1/sqrt(N) that I was using for just the mean regression. [sent-17, score-0.282]

9 After thinking a little more about how to visually-weight the CI bands and the spaghetti plots, I think that maybe we should be careful not to “double count” uncertainty. [sent-19, score-0.394]

10 For example, when the estimates begin to spread out in the spaghetti plots, then the apparent coloration begins to thin out simply because there is a lower density of lines. [sent-20, score-0.341]

11 This isn’t obviously wrong, but it does feel like we’re penalizing the graph in uncertain regions twice for the same thing. [sent-22, score-0.169]

12 Plotting the CI band with the “fixed ink” visual-weighting and the spaghetti plot with solid spaghetti seem like analogs to one another, since the vertically integrated quantity of ink is uniform in both plots. [sent-23, score-1.691]

13 Commands to plot both (using the function I posted) are: x = randn(200,1); e = 4*randn(200,1). [sent-24, score-0.238]

14 5,'CI','FILL',200,[0 0 1]); figure %Solid spaghetti plot without visual weighting: vwregress(x, y, 300, . [sent-29, score-0.728]

15 5,'SPAG','SOLID',200,[0 0 1]); My reply: I know what Solomon is saying about the double-counting; I thought about this too in my original post, which is why I’d liked the idea of the spaghetti plot with additive shading. [sent-30, score-0.579]

16 The status quo in many fields is even worse than that, though, in that it is often standard to put little perpendicular lines at the edges of intervals to make “error bars” which emphasize the endpoints even more. [sent-34, score-0.193]

17 Meanwhile Lucas also responded to my request for code: The original plot is based on a nested model with data I cannot make available. [sent-35, score-0.238]

18 out=split) # The x-range you want to use for plotting later X1 <- cbind(1,xx1) # The Matrix of explanatory variables where # >one variable varies from row to row y. [sent-40, score-0.248]

19 lat2) # translate latent to predicted probability cib <- 0. [sent-47, score-0.252]

20 1 # Define level for CI lb <- round((dim(BETA1)[1] * cib)/2) # lb and ub define which predictions to be plotted ub <- dim(BETA1)[1] - lb # >and are based on "cib" # plot the median prediction plot(xx1,colMeans(y. [sent-48, score-1.426]

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same-blog 1 0.99999994 1470 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-26-Graphs showing regression uncertainty: the code!

Introduction: After our discussion of visual displays of regression uncertainty, I asked Solomon Hsiang and Lucas Leeman to send me their code. Both of them replied. Solomon wrote: The matlab and stata functions I wrote, as well as the script that replicates my figures, are all posted on my website . Also, I just added options to the main matlab function (vwregress.m) to make it display the spaghetti plot (similar to what Lucas did, but a simple bootstrap) and the shaded CI that you suggested (see figs below). They’re good suggestions. Personally, I [Hsiang] like the shaded CI better, since I think that all the visual activity in the spaghetti plot is a little distracting and sometimes adds visual weight in places where I wouldn’t want it. But the option is there in case people like it. Solomon then followed up with: I just thought of this small adjustment to your filled CI idea that seems neat. Cartographers like map projections that conserve area. We can do som

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Introduction: Solomon Hsiang writes: Two small follow-ups based on the discussion (the second/bigger one is to address your comment about the 95% CI edges). 1. I realized that if we plot the confidence intervals as a solid color that fades (eg. using the “fixed ink” scheme from before) we can make sure the regression line also has heightened visual weight where confidence is high by plotting the line white. This makes the contrast (and thus visual weight) between the regression line and the CI highest when the CI is narrow and dark. As the CI fade near the edges, so does the contrast with the regression line. This is a small adjustment, but I like it because it is so simple and it makes the graph much nicer. (see “visually_weighted_fill_reverse” attached). My posted code has been updated to do this automatically. 2. You and your readers didn’t like that the edges of the filled CI were so sharp and arbitrary. But I didn’t like that the contrast between the spaghetti lines and the background

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Introduction: Solomon Hsiang writes : One of my colleagues suggested that I send you this very short note that I wrote on a new approach for displaying regression result uncertainty (attached). It’s very simple, and I’ve found it effective in one of my papers where I actually use it, but if you have a chance to glance over it and have any ideas for how to sell the approach or make it better, I’d be very interested to hear them. (Also, if you’ve seen that someone else has already made this point, I’d appreciate knowing that too.) Here’s an example: Hsiang writes: In Panel A, our eyes are drawn outward, away from the center of the display and toward the swirling confidence intervals at the edges. But in Panel B, our eyes are attracted to the middle of the regression line, where the high contrast between the line and the background is sharp and visually heavy. By using visual-weighting, we focus our readers’s attention on those portions of the regression that contain the most inform

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same-blog 1 0.93881875 1470 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-26-Graphs showing regression uncertainty: the code!

Introduction: After our discussion of visual displays of regression uncertainty, I asked Solomon Hsiang and Lucas Leeman to send me their code. Both of them replied. Solomon wrote: The matlab and stata functions I wrote, as well as the script that replicates my figures, are all posted on my website . Also, I just added options to the main matlab function (vwregress.m) to make it display the spaghetti plot (similar to what Lucas did, but a simple bootstrap) and the shaded CI that you suggested (see figs below). They’re good suggestions. Personally, I [Hsiang] like the shaded CI better, since I think that all the visual activity in the spaghetti plot is a little distracting and sometimes adds visual weight in places where I wouldn’t want it. But the option is there in case people like it. Solomon then followed up with: I just thought of this small adjustment to your filled CI idea that seems neat. Cartographers like map projections that conserve area. We can do som

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Introduction: Solomon Hsiang writes: Two small follow-ups based on the discussion (the second/bigger one is to address your comment about the 95% CI edges). 1. I realized that if we plot the confidence intervals as a solid color that fades (eg. using the “fixed ink” scheme from before) we can make sure the regression line also has heightened visual weight where confidence is high by plotting the line white. This makes the contrast (and thus visual weight) between the regression line and the CI highest when the CI is narrow and dark. As the CI fade near the edges, so does the contrast with the regression line. This is a small adjustment, but I like it because it is so simple and it makes the graph much nicer. (see “visually_weighted_fill_reverse” attached). My posted code has been updated to do this automatically. 2. You and your readers didn’t like that the edges of the filled CI were so sharp and arbitrary. But I didn’t like that the contrast between the spaghetti lines and the background

3 0.87870085 1452 andrew gelman stats-2012-08-09-Visually weighting regression displays

Introduction: Solomon Hsiang writes : One of my colleagues suggested that I send you this very short note that I wrote on a new approach for displaying regression result uncertainty (attached). It’s very simple, and I’ve found it effective in one of my papers where I actually use it, but if you have a chance to glance over it and have any ideas for how to sell the approach or make it better, I’d be very interested to hear them. (Also, if you’ve seen that someone else has already made this point, I’d appreciate knowing that too.) Here’s an example: Hsiang writes: In Panel A, our eyes are drawn outward, away from the center of the display and toward the swirling confidence intervals at the edges. But in Panel B, our eyes are attracted to the middle of the regression line, where the high contrast between the line and the background is sharp and visually heavy. By using visual-weighting, we focus our readers’s attention on those portions of the regression that contain the most inform

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Introduction: Following up on our recent discussion of visually-weighted displays of uncertainty in regression curves, Lucas Leeman sent in the following two graphs: First, the basic spaghetti-style plot showing inferential uncertainty in the E(y|x) curve: Then, a version using even lighter intensities for the lines that go further from the center, to further de-emphasize the edges: P.S. More (including code!) here .

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Introduction: By popular demand, here’s my R script for the time-use graphs : # The data a1 <- c(4.2,3.2,11.1,1.3,2.2,2.0) a2 <- c(3.9,3.2,10.0,0.8,3.1,3.1) a3 <- c(6.3,2.5,9.8,0.9,2.2,2.4) a4 <- c(4.4,3.1,9.8,0.8,3.3,2.7) a5 <- c(4.8,3.0,9.9,0.7,3.3,2.4) a6 <- c(4.0,3.4,10.5,0.7,3.3,2.1) a <- rbind(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) avg <- colMeans (a) avg.array <- t (array (avg, rev(dim(a)))) diff <- a - avg.array <- c("France", "Germany", "Japan", "Britain", "USA", "Turkey") # The line plots par (mfrow=c(2,3), mar=c(4,4,2,.5), mgp=c(2,.7,0), tck=-.02, oma=c(3,0,4,0), bg="gray96", fg="gray30") for (i in 1:6){ plot (c(1,6), c(-1,1.7), xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty="l", type="n") lines (1:6, diff[i,], col="blue") points (1:6, diff[i,], pch=19, col="black") if (i>3){ axis (1, c(1,3,5), c ("Work,\nstudy", "Eat,\nsleep", "Leisure"), mgp=c(2,1.5,0), tck=0, cex.axis=1.2) axis (1, c(2,4,6), c ("Unpaid\nwork", "Personal\nCare", "Other"), mgp=c(2,1.5,0),

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Introduction: After our discussion of visual displays of regression uncertainty, I asked Solomon Hsiang and Lucas Leeman to send me their code. Both of them replied. Solomon wrote: The matlab and stata functions I wrote, as well as the script that replicates my figures, are all posted on my website . Also, I just added options to the main matlab function (vwregress.m) to make it display the spaghetti plot (similar to what Lucas did, but a simple bootstrap) and the shaded CI that you suggested (see figs below). They’re good suggestions. Personally, I [Hsiang] like the shaded CI better, since I think that all the visual activity in the spaghetti plot is a little distracting and sometimes adds visual weight in places where I wouldn’t want it. But the option is there in case people like it. Solomon then followed up with: I just thought of this small adjustment to your filled CI idea that seems neat. Cartographers like map projections that conserve area. We can do som

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Introduction: [Update: Revised given comments from Wingfeet, Andrew and germo. Thanks! I'd mistakenly translated the dlnorm priors in the first version --- amazing what a difference the priors make. I also escaped the less-than and greater-than signs in the constraints in the model so they're visible. I also updated to match the thin=2 output of JAGS.] We’re going to be starting a Stan “model of the P” (for some time period P) column, so I thought I’d kick things off with one of my own. I’ve been following the Wingvoet blog , the author of which is identified only by the Blogger handle Wingfeet ; a couple of days ago this lovely post came out: PK calculation of IV and oral dosing in JAGS Wingfeet’s post implemented an answer to question 6 from chapter 6 of problem from Rowland and Tozer’s 2010 book, Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics , Fourth edition, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. So in the grand tradition of using this blog to procrastinate, I thought I’d t

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Introduction: 10,000 iterations for 4 chains on the (precompiled) efficiently-parameterized 8-schools model: > date () [1] "Thu Aug 30 22:12:53 2012" > fit3 <- stan (fit=fit2, data = schools_dat, iter = 1e4, n_chains = 4) SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'anon_model' NOW (CHAIN 1). Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%] (Sampling) SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'anon_model' NOW (CHAIN 2). Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%] (Sampling) SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'anon_model' NOW (CHAIN 3). Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%] (Sampling) SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'anon_model' NOW (CHAIN 4). Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%] (Sampling) > date () [1] "Thu Aug 30 22:12:55 2012" > print (fit3) Inference for Stan model: anon_model. 4 chains: each with iter=10000; warmup=5000; thin=1; 10000 iterations saved. mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat mu 8.0 0.1 5.1 -2.0 4.7 8.0 11.3 18.4 4032 1 tau 6.7 0.1 5.6 0.3 2.5 5.4 9.3 21.2 2958 1 eta[1] 0.4 0.0 0.9 -1.5 -0

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