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235 nips-2012-Natural Images, Gaussian Mixtures and Dead Leaves

Source: pdf

Author: Daniel Zoran, Yair Weiss

Abstract: Simple Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) learned from pixels of natural image patches have been recently shown to be surprisingly strong performers in modeling the statistics of natural images. Here we provide an in depth analysis of this simple yet rich model. We show that such a GMM model is able to compete with even the most successful models of natural images in log likelihood scores, denoising performance and sample quality. We provide an analysis of what such a model learns from natural images as a function of number of mixture components including covariance structure, contrast variation and intricate structures such as textures, boundaries and more. Finally, we show that the salient properties of the GMM learned from natural images can be derived from a simplified Dead Leaves model which explicitly models occlusion, explaining its surprising success relative to other models. 1 GMMs and natural image statistics models Many models for the statistics of natural image patches have been suggested in recent years. Finding good models for natural images is important to many different research areas - computer vision, biological vision and neuroscience among others. Recently, there has been a growing interest in comparing different aspects of models for natural images such as log-likelihood and multi-information reduction performance, and much progress has been achieved [1,2, 3,4,5, 6]. Out of these results there is one which is particularly interesting: simple, unconstrained Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) with a relatively small number of mixture components learned from image patches are extraordinarily good in modeling image statistics [6, 4]. This is a surprising result due to the simplicity of GMMs and their ubiquity. Another surprising aspect of this result is that many of the current models may be thought of as GMMs with an exponential or infinite number of components, having different constraints on the covariance structure of the mixture components. In this work we study the nature of GMMs learned from natural image patches. We start with a thorough comparison to some popular and cutting edge image models. We show that indeed, GMMs are excellent performers in modeling natural image patches. We then analyze what properties of natural images these GMMs capture, their dependence on the number of components in the mixture and their relation to the structure of the world around us. Finally, we show that the learned GMM suggests a strong connection between natural image statistics and a simple variant of the dead leaves model [7, 8] , explicitly modeling occlusions and explaining some of the success of GMMs in modeling natural images. 1 3.5 .,...- ••.......-.-.. -..---'-. 1 ~~6\8161·· -.. .-.. --...--.-- ---..-.- -. --------------MII+··+ilIl ..... .. . . ~ '[25 . . . ---- ] B'II 1_ -- ~2 ;t:: fI 1 - --- ,---- ._.. : 61.5 ..... '

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1 i l Abstract Simple Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) learned from pixels of natural image patches have been recently shown to be surprisingly strong performers in modeling the statistics of natural images. [sent-8, score-0.694]

2 We show that such a GMM model is able to compete with even the most successful models of natural images in log likelihood scores, denoising performance and sample quality. [sent-10, score-0.576]

3 We provide an analysis of what such a model learns from natural images as a function of number of mixture components including covariance structure, contrast variation and intricate structures such as textures, boundaries and more. [sent-11, score-0.547]

4 Finally, we show that the salient properties of the GMM learned from natural images can be derived from a simplified Dead Leaves model which explicitly models occlusion, explaining its surprising success relative to other models. [sent-12, score-0.461]

5 1 GMMs and natural image statistics models Many models for the statistics of natural image patches have been suggested in recent years. [sent-13, score-0.719]

6 Finding good models for natural images is important to many different research areas - computer vision, biological vision and neuroscience among others. [sent-14, score-0.35]

7 Recently, there has been a growing interest in comparing different aspects of models for natural images such as log-likelihood and multi-information reduction performance, and much progress has been achieved [1,2, 3,4,5, 6]. [sent-15, score-0.31]

8 Out of these results there is one which is particularly interesting: simple, unconstrained Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) with a relatively small number of mixture components learned from image patches are extraordinarily good in modeling image statistics [6, 4]. [sent-16, score-0.71]

9 Another surprising aspect of this result is that many of the current models may be thought of as GMMs with an exponential or infinite number of components, having different constraints on the covariance structure of the mixture components. [sent-18, score-0.272]

10 In this work we study the nature of GMMs learned from natural image patches. [sent-19, score-0.252]

11 We start with a thorough comparison to some popular and cutting edge image models. [sent-20, score-0.135]

12 We show that indeed, GMMs are excellent performers in modeling natural image patches. [sent-21, score-0.267]

13 We then analyze what properties of natural images these GMMs capture, their dependence on the number of components in the mixture and their relation to the structure of the world around us. [sent-22, score-0.451]

14 Finally, we show that the learned GMM suggests a strong connection between natural image statistics and a simple variant of the dead leaves model [7, 8] , explicitly modeling occlusions and explaining some of the success of GMMs in modeling natural images. [sent-23, score-1.097]

15 (b) Denoising performance comparison - the GMM outperforms all other models here as well, and denoising performance is more or less consistent with likelihood performance. [sent-87, score-0.254]

16 2 Natural image statistics models - a comparison As a motivation for this work, we start by rigorously comparing current models for natural images with GMMs. [sent-89, score-0.441]

17 While some comparisons have been reported before with a limited number of components in the GMM [6] , we want to compare to state-of-the-art models also varying the number of components systematically. [sent-90, score-0.226]

18 Each model was trained on 8 x 8 or 16 x 16 patches randomly sampled from the Berkeley Segmentation Database training images (a data set of millions of patches). [sent-91, score-0.408]

19 The DC component of all patches was removed, and we discard it in all calculations . [sent-92, score-0.289]

20 In all experiments, evaluation was done on the same, unseen test set of a 1000 patches sampled from the Berkeley test images. [sent-93, score-0.274]

21 002 (intensity values are between 0 and 1) as these are totally flat patches due to saturation and contain no structure (only 8 patches were removed from the test set). [sent-95, score-0.577]

22 We compare the models using three criteria - log likelihood on unseen data, denoising results on unseen data and visual quality of samples from each model. [sent-99, score-0.392]

23 ilJ~ daniez Log likelihood The first experiment we conduct is a log likelihood comparison. [sent-105, score-0.194]

24 For most of the models above, a closed form calculation of the likelihood is possible, but for the 2 x OCSC and KL models, we resort to Hamiltonian Importance Sampling (HAIS) [13]. [sent-106, score-0.12]

25 HAIS allows us to estimate likelihoods for these models accurately, and we have verified that the approximation given by HAIS is relatively accurate in cases where exact calculations are feasible (see supplementary material for details) . [sent-107, score-0.12]

26 In [6] a GMM with far less components (2-5) has been compared to some other models (notably Restricted Boltzman Machines which the GMM outperforms, and MoGSMs which slightly outperform the GMMs in this work) . [sent-111, score-0.132]

27 Second, ICA with its learned Gabor like filters [10] gives a very minor improvement when compared to PCA filters with the same marginals. [sent-112, score-0.256]

28 Finally, overcomp1ete sparse coding is actually a bit worse than complete sparse coding - while this is counter intuitive, this result has been reported before as well [14, 2]. [sent-114, score-0.092]

29 Denoising We compare the denoising performance of the different models. [sent-115, score-0.156]

30 We added independent white Gaussian noise with known standard deviation IJ"n = 25/ 255 to each of the patches in the test set x. [sent-116, score-0.243]

31 This can 2 be done in closed form for some of the models, and for those models where the MAP estimate does not have a closed form, we resort to numerical approximation (see supplementary material for more details). [sent-118, score-0.119]

32 Again, the GMM performs extraordinarily well, outperforming all other models. [sent-121, score-0.076]

33 As can be seen, results are consistent with the log likelihood experiment - models with better likelihood tend to perform better in denoising [4]. [sent-122, score-0.339]

34 Sample Quality As opposed to log likelihood and denoising, generating samples from all the models compared here is easy. [sent-123, score-0.151]

35 Figure 2 depicts 16 x 16 samples from a subset of the models compared here. [sent-125, score-0.11]

36 Note that the GMM samples capture a lot of the structure of natural images such as edges and textures, visible on the far right of the figure. [sent-126, score-0.375]

37 The Karklin and Lewicki model produces rather structured patches as well. [sent-127, score-0.243]

38 GSM seems to capture the contrast variation of images, but the patches themselves have very little structure (similar results obtained with MoGSM, not shown). [sent-128, score-0.355]

39 As can be seen in the results we have just presented, the GMM is a very strong performer in modeling natural image patches. [sent-130, score-0.261]

40 While we are not claiming Gaussian Mixtures are the best models for natural images, we do think this is an interesting result, and as we shall see later, it relates intimately to the structure of natural images. [sent-131, score-0.301]

41 3 Analysis of results So far we have seen that despite their simplicity, GMMs are very capable models for natural images. [sent-132, score-0.179]

42 We now ask - what do these models learn about natural images, and how does this affect their performance? [sent-133, score-0.145]

43 While we try to learn our GMMs with as few a priori assumptions as possible, we do need to set one important parameter - the number of components in the mixture . [sent-136, score-0.153]

44 As noted above, many of the current models of natural images can be written in the form of GMMs with an exponential or infinite number of components and different kinds of constraints on the covariance structure. [sent-137, score-0.507]

45 Given this, it is quite surprising that a GMM with a relatively small number of component (as above) is able to compete with these models. [sent-138, score-0.094]

46 Here we again evaluate the GMM as in the previous section but now systematically vary the number of components and the size of the image patch. [sent-139, score-0.187]

47 Results for the 16 x 16 model are shown in figure 3, see supplementary material for other patch sizes. [sent-140, score-0.11]

48 As we add more and more components to the mixture performance increases, but seems to be converging to some upper bound (which is not reached here, see supplementary material for smaller patch sizes where it is reached). [sent-142, score-0.286]

49 This shows that a small number of components is indeed PCAG GSM KL GMM Natural Images Figure 2: Samples generated from some of the models compared in this work. [sent-143, score-0.132]

50 GSM capture the contrast variation of image patches nicely, but the patches themselves have no structure. [sent-145, score-0.665]

51 The GMM and KL models produce quite structured patches - compare with the natural image samples on the right. [sent-146, score-0.509]

52 Figure 7a depicts the generative process for both kind of patches and Figure 7b depicts samples from the model. [sent-224, score-0.389]

53 3 Gaussian mixtures and dead leaves It can be easily seen that the mini dead leaves model is, in fact, a GMM. [sent-226, score-1.387]

54 For each configuration of hidden variables (denoting whether the patch is "fiat" or "edge", the scalar multiplier z and if it is an edge patch the second scalar multiplier Z 2, r and (J) we have a Gaussian for which we know the covariance matrix exactly. [sent-227, score-0.299]

55 Together, all configurations form a GMM - the interesting thing here is how the stnlcture of the covariance matrix given the hidden variable relates to natural images. [sent-228, score-0.246]

56 For Flat patches, the covariance is trivial- it is merely the texture of the stationary texture process L; multiplied by the corresponding contrast scalar z. [sent-229, score-0.301]

57 Since we require the texture to be stationary its eigenvectors are the Fourier basis vectors [18] (up to boundary effects), much like the ones visible in the first two components in Figure 5. [sent-230, score-0.256]

58 For Edge patches, given the hidden variable we know which pixel belongs to which "object" in the patch, that is, we know the shape of the occlusion mask exactly. [sent-231, score-0.181]

59 If i and j are two pixels in different objects, we know they will be independent, and as such uncorrelated, resulting in zero entries in the covariance matrix. [sent-232, score-0.088]

60 Figure 7c depicts the eigenvector of such an edge component covariance - note the similar structure to Figure 7d and 5. [sent-234, score-0.22]

61 This block structure is a common structure in the GMM learned from natural images, showing that indeed such a dead leaves model is consistent with what we find in GMMs learned on natural images. [sent-235, score-0.955]

62 7 (a) Log Likelihood Comparison (b) Mini Dead Leaves - ICA (c) Natural Images - ICA Figure 8: (a) Log likelihood comparison with mini dead leaves data. [sent-236, score-0.801]

63 We train a GMM with a varying number of components from mini dead leaves samples, and test its likelihood on a test set. [sent-237, score-0.895]

64 We compare to a PCA, ICA and a GSM model, all trained on mini dead leaves samples - as can be seen, the GMM outperforms these considerably. [sent-238, score-0.769]

65 The GSM captures the contrast variation of the data, but does not capture occlusions, which are an important part of this model. [sent-240, score-0.086]

66 (b) and (c) ICA filters learned on mini dead leaves and natural image patches respectively, note the high similarity. [sent-241, score-1.338]

67 4 From mini dead leaves to natural images We repeat the log likelihood experiment from sections 2 and 3, comparing to PCA, ICA and GSM models to GMMs. [sent-243, score-1.136]

68 This time, however, both the training setand test set are generated from the mini dead leaves model. [sent-244, score-0.741]

69 But because the true generative process for the mini dead leaves is not a linear transformation of lID variables, neither of these does a very good job in terms of log likelihood. [sent-247, score-0.828]

70 Interestingly - ICA filters learned on mini dead leaves samples are astonishingly similar to those obtain when trained on natural images - see Figure 8b and 8c. [sent-248, score-1.195]

71 The GSM model can capture the contrast variation of the data easily, but not the structure due to occlusion. [sent-249, score-0.112]

72 A GMM with enough components, on the other hand, is capable of explicitly modeling contrast and occlusion using covariance functions such as in Figure 7c, and thus gives much better log likelihood to the dead leaves data. [sent-250, score-0.931]

73 This exact same pattern of results can be seen in natural image patches (Figure 2), suggesting that the main reason for the excellent performance of GMMs on natural image patches is its ability to model both contrast and occlusions. [sent-251, score-0.944]

74 5 Discussion In this paper we have provided some additional evidence for the surprising success of GMMs in modeling natural images. [sent-252, score-0.209]

75 We have investigated the causes for this success and the different properties of natural images which are captured by the model. [sent-253, score-0.301]

76 We have also presented an analytical generative model for image patches which explains many of the features learned by the GMM from natural images, as well as the shortcomings of other models. [sent-254, score-0.525]

77 One may ask - is the mini dead leaves model a good model for natural images? [sent-255, score-0.848]

78 While the mini dead leaves model definitely explains some of the properties learned by the GMM, at its current simple form presented here, it is not a much better model than a simple GSM model. [sent-257, score-0.793]

79 When adding the occlusion process into the model, the mini dead leaves gains -0. [sent-258, score-0.888]

80 1 bit/pixel when compared to the GSM texture process it uses on its own. [sent-259, score-0.084]

81 This makes it as good as a 32 component GMM, but significantly worse than the 200 components model (for 8 x 8 patches). [sent-260, score-0.117]

82 One is that the GSM texture process is just not enough, and a richer texture process is needed (much like the one learned by the GMM). [sent-262, score-0.22]

83 The second is that the simple occlusion model we use here is too simplistic, and does not allow for capturing the variable structures of occlusion present in natural images. [sent-263, score-0.401]

84 Both of these may serve as a starting point for a more efficient and explicit model for natural images, handling occlusions and different texture processes explicitly. [sent-264, score-0.237]

85 Bethge, "Factorial coding of natural images: how effective are linear models in removing higher-order dependencies? [sent-268, score-0.191]

86 Sahani, "On sparsity and overcompleteness in image models," in NIPS, 2007. [sent-276, score-0.093]

87 Simoncelli, "Nonlinear extraction of iindependent componentsuof natural images using radial Gaussianization," Neural Computation, vol. [sent-280, score-0.272]

88 Weiss, "From learning models of natural image patches to whole image restoration," in Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. [sent-286, score-0.574]

89 Olshausen, "Building a better probabilistic model of images by factorization," in Computer Vision (ICCV), 20111EEE International Conference on. [sent-292, score-0.165]

90 Pitkow, "Exact feature probabilities in images with occlusion," Journal of Vision, vol. [sent-306, score-0.165]

91 , "Emergence of simple-cell receptive field properties by learning a sparse code for natural images," Nature, vol. [sent-311, score-0.129]

92 Sejnowski, "The independent components of natural scenes are edge filters," Vision Research, vol. [sent-319, score-0.278]

93 Lewicki, "Emergence of complex cell properties by learning to generalize in natural scenes," Nature, November 2008. [sent-330, score-0.107]

94 Olshausen, "Probabilistic framework for the adaptation and comparison of image codes," JOSA A, vol. [sent-336, score-0.093]

95 Huang, "Occlusion models for natural images: A statistical study of a scale-invariant dead leaves model," International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. [sent-343, score-0.73]

96 Wegmann, "The importance of intrinsically two-dimensional image features in biological vision and picture coding," in Digital images and human vision. [sent-350, score-0.298]

97 Simoncelli, "Bayesian denoising of visual images in the wavelet domain," Lecture Notes in Statistics New York-Springer Verlag, pp. [sent-354, score-0.344]

98 Henniges, "Occlusive components analysis," Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. [sent-366, score-0.094]

99 Lucke, "The maximal causes of natural scenes are edge filters," in NIPS, vol. [sent-371, score-0.184]

100 Winn, "Learning a generative model of images by factoring appearance and shape," Neural Computation, vol. [sent-378, score-0.195]

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4 0.59107411 8 nips-2012-A Generative Model for Parts-based Object Segmentation

Author: S. Eslami, Christopher Williams

Abstract: The Shape Boltzmann Machine (SBM) [1] has recently been introduced as a stateof-the-art model of foreground/background object shape. We extend the SBM to account for the foreground object’s parts. Our new model, the Multinomial SBM (MSBM), can capture both local and global statistics of part shapes accurately. We combine the MSBM with an appearance model to form a fully generative model of images of objects. Parts-based object segmentations are obtained simply by performing probabilistic inference in the model. We apply the model to two challenging datasets which exhibit significant shape and appearance variability, and find that it obtains results that are comparable to the state-of-the-art. There has been significant focus in computer vision on object recognition and detection e.g. [2], but a strong desire remains to obtain richer descriptions of objects than just their bounding boxes. One such description is a parts-based object segmentation, in which an image is partitioned into multiple sets of pixels, each belonging to either a part of the object of interest, or its background. The significance of parts in computer vision has been recognized since the earliest days of the field (e.g. [3, 4, 5]), and there exists a rich history of work on probabilistic models for parts-based segmentation e.g. [6, 7]. Many such models only consider local neighborhood statistics, however several models have recently been proposed that aim to increase the accuracy of segmentations by also incorporating prior knowledge about the foreground object’s shape [8, 9, 10, 11]. In such cases, probabilistic techniques often mainly differ in how accurately they represent and learn about the variability exhibited by the shapes of the object’s parts. Accurate models of the shapes and appearances of parts can be necessary to perform inference in datasets that exhibit large amounts of variability. In general, the stronger the models of these two components, the more performance is improved. A generative model has the added benefit of being able to generate samples, which allows us to visually inspect the quality of its understanding of the data and the problem. Recently, a generative probabilistic model known as the Shape Boltzmann Machine (SBM) has been used to model binary object shapes [1]. The SBM has been shown to constitute the state-of-the-art and it possesses several highly desirable characteristics: samples from the model look realistic, and it generalizes to generate samples that differ from the limited number of examples it is trained on. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: 1) In order to account for object parts we extend the SBM to use multinomial visible units instead of binary ones, resulting in the Multinomial Shape Boltzmann Machine (MSBM), and we demonstrate that the MSBM constitutes a strong model of parts-based object shape. 2) We combine the MSBM with an appearance model to form a fully generative model of images of objects (see Fig. 1). We show how parts-based object segmentations can be obtained simply by performing probabilistic inference in the model. We apply our model to two challenging datasets and find that in addition to being principled and fully generative, the model’s performance is comparable to the state-of-the-art. 1 Train labels Train images Test image Appearance model Joint Model Shape model Parsing Figure 1: Overview. Using annotated images separate models of shape and appearance are trained. Given an unseen test image, its parsing is obtained via inference in the proposed joint model. In Secs. 1 and 2 we present the model and propose efficient inference and learning schemes. In Sec. 3 we compare and contrast the resulting joint model with existing work in the literature. We describe our experimental results in Sec. 4 and conclude with a discussion in Sec. 5. 1 Model We consider datasets of cropped images of an object class. We assume that the images are constructed through some combination of a fixed number of parts. Given a dataset D = {Xd }, d = 1...n of such images X, each consisting of P pixels {xi }, i = 1...P , we wish to infer a segmentation S for the image. S consists of a labeling si for every pixel, where si is a 1-of-(L+1) encoded variable, and L is the fixed number of parts that combine to generate the foreground. In other words, si = (sli ), P l = 0...L, sli 2 {0, 1} and l sli = 1. Note that the background is also treated as a ‘part’ (l = 0). Accurate inference of S is driven by models for 1) part shapes and 2) part appearances. Part shapes: Several types of models can be used to define probabilistic distributions over segmentations S. The simplest approach is to model each pixel si independently with categorical variables whose parameters are specified by the object’s mean shape (Fig. 2(a)). Markov Random Fields (MRFs, Fig. 2(b)) additionally model interactions between nearby pixels using pairwise potential functions that efficiently capture local properties of images like smoothness and continuity. Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and their multi-layered counterparts Deep Boltzmann Machines (DBMs, Fig. 2(c)) make heavy use of hidden variables to efficiently define higher-order potentials that take into account the configuration of larger groups of image pixels. The introduction of such hidden variables provides a way to efficiently capture complex, global properties of image pixels. RBMs and DBMs are powerful generative models, but they also have many parameters. Segmented images, however, are expensive to obtain and datasets are typically small (hundreds of examples). In order to learn a model that accurately captures the properties of part shapes we use DBMs but also impose carefully chosen connectivity and capacity constraints, following the structure of the Shape Boltzmann Machine (SBM) [1]. We further extend the model to account for multi-part shapes to obtain the Multinomial Shape Boltzmann Machine (MSBM). The MSBM has two layers of latent variables: h1 and h2 (collectively H = {h1 , h2 }), and defines a P Boltzmann distribution over segmentations p(S) = h1 ,h2 exp{ E(S, h1 , h2 |✓s )}/Z(✓s ) where X X X X X 1 2 E(S, h1 , h2 |✓s ) = bli sli + wlij sli h1 + c 1 h1 + wjk h1 h2 + c2 h2 , (1) j j j j k k k i,l j i,j,l j,k k where j and k range over the first and second layer hidden variables, and ✓s = {W 1 , W 2 , b, c1 , c2 } are the shape model parameters. In the first layer, local receptive fields are enforced by connecting each hidden unit in h1 only to a subset of the visible units, corresponding to one of four patches, as shown in Fig. 2(d,e). Each patch overlaps its neighbor by b pixels, which allows boundary continuity to be learned at the lowest layer. We share weights between the four sets of first-layer hidden units and patches, and purposely restrict the number of units in h2 . These modifications significantly reduce the number of parameters whilst taking into account an important property of shapes, namely that the strongest dependencies between pixels are typically local. 2 h2 1 1 h S S (a) Mean h S (b) MRF h2 h2 h1 S S (c) DBM b (d) SBM (e) 2D SBM Figure 2: Models of shape. Object shape is modeled with undirected graphical models. (a) 1D slice of a mean model. (b) Markov Random Field in 1D. (c) Deep Boltzmann Machine in 1D. (d) 1D slice of a Shape Boltzmann Machine. (e) Shape Boltzmann Machine in 2D. In all models latent units h are binary and visible units S are multinomial random variables. Based on Fig. 2 of [1]. k=1 k=2 k=3 k=1 k=2 k=3 k=1 k=2 k=3 ⇡ l=0 l=1 l=2 Figure 3: A model of appearances. Left: An exemplar dataset. Here we assume one background (l = 0) and two foreground (l = 1, non-body; l = 2, body) parts. Right: The corresponding appearance model. In this example, L = 2, K = 3 and W = 6. Best viewed in color. Part appearances: Pixels in a given image are assumed to have been generated by W fixed Gaussians in RGB space. During pre-training, the means {µw } and covariances {⌃w } of these Gaussians are extracted by training a mixture model with W components on every pixel in the dataset, ignoring image and part structure. It is also assumed that each of the L parts can have different appearances in different images, and that these appearances can be clustered into K classes. The classes differ in how likely they are to use each of the W components when ‘coloring in’ the part. The generative process is as follows. For part l in an image, one of the K classes is chosen (represented by a 1-of-K indicator variable al ). Given al , the probability distribution defined on pixels associated with part l is given by a Gaussian mixture model with means {µw } and covariances {⌃w } and mixing proportions { lkw }. The prior on A = {al } specifies the probability ⇡lk of appearance class k being chosen for part l. Therefore appearance parameters ✓a = {⇡lk , lkw } (see Fig. 3) and: a p(xi |A, si , ✓ ) = p(A|✓a ) = Y l Y l a sli p(xi |al , ✓ ) p(al |✓a ) = = Y Y X YY l l k w lkw N (xi |µw , ⌃w ) !alk !sli (⇡lk )alk . , (2) (3) k Combining shapes and appearances: To summarize, the latent variables for X are A, S, H, and the model’s active parameters ✓ include shape parameters ✓s and appearance parameters ✓a , so that p(X, A, S, H|✓) = Y 1 p(A|✓a )p(S, H|✓s ) p(xi |A, si , ✓a ) , Z( ) i (4) where the parameter adjusts the relative contributions of the shape and appearance components. See Fig. 4 for an illustration of the complete graphical model. During learning, we find the values of ✓ that maximize the likelihood of the training data D, and segmentation is performed on a previously-unseen image by querying the marginal distribution p(S|Xtest , ✓). Note that Z( ) is constant throughout the execution of the algorithms. We set via trial and error in our experiments. 3 n H ✓a si al H xi L+1 ✓s S X A P Figure 4: A model of shape and appearance. Left: The joint model. Pixels xi are modeled via appearance variables al . The model’s belief about each layer’s shape is captured by shape variables H. Segmentation variables si assign each pixel to a layer. Right: Schematic for an image X. 2 Inference and learning Inference: We approximate p(A, S, H|X, ✓) by drawing samples of A, S and H using block-Gibbs Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The desired distribution p(S|X, ✓) can then be obtained by considering only the samples for S (see Algorithm 1). In order to sample p(A|S, H, X, ✓) we consider the conditional distribution of appearance class k being chosen for part l which is given by: Q P ·s ⇡lk i ( w lkw N (xi |µw , ⌃w )) li h Q P i. p(alk = 1|S, X, ✓) = P (5) K ·sli r=1 ⇡lr i( w lrw N (xi |µw , ⌃w )) Since the MSBM only has edges between each pair of adjacent layers, all hidden units within a layer are conditionally independent given the units in the other two layers. This property can be exploited to make inference in the shape model exact and efficient. The conditional probabilities are: X X 1 2 p(h1 = 1|s, h2 , ✓) = ( wlij sli + wjk h2 + c1 ), (6) j k j i,l p(h2 k 1 = 1|h , ✓) = ( X k 2 wjk h1 j + c2 ), j (7) j where (y) = 1/(1 + exp( y)) is the sigmoid function. To sample from p(H|S, X, ✓) we iterate between Eqns. 6 and 7 multiple times and keep only the final values of h1 and h2 . Finally, we draw samples for the pixels in p(S|A, H, X, ✓) independently: P 1 exp( j wlij h1 + bli ) p(xi |A, sli = 1, ✓) j p(sli = 1|A, H, X, ✓) = PL . (8) P 1 1 m=1 exp( j wmij hj + bmi ) p(xi |A, smi = 1, ✓) Seeding: Since the latent-space is extremely high-dimensional, in practice we find it helpful to run several inference chains, each initializing S(1) to a different value. The ‘best’ inference is retained and the others are discarded. The computation of the likelihood p(X|✓) of image X is intractable, so we approximate the quality of each inference using a scoring function: 1X Score(X|✓) = p(X, A(t) , S(t) , H(t) |✓), (9) T t where {A(t) , S(t) , H(t) }, t = 1...T are the samples obtained from the posterior p(A, S, H|X, ✓). If the samples were drawn from the prior p(A, S, H|✓) the scoring function would be an unbiased estimator of p(X|✓), but would be wildly inaccurate due to the high probability of missing the important regions of latent space (see e.g. [12, p. 107-109] for further discussion of this issue). Learning: Learning of the model involves maximizing the log likelihood log p(D|✓a , ✓s ) of the training dataset D with respect to the model parameters ✓a and ✓s . Since training is partially supervised, in that for each image X its corresponding segmentation S is also given, we can learn the parameters of the shape and appearance components separately. For appearances, the learning of the mixing coefficients and the histogram parameters decomposes into standard mixture updates independently for each part. For shapes, we follow the standard deep 4 Algorithm 1 MCMC inference algorithm. 1: procedure I NFER(X, ✓) 2: Initialize S(1) , H(1) 3: for t 2 : chain length do 4: A(t) ⇠ p(A|S(t 1) , H(t 1) , X, ✓) 5: S(t) ⇠ p(S|A(t) , H(t 1) , X, ✓) 6: H(t) ⇠ p(H|S(t) , ✓) 7: return {S(t) }t=burnin:chain length learning literature closely [13, 1]. In the pre-training phase we greedily train the model bottom up, one layer at a time. We begin by training an RBM on the observed data using stochastic maximum likelihood learning (SML; also referred to as ‘persistent CD’; [14, 13]). Once this RBM is trained, we infer the conditional mean of the hidden units for each training image. The resulting vectors then serve as the training data for a second RBM which is again trained using SML. We use the parameters of these two RBMs to initialize the parameters of the full MSBM model. In the second phase we perform approximate stochastic gradient ascent in the likelihood of the full model to finetune the parameters in an EM-like scheme as described in [13]. 3 Related work Existing probabilistic models of images can be categorized by the amount of variability they expect to encounter in the data and by how they model this variability. A significant portion of the literature models images using only two parts: a foreground object and its background e.g. [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]. Models that account for the parts within the foreground object mainly differ in how accurately they learn about and represent the variability of the shapes of the object’s parts. In Probabilistic Index Maps (PIMs) [8] a mean partitioning is learned, and the deformable PIM [9] additionally allows for local deformations of this mean partitioning. Stel Component Analysis [10] accounts for larger amounts of shape variability by learning a number of different template means for the object that are blended together on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Factored Shapes and Appearances [11] models global properties of shape using a factor analysis-like model, and ‘masked’ RBMs have been used to model more local properties of shape [20]. However, none of these models constitute a strong model of shape in terms of realism of samples and generalization capabilities [1]. We demonstrate in Sec. 4 that, like the SBM, the MSBM does in fact possess these properties. The closest works to ours in terms of ability to deal with datasets that exhibit significant variability in both shape and appearance are the works of Bo and Fowlkes [21] and Thomas et al. [22]. Bo and Fowlkes [21] present an algorithm for pedestrian segmentation that models the shapes of the parts using several template means. The different parts are composed using hand coded geometric constraints, which means that the model cannot be automatically extended to other application domains. The Implicit Shape Model (ISM) used in [22] is reliant on interest point detectors and defines distributions over segmentations only in the posterior, and therefore is not fully generative. The model presented here is entirely learned from data and fully generative, therefore it can be applied to new datasets and diagnosed with relative ease. Due to its modular structure, we also expect it to rapidly absorb future developments in shape and appearance models. 4 Experiments Penn-Fudan pedestrians: The first dataset that we considered is Penn-Fudan pedestrians [23], consisting of 169 images of pedestrians (Fig. 6(a)). The images are annotated with ground-truth segmentations for L = 7 different parts (hair, face, upper and lower clothes, shoes, legs, arms; Fig. 6(d)). We compare the performance of the model with the algorithm of Bo and Fowlkes [21]. For the shape component, we trained an MSBM on the 684 images of a labeled version of the HumanEva dataset [24] (at 48 ⇥ 24 pixels; also flipped horizontally) with overlap b = 4, and 400 and 50 hidden units in the first and second layers respectively. Each layer was pre-trained for 3000 epochs (iterations). After pre-training, joint training was performed for 1000 epochs. 5 (c) Completion (a) Sampling (b) Diffs ! ! ! Figure 5: Learned shape model. (a) A chain of samples (1000 samples between frames). The apparent ‘blurriness’ of samples is not due to averaging or resizing. We display the probability of each pixel belonging to different parts. If, for example, there is a 50-50 chance that a pixel belongs to the red or blue parts, we display that pixel in purple. (b) Differences between the samples and their most similar counterparts in the training dataset. (c) Completion of occlusions (pink). To assess the realism and generalization characteristics of the learned MSBM we sample from it. In Fig. 5(a) we show a chain of unconstrained samples from an MSBM generated via block-Gibbs MCMC (1000 samples between frames). The model captures highly non-linear correlations in the data whilst preserving the object’s details (e.g. face and arms). To demonstrate that the model has not simply memorized the training data, in Fig. 5(b) we show the difference between the sampled shapes in Fig. 5(a) and their closest images in the training set (based on per-pixel label agreement). We see that the model generalizes in non-trivial ways to generate realistic shapes that it had not encountered during training. In Fig. 5(c) we show how the MSBM completes rectangular occlusions. The samples highlight the variability in possible completions captured by the model. Note how, e.g. the length of the person’s trousers on one leg affects the model’s predictions for the other, demonstrating the model’s knowledge about long-range dependencies. An interactive M ATLAB GUI for sampling from this MSBM has been included in the supplementary material. The Penn-Fudan dataset (at 200 ⇥ 100 pixels) was then split into 10 train/test cross-validation splits without replacement. We used the training images in each split to train the appearance component with a vocabulary of size W = 50 and K = 100 mixture components1 . We additionally constrained the model by sharing the appearance models for the arms and legs with that of the face. We assess the quality of the appearance model by performing the following experiment: for each test image, we used the scoring function described in Eq. 9 to evaluate a number of different proposal segmentations for that image. We considered 10 randomly chosen segmentations from the training dataset as well as the ground-truth segmentation for the test image, and found that the appearance model correctly assigns the highest score to the ground-truth 95% of the time. During inference, the shape and appearance models (which are defined on images of different sizes), were combined at 200 ⇥ 100 pixels via M ATLAB’s imresize function, and we set = 0.8 (Eq. 8) via trial and error. Inference chains were seeded at 100 exemplar segmentations from the HumanEva dataset (obtained using the K-medoids algorithm with K = 100), and were run for 20 Gibbs iterations each (with 5 iterations of Eqs. 6 and 7 per Gibbs iteration). Our unoptimized M ATLAB implementation completed inference for each chain in around 7 seconds. We compute the conditional probability of each pixel belonging to different parts given the last set of samples obtained from the highest scoring chain, assign each pixel independently to the most likely part at that pixel, and report the percentage of correctly labeled pixels (see Table 1). We find that accuracy can be improved using superpixels (SP) computed on X (pixels within a superpixel are all assigned the most common label within it; as with [21] we use gPb-OWT-UCM [25]). We also report the accuracy obtained, had the top scoring seed segmentation been returned as the final segmentation for each image. Here the quality of the seed is determined solely by the appearance model. We observe that the model has comparable performance to the state-of-the-art but pedestrianspecific algorithm of [21], and that inference in the model significantly improves the accuracy of the segmentations over the baseline (top seed+SP). Qualitative results can be seen in Fig. 6(c). 1 We obtained the best quantitative results with these settings. The appearances exhibited by the parts in the dataset are highly varied, and the complexity of the appearance model reflects this fact. 6 Table 1: Penn-Fudan pedestrians. We report the percentage of correctly labeled pixels. The final column is an average of the background, upper and lower body scores (as reported in [21]). FG BG Upper Body Lower Body Head Average Bo and Fowlkes [21] 73.3% 81.1% 73.6% 71.6% 51.8% 69.5% MSBM MSBM + SP 70.7% 71.6% 72.8% 73.8% 68.6% 69.9% 66.7% 68.5% 53.0% 54.1% 65.3% 66.6% Top seed Top seed + SP 59.0% 61.6% 61.8% 67.3% 56.8% 60.8% 49.8% 54.1% 45.5% 43.5% 53.5% 56.4% Table 2: ETHZ cars. We report the percentage of pixels belonging to each part that are labeled correctly. The final column is an average weighted by the frequency of occurrence of each label. BG Body Wheel Window Bumper License Light Average ISM [22] 93.2% 72.2% 63.6% 80.5% 73.8% 56.2% 34.8% 86.8% MSBM 94.6% 72.7% 36.8% 74.4% 64.9% 17.9% 19.9% 86.0% Top seed 92.2% 68.4% 28.3% 63.8% 45.4% 11.2% 15.1% 81.8% ETHZ cars: The second dataset that we considered is the ETHZ labeled cars dataset [22], which itself is a subset of the LabelMe dataset [23], consisting of 139 images of cars, all in the same semiprofile view (Fig. 7(a)). The images are annotated with ground-truth segmentations for L = 6 parts (body, wheel, window, bumper, license plate, headlight; Fig. 7(d)). We compare the performance of the model with the ISM of Thomas et al. [22], who also report their results on this dataset. The dataset was split into 10 train/test cross-validation splits without replacement. We used the training images in each split to train both the shape and appearance components. For the shape component, we trained an MSBM at 50 ⇥ 50 pixels with overlap b = 4, and 2000 and 100 hidden units in the first and second layers respectively. Each layer was pre-trained for 3000 epochs and joint training was performed for 1000 epochs. The appearance model was trained with a vocabulary of size W = 50 and K = 100 mixture components and we set = 0.7. Inference chains were seeded at 50 exemplar segmentations (obtained using K-medoids). We find that the use of superpixels does not help with this dataset (due to the poor quality of superpixels obtained for these images). Qualitative and quantitative results that show the performance of model to be comparable to the state-of-the-art ISM can be seen in Fig. 7(c) and Table 2. We believe the discrepancy in accuracy between the MSBM and ISM on the ‘license’ and ‘light’ labels to mainly be due to ISM’s use of interest-points, as they are able to locate such fine structures accurately. By incorporating better models of part appearance into the generative model, we expect to see this discrepancy decrease. 5 Conclusions and future work In this paper we have shown how the SBM can be extended to obtain the MSBM, and presented a principled probabilistic model of images of objects that exploits the MSBM as its model for part shapes. We demonstrated how object segmentations can be obtained simply by performing MCMC inference in the model. The model can also be treated as a probabilistic evaluator of segmentations: given a proposal segmentation it can be used to estimate its likelihood. This leads us to believe that the combination of a generative model such as ours, with a discriminative, bottom-up segmentation algorithm could be highly effective. We are currently investigating how textured appearance models, which take into account the spatial structure of pixels, affect the learning and inference algorithms and the performance of the model. Acknowledgments Thanks to Charless Fowlkes and Vittorio Ferrari for access to datasets, and to Pushmeet Kohli and John Winn for valuable discussions. AE has received funding from the Carnegie Trust, the SORSAS scheme, and the IST Programme under the PASCAL2 Network of Excellence (IST-2007-216886). 7 (a) Test (c) MSBM (b) Bo and Fowlkes (d) Ground truth Background Hair Face Upper Shoes Legs Lower Arms (d) Ground truth (c) MSBM (b) Thomas et al. (a) Test Figure 6: Penn-Fudan pedestrians. (a) Test images. (b) Results reported by Bo and Fowlkes [21]. (c) Output of the joint model. (d) Ground-truth images. Images shown are those selected by [21]. Background Body Wheel Window Bumper License Headlight Figure 7: ETHZ cars. (a) Test images. (b) Results reported by Thomas et al. [22]. (c) Output of the joint model. (d) Ground-truth images. Images shown are those selected by [22]. 8 References [1] S. M. Ali Eslami, Nicolas Heess, and John Winn. 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5 0.54207307 349 nips-2012-Training sparse natural image models with a fast Gibbs sampler of an extended state space

Author: Lucas Theis, Jascha Sohl-dickstein, Matthias Bethge

Abstract: We present a new learning strategy based on an efficient blocked Gibbs sampler for sparse overcomplete linear models. Particular emphasis is placed on statistical image modeling, where overcomplete models have played an important role in discovering sparse representations. Our Gibbs sampler is faster than general purpose sampling schemes while also requiring no tuning as it is free of parameters. Using the Gibbs sampler and a persistent variant of expectation maximization, we are able to extract highly sparse distributions over latent sources from data. When applied to natural images, our algorithm learns source distributions which resemble spike-and-slab distributions. We evaluate the likelihood and quantitatively compare the performance of the overcomplete linear model to its complete counterpart as well as a product of experts model, which represents another overcomplete generalization of the complete linear model. In contrast to previous claims, we find that overcomplete representations lead to significant improvements, but that the overcomplete linear model still underperforms other models. 1

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