nips nips2012 nips2012-65 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

65 nips-2012-Cardinality Restricted Boltzmann Machines

Source: pdf

Author: Kevin Swersky, Ilya Sutskever, Daniel Tarlow, Richard S. Zemel, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Ryan P. Adams

Abstract: The Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) is a popular density model that is also good for extracting features. A main source of tractability in RBM models is that, given an input, the posterior distribution over hidden variables is factorizable and can be easily computed and sampled from. Sparsity and competition in the hidden representation is beneficial, and while an RBM with competition among its hidden units would acquire some of the attractive properties of sparse coding, such constraints are typically not added, as the resulting posterior over the hidden units seemingly becomes intractable. In this paper we show that a dynamic programming algorithm can be used to implement exact sparsity in the RBM’s hidden units. We also show how to pass derivatives through the resulting posterior marginals, which makes it possible to fine-tune a pre-trained neural network with sparse hidden layers. 1

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 A main source of tractability in RBM models is that, given an input, the posterior distribution over hidden variables is factorizable and can be easily computed and sampled from. [sent-14, score-0.228]

2 In this paper we show that a dynamic programming algorithm can be used to implement exact sparsity in the RBM’s hidden units. [sent-16, score-0.394]

3 We also show how to pass derivatives through the resulting posterior marginals, which makes it possible to fine-tune a pre-trained neural network with sparse hidden layers. [sent-17, score-0.336]

4 Although it is a capable density estimator, it is most often used as a building block for deep belief networks (DBNs). [sent-19, score-0.121]

5 One effective method for improving performance has been the incorporation of sparsity into the learned representation. [sent-25, score-0.17]

6 Approaches that learn and use sparse representations have achieved good results on a number of tasks [6], and in the context of computer vision, sparsity has been linked with learning features that are invariant to local transformations [7]. [sent-26, score-0.21]

7 Sparse features are also often more interpretable than dense representations after unsupervised learning. [sent-27, score-0.079]

8 For directed models, such as sparse coding [8], sparsity can be enforced using a Laplace or spike and slab prior [9]. [sent-28, score-0.25]

9 For undirected models, introducing hard sparsity constraints directly into the energy function often results in non-trivial dependencies between hidden units that makes inference intractable. [sent-29, score-0.621]

10 The most common way around this is to encourage sparsity during training by way of a penalty function on the expected conditional hidden unit activations given data [10]. [sent-30, score-0.582]

11 However, this training-time procedure is a heuristic and does not guarantee sparsity at test time. [sent-31, score-0.141]

12 For example, the softmax distribution can be seen as arising from a cardinality potential that forces exactly one binary variable to be active. [sent-35, score-0.158]

13 For general potentials over counts, it would seem that the cost of inference would grow exponentially with the number of binary variables. [sent-36, score-0.079]

14 However, efficient algorithms have been proposed that compute exact marginals for many higher-order potentials of interest [12]. [sent-37, score-0.144]

15 For achieving sparsity in RBMs, it turns out that a relatively simple dynamic programming algorithm by Gail et al. [sent-38, score-0.141]

16 In this paper, we show how to combine these higher-order potentials with RBMs by placing a cardinality potential directly over the hidden units to form a Cardinality-RBM (CaRBM) model. [sent-41, score-0.64]

17 This will allow us to obtain genuinely sparse representations, where only a small number of units are allowed to be active. [sent-42, score-0.248]

18 On a benchmark suite of classification experiments, the CaRBM is competitive with current approaches that do not enforce sparsity at test-time. [sent-44, score-0.193]

19 1 Restricted Boltzmann Machines A Restricted Boltzmann Machine is a particular type of Markov random field that has a two-layer architecture, in which the visible, stochastic units v ∈ {0, 1}Nv are connected to hidden stochastic units h ∈ {0, 1}Nh . [sent-46, score-0.63]

20 Exact maximum likelihood learning in this model is intractable because exact computation of the expectation EPmodel [·] takes time that is exponential in the number of visible or hidden units. [sent-51, score-0.296]

21 After learning, the hidden units of the RBM can be thought of as features extracted from the input data. [sent-53, score-0.451]

22 Quite often, they are used to initialize a deep belief network (DBN), or they can be used directly as inputs to some other learning system. [sent-54, score-0.152]

23 2 The Sparse RBM (SpRBM) For many challenging tasks, such as object or speech recognition, a desirable property for the hidden variables is to encode the data using sparse representations. [sent-56, score-0.275]

24 However, suppose we have some desired target expected sparsity ρ. [sent-60, score-0.175]

25 If qj represents a 1 The derivatives with respect to the bias terms take a similar form. [sent-61, score-0.088]

26 2 running average of the hidden unit marginals qj = 1/N following penalty term to the log-likelihood objective [16]: n P (hj = 1|vn ), then we can add the λ (ρ log qj + (1 − ρ) log(1 − qj )) , (4) where λ represents the strength of the penalty. [sent-62, score-0.615]

27 This penalty is proportional to the negative of the KL divergence between the hidden unit marginals and the target sparsity probability. [sent-63, score-0.59]

28 Note that this is applied to each hidden unit independently and has the intuitive property of encouraging each hidden unit to activate with proportion ρ across the dataset. [sent-65, score-0.593]

29 If the hidden unit activations are stored in a matrix where each row corresponds to a training example, and each column corresponds to a hidden unit, then this is enforcing sparsity in the columns of the matrix. [sent-66, score-0.712]

30 When using the SpRBM model, the hope is that each individual example will be encoded by a sparse vector, corresponding to sparsity across the rows, or population sparsity. [sent-68, score-0.233]

31 This is a cardinality potential (or “counts potential”), because it depends only on the number of 1’s in the vector x, but not on their identity. [sent-71, score-0.158]

32 This distribution is useful for imposing sparsity because it allows us to represent the constraint that the vector x can have at most k elements set to one. [sent-72, score-0.141]

33 There is an efficient exact inference algorithm for computing the normalizing constant and marginals of this distribution. [sent-73, score-0.139]

34 In this view, we create N auxiliary variables zj ∈ {1, . [sent-76, score-0.234]

35 The auxiliary variables are then deterministically related to j the x variables by setting zj = k=1 xk , where zj represents the cumulative sum of the first j binary variables. [sent-80, score-0.437]

36 More formally, consider the following joint distribution q (x, z): ˆ N N φj (xj ) · q (x, z) = ˆ j=1 γ(xj , zj , zj−1 ) · ψ(zN ). [sent-81, score-0.203]

37 (6) j=2 We let γ(xj , zj , zj−1 ) be a deterministic “addition potential”, which assigns the value one to any triplet (x, z, z ) satisfying z = x + z and zero otherwise. [sent-82, score-0.231]

38 This notation represents the observation that zj can j be computed either as zj = k=1 xk , or more simply as zj = zj−1 + xj . [sent-84, score-0.654]

39 Second, the posterior q (z|x) assigns a probability of ˆ j ∗ 1 to the configuration z∗ that is given by zj = k=1 xj for all j. [sent-95, score-0.276]

40 This is a direct consequence of N ∗ ∗ ∗ the sum-potentials γ(·) enforcing the constraint zj = xj + zj−1 . [sent-96, score-0.248]

41 By ˆ running the sum-product algorithm on q we can recover the singleton marginals µj (xj ), which ˆ are also the marginals of q(·). [sent-99, score-0.132]

42 We can likewise sample from q by computing all of the pairwise marginals µj+1,j (zj+1 , zj ), computing the pairwise conditionals µj+1,j (zj+1 |zj ), and sampling each zj sequentially, given zj−1 , to obtain a sample z. [sent-100, score-0.472]

43 The vector x can be recovered via xj = zj − zj−1 . [sent-101, score-0.248]

44 4 The Cardinality RBM (CaRBM) The Cardinality Restricted Boltzmann Machine is defined as follows:   Nh 1 P (v, h) = exp v W h + v bv + h bh · ψk  hj  , Z j=1 (8) where ψk is a potential given by ψk (c) = 1 if c ≤ k and 0 otherwise. [sent-107, score-0.202]

45 The cardinality potential implements competition in the hidden layer because now, a data vector v can be explained by at most k hidden units. [sent-109, score-0.682]

46 This form of competition is similar to sparse coding in that there may be many non-sparse configurations that assign high probability to the data, however only sparse configurations are allowed to be used. [sent-110, score-0.198]

47 Perhaps the best way to view the effect of the cardinality potential is to consider the case of k = 1 with the further restriction that configurations with 0 active hidden units are disallowed. [sent-114, score-0.613]

48 In this case, the CaRBM reduces to an ordinary RBM with a single multinomial hidden unit. [sent-115, score-0.228]

49 A similar model to the CaRBM is the Boltzmann Perceptron [21], which also introduces a term in the energy function to promote competition between units; however, they do not provide a way to efficiently compute marginals or draw joint samples from P (h|v). [sent-116, score-0.159]

50 Another similar line of work is the Restricted Boltzmann Forest [22], which uses k groups of multinomial hidden units. [sent-117, score-0.228]

51 We should note that the actual marginal probabilities of the hidden units given the visible units are not guaranteed to be sparse, but rather the distribution assigns zero mass to any hidden configuration that is not sparse. [sent-118, score-0.96]

52 1 The Cardinality Marginal Nonlinearity One of the most common ways to use an RBM is to consider it as a pre-training method for a deep belief network [2]. [sent-122, score-0.152]

53 While it is easy to convert a stack of standard RBMs into a feed-forward neural network, turning a stack of CaRBMs into a feed-forward neural network is less obvious, because it is not clear what nonlinearity should be used. [sent-125, score-0.156]

54 We can justify this choice by noticing that it is the expectation of the conditional distribution P (h|v), namely σ(W v + bh ) = EP (h|v) [h], 4 (9) where the sigmoid is applied to the vector in an element-wise fashion. [sent-127, score-0.108]

55 It also appears naturally when the score matching estimator is applied to RBMs over Gaussian-distributed visible units [24, 25]. [sent-129, score-0.277]

56 This justification suggests that for the CaRBM, we should choose a nonlinearity µ(·) which will satisfy the following equality: µ(W v + bh ) = EP (h|v) [h], (10) where the conditional P (h|v) can be derived from Eq. [sent-130, score-0.173]

57 First note that such a nonlinear function exists, because the distribution P (h|v) is completely determined by the total input W v + bh . [sent-132, score-0.108]

58 Therefore, the feed-forward neural network that is obtained from a stack of CaRBMs uses a messagepassing algorithm to compute the nonlinearity µ(·). [sent-133, score-0.126]

59 We should note that µ depends on k, the number of units that can take on the value 1, but this is a constant that is independent of the input. [sent-134, score-0.201]

60 Let x = W v + bh be the total input to the RBM’s hidden units, then the Jacobian J(x) is given by: J(x) = EP (h|v) [hh ] − EP (h|v) [h] EP (h|v) [h ], = EP (h|v) [hh ] − µ(x)µ(x) . [sent-141, score-0.336]

61 (14) Using the symmetry of the Jacobian of µ, we can backpropagate a vector of derivatives ∂L/∂µ using Eq. [sent-151, score-0.081]

62 1 Training CaRBMs One issue when training a model with lateral inhibition is that in the initial learning epochs, a small group of hidden units can learn global features of the data and effectively suppress the other hidden units, leading to “dead units”. [sent-158, score-0.703]

63 In the SpRBM, this penalty term is used to encourage each hidden unit to be active a small number of times across the training set, which indirectly provides sparsity per-example. [sent-162, score-0.542]

64 In the CaRBM it is used to ensure that each hidden unit is used roughly equally across the training set, while the per-example sparsity is directly controlled. [sent-163, score-0.418]

65 We observed that dead units occurred only with a random initialization of the parameters and that this was no longer an issue once the weights had been properly initialized. [sent-164, score-0.312]

66 In our experiments, we used the KL penalty during unsupervised learning, but not during supervised fine-tuning. [sent-165, score-0.101]

67 A related issue with SpRBMs is that if the KL penalty is set too high then it can create dead examples (examples that activate no hidden units). [sent-166, score-0.45]

68 Note that the KL penalty will not penalize this case as long as the inter-example activations matches the target probability ρ. [sent-167, score-0.172]

69 2 Comparing CaRBM with SpRBM Both the CaRBM and SpRBM models attempt to achieve the same goal of sparsity in the hidden unit activations. [sent-169, score-0.418]

70 The convex dataset consists of binary 28 × 28-pixel images of polygons (sometimes with multiple polygons per image). [sent-174, score-0.129]

71 For both models, we set the target sparsity to 10%. [sent-179, score-0.175]

72 We next performed a grid search over the strength of the KL penalty until we found a setting that achieved an average hidden unit population sparsity that matched the target without creating dead examples (in the case of the SpRBM) or dead units (in the case of the CaRBM). [sent-180, score-1.018]

73 However, the SpRBM exhibits a heavy-tailed distribution over activations, with some examples activating over half of the hidden units. [sent-182, score-0.228]

74 By comparison, all inputs activate the maximum number of allowable hidden units in the CaRBM, generating a spike at 10%. [sent-183, score-0.494]

75 Indeed, in the CaRBM, the hidden units suppress each other through competition, while in the SpRBM there is no such direct competition. [sent-184, score-0.453]

76 We conducted a random search over hyperparameter settings as recommended by Bergstra & Bengio [28], and set the target sparsity to be between 2. [sent-189, score-0.175]

77 Interestingly, for the convex dataset, the SpRBM model, chosen by cross-validation, used a weak penalty strength and only achieved a population sparsity of 25%. [sent-195, score-0.284]

78 As we increased the strength of the sparsity penalty, classification performance in the SpRBM degraded, but the desired sparsity level was still not achieved. [sent-196, score-0.308]

79 (b),(f) Visualization of the incoming weights to 25 randomly selected hidden units in the SpRBM and CaRBM models respectively. [sent-212, score-0.429]

80 (c),(g) The distribution of the mean lifetime activations (across examples) of the hidden units in the SpRBM and CaRBM respectively. [sent-213, score-0.54]

81 (d),(h) The distribution of the mean population activations (within examples) of the hidden units in the SpRBM and CaRBM respectively. [sent-214, score-0.54]

82 Dataset rectangles background im background im rot recangles im RBM 4. [sent-215, score-0.156]

83 56% Dataset convex mnist basic mnist rot background rand RBM 20. [sent-227, score-0.115]

84 We binarized the dataset by truncating the word counts and train the SpRBM and CaRBM models with 50 hidden units, searching over learning rates and KL penalty strengths until 10% sparsity is achieved without dead units or examples. [sent-247, score-0.817]

85 Once a model is learned, we define a topic for a hidden unit by considering the 5 words with the highest connections to that unit. [sent-248, score-0.311]

86 We conjecture that sparse RBMs should be beneficial in learning interpretable topics because there will be fewer ways for hidden units to collude in order to model a given input. [sent-249, score-0.504]

87 Table 2 shows the result of picking a general topic and finding the closest matching hidden unit from each model. [sent-250, score-0.344]

88 For example, many of the hidden units contain the words ‘abstract’ and ‘reference’, both of which appear in nearly every paper. [sent-252, score-0.429]

89 Figure 2 (b)-(d) displays the effect that the KL penalty λ has on the population sparsity of the SpRBM. [sent-253, score-0.258]

90 For a fairly narrow range, if λ is too small then the desired sparsity level will not be met. [sent-254, score-0.141]

91 Each column corresponds to a chosen topic, and each cell corresponds to a single hidden unit. [sent-260, score-0.228]

92 The hidden unit is chosen as the best match to the given topic from amongst all of the hidden units learned by the model in the row. [sent-261, score-0.769]

93 (b)-(c) Change in population sparsity with increasing KL penalty λ on the NIPS dataset. [sent-274, score-0.258]

94 As it is increased, the lifetime sparsity better matches the target but at the cost of an increasing number of dead examples. [sent-276, score-0.331]

95 6 Conclusion We have introduced cardinality potentials into the energy function of a Restricted Boltzmann Machine in order to enforce sparsity in the hidden representation. [sent-278, score-0.589]

96 Furthermore, we showed how the marginal probabilities can be treated as nonlinearities, and how a simple finitedifference trick from Domke [14] can be used to backpropagate through the network. [sent-280, score-0.082]

97 For example, the cardinality potentials can be relaxed to encourage sparsity, but not enforce it, and they can be learned along with the other model parameters. [sent-286, score-0.25]

98 Finally, it would be worth exploring the use of the sparse marginal nonlinearity in auto-encoder architectures and in the deeper layers of a deep belief network. [sent-288, score-0.264]

99 Convolutional deep belief networks for scalable unsupervised learning of hierarchical representations. [sent-309, score-0.15]

100 Linear spatial pyramid matching using sparse coding for image classification. [sent-330, score-0.116]

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In general, the stronger the models of these two components, the more performance is improved. A generative model has the added benefit of being able to generate samples, which allows us to visually inspect the quality of its understanding of the data and the problem. Recently, a generative probabilistic model known as the Shape Boltzmann Machine (SBM) has been used to model binary object shapes [1]. The SBM has been shown to constitute the state-of-the-art and it possesses several highly desirable characteristics: samples from the model look realistic, and it generalizes to generate samples that differ from the limited number of examples it is trained on. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: 1) In order to account for object parts we extend the SBM to use multinomial visible units instead of binary ones, resulting in the Multinomial Shape Boltzmann Machine (MSBM), and we demonstrate that the MSBM constitutes a strong model of parts-based object shape. 2) We combine the MSBM with an appearance model to form a fully generative model of images of objects (see Fig. 1). We show how parts-based object segmentations can be obtained simply by performing probabilistic inference in the model. We apply our model to two challenging datasets and find that in addition to being principled and fully generative, the model’s performance is comparable to the state-of-the-art. 1 Train labels Train images Test image Appearance model Joint Model Shape model Parsing Figure 1: Overview. Using annotated images separate models of shape and appearance are trained. Given an unseen test image, its parsing is obtained via inference in the proposed joint model. In Secs. 1 and 2 we present the model and propose efficient inference and learning schemes. In Sec. 3 we compare and contrast the resulting joint model with existing work in the literature. We describe our experimental results in Sec. 4 and conclude with a discussion in Sec. 5. 1 Model We consider datasets of cropped images of an object class. We assume that the images are constructed through some combination of a fixed number of parts. Given a dataset D = {Xd }, d = 1...n of such images X, each consisting of P pixels {xi }, i = 1...P , we wish to infer a segmentation S for the image. S consists of a labeling si for every pixel, where si is a 1-of-(L+1) encoded variable, and L is the fixed number of parts that combine to generate the foreground. In other words, si = (sli ), P l = 0...L, sli 2 {0, 1} and l sli = 1. Note that the background is also treated as a ‘part’ (l = 0). Accurate inference of S is driven by models for 1) part shapes and 2) part appearances. Part shapes: Several types of models can be used to define probabilistic distributions over segmentations S. The simplest approach is to model each pixel si independently with categorical variables whose parameters are specified by the object’s mean shape (Fig. 2(a)). Markov Random Fields (MRFs, Fig. 2(b)) additionally model interactions between nearby pixels using pairwise potential functions that efficiently capture local properties of images like smoothness and continuity. Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and their multi-layered counterparts Deep Boltzmann Machines (DBMs, Fig. 2(c)) make heavy use of hidden variables to efficiently define higher-order potentials that take into account the configuration of larger groups of image pixels. The introduction of such hidden variables provides a way to efficiently capture complex, global properties of image pixels. RBMs and DBMs are powerful generative models, but they also have many parameters. Segmented images, however, are expensive to obtain and datasets are typically small (hundreds of examples). In order to learn a model that accurately captures the properties of part shapes we use DBMs but also impose carefully chosen connectivity and capacity constraints, following the structure of the Shape Boltzmann Machine (SBM) [1]. We further extend the model to account for multi-part shapes to obtain the Multinomial Shape Boltzmann Machine (MSBM). The MSBM has two layers of latent variables: h1 and h2 (collectively H = {h1 , h2 }), and defines a P Boltzmann distribution over segmentations p(S) = h1 ,h2 exp{ E(S, h1 , h2 |✓s )}/Z(✓s ) where X X X X X 1 2 E(S, h1 , h2 |✓s ) = bli sli + wlij sli h1 + c 1 h1 + wjk h1 h2 + c2 h2 , (1) j j j j k k k i,l j i,j,l j,k k where j and k range over the first and second layer hidden variables, and ✓s = {W 1 , W 2 , b, c1 , c2 } are the shape model parameters. In the first layer, local receptive fields are enforced by connecting each hidden unit in h1 only to a subset of the visible units, corresponding to one of four patches, as shown in Fig. 2(d,e). Each patch overlaps its neighbor by b pixels, which allows boundary continuity to be learned at the lowest layer. We share weights between the four sets of first-layer hidden units and patches, and purposely restrict the number of units in h2 . These modifications significantly reduce the number of parameters whilst taking into account an important property of shapes, namely that the strongest dependencies between pixels are typically local. 2 h2 1 1 h S S (a) Mean h S (b) MRF h2 h2 h1 S S (c) DBM b (d) SBM (e) 2D SBM Figure 2: Models of shape. Object shape is modeled with undirected graphical models. (a) 1D slice of a mean model. (b) Markov Random Field in 1D. (c) Deep Boltzmann Machine in 1D. (d) 1D slice of a Shape Boltzmann Machine. (e) Shape Boltzmann Machine in 2D. In all models latent units h are binary and visible units S are multinomial random variables. Based on Fig. 2 of [1]. k=1 k=2 k=3 k=1 k=2 k=3 k=1 k=2 k=3 ⇡ l=0 l=1 l=2 Figure 3: A model of appearances. Left: An exemplar dataset. Here we assume one background (l = 0) and two foreground (l = 1, non-body; l = 2, body) parts. Right: The corresponding appearance model. In this example, L = 2, K = 3 and W = 6. Best viewed in color. Part appearances: Pixels in a given image are assumed to have been generated by W fixed Gaussians in RGB space. During pre-training, the means {µw } and covariances {⌃w } of these Gaussians are extracted by training a mixture model with W components on every pixel in the dataset, ignoring image and part structure. It is also assumed that each of the L parts can have different appearances in different images, and that these appearances can be clustered into K classes. The classes differ in how likely they are to use each of the W components when ‘coloring in’ the part. The generative process is as follows. For part l in an image, one of the K classes is chosen (represented by a 1-of-K indicator variable al ). Given al , the probability distribution defined on pixels associated with part l is given by a Gaussian mixture model with means {µw } and covariances {⌃w } and mixing proportions { lkw }. The prior on A = {al } specifies the probability ⇡lk of appearance class k being chosen for part l. Therefore appearance parameters ✓a = {⇡lk , lkw } (see Fig. 3) and: a p(xi |A, si , ✓ ) = p(A|✓a ) = Y l Y l a sli p(xi |al , ✓ ) p(al |✓a ) = = Y Y X YY l l k w lkw N (xi |µw , ⌃w ) !alk !sli (⇡lk )alk . , (2) (3) k Combining shapes and appearances: To summarize, the latent variables for X are A, S, H, and the model’s active parameters ✓ include shape parameters ✓s and appearance parameters ✓a , so that p(X, A, S, H|✓) = Y 1 p(A|✓a )p(S, H|✓s ) p(xi |A, si , ✓a ) , Z( ) i (4) where the parameter adjusts the relative contributions of the shape and appearance components. See Fig. 4 for an illustration of the complete graphical model. During learning, we find the values of ✓ that maximize the likelihood of the training data D, and segmentation is performed on a previously-unseen image by querying the marginal distribution p(S|Xtest , ✓). Note that Z( ) is constant throughout the execution of the algorithms. We set via trial and error in our experiments. 3 n H ✓a si al H xi L+1 ✓s S X A P Figure 4: A model of shape and appearance. Left: The joint model. Pixels xi are modeled via appearance variables al . The model’s belief about each layer’s shape is captured by shape variables H. Segmentation variables si assign each pixel to a layer. Right: Schematic for an image X. 2 Inference and learning Inference: We approximate p(A, S, H|X, ✓) by drawing samples of A, S and H using block-Gibbs Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The desired distribution p(S|X, ✓) can then be obtained by considering only the samples for S (see Algorithm 1). In order to sample p(A|S, H, X, ✓) we consider the conditional distribution of appearance class k being chosen for part l which is given by: Q P ·s ⇡lk i ( w lkw N (xi |µw , ⌃w )) li h Q P i. p(alk = 1|S, X, ✓) = P (5) K ·sli r=1 ⇡lr i( w lrw N (xi |µw , ⌃w )) Since the MSBM only has edges between each pair of adjacent layers, all hidden units within a layer are conditionally independent given the units in the other two layers. This property can be exploited to make inference in the shape model exact and efficient. The conditional probabilities are: X X 1 2 p(h1 = 1|s, h2 , ✓) = ( wlij sli + wjk h2 + c1 ), (6) j k j i,l p(h2 k 1 = 1|h , ✓) = ( X k 2 wjk h1 j + c2 ), j (7) j where (y) = 1/(1 + exp( y)) is the sigmoid function. To sample from p(H|S, X, ✓) we iterate between Eqns. 6 and 7 multiple times and keep only the final values of h1 and h2 . Finally, we draw samples for the pixels in p(S|A, H, X, ✓) independently: P 1 exp( j wlij h1 + bli ) p(xi |A, sli = 1, ✓) j p(sli = 1|A, H, X, ✓) = PL . (8) P 1 1 m=1 exp( j wmij hj + bmi ) p(xi |A, smi = 1, ✓) Seeding: Since the latent-space is extremely high-dimensional, in practice we find it helpful to run several inference chains, each initializing S(1) to a different value. The ‘best’ inference is retained and the others are discarded. The computation of the likelihood p(X|✓) of image X is intractable, so we approximate the quality of each inference using a scoring function: 1X Score(X|✓) = p(X, A(t) , S(t) , H(t) |✓), (9) T t where {A(t) , S(t) , H(t) }, t = 1...T are the samples obtained from the posterior p(A, S, H|X, ✓). If the samples were drawn from the prior p(A, S, H|✓) the scoring function would be an unbiased estimator of p(X|✓), but would be wildly inaccurate due to the high probability of missing the important regions of latent space (see e.g. [12, p. 107-109] for further discussion of this issue). Learning: Learning of the model involves maximizing the log likelihood log p(D|✓a , ✓s ) of the training dataset D with respect to the model parameters ✓a and ✓s . Since training is partially supervised, in that for each image X its corresponding segmentation S is also given, we can learn the parameters of the shape and appearance components separately. For appearances, the learning of the mixing coefficients and the histogram parameters decomposes into standard mixture updates independently for each part. For shapes, we follow the standard deep 4 Algorithm 1 MCMC inference algorithm. 1: procedure I NFER(X, ✓) 2: Initialize S(1) , H(1) 3: for t 2 : chain length do 4: A(t) ⇠ p(A|S(t 1) , H(t 1) , X, ✓) 5: S(t) ⇠ p(S|A(t) , H(t 1) , X, ✓) 6: H(t) ⇠ p(H|S(t) , ✓) 7: return {S(t) }t=burnin:chain length learning literature closely [13, 1]. In the pre-training phase we greedily train the model bottom up, one layer at a time. We begin by training an RBM on the observed data using stochastic maximum likelihood learning (SML; also referred to as ‘persistent CD’; [14, 13]). Once this RBM is trained, we infer the conditional mean of the hidden units for each training image. The resulting vectors then serve as the training data for a second RBM which is again trained using SML. We use the parameters of these two RBMs to initialize the parameters of the full MSBM model. In the second phase we perform approximate stochastic gradient ascent in the likelihood of the full model to finetune the parameters in an EM-like scheme as described in [13]. 3 Related work Existing probabilistic models of images can be categorized by the amount of variability they expect to encounter in the data and by how they model this variability. A significant portion of the literature models images using only two parts: a foreground object and its background e.g. [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]. Models that account for the parts within the foreground object mainly differ in how accurately they learn about and represent the variability of the shapes of the object’s parts. In Probabilistic Index Maps (PIMs) [8] a mean partitioning is learned, and the deformable PIM [9] additionally allows for local deformations of this mean partitioning. Stel Component Analysis [10] accounts for larger amounts of shape variability by learning a number of different template means for the object that are blended together on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Factored Shapes and Appearances [11] models global properties of shape using a factor analysis-like model, and ‘masked’ RBMs have been used to model more local properties of shape [20]. However, none of these models constitute a strong model of shape in terms of realism of samples and generalization capabilities [1]. We demonstrate in Sec. 4 that, like the SBM, the MSBM does in fact possess these properties. The closest works to ours in terms of ability to deal with datasets that exhibit significant variability in both shape and appearance are the works of Bo and Fowlkes [21] and Thomas et al. [22]. Bo and Fowlkes [21] present an algorithm for pedestrian segmentation that models the shapes of the parts using several template means. The different parts are composed using hand coded geometric constraints, which means that the model cannot be automatically extended to other application domains. The Implicit Shape Model (ISM) used in [22] is reliant on interest point detectors and defines distributions over segmentations only in the posterior, and therefore is not fully generative. The model presented here is entirely learned from data and fully generative, therefore it can be applied to new datasets and diagnosed with relative ease. Due to its modular structure, we also expect it to rapidly absorb future developments in shape and appearance models. 4 Experiments Penn-Fudan pedestrians: The first dataset that we considered is Penn-Fudan pedestrians [23], consisting of 169 images of pedestrians (Fig. 6(a)). The images are annotated with ground-truth segmentations for L = 7 different parts (hair, face, upper and lower clothes, shoes, legs, arms; Fig. 6(d)). We compare the performance of the model with the algorithm of Bo and Fowlkes [21]. For the shape component, we trained an MSBM on the 684 images of a labeled version of the HumanEva dataset [24] (at 48 ⇥ 24 pixels; also flipped horizontally) with overlap b = 4, and 400 and 50 hidden units in the first and second layers respectively. Each layer was pre-trained for 3000 epochs (iterations). After pre-training, joint training was performed for 1000 epochs. 5 (c) Completion (a) Sampling (b) Diffs ! ! ! Figure 5: Learned shape model. (a) A chain of samples (1000 samples between frames). The apparent ‘blurriness’ of samples is not due to averaging or resizing. We display the probability of each pixel belonging to different parts. If, for example, there is a 50-50 chance that a pixel belongs to the red or blue parts, we display that pixel in purple. (b) Differences between the samples and their most similar counterparts in the training dataset. (c) Completion of occlusions (pink). To assess the realism and generalization characteristics of the learned MSBM we sample from it. In Fig. 5(a) we show a chain of unconstrained samples from an MSBM generated via block-Gibbs MCMC (1000 samples between frames). The model captures highly non-linear correlations in the data whilst preserving the object’s details (e.g. face and arms). To demonstrate that the model has not simply memorized the training data, in Fig. 5(b) we show the difference between the sampled shapes in Fig. 5(a) and their closest images in the training set (based on per-pixel label agreement). We see that the model generalizes in non-trivial ways to generate realistic shapes that it had not encountered during training. In Fig. 5(c) we show how the MSBM completes rectangular occlusions. The samples highlight the variability in possible completions captured by the model. Note how, e.g. the length of the person’s trousers on one leg affects the model’s predictions for the other, demonstrating the model’s knowledge about long-range dependencies. An interactive M ATLAB GUI for sampling from this MSBM has been included in the supplementary material. The Penn-Fudan dataset (at 200 ⇥ 100 pixels) was then split into 10 train/test cross-validation splits without replacement. We used the training images in each split to train the appearance component with a vocabulary of size W = 50 and K = 100 mixture components1 . We additionally constrained the model by sharing the appearance models for the arms and legs with that of the face. We assess the quality of the appearance model by performing the following experiment: for each test image, we used the scoring function described in Eq. 9 to evaluate a number of different proposal segmentations for that image. We considered 10 randomly chosen segmentations from the training dataset as well as the ground-truth segmentation for the test image, and found that the appearance model correctly assigns the highest score to the ground-truth 95% of the time. During inference, the shape and appearance models (which are defined on images of different sizes), were combined at 200 ⇥ 100 pixels via M ATLAB’s imresize function, and we set = 0.8 (Eq. 8) via trial and error. Inference chains were seeded at 100 exemplar segmentations from the HumanEva dataset (obtained using the K-medoids algorithm with K = 100), and were run for 20 Gibbs iterations each (with 5 iterations of Eqs. 6 and 7 per Gibbs iteration). Our unoptimized M ATLAB implementation completed inference for each chain in around 7 seconds. We compute the conditional probability of each pixel belonging to different parts given the last set of samples obtained from the highest scoring chain, assign each pixel independently to the most likely part at that pixel, and report the percentage of correctly labeled pixels (see Table 1). We find that accuracy can be improved using superpixels (SP) computed on X (pixels within a superpixel are all assigned the most common label within it; as with [21] we use gPb-OWT-UCM [25]). We also report the accuracy obtained, had the top scoring seed segmentation been returned as the final segmentation for each image. Here the quality of the seed is determined solely by the appearance model. We observe that the model has comparable performance to the state-of-the-art but pedestrianspecific algorithm of [21], and that inference in the model significantly improves the accuracy of the segmentations over the baseline (top seed+SP). Qualitative results can be seen in Fig. 6(c). 1 We obtained the best quantitative results with these settings. The appearances exhibited by the parts in the dataset are highly varied, and the complexity of the appearance model reflects this fact. 6 Table 1: Penn-Fudan pedestrians. We report the percentage of correctly labeled pixels. The final column is an average of the background, upper and lower body scores (as reported in [21]). FG BG Upper Body Lower Body Head Average Bo and Fowlkes [21] 73.3% 81.1% 73.6% 71.6% 51.8% 69.5% MSBM MSBM + SP 70.7% 71.6% 72.8% 73.8% 68.6% 69.9% 66.7% 68.5% 53.0% 54.1% 65.3% 66.6% Top seed Top seed + SP 59.0% 61.6% 61.8% 67.3% 56.8% 60.8% 49.8% 54.1% 45.5% 43.5% 53.5% 56.4% Table 2: ETHZ cars. We report the percentage of pixels belonging to each part that are labeled correctly. The final column is an average weighted by the frequency of occurrence of each label. BG Body Wheel Window Bumper License Light Average ISM [22] 93.2% 72.2% 63.6% 80.5% 73.8% 56.2% 34.8% 86.8% MSBM 94.6% 72.7% 36.8% 74.4% 64.9% 17.9% 19.9% 86.0% Top seed 92.2% 68.4% 28.3% 63.8% 45.4% 11.2% 15.1% 81.8% ETHZ cars: The second dataset that we considered is the ETHZ labeled cars dataset [22], which itself is a subset of the LabelMe dataset [23], consisting of 139 images of cars, all in the same semiprofile view (Fig. 7(a)). The images are annotated with ground-truth segmentations for L = 6 parts (body, wheel, window, bumper, license plate, headlight; Fig. 7(d)). We compare the performance of the model with the ISM of Thomas et al. [22], who also report their results on this dataset. The dataset was split into 10 train/test cross-validation splits without replacement. We used the training images in each split to train both the shape and appearance components. For the shape component, we trained an MSBM at 50 ⇥ 50 pixels with overlap b = 4, and 2000 and 100 hidden units in the first and second layers respectively. Each layer was pre-trained for 3000 epochs and joint training was performed for 1000 epochs. The appearance model was trained with a vocabulary of size W = 50 and K = 100 mixture components and we set = 0.7. Inference chains were seeded at 50 exemplar segmentations (obtained using K-medoids). We find that the use of superpixels does not help with this dataset (due to the poor quality of superpixels obtained for these images). Qualitative and quantitative results that show the performance of model to be comparable to the state-of-the-art ISM can be seen in Fig. 7(c) and Table 2. We believe the discrepancy in accuracy between the MSBM and ISM on the ‘license’ and ‘light’ labels to mainly be due to ISM’s use of interest-points, as they are able to locate such fine structures accurately. By incorporating better models of part appearance into the generative model, we expect to see this discrepancy decrease. 5 Conclusions and future work In this paper we have shown how the SBM can be extended to obtain the MSBM, and presented a principled probabilistic model of images of objects that exploits the MSBM as its model for part shapes. We demonstrated how object segmentations can be obtained simply by performing MCMC inference in the model. The model can also be treated as a probabilistic evaluator of segmentations: given a proposal segmentation it can be used to estimate its likelihood. This leads us to believe that the combination of a generative model such as ours, with a discriminative, bottom-up segmentation algorithm could be highly effective. We are currently investigating how textured appearance models, which take into account the spatial structure of pixels, affect the learning and inference algorithms and the performance of the model. Acknowledgments Thanks to Charless Fowlkes and Vittorio Ferrari for access to datasets, and to Pushmeet Kohli and John Winn for valuable discussions. AE has received funding from the Carnegie Trust, the SORSAS scheme, and the IST Programme under the PASCAL2 Network of Excellence (IST-2007-216886). 7 (a) Test (c) MSBM (b) Bo and Fowlkes (d) Ground truth Background Hair Face Upper Shoes Legs Lower Arms (d) Ground truth (c) MSBM (b) Thomas et al. (a) Test Figure 6: Penn-Fudan pedestrians. (a) Test images. (b) Results reported by Bo and Fowlkes [21]. (c) Output of the joint model. (d) Ground-truth images. Images shown are those selected by [21]. Background Body Wheel Window Bumper License Headlight Figure 7: ETHZ cars. (a) Test images. (b) Results reported by Thomas et al. [22]. (c) Output of the joint model. (d) Ground-truth images. Images shown are those selected by [22]. 8 References [1] S. M. Ali Eslami, Nicolas Heess, and John Winn. 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4 0.59415954 193 nips-2012-Learning to Align from Scratch

Author: Gary Huang, Marwan Mattar, Honglak Lee, Erik G. Learned-miller

Abstract: Unsupervised joint alignment of images has been demonstrated to improve performance on recognition tasks such as face verification. Such alignment reduces undesired variability due to factors such as pose, while only requiring weak supervision in the form of poorly aligned examples. However, prior work on unsupervised alignment of complex, real-world images has required the careful selection of feature representation based on hand-crafted image descriptors, in order to achieve an appropriate, smooth optimization landscape. In this paper, we instead propose a novel combination of unsupervised joint alignment with unsupervised feature learning. Specifically, we incorporate deep learning into the congealing alignment framework. Through deep learning, we obtain features that can represent the image at differing resolutions based on network depth, and that are tuned to the statistics of the specific data being aligned. In addition, we modify the learning algorithm for the restricted Boltzmann machine by incorporating a group sparsity penalty, leading to a topographic organization of the learned filters and improving subsequent alignment results. We apply our method to the Labeled Faces in the Wild database (LFW). Using the aligned images produced by our proposed unsupervised algorithm, we achieve higher accuracy in face verification compared to prior work in both unsupervised and supervised alignment. We also match the accuracy for the best available commercial method. 1

5 0.571392 8 nips-2012-A Generative Model for Parts-based Object Segmentation

Author: S. Eslami, Christopher Williams

Abstract: The Shape Boltzmann Machine (SBM) [1] has recently been introduced as a stateof-the-art model of foreground/background object shape. We extend the SBM to account for the foreground object’s parts. Our new model, the Multinomial SBM (MSBM), can capture both local and global statistics of part shapes accurately. We combine the MSBM with an appearance model to form a fully generative model of images of objects. Parts-based object segmentations are obtained simply by performing probabilistic inference in the model. We apply the model to two challenging datasets which exhibit significant shape and appearance variability, and find that it obtains results that are comparable to the state-of-the-art. There has been significant focus in computer vision on object recognition and detection e.g. [2], but a strong desire remains to obtain richer descriptions of objects than just their bounding boxes. One such description is a parts-based object segmentation, in which an image is partitioned into multiple sets of pixels, each belonging to either a part of the object of interest, or its background. The significance of parts in computer vision has been recognized since the earliest days of the field (e.g. [3, 4, 5]), and there exists a rich history of work on probabilistic models for parts-based segmentation e.g. [6, 7]. Many such models only consider local neighborhood statistics, however several models have recently been proposed that aim to increase the accuracy of segmentations by also incorporating prior knowledge about the foreground object’s shape [8, 9, 10, 11]. In such cases, probabilistic techniques often mainly differ in how accurately they represent and learn about the variability exhibited by the shapes of the object’s parts. Accurate models of the shapes and appearances of parts can be necessary to perform inference in datasets that exhibit large amounts of variability. In general, the stronger the models of these two components, the more performance is improved. A generative model has the added benefit of being able to generate samples, which allows us to visually inspect the quality of its understanding of the data and the problem. Recently, a generative probabilistic model known as the Shape Boltzmann Machine (SBM) has been used to model binary object shapes [1]. The SBM has been shown to constitute the state-of-the-art and it possesses several highly desirable characteristics: samples from the model look realistic, and it generalizes to generate samples that differ from the limited number of examples it is trained on. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: 1) In order to account for object parts we extend the SBM to use multinomial visible units instead of binary ones, resulting in the Multinomial Shape Boltzmann Machine (MSBM), and we demonstrate that the MSBM constitutes a strong model of parts-based object shape. 2) We combine the MSBM with an appearance model to form a fully generative model of images of objects (see Fig. 1). We show how parts-based object segmentations can be obtained simply by performing probabilistic inference in the model. We apply our model to two challenging datasets and find that in addition to being principled and fully generative, the model’s performance is comparable to the state-of-the-art. 1 Train labels Train images Test image Appearance model Joint Model Shape model Parsing Figure 1: Overview. Using annotated images separate models of shape and appearance are trained. Given an unseen test image, its parsing is obtained via inference in the proposed joint model. In Secs. 1 and 2 we present the model and propose efficient inference and learning schemes. In Sec. 3 we compare and contrast the resulting joint model with existing work in the literature. We describe our experimental results in Sec. 4 and conclude with a discussion in Sec. 5. 1 Model We consider datasets of cropped images of an object class. We assume that the images are constructed through some combination of a fixed number of parts. Given a dataset D = {Xd }, d = 1...n of such images X, each consisting of P pixels {xi }, i = 1...P , we wish to infer a segmentation S for the image. S consists of a labeling si for every pixel, where si is a 1-of-(L+1) encoded variable, and L is the fixed number of parts that combine to generate the foreground. In other words, si = (sli ), P l = 0...L, sli 2 {0, 1} and l sli = 1. Note that the background is also treated as a ‘part’ (l = 0). Accurate inference of S is driven by models for 1) part shapes and 2) part appearances. Part shapes: Several types of models can be used to define probabilistic distributions over segmentations S. The simplest approach is to model each pixel si independently with categorical variables whose parameters are specified by the object’s mean shape (Fig. 2(a)). Markov Random Fields (MRFs, Fig. 2(b)) additionally model interactions between nearby pixels using pairwise potential functions that efficiently capture local properties of images like smoothness and continuity. Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and their multi-layered counterparts Deep Boltzmann Machines (DBMs, Fig. 2(c)) make heavy use of hidden variables to efficiently define higher-order potentials that take into account the configuration of larger groups of image pixels. The introduction of such hidden variables provides a way to efficiently capture complex, global properties of image pixels. RBMs and DBMs are powerful generative models, but they also have many parameters. Segmented images, however, are expensive to obtain and datasets are typically small (hundreds of examples). In order to learn a model that accurately captures the properties of part shapes we use DBMs but also impose carefully chosen connectivity and capacity constraints, following the structure of the Shape Boltzmann Machine (SBM) [1]. We further extend the model to account for multi-part shapes to obtain the Multinomial Shape Boltzmann Machine (MSBM). The MSBM has two layers of latent variables: h1 and h2 (collectively H = {h1 , h2 }), and defines a P Boltzmann distribution over segmentations p(S) = h1 ,h2 exp{ E(S, h1 , h2 |✓s )}/Z(✓s ) where X X X X X 1 2 E(S, h1 , h2 |✓s ) = bli sli + wlij sli h1 + c 1 h1 + wjk h1 h2 + c2 h2 , (1) j j j j k k k i,l j i,j,l j,k k where j and k range over the first and second layer hidden variables, and ✓s = {W 1 , W 2 , b, c1 , c2 } are the shape model parameters. In the first layer, local receptive fields are enforced by connecting each hidden unit in h1 only to a subset of the visible units, corresponding to one of four patches, as shown in Fig. 2(d,e). Each patch overlaps its neighbor by b pixels, which allows boundary continuity to be learned at the lowest layer. We share weights between the four sets of first-layer hidden units and patches, and purposely restrict the number of units in h2 . These modifications significantly reduce the number of parameters whilst taking into account an important property of shapes, namely that the strongest dependencies between pixels are typically local. 2 h2 1 1 h S S (a) Mean h S (b) MRF h2 h2 h1 S S (c) DBM b (d) SBM (e) 2D SBM Figure 2: Models of shape. Object shape is modeled with undirected graphical models. (a) 1D slice of a mean model. (b) Markov Random Field in 1D. (c) Deep Boltzmann Machine in 1D. (d) 1D slice of a Shape Boltzmann Machine. (e) Shape Boltzmann Machine in 2D. In all models latent units h are binary and visible units S are multinomial random variables. Based on Fig. 2 of [1]. k=1 k=2 k=3 k=1 k=2 k=3 k=1 k=2 k=3 ⇡ l=0 l=1 l=2 Figure 3: A model of appearances. Left: An exemplar dataset. Here we assume one background (l = 0) and two foreground (l = 1, non-body; l = 2, body) parts. Right: The corresponding appearance model. In this example, L = 2, K = 3 and W = 6. Best viewed in color. Part appearances: Pixels in a given image are assumed to have been generated by W fixed Gaussians in RGB space. During pre-training, the means {µw } and covariances {⌃w } of these Gaussians are extracted by training a mixture model with W components on every pixel in the dataset, ignoring image and part structure. It is also assumed that each of the L parts can have different appearances in different images, and that these appearances can be clustered into K classes. The classes differ in how likely they are to use each of the W components when ‘coloring in’ the part. The generative process is as follows. For part l in an image, one of the K classes is chosen (represented by a 1-of-K indicator variable al ). Given al , the probability distribution defined on pixels associated with part l is given by a Gaussian mixture model with means {µw } and covariances {⌃w } and mixing proportions { lkw }. The prior on A = {al } specifies the probability ⇡lk of appearance class k being chosen for part l. Therefore appearance parameters ✓a = {⇡lk , lkw } (see Fig. 3) and: a p(xi |A, si , ✓ ) = p(A|✓a ) = Y l Y l a sli p(xi |al , ✓ ) p(al |✓a ) = = Y Y X YY l l k w lkw N (xi |µw , ⌃w ) !alk !sli (⇡lk )alk . , (2) (3) k Combining shapes and appearances: To summarize, the latent variables for X are A, S, H, and the model’s active parameters ✓ include shape parameters ✓s and appearance parameters ✓a , so that p(X, A, S, H|✓) = Y 1 p(A|✓a )p(S, H|✓s ) p(xi |A, si , ✓a ) , Z( ) i (4) where the parameter adjusts the relative contributions of the shape and appearance components. See Fig. 4 for an illustration of the complete graphical model. During learning, we find the values of ✓ that maximize the likelihood of the training data D, and segmentation is performed on a previously-unseen image by querying the marginal distribution p(S|Xtest , ✓). Note that Z( ) is constant throughout the execution of the algorithms. We set via trial and error in our experiments. 3 n H ✓a si al H xi L+1 ✓s S X A P Figure 4: A model of shape and appearance. Left: The joint model. Pixels xi are modeled via appearance variables al . The model’s belief about each layer’s shape is captured by shape variables H. Segmentation variables si assign each pixel to a layer. Right: Schematic for an image X. 2 Inference and learning Inference: We approximate p(A, S, H|X, ✓) by drawing samples of A, S and H using block-Gibbs Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The desired distribution p(S|X, ✓) can then be obtained by considering only the samples for S (see Algorithm 1). In order to sample p(A|S, H, X, ✓) we consider the conditional distribution of appearance class k being chosen for part l which is given by: Q P ·s ⇡lk i ( w lkw N (xi |µw , ⌃w )) li h Q P i. p(alk = 1|S, X, ✓) = P (5) K ·sli r=1 ⇡lr i( w lrw N (xi |µw , ⌃w )) Since the MSBM only has edges between each pair of adjacent layers, all hidden units within a layer are conditionally independent given the units in the other two layers. This property can be exploited to make inference in the shape model exact and efficient. The conditional probabilities are: X X 1 2 p(h1 = 1|s, h2 , ✓) = ( wlij sli + wjk h2 + c1 ), (6) j k j i,l p(h2 k 1 = 1|h , ✓) = ( X k 2 wjk h1 j + c2 ), j (7) j where (y) = 1/(1 + exp( y)) is the sigmoid function. To sample from p(H|S, X, ✓) we iterate between Eqns. 6 and 7 multiple times and keep only the final values of h1 and h2 . Finally, we draw samples for the pixels in p(S|A, H, X, ✓) independently: P 1 exp( j wlij h1 + bli ) p(xi |A, sli = 1, ✓) j p(sli = 1|A, H, X, ✓) = PL . (8) P 1 1 m=1 exp( j wmij hj + bmi ) p(xi |A, smi = 1, ✓) Seeding: Since the latent-space is extremely high-dimensional, in practice we find it helpful to run several inference chains, each initializing S(1) to a different value. The ‘best’ inference is retained and the others are discarded. The computation of the likelihood p(X|✓) of image X is intractable, so we approximate the quality of each inference using a scoring function: 1X Score(X|✓) = p(X, A(t) , S(t) , H(t) |✓), (9) T t where {A(t) , S(t) , H(t) }, t = 1...T are the samples obtained from the posterior p(A, S, H|X, ✓). If the samples were drawn from the prior p(A, S, H|✓) the scoring function would be an unbiased estimator of p(X|✓), but would be wildly inaccurate due to the high probability of missing the important regions of latent space (see e.g. [12, p. 107-109] for further discussion of this issue). Learning: Learning of the model involves maximizing the log likelihood log p(D|✓a , ✓s ) of the training dataset D with respect to the model parameters ✓a and ✓s . Since training is partially supervised, in that for each image X its corresponding segmentation S is also given, we can learn the parameters of the shape and appearance components separately. For appearances, the learning of the mixing coefficients and the histogram parameters decomposes into standard mixture updates independently for each part. For shapes, we follow the standard deep 4 Algorithm 1 MCMC inference algorithm. 1: procedure I NFER(X, ✓) 2: Initialize S(1) , H(1) 3: for t 2 : chain length do 4: A(t) ⇠ p(A|S(t 1) , H(t 1) , X, ✓) 5: S(t) ⇠ p(S|A(t) , H(t 1) , X, ✓) 6: H(t) ⇠ p(H|S(t) , ✓) 7: return {S(t) }t=burnin:chain length learning literature closely [13, 1]. In the pre-training phase we greedily train the model bottom up, one layer at a time. We begin by training an RBM on the observed data using stochastic maximum likelihood learning (SML; also referred to as ‘persistent CD’; [14, 13]). Once this RBM is trained, we infer the conditional mean of the hidden units for each training image. The resulting vectors then serve as the training data for a second RBM which is again trained using SML. We use the parameters of these two RBMs to initialize the parameters of the full MSBM model. In the second phase we perform approximate stochastic gradient ascent in the likelihood of the full model to finetune the parameters in an EM-like scheme as described in [13]. 3 Related work Existing probabilistic models of images can be categorized by the amount of variability they expect to encounter in the data and by how they model this variability. A significant portion of the literature models images using only two parts: a foreground object and its background e.g. [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]. Models that account for the parts within the foreground object mainly differ in how accurately they learn about and represent the variability of the shapes of the object’s parts. In Probabilistic Index Maps (PIMs) [8] a mean partitioning is learned, and the deformable PIM [9] additionally allows for local deformations of this mean partitioning. Stel Component Analysis [10] accounts for larger amounts of shape variability by learning a number of different template means for the object that are blended together on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Factored Shapes and Appearances [11] models global properties of shape using a factor analysis-like model, and ‘masked’ RBMs have been used to model more local properties of shape [20]. However, none of these models constitute a strong model of shape in terms of realism of samples and generalization capabilities [1]. We demonstrate in Sec. 4 that, like the SBM, the MSBM does in fact possess these properties. The closest works to ours in terms of ability to deal with datasets that exhibit significant variability in both shape and appearance are the works of Bo and Fowlkes [21] and Thomas et al. [22]. Bo and Fowlkes [21] present an algorithm for pedestrian segmentation that models the shapes of the parts using several template means. The different parts are composed using hand coded geometric constraints, which means that the model cannot be automatically extended to other application domains. The Implicit Shape Model (ISM) used in [22] is reliant on interest point detectors and defines distributions over segmentations only in the posterior, and therefore is not fully generative. The model presented here is entirely learned from data and fully generative, therefore it can be applied to new datasets and diagnosed with relative ease. Due to its modular structure, we also expect it to rapidly absorb future developments in shape and appearance models. 4 Experiments Penn-Fudan pedestrians: The first dataset that we considered is Penn-Fudan pedestrians [23], consisting of 169 images of pedestrians (Fig. 6(a)). The images are annotated with ground-truth segmentations for L = 7 different parts (hair, face, upper and lower clothes, shoes, legs, arms; Fig. 6(d)). We compare the performance of the model with the algorithm of Bo and Fowlkes [21]. For the shape component, we trained an MSBM on the 684 images of a labeled version of the HumanEva dataset [24] (at 48 ⇥ 24 pixels; also flipped horizontally) with overlap b = 4, and 400 and 50 hidden units in the first and second layers respectively. Each layer was pre-trained for 3000 epochs (iterations). After pre-training, joint training was performed for 1000 epochs. 5 (c) Completion (a) Sampling (b) Diffs ! ! ! Figure 5: Learned shape model. (a) A chain of samples (1000 samples between frames). The apparent ‘blurriness’ of samples is not due to averaging or resizing. We display the probability of each pixel belonging to different parts. If, for example, there is a 50-50 chance that a pixel belongs to the red or blue parts, we display that pixel in purple. (b) Differences between the samples and their most similar counterparts in the training dataset. (c) Completion of occlusions (pink). To assess the realism and generalization characteristics of the learned MSBM we sample from it. In Fig. 5(a) we show a chain of unconstrained samples from an MSBM generated via block-Gibbs MCMC (1000 samples between frames). The model captures highly non-linear correlations in the data whilst preserving the object’s details (e.g. face and arms). To demonstrate that the model has not simply memorized the training data, in Fig. 5(b) we show the difference between the sampled shapes in Fig. 5(a) and their closest images in the training set (based on per-pixel label agreement). We see that the model generalizes in non-trivial ways to generate realistic shapes that it had not encountered during training. In Fig. 5(c) we show how the MSBM completes rectangular occlusions. The samples highlight the variability in possible completions captured by the model. Note how, e.g. the length of the person’s trousers on one leg affects the model’s predictions for the other, demonstrating the model’s knowledge about long-range dependencies. An interactive M ATLAB GUI for sampling from this MSBM has been included in the supplementary material. The Penn-Fudan dataset (at 200 ⇥ 100 pixels) was then split into 10 train/test cross-validation splits without replacement. We used the training images in each split to train the appearance component with a vocabulary of size W = 50 and K = 100 mixture components1 . We additionally constrained the model by sharing the appearance models for the arms and legs with that of the face. We assess the quality of the appearance model by performing the following experiment: for each test image, we used the scoring function described in Eq. 9 to evaluate a number of different proposal segmentations for that image. We considered 10 randomly chosen segmentations from the training dataset as well as the ground-truth segmentation for the test image, and found that the appearance model correctly assigns the highest score to the ground-truth 95% of the time. During inference, the shape and appearance models (which are defined on images of different sizes), were combined at 200 ⇥ 100 pixels via M ATLAB’s imresize function, and we set = 0.8 (Eq. 8) via trial and error. Inference chains were seeded at 100 exemplar segmentations from the HumanEva dataset (obtained using the K-medoids algorithm with K = 100), and were run for 20 Gibbs iterations each (with 5 iterations of Eqs. 6 and 7 per Gibbs iteration). Our unoptimized M ATLAB implementation completed inference for each chain in around 7 seconds. We compute the conditional probability of each pixel belonging to different parts given the last set of samples obtained from the highest scoring chain, assign each pixel independently to the most likely part at that pixel, and report the percentage of correctly labeled pixels (see Table 1). We find that accuracy can be improved using superpixels (SP) computed on X (pixels within a superpixel are all assigned the most common label within it; as with [21] we use gPb-OWT-UCM [25]). We also report the accuracy obtained, had the top scoring seed segmentation been returned as the final segmentation for each image. Here the quality of the seed is determined solely by the appearance model. We observe that the model has comparable performance to the state-of-the-art but pedestrianspecific algorithm of [21], and that inference in the model significantly improves the accuracy of the segmentations over the baseline (top seed+SP). Qualitative results can be seen in Fig. 6(c). 1 We obtained the best quantitative results with these settings. The appearances exhibited by the parts in the dataset are highly varied, and the complexity of the appearance model reflects this fact. 6 Table 1: Penn-Fudan pedestrians. We report the percentage of correctly labeled pixels. The final column is an average of the background, upper and lower body scores (as reported in [21]). FG BG Upper Body Lower Body Head Average Bo and Fowlkes [21] 73.3% 81.1% 73.6% 71.6% 51.8% 69.5% MSBM MSBM + SP 70.7% 71.6% 72.8% 73.8% 68.6% 69.9% 66.7% 68.5% 53.0% 54.1% 65.3% 66.6% Top seed Top seed + SP 59.0% 61.6% 61.8% 67.3% 56.8% 60.8% 49.8% 54.1% 45.5% 43.5% 53.5% 56.4% Table 2: ETHZ cars. We report the percentage of pixels belonging to each part that are labeled correctly. The final column is an average weighted by the frequency of occurrence of each label. BG Body Wheel Window Bumper License Light Average ISM [22] 93.2% 72.2% 63.6% 80.5% 73.8% 56.2% 34.8% 86.8% MSBM 94.6% 72.7% 36.8% 74.4% 64.9% 17.9% 19.9% 86.0% Top seed 92.2% 68.4% 28.3% 63.8% 45.4% 11.2% 15.1% 81.8% ETHZ cars: The second dataset that we considered is the ETHZ labeled cars dataset [22], which itself is a subset of the LabelMe dataset [23], consisting of 139 images of cars, all in the same semiprofile view (Fig. 7(a)). The images are annotated with ground-truth segmentations for L = 6 parts (body, wheel, window, bumper, license plate, headlight; Fig. 7(d)). We compare the performance of the model with the ISM of Thomas et al. [22], who also report their results on this dataset. The dataset was split into 10 train/test cross-validation splits without replacement. We used the training images in each split to train both the shape and appearance components. For the shape component, we trained an MSBM at 50 ⇥ 50 pixels with overlap b = 4, and 2000 and 100 hidden units in the first and second layers respectively. Each layer was pre-trained for 3000 epochs and joint training was performed for 1000 epochs. The appearance model was trained with a vocabulary of size W = 50 and K = 100 mixture components and we set = 0.7. Inference chains were seeded at 50 exemplar segmentations (obtained using K-medoids). We find that the use of superpixels does not help with this dataset (due to the poor quality of superpixels obtained for these images). Qualitative and quantitative results that show the performance of model to be comparable to the state-of-the-art ISM can be seen in Fig. 7(c) and Table 2. We believe the discrepancy in accuracy between the MSBM and ISM on the ‘license’ and ‘light’ labels to mainly be due to ISM’s use of interest-points, as they are able to locate such fine structures accurately. By incorporating better models of part appearance into the generative model, we expect to see this discrepancy decrease. 5 Conclusions and future work In this paper we have shown how the SBM can be extended to obtain the MSBM, and presented a principled probabilistic model of images of objects that exploits the MSBM as its model for part shapes. We demonstrated how object segmentations can be obtained simply by performing MCMC inference in the model. The model can also be treated as a probabilistic evaluator of segmentations: given a proposal segmentation it can be used to estimate its likelihood. This leads us to believe that the combination of a generative model such as ours, with a discriminative, bottom-up segmentation algorithm could be highly effective. We are currently investigating how textured appearance models, which take into account the spatial structure of pixels, affect the learning and inference algorithms and the performance of the model. Acknowledgments Thanks to Charless Fowlkes and Vittorio Ferrari for access to datasets, and to Pushmeet Kohli and John Winn for valuable discussions. AE has received funding from the Carnegie Trust, the SORSAS scheme, and the IST Programme under the PASCAL2 Network of Excellence (IST-2007-216886). 7 (a) Test (c) MSBM (b) Bo and Fowlkes (d) Ground truth Background Hair Face Upper Shoes Legs Lower Arms (d) Ground truth (c) MSBM (b) Thomas et al. (a) Test Figure 6: Penn-Fudan pedestrians. (a) Test images. (b) Results reported by Bo and Fowlkes [21]. (c) Output of the joint model. (d) Ground-truth images. Images shown are those selected by [21]. Background Body Wheel Window Bumper License Headlight Figure 7: ETHZ cars. (a) Test images. (b) Results reported by Thomas et al. [22]. (c) Output of the joint model. (d) Ground-truth images. Images shown are those selected by [22]. 8 References [1] S. M. Ali Eslami, Nicolas Heess, and John Winn. 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1 0.89545351 14 nips-2012-A P300 BCI for the Masses: Prior Information Enables Instant Unsupervised Spelling

Author: Pieter-jan Kindermans, Hannes Verschore, David Verstraeten, Benjamin Schrauwen

Abstract: The usability of Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) based on the P300 speller is severely hindered by the need for long training times and many repetitions of the same stimulus. In this contribution we introduce a set of unsupervised hierarchical probabilistic models that tackle both problems simultaneously by incorporating prior knowledge from two sources: information from other training subjects (through transfer learning) and information about the words being spelled (through language models). We show, that due to this prior knowledge, the performance of the unsupervised models parallels and in some cases even surpasses that of supervised models, while eliminating the tedious training session. 1

2 0.86443835 77 nips-2012-Complex Inference in Neural Circuits with Probabilistic Population Codes and Topic Models

Author: Jeff Beck, Alexandre Pouget, Katherine A. Heller

Abstract: Recent experiments have demonstrated that humans and animals typically reason probabilistically about their environment. This ability requires a neural code that represents probability distributions and neural circuits that are capable of implementing the operations of probabilistic inference. The proposed probabilistic population coding (PPC) framework provides a statistically efficient neural representation of probability distributions that is both broadly consistent with physiological measurements and capable of implementing some of the basic operations of probabilistic inference in a biologically plausible way. However, these experiments and the corresponding neural models have largely focused on simple (tractable) probabilistic computations such as cue combination, coordinate transformations, and decision making. As a result it remains unclear how to generalize this framework to more complex probabilistic computations. Here we address this short coming by showing that a very general approximate inference algorithm known as Variational Bayesian Expectation Maximization can be naturally implemented within the linear PPC framework. We apply this approach to a generic problem faced by any given layer of cortex, namely the identification of latent causes of complex mixtures of spikes. We identify a formal equivalent between this spike pattern demixing problem and topic models used for document classification, in particular Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). We then construct a neural network implementation of variational inference and learning for LDA that utilizes a linear PPC. This network relies critically on two non-linear operations: divisive normalization and super-linear facilitation, both of which are ubiquitously observed in neural circuits. We also demonstrate how online learning can be achieved using a variation of Hebb’s rule and describe an extension of this work which allows us to deal with time varying and correlated latent causes. 1 Introduction to Probabilistic Inference in Cortex Probabilistic (Bayesian) reasoning provides a coherent and, in many ways, optimal framework for dealing with complex problems in an uncertain world. It is, therefore, somewhat reassuring that behavioural experiments reliably demonstrate that humans and animals behave in a manner consistent with optimal probabilistic reasoning when performing a wide variety of perceptual [1, 2, 3], motor [4, 5, 6], and cognitive tasks[7]. This remarkable ability requires a neural code that represents probability distribution functions of task relevant stimuli rather than just single values. While there 1 are many ways to represent functions, Bayes rule tells us that when it comes to probability distribution functions, there is only one statistically optimal way to do it. More precisely, Bayes Rule states that any pattern of activity, r, that efficiently represents a probability distribution over some task relevant quantity s, must satisfy the relationship p(s|r) ∝ p(r|s)p(s), where p(r|s) is the stimulus conditioned likelihood function that specifies the form of neural variability, p(s) gives the prior belief regarding the stimulus, and p(s|r) gives the posterior distribution over values of the stimulus, s given the representation r . Of course, it is unlikely that the nervous system consistently achieves this level of optimality. None-the-less, Bayes rule suggests the existence of a link between neural variability as characterized by the likelihood function p(r|s) and the state of belief of a mature statistical learning machine such as the brain. The so called Probabilistic Population Coding (or PPC) framework[8, 9, 10] takes this link seriously by proposing that the function encoded by a pattern of neural activity r is, in fact, the likelihood function p(r|s). When this is the case, the precise form of the neural variability informs the nature of the neural code. For example, the exponential family of statistical models with linear sufficient statistics has been shown to be flexible enough to model the first and second order statistics of in vivo recordings in awake behaving monkeys[9, 11, 12] and anesthetized cats[13]. When the likelihood function is modeled in this way, the log posterior probability over the stimulus is linearly encoded by neural activity, i.e. log p(s|r) = h(s) · r − log Z(r) (1) Here, the stimulus dependent kernel, h(s), is a vector of functions of s, the dot represents a standard dot product, and Z(r) is the partition function which serves to normalize the posterior. This log linear form for a posterior distribution is highly computationally convenient and allows for evidence integration to be implemented via linear operations on neural activity[14, 8]. Proponents of this kind of linear PPC have demonstrated how to build biologically plausible neural networks capable of implementing the operations of probabilistic inference that are needed to optimally perform the behavioural tasks listed above. This includes, linear PPC implementations of cue combination[8], evidence integration over time, maximum likelihood and maximum a posterior estimation[9], coordinate transformation/auditory localization[10], object tracking/Kalman filtering[10], explaining away[10], and visual search[15]. Moreover, each of these neural computations has required only a single recurrently connected layer of neurons that is capable of just two non-linear operations: coincidence detection and divisive normalization, both of which are widely observed in cortex[16, 17]. Unfortunately, this research program has been a piecemeal effort that has largely proceeded by building neural networks designed deal with particular problems. As a result, there have been no proposals for a general principle by which neural network implementations of linear PPCs might be generated and no suggestions regarding how to deal with complex (intractable) problems of probabilistic inference. In this work, we will partially address this short coming by showing that Variation Bayesian Expectation Maximization (VBEM) algorithm provides a general scheme for approximate inference and learning with linear PPCs. In section 2, we briefly review the VBEM algorithm and show how it naturally leads to a linear PPC representation of the posterior as well as constraints on the neural network dynamics which build that PPC representation. Because this section describes the VB-PPC approach rather abstractly, the remainder of the paper is dedicated to concrete applications. As a motivating example, we consider the problem of inferring the concentrations of odors in an olfactory scene from a complex pattern of spikes in a population of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). In section 3, we argue that this requires solving a spike pattern demixing problem which is indicative of the generic problem faced by many layers of cortex. We then show that this demixing problem is equivalent to the problem addressed by a class of models for text documents know as probabilistic topic models, in particular Latent Dirichlet Allocation or LDA[18]. In section 4, we apply the VB-PPC approach to build a neural network implementation of probabilistic inference and learning for LDA. This derivation shows that causal inference with linear PPC’s also critically relies on divisive normalization. This result suggests that this particular non-linearity may be involved in very general and fundamental probabilistic computation, rather than simply playing a role in gain modulation. In this section, we also show how this formulation allows for a probabilistic treatment of learning and show that a simple variation of Hebb’s rule can implement Bayesian learning in neural circuits. 2 We conclude this work by generalizing this approach to time varying inputs by introducing the Dynamic Document Model (DDM) which can infer short term fluctuations in the concentrations of individual topics/odors and can be used to model foraging and other tracking tasks. 2 Variational Bayesian Inference with linear Probabilistic Population Codes Variational Bayesian (VB) inference refers to a class of deterministic methods for approximating the intractable integrals which arise in the context of probabilistic reasoning. Properly implemented it can result a fast alternative to sampling based methods of inference such as MCMC[19] sampling. Generically, the goal of any Bayesian inference algorithm is to infer a posterior distribution over behaviourally relevant latent variables Z given observations X and a generative model which specifies the joint distribution p(X, Θ, Z). This task is confounded by the fact that the generative model includes latent parameters Θ which must be marginalized out, i.e. we wish to compute, p(Z|X) ∝ p(X, Θ, Z)dΘ (2) When the number of latent parameters is large this integral can be quite unwieldy. The VB algorithms simplify this marginalization by approximating the complex joint distribution over behaviourally relevant latents and parameters, p(Θ, Z|X), with a distribution q(Θ, Z) for which integrals of this form are easier to deal with in some sense. There is some art to choosing the particular form for the approximating distribution to make the above integral tractable, however, a factorized approximation is common, i.e. q(Θ, Z) = qΘ (Θ)qZ (Z). Regardless, for any given observation X, the approximate posterior is found by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between q(Θ, Z) and p(Θ, Z|X). When a factorized posterior is assumed, the Variational Bayesian Expectation Maximization (VBEM) algorithm finds a local minimum of the KL divergence by iteratively updating, qΘ (Θ) and qZ (Z) according to the scheme n log qΘ (Θ) ∼ log p(X, Θ, Z) n qZ (Z) and n+1 log qZ (Z) ∼ log p(X, Θ, Z) n qΘ (Θ) (3) Here the brackets indicate an expected value taken with respect to the subscripted probability distribution function and the tilde indicates equality up to a constant which is independent of Θ and Z. The key property to note here is that the approximate posterior which results from this procedure is in an exponential family form and is therefore representable by a linear PPC (Eq. 1). This feature allows for the straightforward construction of networks which implement the VBEM algorithm with linear PPC’s in the following way. If rn and rn are patterns of activity that use a linear PPC representation Θ Z of the relevant posteriors, then n log qΘ (Θ) ∼ hΘ (Θ) · rn Θ and n+1 log qZ (Z) ∼ hZ (Z) · rn+1 . Z (4) Here the stimulus dependent kernels hZ (Z) and hΘ (Θ) are chosen so that their outer product results in a basis that spans the function space on Z × Θ given by log p(X, Θ, Z) for every X. This choice guarantees that there exist functions fΘ (X, rn ) and fZ (X, rn ) such that Z Θ rn = fΘ (X, rn ) Θ Z and rn+1 = fZ (X, rn ) Θ Z (5) satisfy Eq. 3. When this is the case, simply iterating the discrete dynamical system described by Eq. 5 until convergence will find the VBEM approximation to the posterior. This is one way to build a neural network implementation of the VB algorithm. However, its not the only way. In general, any dynamical system which has stable fixed points in common with Eq. 5 can also be said to implement the VBEM algorithm. In the example below we will take advantage of this flexibility in order to build biologically plausible neural network implementations. 3 Response! to Mixture ! of Odors! Single Odor Response Cause Intensity Figure 1: (Left) Each cause (e.g. coffee) in isolation results in a pattern of neural activity (top). When multiple causes contribute to a scene this results in an overall pattern of neural activity which is a mixture of these patterns weighted by the intensities (bottom). (Right) The resulting pattern can be represented by a raster, where each spike is colored by its corresponding latent cause. 3 Probabilistic Topic Models for Spike Train Demixing Consider the problem of odor identification depicted in Fig. 1. A typical mammalian olfactory system consists of a few hundred different types of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs), each of which responds to a wide range of volatile chemicals. This results in a highly distributed code for each odor. Since, a typical olfactory scene consists of many different odors at different concentrations, the pattern of ORN spike trains represents a complex mixture. Described in this way, it is easy to see that the problem faced by early olfactory cortex can be described as the task of demixing spike trains to infer latent causes (odor intensities). In many ways this olfactory problem is a generic problem faced by each cortical layer as it tries to make sense of the activity of the neurons in the layer below. The input patterns of activity consist of spikes (or spike counts) labeled by the axons which deliver them and summarized by a histogram which indicates how many spikes come from each input neuron. Of course, just because a spike came from a particular neuron does not mean that it had a particular cause, just as any particular ORN spike could have been caused by any one of a large number of volatile chemicals. Like olfactory codes, cortical codes are often distributed and multiple latent causes can be present at the same time. Regardless, this spike or histogram demixing problem is formally equivalent to a class of demixing problems which arise in the context of probabilistic topic models used for document modeling. A simple but successful example of this kind of topic model is called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [18]. LDA assumes that word order in documents is irrelevant and, therefore, models documents as histograms of word counts. It also assumes that there are K topics and that each of these topics appears in different proportions in each document, e.g. 80% of the words in a document might be concerned with coffee and 20% with strawberries. Words from a given topic are themselves drawn from a distribution over words associated with that topic, e.g. when talking about coffee you have a 5% chance of using the word ’bitter’. The goal of LDA is to infer both the distribution over topics discussed in each document and the distribution of words associated with each topic. We can map the generative model for LDA onto the task of spike demixing in cortex by letting topics become latent causes or odors, words become neurons, word occurrences become spikes, word distributions associated with each topic become patterns of neural activity associated with each cause, and different documents become the observed patterns of neural activity on different trials. This equivalence is made explicit in Fig. 2 which describes the standard generative model for LDA applied to documents on the left and mixtures of spikes on the right. 4 LDA Inference and Network Implementation In this section we will apply the VB-PPC formulation to build a biologically plausible network capable of approximating probabilistic inference for spike pattern demixing. For simplicity, we will use the equivalent Gamma-Poisson formulation of LDA which directly models word and topic counts 4 1. For each topic k = 1, . . . , K, (a) Distribution over words βk ∼ Dirichlet(η0 ) 2. For document d = 1, . . . , D, (a) Distribution over topics θd ∼ Dirichlet(α0 ) (b) For word m = 1, . . . , Ωd i. Topic assignment zd,m ∼ Multinomial(θd ) ii. Word assignment ωd,m ∼ Multinomial(βzm ) 1. For latent cause k = 1, . . . , K, (a) Pattern of neural activity βk ∼ Dirichlet(η0 ) 2. For scene d = 1, . . . , D, (a) Relative intensity of each cause θd ∼ Dirichlet(α0 ) (b) For spike m = 1, . . . , Ωd i. Cause assignment zd,m ∼ Multinomial(θd ) ii. Neuron assignment ωd,m ∼ Multinomial(βzm ) Figure 2: (Left) The LDA generative model in the context of document modeling. (Right) The corresponding LDA generative model mapped onto the problem of spike demixing. Text related attributes on the left, in red, have been replaced with neural attributes on the right, in green. rather than topic assignments. Specifically, we define, Rd,j to be the number of times neuron j fires during trial d. Similarly, we let Nd,j,k to be the number of times a spike in neuron j comes from cause k in trial d. These new variables play the roles of the cause and neuron assignment variables, zd,m and ωd,m by simply counting them up. If we let cd,k be an un-normalized intensity of cause j such that θd,k = cd,k / k cd,k then the generative model, Rd,j = k Nd,j,k Nd,j,k ∼ Poisson(βj,k cd,k ) 0 cd,k ∼ Gamma(αk , C −1 ). (6) is equivalent to the topic models described above. Here the parameter C is a scale parameter which sets the expected total number of spikes from the population on each trial. Note that, the problem of inferring the wj,k and cd,k is a non-negative matrix factorization problem similar to that considered by Lee and Seung[20]. The primary difference is that, here, we are attempting to infer a probability distribution over these quantities rather than maximum likelihood estimates. See supplement for details. Following the prescription laid out in section 2, we approximate the posterior over latent variables given a set of input patterns, Rd , d = 1, . . . , D, with a factorized distribution of the form, qN (N)qc (c)qβ (β). This results in marginal posterior distributions q (β:,k |η:,k ), q cd,k |αd,k , C −1 + 1 ), and q (Nd,j,: | log pd,j,: , Rd,i ) which are Dirichlet, Gamma, and Multinomial respectively. Here, the parameters η:,k , αd,k , and log pd,j,: are the natural parameters of these distributions. The VBEM update algorithm yields update rules for these parameters which are summarized in Fig. 3 Algorithm1. Algorithm 1: Batch VB updates 1: while ηj,k not converged do 2: for d = 1, · · · , D do 3: while pd,j,k , αd,k not converged do 4: αd,k → α0 + j Rd,j pd,j,k 5: pd,j,k → Algorithm 2: Online VB updates 1: for d = 1, · · · , D do 2: reinitialize pj,k , αk ∀j, k 3: while pj,k , αk not converged do 4: αk → α0 + j Rd,j pj,k 5: pj,k → exp (ψ(ηj,k )−ψ(¯k )) exp ψ(αk ) η η i exp (ψ(ηj,i )−ψ(¯i )) exp ψ(αi ) exp (ψ(ηj,k )−ψ(¯k )) exp ψ(αd,k ) η η i exp (ψ(ηj,i )−ψ(¯i )) exp ψ(αd,i ) 6: end while 7: end for 8: ηj,k = η 0 + 9: end while end while ηj,k → (1 − dt)ηj,k + dt(η 0 + Rd,j pj,k ) 8: end for 6: 7: d Rd,j pd,j,k Figure 3: Here ηk = j ηj,k and ψ(x) is the digamma function so that exp ψ(x) is a smoothed ¯ threshold linear function. Before we move on to the neural network implementation, note that this standard formulation of variational inference for LDA utilizes a batch learning scheme that is not biologically plausible. Fortunately, an online version of this variational algorithm was recently proposed and shown to give 5 superior results when compared to the batch learning algorithm[21]. This algorithm replaces the sum over d in update equation for ηj,k with an incremental update based upon only the most recently observed pattern of spikes. See Fig. 3 Algorithm 2. 4.1 Neural Network Implementation Recall that the goal was to build a neural network that implements the VBEM algorithm for the underlying latent causes of a mixture of spikes using a neural code that represents the posterior distribution via a linear PPC. A linear PPC represents the natural parameters of a posterior distribution via a linear operation on neural activity. Since the primary quantity of interest here is the posterior distribution over odor concentrations, qc (c|α), this means that we need a pattern of activity rα which is linearly related to the αk ’s in the equations above. One way to accomplish this is to simply assume that the firing rates of output neurons are equal to the positive valued αk parameters. Fig. 4 depicts the overall network architecture. Input patterns of activity, R, are transmitted to the synapses of a population of output neurons which represent the αk ’s. The output activity is pooled to ¯ form an un-normalized prediction of the activity of each input neuron, Rj , given the output layer’s current state of belief about the latent causes of the Rj . The activity at each synapse targeted by input neuron j is then inhibited divisively by this prediction. This results in a dendrite that reports to the ¯ soma a quantity, Nj,k , which represents the fraction of unexplained spikes from input neuron j that could be explained by latent cause k. A continuous time dynamical system with this feature and the property that it shares its fixed points with the LDA algorithm is given by d ¯ Nj,k dt d αk dt ¯ ¯ = wj,k Rj − Rj Nj,k = (7) ¯ Nj,k exp (ψ (¯k )) (α0 − αk ) + exp (ψ (αk )) η (8) i ¯ where Rj = k wj,k exp (ψ (αk )), and wj,k = exp (ψ (ηj,k )). Note that, despite its form, it is Eq. 7 which implements the required divisive normalization operation since, in the steady state, ¯ ¯ Nj,k = wj,k Rj /Rj . Regardless, this network has a variety of interesting properties that align well with biology. It predicts that a balance of excitation and inhibition is maintained in the dendrites via divisive normalization and that the role of inhibitory neurons is to predict the input spikes which target individual dendrites. It also predicts superlinear facilitation. Specifically, the final term on the right of Eq. 8 indicates that more active cells will be more sensitive to their dendritic inputs. Alternatively, this could be implemented via recurrent excitation at the population level. In either case, this is the mechanism by which the network implements a sparse prior on topic concentrations and stands in stark contrast to the winner take all mechanisms which rely on competitive mutual inhibition mechanisms. Additionally, the ηj in Eq. 8 represents a cell wide ’leak’ parameter that indicates that the total leak should be ¯ roughly proportional to the sum total weight of the synapses which drive the neuron. This predicts that cells that are highly sensitive to input should also decay back to baseline more quickly. This implementation also predicts Hebbian learning of synaptic weights. To observe this fact, note that the online update rule for the ηj,k parameters can be implemented by simply correlating the activity at ¯ each synapse, Nj,k with activity at the soma αj via the equation: τL d ¯ wj,k = exp (ψ (¯k )) (η0 − 1/2 − wj,k ) + Nj,k exp ψ (αk ) η dt (9) where τL is a long time constant for learning and we have used the fact that exp (ψ (ηjk )) ≈ ηjk −1/2 for x > 1. For a detailed derivation see the supplementary material. 5 Dynamic Document Model LDA is a rather simple generative model that makes several unrealistic assumptions about mixtures of sensory and cortical spikes. In particular, it assumes both that there are no correlations between the 6 Targeted Divisive Normalization Targeted Divisive Normalization αj Ri Input Neurons Recurrent Connections ÷ ÷ -1 -1 Σ μj Nij Ri Synapses Output Neurons Figure 4: The LDA network model. Dendritically targeted inhibition is pooled from the activity of all neurons in the output layer and acts divisively. Σ jj' Nij Input Neurons Synapses Output Neurons Figure 5: DDM network model also includes recurrent connections which target the soma with both a linear excitatory signal and an inhibitory signal that also takes the form of a divisive normalization. intensities of latent causes and that there are no correlations between the intensities of latent causes in temporally adjacent trials or scenes. This makes LDA a rather poor computational model for a task like olfactory foraging which requires the animal to track the rise a fall of odor intensities as it navigates its environment. We can model this more complicated task by replacing the static cause or odor intensity parameters with dynamic odor intensity parameters whose behavior is governed by an exponentiated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with drift and diffusion matrices given by (Λ and ΣD ). We call this variant of LDA the Dynamic Document Model (DDM) as it could be used to model smooth changes in the distribution of topics over the course of a single document. 5.1 DDM Model Thus the generative model for the DDM is as follows: 1. For latent cause k = 1, . . . , K, (a) Cause distribution over spikes βk ∼ Dirichlet(η0 ) 2. For scene t = 1, . . . , T , (a) Log intensity of causes c(t) ∼ Normal(Λct−1 , ΣD ) (b) Number of spikes in neuron j resulting from cause k, Nj,k (t) ∼ Poisson(βj,k exp ck (t)) (c) Number of spikes in neuron j, Rj (t) = k Nj,k (t) This model bears many similarities to the Correlated and Dynamic topic models[22], but models dynamics over a short time scale, where the dynamic relationship (Λ, ΣD ) is important. 5.2 Network Implementation Once again the quantity of interest is the current distribution of latent causes, p(c(t)|R(τ ), τ = 0..T ). If no spikes occur then no evidence is presented and posterior inference over c(t) is simply given by an undriven Kalman filter with parameters (Λ, ΣD ). A recurrent neural network which uses a linear PPC to encode a posterior that evolves according to a Kalman filter has the property that neural responses are linearly related to the inverse covariance matrix of the posterior as well as that inverse covariance matrix times the posterior mean. In the absence of evidence, it is easy to show that these quantities must evolve according to recurrent dynamics which implement divisive normalization[10]. Thus, the patterns of neural activity which linearly encode them must do so as well. When a new spike arrives, optimal inference is no longer possible and a variational approximation must be utilized. As is shown in the supplement, this variational approximation is similar to the variational approximation used for LDA. As a result, a network which can divisively inhibit its synapses is able to implement approximate Bayesian inference. Curiously, this implies that the addition of spatial and temporal correlations to the latent causes adds very little complexity to the VB-PPC network implementation of probabilistic inference. All that is required is an additional inhibitory population which targets the somata in the output population. See Fig. 5. 7 Natural Parameters Natural Parameters (α) 0.4 200 450 180 0.3 Network Estimate Network Estimate 500 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 0.1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 140 120 0.4 0.3 100 0.2 80 0.1 0 60 40 0.4 20 50 0 0 0.2 160 0 0 0.3 0.2 20 40 60 80 100 120 VBEM Estimate VBEM Estimate 140 160 180 200 0.1 0 Figure 6: (Left) Neural network approximation to the natural parameters of the posterior distribution over topics (the α’s) as a function of the VBEM estimate of those same parameters for a variety of ’documents’. (Center) Same as left, but for the natural parameters of the DDM (i.e the entries of the matrix Σ−1 (t) and Σ−1 µ(t) of the distribution over log topic intensities. (Right) Three example traces for cause intensity in the DDM. Black shows true concentration, blue and red (indistinguishable) show MAP estimates for the network and VBEM algorithms. 6 Experimental Results We compared the PPC neural network implementations of the variational inference with the standard VBEM algorithm. This comparison is necessary because the two algorithms are not guaranteed to converge to the same solution due to the fact that we only required that the neural network dynamics have the same fixed points as the standard VBEM algorithm. As a result, it is possible for the two algorithms to converge to different local minima of the KL divergence. For the network implementation of LDA we find good agreement between the neural network and VBEM estimates of the natural parameters of the posterior. See Fig. 6(left) which shows the two algorithms estimates of the shape parameter of the posterior distribution over topic (odor) concentrations (a quantity which is proportional to the expected concentration). This agreement, however, is not perfect, especially when posterior predicted concentrations are low. In part, this is due to the fact we are presenting the network with difficult inference problems for which the true posterior distribution over topics (odors) is highly correlated and multimodal. As a result, the objective function (KL divergence) is littered with local minima. Additionally, the discrete iterations of the VBEM algorithm can take very large steps in the space of natural parameters while the neural network implementation cannot. In contrast, the network implementation of the DDM is in much better agreement with the VBEM estimation. See Fig. 6(right). This is because the smooth temporal dynamics of the topics eliminate the need for the VBEM algorithm to take large steps. As a result, the smooth network dynamics are better able to accurately track the VBEM algorithms output. For simulation details please see the supplement. 7 Discussion and Conclusion In this work we presented a general framework for inference and learning with linear Probabilistic Population codes. This framework takes advantage of the fact that the Variational Bayesian Expectation Maximization algorithm generates approximate posterior distributions which are in an exponential family form. This is precisely the form needed in order to make probability distributions representable by a linear PPC. We then outlined a general means by which one can build a neural network implementation of the VB algorithm using this kind of neural code. We applied this VB-PPC framework to generate a biologically plausible neural network for spike train demixing. We chose this problem because it has many of the features of the canonical problem faced by nearly every layer of cortex, i.e. that of inferring the latent causes of complex mixtures of spike trains in the layer below. Curiously, this very complicated problem of probabilistic inference and learning ended up having a remarkably simple network solution, requiring only that neurons be capable of implementing divisive normalization via dendritically targeted inhibition and superlinear facilitation. Moreover, we showed that extending this approach to the more complex dynamic case in which latent causes change in intensity over time does not substantially increase the complexity of the neural circuit. Finally, we would like to note that, while we utilized a rate coding scheme for our linear PPC, the basic equations would still apply to any spike based log probability codes such as that considered Beorlin and Deneve[23]. 8 References [1] Daniel Kersten, Pascal Mamassian, and Alan Yuille. Object perception as Bayesian inference. Annual review of psychology, 55:271–304, January 2004. [2] Marc O Ernst and Martin S Banks. Humans integrate visual and haptic information in a statistically optimal fashion. 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3 0.8373341 167 nips-2012-Kernel Hyperalignment

Author: Alexander Lorbert, Peter J. Ramadge

Abstract: We offer a regularized, kernel extension of the multi-set, orthogonal Procrustes problem, or hyperalignment. Our new method, called Kernel Hyperalignment, expands the scope of hyperalignment to include nonlinear measures of similarity and enables the alignment of multiple datasets with a large number of base features. With direct application to fMRI data analysis, kernel hyperalignment is well-suited for multi-subject alignment of large ROIs, including the entire cortex. We report experiments using real-world, multi-subject fMRI data. 1

same-paper 4 0.82475674 65 nips-2012-Cardinality Restricted Boltzmann Machines

Author: Kevin Swersky, Ilya Sutskever, Daniel Tarlow, Richard S. Zemel, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Ryan P. Adams

Abstract: The Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) is a popular density model that is also good for extracting features. A main source of tractability in RBM models is that, given an input, the posterior distribution over hidden variables is factorizable and can be easily computed and sampled from. Sparsity and competition in the hidden representation is beneficial, and while an RBM with competition among its hidden units would acquire some of the attractive properties of sparse coding, such constraints are typically not added, as the resulting posterior over the hidden units seemingly becomes intractable. In this paper we show that a dynamic programming algorithm can be used to implement exact sparsity in the RBM’s hidden units. We also show how to pass derivatives through the resulting posterior marginals, which makes it possible to fine-tune a pre-trained neural network with sparse hidden layers. 1

5 0.7845397 96 nips-2012-Density Propagation and Improved Bounds on the Partition Function

Author: Stefano Ermon, Ashish Sabharwal, Bart Selman, Carla P. Gomes

Abstract: Given a probabilistic graphical model, its density of states is a distribution that, for any likelihood value, gives the number of configurations with that probability. We introduce a novel message-passing algorithm called Density Propagation (DP) for estimating this distribution. We show that DP is exact for tree-structured graphical models and is, in general, a strict generalization of both sum-product and max-product algorithms. Further, we use density of states and tree decomposition to introduce a new family of upper and lower bounds on the partition function. For any tree decomposition, the new upper bound based on finer-grained density of state information is provably at least as tight as previously known bounds based on convexity of the log-partition function, and strictly stronger if a general condition holds. We conclude with empirical evidence of improvement over convex relaxations and mean-field based bounds. 1

6 0.72959906 333 nips-2012-Synchronization can Control Regularization in Neural Systems via Correlated Noise Processes

7 0.72835428 229 nips-2012-Multimodal Learning with Deep Boltzmann Machines

8 0.72511309 216 nips-2012-Mirror Descent Meets Fixed Share (and feels no regret)

9 0.72280049 24 nips-2012-A mechanistic model of early sensory processing based on subtracting sparse representations

10 0.72237277 252 nips-2012-On Multilabel Classification and Ranking with Partial Feedback

11 0.72181225 83 nips-2012-Controlled Recognition Bounds for Visual Learning and Exploration

12 0.72094154 197 nips-2012-Learning with Recursive Perceptual Representations

13 0.72086155 186 nips-2012-Learning as MAP Inference in Discrete Graphical Models

14 0.71974099 292 nips-2012-Regularized Off-Policy TD-Learning

15 0.71756339 48 nips-2012-Augmented-SVM: Automatic space partitioning for combining multiple non-linear dynamics

16 0.71728885 104 nips-2012-Dual-Space Analysis of the Sparse Linear Model

17 0.71718794 227 nips-2012-Multiclass Learning with Simplex Coding

18 0.71646893 316 nips-2012-Small-Variance Asymptotics for Exponential Family Dirichlet Process Mixture Models

19 0.71585053 200 nips-2012-Local Supervised Learning through Space Partitioning

20 0.71547717 355 nips-2012-Truncation-free Online Variational Inference for Bayesian Nonparametric Models