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209 acl-2013-Joint Modeling of News Readerâ•Žs and Comment Writerâ•Žs Emotions

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Author: Huanhuan Liu ; Shoushan Li ; Guodong Zhou ; Chu-ren Huang ; Peifeng Li

Abstract: Emotion classification can be generally done from both the writer’s and reader’s perspectives. In this study, we find that two foundational tasks in emotion classification, i.e., reader’s emotion classification on the news and writer’s emotion classification on the comments, are strongly related to each other in terms of coarse-grained emotion categories, i.e., negative and positive. On the basis, we propose a respective way to jointly model these two tasks. In particular, a cotraining algorithm is proposed to improve semi-supervised learning of the two tasks. Experimental evaluation shows the effectiveness of our joint modeling approach. . 1

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Joint Modeling of News Reader’s and Comment Writer’s Emotions Huanhuan Liu† Shoushan Li†‡* Guodong Zhou† Chu-Ren Huang‡ Peifeng Li† †Natural Language Processing Lab ‡Department of CBS Soochow University, China { huanhuanl iu suda shoushan churenhuang } @ gmai l com . [sent-1, score-0.052]

2 Abstract Emotion classification can be generally done from both the writer’s and reader’s perspectives. [sent-3, score-0.075]

3 In this study, we find that two foundational tasks in emotion classification, i. [sent-4, score-0.715]

4 , reader’s emotion classification on the news and writer’s emotion classification on the comments, are strongly related to each other in terms of coarse-grained emotion categories, i. [sent-6, score-2.496]

5 In particular, a cotraining algorithm is proposed to improve semi-supervised learning of the two tasks. [sent-10, score-0.03]

6 Experimental evaluation shows the effectiveness of our joint modeling approach. [sent-11, score-0.013]

7 1 Introduction Emotion classification aims to predict the emotion categories (e. [sent-13, score-0.838]

8 With the rapid growth of computer mediated communication applications, such as social websites and miro-blogs, the research on emotion classification has been attracting more and more attentions recently from the natural language processing (NLP) community (Chen et al. [sent-16, score-0.82]

9 In general, a single text may possess two kinds of emotions, writer’s emotion and reader’s emotion, where the former concerns the emotion expressed by the writer when writing the text and the latter concerns the emotion expressed by a reader after reading the text. [sent-18, score-2.757]

10 For example, consider two short texts drawn from a news and corresponding comments, as shown in Figure 1. [sent-19, score-0.201]

11 On * Corresponding author the Hong Kong Polytechnic University l i { gdzhou pfl i @ suda . [sent-20, score-0.051]

12 cn } , , one hand, for the news text, while its writer just objectively reports the news and thus does not express his emotion in the text, a reader could yield sad or worried emotion. [sent-22, score-1.818]

13 On the other hand, for the comment text, its writer clearly expresses his sad emotion while the emotion of a reader after reading the comments is not clear (Some may feel sorry but others might feel careless). [sent-23, score-2.511]

14 Iecsatdilhrcs’an emotions on a news and its comments Accordingly, emotion classification can be grouped into two categories: reader’s emotion and writer’s emotion classifications. [sent-30, score-2.816]

15 Although both emotion classification tasks have been widely studied in recent years, they are always considered independently and treated separately. [sent-31, score-0.79]

16 However, news and their corresponding comments often appear simultaneously. [sent-32, score-0.327]

17 For example, in many news websites, it is popular to see a news followed by many comments. [sent-33, score-0.402]

18 In this case, because the writers of the comments are a part of the readers of the news, the writer’s emotions on the comments are exactly certain reflection of the reader’s emotions on the news. [sent-34, score-0.829]

19 That is, the comment writer’s emotions and the news reader’s emotions are strongly related. [sent-35, score-1.035]

20 c A2s0s1o3ci Aatsiosonc fioartio Cno fmorpu Ctoamtiopnuatalt Lioinngauli Lsitnicgsu,i psatgicess 511–515, in Figure 1, the comment writer’s emotion ‘sad’ is among the news reader’s emotions. [sent-38, score-1.212]

21 Above observation motivates joint modeling of news reader’s and comment writer’s emotions. [sent-39, score-0.528]

22 In this study, we systematically investigate the relationship between the news reader’s emotions and the comment writer’s emotions. [sent-40, score-0.811]

23 Specifically, we manually analyze their agreement in a corpus collected from a news website. [sent-41, score-0.237]

24 It is interesting to find that such agreement only applies to coarsegrained emotion categories (i. [sent-42, score-0.831]

25 , positive and negative) with a high probability and does not apply to fine-grained emotion categories (e. [sent-44, score-0.787]

26 This motivates our joint modeling in terms of the coarse-grained emotion categories. [sent-47, score-0.746]

27 Specifically, we consider the news text and the comment text as two different views of expressing either the news reader’s or comment writer’s emotions. [sent-48, score-1.014]

28 Given the two views, a co-training algorithm is proposed to perform semi-supervised emotion classification so that the information in the unlabeled data can be exploited to improve the classification performance. [sent-49, score-0.893]

29 , 2005; Wilson et emotion classification has topic in NLP during the last 2002; Turney, 2002; Alm et al. [sent-53, score-0.79]

30 , 2009) and previous stud- ies can be mainly grouped into two categories: coarse-grained and fine-grained emotion classification. [sent-54, score-0.715]

31 Coarse-grained emotion classification, also called sentiment classification, concerns only two emotion categories, such as like or dislike and positive or negative (Pang and Lee, 2008; Liu, 2012). [sent-55, score-1.549]

32 This kind of emotion classification has attracted much attention since the pioneer work by Pang et al. [sent-56, score-0.803]

33 In comparison, fine-grained emotion classification aims to classify a text into multiple emotion categories, such as happy, angry, and sad. [sent-62, score-1.505]

34 One main group of related studies on this task is about emotion resource construction, such as emotion lexicon building (Xu et al. [sent-63, score-1.447]

35 Besides, all the related studies focus on supervised learning (Alm et al. [sent-66, score-0.017]

36 , 2011), and so far, we have not seen any studies on semi-supervised learning on fine-grained emotion classification. [sent-69, score-0.732]

37 2 News Reader’s Emotion Classification While comment writer’s emotion classification has been extensively studied, there are only a few studies on news reader’s emotion classification from the NLP and related communities. [sent-71, score-2.094]

38 (2007) first describe the task of reader’s emotion classification on the news articles and then employ some standard machine learning approaches to train a classifier for determining the reader’s emotion towards a news. [sent-73, score-1.769]

39 Unlike all the studies mentioned above, our study is the first attempt on exploring the relationship between comment writer’s emotion classification and news reader’s emotion classification. [sent-76, score-2.048]

40 3 Relationship between News Reader’s and Comment Writer’s Emotions To investigate the relationship between news reader’s and comment writer’s emotions, we collect a corpus of Chinese news articles and their corresponding comments from Yahoo! [sent-77, score-0.887]

41 com), where each news article is voted with emotion tags from eight categories: happy, sad, angry, meaningless, boring, heartwarming, worried, and useful. [sent-81, score-0.936]

42 These emotion tags on each news are selected by the readers of the news. [sent-82, score-0.933]

43 Note that because the categories of “useful” and “meaningless” are not real emotion categories, we ignore them in our study. [sent-83, score-0.763]

44 (2008), we consider the voted emotions as reader’s emotions on the news, i. [sent-86, score-0.558]

45 We only select the news articles with a dominant emotion (possessing more than 50% votes) in our data. [sent-89, score-0.964]

46 Besides, as we attempt to consider the comment writer’s emotions, the news articles without any comments are filtered. [sent-90, score-0.657]

47 As a result, we obtain a corpus of 3495 news articles together with their comments and the numbers of the articles of happy, sad, angry, boring, heartwarming, and worried are 1405, 230, 1673, 75, 92 and 20 respectively. [sent-91, score-0.441]

48 For coarse-grained categories, happy and heartwarming are merged into the positive category while 512 sad, angry, boring and worried are merged into the negative category. [sent-92, score-0.242]

49 Besides the tags of the reader’s emotions, each news article is followed by some comments, which can be seen as a reflection of the writer’s emotions (Averagely, each news is followed by 15 comments). [sent-93, score-0.693]

50 In order to know the exact relationship between these two kinds of emotions, we select 20 news from each category and ask two human annotators, named A and B, to manually annotate the writer’s emotion (single-label) according to the comments of each news. [sent-94, score-1.089]

51 Table 1 reports the agreement on annotators and emotions, measured with Cohen’s kappa (κ) value (Cohen, 1960). [sent-95, score-0.056]

52 et7-aim5g4lo6r2unaetsi)noeds Agreement between two annotators: The annotation agreement between the two annotators is 0. [sent-98, score-0.056]

53 Agreement between news reader’s and comment writer’s emotions: We compare the news reader’s emotion (automatically extracted from the web page) and the comment writer’s emotion (manually annotated by annotator A). [sent-101, score-2.424]

54 The annotation agreement between the two kinds of emotions is 0. [sent-102, score-0.323]

55 From the results, we can see that the agreement on the fine-grained emotions is a bit low while the agreement between the coarsegrained emotions, i. [sent-105, score-0.373]

56 We find that although some finegrained emotions of the comments are not consistent with the dominant emotion of the news, they belong to the same coarse-grained category. [sent-108, score-1.124]

57 In a word, the agreement between news reader’s and comment writer’s emotions on the coarse-grained emotions is very high, even high- er than the agreement between the two annotators (0. [sent-109, score-1.127]

58 In the following, we focus on the coarsegrained emotions in emotion classification. [sent-113, score-1.016]

59 In semi-supervised learning, the unlabeled data is exploited to improve the models with a small amount of the labeled data. [sent-115, score-0.062]

60 In our approach, we consider the news text and the comment text as two different views to express the news or comment emotion and build the two classifiers CN and CC . [sent-116, score-1.748]

61 Given the two-view classifiers, we perform co-training for semisupervised emotion classification, as shown in Figure 2, on both news reader’s and comment writer’s emotion classification. [sent-117, score-1.953]

62 Input: LNews the labeled data on the news LComment the labeled data on the comments UNews the unlabeled data on the news UComment the labeled data on the comments Output: LNews New labeled data on the news LComment New labeled data on the comments Procedure: Loop (1). [sent-118, score-1.179]

63 UNews UNews N1 N2 UComment  UComment M1 M2 Figure 2: Co-training algorithm for semisupervised emotion classification 513 5 Experimentation 5. [sent-128, score-0.816]

64 1 Experimental Settings Data Setting: The data set includes 3495 news articles (1572 positive and 1923 negative) and their comments as described in Section 3. [sent-129, score-0.385]

65 Although the emotions of the comments are not given in the website, we just set their coarse-grained emotion categories the same as the emotions of their source news due to their close relationship, as described in Section 3. [sent-130, score-1.628]

66 To make the data balanced, we randomly select 1500 positive and 1500 negative news with their comments for the empirical study. [sent-131, score-0.38]

67 Among them, we randomly select 400 news with their comments as the test data. [sent-132, score-0.327]

68 Features: Each news or comment text is treated as a bag-of-words and transformed into a binary vector encoding the presence or absence of word unigrams. [sent-133, score-0.497]

69 Classification algorithm: the maximum entropy (ME) classifier implemented with the public tool, Mallet Toolkits*. [sent-134, score-0.029]

70 2 Experimental Results News reader’s emotion classifier: The classifier trained with the news text. [sent-136, score-0.945]

71 Comment writer’s emotion classifier: The classifier trained with the comment text. [sent-137, score-1.04]

72 Figure 3 demonstrates the performances of the news reader’s and comment writer’s emotion classifiers trained with the 10 and 50 initial labeled samples plus automatically labeled data from co-training. [sent-138, score-1.387]

73 Here, in each iteration, we pick 2 positive and 2 negative most confident samples, i. [sent-139, score-0.053]

74 From this figure, we can see that our co-training algorithm is very effective: using only 10 labeled samples in each category achieves a very promising performance on either news reader’s or comment writer’s emotion classification. [sent-141, score-1.302]

75 Especially, the performance when using only 10 labeled samples is comparable to that when using more than 1200 labeled samples on supervised learning of comment writer’s emotion classification. [sent-142, score-1.191]

76 For comparison, we also implement a selftraining algorithm for the news reader’s and comment writer’s emotion classifiers, each of which automatically labels the samples from the unlabeled data independently. [sent-143, score-1.316]

77 For news reader’s emotion classification, the performances of selftraining are 0. [sent-144, score-0.968]

78 For comment writer’s emotion classification, the performances of self-training are 0. [sent-150, score-1.043]

79 These results are much lower than the performances of our cotraining approach, especially on the comment writer’s emotion classification i. [sent-153, score-1.148]

80 , reader’s emotion classification on the news and writer’s emotion classification on the comments. [sent-166, score-1.781]

81 From the data analysis, we find that the news reader’s and comment writer’s emotions are highly consistent to each other in terms of the coarse-grained emotion categories, positive and negative. [sent-167, score-1.505]

82 On the basis, we propose a co-training approach to perform semisupervised learning on the two tasks. [sent-168, score-0.026]

83 Evaluation shows that the co-training approach is so effective that using only 10 labeled samples achieves nice performances on both news reader’s and comment writer’s emotion classification. [sent-169, score-1.334]

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Abstract: Statistical language models have successfully been used to describe and analyze natural language documents. Recent work applying language models to programming languages is focused on the task of predicting code, while mainly ignoring the prediction of programmer comments. In this work, we predict comments from JAVA source files of open source projects, using topic models and n-grams, and we analyze the performance of the models given varying amounts of background data on the project being predicted. We evaluate models on their comment-completion capability in a setting similar to codecompletion tools built into standard code editors, and show that using a comment completion tool can save up to 47% of the comment typing. 1 Introduction and Related Work Statistical language models have traditionally been used to describe and analyze natural language documents. Recently, software engineering researchers have adopted the use of language models for modeling software code. Hindle et al. (2012) observe that, as code is created by humans it is likely to be repetitive and predictable, similar to natural language. NLP models have thus been used for a variety of software development tasks such as code token completion (Han et al., 2009; Jacob and Tairas, 2010), analysis of names in code (Lawrie et al., 2006; Binkley et al., 2011) and mining software repositories (Gabel and Su, 2008). An important part of software programming and maintenance lies in documentation, which may come in the form of tutorials describing the code, or inline comments provided by the programmer. The documentation provides a high level description of the task performed by the code, and may William W. Cohen Computer Science Department Carnegie Mellon University wcohen @ c s .cmu .edu include examples of use-cases for specific code segments or identifiers such as classes, methods and variables. Well documented code is easier to read and maintain in the long-run but writing comments is a laborious task that is often overlooked or at least postponed by many programmers. Code commenting not only provides a summarization of the conceptual idea behind the code (Sridhara et al., 2010), but can also be viewed as a form of document expansion where the comment contains significant terms relevant to the described code. Accurately predicted comment words can therefore be used for a variety of linguistic uses including improved search over code bases using natural language queries, code categorization, and locating parts of the code that are relevant to a specific topic or idea (Tseng and Juang, 2003; Wan et al., 2007; Kumar and Carterette, 2013; Shepherd et al., 2007; Rastkar et al., 2011). A related and well studied NLP task is that of predicting natural language caption and commentary for images and videos (Blei and Jordan, 2003; Feng and Lapata, 2010; Feng and Lapata, 2013; Wu and Li, 2011). In this work, our goal is to apply statistical language models for predicting class comments. We show that n-gram models are extremely successful in this task, and can lead to a saving of up to 47% in comment typing. This is expected as n-grams have been shown as a strong model for language and speech prediction that is hard to improve upon (Rosenfeld, 2000). In some cases however, for example in a document expansion task, we wish to extract important terms relevant to the code regardless of local syntactic dependencies. We hence also evaluate the use of LDA (Blei et al., 2003) and link-LDA (Erosheva et al., 2004) topic models, which are more relevant for the term ex- traction scenario. We find that the topic model performance can be improved by distinguishing code and text tokens in the code. 35 Proce dinSgosfi oa,f tB huel 5g1arsita, An Anu gauls Mt 4e-e9ti n2g01 o3f. th ?c e2 A0s1s3oc Aiastsio cnia fotiron C fo mrp Cuotmatpiounta tlio Lninaglu Li sntgicusi,s ptaicgses 35–40, 2 Method 2.1 Models We train n-gram models (n = 1, 2, 3) over source code documents containing sequences of combined code and text tokens from multiple training datasets (described below). We use the Berkeley Language Model package (Pauls and Klein, 2011) with absolute discounting (Kneser-Ney smoothing; (1995)) which includes a backoff strategy to lower-order n-grams. Next, we use LDA topic models (Blei et al., 2003) trained on the same data, with 1, 5, 10 and 20 topics. The joint distribution of a topic mixture θ, and a set of N topics z, for a single source code document with N observed word tokens, d = {wi}iN=1, given the Dirichlet parameters α sa,n dd β, {isw th}erefore p(θ, z, w|α, β) = p(θ|α) Yp(z|θ)p(w|z, (1) β) Yw Under the models described so far, there is no distinction between text and code tokens. Finally, we consider documents as having a mixed membership of two entity types, code and text tokens, d = where tthexet text ws,o drd =s are tok}ens f,r{owm comment and string literals, and the code words include the programming language syntax tokens (e.g., publ ic, private, for, etc’ ) and all identifiers. In this case, we train link-LDA models (Erosheva et al., 2004) with 1, 5, 10 and 20 topics. Under the linkLDA model, the mixed-membership joint distribution of a topic mixture, words and topics is then ({wciode}iC=n1, {witext}iT=n1), p(θ, z, w|α, β) = p(θ|α) Y wYtext · p(ztext|θ)p(wtext|ztext,β)· (2) Y p(zcode|θ)p(wcode|zcode,β) wYcode where θ is the joint topic distribution, w is the set of observed document words, ztext is a topic associated with a text word, and zcode a topic associated with a code word. The LDA and link-LDA models use Gibbs sampling (Griffiths and Steyvers, 2004) for topic inference, based on the implementation of Balasubramanyan and Cohen (201 1) with single or multiple entities per document, respectively. 2.2 Testing Methodology Our goal is to predict the tokens of the JAVA class comment (the one preceding the class definition) in each of the test files. Each of the models described above assigns a probability to the next comment token. In the case of n-grams, the probability of a token word wi is given by considering previous words p(wi |wi−1 , . . . , w0). This probability is estimated given the previous n 1tokens as p(wi|wi−1, wi−(n−1)). For t|hwe topic models, we separate the docu- ..., − ment tokens into the class definition and the comment we wish to predict. The set of tokens of the class comment are all considered as text tokens. The rest of the tokens in the document are considered to be the class definition, and they may contain both code and text tokens (from string literals and other comments in the source file). We then compute the posterior probability of document topics by solving the following inference problem conditioned on the tokens wc, wr, wr p(θ,zr|wr,α,β) =p(θp,(zwr,rw|αr,|αβ),β) (3) This gives us an estimate of the document distribution, θ, with which we infer the probability of the comment tokens as p(wc|θ,β) = Xp(wc|z,β)p(z|θ) (4) Xz Following Blei et al. (2003), for the case of a single entity LDA, the inference problem from equation (3) can be solved by considering p(θ, z, w|α, β), as in equation (1), and by taking tph(eθ marginal )di,s atrsib iunti eoqnu aotfio othne ( 1d)o,c aunmde bnyt t toakkeinngs as a continuous mixture distribution for the set w = by integrating over θ and summing over the set of topics z wr, p(w|α,β) =Zp(θ|α)· (5) YwXzp(z|θ)p(w|z,β)!dθ For the case of link-LDA where the document is comprised of two entities, in our case code tokens and text tokens, we can consider the mixedmembership joint distribution θ, as in equation (2), and similarly the marginal distribution p(w|α, β) over bimoithla rclyod teh ean mda tregxint tlok deisntsri bfruotmion w pr(.w |Sαi,nβce) comment words in are all considered as text tokens they are sampled using text topics, namely ztext, in equation (4). wc 36 3 Experimental Settings 3.1 Data and Training Methodology We use source code from nine open source JAVA projects: Ant, Cassandra, Log4j, Maven, MinorThird, Batik, Lucene, Xalan and Xerces. For each project, we divide the source files into a training and testing dataset. Then, for each project in turn, we consider the following three main training scenarios, leading to using three training datasets. To emulate a scenario in which we are predicting comments in the middle of project development, we can use data (documented code) from the same project. In this case, we use the in-project training dataset (IN). Alternatively, if we train a comment prediction model at the beginning of the development, we need to use source files from other, possibly related projects. To analyze this scenario, for each of the projects above we train models using an out-of-project dataset (OUT) containing data from the other eight projects. Typically, source code files contain a greater amount ofcode versus comment text. Since we are interested in predicting comments, we consider a third training data source which contains more English text as well as some code segments. We use data from the popular Q&A; website StackOverflow (SO) where users ask and answer technical questions about software development, tools, algorithms, etc’ . We downloaded a dataset of all actions performed on the site since it was launched in August 2008 until August 2012. The data includes 3,453,742 questions and 6,858,133 answers posted by 1,295,620 users. We used only posts that are tagged as JAVA related questions and answers. All the models for each project are then tested on the testing set of that project. We report results averaged over all projects in Table 1. Source files were tokenized using the Eclipse JDT compiler tools, separating code tokens and identifiers. Identifier names (of classes, methods and variables), were further tokenized by camel case notation (e.g., ’minMargin’ was converted to ’min margin’). Non alpha-numeric tokens (e.g., dot, semicolon) were discarded from the code, as well as numeric and single character literals. Text from comments or any string literals within the code were further tokenized with the Mallet statistical natural language processing package (Mc- Callum, 2002). Posts from SO were parsed using the Apache Tika toolkit1 and then tokenized with the Mallet package. We considered as raw code tokens anything labeled using a markup (as indicated by the SO users who wrote the post). 3.2 Evaluation Since our models are trained using various data sources the vocabularies used by each of them are different, making the comment likelihood given by each model incomparable due to different sets of out-of-vocabulary tokens. We thus evaluate models using a character saving metric which aims at quantifying the percentage of characters that can be saved by using the model in a word-completion settings, similar to standard code completion tools built into code editors. For a comment word with n characters, w = w1, . . . , wn, we predict the two most likely words given each model filtered by the first 0, . . . , n characters ofw. Let k be the minimal ki for which w is in the top two predicted word tokens where tokens are filtered by the first ki characters. Then, the number of saved characters for w is n k. In Table 1we report the average percentage o−f ksa.v Iend T Tcahbalera 1cte wrse per ocrotm thmee avnet using eearcchen not-f the above models. The final results are also averaged over the nine input projects. As an example, in the predicted comment shown in Table 2, taken from the project Minor-Third, the token entity is the most likely token according to the model SO trigram, out of tokens starting with the prefix ’en’ . The saved characters in this case are ’tity’ . − 4 Results Table 1 displays the average percentage of characters saved per class comment using each of the models. Models trained on in-project data (IN) perform significantly better than those trained on another data source, regardless of the model type, with an average saving of 47. 1% characters using a trigram model. This is expected, as files from the same project are likely to contain similar comments, and identifier names that appear in the comment of one class may appear in the code of another class in the same project. Clearly, in-project data should be used when available as it improves comment prediction leading to an average increase of between 6% for the worst model (26.6 for OUT unigram versus 33.05 for IN) and 14% for the best (32.96 for OUT trigram versus 47. 1for IN). 1 37 Model n / topics n-gram LDA Link-LDA 1 2 3 20 10 5 1 20 10 5 1 IN 33.05 (3.62) 43.27 (5.79) 47.1 (6.87) 34.20 (3.63) 33.93 (3.67) 33.63 (3.67) 33.05 (3.62) 35.76 (3.95) 35.81 (4.12) 35.37 (3.98) 34.59 (3.92) OUT 26.6 (3.37) 31.52 (4.17) 32.96 (4.33) 26.79 (3.26) 26.8 (3.36) 26.86 (3.44) 26.6 (3.37) 28.03 (3.60) 28 (3.56) 28 (3.67) 27.82 (3.62) SO 27.8 (3.51) 33.29 (4.40) 34.56 (4.78) 27.25 (3.67) 27.22 (3.44) 27.34 (3.55) 27.8 (3.51) 28.08 (3.48) 28.12 (3.58) 27.94 (3.56) 27.9 (3.45) Table 1: Average percentage of characters saved per comment using n-gram, LDA and link-LDA models trained on three training sets: IN, OUT, and SO. The results are averaged over nine JAVA projects (with standard deviations in parenthesis). Model Predicted Comment trigram IN link-LDA OUT trigram SO trigram “Train “Train “Train “Train IN named-entity a named-entity a named-entity a named-entity a extractor“ extractor“ extractor“ extractor“ Table 2: Sample comment from the Minor-Third project predicted using IN, OUT and SO based models. Saved characters are underlined. Of the out-of-project data sources, models using a greater amount of text (SO) mostly outperformed models based on more code (OUT). This increase in performance, however, comes at a cost of greater run-time due to the larger word dictionary associated with the SO data. Note that in the scope of this work we did not investigate the contribution of each of the background projects used in OUT, and how their relevance to the target prediction project effects their performance. The trigram model shows the best performance across all training data sources (47% for IN, 32% for OUT and 34% for SO). Amongst the tested topic models, link-LDA models which distinguish code and text tokens perform consistently better than simple LDA models in which all tokens are considered as text. We did not however find a correlation between the number of latent topics learned by a topic model and its performance. In fact, for each of the data sources, a different num- ber of topics gave the optimal character saving results. Note that in this work, all topic models are based on unigram tokens, therefore their results are most comparable with that of the unigram in Dataset n-gram link-LDA IN 2778.35 574.34 OUT 1865.67 670.34 SO 1898.43 638.55 Table 3: Average words per project for which each tested model completes the word better than the other. This indicates that each of the models is better at predicting a different set of comment words. Table 1, which does not benefit from the backoff strategy used by the bigram and trigram models. By this comparison, the link-LDA topic model proves more successful in the comment prediction task than the simpler models which do not distin- guish code and text tokens. Using n-grams without backoff leads to results significantly worse than any of the presented models (not shown). Table 2 shows a sample comment segment for which words were predicted using trigram models from all training sources and an in-project linkLDA. The comment is taken from the TrainExtractor class in the Minor-Third project, a machine learning library for annotating and categorizing text. Both IN models show a clear advantage in completing the project-specific word Train, compared to models based on out-of-project data (OUT and SO). Interestingly, in this example the trigram is better at completing the term namedentity given the prefix named. However, the topic model is better at completing the word extractor which refers to the target class. This example indicates that each model type may be more successful in predicting different comment words, and that combining multiple models may be advantageous. 38 This can also be seen by the analysis in Table 3 where we compare the average number of words completed better by either the best n-gram or topic model given each training dataset. Again, while n-grams generally complete more words better, a considerable portion of the words is better completed using a topic model, further motivating a hybrid solution. 5 Conclusions We analyze the use of language models for predicting class comments for source file documents containing a mixture of code and text tokens. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of using language models for comment completion, showing a saving of up to 47% of the comment characters. When available, using in-project training data proves significantly more successful than using out-of-project data. 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