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4 fast ml-2012-09-17-Best Buy mobile contest

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Introduction: There’s a contest on Kaggle called ACM Hackaton . Actually, there are two, one based on small data and one on big data. Here we will be talking about small data contest - specifically, about beating the benchmark - but the ideas are equally applicable to both. The deal is, we have a training set from Best Buy with search queries and items which users clicked after the query, plus some other data. Items are in this case Xbox games like “Batman” or “Rocksmith” or “Call of Duty”. We are asked to predict an item user clicked given the query. Metric is MAP@5 (see an explanation of MAP ). The problem isn’t typical for Kaggle, because it doesn’t really require using machine learning in traditional sense. To beat the benchmark, it’s enough to write a short script. Concretely ;), we’re gonna build a mapping from queries to items, using the training set. It will be just a Python dictionary looking like this: 'forzasteeringwheel': {'2078113': 1}, 'finalfantasy13': {'9461183': 3, '351

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 There’s a contest on Kaggle called ACM Hackaton . [sent-1, score-0.088]

2 Actually, there are two, one based on small data and one on big data. [sent-2, score-0.08]

3 Here we will be talking about small data contest - specifically, about beating the benchmark - but the ideas are equally applicable to both. [sent-3, score-0.669]

4 The deal is, we have a training set from Best Buy with search queries and items which users clicked after the query, plus some other data. [sent-4, score-1.134]

5 We are asked to predict an item user clicked given the query. [sent-6, score-0.606]

6 The problem isn’t typical for Kaggle, because it doesn’t really require using machine learning in traditional sense. [sent-8, score-0.246]

7 Concretely ;), we’re gonna build a mapping from queries to items, using the training set. [sent-10, score-0.499]

8 It will be just a Python dictionary looking like this: 'forzasteeringwheel': {'2078113': 1}, 'finalfantasy13': {'9461183': 3, '3519923': 2}, 'guitarps3': {'2633103': 1} Keys in the dictionary are queries and items are game IDs with click count. [sent-11, score-1.316]

9 One thing maybe worth noting here is that we “prepare” the queries, meaning that “Rock Smith_1” becomes “rocksmith1” - the process is to filter out all non-alphanumeric characters and convert to lower case. [sent-12, score-0.154]

10 This way, queries like “Rocksmith 1” and “Rock Smith_1” are the same. [sent-13, score-0.439]

11 This makes sense, because the intent behind them is the same, only spelling is different. [sent-14, score-0.165]

12 When we are asked to predict an item for a given query, we will check if the query is in our dictionary. [sent-15, score-0.705]

13 If it is, we will recommend up to five IDs found there, starting from the one with most clicks. [sent-16, score-0.292]

14 When there’s less than five IDs, we take the rest from the benchmark. [sent-17, score-0.145]

15 It is very easy because benchmark always recommends five most popular items: [9854804, 2107458, 2541184, 2670133, 2173065] Similarly, if the query is not in our dictionary, we will take all five recommendations from the benchmark. [sent-18, score-0.891]

16 The script takes a few seconds to run and produces a score of 72,8%, while benchmark is 14,5%. [sent-19, score-0.209]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('queries', 0.439), ('items', 0.35), ('query', 0.31), ('clicked', 0.211), ('rock', 0.211), ('rocksmith', 0.211), ('ids', 0.193), ('dictionary', 0.193), ('five', 0.145), ('item', 0.14), ('benchmark', 0.139), ('map', 0.129), ('asked', 0.119), ('contest', 0.088), ('applicable', 0.088), ('behind', 0.088), ('keys', 0.088), ('na', 0.088), ('recommends', 0.088), ('require', 0.088), ('traditional', 0.088), ('xbox', 0.088), ('small', 0.08), ('beating', 0.077), ('click', 0.077), ('concretely', 0.077), ('equally', 0.077), ('filter', 0.077), ('noting', 0.077), ('similarly', 0.077), ('spelling', 0.077), ('starting', 0.077), ('predict', 0.076), ('recommend', 0.07), ('typical', 0.07), ('plus', 0.07), ('buy', 0.07), ('seconds', 0.07), ('recommendations', 0.064), ('users', 0.064), ('call', 0.064), ('game', 0.064), ('prepare', 0.064), ('writing', 0.064), ('given', 0.06), ('ideas', 0.06), ('build', 0.06), ('explanation', 0.06), ('sense', 0.06), ('talking', 0.06)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0000002 4 fast ml-2012-09-17-Best Buy mobile contest

Introduction: There’s a contest on Kaggle called ACM Hackaton . Actually, there are two, one based on small data and one on big data. Here we will be talking about small data contest - specifically, about beating the benchmark - but the ideas are equally applicable to both. The deal is, we have a training set from Best Buy with search queries and items which users clicked after the query, plus some other data. Items are in this case Xbox games like “Batman” or “Rocksmith” or “Call of Duty”. We are asked to predict an item user clicked given the query. Metric is MAP@5 (see an explanation of MAP ). The problem isn’t typical for Kaggle, because it doesn’t really require using machine learning in traditional sense. To beat the benchmark, it’s enough to write a short script. Concretely ;), we’re gonna build a mapping from queries to items, using the training set. It will be just a Python dictionary looking like this: 'forzasteeringwheel': {'2078113': 1}, 'finalfantasy13': {'9461183': 3, '351

2 0.31442678 6 fast ml-2012-09-25-Best Buy mobile contest - full disclosure

Introduction: Here’s the final version of the script, with two ideas improving on our previous take: searching in product names and spelling correction. As far as product names go, we will use product data available in XML format to extract SKU and name for each product: 8564564 Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation Platinum Hits 2755149 Ace Combat: Assault Horizon 1208344 Adrenalin Misfits Further, we will process the names in the same way we processed queries: 8564564 acecombat6firesofliberationplatinumhits 2755149 acecombatassaulthorizon 1208344 adrenalinmisfits When we need to fill in some predictions, instead of taking them from the benchmark, we will search in names. If that is not enough, then we go to the benchmark. But wait! There’s more. We will spell-correct test queries when looking in our query -> sku mapping. For example, we may have a SKU for L.A. Noire ( lanoire ), but not for L.A. Noir ( lanoir ). It is easy to see that this is basically the same query, o

3 0.24673815 5 fast ml-2012-09-19-Best Buy mobile contest - big data

Introduction: Last time we talked about the small data branch of Best Buy contest . Now it’s time to tackle the big boy . It is positioned as “cloud computing sized problem”, because there is 7GB of unpacked data, vs. younger brother’s 20MB. This is reflected in “cloud computing” and “cluster” and “Oracle” talk in the forum , and also in small number of participating teams: so far, only six contestants managed to beat the benchmark. But don’t be scared. Most of data mass is in XML product information. Training and test sets together are 378MB. Good news. The really interesting thing is that we can take the script we’ve used for small data and apply it to this contest, obtaining 0.355 in a few minutes (benchmark is 0.304). Not impressed? With simple extension you can up the score to 0.55. Read below for details. This is the very same script , with one difference. In this challenge, benchmark recommendations differ from line to line, so we can’t just hard-code five item IDs like before

4 0.1885727 1 fast ml-2012-08-09-What you wanted to know about Mean Average Precision

Introduction: Let’s say that there are some users and some items, like movies, songs or jobs. Each user might be interested in some items. The client asks us to recommend a few items (the number is x) for each user. They will evaluate the results using mean average precision, or MAP, metric. Specifically MAP@x - this means they ask us to recommend x items for each user. So what is this MAP? First, we will get M out of the way. MAP is just an average of APs, or average precision, for all users. In other words, we take the mean for Average Precision, hence Mean Average Precision. If we have 1000 users, we sum APs for each user and divide the sum by 1000. This is MAP. So now, what is AP, or average precision? It may be that we don’t really need to know. But we probably need to know this: we can recommend at most x items for each user it pays to submit all x recommendations, because we are not penalized for bad guesses order matters, so it’s better to submit more certain recommendations fi

5 0.11024731 2 fast ml-2012-08-27-Kaggle job recommendation challenge

Introduction: This is an introduction to Kaggle job recommendation challenge . It looks a lot like a typical collaborative filtering thing (with a lot of extra information), but not quite. Spot these two big differences: There are no explicit ratings. Instead, there’s info about which jobs user applied to. This is known as one-class collaborative filtering (OCCF), or learning from positive-only feedback. If you want to dig deeper into the subject, there have been already contests with positive feedback only, for example track two of Yahoo KDD Cup or Millions Songs Dataset Challenge at Kaggle (both about songs). The second difference is less apparent. When you look at test users (that is, the users that we are asked to recommend jobs for), only about half of them made at least one application. For the other half, no data and no collaborative filtering. For the users we have applications data for, it’s very sparse, so we would like to use CF, because it does well in similar se

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lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.174), (1, -0.152), (2, 0.08), (3, -0.635), (4, 0.06), (5, -0.174), (6, 0.096), (7, -0.194), (8, 0.007), (9, -0.147), (10, -0.021), (11, 0.03), (12, -0.074), (13, 0.072), (14, -0.028), (15, 0.066), (16, 0.039), (17, -0.049), (18, -0.066), (19, -0.018), (20, -0.023), (21, 0.006), (22, 0.068), (23, 0.045), (24, -0.027), (25, 0.02), (26, 0.052), (27, 0.032), (28, -0.075), (29, 0.019), (30, 0.073), (31, -0.034), (32, 0.075), (33, -0.071), (34, 0.029), (35, -0.039), (36, -0.062), (37, 0.07), (38, -0.031), (39, -0.023), (40, -0.085), (41, -0.055), (42, -0.059), (43, -0.11), (44, -0.075), (45, 0.091), (46, -0.044), (47, -0.009), (48, -0.004), (49, -0.256)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.98595506 4 fast ml-2012-09-17-Best Buy mobile contest

Introduction: There’s a contest on Kaggle called ACM Hackaton . Actually, there are two, one based on small data and one on big data. Here we will be talking about small data contest - specifically, about beating the benchmark - but the ideas are equally applicable to both. The deal is, we have a training set from Best Buy with search queries and items which users clicked after the query, plus some other data. Items are in this case Xbox games like “Batman” or “Rocksmith” or “Call of Duty”. We are asked to predict an item user clicked given the query. Metric is MAP@5 (see an explanation of MAP ). The problem isn’t typical for Kaggle, because it doesn’t really require using machine learning in traditional sense. To beat the benchmark, it’s enough to write a short script. Concretely ;), we’re gonna build a mapping from queries to items, using the training set. It will be just a Python dictionary looking like this: 'forzasteeringwheel': {'2078113': 1}, 'finalfantasy13': {'9461183': 3, '351

2 0.68141067 6 fast ml-2012-09-25-Best Buy mobile contest - full disclosure

Introduction: Here’s the final version of the script, with two ideas improving on our previous take: searching in product names and spelling correction. As far as product names go, we will use product data available in XML format to extract SKU and name for each product: 8564564 Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation Platinum Hits 2755149 Ace Combat: Assault Horizon 1208344 Adrenalin Misfits Further, we will process the names in the same way we processed queries: 8564564 acecombat6firesofliberationplatinumhits 2755149 acecombatassaulthorizon 1208344 adrenalinmisfits When we need to fill in some predictions, instead of taking them from the benchmark, we will search in names. If that is not enough, then we go to the benchmark. But wait! There’s more. We will spell-correct test queries when looking in our query -> sku mapping. For example, we may have a SKU for L.A. Noire ( lanoire ), but not for L.A. Noir ( lanoir ). It is easy to see that this is basically the same query, o

3 0.40585858 5 fast ml-2012-09-19-Best Buy mobile contest - big data

Introduction: Last time we talked about the small data branch of Best Buy contest . Now it’s time to tackle the big boy . It is positioned as “cloud computing sized problem”, because there is 7GB of unpacked data, vs. younger brother’s 20MB. This is reflected in “cloud computing” and “cluster” and “Oracle” talk in the forum , and also in small number of participating teams: so far, only six contestants managed to beat the benchmark. But don’t be scared. Most of data mass is in XML product information. Training and test sets together are 378MB. Good news. The really interesting thing is that we can take the script we’ve used for small data and apply it to this contest, obtaining 0.355 in a few minutes (benchmark is 0.304). Not impressed? With simple extension you can up the score to 0.55. Read below for details. This is the very same script , with one difference. In this challenge, benchmark recommendations differ from line to line, so we can’t just hard-code five item IDs like before

4 0.35440114 1 fast ml-2012-08-09-What you wanted to know about Mean Average Precision

Introduction: Let’s say that there are some users and some items, like movies, songs or jobs. Each user might be interested in some items. The client asks us to recommend a few items (the number is x) for each user. They will evaluate the results using mean average precision, or MAP, metric. Specifically MAP@x - this means they ask us to recommend x items for each user. So what is this MAP? First, we will get M out of the way. MAP is just an average of APs, or average precision, for all users. In other words, we take the mean for Average Precision, hence Mean Average Precision. If we have 1000 users, we sum APs for each user and divide the sum by 1000. This is MAP. So now, what is AP, or average precision? It may be that we don’t really need to know. But we probably need to know this: we can recommend at most x items for each user it pays to submit all x recommendations, because we are not penalized for bad guesses order matters, so it’s better to submit more certain recommendations fi

5 0.21577471 2 fast ml-2012-08-27-Kaggle job recommendation challenge

Introduction: This is an introduction to Kaggle job recommendation challenge . It looks a lot like a typical collaborative filtering thing (with a lot of extra information), but not quite. Spot these two big differences: There are no explicit ratings. Instead, there’s info about which jobs user applied to. This is known as one-class collaborative filtering (OCCF), or learning from positive-only feedback. If you want to dig deeper into the subject, there have been already contests with positive feedback only, for example track two of Yahoo KDD Cup or Millions Songs Dataset Challenge at Kaggle (both about songs). The second difference is less apparent. When you look at test users (that is, the users that we are asked to recommend jobs for), only about half of them made at least one application. For the other half, no data and no collaborative filtering. For the users we have applications data for, it’s very sparse, so we would like to use CF, because it does well in similar se

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lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(6, 0.015), (26, 0.035), (51, 0.023), (55, 0.021), (69, 0.122), (90, 0.393), (99, 0.277)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.88296753 4 fast ml-2012-09-17-Best Buy mobile contest

Introduction: There’s a contest on Kaggle called ACM Hackaton . Actually, there are two, one based on small data and one on big data. Here we will be talking about small data contest - specifically, about beating the benchmark - but the ideas are equally applicable to both. The deal is, we have a training set from Best Buy with search queries and items which users clicked after the query, plus some other data. Items are in this case Xbox games like “Batman” or “Rocksmith” or “Call of Duty”. We are asked to predict an item user clicked given the query. Metric is MAP@5 (see an explanation of MAP ). The problem isn’t typical for Kaggle, because it doesn’t really require using machine learning in traditional sense. To beat the benchmark, it’s enough to write a short script. Concretely ;), we’re gonna build a mapping from queries to items, using the training set. It will be just a Python dictionary looking like this: 'forzasteeringwheel': {'2078113': 1}, 'finalfantasy13': {'9461183': 3, '351

2 0.60413492 6 fast ml-2012-09-25-Best Buy mobile contest - full disclosure

Introduction: Here’s the final version of the script, with two ideas improving on our previous take: searching in product names and spelling correction. As far as product names go, we will use product data available in XML format to extract SKU and name for each product: 8564564 Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation Platinum Hits 2755149 Ace Combat: Assault Horizon 1208344 Adrenalin Misfits Further, we will process the names in the same way we processed queries: 8564564 acecombat6firesofliberationplatinumhits 2755149 acecombatassaulthorizon 1208344 adrenalinmisfits When we need to fill in some predictions, instead of taking them from the benchmark, we will search in names. If that is not enough, then we go to the benchmark. But wait! There’s more. We will spell-correct test queries when looking in our query -> sku mapping. For example, we may have a SKU for L.A. Noire ( lanoire ), but not for L.A. Noir ( lanoir ). It is easy to see that this is basically the same query, o

3 0.59294719 5 fast ml-2012-09-19-Best Buy mobile contest - big data

Introduction: Last time we talked about the small data branch of Best Buy contest . Now it’s time to tackle the big boy . It is positioned as “cloud computing sized problem”, because there is 7GB of unpacked data, vs. younger brother’s 20MB. This is reflected in “cloud computing” and “cluster” and “Oracle” talk in the forum , and also in small number of participating teams: so far, only six contestants managed to beat the benchmark. But don’t be scared. Most of data mass is in XML product information. Training and test sets together are 378MB. Good news. The really interesting thing is that we can take the script we’ve used for small data and apply it to this contest, obtaining 0.355 in a few minutes (benchmark is 0.304). Not impressed? With simple extension you can up the score to 0.55. Read below for details. This is the very same script , with one difference. In this challenge, benchmark recommendations differ from line to line, so we can’t just hard-code five item IDs like before

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