jmlr jmlr2009 jmlr2009-73 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

73 jmlr-2009-Prediction With Expert Advice For The Brier Game

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Author: Vladimir Vovk, Fedor Zhdanov

Abstract: We show that the Brier game of prediction is mixable and find the optimal learning rate and substitution function for it. The resulting prediction algorithm is applied to predict results of football and tennis matches, with well-known bookmakers playing the role of experts. The theoretical performance guarantee is not excessively loose on the football data set and is rather tight on the tennis data set. Keywords: Brier game, classification, on-line prediction, strong aggregating algorithm, weighted average algorithm

Reference: text

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1 UK Computer Learning Research Centre Department of Computer Science Royal Holloway, University of London Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, England Editor: Yoav Freund Abstract We show that the Brier game of prediction is mixable and find the optimal learning rate and substitution function for it. [sent-7, score-0.264]

2 The resulting prediction algorithm is applied to predict results of football and tennis matches, with well-known bookmakers playing the role of experts. [sent-8, score-0.56]

3 The theoretical performance guarantee is not excessively loose on the football data set and is rather tight on the tennis data set. [sent-9, score-0.389]

4 Prediction Algorithm and Loss Bound A game of prediction consists of three components: the observation space Ω, the decision space Γ, and the loss function λ : Ω × Γ → R. [sent-39, score-0.243]

5 ) The game of prediction is being played repeatedly by a learner having access to decisions made by a pool of experts, which leads to the following prediction protocol: Protocol 1 Prediction with expert advice L0 := 0. [sent-42, score-0.441]

6 N end for At each step of Protocol 1 Learner is given K experts’ advice and is required to come up with his k own decision; LN is his cumulative loss over the first N steps, and LN is the kth expert’s cumulative loss over the first N steps. [sent-61, score-0.251]

7 An optimal (in the sense of Theorem 1 below) strategy for Learner in prediction with expert advice for the Brier game is given by the strong aggregating algorithm (see Algorithm 1). [sent-63, score-0.4]

8 2446 P REDICTION W ITH E XPERT A DVICE F OR T HE B RIER G AME Algorithm 1 Strong aggregating algorithm for the Brier game wk := 1, k = 1, . [sent-68, score-0.247]

9 N N−1 end for Theorem 1 Using Algorithm 1 as Learner’s strategy in Protocol 1 for the Brier game guarantees that k LN ≤ min LN + ln K (1) k=1,. [sent-85, score-0.349]

10 If A < ln K, Learner does not have a strategy guaranteeing k LN ≤ min LN + A k=1,. [sent-92, score-0.196]

11 (And the seasons mentioned above were chosen because the forecasts of these bookmakers are available for them. [sent-106, score-0.222]

12 The bookmakers do not announce these numbers directly; instead, they quote three betting odds, a1 , a2 , and a3 . [sent-108, score-0.225]

13 Each number ai > 1 is the total amount which the bookmaker undertakes to pay out to a client betting on outcome i per unit stake in the event that i happens (if the bookmaker wishes to return the stake to the bettor, it should be included in ai ; i. [sent-109, score-0.342]

14 In this respect γ − 1 is similar to the overround; indeed, the approximate value of the overround is (γ − 1) ∑3 a−1 ln ai assuming that the overround is small and none of ai is too close i=1 i to 0. [sent-123, score-0.382]

15 The coefficient of proportionality ∑3 a−1 ln ai can be interpreted as the entropy of the quoted i=1 i betting odds. [sent-124, score-0.338]

16 The results of applying Algorithm 1 to the football data, with 8 experts and 3 possible observak tions, are shown in Figure 1. [sent-125, score-0.346]

17 The excess loss can be negative, but from the first part of Theorem 1 (Equation (1)) we know that it cannot be less than − ln 8; this lower bound is also shown in Figure 1. [sent-133, score-0.295]

18 We can see that at each moment in time the algorithm’s cumulative loss is fairly close to the cumulative loss of the best expert (at that time; the best expert keeps changing over time). [sent-135, score-0.36]

19 The data contain information about the winner of each match and the betting odds of 4 bookmakers for his/her win and for the opponent’s win. [sent-144, score-0.297]

20 In both Figure 1 and Figure 3 the cumulative loss of Algorithm 1 is close to the cumulative loss of the best expert. [sent-150, score-0.206]

21 The theoretical bound is not hopelessly loose for the football data and is rather tight for the tennis data. [sent-151, score-0.418]

22 The theoretical lower bound − ln 8 from Theorem 1 is also shown. [sent-156, score-0.241]

23 A vector f ∈ RΩ (understood to be a function f : Ω → R) is a superprediction if there is γ ∈ Γ such that, for all ω ∈ Ω, λ(ω, γ) ≤ f (ω); the set Σ of all superpredictions is the superprediction set. [sent-167, score-0.372]

24 (4) The image Φη (Σ) of the superprediction set will be called the η-exponential superprediction set. [sent-169, score-0.372]

25 ,K η can be guaranteed if and only if the η-exponential superprediction set is convex (part “if” for all K and part “only if” for K → ∞ are proved in Vovk, 1998; part “only if” for all K is proved by Chris Watkins, and the details can be found in Appendix A). [sent-176, score-0.186]

26 7 Figure 2: The overround distribution histogram for the football data, with 200 bins of equal size between the minimum and maximum values of the overround. [sent-185, score-0.303]

27 Define the η-exponential superprediction surface to be the part of the boundary of the ηexponential superprediction set Φη (Σ) lying inside (0, ∞)Ω . [sent-187, score-0.412]

28 Now, since the η-exponential superprediction set is convex for all η < 1, it is also convex for η = 1. [sent-192, score-0.186]

29 Let us now check that the Gauss-Kronecker curvature of the η-exponential superprediction surface is always positive when η < 1 and is sometimes negative when η > 1 (the rest of the proof, an elaboration of the above argument, will be easy). [sent-193, score-0.309]

30 A convenient parametric representation of the η-exponential superprediction surface is  x1 x2 . [sent-198, score-0.226]

31 , un−1 ∈ (0, 1) subject to u1 + · · · un−1 < 1, and un is a shorthand for 1 − u1 − · · · − un−1 . [sent-212, score-0.659]

32 8 1 Figure 4: The overround distribution histogram for the tennis data. [sent-241, score-0.241]

33 un − un−1 + 1 un − un−1 − 1 = e−2ηu1 2 un − un−1 − 1 2452 1 1 ··· 1 0 ··· 0 1 ··· . [sent-294, score-1.977]

34 The coefficient in front of en is proportional to e−2ηun un − u1 + 1 un − u1 ··· un − u2 un − u2 + 1 · · · . [sent-314, score-2.655]

35 un − un−2 un − un−2 · · · un − un−1 un − un−1 · · · = e−2ηun 1 0 . [sent-323, score-2.636]

36 un − un−2 + 1 un − un−2 un − un−1 un − un−1 + 1 un − u1 un − u2 . [sent-341, score-3.954]

37 = e−2ηun 1 un − un−2 −1 un − un−1 + 1 1 0 ··· 0 1 ··· . [sent-344, score-1.318]

38 1 un − un−2 0 nun = nun e−2ηun (with the coefficient of proportionality e2η (−1)n−1 ). [sent-359, score-0.738]

39 0 0 u1 e−2ηu1 u2 e−2ηu2 ··· ··· (1 − 2ηun−1 )e−2ηun−1 un−1 e−2ηun−1 (2ηun − 1)e−2ηun un e−2ηun 2453 VOVK AND Z HDANOV 1 − 2ηu1 0 0 1 − 2ηu2 . [sent-382, score-0.659]

40 If η > 1, set u1 = u2 := 1/2 and u3 = · · · = un := 0. [sent-399, score-0.659]

41 This reduces to (10) 1 1 +···+ > n t1 tn (11) if t1 · · ·tn > 0, and to 1 1 +···+ < n (12) t1 tn if t1 · · ·tn < 0. [sent-414, score-0.202]

42 Then tn−1 + tn > 0, and so 1 tn−1 + 1 < 0; tn 2454 P REDICTION W ITH E XPERT A DVICE F OR T HE B RIER G AME therefore, 1 1 1 1 +···+ + + < n − 2 < n. [sent-437, score-0.202]

43 The η-exponential superprediction surface will be oriented by choosing the normal vector field directed towards the origin. [sent-439, score-0.226]

44 2ηun −2ηun xn e un e with both coefficients of proportionality positive (cf. [sent-449, score-0.726]

45 In the case η > 1, the Gauss-Kronecker curvature is negative at some point, and so the ηexponential superprediction set is not convex (Thorpe, 1979, Chapter 13, Theorem 1 and its proof). [sent-456, score-0.269]

46 Because of the continuity of the η-exponential superprediction surface in η we can and will assume, without loss of generality, that η < 1. [sent-458, score-0.277]

47 , un−1 , η) of the η-exponential superprediction surface is always positive (among the arguments of k1 we list not only the coordinates u1 , . [sent-462, score-0.226]

48 Suppose there are two points A and B on the η-exponential superprediction surface such that the interval [A, B] contains points outside the η-exponential superprediction set. [sent-487, score-0.412]

49 In this section we will find 2455 VOVK AND Z HDANOV a substitution function for the strong aggregating algorithm for the Brier game with η ≤ 1, which is the only component of the algorithm not described explicitly in Vovk (2001). [sent-494, score-0.272]

50 , ln )T computed by the aggregating pseudo-algorithm from a normalized distribution on the experts. [sent-502, score-0.265]

51 , ln )T is a superprediction (remember that we are assuming η ≤ 1), we are only required to find a permitted prediction     λ1 (u1 − 1)2 + u2 + · · · + u2 n 2 λ2  u2 + (u2 − 1)2 + · · · + u2  n    1 (15)  . [sent-506, score-0.421]

52 , un = un ; in the latter case, however, we can, and will, also choose ui > 0) for which εi := ui − ui is maximal. [sent-561, score-1.435]

53 ) In this appendix we will use a slightly more general notion of a game of prediction (Ω, Γ, λ): namely, the loss function λ : Ω × Γ → R is now allowed to take values in the extended real line R := R ∪ {−∞, ∞} (although the value −∞ will be later disallowed). [sent-583, score-0.243]

54 For each K we will be interested in the set of those a > 0 for which Learner has a winning strategy in the game GK (a) (we will denote this by L ⌣ GK (a)). [sent-597, score-0.193]

55 2458 P REDICTION W ITH E XPERT A DVICE F OR T HE B RIER G AME We say that the game of prediction (Ω, Γ, λ) is η-mixable, where η > 0, if ∀γ1 ∈ Γ, γ2 ∈ Γ, α ∈ [0, 1] ∃δ ∈ Γ ∀ω ∈ Ω : e−ηλ(ω,δ) ≥ αe−ηλ(ω,γ1 ) + (1 − α)e−ηλ(ω,γ2 ) . [sent-601, score-0.192]

56 The game of prediction is mixable if it is η-mixable for some η > 0. [sent-603, score-0.231]

57 (1952, Theorem 92, applied to the means Mφ with φ(x) = e−ηx ) that if the prediction game is η-mixable it will remain η′ -mixable for any positive η′ < η. [sent-605, score-0.192]

58 ) Let η∗ be the supremum of the η for which the prediction game is η-mixable (with η∗ := 0 when the game is not mixable). [sent-607, score-0.345]

59 The compactness of Γ implies that the prediction game is η∗ -mixable. [sent-608, score-0.192]

60 In view of the fact that L ⌣ GK (ln K/η∗ ), we only need to show that L ⌣ GK (a) does not hold for a < ln K/η∗ . [sent-619, score-0.196]

61 On the other hand, the point (1, a/ ln K) is Southwest and outside of the separation curve (use Lemmas 8–12 of Vovk, 1998). [sent-623, score-0.196]

62 , Environment) has a winning strategy in the game G (1, a/ ln K). [sent-626, score-0.389]

63 It is easy to see from the proof of Theorem 1 in Vovk (1998) that the definition of the game G can be modified, without changing the conclusion about G (1, a/ ln K), by replacing the line E chooses n ≥ 1 {size of the pool} in the protocol on p. [sent-627, score-0.376]

64 46 Table 1: The bookmakers’ cumulative Brier losses over the football data set when their probability forecasts are computed using formula (3) and formula (26). [sent-655, score-0.366]

65 When the number K m of experts exceeds n∗ , we obtain a contradiction: Learner can guarantee k LN ≤ LN + ma for all N and all K m experts k, and Environment can guarantee that k LN > L N + a k ln(K m ) = LN + ma ln K for some N and k. [sent-657, score-0.468]

66 The improvement of each bookmaker’s total loss over the football data set is in the range 0. [sent-662, score-0.261]

67 92 Table 2: The bookmakers’ cumulative Brier losses over the tennis data set when their probability forecasts are computed using formula (3) and formula (26). [sent-682, score-0.304]

68 Different bookmakers (and the same bookmaker at different times) can use different functions f . [sent-683, score-0.287]

69 Therefore, different bookmakers may quote different odds because they may use different f and because they may assign different probabilities to the same event. [sent-684, score-0.208]

70 For example, introducing a new function g : (0, ∞) → (0, ∞) by g(u) := ln f (e−u ) and new variables x, y ∈ (0, ∞) by x := − ln p and y := − ln q, we transform (27) to the most standard Cauchy equation g(x + y) = g(x) + g(y). [sent-689, score-0.588]

71 If there are two events with quoted odds a and b that the bookmaker considers independent, his quoted odds on the conjunction of the two events will be ab. [sent-697, score-0.28]

72 An important advantage of (3) over (26) is that (3) does not impose any upper limits on the overround that the bookmaker may charge (Khutsishvili, 2009). [sent-702, score-0.217]

73 We can see that for the football data the maximal difference between the cumulative loss of the WdAA and the cumulative loss of the best expert is slightly larger than that for Algorithm 1 but still well within the optimal bound ln K given by (1). [sent-721, score-0.762]

74 For the tennis data the maximal difference is almost twice as large as for Algorithm 1, violating the optimal bound ln K. [sent-722, score-0.417]

75 , un ) ∈ [0, ∞)n | ∑n ui = 1}, i=1 and Reality’s move is known to be one of the vertices of this simplex. [sent-738, score-0.698]

76 20 theoretical bound for Algorithm 1 Weighted Average Algorithm experts 15 10 5 0 −5 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Figure 6: The difference between the cumulative loss of each of the 4 bookmakers and of the WdAA for c := 4 on the tennis data. [sent-746, score-0.595]

77 0904 none Table 3: The maximal difference between the loss of each algorithm in the selected set and the loss of the best expert for the football data (second column); the theoretical upper bound on this difference (third column). [sent-752, score-0.478]

78 As described in Kivinen and Warmuth (1999), the WdAA is parameterized by c := 1/η instead of η, and the optimal value of c is c = 8R2 , leading to the guaranteed loss bound k LN ≤ min LN + 8R2 ln K k=1,. [sent-756, score-0.276]

79 ,8 (28) where LN (c) is the loss of the WdAA with parameter c on the football data over the first N steps and k LN is the analogous loss of the kth expert, as a function of c. [sent-771, score-0.312]

80 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 parameter c 6 7 8 9 Figure 7: The maximal difference (28) for the WdAA as function of the parameter c on the football data. [sent-793, score-0.254]

81 The theoretical guarantee ln 8 for the maximal difference for Algorithm 1 is also shown (the theoretical guarantee for the WdAA, 11. [sent-794, score-0.272]

82 5 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 parameter c 6 7 8 9 Figure 8: The maximal difference (29) for the WdAA as function of the parameter c on the tennis data. [sent-799, score-0.192]

83 5 5 Figure 9: The maximal difference ((28) with η in place of c) for Algorithm 1 as function of the parameter η on the football data. [sent-809, score-0.254]

84 5 5 Figure 10: The maximal difference ((29) with η in place of c) for Algorithm 1 as function of the parameter η on the tennis data. [sent-819, score-0.192]

85 20 theoretical bound for Algorithm 1 Weighted Average Algorithm experts 15 10 5 0 −5 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Figure 12: The difference between the cumulative loss of each of the 4 bookmakers and of the WdAA for c = 1 on the tennis data. [sent-821, score-0.595]

86 5452 none Table 4: The maximal difference between the loss of each algorithm in the selected set and the loss of the best expert for the tennis data (second column); the theoretical upper bound on this difference (third column). [sent-827, score-0.416]

87 The following two algorithms, the weak aggregating algorithm (WkAA) and the Hedge algorithm (HA), make increasingly weaker assumptions about the prediction game being played. [sent-828, score-0.261]

88 In the notation of (1), a simple loss bound for the WkAA is √ k LN ≤ min LN + 2L N ln K (30) k=1,. [sent-839, score-0.276]

89 ,K (Kalnishkan and Vyugin, 2008, Corollary 14); this is quite different √ from (1) as the “regret term” √ √ 2L N ln K in (30) depends on N. [sent-842, score-0.196]

90 For c = 8 ln K/L, Cesa-Bianchi and Lugosi (2006, Theorem 2. [sent-844, score-0.196]

91 3) prove the stronger bound √ k LN ≤ min LN + L 2N ln K + L k=1,. [sent-845, score-0.225]

92 Moreover, the WkAA violates the bound for Algorithm 1 for all reasonable values of c on some natural subsets of the football data set: for example, when prediction starts from the second (2006/2007) season. [sent-850, score-0.278]

93 2468 P REDICTION W ITH E XPERT A DVICE F OR T HE B RIER G AME The loss bound for the HA is E LN ≤ 1 ∗ LN ln β + L ln K (31) 1−β (Freund and Schapire, 1997, Theorem 2), where E LN stands for Learner’s expected loss (the HA ∗ k is a randomized algorithm) and LN stands for mink=1,. [sent-852, score-0.523]

94 In the same framework, the strong aggregating algorithm attains the stronger bound E LN ≤ 1 ∗ LN ln β + L ln K (32) K K ln K+β−1 (Vovk, 1998, Example 7). [sent-856, score-0.703]

95 The losses suffered by the HA and the SAA-HA on our data sets are very close and violate Algorithm 1’s regret term ln K for all values of β. [sent-875, score-0.219]

96 It is interesting that, for both football and tennis data, the loss of the HA is almost minimized by setting its parameter β to 0 (the qualification “almost” is necessary only in the case of the tennis data). [sent-876, score-0.557]

97 The HA with β = 0 coincides with the Follow the Leader Algorithm (FLA), which chooses the same decision as the best (with the smallest loss up to now) expert; if there are several best experts (which almost never happens after the first step), their predictions are averaged with equal weights. [sent-877, score-0.187]

98 Its empirical performance on the football data set is not so bad: it violates the loss bound for Algorithm 1 only slightly; however, on the tennis data set the bound is violated badly. [sent-882, score-0.467]

99 The decent performance of the Follow the Leader Algorithm on the football data set suggests checking the empirical performance of other similarly naive algorithms, such as the following two. [sent-883, score-0.21]

100 The Bayes Mixture Algorithm (BMA) is the strong aggregating algorithm applied to the log loss function; this algorithm is in fact optimal, but not for the Brier loss function. [sent-885, score-0.188]

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[(0, 0.105), (1, -0.045), (2, -0.01), (3, 0.002), (4, -0.051), (5, 0.047), (6, -0.082), (7, 0.076), (8, -0.017), (9, 0.006), (10, 0.067), (11, -0.042), (12, -0.131), (13, 0.036), (14, -0.108), (15, 0.276), (16, 0.005), (17, -0.285), (18, -0.265), (19, -0.289), (20, 0.153), (21, 0.114), (22, 0.116), (23, 0.161), (24, 0.023), (25, 0.19), (26, -0.048), (27, 0.188), (28, 0.088), (29, 0.038), (30, 0.017), (31, -0.005), (32, -0.074), (33, -0.105), (34, 0.09), (35, 0.072), (36, -0.011), (37, -0.031), (38, 0.054), (39, 0.067), (40, 0.099), (41, -0.014), (42, -0.013), (43, -0.027), (44, -0.1), (45, 0.053), (46, 0.075), (47, 0.158), (48, -0.033), (49, -0.221)]

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