jmlr jmlr2009 jmlr2009-63 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

63 jmlr-2009-On Efficient Large Margin Semisupervised Learning: Method and Theory

Source: pdf

Author: Junhui Wang, Xiaotong Shen, Wei Pan

Abstract: In classification, semisupervised learning usually involves a large amount of unlabeled data with only a small number of labeled data. This imposes a great challenge in that it is difficult to achieve good classification performance through labeled data alone. To leverage unlabeled data for enhancing classification, this article introduces a large margin semisupervised learning method within the framework of regularization, based on an efficient margin loss for unlabeled data, which seeks efficient extraction of the information from unlabeled data for estimating the Bayes decision boundary for classification. For implementation, an iterative scheme is derived through conditional expectations. Finally, theoretical and numerical analyses are conducted, in addition to an application to gene function prediction. They suggest that the proposed method enables to recover the performance of its supervised counterpart based on complete data in rates of convergence, when possible. Keywords: difference convex programming, classification, nonconvex minimization, regularization, support vectors

Reference: text

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1 EDU Division of Biostatistics University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA Editor: John Shawe-Taylor Abstract In classification, semisupervised learning usually involves a large amount of unlabeled data with only a small number of labeled data. [sent-7, score-0.536]

2 They suggest that the proposed method enables to recover the performance of its supervised counterpart based on complete data in rates of convergence, when possible. [sent-12, score-0.12]

3 Introduction Semisupervised learning occurs in classification, where only a small number of labeled data is available with a large amount of unlabeled data, because of the difficulty of labeling. [sent-14, score-0.275]

4 WANG , S HEN AND PAN situations as such, the primary goal is to leverage unlabeled data to enhance predictive performance of classification (Zhu, 2005). [sent-21, score-0.197]

5 In semisupervised learning, labeled data {(xi , yi )nl } are sampled from an unknown distribution i=1 P(x, y), together with an independent unlabeled sample {x j }n l +1 from its marginal distribution j=n q(x). [sent-22, score-0.562]

6 Here label yi ∈ {−1, 1}, xi = (xi1 , · · · , xid ) is an d-dimensional input, nl ≪ nu and n = nl + nu is the combined size of labeled and unlabeled samples. [sent-23, score-1.343]

7 This article develops a large margin semisupervised learning method, which aims to extract the information from unlabeled data for estimating the Bayes decision boundary. [sent-32, score-0.632]

8 This is achieved by constructing an efficient loss for unlabeled data with regard to reconstruction of the Bayes decision boundary and by incorporating some knowledge from an estimate of p. [sent-33, score-0.281]

9 This permits efficient use of unlabeled data for accurate estimation of the Bayes decision boundary thus enhancing the classification performance based on labeled data alone. [sent-34, score-0.323]

10 The proposed method, using both the grouping (clustering) structure of unlabeled data and the smoothness structure of p, is designed to recover the classification performance based on complete data without missing labels, when possible. [sent-35, score-0.308]

11 That is, given a consistent initial classifier, an iterative improvement can be obtained through the constructed loss function. [sent-37, score-0.157]

12 Numerical analysis indicates that the proposed method performs well against several state-of-theart semisupervised methods, including TSVM and Wang and Shen (2007), where Wang and Shen (2007) compares favorably against several smooth and clustering based semisupervised methods. [sent-38, score-0.617]

13 The theory reveals that the ψ-learning classifier’s generalization performance based on complete data can be recovered by its semisupervised counterpart based on incomplete data in rates of convergence, when some regularity assumptions are satisfied. [sent-40, score-0.336]

14 The theory also says that the least favorable situation for a semisupervised problem occurs at points near p(x) = 0 or 1 because little information can be provided by these points for reconstructing the classification boundary as discussed in Section 2. [sent-41, score-0.391]

15 In conclusion, this semisupervised method achieves the desired objective of delivering higher generalization performance. [sent-45, score-0.261]

16 This article also examines one novel application in gene function prediction, which has been a primary focus of biomedical research. [sent-46, score-0.11]

17 In gene function prediction, microarray gene expression profiles can be used to predict gene functions, because genes sharing the same function tend to co720 E FFICIENT L ARGE M ARGIN S EMISUPERVISED L EARNING express, see Zhou, Kao and Wong (2002). [sent-47, score-0.292]

18 Therefore, gene function prediction is an ideal application for semisupervised methods and also employed in this article as a real numerical example. [sent-51, score-0.41]

19 Methodology In this section, we present our proposed efficient large margin semisupervised learning method as well its connection to other existing popular methodologies. [sent-59, score-0.348]

20 1 Large Margin Classification Consider large margin classification with labeled data (xi , yi )nl . [sent-61, score-0.165]

21 In linear classification, given a i=1 class of candidate decision functions F , a cost function nl C ∑ L(yi f (xi )) + J( f ) (1) i=1 is minimized over f ∈ F = { f (x) = wT x + w f ,0 ≡ (1, xT )w f } to yield the minimizer fˆ leading to ˜f ˆ). [sent-62, score-0.437]

22 Here J( f ) is the reciprocal of the geometric margin of various form with the usual classifier sign( f L2 margin J( f ) = w f 2 /2 to be discussed in further detail, and L(·) is a margin loss defined by ˜ functional margin z = y f (x), and C > 0 is a regularization parameter. [sent-63, score-0.384]

23 A margin loss L(z) is said to be large margin if L(z) is non-increasing in z, penalizing small margin values. [sent-70, score-0.297]

24 5 being a global minimizer of the generalization error GE( f ) = EI(Y = sign( f (X))), which is usually estimated by labeled data through L(·) in (1). [sent-77, score-0.103]

25 In absence of sufficient labeled data, the focus is on how to improve (1) by using additional unlabeled data. [sent-78, score-0.275]

26 For this, we construct a margin loss U to measure the performance of estimating f¯. [sent-79, score-0.123]

27 Lemma 1 (Optimal loss) For any margin loss L(z), argmin E(L(Y f (X)) − T ( f (X)))2 = E(L(Y f (X))|X = x) = U( f (x)), T where U( f (x)) = p(x)L( f (x)) + (1 − p(x))L(− f (x)) and p(x) = P(Y = 1|X = x). [sent-83, score-0.123]

28 ˆ Based on Lemma 1, we define U( f ) to be p(x)L( f (x)) + (1 − p(x))L(− f (x)) by replacing p in ˆ ˆ ˆ f ) approximates the ideal loss U( f ) for reconstructing the Bayes decision U( f ) by p. [sent-85, score-0.118]

29 Through (approximately) optimal loss U( f ), an iterative improvement of estimation accuracy is achieved by starting with a consistent estimate ˆ p of p, which, for instance, can be obtained through SVM or TSVM. [sent-89, score-0.112]

30 The preceding discussion leads to our proposed cost function: nl s( f ) = C n−1 ∑ L(yi f (xi )) + n−1 u l i=1 n ∑ ˆ U( f (x j )) + J( f ). [sent-95, score-0.437]

31 By comparison, U( f ) enables not only to identify the clustering boundary through the hat function as L(| f |) does but also to discriminate f (x) from − f (x) through an estimated p(x). [sent-105, score-0.168]

32 5, and vice versa, That is, U( ˆ whereas L(| f |) is in-discriminative with regard to the sign of f (x). [sent-107, score-0.169]

33 There U( f ) favors one clustering boundary for classification if a consistent p is provided, whereas L(| f |) fails to disˆ criminate these two. [sent-110, score-0.143]

34 ˆ In conclusion, U( f ) yields a more efficient loss for a semisupervised problem as it uses the clustering information from the unlabeled data as L(| f |) does, in addition to guidance about labeling through p to gain a higher discriminative power. [sent-113, score-0.589]

35 Computation In this section, we implement the proposed semisupervised method through an iterative scheme as well as a nonconvex optimization technique. [sent-115, score-0.357]

36 1, respectively, to f ˆ which are a more general version of the clustering assumption and a smoothness assumption of p. [sent-121, score-0.253]

37 In other words, the marginal information from unlabeled data has been effectively incorporated in each iteration of Algorithm 1 for improving estimation accuracy of fˆ and p. [sent-122, score-0.223]

38 Train weighted margin classifiers fˆπt by solving min Cn−1 (1 − πt ) f ∈F ∑ L(yi f (xi )) + πt ∑ yi =1 L(yi f (xi )) + J( f ), yi =−1 with 1 − πt associated with positive instances and πt associated with negative instances. [sent-130, score-0.152]

39 Algorithm 1 also differs from Yarowsky’s algorithm (Yarowsky, 1995; Abney, 2004) in that Yarowsky’s algorithm solely relies on the strength of the estimated p, ignoring the potential ˆ information from the clustering assumption. [sent-156, score-0.12]

40 Most importantly, the smoothness and clustering assumptions have been used in estimating p, and thus semisupervised learning. [sent-160, score-0.438]

41 2 Nonconvex Minimization This section develops a nonconvex minimization method based on DC programming (An and Tao, 1997) for (2) with the ψ-loss, which was previously employed in Liu, Shen and Wong (2005) for supervised ψ-learning. [sent-165, score-0.153]

42 They are SVM (with labeled data alone), TSVM (TSVMDCA ; Wang, Shen and Pan, 2007) , and the methods of Wang and Shen (2007) with the hinge loss (SSVM) and with the ψloss (SPSI), where SSVM and SPSI compare favorably against their competitors. [sent-207, score-0.114]

43 Corresponding to these methods, our method, with m = n1/2 and ε = 10−3 , yields four semisupervised classifiers denoted as ESVM, ETSVM, ESSVM and ESPSI. [sent-208, score-0.261]

44 1 S IMULATED E XAMPLES Examples 1 and 2 are taken from Wang and Shen (2007), where 200 and 800 labeled instances are randomly selected for training and testing. [sent-211, score-0.116]

45 Instances in WBC, PIMA, HEART, and MUSHROOM are randomly divided into two halves with 10 labeled and 190 unlabeled instances for training, and the remaining 400 for testing. [sent-222, score-0.313]

46 Instances in SPAM are randomly divided into halves with 20 labeled and 380 unlabeled instances for training, and the remaining instances for testing. [sent-223, score-0.351]

47 html, with 10 labeled and 390 unlabeled instances while no instance for testing. [sent-229, score-0.313]

48 An averaged error rate over the unlabeled set is used in BCI example to approximate the test error. [sent-230, score-0.228]

49 SVMc denotes the performance of SVM with complete labeled data. [sent-423, score-0.107]

50 This is the case for ESVM with linear kernel in SPAM, where ESVM performs worse than SVM with nl = 10 labeled data alone. [sent-610, score-0.546]

51 This suggests that a better initial estimate should be used together with unlabeled data. [sent-611, score-0.242]

52 Moreover, ESPSI nearly recovers the classification performance of its counterpart SVM with complete labeled data in the two simulated examples, WBC and HEART. [sent-613, score-0.179]

53 2 Gene Function Prediction Through Expression Profiles This section applies the proposed method to predict gene functions through gene data in Hughes et al. [sent-615, score-0.154]

54 The error rate is computed on the unlabeled data and averaged over twelve splits. [sent-618, score-0.228]

55 In this case almost half of the genes have unknown functions although gene expression profiles are available for almost the entire yeast genome. [sent-622, score-0.168]

56 The goal is to predict gene functional categories for genes annotated within these two categories by training our semisupervised classifier on expression profiles of genes, where some genes are treated as if their functions are unknown to mimic the semisupervised scenario in complete dataset. [sent-626, score-0.75]

57 The training set involves a random sample of nl = 20 labeled and nu = 380 unlabeled gene profiles, while the testing set contains 280 remaining profiles. [sent-629, score-0.886]

58 5% Table 3: Averaged test errors as well as estimated standard errors (in parenthesis) of ESVM, ETSVM, ESSVM, ESPSI, and their initial counterparts, over 100 pairs of training and testing samples, in gene function prediction. [sent-672, score-0.147]

59 Here I stands for an initial classifier, E stands for our proposed method with the initial method, and the amount of improvement is defined in (6). [sent-673, score-0.124]

60 Statistical Learning Theory In the literature, several theories have been developed to understand the problem of semisupervised learning, including Rigollet (2007) and Singh, Nowak and Zhu (2008). [sent-678, score-0.261]

61 Both the theories rely on a different clustering assumption that homogeneous labels are assumed over local clusters. [sent-679, score-0.133]

62 Based on the original clustering assumption, as well as a smoothness assumption on the conditional probability p(x), this section develops a novel statistical learning theory. [sent-680, score-0.269]

63 5 ) are expressed in terms of complexity of the candidate class F , the (0) sample size n, tuning parameter λ = (nC)−1 , the error rate of the initial classifier δn , and the maximum number of iteration K in Algorithm 1. [sent-688, score-0.108]

64 The results imply that ESPSI, without knowing labels of the unlabeled data, enables to recover the classification accuracy of ψ-learning based on complete data under regularity conditions. [sent-689, score-0.226]

65 Define the margin loss Vπ ( f , Z) for unequal cost classification to be Sπ (y)L(y f (x)), with cost 0 < π < 1 for the positive class and Sπ (y) = 1 − π if y = 1, and π otherwise. [sent-692, score-0.172]

66 5 )≤δ} sup { f ∈F :eVπ ( f , f¯π )≤δ} sup { f ∈F :eVπ ( f , f¯π )≤δ} e( f , f¯. [sent-700, score-0.118]

67 (9) Assumption B describes local smoothness of the Bayesian regret e( f , f¯. [sent-702, score-0.119]

68 5 {βπ } as β and γ respectively, where β quantifies the clustering assumption through the degree to which the positive and negative clusters are distinguishable, and γ measures the conversion rate between the classification and probability estimation accuracies. [sent-709, score-0.164]

69 Given any ε > 0, denote {( frl , fru )}R as an ε-bracketing function r=1 set of F if for any f ∈ F , there exists an r such that frl ≤ f ≤ fru and frl − fru 2 ≤ ε; r = 1, · · · , R. [sent-711, score-0.258]

70 5 ), where the parameter B measures the level of difficulty of a semisupervised problem, with small value of B indicating more difficulty. [sent-736, score-0.261]

71 In fact, α, β and γ quantify the local smoothness of the Bayesian regret e( f , f¯. [sent-738, score-0.119]

72 Next, by letting nl , nu tending infinity, we obtain the rates of convergence of ESPSI in terms of the error rate δ2α of its supervised counterpart ψ-learning based on complete data, and the initial n (0) error rate δn , B, and the maximum number K of iteration. [sent-740, score-0.761]

73 Corollary 4 Under the assumptions of Theorem 3, as nu , nl → ∞, (0) K |e( fˆC , f¯. [sent-741, score-0.534]

74 5 ) ≥ 2a11 ρn (δn )2 → 0, with any (0) slow varying sequence ρn → ∞ and ρn δn → 0, and the tuning parameter λ is chosen such that ∗ ∗ n(λJπ )max(1,2−ζ) and nl (λJ. [sent-745, score-0.469]

75 When B > 1, ESPSI achieves the convergence rate δ2α of its supervised counterpart ψ-learning based on complete data, c. [sent-748, score-0.151]

76 Corollary 5 (Optimality) Under the assumptions of Corollary 4, as nu , nl → ∞, ˆ sup U( f ) −U( f ) f ∈F = O p max(δβγ , (ρn δn )βγ max(1,B ) ) , n (0) 1 K ˆ where U( f ) is estimated U( f ) loss with p estimated based on fˆC . [sent-757, score-0.679]

77 ˆ To argue that the approximation error rate of U( f ) to U( f ) is sufficiently small, note that fˆC obtained from minimizing (2) recovers the classification error rate of its supervised counterpart based on complete data, as suggested by Corollary 4. [sent-758, score-0.208]

78 In conclusion, ESPSI, without knowing label values of unlabeled instances, enables to reconstruct the classification and estimation performance of ψ-learning based on complete data in rates of convergence, when possible. [sent-760, score-0.226]

79 In all cases, ESPSI (nearly) achieves the generalization error rates of ψ-learning for complete data when unlabeled data provides useful information, and yields no worse performance then its initial classifier otherwise. [sent-763, score-0.271]

80 It is evident that the clustering assumption (Assumption B) is met since the neighborhood of f. [sent-769, score-0.17]

81 5 (x) has low density as showed in the left panel of Figure 3, and the smoothness assumption (Assumption D) and the boundedness assumption of p(x) (Assumption E) are met as well since p(x) is a hyperplane bounded by (0. [sent-770, score-0.195]

82 (0) For ESPSI fˆC , we choose δn = n−1 log nl , the convergence rate of supervised linear ψ-learning, l ρn → ∞ to be an arbitrarily slow sequence and C = O((log n)−1 ). [sent-778, score-0.551]

83 5 )| = O(max(n−1 log n, (n−1 (log nl )2 )max(1,2B ) )), with B = 2κ2(1+κ1 ) 2 ) . [sent-780, score-0.475]

84 (0) Similarly, we choose δn = n−1 (log nl )3 to be the convergence rate of supervised ψ-learning l with Gaussian kernel, ρn → ∞ to be an arbitrarily slow sequence and C = O((log n)−3 ). [sent-789, score-0.513]

85 5 )| = O(max((n−1 (log nl )3 )max(1,2B ) , n−1 (log n)3 )) = O(n−1 (log n)3 ) when κ1 + 1 > l 2κ2 (1 + κ2 ) and K is sufficiently large, and O(n−1 (log nl )3 ) otherwise. [sent-791, score-0.874]

86 Summary This article introduces a large margin semisupervised learning method through an iterative scheme based on an efficient loss for unlabeled data. [sent-794, score-0.656]

87 In contrast to most methods assuming a relationship between the conditional and the marginal distributions, the proposed method integrates labeled and unlabeled data through using the clustering structure of unlabeled data as well as the smoothness structure of the estimated p. [sent-795, score-0.7]

88 The theoretical and numerical results suggest that the method compares favorably against top competitors, and achieves the desired goal of reconstructing the classification performance of its supervised counterpart on complete labeled data. [sent-796, score-0.241]

89 One critical issue is how to use unlabeled data to enhance the accuracy of estimating the generalization error so that adaptive tuning is possible. [sent-798, score-0.229]

90 In this proof, we denote labeled and unlabeled samples by {(Xi ,Yi )}nl and {X j }n l +1 to indicate that they are all random variables. [sent-815, score-0.275]

91 j=n i=1 Step 1: First we bound the probability of the percentage of wrongly labeled unlabeled instances by sign( fˆ(k) ) by the tail probability of eV. [sent-816, score-0.313]

92 5 (X j )); nl + 1 ≤ j ≤ n} to be the set of unlabeled data that are wrongly labeled by sign( fˆ(k) ), n with n f = #{D f } being its cardinality. [sent-820, score-0.712]

93 According to Markov’s inequality, the fact that E( nf ) = nu ˆ(k+1) ) − sign( f¯. [sent-821, score-0.194]

94 Let Vπ ( f , Z) = Vπ ( f , Z) + λJ( f ), and Z j = (X j ,Y j ) with ˆ(k) (X j )); nl + 1 ≤ j ≤ n. [sent-832, score-0.437]

95 n−1 ∑i∈D + ∑i∈D / f f (k) By the definition of fˆπ and (11), (k) P eVπ ( fˆπ , f¯π ) ≥ δ2 k nf (k) ≥ a1 (a11 ρ2 (δn )2 )β + n n nf 1 n ˜ ∗ (k) ˜ P∗ sup ∑ (Vπ ( fπ , Zi ) − Vπ ( f , Zi )) ≥ 0, ≤ a1 (a11 ρ2 (δn )2 )β n n Nk n i=1 ≤ P (k) ≤ P eV. [sent-834, score-0.253]

96 loss of generality, assume that 4sn < δk π π π π ∗ ) ≥ e ( f , f ∗ ) − n f E|V ( f , Z) − V ( f ∗ , Z) + V ( f , Z) − ¯π For the first moment, note that ∇( f , fπ Vπ π π π π n n ∗ ∗ ¯ ∗ ¯ Vπ ( fπ , Z)| ≥ eVπ ( f , fπ ) − 4 nf with Vπ ( f , z) = Sπ (−y)L(−y f (x)). [sent-841, score-0.133]

97 5 ( f (x)) = 1 (p(x)L( f (x)) + (1 − p(x))L(− f (x))) is 2 2 ˆ (k) ˆ the ideal loss for unlabeled data. [sent-872, score-0.272]

98 A framework for learning predictive structures from multiple tasks and unlabeled data. [sent-1070, score-0.197]

99 Text classification from labeled and unlabeled documents using EM. [sent-1247, score-0.275]

100 A probability analysis on the value of unlabeled data for classification problems. [sent-1369, score-0.197]

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same-paper 1 0.9316048 63 jmlr-2009-On Efficient Large Margin Semisupervised Learning: Method and Theory

Author: Junhui Wang, Xiaotong Shen, Wei Pan

Abstract: In classification, semisupervised learning usually involves a large amount of unlabeled data with only a small number of labeled data. This imposes a great challenge in that it is difficult to achieve good classification performance through labeled data alone. To leverage unlabeled data for enhancing classification, this article introduces a large margin semisupervised learning method within the framework of regularization, based on an efficient margin loss for unlabeled data, which seeks efficient extraction of the information from unlabeled data for estimating the Bayes decision boundary for classification. For implementation, an iterative scheme is derived through conditional expectations. Finally, theoretical and numerical analyses are conducted, in addition to an application to gene function prediction. They suggest that the proposed method enables to recover the performance of its supervised counterpart based on complete data in rates of convergence, when possible. Keywords: difference convex programming, classification, nonconvex minimization, regularization, support vectors

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Author: Christian Rieger, Barbara Zwicknagl

Abstract: We introduce a new technique for the analysis of kernel-based regression problems. The basic tools are sampling inequalities which apply to all machine learning problems involving penalty terms induced by kernels related to Sobolev spaces. They lead to explicit deterministic results concerning the worst case behaviour of ε- and ν-SVRs. Using these, we show how to adjust regularization parameters to get best possible approximation orders for regression. The results are illustrated by some numerical examples. Keywords: sampling inequality, radial basis functions, approximation theory, reproducing kernel Hilbert space, Sobolev space

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Author: Jean Hausser, Korbinian Strimmer

Abstract: We present a procedure for effective estimation of entropy and mutual information from smallsample data, and apply it to the problem of inferring high-dimensional gene association networks. SpeciÄ?Ĺš cally, we develop a James-Stein-type shrinkage estimator, resulting in a procedure that is highly efÄ?Ĺš cient statistically as well as computationally. Despite its simplicity, we show that it outperforms eight other entropy estimation procedures across a diverse range of sampling scenarios and data-generating models, even in cases of severe undersampling. We illustrate the approach by analyzing E. coli gene expression data and computing an entropy-based gene-association network from gene expression data. A computer program is available that implements the proposed shrinkage estimator. Keywords: entropy, shrinkage estimation, James-Stein estimator, “small n, large pâ€? setting, mutual information, gene association network

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Author: Wenxin Jiang

Abstract: The statistical learning theory of risk minimization depends heavily on probability bounds for uniform deviations of the empirical risks. Classical probability bounds using Hoeffding’s inequality cannot accommodate more general situations with unbounded loss and dependent data. The current paper introduces an inequality that extends Hoeffding’s inequality to handle these more general situations. We will apply this inequality to provide probability bounds for uniform deviations in a very general framework, which can involve discrete decision rules, unbounded loss, and a dependence structure that can be more general than either martingale or strong mixing. We will consider two examples with high dimensional predictors: autoregression (AR) with ℓ1 -loss, and ARX model with variable selection for sign classification, which uses both lagged responses and exogenous predictors. Keywords: dependence, empirical risk, probability bound, unbounded loss, uniform deviation

2 0.94195849 40 jmlr-2009-Identification of Recurrent Neural Networks by Bayesian Interrogation Techniques

Author: Barnabás Póczos, András Lőrincz

Abstract: We introduce novel online Bayesian methods for the identification of a family of noisy recurrent neural networks (RNNs). We present Bayesian active learning techniques for stimulus selection given past experiences. In particular, we consider the unknown parameters as stochastic variables and use A-optimality and D-optimality principles to choose optimal stimuli. We derive myopic cost functions in order to maximize the information gain concerning network parameters at each time step. We also derive the A-optimal and D-optimal estimations of the additive noise that perturbs the dynamical system of the RNN. Here we investigate myopic as well as non-myopic estimations, and study the problem of simultaneous estimation of both the system parameters and the noise. Employing conjugate priors our derivations remain approximation-free and give rise to simple update rules for the online learning of the parameters. The efficiency of our method is demonstrated for a number of selected cases, including the task of controlled independent component analysis. Keywords: active learning, system identification, online Bayesian learning, A-optimality, Doptimality, infomax control, optimal design

same-paper 3 0.92639303 63 jmlr-2009-On Efficient Large Margin Semisupervised Learning: Method and Theory

Author: Junhui Wang, Xiaotong Shen, Wei Pan

Abstract: In classification, semisupervised learning usually involves a large amount of unlabeled data with only a small number of labeled data. This imposes a great challenge in that it is difficult to achieve good classification performance through labeled data alone. To leverage unlabeled data for enhancing classification, this article introduces a large margin semisupervised learning method within the framework of regularization, based on an efficient margin loss for unlabeled data, which seeks efficient extraction of the information from unlabeled data for estimating the Bayes decision boundary for classification. For implementation, an iterative scheme is derived through conditional expectations. Finally, theoretical and numerical analyses are conducted, in addition to an application to gene function prediction. They suggest that the proposed method enables to recover the performance of its supervised counterpart based on complete data in rates of convergence, when possible. Keywords: difference convex programming, classification, nonconvex minimization, regularization, support vectors

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