cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-139 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Jing Yuan, Wu Qiu, Eranga Ukwatta, Martin Rajchl, Xue-Cheng Tai, Aaron Fenster
Abstract: Segmenting 3D endfiring transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) prostate images efficiently and accurately is of utmost importance for the planning and guiding 3D TRUS guided prostate biopsy. Poor image quality and imaging artifacts of 3D TRUS images often introduce a challenging task in computation to directly extract the 3D prostate surface. In this work, we propose a novel global optimization approach to delineate 3D prostate boundaries using its rotational resliced images around a specified axis, which properly enforces the inherent rotational symmetry of prostate shapes to jointly adjust a series of 2D slicewise segmentations in the global 3D sense. We show that the introduced challenging combinatorial optimization problem can be solved globally and exactly by means of convex relaxation. In this regard, we propose a novel coupled continuous max-flow model, which not only provides a powerful mathematical tool to analyze the proposed optimization problem but also amounts to a new and efficient duality-basedalgorithm. Ex- tensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-art methods in terms ofefficiency, accuracy, reliability and less user-interactions, and reduces the execution time by a factor of 100.
Reference: text
sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore
1 ca Abstract Segmenting 3D endfiring transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) prostate images efficiently and accurately is of utmost importance for the planning and guiding 3D TRUS guided prostate biopsy. [sent-5, score-1.663]
2 Poor image quality and imaging artifacts of 3D TRUS images often introduce a challenging task in computation to directly extract the 3D prostate surface. [sent-6, score-0.735]
3 We show that the introduced challenging combinatorial optimization problem can be solved globally and exactly by means of convex relaxation. [sent-8, score-0.152]
4 In this regard, we propose a novel coupled continuous max-flow model, which not only provides a powerful mathematical tool to analyze the proposed optimization problem but also amounts to a new and efficient duality-basedalgorithm. [sent-9, score-0.247]
5 Currently, 3D endfiring transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) is the most commonly used imaging modality for image-guided biopsy of PCa due to its real-time imaging capability, low cost and simplicity [15]. [sent-13, score-0.363]
6 However, poor TRUS image quality, such as US speckle, shadowing by calcifications, missing edges or texture similarities between the inner and outer regions of the prostate [22] etc, makes it challenging to implement an automated or semiautomated 3D prostate TRUS segmentation in practice. [sent-16, score-1.536]
7 Previous Approaches In general, the proposed automated or semi-automated approaches to 3D TRUS prostate segmentation can be summarized by two categories: the direct 3D segmentation methods and 3D resliced segmentation methods. [sent-19, score-1.146]
8 Essentially, most direct 3D segmentation methods [10, 17, 13, 9] propose to evolve an initialized 3D surface to the correct prostate boundaries, with or without optimized shape deformations, which worked well for the reported applications. [sent-20, score-0.803]
9 However, direct computation over the large 3D TRUS data volumes makes them significantly time-consuming; moreover, intensive user interactions are required to initialize and conduct such direct 3D segmentation approaches. [sent-21, score-0.095]
10 Especially, the rotational-resliced segmentation approaches, recently proposed in [8, 14], sever the input 3D TRUS image into n slices with equal angular spacing about the specified rotational scan axis, as illustrated in Fig. [sent-24, score-0.397]
11 1(a), and make use of the approximate rotational symmetry of prostate shapes around the given axis to assist the 3D prostate segmentation. [sent-25, score-1.631]
12 The 3D prostate surface is, therefore, reconstructed from all the extracted 2D contours. [sent-28, score-0.708]
13 We show that the introduced challenging combinatorial optimization problem can be globally optimized by means ofconvexrelaxation. [sent-33, score-0.103]
14 In addition, we introduce the novel coupled continuous maxflow model as the dual formulation of the given convex relaxed optimization problem. [sent-34, score-0.295]
15 With help of the new coupled continuous max-flow model, we prove the proposed combinatorial optimization problem can be solved globally and exactly. [sent-35, score-0.328]
16 Hence, the globally optimal segmentation of the n 2D slices w. [sent-36, score-0.325]
17 Meanwhile, we derive a new and efficient coupled continuous max-flow based algorithm by the modern convex optimization theory, which can be directly im- plemented on GPU for a substantial speed-up in computation. [sent-40, score-0.272]
18 Global Optimization to 3D Prostate TRUS Segmentation Let V be the input 3D prostate endfiring transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) image, which is resliced rotationally around a given axis to n 2D images S1 . [sent-45, score-1.135]
19 The ellipsoid-like shape of the prostate allows to specify the resliced rotation axis, such that the extracted prostate regions on every two adjacent slices are spatially consistent, namely the rotational symmetry prior. [sent-49, score-1.986]
20 In this section, we propose a novel and efficient global optimization approach to simultaneously extract the n prostate contours of the input slices S1 . [sent-50, score-0.919]
21 We show the proposed combinatorial optimization problem can be exactly and globally solved by convex relaxation; for which we introduce a new spatially continuous max-flow model and prove its equivalence to the convex relaxed optimization formulation under the perspective of primal and dual. [sent-54, score-0.363]
22 We demonstrate that the new spatially continuous max-flow model carries great advantages to the proposed 3D prostate TRUS segmentation approach in both optimization analysis and algorithmic scheme. [sent-55, score-0.939]
23 n, denote the prostate region of the 2D slice Si, and ui (x), i = 1. [sent-61, score-1.024]
24 n, be the labeling function of the prostate 222222111200 Figure 1. [sent-64, score-0.708]
25 n, can be formulated as the spatially continuous min-cut problem which minimizes the following energy function Ei(ui) := ? [sent-74, score-0.112]
26 n, two cost functions Cis (x) and Cit (x) are defined, which evaluate the costs to label the pixel x ∈ Si as the prostate region and background respectively; the weighted total-variation function measures the length of each region indicated ui(x) ∈ {0, 1}. [sent-83, score-0.708]
27 Rotational Symmetry Prior In this work, the n slices S1 . [sent-84, score-0.187]
28 Sn are simply aligned along the resliced rotation axis, such that the rotation axis vertically bisects each slice (see the white dot line in Fig. [sent-87, score-0.42]
29 We propose to enforce the rotational symmetry prior ofthe segmented prostate regions Ri, i = 1. [sent-89, score-0.888]
30 n, by penalizing the spatial inconsistence of the extracted regions within two neightbour slices (see Fig. [sent-92, score-0.187]
31 Specifically, we penalize the area difference of two adjacent prostate regions, i. [sent-99, score-0.739]
32 n − 1, (2) and the area difference of Rn and R1 within the last and first slices defined as πn(u) :=? [sent-105, score-0.187]
33 Optimization Formulation Now we propose to extract the 3D prostate surface from the input 3D image by segmenting the n 2D image slices while incorporating their rotational symmetry prior. [sent-108, score-1.115]
34 Convex Relaxation and Coupled Continuous Max-Flow Model In this study, we show that the proposed optimization problem (4) can be globally and exactly solved by its convex relaxation n n u1. [sent-117, score-0.167]
35 n (x) ∈ {0, 1} in (4) is replaced by its convex relaxation u1. [sent-124, score-0.1]
36 Hence, (5) amounts to a convex optimization problem for which a global optimum exists. [sent-128, score-0.134]
37 We now study the convex relaxation problem (5) under the primal and dual perspective of convex optimization. [sent-129, score-0.172]
38 We introduce the novel coupled continuous max-flow model and demonstrate that it is dual or equivalent to the studied convex minimization problem (5). [sent-130, score-0.271]
39 With help of the introduced coupled continuous max-flow model, we prove the computed global optimum of the convex relaxation problem (5) also solve its original combinatorial optimization problem (4) globally and exactly. [sent-131, score-0.465]
40 In addition, the coupled continuous max-flow model derives a new and efficient algorithm to (5) without directly tackling its challenging nonsmooth function terms, i. [sent-132, score-0.226]
41 Coupled Continuous Max-Flow Model We first introduce the new spatially continuous configuration of flows (as illustrated in Fig. [sent-137, score-0.178]
42 2 (a) and (b)), such that • For each image slice Si, i = 1. [sent-138, score-0.232]
43 • Between two adjacent slices Si and Si+1, i= 1. [sent-142, score-0.218]
44 n 1, we link x ∈ Si to the same pixel x ∈ Si+1 and there is a flow ri (x) streaming in both directions. [sent-145, score-0.139]
45 Between the last slice Sn and the first slice S1, we link the pixel x := (x1, x2) ∈ S1 to the pixel (L x1, x2) ∈ Sn and there is a flow rn (x) streaming in both directions. [sent-146, score-0.575]
46 2 (a) and (b)), we introduce the new coupled continuous max-flow model, which maximizes the total amount of flows streaming from the n sources s1 . [sent-148, score-0.307]
47 n ; (8) • Capacity constraints on coupled flows: |ri (x) | ≤ α , i = 1. [sent-159, score-0.106]
48 n ; (9) Flow conservation constraints: all the flows at each pixel of every slice are balanced, i. [sent-162, score-0.327]
49 (11) Primal and Dual Formulations Introduce the multiplier functions ui (x), i = 1. [sent-175, score-0.084]
50 the flow conservation conditions, we then have the equivalent primal-dual model of (6) such that • u1m. [sent-181, score-0.076]
51 The proposed coupled continuous max-flow model (6) is dual or equivalent to the convex relaxation problem (5), and also the primal-dual model (12), i. [sent-190, score-0.322]
52 Global and Exact Optimization of (4) With help of the coupled continuous max-flow model (6), we can prove Proposition 2. [sent-195, score-0.225]
53 un∗ (x)) ∈ [0, 1] be the global optimum of the convex relaxation problem (5), the thresholds uiγ (x) ∈ {0, 1}, i= 1. [sent-199, score-0.137]
54 2, we see that the global optimum of the challenging combinatorial optimization problem (4) can be achieved by thresholding the optimum of its convex relaxation (5) with any parameter γ ∈ [0, 1). [sent-212, score-0.234]
55 1, it is also easy to see that the optimum of such convex relaxation problem (5) is just given by the optimal multipliers to the corresponding flow conservation conditions (10)-(1 1). [sent-214, score-0.213]
56 Especially, we will see the new coupled continuous max-flow algorithm is efficient and successfully avoids directly tackling the non-smooth function terms of (5). [sent-219, score-0.199]
57 By means of the augmented Lagrangian algorithm, we propose the coupled continuous max-flow algorithm such that, at each k-th iteration, 1. [sent-229, score-0.199]
58 Maximize Lc(u, ps,t, q, r) over the source flows pis (x) Cis (x), i = 1. [sent-240, score-0.12]
59 Maximize Lc(u1,2, ps1,2 , , q1,2 , r) over the coupled flow field |r(x) | ≤ β by fixing (q1,2 ,ps1,2, and (u1,2)k, which gives rk+1 pt1,2)k+1 := a|rrg(xm)|≤aβx−2c? [sent-261, score-0.175]
60 Experiments and Results Settings: Twenty 3D endfiring TRUS prostate images were used to validate the proposed method. [sent-278, score-0.819]
61 These images were acquired with a rotational scanning 3D TRUSguided prostate biopsy system, which made use of a commercially available end-firing TRUS transducer (Philips, Bothell WA). [sent-279, score-0.914]
62 19 mm3, and was resliced rotationally to 30 2D slices with a reslicing step angle of 6◦. [sent-283, score-0.361]
63 1 (b)) was used to initialize the segmentation of the first slice by visually coinciding its center (red dot in Fig. [sent-285, score-0.327]
64 The mean shape was learned from twenty manually segmented 2D prostate transverse images, which were not used in the validation procedure. [sent-287, score-0.797]
65 Our segmentation method was evaluated using the following metrics by comparing our computation results to × manual segmentations: Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), the mean absolute surface distance (MAD) and maximum absolute surface distance (MAXD) [9]. [sent-288, score-0.127]
66 The proposed method, denoted by MGO, was also compared to other rotational-resliced segmentation methods: active contour based method (MAC) [8] and level set based method (MLS) [14]. [sent-289, score-0.141]
67 Shape Priors: In this study, a 2D statistical shape model, learned by principal component analysis (PCA) [7, 16, 18, 19] over a dataset with Nd samples, was introduced to facilitate segmenting the first slice, hence all the slices in turn. [sent-292, score-0.227]
68 foreground and background, estimated by sampled pixels in one slice or learned through the training data. [sent-303, score-0.232]
69 For the first slice S1, its two cost functions are updated as: ? [sent-304, score-0.232]
70 C˜t1(C˜x1s)(x =) C =1t C(xs1)( +x) w +1( w11 − u˜1˜ u(x1()xα)iT)αΣiTk1Σαk1iαi (20) where w1 > 0 is constant and u˜1 (x) is the labeling function of the segmentation of S1 from the previous iteration. [sent-305, score-0.095]
71 Accuracy: Careful initializations were required by the MAC and MLS methods, where four to eight points on the prostate boundary in the first slice were selected to construct the initial contour by the cardinal splines [8]. [sent-306, score-1.01]
72 3D prostate segmentation (green contour) by the proposed MGO method and manual segmentation (red contour): (a) transverse view; (b) sagittal view; (c) coronal view; (d) orthogonal view overlapped with the manual segmentation surface. [sent-323, score-1.241]
73 Reliability: It should be noted that the segmentation accuracy of the methods MAC and MLS relies on the segmentation accuracy of the first slice. [sent-325, score-0.19]
74 Segmentation errors appearing in one slice will be introduced to the segmentation of the next slice and so on, thereby larger errors can be accumulated to affect the segmentation of the 3D TRUS image. [sent-326, score-0.654]
75 In the experiments of MAC and MLS, the first slice and its initial contour should be carefully determined by the user in order to decrease the associated segmentation errors as much as possible. [sent-327, score-0.373]
76 However, due to poor image quality, it is still challenging to locate the correct prostate boundary in some cases based only on the information of a single slice, even incorporating some high-level interaction (initial boundary points). [sent-328, score-0.781]
77 For examples, when it appears that the overlapped area between the prostate and urethral entrance (the arrow shown in Fig. [sent-329, score-0.794]
78 4 (b)), it is hard to distinguish the correct prostate boundary even for radiologists without the image information about its neighboring slices. [sent-331, score-0.732]
79 4 shows the segmentation results of MAC and MLS with poor initialization: their segmentations of the first slice with the same initialization are illustrated in Fig. [sent-333, score-0.394]
80 With the result for the first slice, the segmentation accuracy for all slices, computed by MAC, decreases greatly with the progress of the propagation (blue curve in Fig. [sent-338, score-0.095]
81 In contrast, the proposed MGO approach makes use of the global rotational correlation between all adjacent slices, which jointly adjusts the segmentation of each slice in a global way, hence performs much more reliably with the poor image quality and initialization (green curves in Fig. [sent-342, score-0.498]
82 A prostate segmentation result from a 3D MR image. [sent-365, score-0.803]
83 Green boundary: algorithmic result, red boundary: manual segmentation result. [sent-366, score-0.127]
84 (a) transverse view; (b) sagittal view; (c) coronal view; (d) orthogonal view overlapped with the segmented surface. [sent-367, score-0.184]
85 1, the shortest computation time was required by the proposed method: the mean segmentation time was 0. [sent-373, score-0.095]
86 Application in 3D Prostate MRIs: We also applied the proposed method to segment 2 3D T2-weighted MR prostate images using a body coil, which were acquired at a size of 291 341 38 voxels with a voxel size of 0. [sent-381, score-0.729]
87 For simplicity, the rotational axis and first slice were manually determined in the transverse view. [sent-385, score-0.444]
88 5 shows that the segmentation boundary agrees well with the manual segmentation, even in the sagittal view (Fig. [sent-390, score-0.214]
89 Conclusions In this paper, we propose a novel global optimized resliced approach to the computationally challenging 3D endfiring TRUS prostate images by enforcing the inherent rotational symmetry of prostate shapes, which jointly seg- ments a series of 2D reslices in a global sense. [sent-394, score-1.86]
90 1 1 we proposed a novel coupled continuous max-flow model, which not only provides a powerful mathematical tool to analyze the proposed optimization problem but also directly derives a new and efficient duality-based algorithm in numerical practices. [sent-430, score-0.25]
91 A study on continuous max-flow and min-cut approaches part ii: Multiple lin- [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] early ordered labels. [sent-451, score-0.093]
92 MR imaging-guided prostate biopsy with a closed MR unit at 1. [sent-480, score-0.799]
93 Fast prostate segmentation in 3D TRUS images based on continuity constraint using an autoregressive model. [sent-504, score-0.803]
94 Design of a novel MRI compatible manipulator for image guided prostate interventions. [sent-550, score-0.737]
95 Evaluation of visualization of the prostate gland in vibro-elastography images. [sent-562, score-0.708]
96 Rotational-slice-based prostate segmentation using level set with shape constraint for 3d end-firing trus guided biopsy. [sent-571, score-1.153]
97 A shape-based approach to the segmentation of medical imagery using level sets. [sent-587, score-0.095]
98 Semiautomatic 3D prostate segmentation from TRUS images using spherical harmonics. [sent-601, score-0.803]
99 3d image segmentation of deformable objects with joint shape-intensity prior models using level sets. [sent-609, score-0.095]
100 Neighbor-constrained segmentation with level set based 3-d deformable models. [sent-617, score-0.095]
wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)
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simIndex simValue paperId paperTitle
same-paper 1 1.0 139 cvpr-2013-Efficient 3D Endfiring TRUS Prostate Segmentation with Globally Optimized Rotational Symmetry
Author: Jing Yuan, Wu Qiu, Eranga Ukwatta, Martin Rajchl, Xue-Cheng Tai, Aaron Fenster
Abstract: Segmenting 3D endfiring transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) prostate images efficiently and accurately is of utmost importance for the planning and guiding 3D TRUS guided prostate biopsy. Poor image quality and imaging artifacts of 3D TRUS images often introduce a challenging task in computation to directly extract the 3D prostate surface. In this work, we propose a novel global optimization approach to delineate 3D prostate boundaries using its rotational resliced images around a specified axis, which properly enforces the inherent rotational symmetry of prostate shapes to jointly adjust a series of 2D slicewise segmentations in the global 3D sense. We show that the introduced challenging combinatorial optimization problem can be solved globally and exactly by means of convex relaxation. In this regard, we propose a novel coupled continuous max-flow model, which not only provides a powerful mathematical tool to analyze the proposed optimization problem but also amounts to a new and efficient duality-basedalgorithm. Ex- tensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-art methods in terms ofefficiency, accuracy, reliability and less user-interactions, and reduces the execution time by a factor of 100.
2 0.61180723 342 cvpr-2013-Prostate Segmentation in CT Images via Spatial-Constrained Transductive Lasso
Author: Yinghuan Shi, Shu Liao, Yaozong Gao, Daoqiang Zhang, Yang Gao, Dinggang Shen
Abstract: Accurate prostate segmentation in CT images is a significant yet challenging task for image guided radiotherapy. In this paper, a novel semi-automated prostate segmentation method is presented. Specifically, to segment the prostate in the current treatment image, the physician first takes a few seconds to manually specify the first and last slices of the prostate in the image space. Then, the prostate is segmented automatically by theproposed two steps: (i) Thefirst step of prostate-likelihood estimation to predict the prostate likelihood for each voxel in the current treatment image, aiming to generate the 3-D prostate-likelihood map by the proposed Spatial-COnstrained Transductive LassO (SCOTO); (ii) The second step of multi-atlases based label fusion to generate the final segmentation result by using the prostate shape information obtained from the planning and previous treatment images. The experimental result shows that the proposed method outperforms several state-of-the-art methods on prostate segmentation in a real prostate CT dataset, consisting of 24 patients with 330 images. Moreover, it is also clinically feasible since our method just requires the physician to spend a few seconds on manual specification of the first and last slices of the prostate.
3 0.11123781 317 cvpr-2013-Optimal Geometric Fitting under the Truncated L2-Norm
Author: Erik Ask, Olof Enqvist, Fredrik Kahl
Abstract: This paper is concerned with model fitting in the presence of noise and outliers. Previously it has been shown that the number of outliers can be minimized with polynomial complexity in the number of measurements. This paper improves on these results in two ways. First, it is shown that for a large class of problems, the statistically more desirable truncated L2-norm can be optimized with the same complexity. Then, with the same methodology, it is shown how to transform multi-model fitting into a purely combinatorial problem—with worst-case complexity that is polynomial in the number of measurements, though exponential in the number of models. We apply our framework to a series of hard registration and stitching problems demonstrating that the approach is not only of theoretical interest. It gives a practical method for simultaneously dealing with measurement noise and large amounts of outliers for fitting problems with lowdimensional models.
4 0.089981005 54 cvpr-2013-BRDF Slices: Accurate Adaptive Anisotropic Appearance Acquisition
Author: Jirí Filip, Radomír Vávra, Michal Haindl, Pavel Žid, Mikuláš Krupika, Vlastimil Havran
Abstract: In this paper we introduce unique publicly available dense anisotropic BRDF data measurements. We use this dense data as a reference for performance evaluation of the proposed BRDF sparse angular sampling and interpolation approach. The method is based on sampling of BRDF subspaces at fixed elevations by means of several adaptively-represented, uniformly distributed, perpendicular slices. Although this proposed method requires only a sparse sampling of material, the interpolation provides a very accurate reconstruction, visually and computationally comparable to densely measured reference. Due to the simple slices measurement and method’s robustness it allows for a highly accurate acquisition of BRDFs. This in comparison with standard uniform angular sampling, is considerably faster yet uses far less samples.
5 0.081639245 33 cvpr-2013-Active Contours with Group Similarity
Author: Xiaowei Zhou, Xiaojie Huang, James S. Duncan, Weichuan Yu
Abstract: Active contours are widely used in image segmentation. To cope with missing or misleading features in images, researchers have introduced various ways to model the prior of shapes and use the prior to constrain active contours. However, the shape prior is usually learnt from a large set of annotated data, which is not always accessible in practice. Moreover, it is often doubted that the existing shapes in the training set will be sufficient to model the new instance in the testing image. In this paper, we propose to use the group similarity of object shapes in multiple images as a prior to aid segmentation, which can be interpreted as an unsupervised approach of shape prior modeling. We show that the rank of the matrix consisting of multiple shapes is a good measure of the group similarity of the shapes, and the nuclear norm minimization is a simple and effective way to impose the proposed constraint on existing active contour models. Moreover, we develop a fast algorithm to solve the proposed model by using the accelerated proximal method. Experiments using echocardiographic image sequences acquired from acute canine experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can consistently improve the performance of active contour models and increase the robustness against image defects such as missing boundaries.
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7 0.062493388 75 cvpr-2013-Calibrating Photometric Stereo by Holistic Reflectance Symmetry Analysis
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topicId topicWeight
[(0, 0.092), (1, 0.053), (2, 0.006), (3, 0.019), (4, 0.024), (5, -0.026), (6, 0.005), (7, -0.016), (8, -0.037), (9, 0.011), (10, 0.062), (11, 0.006), (12, -0.029), (13, -0.049), (14, 0.033), (15, 0.001), (16, 0.049), (17, -0.035), (18, 0.03), (19, 0.056), (20, -0.061), (21, 0.042), (22, -0.066), (23, -0.017), (24, 0.095), (25, 0.034), (26, -0.09), (27, -0.078), (28, 0.136), (29, -0.026), (30, -0.035), (31, 0.135), (32, -0.172), (33, 0.052), (34, 0.104), (35, -0.268), (36, 0.388), (37, 0.085), (38, -0.168), (39, 0.045), (40, -0.161), (41, -0.267), (42, 0.138), (43, -0.173), (44, 0.037), (45, 0.027), (46, -0.229), (47, 0.13), (48, 0.02), (49, -0.133)]
simIndex simValue paperId paperTitle
same-paper 1 0.93290949 139 cvpr-2013-Efficient 3D Endfiring TRUS Prostate Segmentation with Globally Optimized Rotational Symmetry
Author: Jing Yuan, Wu Qiu, Eranga Ukwatta, Martin Rajchl, Xue-Cheng Tai, Aaron Fenster
Abstract: Segmenting 3D endfiring transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) prostate images efficiently and accurately is of utmost importance for the planning and guiding 3D TRUS guided prostate biopsy. Poor image quality and imaging artifacts of 3D TRUS images often introduce a challenging task in computation to directly extract the 3D prostate surface. In this work, we propose a novel global optimization approach to delineate 3D prostate boundaries using its rotational resliced images around a specified axis, which properly enforces the inherent rotational symmetry of prostate shapes to jointly adjust a series of 2D slicewise segmentations in the global 3D sense. We show that the introduced challenging combinatorial optimization problem can be solved globally and exactly by means of convex relaxation. In this regard, we propose a novel coupled continuous max-flow model, which not only provides a powerful mathematical tool to analyze the proposed optimization problem but also amounts to a new and efficient duality-basedalgorithm. Ex- tensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-art methods in terms ofefficiency, accuracy, reliability and less user-interactions, and reduces the execution time by a factor of 100.
2 0.93280691 342 cvpr-2013-Prostate Segmentation in CT Images via Spatial-Constrained Transductive Lasso
Author: Yinghuan Shi, Shu Liao, Yaozong Gao, Daoqiang Zhang, Yang Gao, Dinggang Shen
Abstract: Accurate prostate segmentation in CT images is a significant yet challenging task for image guided radiotherapy. In this paper, a novel semi-automated prostate segmentation method is presented. Specifically, to segment the prostate in the current treatment image, the physician first takes a few seconds to manually specify the first and last slices of the prostate in the image space. Then, the prostate is segmented automatically by theproposed two steps: (i) Thefirst step of prostate-likelihood estimation to predict the prostate likelihood for each voxel in the current treatment image, aiming to generate the 3-D prostate-likelihood map by the proposed Spatial-COnstrained Transductive LassO (SCOTO); (ii) The second step of multi-atlases based label fusion to generate the final segmentation result by using the prostate shape information obtained from the planning and previous treatment images. The experimental result shows that the proposed method outperforms several state-of-the-art methods on prostate segmentation in a real prostate CT dataset, consisting of 24 patients with 330 images. Moreover, it is also clinically feasible since our method just requires the physician to spend a few seconds on manual specification of the first and last slices of the prostate.
3 0.42594725 20 cvpr-2013-A New Model and Simple Algorithms for Multi-label Mumford-Shah Problems
Author: Byung-Woo Hong, Zhaojin Lu, Ganesh Sundaramoorthi
Abstract: In this work, we address the multi-label Mumford-Shah problem, i.e., the problem of jointly estimating a partitioning of the domain of the image, and functions defined within regions of the partition. We create algorithms that are efficient, robust to undesirable local minima, and are easy-toimplement. Our algorithms are formulated by slightly modifying the underlying statistical model from which the multilabel Mumford-Shah functional is derived. The advantage of this statistical model is that the underlying variables: the labels and thefunctions are less coupled than in the original formulation, and the labels can be computed from the functions with more global updates. The resulting algorithms can be tuned to the desired level of locality of the solution: from fully global updates to more local updates. We demonstrate our algorithm on two applications: joint multi-label segmentation and denoising, and joint multi-label motion segmentation and flow estimation. We compare to the stateof-the-art in multi-label Mumford-Shah problems and show that we achieve more promising results.
4 0.34159482 317 cvpr-2013-Optimal Geometric Fitting under the Truncated L2-Norm
Author: Erik Ask, Olof Enqvist, Fredrik Kahl
Abstract: This paper is concerned with model fitting in the presence of noise and outliers. Previously it has been shown that the number of outliers can be minimized with polynomial complexity in the number of measurements. This paper improves on these results in two ways. First, it is shown that for a large class of problems, the statistically more desirable truncated L2-norm can be optimized with the same complexity. Then, with the same methodology, it is shown how to transform multi-model fitting into a purely combinatorial problem—with worst-case complexity that is polynomial in the number of measurements, though exponential in the number of models. We apply our framework to a series of hard registration and stitching problems demonstrating that the approach is not only of theoretical interest. It gives a practical method for simultaneously dealing with measurement noise and large amounts of outliers for fitting problems with lowdimensional models.
5 0.29043806 51 cvpr-2013-Auxiliary Cuts for General Classes of Higher Order Functionals
Author: Ismail Ben Ayed, Lena Gorelick, Yuri Boykov
Abstract: Several recent studies demonstrated that higher order (non-linear) functionals can yield outstanding performances in the contexts of segmentation, co-segmentation and tracking. In general, higher order functionals result in difficult problems that are not amenable to standard optimizers, and most of the existing works investigated particular forms of such functionals. In this study, we derive general bounds for a broad class of higher order functionals. By introducing auxiliary variables and invoking the Jensen ’s inequality as well as some convexity arguments, we prove that these bounds are auxiliary functionals for various non-linear terms, which include but are not limited to several affinity measures on the distributions or moments of segment appearance and shape, as well as soft constraints on segment volume. From these general-form bounds, we state various non-linear problems as the optimization of auxiliary functionals by graph cuts. The proposed bound optimizers are derivative-free, and consistently yield very steep functional decreases, thereby converging within a few graph cuts. We report several experiments on color and medical data, along with quantitative comparisons to stateof-the-art methods. The results demonstrate competitive performances of the proposed algorithms in regard to accuracy and convergence speed, and confirm their potential in various vision and medical applications.
6 0.27013919 171 cvpr-2013-Fast Trust Region for Segmentation
7 0.27005899 281 cvpr-2013-Measures and Meta-Measures for the Supervised Evaluation of Image Segmentation
8 0.25926578 190 cvpr-2013-Graph-Based Optimization with Tubularity Markov Tree for 3D Vessel Segmentation
10 0.24798289 145 cvpr-2013-Efficient Object Detection and Segmentation for Fine-Grained Recognition
11 0.24453488 54 cvpr-2013-BRDF Slices: Accurate Adaptive Anisotropic Appearance Acquisition
12 0.24424915 81 cvpr-2013-City-Scale Change Detection in Cadastral 3D Models Using Images
13 0.23219956 433 cvpr-2013-Top-Down Segmentation of Non-rigid Visual Objects Using Derivative-Based Search on Sparse Manifolds
15 0.21018414 41 cvpr-2013-An Iterated L1 Algorithm for Non-smooth Non-convex Optimization in Computer Vision
16 0.2075264 35 cvpr-2013-Adaptive Compressed Tomography Sensing
17 0.20745212 212 cvpr-2013-Image Segmentation by Cascaded Region Agglomeration
18 0.20180777 458 cvpr-2013-Voxel Cloud Connectivity Segmentation - Supervoxels for Point Clouds
19 0.19967791 437 cvpr-2013-Towards Fast and Accurate Segmentation
20 0.19950871 33 cvpr-2013-Active Contours with Group Similarity
topicId topicWeight
[(10, 0.079), (16, 0.021), (26, 0.021), (33, 0.206), (63, 0.03), (65, 0.355), (67, 0.033), (69, 0.046), (87, 0.083)]
simIndex simValue paperId paperTitle
1 0.78604698 435 cvpr-2013-Towards Contactless, Low-Cost and Accurate 3D Fingerprint Identification
Author: Ajay Kumar, Cyril Kwong
Abstract: In order to avail the benefits of higher user convenience, hygiene, and improved accuracy, contactless 3D fingerprint recognition techniques have recently been introduced. One of the key limitations of these emerging 3D fingerprint technologies to replace the conventional 2D fingerprint system is their bulk and high cost, which mainly results from the use of multiple imaging cameras or structured lighting employed in these systems. This paper details the development of a contactless 3D fingerprint identification system that uses only single camera. We develop a new representation of 3D finger surface features using Finger Surface Codes and illustrate its effectiveness in matching 3D fingerprints. Conventional minutiae representation is extended in 3D space to accurately match the recovered 3D minutiae. Multiple 2D fingerprint images (with varying illumination profile) acquired to build 3D fingerprints can themselves be used recover 2D features for further improving 3D fingerprint identification and has been illustrated in this paper. The experimental results are shown on a database of 240 client fingerprints and confirm the advantages of the single camera based 3D fingerprint identification.
same-paper 2 0.73440862 139 cvpr-2013-Efficient 3D Endfiring TRUS Prostate Segmentation with Globally Optimized Rotational Symmetry
Author: Jing Yuan, Wu Qiu, Eranga Ukwatta, Martin Rajchl, Xue-Cheng Tai, Aaron Fenster
Abstract: Segmenting 3D endfiring transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) prostate images efficiently and accurately is of utmost importance for the planning and guiding 3D TRUS guided prostate biopsy. Poor image quality and imaging artifacts of 3D TRUS images often introduce a challenging task in computation to directly extract the 3D prostate surface. In this work, we propose a novel global optimization approach to delineate 3D prostate boundaries using its rotational resliced images around a specified axis, which properly enforces the inherent rotational symmetry of prostate shapes to jointly adjust a series of 2D slicewise segmentations in the global 3D sense. We show that the introduced challenging combinatorial optimization problem can be solved globally and exactly by means of convex relaxation. In this regard, we propose a novel coupled continuous max-flow model, which not only provides a powerful mathematical tool to analyze the proposed optimization problem but also amounts to a new and efficient duality-basedalgorithm. Ex- tensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-art methods in terms ofefficiency, accuracy, reliability and less user-interactions, and reduces the execution time by a factor of 100.
3 0.71899396 176 cvpr-2013-Five Shades of Grey for Fast and Reliable Camera Pose Estimation
Author: Adam Herout, István Szentandrási, Michal Zachariáš, Markéta Dubská, Rudolf Kajan
Abstract: We introduce here an improved design of the Uniform Marker Fields and an algorithm for their fast and reliable detection. Our concept of the marker field is designed so that it can be detected and recognized for camera pose estimation: in various lighting conditions, under a severe perspective, while heavily occluded, and under a strong motion blur. Our marker field detection harnesses the fact that the edges within the marker field meet at two vanishing points and that the projected planar grid of squares can be defined by a detectable mathematical formalism. The modules of the grid are greyscale and the locations within the marker field are defined by the edges between the modules. The assumption that the marker field is planar allows for a very cheap and reliable camera pose estimation in the captured scene. The detection rates and accuracy are slightly better compared to state-of-the-art marker-based solutions. At the same time, and more importantly, our detector of the marker field is several times faster and the reliable real-time detection can be thus achieved on mobile and low-power devices. We show three targeted applications where theplanarity is assured and where thepresented marker field design and detection algorithm provide a reliable and extremely fast solution.
4 0.70123184 177 cvpr-2013-FrameBreak: Dramatic Image Extrapolation by Guided Shift-Maps
Author: Yinda Zhang, Jianxiong Xiao, James Hays, Ping Tan
Abstract: We significantly extrapolate the field of view of a photograph by learning from a roughly aligned, wide-angle guide image of the same scene category. Our method can extrapolate typical photos into complete panoramas. The extrapolation problem is formulated in the shift-map image synthesis framework. We analyze the self-similarity of the guide image to generate a set of allowable local transformations and apply them to the input image. Our guided shift-map method preserves to the scene layout of the guide image when extrapolating a photograph. While conventional shiftmap methods only support translations, this is not expressive enough to characterize the self-similarity of complex scenes. Therefore we additionally allow image transformations of rotation, scaling and reflection. To handle this in- crease in complexity, we introduce a hierarchical graph optimization method to choose the optimal transformation at each output pixel. We demonstrate our approach on a variety of indoor, outdoor, natural, and man-made scenes.
5 0.68389678 310 cvpr-2013-Object-Centric Anomaly Detection by Attribute-Based Reasoning
Author: Babak Saleh, Ali Farhadi, Ahmed Elgammal
Abstract: When describing images, humans tend not to talk about the obvious, but rather mention what they find interesting. We argue that abnormalities and deviations from typicalities are among the most important components that form what is worth mentioning. In this paper we introduce the abnormality detection as a recognition problem and show how to model typicalities and, consequently, meaningful deviations from prototypical properties of categories. Our model can recognize abnormalities and report the main reasons of any recognized abnormality. We also show that abnormality predictions can help image categorization. We introduce the abnormality detection dataset and show interesting results on how to reason about abnormalities.
6 0.64808655 80 cvpr-2013-Category Modeling from Just a Single Labeling: Use Depth Information to Guide the Learning of 2D Models
7 0.64613461 277 cvpr-2013-MODEC: Multimodal Decomposable Models for Human Pose Estimation
8 0.6448099 7 cvpr-2013-A Divide-and-Conquer Method for Scalable Low-Rank Latent Matrix Pursuit
9 0.563721 195 cvpr-2013-HDR Deghosting: How to Deal with Saturation?
10 0.56318879 467 cvpr-2013-Wide-Baseline Hair Capture Using Strand-Based Refinement
11 0.56196511 342 cvpr-2013-Prostate Segmentation in CT Images via Spatial-Constrained Transductive Lasso
12 0.56140053 313 cvpr-2013-Online Dominant and Anomalous Behavior Detection in Videos
13 0.56139839 52 cvpr-2013-Axially Symmetric 3D Pots Configuration System Using Axis of Symmetry and Break Curve
14 0.56055677 365 cvpr-2013-Robust Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Objects by Volumetric Mass Densities
15 0.56002593 74 cvpr-2013-CLAM: Coupled Localization and Mapping with Efficient Outlier Handling
16 0.55733776 61 cvpr-2013-Beyond Point Clouds: Scene Understanding by Reasoning Geometry and Physics
17 0.55663693 155 cvpr-2013-Exploiting the Power of Stereo Confidences
18 0.55633998 47 cvpr-2013-As-Projective-As-Possible Image Stitching with Moving DLT
19 0.55615133 242 cvpr-2013-Label Propagation from ImageNet to 3D Point Clouds
20 0.55576199 98 cvpr-2013-Cross-View Action Recognition via a Continuous Virtual Path