cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-33 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

33 cvpr-2013-Active Contours with Group Similarity

Source: pdf

Author: Xiaowei Zhou, Xiaojie Huang, James S. Duncan, Weichuan Yu

Abstract: Active contours are widely used in image segmentation. To cope with missing or misleading features in images, researchers have introduced various ways to model the prior of shapes and use the prior to constrain active contours. However, the shape prior is usually learnt from a large set of annotated data, which is not always accessible in practice. Moreover, it is often doubted that the existing shapes in the training set will be sufficient to model the new instance in the testing image. In this paper, we propose to use the group similarity of object shapes in multiple images as a prior to aid segmentation, which can be interpreted as an unsupervised approach of shape prior modeling. We show that the rank of the matrix consisting of multiple shapes is a good measure of the group similarity of the shapes, and the nuclear norm minimization is a simple and effective way to impose the proposed constraint on existing active contour models. Moreover, we develop a fast algorithm to solve the proposed model by using the accelerated proximal method. Experiments using echocardiographic image sequences acquired from acute canine experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can consistently improve the performance of active contour models and increase the robustness against image defects such as missing boundaries.

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Duncan‡, Weichuan Yu† † Department of ECE, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ‡ Image Analysis and Processing Group, Yale University Abstract Active contours are widely used in image segmentation. [sent-2, score-0.245]

2 To cope with missing or misleading features in images, researchers have introduced various ways to model the prior of shapes and use the prior to constrain active contours. [sent-3, score-0.866]

3 However, the shape prior is usually learnt from a large set of annotated data, which is not always accessible in practice. [sent-4, score-0.235]

4 Moreover, it is often doubted that the existing shapes in the training set will be sufficient to model the new instance in the testing image. [sent-5, score-0.264]

5 In this paper, we propose to use the group similarity of object shapes in multiple images as a prior to aid segmentation, which can be interpreted as an unsupervised approach of shape prior modeling. [sent-6, score-0.633]

6 We show that the rank of the matrix consisting of multiple shapes is a good measure of the group similarity of the shapes, and the nuclear norm minimization is a simple and effective way to impose the proposed constraint on existing active contour models. [sent-7, score-1.631]

7 Experiments using echocardiographic image sequences acquired from acute canine experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can consistently improve the performance of active contour models and increase the robustness against image defects such as missing boundaries. [sent-9, score-1.072]

8 Among various techniques, the active contour model is widely used. [sent-12, score-0.719]

9 A contour is evolved by minimizing certain energies to match the object boundary while preserving the smoothness of the contour [2]. [sent-13, score-0.736]

10 The active contour is usually represented by landmarks [18] or level sets [20, 8]. [sent-14, score-0.76]

11 A variety of image features have been used to guide the active contour, typically including image gradient [7, 3 1], region statistics [34, 8], color and texture [14]. [sent-15, score-0.391]

12 In real applications, the performance of the active contour model is prone to be corrupted by missing or misleading features. [sent-16, score-0.976]

13 For example, segmentation of the left ventricle in ultrasound images is still an unresolved problem due Figure1. [sent-17, score-0.442]

14 Theimagesinthe top row show the segmentation results of the region-based active contour applied on each image separately. [sent-19, score-0.809]

15 The images in the bottom row show the corresponding results with a group similarity constraint on the shapes, which makes the shapes consistent with each other and less affected by local misleading features. [sent-20, score-0.65]

16 This property is desired in many applications, such as segmentation of the left ventricle from a cardiac image sequence. [sent-21, score-0.364]

17 to the characteristic artefacts in ultrasound such as attenuation, speckle and signal dropout [23]. [sent-22, score-0.254]

18 To improve the robustness of active contours, the shape prior is often used. [sent-23, score-0.549]

19 The prior knowledge of the shape to be segmented is modeled based on a set of manually-annotated shapes to guide the segmentation. [sent-24, score-0.4]

20 In more recent works, the shape prior was applied by regularizing the distance from the active contour to the template in a level-set framework [10, 24, 9]. [sent-26, score-0.917]

21 Another category of methods popularly used for shape prior modeling is the active shape model or point distribution model [11]. [sent-27, score-0.699]

22 Briefly speaking, each shape is denoted by a vector and regarded as a point in the shape space. [sent-28, score-0.334]

23 During the segmentation of a new image, the candidate shape is constrained in the shape space [19, 29]. [sent-30, score-0.39]

24 Other extensions of the active shape 222999666977 model include manifold learning [15] and sparse representation [33], to name a few. [sent-32, score-0.501]

25 Previous methods for shape prior modeling require a large set of annotated data, which is not always accessible in practice. [sent-34, score-0.235]

26 It is often doubted that the existing shapes in the training set will be sufficient to model the object shape in a new image. [sent-36, score-0.414]

27 In this paper, we propose to use the similarity among object shapes as a prior for segmentation. [sent-37, score-0.346]

28 A practical application is the segmentation of cardiac images, where the shape of the left ventricle shall keep consistent throughout a cardiac cycle although it deforms globally due to the heart beating. [sent-38, score-0.704]

29 If the active contour is applied on each of them separately, the segmentation result will be affected by the misleading features. [sent-41, score-0.968]

30 Our results are presented in the bottom row, where the similarity among the object shapes is used as a constraint to make the active contours more robust. [sent-42, score-0.998]

31 We showed that the vectors representing a group of similar shapes would form a low-rank matrix, even if they are different with each other due to certain global coordinate transformation. [sent-44, score-0.291]

32 Based on the low-rank property of similar shapes, we proposed to use the nuclear norm (convex surrogate of rank) to regularize the group similarity of shapes in segmentation. [sent-46, score-0.678]

33 The regularizer could be conveniently integrated into existing active contour models. [sent-47, score-0.761]

34 The experiments showed that the proposed constraint made the active contour model better regularized and require fewer iterations to converge. [sent-50, score-0.898]

35 We applied the proposed method to ultrasound image segmentation and demonstrated that the groupsimilarity regularization could significantly improve the robustness of the active contour model. [sent-52, score-1.055]

36 Group similarity measure To apply a group similarity constraint to active contours, a proper similarity measure is desired. [sent-60, score-0.832]

37 Typically, the similarity between two contours is measured by calculating the distances between the corresponding points on the contours, and the group similarity can be measured by the sum of pairwise distances between contours. [sent-61, score-0.526]

38 The main drawback of this method is that the contour distance is not invariant under similarity transformation. [sent-62, score-0.464]

39 For example, two contours with identical shapes but different sizes may be regarded as dissimilar based on the distance between them, which is not desired in our task of segmenting the left ventricle. [sent-63, score-0.509]

40 Here, we propose to use the matrix rank to measure the group similarity of shapes. [sent-64, score-0.379]

41 For example, the rank equals to 1 if the shapes are identical, and the rank may increase if some shapes change. [sent-68, score-0.728]

42 Moreover, we can show that the shape matrix is still lowrank if the shape change is due to the similarity transforma- tion such as translation, scaling and rotation. [sent-69, score-0.428]

43 of the shape matrix describes the degree of freedom of the shape change. [sent-86, score-0.332]

44 The low-rank constraint will allow the global change of contours such as translation, scaling, rotation and principal deformation to fit the image data while truncating the local variation caused by image defects. [sent-87, score-0.38]

45 Energy function Given a sequence of images I1, · · · , In, we try to find a set of contours C1, · · · , Cn to segment Ithe object in these images. [sent-90, score-0.317]

46 wfih h(Ceri)e i Xs th =e energy o·f , an active contour model to evolve the co(nCtour in each frame, such as snake [18], geodesic active contour [7], and region-based models [34, 8]. [sent-93, score-1.531]

47 Since rank is a discrete operator which is both difficult to optimize and too rigid as a regularization method, we propose to use the following relaxed form as the objective function: n mXini? [sent-97, score-0.232]

48 (4) Here, rank(X) in (2) is replaced by the nuclear norm ? [sent-101, score-0.227]

49 As a tight convex surrogate to the rank operator [16], the nuclear norm has several good properties: Firstly, the convexity of the nuclear norm makes it possible to develop fast and convergent algorithms in optimization. [sent-109, score-0.688]

50 Secondly, the nuclear norm is a continuous function, which is important for a good regularizer in many applications. [sent-110, score-0.269]

51 For instance, in our problem, the small perturbation in the shapes may result in a large increase of rank(X), while ? [sent-111, score-0.202]

52 gives the curve evolution steps in typical active contour models. [sent-121, score-0.822]

53 g The intuition of our algorithm is that, at each iteration, we first evolve the active contours according to the imagebased forces and then impose the group similarity regularization via singular value thresholding. [sent-179, score-0.96]

54 Results In this section, we evaluate the proposed method on both synthesized data and ultrasound images. [sent-196, score-0.215]

55 To demonstrate the advantages of the group similarity constraint, we compare the results of the same active contour model before and after applying the proposed constraint. [sent-197, score-0.904]

56 We select the regionbased active contour in (3) as the basic model, which is less sensitive to initialization and has fewer parameters to tune compared with edge-based methods. [sent-198, score-0.748]

57 In our implementation, we initialize the active contours as X0 = [C0, · · · , C0], where C0 is a rough outline of the object placed manually ]i,n w an image. [sent-199, score-0.596]

58 β in (3) controls the smoothness of each contour, λ in (4) controls the group similarity of contours, and μ in (7) controls the step-length of curve evolution in each iteration. [sent-201, score-0.378]

59 The dark region in a heart shape is the object to be segmented, which has different sizes and positions in different images. [sent-208, score-0.203]

60 Our goal is to find the heart shapes in all images based on the prior that the shapes are similar to each other in these images. [sent-211, score-0.505]

61 As shown in Figure 2, our results with the shape similarity constraint are more robust against the local defects in images compared to the results without such constraint. [sent-212, score-0.405]

62 Ultrasound image segmentation We apply our method to five 2-D short-axis sequences of canine echocardiography. [sent-216, score-0.215]

63 The echocardiography segmentation is a very challenging problem due to various misleading features in ultrasound images. [sent-217, score-0.464]

64 For each panel, the top row and the bottom row present the results of region-based active contours without and with the proposed constraint, respectively. [sent-222, score-0.596]

65 Sequence information including the data size, the rank of output X, the number of iterations for the algorithm to stop, and the computational time. [sent-237, score-0.208]

66 The results of the region-based active contour without the proposed constraint are given in the top rows. [sent-242, score-0.823]

67 For example, in frames 7, 9 and 13 of sequence 1, the active contour fail- s to stop near the true endocardial border on the right due to the low contrast over there. [sent-244, score-0.891]

68 Moreover, the active contour is prone to be trapped by the misleading features, e. [sent-246, score-0.878]

69 the upper part of the contour in frame 1 of sequence 2 is attracted to the bright pattern in the blood pool. [sent-248, score-0.561]

70 Firstly, the contour shapes are globally consistent with each other throughout the sequence, which is attributed to the group similarity constraint. [sent-251, score-0.755]

71 Hence, the contours are more resistent to local misleading features. [sent-252, score-0.404]

72 For example, the segmented shapes in frame 1 and frame 13 of sequence 2 are largely different and the shape change is far away from the affine transformation. [sent-254, score-0.584]

73 Therefore, the region-based active contours cannot attach closely to the true boundary. [sent-257, score-0.596]

74 Quantitative evaluation of the segmentation results w/ and w/o the proposed constraint on the region-based active contours. [sent-289, score-0.545]

75 Let C1 and C2 be two contours to aben compared, cthoeenff MAD(C1,C2) =? [sent-295, score-0.245]

76 s (13) Here, d(p, C) is the minimum distance from point p to contour C, |C| represents the contour length, ΩC denotes the region ,in |sCi|de re pC,r e|ΩseCn |t means othnteo area onfg tthhe, region, and sup riendgiiocant eisn stihdee supremum. [sent-300, score-0.79]

77 This is due to the fact that part of the segmentation result is corrupted by the missing boundary while this error can be corrected by adding the shape constraint. [sent-310, score-0.338]

78 As shown in Table 2, the standard deviation with the proposed constraint is distinctly lower than that without the constraint, which shows the significance of the proposed constraint to improve the robustness of the active contour model. [sent-312, score-0.957]

79 Effect of λ The most important parameter in our method is the weight λ of the nuclear norm regularization in (4). [sent-315, score-0.258]

80 The larger λ is, the lower rank(X) will be, which makes the output contours more similar to each other. [sent-316, score-0.245]

81 Another alternative way is to choose a constant K specifying the degree of freedom allowed for shape variation and then solve the model with a decreasing sequence of λ until rank(X) reaches K. [sent-322, score-0.25]

82 The experiments showed that the algorithm with the shape constraint converged faster than that without shape constraint. [sent-328, score-0.404]

83 This can be explained by the fact that the added constraint will make the active contour model better regularized, which results in faster convergency and fewer iterations. [sent-329, score-0.852]

84 For instance, in the case of missing boundary, the active contour without the shape constraint may evolve further away from the ground truth and converge slowly, where we have to stop it manually after a number of iterations, e. [sent-330, score-1.132]

85 Discussion In this paper, we proposed a simple and effective way to regularize the group similarity of shapes in the active contour model based on low-rank modeling and rank minimization. [sent-338, score-1.299]

86 In the active shape model [11], a candidate shape is constrained in a shape space described by C(w) = C + Φw, where C is the mean shape, sΦc i sb a m byatr Cix(w w)it =h c Co l+um Φnws representing tdhieffe mreeantn smhoadpees, of shape variation, and w is a vector of coefficients. [sent-341, score-0.951]

87 Hence, the active shape model also admits a low-dimensional assumption, which is similar to our low-rank assumption. [sent-343, score-0.501]

88 The difference is that the shape space in the active shape model is constructed from offline training, while the low-rank model in our method is constructed unsupervisely along with the segmentation. [sent-344, score-0.651]

89 Another topic closely related to our work is shape analysis such as shape clustering [26, 25]. [sent-347, score-0.3]

90 The difference is that sample shapes are provided as inputs in shape analysis while they are the outputs of segmentation. [sent-348, score-0.352]

91 We use the landmarks to represent the contour instead of level sets. [sent-350, score-0.409]

92 For instance, if there are n contours represented by the zero-level sets of n signed distance functions (SDFs), and the contours are identical in shape but different in location, the matrix consisting of the vectorized SDFs has a rank of n, which is full-rank. [sent-352, score-0.862]

93 A limitation of using the shape similarity constraint is the possibility of removing frame-specific details of the shapes. [sent-355, score-0.35]

94 A possible solution in our problem is to refine the segmentation by running an active contour model that is more sensitive to local features with our results being both initialization and templates to constrain the curve evolution. [sent-357, score-0.873]

95 In this paper, we demonstrate the advantages of our method based on 2-D active contours. [sent-359, score-0.351]

96 Appendix All ultrasound images were acquired using an open chest canine preparation at the Yale Translational Research Imaging Center and the studies were performed with appropriate institutional approvals. [sent-369, score-0.361]

97 2D short-axis images were acquired at a frame rate of 122-149 fps using a Philips iE33 ultrasound system with X7-2 phased array transducer at a nominal frequency of 4. [sent-370, score-0.348]

98 Using prior shapes in geometric active contours in a variational framework. [sent-434, score-0.846]

99 Towards robust and effective shape modeling: Sparse shape composition. [sent-574, score-0.3]

100 Segmentation of the left ventricle from cardiac mr images using a subject-specific dynamical model. [sent-586, score-0.304]

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Author: Xiaowei Zhou, Xiaojie Huang, James S. Duncan, Weichuan Yu

Abstract: Active contours are widely used in image segmentation. To cope with missing or misleading features in images, researchers have introduced various ways to model the prior of shapes and use the prior to constrain active contours. However, the shape prior is usually learnt from a large set of annotated data, which is not always accessible in practice. Moreover, it is often doubted that the existing shapes in the training set will be sufficient to model the new instance in the testing image. In this paper, we propose to use the group similarity of object shapes in multiple images as a prior to aid segmentation, which can be interpreted as an unsupervised approach of shape prior modeling. We show that the rank of the matrix consisting of multiple shapes is a good measure of the group similarity of the shapes, and the nuclear norm minimization is a simple and effective way to impose the proposed constraint on existing active contour models. Moreover, we develop a fast algorithm to solve the proposed model by using the accelerated proximal method. Experiments using echocardiographic image sequences acquired from acute canine experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can consistently improve the performance of active contour models and increase the robustness against image defects such as missing boundaries.

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Author: Yansheng Ming, Hongdong Li, Xuming He

Abstract: This paper aims to extract salient closed contours from an image. For this vision task, both region segmentation cues (e.g. color/texture homogeneity) and boundary detection cues (e.g. local contrast, edge continuity and contour closure) play important and complementary roles. In this paper we show how to combine both cues in a unified framework. The main focus is given to how to maintain the consistency (compatibility) between the region cues and the boundary cues. To this ends, we introduce the use of winding number–a well-known concept in topology–as a powerful mathematical device. By this device, the region-boundary consistency is represented as a set of simple linear relationships. Our method is applied to the figure-ground segmentation problem. The experiments show clearly improved results.

3 0.7510094 222 cvpr-2013-Incorporating User Interaction and Topological Constraints within Contour Completion via Discrete Calculus

Author: Jia Xu, Maxwell D. Collins, Vikas Singh

Abstract: We study the problem of interactive segmentation and contour completion for multiple objects. The form of constraints our model incorporates are those coming from user scribbles (interior or exterior constraints) as well as information regarding the topology of the 2-D space after partitioning (number of closed contours desired). We discuss how concepts from discrete calculus and a simple identity using the Euler characteristic of a planar graph can be utilized to derive a practical algorithm for this problem. We also present specialized branch and bound methods for the case of single contour completion under such constraints. On an extensive dataset of ∼ 1000 images, our experimOenn tasn suggest vthea dt a assmetal ol fa m∼ou 1n0t0 of ismidaeg knowledge can give strong improvements over fully unsupervised contour completion methods. We show that by interpreting user indications topologically, user effort is substantially reduced.

4 0.67226774 437 cvpr-2013-Towards Fast and Accurate Segmentation

Author: Camillo Jose Taylor

Abstract: In this paper we explore approaches to accelerating segmentation and edge detection algorithms based on the gPb framework. The paper characterizes the performance of a simple but effective edge detection scheme which can be computed rapidly and offers performance that is competitive with the pB detector. The paper also describes an approach for computing a reduced order normalized cut that captures the essential features of the original problem but can be computed in less than half a second on a standard computing platform.

5 0.65553343 171 cvpr-2013-Fast Trust Region for Segmentation

Author: Lena Gorelick, Frank R. Schmidt, Yuri Boykov

Abstract: Trust region is a well-known general iterative approach to optimization which offers many advantages over standard gradient descent techniques. In particular, it allows more accurate nonlinear approximation models. In each iteration this approach computes a global optimum of a suitable approximation model within a fixed radius around the current solution, a.k.a. trust region. In general, this approach can be used only when some efficient constrained optimization algorithm is available for the selected nonlinear (more accurate) approximation model. In this paper we propose a Fast Trust Region (FTR) approach for optimization of segmentation energies with nonlinear regional terms, which are known to be challenging for existing algorithms. These energies include, but are not limited to, KL divergence and Bhattacharyya distance between the observed and the target appearance distributions, volume constraint on segment size, and shape prior constraint in a form of 퐿2 distance from target shape moments. Our method is 1-2 orders of magnitude faster than the existing state-of-the-art methods while converging to comparable or better solutions.

6 0.65031707 321 cvpr-2013-PDM-ENLOR: Learning Ensemble of Local PDM-Based Regressions

7 0.64476085 140 cvpr-2013-Efficient Color Boundary Detection with Color-Opponent Mechanisms

8 0.64011735 341 cvpr-2013-Procrustean Normal Distribution for Non-rigid Structure from Motion

9 0.63346571 72 cvpr-2013-Boundary Detection Benchmarking: Beyond F-Measures

10 0.61815339 105 cvpr-2013-Deep Learning Shape Priors for Object Segmentation

11 0.59458184 433 cvpr-2013-Top-Down Segmentation of Non-rigid Visual Objects Using Derivative-Based Search on Sparse Manifolds

12 0.56946415 306 cvpr-2013-Non-rigid Structure from Motion with Diffusion Maps Prior

13 0.56899881 113 cvpr-2013-Dense Variational Reconstruction of Non-rigid Surfaces from Monocular Video

14 0.55989885 71 cvpr-2013-Boundary Cues for 3D Object Shape Recovery

15 0.54228026 51 cvpr-2013-Auxiliary Cuts for General Classes of Higher Order Functionals

16 0.53266853 281 cvpr-2013-Measures and Meta-Measures for the Supervised Evaluation of Image Segmentation

17 0.50476146 31 cvpr-2013-Accurate and Robust Registration of Nonrigid Surface Using Hierarchical Statistical Shape Model

18 0.50024974 358 cvpr-2013-Robust Canonical Time Warping for the Alignment of Grossly Corrupted Sequences

19 0.49744451 96 cvpr-2013-Correlation Filters for Object Alignment

20 0.49629039 214 cvpr-2013-Image Understanding from Experts' Eyes by Modeling Perceptual Skill of Diagnostic Reasoning Processes

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1 0.94877821 467 cvpr-2013-Wide-Baseline Hair Capture Using Strand-Based Refinement

Author: Linjie Luo, Cha Zhang, Zhengyou Zhang, Szymon Rusinkiewicz

Abstract: We propose a novel algorithm to reconstruct the 3D geometry of human hairs in wide-baseline setups using strand-based refinement. The hair strands arefirst extracted in each 2D view, and projected onto the 3D visual hull for initialization. The 3D positions of these strands are then refined by optimizing an objective function that takes into account cross-view hair orientation consistency, the visual hull constraint and smoothness constraints defined at the strand, wisp and global levels. Based on the refined strands, the algorithm can reconstruct an approximate hair surface: experiments with synthetic hair models achieve an accuracy of ∼3mm. We also show real-world examples to demonsotfra ∼te3 mthme capability t soh capture full-head hamairp styles as mwoenll- as hair in motion with as few as 8 cameras.

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Author: Kilho Son, Eduardo B. Almeida, David B. Cooper

Abstract: Thispaper introduces a novel approachfor reassembling pot sherds found at archaeological excavation sites, for the purpose ofreconstructing claypots that had been made on a wheel. These pots and the sherds into which they have broken are axially symmetric. The reassembly process can be viewed as 3D puzzle solving or generalized cylinder learning from broken fragments. The estimation exploits both local and semi-global geometric structure, thus making it a fundamental problem of geometry estimation from noisy fragments in computer vision and pattern recognition. The data used are densely digitized 3D laser scans of each fragment’s outer surface. The proposed reassembly system is automatic and functions when the pile of available fragments is from one or multiple pots, and even when pieces are missing from any pot. The geometric structure used are curves on the pot along which the surface had broken and the silhouette of a pot with respect to an axis, called axisprofile curve (APC). For reassembling multiple pots with or without missing pieces, our algorithm estimates the APC from each fragment, then reassembles into configurations the ones having distinctive APC. Further growth of configurations is based on adding remaining fragments such that their APC and break curves are consistent with those of a configuration. The method is novel, more robust and handles the largest numbers of fragments to date.

3 0.91080338 74 cvpr-2013-CLAM: Coupled Localization and Mapping with Efficient Outlier Handling

Author: Jonathan Balzer, Stefano Soatto

Abstract: We describe a method to efficiently generate a model (map) of small-scale objects from video. The map encodes sparse geometry as well as coarse photometry, and could be used to initialize dense reconstruction schemes as well as to support recognition and localization of three-dimensional objects. Self-occlusions and the predominance of outliers present a challenge to existing online Structure From Motion and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping systems. We propose a unified inference criterion that encompasses map building and localization (object detection) relative to the map in a coupled fashion. We establish correspondence in a computationally efficient way without resorting to combinatorial matching or random-sampling techniques. Instead, we use a simpler M-estimator that exploits putative correspondence from tracking after photometric and topological validation. We have collected a new dataset to benchmark model building in the small scale, which we test our algorithm on in comparison to others. Although our system is significantly leaner than previous ones, it compares favorably to the state of the art in terms of accuracy and robustness.

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Abstract: We address action recognition in videos by modeling the spatial-temporal structures of human poses. We start by improving a state of the art method for estimating human joint locations from videos. More precisely, we obtain the K-best estimations output by the existing method and incorporate additional segmentation cues and temporal constraints to select the “best” one. Then we group the estimated joints into five body parts (e.g. the left arm) and apply data mining techniques to obtain a representation for the spatial-temporal structures of human actions. This representation captures the spatial configurations ofbodyparts in one frame (by spatial-part-sets) as well as the body part movements(by temporal-part-sets) which are characteristic of human actions. It is interpretable, compact, and also robust to errors on joint estimations. Experimental results first show that our approach is able to localize body joints more accurately than existing methods. Next we show that it outperforms state of the art action recognizers on the UCF sport, the Keck Gesture and the MSR-Action3D datasets.

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