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199 acl-2012-Topic Models for Dynamic Translation Model Adaptation

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Author: Vladimir Eidelman ; Jordan Boyd-Graber ; Philip Resnik

Abstract: We propose an approach that biases machine translation systems toward relevant translations based on topic-specific contexts, where topics are induced in an unsupervised way using topic models; this can be thought of as inducing subcorpora for adaptation without any human annotation. We use these topic distributions to compute topic-dependent lex- ical weighting probabilities and directly incorporate them into our translation model as features. Conditioning lexical probabilities on the topic biases translations toward topicrelevant output, resulting in significant improvements of up to 1 BLEU and 3 TER on Chinese to English translation over a strong baseline.

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Topic Models for Dynamic Translation Model Adaptation Vladimir Eidelman Computer Science and UMIACS University of Maryland College Park, MD vlad@ umi ac s . [sent-1, score-0.053]

2 edu Abstract We propose an approach that biases machine translation systems toward relevant translations based on topic-specific contexts, where topics are induced in an unsupervised way using topic models; this can be thought of as inducing subcorpora for adaptation without any human annotation. [sent-3, score-1.319]

3 We use these topic distributions to compute topic-dependent lex- ical weighting probabilities and directly incorporate them into our translation model as features. [sent-4, score-0.746]

4 Conditioning lexical probabilities on the topic biases translations toward topicrelevant output, resulting in significant improvements of up to 1 BLEU and 3 TER on Chinese to English translation over a strong baseline. [sent-5, score-0.883]

5 1 Introduction The performance of a statistical machine translation (SMT) system on a translation task depends largely on the suitability of the available parallel training data. [sent-6, score-0.355]

6 blogs) may vary widely in their lexical choices and stylistic preferences, and what may be preferable in a general setting, or in one domain, is not necessarily preferable in another domain. [sent-10, score-0.164]

7 Indeed, sometimes the domain can change the meaning of a phrase entirely. [sent-11, score-0.105]

8 In a food related context, the Chinese sentence “粉丝很多 ” (“f eˇnsi¯ heˇ ndu o¯”) would mean “They have a lot of vermicelli”; however, in an informal Internet conversation, this sentence would mean “They have a lot of fans”. [sent-12, score-0.136]

9 Without the broader context, it is impossible to determine the correct translation in otherwise identical sentences. [sent-13, score-0.161]

10 115 Jordan Boyd-Graber iSchool and UMIACS University of Maryland College Park, MD jbg@ umi ac s . [sent-14, score-0.053]

11 edu This problem has led to a substantial amount of recent work in trying to bias, or adapt, the translation model (TM) toward particular domains of interest (Axelrod et al. [sent-17, score-0.332]

12 1 The intuition behind TM adaptation is to increase the likelihood of selecting relevant phrases for translation. [sent-21, score-0.181]

13 (2009) introduced assigning a pair of binary features to each training sentence, indicating sentences’ genre and collection as a way to capture domains. [sent-23, score-0.189]

14 They then learn a mapping from these features to sentence weights, use the sentence weights to bias the model probability estimates and subsequently learn the model weights. [sent-24, score-0.323]

15 As sentence weights were found to be most beneficial for lexical weighting, Chiang et al. [sent-25, score-0.23]

16 (201 1) extends the same notion of conditioning on provenance (i. [sent-26, score-0.204]

17 , the origin of the text) by removing the separate mapping step, directly optimizing the weight of the genre and collection features by computing a separate word translation table for each feature, estimated from only those sentences that comprise that genre or collection. [sent-28, score-0.415]

18 A domain is typically a hard constraint that is externally imposed and hand labeled, such as genre or corpus collection. [sent-30, score-0.158]

19 For example, a sentence either comes from newswire, or weblog, but not both. [sent-31, score-0.068]

20 First, since a sentence contributes its counts only to the translation table for the source it came from, many word pairs will be unobserved for a given table. [sent-33, score-0.229]

21 Second, we may not know the (sub)corpora our training 1Language model adaptation is also prevalent but is not the focus of this work. [sent-35, score-0.14]

22 c so2c0ia1t2io Ans fso rc Ciatoiomnp fuotart Cio nmaplu Ltiantgiounisatlic Lsi,n pgaugiestsi1c 1s5–1 9, data come from; and even ifwe do, “subcorpus” may not be the most useful notion of domain for better translations. [sent-38, score-0.157]

23 We take a finer-grained, flexible, unsupervised approach for lexical weighting by domain. [sent-39, score-0.221]

24 We induce unsupervised domains from large corpora, and we incorporate soft, probabilistic domain membership into a translation model. [sent-40, score-0.361]

25 Unsupervised modeling of the training data produces naturally occurring subcorpora, generalizing beyond corpus and genre. [sent-41, score-0.039]

26 Depending on the model used to select subcorpora, we can bias our translation toward any arbitrary distinction. [sent-42, score-0.383]

27 This reduces the problem to identifying what automatically defined subsets of the training corpus may be beneficial for translation. [sent-43, score-0.053]

28 In this work, we consider the underlying latent topics of the documents (Blei et al. [sent-44, score-0.212]

29 Topic modeling has received some use in SMT, for instance Bilingual LSA adaptation (Tam et al. [sent-46, score-0.179]

30 , 2007), and the BiTAM model (Zhao and Xing, 2006), which uses a bilingual topic model for learning alignment. [sent-47, score-0.418]

31 In our case, by building a topic distribution for the source side of the training data, we abstract the notion of domain to include automatically derived subcorpora with probabilistic membership. [sent-48, score-0.694]

32 This topic model infers the topic distribution of a test set and biases sentence translations to appropriate topics. [sent-49, score-1.015]

33 We accomplish this by introducing topic dependent lexical probabilities directly as features in the translation model, and interpolating them log-linearly with our other features, thus allowing us to discriminatively optimize their weights on an arbitrary objective function. [sent-50, score-0.737]

34 Incorporating these features into our hierarchical phrase-based translation system significantly improved translation performance, by up to 1 BLEU and 3 TER over a strong Chinese to English baseline. [sent-51, score-0.322]

35 2 Model Description Lexical Weighting Lexical weighting features estimate the quality of a phrase pair by combining the lexical translation probabilities of the words in the phrase2 (Koehn et al. [sent-52, score-0.488]

36 Lexical conditional probabilities p(e|f) are obtained with maximum l pikroelbiahoboildit ieesstim p(eat|fes) f raroem o rbetlaaitnivede frequencies 2For hierarchical rules. [sent-54, score-0.046]

37 systems, these correspond to translation 116 c(f, e)/Pe c(f, e) . [sent-55, score-0.161]

38 Topic Modeling for MT We extend provenance to cover a set of automatically generated topics zn. [sent-61, score-0.266]

39 Given a parallel training corpus T composed of documents di, we build a source side topic model over T, which provides a topic distribution p(zn |di) for zn = {1, . [sent-62, score-1.19]

40 Then, we assign p(zn |di) to be the topic distribution for every sentence xj ∈ di, thus enforcing topic sharing across sentence pairs in the same document instead of treating them as unrelated. [sent-70, score-1.065]

41 Computing the topic distribution over a document and assigning it to the sentences serves to tie the sentences together in the document context. [sent-71, score-0.697]

42 The actual feature values we compute |wfi)ll, depend on Tthhee topic ld fiesatrtuibrueti voanlu uoefs t whee d coocmupmuetnet w we are translating. [sent-73, score-0.447]

43 For a test document V , we infer topic assignments on V , p(zn |V ), keeping the topics found from T fixed. [sent-74, score-0.686]

44 ight and the − topic distribution of the sentence from which we are extracting the phrase. [sent-80, score-0.517]

45 This allows us to bias the translation toward the topic of the sentence. [sent-82, score-0.76]

46 In many cases, document delineations may not be readily available for the training corpus. [sent-84, score-0.179]

47 Furthermore, a document may be too broad, covering too many disparate topics, to effectively bias the weights on a phrase level. [sent-85, score-0.295]

48 For this case, we also propose a local LDA model (LTM), which treats each sentence as a separate document. [sent-86, score-0.103]

49 Feature Representation After obtaining the topic conditional features, there are two ways to present them to the model. [sent-89, score-0.377]

50 They could answer the question F1: What is the probability under topic 1, topic 2, etc. [sent-90, score-0.788]

51 , or F2: What is the probability under the most probable topic, second most, etc. [sent-91, score-0.034]

52 A model using F1 learns whether a specific topic is useful for translation, i. [sent-92, score-0.377]

53 With F2, we 3The unadapted lexical weight p(e|f) is included in the modeTlh feea utunraedsa. [sent-95, score-0.062]

54 117 are learning how useful knowledge of the topic dis- f1 := p(argmaxzn(p(zn|V ))(e|f) tribution is, i. [sent-96, score-0.377]

55 Using F1, if we Vre )st)r|iVct ) our topics to have a oneto-one mapping with genre/collection4 we see that our method fully recovers Chiang (201 1). [sent-99, score-0.2]

56 F1 is appropriate for cross-domain adaptation when we have advance knowledge that the distribution of the tuning data will match the test data, as in Chiang (201 1), where they tune and test on web. [sent-100, score-0.252]

57 In general, we may not know what our data will be, so this will overfit the tuning set. [sent-101, score-0.04]

58 F2, however, is intuitively what we want, since we do not want to bias our system toward a specific distribution, but rather learn to utilize information from any topic distribution if it helps us create topic relevant translations. [sent-102, score-1.089]

59 Thus, F2 is the approach we use in our work, which allows us to tune our system weights toward having topic information be useful, not toward a specific distribution. [sent-104, score-0.656]

60 Since FBIS has document delineations, we compare local topic modeling (LTM) with modeling at the document level (GTM). [sent-107, score-0.661]

61 The second setting uses the non-UN and non-HK Hansards portions of the NIST training corpora with LTM only. [sent-108, score-0.077]

62 We trained a trigram LM on the English side of the corpus with an additional 150M words randomly selected from the nonNYT and non-LAT portions of the Gigaword v4 corpus using modified Kneser-Ney smoothing (Chen and Goodman, 1996). [sent-113, score-0.078]

63 , 4By having as many topics as genres/collections and setting p(zn |di) to 1 for every sentence in the collection and 0 to ev- erything else. [sent-115, score-0.273]

64 4M Table 1: Corpus statistics 2010) as our decoder, and tuned the parameters of the system to optimize BLEU (Papineni et al. [sent-121, score-0.044]

65 , 2002) on the NIST MT06 tuning corpus using the Margin Infused Relaxed Algorithm (MIRA) (Crammer et al. [sent-122, score-0.04]

66 Topic modeling was performed with Mallet (Mccallum, 2002), a standard implementation of LDA, using a Chinese stoplist and setting the per-document Dirichlet parameter α = 0. [sent-124, score-0.077]

67 This setting of was chosen to encourage sparse topic assignments, which make induced subdomains consistent within a document. [sent-126, score-0.456]

68 GTM models the latent topics at the document level, while LTM models each sentence as a separate document. [sent-128, score-0.418]

69 To evaluate the effect topic granularity would have on translation, we varied the number of latent topics in each model to be 5, 10, and 20. [sent-129, score-0.589]

70 Although the performance on BLEU for both the 20 topic models LTM-20 and GTM-20 is suboptimal, the TER improvement is better. [sent-134, score-0.377]

71 Interestingly, the difference in translation quality between capturing document coherence in GTM and modeling purely on the sentence level is not substantial. [sent-135, score-0.371]

72 Depending on the diversity of training corpus, a varying number of underlying topics may be appropriate. [sent-170, score-0.167]

73 4 Discussion and Conclusion Applying SMT to new domains requires techniques to inform our algorithms how best to adapt. [sent-172, score-0.055]

74 This paper extended the usual notion of domains to finergrained topic distributions induced in an unsupervised fashion. [sent-173, score-0.565]

75 We show that incorporating lexical weighting features conditioned on soft domain membership directly into our model is an effective strategy for dynamically biasing SMT towards relevant translations, as evidenced by significant performance gains. [sent-174, score-0.374]

76 We can construct a topic model once on the training data, and use it infer topics on any test set to adapt the translation model. [sent-176, score-0.744]

77 We can also incorporate large quantities of additional data (whether parallel or not) in the source language to infer better topics without relying on collection or genre annotations. [sent-177, score-0.298]

78 Multilingual topic models (Boyd-Graber and Resnik, 2010) would provide a technique to use data from multiple languages to ensure consistent topics. [sent-178, score-0.377]

79 Holistic sentiment analysis across languages: Multilingual supervised latent Dirichlet allocation. [sent-195, score-0.045]

80 An empirical study of smoothing techniques for language modeling. [sent-200, score-0.039]

81 cdec: A decoder, alignment, and learning framework for finitestate and context-free translation models. [sent-212, score-0.161]

82 Discriminative instance weighting for domain adaptation in statistical machine translation. [sent-220, score-0.331]

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Abstract: We propose an approach that biases machine translation systems toward relevant translations based on topic-specific contexts, where topics are induced in an unsupervised way using topic models; this can be thought of as inducing subcorpora for adaptation without any human annotation. We use these topic distributions to compute topic-dependent lex- ical weighting probabilities and directly incorporate them into our translation model as features. Conditioning lexical probabilities on the topic biases translations toward topicrelevant output, resulting in significant improvements of up to 1 BLEU and 3 TER on Chinese to English translation over a strong baseline.

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4 0.245085 171 acl-2012-SITS: A Hierarchical Nonparametric Model using Speaker Identity for Topic Segmentation in Multiparty Conversations

Author: Viet-An Nguyen ; Jordan Boyd-Graber ; Philip Resnik

Abstract: One of the key tasks for analyzing conversational data is segmenting it into coherent topic segments. However, most models of topic segmentation ignore the social aspect of conversations, focusing only on the words used. We introduce a hierarchical Bayesian nonparametric model, Speaker Identity for Topic Segmentation (SITS), that discovers (1) the topics used in a conversation, (2) how these topics are shared across conversations, (3) when these topics shift, and (4) a person-specific tendency to introduce new topics. We evaluate against current unsupervised segmentation models to show that including personspecific information improves segmentation performance on meeting corpora and on political debates. Moreover, we provide evidence that SITS captures an individual’s tendency to introduce new topics in political contexts, via analysis of the 2008 US presidential debates and the television program Crossfire. 1 Topic Segmentation as a Social Process Conversation, interactive discussion between two or more people, is one of the most essential and common forms of communication. Whether in an informal situation or in more formal settings such as a political debate or business meeting, a conversation is often not about just one thing: topics evolve and are replaced as the conversation unfolds. Discovering this hidden structure in conversations is a key problem for conversational assistants (Tur et al., 2010) and tools that summarize (Murray et al., 2005) and display (Ehlen et al., 2007) conversational data. Topic segmentation also can illuminate individuals’ agendas (Boydstun et al., 2011), patterns of agree- ment and disagreement (Hawes et al., 2009; Abbott 78 Jordan Boyd-Graber iSchool and UMIACS University of Maryland College Park, MD jbg@ umiac s .umd .edu Philip Resnik Department of Linguistics and UMIACS University of Maryland College Park, MD re snik @ umd .edu al., 2011), and relationships among conversational participants (Ireland et al., 2011). One of the most natural ways to capture conversational structure is topic segmentation (Reynar, 1998; Purver, 2011). Topic segmentation approaches range from simple heuristic methods based on lexical similarity (Morris and Hirst, 1991 ; Hearst, 1997) to more intricate generative models and supervised methods (Georgescul et al., 2006; Purver et al., 2006; Gruber et al., 2007; Eisenstein and Barzilay, 2008), which have been shown to outperform the established heuristics. However, previous computational work on conversational structure, particularly in topic discovery and topic segmentation, focuses primarily on conet tent, ignoring the speakers. We argue that, because conversation is a social process, we can understand conversational phenomena better by explicitly modeling behaviors of conversational participants. In Section 2, we incorporate participant identity in a new model we call Speaker Identity for Topic Segmentation (SITS), which discovers topical structure in conversation while jointly incorporating a participantlevel social component. Specifically, we explicitly model an individual’s tendency to introduce a topic. After outlining inference in Section 3 and introducing data in Section 4, we use SITS to improve state-ofthe-art-topic segmentation and topic identification models in Section 5. In addition, in Section 6, we also show that the per-speaker model is able to discover individuals who shape and influence the course of a conversation. Finally, we discuss related work and conclude the paper in Section 7. 2 Modeling Multiparty Discussions Data Properties We are interested in turn-taking, multiparty discussion. This is a broad category, inProce Jedijung, sR oefpu thbeli c50 othf K Aonrneua,a8l -M14e Jtiunlgy o 2f0 t1h2e. A ?c s 2o0c1ia2ti Aosns fo cria Ctio nm fpourta Ctoiomnpault Laitniognuaislt Licisn,g puaigsteiscs 78–87, cluding political debates, business meetings, and online chats. More formally, such datasets contain C conversations. A conversation c has Tc turns, each of which is a maximal uninterrupted utterance by one speaker.1 In each turn t ∈ [1, Tc], a speaker ac,t utters N words {wc,t,n}. Eatch ∈ w [1o,rTd is from a vocabulary of size V , {awnd th}ere are M distinct speakers. Modeling Approaches The key insight of topic segmentation is that segments evince lexical cohesion (Galley et al., 2003; Olney and Cai, 2005). Words within a segment will look more like their neighbors than other words. This insight has been used to tune supervised methods (Hsueh et al., 2006) and inspire unsupervised models of lexical cohesion using bags of words (Purver et al., 2006) and language models (Eisenstein and Barzilay, 2008). We too take the unsupervised statistical approach. It requires few resources and is applicable in many domains without extensive training. Like previous approaches, we consider each turn to be a bag of words generated from an admixture of topics. Topics—after the topic modeling literature (Blei and Lafferty, 2009)—are multinomial distributions over terms. These topics are part of a generative model posited to have produced a corpus. However, topic models alone cannot model the dynamics of a conversation. Topic models typically do not model the temporal dynamics of individual documents, and those that do (Wang et al., 2008; Gerrish and Blei, 2010) are designed for larger documents and are not applicable here because they assume that most topics appear in every time slice. Instead, we endow each turn with a binary latent variable lc,t, called the topic shift. This latent variable signifies whether the speaker changed the topic of the conversation. To capture the topic-controlling behavior of the speakers across different conversations, we further associate each speaker m with a latent topic shift tendency, πm. Informally, this variable is intended to capture the propensity of a speaker to effect a topic shift. Formally, it represents the probability that the speaker m will change the topic (distribution) of a conversation. We take a Bayesian nonparametric approach (M¨uller and Quintana, 2004). Unlike 1Note the distinction with phonetic definition are bounded by silence. utterances, which by 79 parametric models, which a priori fix the number of topics, nonparametric models use a flexible number of topics to better represent data. Nonparametric distributions such as the Dirichlet process (Ferguson, 1973) share statistical strength among conversations using a hierarchical model, such as the hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP) (Teh et al., 2006). 2.1 Generative Process In this section, we develop SITS, a generative model of multiparty discourse that jointly discovers topics and speaker-specific topic shifts from an unannotated corpus (Figure 1a). As in the hierarchical Dirichlet process (Teh et al., 2006), we allow an unbounded number of topics to be shared among the turns of the corpus. Topics are drawn from a base distribution H over multinomial distributions over the vocabulary, a finite Dirichlet with symmetric prior λ. Unlike the HDP, where every document (here, every turn) draws a new multinomial distribution from a Dirichlet process, the social and temporal dynamics of a conversation, as specified by the binary topic shift indicator lc,t, determine when new draws happen. The full generative process is as follows: 1. For speaker m ∈ [1, M], draw speaker shift probability πm ∼ Beta(γ) 2. Draw∼ global probability measure G0 ∼ DP(α, H) 3. For each conversation c ∈ [1, C] (a) Draw conversation distribution Gc ∼ DP(α0 , G0) (b) For each turn t ∈ [1, Tc] with speaker ac,t i. If t = 1, set the topic shift lc,t = 1. Otherwise, draw lc,t ∼ Bernoulli(πac,t ). ii. If lc,t = 1∼, d Breawrn Gc,t ∼ DP(αc, Gc). Otherwise, set Gc,t ≡ Gc,t−1 . iii. For each word ≡ind Gex n ∈ [1, Nc,t] • Draw ψc,t,n ∼ Gc,t • DDrraaww wc,t,n ∼ Multinomial(ψc,t,n) The hierarchy of Dirichlet processes allows statistical strength to be shared across contexts; within a conversation and across conversations. The perspeaker topic shift tendency πm allows speaker identity to influence the evolution of topics. To make notation concrete and aligned with the topic segmentation, we introduce notation for segments in a conversation. A segment s of conversation c is a sequence of turns [τ, τ0] such that lc,τ = lc,τ0+1 = 1and lc,t = 0, ∀t ∈ (τ, τ0] . When lc,t = 0, Gc,t is the same =Gc 0,t,−∀1t a ∈nd ( aτ,llτ τtopics (i.e. multinomial distributions over words) {ψc,t,n} that generate words in turn t and the topics{ ψ{ψc,t}−1,n} that generate words in turn t −1 come from{ψ ψthc,et −s1a,mn}e as Figure 1: Graphical model representations of our proposed models: (a) the nonparametric version; (b) the parametric version. Nodes represent random variables (shaded ones are observed), lines are probabilistic dependencies. Plates represent repetition. The innermost plates are turns, grouped in conversations. distribution. Thus all topics used in a segment s are drawn from a single distribution, Gc,s, , , , Gc,s | lc,1 lc,2 · · · lc,Tc , αc, Gc ∼ DP(αc, Gc) (1) For notational convenience, Sc denotes the number of segments in conversation c, and st denotes the segment index of turn t. We emphasize that all segment-related notations are derived from the posterior over the topic shifts land not part of the model itself. Parametric Version SITS is a generalization of a parametric model (Figure 1b) where each turn has a multinomial distribution over K topics. In the parametric case, the number of topics K is fixed. Each topic, as before, is a multinomial distribution φ1 . . . φK. In the parametric case, each turn t in conversation c has an explicit multinomial distribution over K topics θc,t, identical for turns within a segment. A new topic distribution θ is drawn from a Dirichlet distribution parameterized by α when the topic shift indicator lis 1. The parametric version does not share strength within or across conversations, unlike SITS. When applied on a single conversation without speaker identity (all speakers are identical) it is equivalent to (Purver et al., 2006). In our experiments (Section 5), we compare against both. 80 3 Inference To find the latent variables that best explain observed data, we use Gibbs sampling, a widely used Markov chain Monte Carlo inference technique (Neal, 2000; Resnik and Hardisty, 2010). The state space is latent variables for topic indices assigned to all tokens z = {zc,t,n} and topic shifts assigned to turns l= {lc,t}. {Wze marginalize over all other latent variablle =s. Here, we only present the conditional sampling equations; for more details, see our supplement.2 3.1 Sampling Topic Assignments To sample zc,t,n, the index of the shared topic assigned to token n of turn t in conversation c, we need to sample the path assigning each word token to a segment-specific topic, each segment-specific topic to a conversational topic and each conversational topic to a shared topic. For efficiency, we make use of the minimal path assumption (Wallach, 2008) to generate these assignments.3 Under the minimal path assumption, an observation is assumed to have been generated by using a new distribution if and only if there is no existing distribution with the same value. 2∼vietan/topicshift/appendix.pdf 3We also investigated using the maximal assumption and fully sampling assignments. We found the minimal path assumption worked as well as explicitly sampling seating assignments and that the maximal path assumption worked less well. We use Nc,s,k to denote the number of tokens in segment s in conversation c assigned topic k; Nc,k denotes the total number of segment-specific topics in conversation c assigned topic k and Nk denotes the number of conversational topics assigned topic k. TWk,w denotes the number of times the shared topic k is assigned to word w in the vocabulary. Marginal counts are represented with · and ∗ represents all hyperparameters. The condit·ional d∗istribution for zc,t,n is P(zc,t,n = k | wc,t,n = w, z−c,t,n, w−c,t,n, l, ∗) ∝ Nc−,sct ,kn+αNc −c,s−ct,kct·,n Nn+c −,·αc ,t0cnN +k−· αc,t0 ,n + αK ×  VT1 W k−, ·c,wctk, n e+w V.λ( 2), Here V is the size of the vocabulary, K is the current number of shared topics and the superscript −c,t,n denotes counts without considering wc,t,n. In Equation 2, the first factor is proportional to the probability of sampling a path according to the minimal path assumption; the second factor is proportional to the likelihood of observing w given the sampled topic. Since an uninformed prior is used, when a new topic is sampled, all tokens are equiprobable. 3.2 Sampling Topic Shifts Sampling the topic shift variable lc,t requires us to consider merging or splitting segments. We use kc,t to denote the shared topic indices of all tokens in turn t of conversation c; Sac,t,x to denote the number of times speaker ac,t is assigned the topic shift with value x ∈ {0, 1}; Jcx,s to denote the number of topics in segment s 1o}f conversation c if lc,t = x and Ncx,s,j to denote the number of tokens assigned to the segment-specific topic j when lc,t = x.4 Again, the superscript −c,t is used to denote exclusion of turn t of conversation c in the corresponding counts. Recall that the topic shift is a binary variable. We use 0 to represent the case that the topic distribution is identical to the previous turn. We sample this assignment P(lc,t = 0 | l−c,t, w, k, a, ∗) ∝ SSa−a−cc,c,ct,t , t·,0++ 2 γγ×αcJ0c,sNtx=Qc01,sjJt=c,0·,1s(tx(N −c0 1,s +t,j α−c) 1)!. (3) 4Deterministically knowQing the path assignments is the primary efficiency motivation for using the minimal path assumption. The alternative is to explicitly sample the path assignments, which is more complicated (for both notation and computation). This option is spelled in full detail in the supplementary material. 81 In Equation 3, the first factor is proportional to the probability of assigning a topic shift of value 0 to speaker ac,t and the second factor is proportional to the joint probability of all topics in segment st of conversation c when lc,t = 0. The other alternative is for the topic shift to be 1, which represents the introduction of a new distri- bution over topics inside an existing segment. We sample this as P(lc,t = 1 | l−c,t, w, k, a, ∗) ∝ S −a −c ,c t, t, t, ·1+ 2 γ ×αcJc1,(st−1x)NQ=c1,1(jJs=ct1−,1(s1t)−,·1()x(N −c1 1,( +st− α1c) ,j− 1)! αcJcQ1,sNxt=c1Q1,stJj,c=1·,(s1xt( −N 1c1, +stj α−c) 1)!. (4) As above, the first faQctor in Equation 4 is proportional to the probability of assigning a topic shift of value 1to speaker ac,t; the second factor in the big bracket is proportional to the joint distribution of the topics in segments st − 1 and st. In this case lc,t = 1 means splitting the current segment, which results in two joint probabilities for two segments. 4 Datasets This section introduces the three corpora we use. We preprocess the data to remove stopwords and remove turns containing fewer than five tokens. The ICSI Meeting Corpus: The ICSI Meeting Corpus (Janin et al., 2003) is 75 transcribed meetings. For evaluation, we used a standard set of reference segmentations (Galley et al., 2003) of 25 meetings. Segmentations are binary, i.e., each point of the document is either a segment boundary or not, and on average each meeting has 8 segment boundaries. After preprocessing, there are 60 unique speakers and the vocabulary contains 3346 non-stopword tokens. The 2008 Presidential Election Debates Our second dataset contains three annotated presidential debates (Boydstun et al., 2011) between Barack Obama and John McCain and a vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. Each turn is one of two types: questions (Q) from the moderator or responses (R) from a candidate. Each clause in a turn is coded with a Question Topic (TQ) and a Response Topic (TR). Thus, a turn has a list of TQ’s and TR’s both of length equal to the number of clauses in the turn. Topics are from the Policy Agendas Topics SpeakerTypeTurn clausesTQTR BrokawQbSeenfo.r Oeib ta gmeat,s [b.e.t.t]er A arned yo thuey sa oyuingght [. to. b]e th parte tphaere Adm foerri tchaant? economy is going to get much worse1N/A ObamaR[hN.o .m,.]e Is B a,um mtac mokenofs itdu iermenpt o ahrabt oaun th tel yt ,h we c Aaen’rm epea gryoic ithnangei e trco bo hinlaosvm e[.y t. o. h]elp ordinary familes be able to stay in their1 1 4 BrokawQSen. McCain, in all candor, do you think the economy is going to get worse before it gets better?1N/A McCainR[Iom.ftwho.trie]n Ikiegrtofih oeicwonumkteiv aegfn wdlyt.ebri[ua.dyc otuf]petfh ec tserivo bnlayd,islmfoaw nes,d staobptihelcaziteplt ihoneptlrheoscuatsni hgflauvmean rckne itnw– WmhoaisrcthgiaIngbetoalnitevshoe w ne wca vna,l ucet1 240 Table 1: Example turns from the annotated 2008 election debates. The topics (TQ and TR) are from the Policy Agendas Topics Codebook which contains the following codes of topic: Macroeconomics Community Development (14), Government Operations (20). (1), Housing & Codebook, a manual inventory of 19 major topics and 225 subtopics.5 Table 1 shows an example annotation. To get reference segmentations, we assign each turn a real value from 0 to 1indicating how much a turn changes the topic. For a question-typed turn, the score is the fraction of clause topics not appearing in the previous turn; for response-typed turns, the score is the fraction of clause topics that do not appear in the corresponding question. This results in a set of non-binary reference segmentations. For evaluation metrics that require binary segmentations, we create a binary segmentation by setting a turn as a segment boundary if the computed score is 1. This threshold is chosen to include only true segment boundaries. CNN’s Crossfire Crossfire was a weekly U.S. television “talking heads” program engineered to incite heated arguments (hence the name). Each episode features two recurring hosts, two guests, and clips from the week’s news. Our Crossfire dataset contains 1134 transcribed episodes aired between 2000 and 2004.6 There are 2567 unique speakers. Unlike the previous two datasets, Crossfire does not have explicit topic segmentations, so we use it to explore speaker-specific characteristics (Section 6). 5 Topic Segmentation Experiments In this section, we examine how well SITS can replicate annotations of when new topics are introduced. 5 6∼vietan/topicshift/ 82 We discuss metrics for evaluating an algorithm’s segmentation against a gold annotation, describe our experimental setup, and report those results. Evaluation Metrics To evaluate segmentations, we use Pk (Beeferman et al., 1999) and WindowDiff (WD) (Pevzner and Hearst, 2002). Both metrics measure the probability that two points in a document will be incorrectly separated by a segment boundary. Both techniques consider all spans of length k in the document and count whether the two endpoints of the window are (im)properly segmented against the gold segmentation. However, these metrics have drawbacks. First, they require both hypothesized and reference segmentations to be binary. Many algorithms (e.g., probabilistic approaches) give non-binary segmentations where candidate boundaries have real-valued scores (e.g., probability or confidence). Thus, evaluation requires arbitrary thresholding to binarize soft scores. To be fair, thresholds are set so the number of segments are equal to a predefined value (Purver et al., 2006; Galley et al., 2003). To overcome these limitations, we also use Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) (Rubner et al., 2000), a metric that measures the distance between two distributions. The EMD is the minimal cost to transform one distribution into the other. Each segmentation can be considered a multi-dimensional distribution where each candidate boundary is a dimension. In EMD, a distance function across features allows partial credit for “near miss” segment boundaries. In addition, because EMD operates on distributions, we can compute the distance between non-binary hypothesized segmentations with binary or real-valued reference segmentations. We use the FastEMD implementation (Pele and Werman, 2009). Experimental Methods We applied the following methods to discover topic segmentations in a document: • TextTiling (Hearst, 1997) is one of the earliest generalpurpose topic segmentation algorithms, sliding a fixedwidth window to detect major changes in lexical similarity. • P-NoSpeaker-S: parametric version without speaker identity run on keaerc-hS conversation (Purver et al., 2006) • P-NoSpeaker-M: parametric version without speaker identity run on Mall conversations • P-SITS: the parametric version of SITS with speaker identity run on all conversations • NP-HMM: the HMM-based nonparametric model which a single topic per turn. This model can be considered a Sticky HDP-HMM (Fox et al., 2008) with speaker identity. • NP-SITS: the nonparametric version of SITS with speaker identity run on all conversations. Parameter Settings and Implementations experiment, all parameters same as in (Hearst, 1997). of TextTiling In our are the For statistical models, Gibbs sampling with 10 randomly initialized chains is used. Initial hyperparameter values are sampled from U(0, 1) to favor sparsity; statistics are collected after 500 burn-in iterations with a lag of 25 iterations over a total of 5000 iterations; and slice sampling (Neal, 2003) optimizes hyperparameters. Results and Analysis Table 2 shows the perfor- mance of various models on the topic segmentation problem, using the ICSI corpus and the 2008 debates. Consistent with previous results, probabilistic models outperform TextTiling. In addition, among the probabilistic models, the models that had access to speaker information consistently segment better than those lacking such information, supporting our assertion that there is benefit to modeling conversation as a social process. Furthermore, NP-SITS outperforms NP-HMM in both experiments, suggesting that using a distribution over topics to turns is better than using a single topic. This is consistent with parametric results reported in (Purver et al., 2006). The contribution of speaker identity seems more valuable in the debate setting. Debates are characterized by strong rewards for setting the agenda; dodging a question or moving the debate toward an oppo83 nent’s weakness can be useful strategies (Boydstun et al., 2011). In contrast, meetings (particularly lowstakes ICSI meetings) are characterized by pragmatic rather than strategic topic shifts. Second, agendasetting roles are clearer in formal debates; a modera- tor is tasked with setting the agenda and ensuring the conversation does not wander too much. The nonparametric model does best on the smaller debate dataset. We suspect that an evaluation that directly accessed the topic quality, either via prediction (Teh et al., 2006) or interpretability (Chang et al., 2009) would favor the nonparametric model more. 6 Evaluating Topic Shift Tendency In this section, we focus on the ability of SITS to capture speaker-level attributes. Recall that SITS associates with each speaker a topic shift tendency π that represents the probability of asserting a new topic in the conversation. While topic segmentation is a well studied problem, there are no established quantitative measurements of an individual’s ability to control a conversation. To evaluate whether the tendency is capturing meaningful characteristics of speakers, we compare our inferred tendencies against insights from political science. 2008 Elections To obtain a posterior estimate of π (Figure 3) we create 10 chains with hyperparameters sampled from the uniform distribution U(0, 1) and averaged π over 10 chains (as described in Section 5). In these debates, Ifill is the moderator of the debate between Biden and Palin; Brokaw, Lehrer and Schieffer are the three moderators of three debates between Obama and McCain. Here “Question” denotes questions from audiences in “town hall” debate. The role of this “speaker” can be considered equivalent to the debate moderator. The topic shift tendencies of moderators are much higher than for candidates. In the three debates between Obama and McCain, the moderators— Brokaw, Lehrer and Schieffer—have significantly higher scores than both candidates. This is a useful reality check, since in a debate the moderators are the ones asking questions and literally controlling the topical focus. Interestingly, in the vice-presidential debate, the score of moderator Ifill is only slightly higher than those of Palin and Biden; this is consistent with media commentary characterizing her as a size of the metrics Pk and WindowDiff chosen to replicate previous results. weak moderator.7 Similarly, the “Question” speaker had a relatively high variance, consistent with an amalgamation of many distinct speakers. These topic shift tendencies suggest that all candidates manage to succeed at some points in setting and controlling the debate topics. Our model gives Obama a slightly higher score than McCain, consistent with social science claims (Boydstun et al., 2011) that Obama had the lead in setting the agenda over McCain. Table 4 shows of SITS-detected topic shifts. Crossfire Crossfire, unlike the debates, has many speakers. This allows us to examine more closely what we can learn about speakers’ topic shift tendency. We verified that SITS can segment topics, and assuming that changing the topic is useful for a speaker, how can we characterize who does so effectively? We examine the relationship between topic shift tendency, social roles, and political ideology. To focus on frequent speakers, we filter out speakers with fewer than 30 turns. Most speakers have relatively small π, with the mode around 0.3. There are, however, speakers with very high topic shift tendencies. Table 5 shows the speakers having the highest values according to SITS. We find that there are three general patterns for who influences the course of a conversation in Crossfire. First, there are structural “speakers” the show uses to frame and propose new topics. These are 7 84 2008 Presidential Election Debates (larger means greater tendency) audience questions, news clips (e.g. many of Gore’s and Bush’s turns from 2000), and voice overs. That SITS is able to recover these is reassuring. Second, the stable of regular hosts receives high topic shift tendencies, which is reasonable given their experience with the format and ostensible moderation roles (in practice they also stoke lively discussion). The remaining class is more interesting. The remaining non-hosts with high topic shift tendency are relative moderates on the political spectrum: • John Kasich, one of few Republicans to support the assault weapons ban and now governor of Ohio, a swing state • Christine Todd Whitman, former Republican governor of CNehrwis Jersey, a very iDtmemano,c froartmice srt Ratee • John McCain, who before 2008 was known as a “maverick” for working with Democrats (e.g. Russ Feingold) This suggests that, despite Crossfire’s tendency to create highly partisan debates, those who are able to work across the political spectrum may best be able to influence the topic under discussion in highly polarized contexts. Table 4 shows detected topic shifts from these speakers; two of these examples (McCain and Whitman) show disagreement of Republicans with President Bush. In the other, Kasich is defending a Republican plan (school vouchers) popular with traditional Democratic constituencies. 7 Related and Future Work In the realm of statistical models, a number of techniques incorporate social connections and identity to explain content in social networks (Chang and Blei, atsbDePMmwphIncFiAoasCrtuLleycnNdAg:irIs’SatYphyo,weumckItGrasy’.qoheivfnuIakgrsdt?heo vna,dtbpJ.omslrheyivcaBnwdspeur[.ihodqtef]nuar,slihmetdnyuaopi’s-SbeI[hBn.FCtDvHLcr]ligEemIhysNoa:nFbvWidxeAltEsghnmRboad:eics[yr.,fmtuwleinha][go.,dLYftweur]–’lhsdaitngxerkbIfoat.hqeslkOufinrmbtyoeha,rit[n.geholyasc]rdi,wteoaxylpm’sburneItaopfkvicsqr.,n[BYoOtafebxruli.,mcEksGgatvn]roOebpyitmlnorcd.ea[sfviPYtr]lgoandyu., Previous turnTurn detected as shifting topic examples of those with high topic shift tendency 238947156FPAGNQMreouna.mlvsWea†‡kt.iluBonrcseh‡.7586 41702 4863150FBCKWMealchgrsitCvA lamuhoin†efr.5 2473509 π. RankSpeakerπRankSpeakerπ Table 5: Top speakers by topic shift tendencies. We mark hosts (†) and “speakers” who often (but not always) appeared in clips (‡). Apart from those groups, speakers with the highest tendency were political moderates. 2009) and scientific corpora (Rosen-Zvi et al., 2004). However, these models ignore the temporal evolution of content, treating documents as static. Models that do investigate the evolution of topics over time typically ignore the identify of the speaker. For example: models having sticky topics over ngrams (Johnson, 2010), sticky HDP-HMM (Fox et al., 2008); models that are an amalgam of sequential models and topic models (Griffiths et al., 2005; Wal85 lach, 2006; Gruber et al., 2007; Ahmed and Xing, 2008; Boyd-Graber and Blei, 2008; Du et al., 2010); or explicit models of time or other relevant features as a distinct latent variable (Wang and McCallum, 2006; Eisenstein et al., 2010). In contrast, SITS jointly models topic and individuals’ tendency to control a conversation. Not only does SITS outperform other models using standard computational linguistics baselines, but it also pro- poses intriguing hypotheses for social scientists. Associating each speaker with a scalar that models their tendency to change the topic does improve performance on standard tasks, but it’s inadequate to fully describe an individual. Modeling individuals’ perspective (Paul and Girju, 2010), “side” (Thomas et al., 2006), or personal preferences for topics (Grimmer, 2009) would enrich the model and better illuminate the interaction of influence and topic. Statistical analysis of political discourse can help discover patterns that political scientists, who often work via a “close reading,” might otherwise miss. We plan to work with social scientists to validate our implicit hypothesis that our topic shift tendency correlates well with intuitive measures of “influence.” Acknowledgements This research was funded in part by the Army Research Laboratory through ARL Cooperative Agreement W91 1NF-09-2-0072 and by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), through the Army Research Laboratory. Jordan Boyd-Graber and Philip Resnik are also supported by US National Science Foundation Grant NSF grant #1018625. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsors. References [Abbott et al., 2011] Abbott, R., Walker, M., Anand, P., Fox Tree, J. E., Bowmani, R., and King, J. (201 1). How can you say such things?!?: Recognizing disagreement in informal political argument. 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5 0.19883864 141 acl-2012-Maximum Expected BLEU Training of Phrase and Lexicon Translation Models

Author: Xiaodong He ; Li Deng

Abstract: This paper proposes a new discriminative training method in constructing phrase and lexicon translation models. In order to reliably learn a myriad of parameters in these models, we propose an expected BLEU score-based utility function with KL regularization as the objective, and train the models on a large parallel dataset. For training, we derive growth transformations for phrase and lexicon translation probabilities to iteratively improve the objective. The proposed method, evaluated on the Europarl German-to-English dataset, leads to a 1.1 BLEU point improvement over a state-of-the-art baseline translation system. In IWSLT 201 1 Benchmark, our system using the proposed method achieves the best Chinese-to-English translation result on the task of translating TED talks.

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9 0.16029981 86 acl-2012-Exploiting Latent Information to Predict Diffusions of Novel Topics on Social Networks

10 0.15751965 61 acl-2012-Cross-Domain Co-Extraction of Sentiment and Topic Lexicons

11 0.15300892 198 acl-2012-Topic Models, Latent Space Models, Sparse Coding, and All That: A Systematic Understanding of Probabilistic Semantic Extraction in Large Corpus

12 0.14198887 31 acl-2012-Authorship Attribution with Author-aware Topic Models

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Abstract: One of the key tasks for analyzing conversational data is segmenting it into coherent topic segments. However, most models of topic segmentation ignore the social aspect of conversations, focusing only on the words used. We introduce a hierarchical Bayesian nonparametric model, Speaker Identity for Topic Segmentation (SITS), that discovers (1) the topics used in a conversation, (2) how these topics are shared across conversations, (3) when these topics shift, and (4) a person-specific tendency to introduce new topics. We evaluate against current unsupervised segmentation models to show that including personspecific information improves segmentation performance on meeting corpora and on political debates. Moreover, we provide evidence that SITS captures an individual’s tendency to introduce new topics in political contexts, via analysis of the 2008 US presidential debates and the television program Crossfire. 1 Topic Segmentation as a Social Process Conversation, interactive discussion between two or more people, is one of the most essential and common forms of communication. Whether in an informal situation or in more formal settings such as a political debate or business meeting, a conversation is often not about just one thing: topics evolve and are replaced as the conversation unfolds. Discovering this hidden structure in conversations is a key problem for conversational assistants (Tur et al., 2010) and tools that summarize (Murray et al., 2005) and display (Ehlen et al., 2007) conversational data. Topic segmentation also can illuminate individuals’ agendas (Boydstun et al., 2011), patterns of agree- ment and disagreement (Hawes et al., 2009; Abbott 78 Jordan Boyd-Graber iSchool and UMIACS University of Maryland College Park, MD jbg@ umiac s .umd .edu Philip Resnik Department of Linguistics and UMIACS University of Maryland College Park, MD re snik @ umd .edu al., 2011), and relationships among conversational participants (Ireland et al., 2011). One of the most natural ways to capture conversational structure is topic segmentation (Reynar, 1998; Purver, 2011). Topic segmentation approaches range from simple heuristic methods based on lexical similarity (Morris and Hirst, 1991 ; Hearst, 1997) to more intricate generative models and supervised methods (Georgescul et al., 2006; Purver et al., 2006; Gruber et al., 2007; Eisenstein and Barzilay, 2008), which have been shown to outperform the established heuristics. However, previous computational work on conversational structure, particularly in topic discovery and topic segmentation, focuses primarily on conet tent, ignoring the speakers. We argue that, because conversation is a social process, we can understand conversational phenomena better by explicitly modeling behaviors of conversational participants. In Section 2, we incorporate participant identity in a new model we call Speaker Identity for Topic Segmentation (SITS), which discovers topical structure in conversation while jointly incorporating a participantlevel social component. Specifically, we explicitly model an individual’s tendency to introduce a topic. After outlining inference in Section 3 and introducing data in Section 4, we use SITS to improve state-ofthe-art-topic segmentation and topic identification models in Section 5. In addition, in Section 6, we also show that the per-speaker model is able to discover individuals who shape and influence the course of a conversation. Finally, we discuss related work and conclude the paper in Section 7. 2 Modeling Multiparty Discussions Data Properties We are interested in turn-taking, multiparty discussion. This is a broad category, inProce Jedijung, sR oefpu thbeli c50 othf K Aonrneua,a8l -M14e Jtiunlgy o 2f0 t1h2e. A ?c s 2o0c1ia2ti Aosns fo cria Ctio nm fpourta Ctoiomnpault Laitniognuaislt Licisn,g puaigsteiscs 78–87, cluding political debates, business meetings, and online chats. More formally, such datasets contain C conversations. A conversation c has Tc turns, each of which is a maximal uninterrupted utterance by one speaker.1 In each turn t ∈ [1, Tc], a speaker ac,t utters N words {wc,t,n}. Eatch ∈ w [1o,rTd is from a vocabulary of size V , {awnd th}ere are M distinct speakers. Modeling Approaches The key insight of topic segmentation is that segments evince lexical cohesion (Galley et al., 2003; Olney and Cai, 2005). Words within a segment will look more like their neighbors than other words. This insight has been used to tune supervised methods (Hsueh et al., 2006) and inspire unsupervised models of lexical cohesion using bags of words (Purver et al., 2006) and language models (Eisenstein and Barzilay, 2008). We too take the unsupervised statistical approach. It requires few resources and is applicable in many domains without extensive training. Like previous approaches, we consider each turn to be a bag of words generated from an admixture of topics. Topics—after the topic modeling literature (Blei and Lafferty, 2009)—are multinomial distributions over terms. These topics are part of a generative model posited to have produced a corpus. However, topic models alone cannot model the dynamics of a conversation. Topic models typically do not model the temporal dynamics of individual documents, and those that do (Wang et al., 2008; Gerrish and Blei, 2010) are designed for larger documents and are not applicable here because they assume that most topics appear in every time slice. Instead, we endow each turn with a binary latent variable lc,t, called the topic shift. This latent variable signifies whether the speaker changed the topic of the conversation. To capture the topic-controlling behavior of the speakers across different conversations, we further associate each speaker m with a latent topic shift tendency, πm. Informally, this variable is intended to capture the propensity of a speaker to effect a topic shift. Formally, it represents the probability that the speaker m will change the topic (distribution) of a conversation. We take a Bayesian nonparametric approach (M¨uller and Quintana, 2004). Unlike 1Note the distinction with phonetic definition are bounded by silence. utterances, which by 79 parametric models, which a priori fix the number of topics, nonparametric models use a flexible number of topics to better represent data. Nonparametric distributions such as the Dirichlet process (Ferguson, 1973) share statistical strength among conversations using a hierarchical model, such as the hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP) (Teh et al., 2006). 2.1 Generative Process In this section, we develop SITS, a generative model of multiparty discourse that jointly discovers topics and speaker-specific topic shifts from an unannotated corpus (Figure 1a). As in the hierarchical Dirichlet process (Teh et al., 2006), we allow an unbounded number of topics to be shared among the turns of the corpus. Topics are drawn from a base distribution H over multinomial distributions over the vocabulary, a finite Dirichlet with symmetric prior λ. Unlike the HDP, where every document (here, every turn) draws a new multinomial distribution from a Dirichlet process, the social and temporal dynamics of a conversation, as specified by the binary topic shift indicator lc,t, determine when new draws happen. The full generative process is as follows: 1. For speaker m ∈ [1, M], draw speaker shift probability πm ∼ Beta(γ) 2. Draw∼ global probability measure G0 ∼ DP(α, H) 3. For each conversation c ∈ [1, C] (a) Draw conversation distribution Gc ∼ DP(α0 , G0) (b) For each turn t ∈ [1, Tc] with speaker ac,t i. If t = 1, set the topic shift lc,t = 1. Otherwise, draw lc,t ∼ Bernoulli(πac,t ). ii. If lc,t = 1∼, d Breawrn Gc,t ∼ DP(αc, Gc). Otherwise, set Gc,t ≡ Gc,t−1 . iii. For each word ≡ind Gex n ∈ [1, Nc,t] • Draw ψc,t,n ∼ Gc,t • DDrraaww wc,t,n ∼ Multinomial(ψc,t,n) The hierarchy of Dirichlet processes allows statistical strength to be shared across contexts; within a conversation and across conversations. The perspeaker topic shift tendency πm allows speaker identity to influence the evolution of topics. To make notation concrete and aligned with the topic segmentation, we introduce notation for segments in a conversation. A segment s of conversation c is a sequence of turns [τ, τ0] such that lc,τ = lc,τ0+1 = 1and lc,t = 0, ∀t ∈ (τ, τ0] . When lc,t = 0, Gc,t is the same =Gc 0,t,−∀1t a ∈nd ( aτ,llτ τtopics (i.e. multinomial distributions over words) {ψc,t,n} that generate words in turn t and the topics{ ψ{ψc,t}−1,n} that generate words in turn t −1 come from{ψ ψthc,et −s1a,mn}e as Figure 1: Graphical model representations of our proposed models: (a) the nonparametric version; (b) the parametric version. Nodes represent random variables (shaded ones are observed), lines are probabilistic dependencies. Plates represent repetition. The innermost plates are turns, grouped in conversations. distribution. Thus all topics used in a segment s are drawn from a single distribution, Gc,s, , , , Gc,s | lc,1 lc,2 · · · lc,Tc , αc, Gc ∼ DP(αc, Gc) (1) For notational convenience, Sc denotes the number of segments in conversation c, and st denotes the segment index of turn t. We emphasize that all segment-related notations are derived from the posterior over the topic shifts land not part of the model itself. Parametric Version SITS is a generalization of a parametric model (Figure 1b) where each turn has a multinomial distribution over K topics. In the parametric case, the number of topics K is fixed. Each topic, as before, is a multinomial distribution φ1 . . . φK. In the parametric case, each turn t in conversation c has an explicit multinomial distribution over K topics θc,t, identical for turns within a segment. A new topic distribution θ is drawn from a Dirichlet distribution parameterized by α when the topic shift indicator lis 1. The parametric version does not share strength within or across conversations, unlike SITS. When applied on a single conversation without speaker identity (all speakers are identical) it is equivalent to (Purver et al., 2006). In our experiments (Section 5), we compare against both. 80 3 Inference To find the latent variables that best explain observed data, we use Gibbs sampling, a widely used Markov chain Monte Carlo inference technique (Neal, 2000; Resnik and Hardisty, 2010). The state space is latent variables for topic indices assigned to all tokens z = {zc,t,n} and topic shifts assigned to turns l= {lc,t}. {Wze marginalize over all other latent variablle =s. Here, we only present the conditional sampling equations; for more details, see our supplement.2 3.1 Sampling Topic Assignments To sample zc,t,n, the index of the shared topic assigned to token n of turn t in conversation c, we need to sample the path assigning each word token to a segment-specific topic, each segment-specific topic to a conversational topic and each conversational topic to a shared topic. For efficiency, we make use of the minimal path assumption (Wallach, 2008) to generate these assignments.3 Under the minimal path assumption, an observation is assumed to have been generated by using a new distribution if and only if there is no existing distribution with the same value. 2∼vietan/topicshift/appendix.pdf 3We also investigated using the maximal assumption and fully sampling assignments. We found the minimal path assumption worked as well as explicitly sampling seating assignments and that the maximal path assumption worked less well. We use Nc,s,k to denote the number of tokens in segment s in conversation c assigned topic k; Nc,k denotes the total number of segment-specific topics in conversation c assigned topic k and Nk denotes the number of conversational topics assigned topic k. TWk,w denotes the number of times the shared topic k is assigned to word w in the vocabulary. Marginal counts are represented with · and ∗ represents all hyperparameters. The condit·ional d∗istribution for zc,t,n is P(zc,t,n = k | wc,t,n = w, z−c,t,n, w−c,t,n, l, ∗) ∝ Nc−,sct ,kn+αNc −c,s−ct,kct·,n Nn+c −,·αc ,t0cnN +k−· αc,t0 ,n + αK ×  VT1 W k−, ·c,wctk, n e+w V.λ( 2), Here V is the size of the vocabulary, K is the current number of shared topics and the superscript −c,t,n denotes counts without considering wc,t,n. In Equation 2, the first factor is proportional to the probability of sampling a path according to the minimal path assumption; the second factor is proportional to the likelihood of observing w given the sampled topic. Since an uninformed prior is used, when a new topic is sampled, all tokens are equiprobable. 3.2 Sampling Topic Shifts Sampling the topic shift variable lc,t requires us to consider merging or splitting segments. We use kc,t to denote the shared topic indices of all tokens in turn t of conversation c; Sac,t,x to denote the number of times speaker ac,t is assigned the topic shift with value x ∈ {0, 1}; Jcx,s to denote the number of topics in segment s 1o}f conversation c if lc,t = x and Ncx,s,j to denote the number of tokens assigned to the segment-specific topic j when lc,t = x.4 Again, the superscript −c,t is used to denote exclusion of turn t of conversation c in the corresponding counts. Recall that the topic shift is a binary variable. We use 0 to represent the case that the topic distribution is identical to the previous turn. We sample this assignment P(lc,t = 0 | l−c,t, w, k, a, ∗) ∝ SSa−a−cc,c,ct,t , t·,0++ 2 γγ×αcJ0c,sNtx=Qc01,sjJt=c,0·,1s(tx(N −c0 1,s +t,j α−c) 1)!. (3) 4Deterministically knowQing the path assignments is the primary efficiency motivation for using the minimal path assumption. The alternative is to explicitly sample the path assignments, which is more complicated (for both notation and computation). This option is spelled in full detail in the supplementary material. 81 In Equation 3, the first factor is proportional to the probability of assigning a topic shift of value 0 to speaker ac,t and the second factor is proportional to the joint probability of all topics in segment st of conversation c when lc,t = 0. The other alternative is for the topic shift to be 1, which represents the introduction of a new distri- bution over topics inside an existing segment. We sample this as P(lc,t = 1 | l−c,t, w, k, a, ∗) ∝ S −a −c ,c t, t, t, ·1+ 2 γ ×αcJc1,(st−1x)NQ=c1,1(jJs=ct1−,1(s1t)−,·1()x(N −c1 1,( +st− α1c) ,j− 1)! αcJcQ1,sNxt=c1Q1,stJj,c=1·,(s1xt( −N 1c1, +stj α−c) 1)!. (4) As above, the first faQctor in Equation 4 is proportional to the probability of assigning a topic shift of value 1to speaker ac,t; the second factor in the big bracket is proportional to the joint distribution of the topics in segments st − 1 and st. In this case lc,t = 1 means splitting the current segment, which results in two joint probabilities for two segments. 4 Datasets This section introduces the three corpora we use. We preprocess the data to remove stopwords and remove turns containing fewer than five tokens. The ICSI Meeting Corpus: The ICSI Meeting Corpus (Janin et al., 2003) is 75 transcribed meetings. For evaluation, we used a standard set of reference segmentations (Galley et al., 2003) of 25 meetings. Segmentations are binary, i.e., each point of the document is either a segment boundary or not, and on average each meeting has 8 segment boundaries. After preprocessing, there are 60 unique speakers and the vocabulary contains 3346 non-stopword tokens. The 2008 Presidential Election Debates Our second dataset contains three annotated presidential debates (Boydstun et al., 2011) between Barack Obama and John McCain and a vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. Each turn is one of two types: questions (Q) from the moderator or responses (R) from a candidate. Each clause in a turn is coded with a Question Topic (TQ) and a Response Topic (TR). Thus, a turn has a list of TQ’s and TR’s both of length equal to the number of clauses in the turn. Topics are from the Policy Agendas Topics SpeakerTypeTurn clausesTQTR BrokawQbSeenfo.r Oeib ta gmeat,s [b.e.t.t]er A arned yo thuey sa oyuingght [. to. b]e th parte tphaere Adm foerri tchaant? economy is going to get much worse1N/A ObamaR[hN.o .m,.]e Is B a,um mtac mokenofs itdu iermenpt o ahrabt oaun th tel yt ,h we c Aaen’rm epea gryoic ithnangei e trco bo hinlaosvm e[.y t. o. h]elp ordinary familes be able to stay in their1 1 4 BrokawQSen. McCain, in all candor, do you think the economy is going to get worse before it gets better?1N/A McCainR[Iom.ftwho.trie]n Ikiegrtofih oeicwonumkteiv aegfn wdlyt.ebri[ua.dyc otuf]petfh ec tserivo bnlayd,islmfoaw nes,d staobptihelcaziteplt ihoneptlrheoscuatsni hgflauvmean rckne itnw– WmhoaisrcthgiaIngbetoalnitevshoe w ne wca vna,l ucet1 240 Table 1: Example turns from the annotated 2008 election debates. The topics (TQ and TR) are from the Policy Agendas Topics Codebook which contains the following codes of topic: Macroeconomics Community Development (14), Government Operations (20). (1), Housing & Codebook, a manual inventory of 19 major topics and 225 subtopics.5 Table 1 shows an example annotation. To get reference segmentations, we assign each turn a real value from 0 to 1indicating how much a turn changes the topic. For a question-typed turn, the score is the fraction of clause topics not appearing in the previous turn; for response-typed turns, the score is the fraction of clause topics that do not appear in the corresponding question. This results in a set of non-binary reference segmentations. For evaluation metrics that require binary segmentations, we create a binary segmentation by setting a turn as a segment boundary if the computed score is 1. This threshold is chosen to include only true segment boundaries. CNN’s Crossfire Crossfire was a weekly U.S. television “talking heads” program engineered to incite heated arguments (hence the name). Each episode features two recurring hosts, two guests, and clips from the week’s news. Our Crossfire dataset contains 1134 transcribed episodes aired between 2000 and 2004.6 There are 2567 unique speakers. Unlike the previous two datasets, Crossfire does not have explicit topic segmentations, so we use it to explore speaker-specific characteristics (Section 6). 5 Topic Segmentation Experiments In this section, we examine how well SITS can replicate annotations of when new topics are introduced. 5 6∼vietan/topicshift/ 82 We discuss metrics for evaluating an algorithm’s segmentation against a gold annotation, describe our experimental setup, and report those results. Evaluation Metrics To evaluate segmentations, we use Pk (Beeferman et al., 1999) and WindowDiff (WD) (Pevzner and Hearst, 2002). Both metrics measure the probability that two points in a document will be incorrectly separated by a segment boundary. Both techniques consider all spans of length k in the document and count whether the two endpoints of the window are (im)properly segmented against the gold segmentation. However, these metrics have drawbacks. First, they require both hypothesized and reference segmentations to be binary. Many algorithms (e.g., probabilistic approaches) give non-binary segmentations where candidate boundaries have real-valued scores (e.g., probability or confidence). Thus, evaluation requires arbitrary thresholding to binarize soft scores. To be fair, thresholds are set so the number of segments are equal to a predefined value (Purver et al., 2006; Galley et al., 2003). To overcome these limitations, we also use Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) (Rubner et al., 2000), a metric that measures the distance between two distributions. The EMD is the minimal cost to transform one distribution into the other. Each segmentation can be considered a multi-dimensional distribution where each candidate boundary is a dimension. In EMD, a distance function across features allows partial credit for “near miss” segment boundaries. In addition, because EMD operates on distributions, we can compute the distance between non-binary hypothesized segmentations with binary or real-valued reference segmentations. We use the FastEMD implementation (Pele and Werman, 2009). Experimental Methods We applied the following methods to discover topic segmentations in a document: • TextTiling (Hearst, 1997) is one of the earliest generalpurpose topic segmentation algorithms, sliding a fixedwidth window to detect major changes in lexical similarity. • P-NoSpeaker-S: parametric version without speaker identity run on keaerc-hS conversation (Purver et al., 2006) • P-NoSpeaker-M: parametric version without speaker identity run on Mall conversations • P-SITS: the parametric version of SITS with speaker identity run on all conversations • NP-HMM: the HMM-based nonparametric model which a single topic per turn. This model can be considered a Sticky HDP-HMM (Fox et al., 2008) with speaker identity. • NP-SITS: the nonparametric version of SITS with speaker identity run on all conversations. Parameter Settings and Implementations experiment, all parameters same as in (Hearst, 1997). of TextTiling In our are the For statistical models, Gibbs sampling with 10 randomly initialized chains is used. Initial hyperparameter values are sampled from U(0, 1) to favor sparsity; statistics are collected after 500 burn-in iterations with a lag of 25 iterations over a total of 5000 iterations; and slice sampling (Neal, 2003) optimizes hyperparameters. Results and Analysis Table 2 shows the perfor- mance of various models on the topic segmentation problem, using the ICSI corpus and the 2008 debates. Consistent with previous results, probabilistic models outperform TextTiling. In addition, among the probabilistic models, the models that had access to speaker information consistently segment better than those lacking such information, supporting our assertion that there is benefit to modeling conversation as a social process. Furthermore, NP-SITS outperforms NP-HMM in both experiments, suggesting that using a distribution over topics to turns is better than using a single topic. This is consistent with parametric results reported in (Purver et al., 2006). The contribution of speaker identity seems more valuable in the debate setting. Debates are characterized by strong rewards for setting the agenda; dodging a question or moving the debate toward an oppo83 nent’s weakness can be useful strategies (Boydstun et al., 2011). In contrast, meetings (particularly lowstakes ICSI meetings) are characterized by pragmatic rather than strategic topic shifts. Second, agendasetting roles are clearer in formal debates; a modera- tor is tasked with setting the agenda and ensuring the conversation does not wander too much. The nonparametric model does best on the smaller debate dataset. We suspect that an evaluation that directly accessed the topic quality, either via prediction (Teh et al., 2006) or interpretability (Chang et al., 2009) would favor the nonparametric model more. 6 Evaluating Topic Shift Tendency In this section, we focus on the ability of SITS to capture speaker-level attributes. Recall that SITS associates with each speaker a topic shift tendency π that represents the probability of asserting a new topic in the conversation. While topic segmentation is a well studied problem, there are no established quantitative measurements of an individual’s ability to control a conversation. To evaluate whether the tendency is capturing meaningful characteristics of speakers, we compare our inferred tendencies against insights from political science. 2008 Elections To obtain a posterior estimate of π (Figure 3) we create 10 chains with hyperparameters sampled from the uniform distribution U(0, 1) and averaged π over 10 chains (as described in Section 5). In these debates, Ifill is the moderator of the debate between Biden and Palin; Brokaw, Lehrer and Schieffer are the three moderators of three debates between Obama and McCain. Here “Question” denotes questions from audiences in “town hall” debate. The role of this “speaker” can be considered equivalent to the debate moderator. The topic shift tendencies of moderators are much higher than for candidates. In the three debates between Obama and McCain, the moderators— Brokaw, Lehrer and Schieffer—have significantly higher scores than both candidates. This is a useful reality check, since in a debate the moderators are the ones asking questions and literally controlling the topical focus. Interestingly, in the vice-presidential debate, the score of moderator Ifill is only slightly higher than those of Palin and Biden; this is consistent with media commentary characterizing her as a size of the metrics Pk and WindowDiff chosen to replicate previous results. weak moderator.7 Similarly, the “Question” speaker had a relatively high variance, consistent with an amalgamation of many distinct speakers. These topic shift tendencies suggest that all candidates manage to succeed at some points in setting and controlling the debate topics. Our model gives Obama a slightly higher score than McCain, consistent with social science claims (Boydstun et al., 2011) that Obama had the lead in setting the agenda over McCain. Table 4 shows of SITS-detected topic shifts. Crossfire Crossfire, unlike the debates, has many speakers. This allows us to examine more closely what we can learn about speakers’ topic shift tendency. We verified that SITS can segment topics, and assuming that changing the topic is useful for a speaker, how can we characterize who does so effectively? We examine the relationship between topic shift tendency, social roles, and political ideology. To focus on frequent speakers, we filter out speakers with fewer than 30 turns. Most speakers have relatively small π, with the mode around 0.3. There are, however, speakers with very high topic shift tendencies. Table 5 shows the speakers having the highest values according to SITS. We find that there are three general patterns for who influences the course of a conversation in Crossfire. First, there are structural “speakers” the show uses to frame and propose new topics. These are 7 84 2008 Presidential Election Debates (larger means greater tendency) audience questions, news clips (e.g. many of Gore’s and Bush’s turns from 2000), and voice overs. That SITS is able to recover these is reassuring. Second, the stable of regular hosts receives high topic shift tendencies, which is reasonable given their experience with the format and ostensible moderation roles (in practice they also stoke lively discussion). The remaining class is more interesting. The remaining non-hosts with high topic shift tendency are relative moderates on the political spectrum: • John Kasich, one of few Republicans to support the assault weapons ban and now governor of Ohio, a swing state • Christine Todd Whitman, former Republican governor of CNehrwis Jersey, a very iDtmemano,c froartmice srt Ratee • John McCain, who before 2008 was known as a “maverick” for working with Democrats (e.g. Russ Feingold) This suggests that, despite Crossfire’s tendency to create highly partisan debates, those who are able to work across the political spectrum may best be able to influence the topic under discussion in highly polarized contexts. Table 4 shows detected topic shifts from these speakers; two of these examples (McCain and Whitman) show disagreement of Republicans with President Bush. In the other, Kasich is defending a Republican plan (school vouchers) popular with traditional Democratic constituencies. 7 Related and Future Work In the realm of statistical models, a number of techniques incorporate social connections and identity to explain content in social networks (Chang and Blei, atsbDePMmwphIncFiAoasCrtuLleycnNdAg:irIs’SatYphyo,weumckItGrasy’.qoheivfnuIakgrsdt?heo vna,dtbpJ.omslrheyivcaBnwdspeur[.ihodqtef]nuar,slihmetdnyuaopi’s-SbeI[hBn.FCtDvHLcr]ligEemIhysNoa:nFbvWidxeAltEsghnmRboad:eics[yr.,fmtuwleinha][go.,dLYftweur]–’lhsdaitngxerkbIfoat.hqeslkOufinrmbtyoeha,rit[n.geholyasc]rdi,wteoaxylpm’sburneItaopfkvicsqr.,n[BYoOtafebxruli.,mcEksGgatvn]roOebpyitmlnorcd.ea[sfviPYtr]lgoandyu., Previous turnTurn detected as shifting topic examples of those with high topic shift tendency 238947156FPAGNQMreouna.mlvsWea†‡kt.iluBonrcseh‡.7586 41702 4863150FBCKWMealchgrsitCvA lamuhoin†efr.5 2473509 π. RankSpeakerπRankSpeakerπ Table 5: Top speakers by topic shift tendencies. We mark hosts (†) and “speakers” who often (but not always) appeared in clips (‡). Apart from those groups, speakers with the highest tendency were political moderates. 2009) and scientific corpora (Rosen-Zvi et al., 2004). However, these models ignore the temporal evolution of content, treating documents as static. Models that do investigate the evolution of topics over time typically ignore the identify of the speaker. For example: models having sticky topics over ngrams (Johnson, 2010), sticky HDP-HMM (Fox et al., 2008); models that are an amalgam of sequential models and topic models (Griffiths et al., 2005; Wal85 lach, 2006; Gruber et al., 2007; Ahmed and Xing, 2008; Boyd-Graber and Blei, 2008; Du et al., 2010); or explicit models of time or other relevant features as a distinct latent variable (Wang and McCallum, 2006; Eisenstein et al., 2010). In contrast, SITS jointly models topic and individuals’ tendency to control a conversation. Not only does SITS outperform other models using standard computational linguistics baselines, but it also pro- poses intriguing hypotheses for social scientists. Associating each speaker with a scalar that models their tendency to change the topic does improve performance on standard tasks, but it’s inadequate to fully describe an individual. Modeling individuals’ perspective (Paul and Girju, 2010), “side” (Thomas et al., 2006), or personal preferences for topics (Grimmer, 2009) would enrich the model and better illuminate the interaction of influence and topic. Statistical analysis of political discourse can help discover patterns that political scientists, who often work via a “close reading,” might otherwise miss. We plan to work with social scientists to validate our implicit hypothesis that our topic shift tendency correlates well with intuitive measures of “influence.” Acknowledgements This research was funded in part by the Army Research Laboratory through ARL Cooperative Agreement W91 1NF-09-2-0072 and by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), through the Army Research Laboratory. Jordan Boyd-Graber and Philip Resnik are also supported by US National Science Foundation Grant NSF grant #1018625. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsors. References [Abbott et al., 2011] Abbott, R., Walker, M., Anand, P., Fox Tree, J. E., Bowmani, R., and King, J. (201 1). How can you say such things?!?: Recognizing disagreement in informal political argument. 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Another is that memorable quotes tend to be more general in ways that make them easy to apply in new contexts — that is, more portable. — We also show how the concept of “memorable language” can be extended across domains. 1 Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. Understanding what items will be retained in the public consciousness, and why, is a question of fundamental interest in many domains, including marketing, politics, entertainment, and social media; as we all know, many items barely register, whereas others catch on and take hold in many people’s minds. An active line of recent computational work has employed a variety of perspectives on this question. 892 Building on a foundation in the sociology of diffusion [27, 31], researchers have explored the ways in which network structure affects the way information spreads, with domains of interest including blogs [1, 11], email [37], on-line commerce [22], and social media [2, 28, 33, 38]. There has also been recent research addressing temporal aspects of how different media sources convey information [23, 30, 39] and ways in which people react differently to infor- mation on different topics [28, 36]. Beyond all these factors, however, one’s everyday experience with these domains suggests that the way in which a piece of information is expressed the choice of words, the way it is phrased might also have a fundamental effect on the extent to which it takes hold in people’s minds. Concepts that attain wide reach are often carried in messages such as political slogans, marketing phrases, or aphorisms whose language seems intuitively to be memorable, “catchy,” or otherwise compelling. Our first challenge in exploring this hypothesis is to develop a notion of “successful” language that is precise enough to allow for quantitative evaluation. We also face the challenge of devising an evaluation setting that separates the phrasing of a message from the conditions in which it was delivered highlycited quotes tend to have been delivered under compelling circumstances or fit an existing cultural, political, or social narrative, and potentially what appeals to us about the quote is really just its invocation of these extra-linguistic contexts. Is the form of the language adding an effect beyond or independent of these (obviously very crucial) factors? To — — — investigate the question, one needs a way of controlProce dJienjgus, R ofep thueb 5lic0t hof A Knonruea ,l M 8-e1e4ti Jnugly o f2 t0h1e2 A.s ?c so2c0ia1t2io Ans fso rc Ciatoiomnp fuotart Cio nmaplu Ltiantgiounisatlic Lsi,n pgaugiestsi8c 9s2–901, ling as much as possible for the role that the surrounding context of the language plays. — — The present work (i): Evaluating language-based memorability Defining what makes an utterance memorable is subtle, and scholars in several domains have written about this question. There is a rough consensus that an appropriate definition involves elements of both recognition people should be able to retain the quote and recognize it when they hear it invoked and production people should be motivated to refer to it in relevant situations [15]. One suggested reason for why some memes succeed is their ability to provoke emotions [16]. Alternatively, memorable quotes can be good for expressing the feelings, mood, or situation of an individual, a group, or a culture (the zeitgeist): “Certain quotes exquisitely capture the mood or feeling we wish to communicate to someone. We hear them ... and store them away for future use” [10]. None of these observations, however, serve as definitions, and indeed, we believe it desirable to — — — not pre-commit to an abstract definition, but rather to adopt an operational formulation based on external human judgments. In designing our study, we focus on a domain in which (i) there is rich use of language, some of which has achieved deep cultural penetration; (ii) there already exist a large number of external human judgments perhaps implicit, but in a form we can extract; and (iii) we can control for the setting in which the text was used. Specifically, we use the complete scripts of roughly 1000 movies, representing diverse genres, eras, and levels of popularity, and consider which lines are the most “memorable”. To acquire memorability labels, for each sentence in each script, we determine whether it has been listed as a “memorable quote” by users of the widely-known IMDb (the Internet Movie Database), and also estimate the number oftimes it appears on the Web. Both ofthese serve as memorability metrics for our purposes. When we evaluate properties of memorable quotes, we comparethemwithquotes thatarenotassessed as memorable, but were spoken by the same character, at approximately the same point in the same movie. This enables us to control in a fairly — fine-grained way for the confounding effects of context discussed above: we can observe differences 893 that persist even after taking into account both the speaker and the setting. In a pilot validation study, we find that human subjects are effective at recognizing the more IMDbmemorable of two quotes, even for movies they have not seen. This motivates a search for features intrinsic to the text of quotes that signal memorability. In fact, comments provided by the human subjects as part of the task suggested two basic forms that such textual signals could take: subjects felt that (i) memorable quotes often involve a distinctive turn of phrase; and (ii) memorable quotes tend to invoke general themes that aren’t tied to the specific setting they came from, and hence can be more easily invoked for future (out of context) uses. We test both of these principles in our analysis of the data. The present work (ii): What distinguishes memorable quotes Under the controlled-comparison setting sketched above, we find that memorable quotes exhibit significant differences from nonmemorable quotes in several fundamental respects, and these differences in the data reinforce the two main principles from the human pilot study. First, we show a concrete sense in which memorable quotes are indeed distinctive: with respect to lexical language models trained on the newswire portions of the Brown corpus [21], memorable quotes have significantly lower likelihood than their nonmemorable counterparts. Interestingly, this distinctiveness takes place at the level of words, but not at the level of other syntactic features: the part-ofspeech composition of memorable quotes is in fact more likely with respect to newswire. Thus, we can think of memorable quotes as consisting, in an aggregate sense, of unusual word choices built on a scaffolding of common part-of-speech patterns. We also identify a number of ways in which memorable quotes convey greater generality. In their patterns of verb tenses, personal pronouns, and determiners, memorable quotes are structured so as to be more “free-standing,” containing fewer markers that indicate references to nearby text. Memorable quotes differ in other interesting as- pects as well, such as sound distributions. Our analysis ofmemorable movie quotes suggests a framework by which the memorability of text in a range of different domains could be investigated. We provide evidence that such cross-domain properties may hold, guided by one of our motivating applications in marketing. In particular, we analyze a corpus of advertising slogans, and we show that these slogans have significantly greater likelihood at both the word level and the part-of-speech level with respect to a language model trained on memorable movie quotes, compared to a corresponding language model trained on non-memorable movie quotes. This suggests that some of the principles underlying memorable text have the potential to apply across different areas. Roadmap §2 lays the empirical foundations of our work: the design yasntdh ecerematpioirnic aofl our movie-quotes dataset, which we make publicly available (§2. 1), a pilot study cwhit hw ehu mmakaen subjects validating §I2M.1D),b abased memorability labels (§2.2), and further study bofa incorporating search-engine c2)o,u anntds (§2.3). §3 uddeytoafi lisn our analysis aenardc prediction experiments, using both movie-quotes data and, as an exploration of cross-domain applicability, slogans data. §4 surveys rcerloastse-dd owmoarkin across a variety goafn fsie dladtsa.. §5 briefly sruelmatmedar wizoesrk ka andcr ionsdsic aat veasr some ffuft uierled sd.ire §c5tio bnrsie. 2 I’m ready for my close-up. 2.1 Data To study the properties of memorable movie quotes, we need a source of movie lines and a designation of memorability. Following [8], we constructed a corpus consisting of all lines from roughly 1000 movies, varying in genre, era, and popularity; for each movie, we then extracted the list of quotes from IMDb’s Memorable Quotes page corresponding to the movie.1 A memorable quote in IMDb can appear either as an individual sentence spoken by one character, or as a multi-sentence line, or as a block of dialogue involving multiple characters. In the latter two cases, it can be hard to determine which particular portion is viewed as memorable (some involve a build-up to a punch line; others involve the follow-through after a well-phrased opening sentence), and so we focus in our comparisons on those memorable quotes that 1This extraction involved some edit-distance-based alignment, since the exact form of the line in the script can exhibit minor differences from the version typed into IMDb. rmotuqsfebmaNerolbm543281760 0 1234D5ecil678910 894 Figure 1: Location of memorable quotes in each decile of movie scripts (the first 10th, the second 10th, etc.), summed over all movies. The same qualitative results hold if we discard each movie’s very first and last line, which might have privileged status. appear as a single sentence rather than a multi-line block.2 We now formulate a task that we can use to evaluate the features of memorable quotes. Recall that our goal is to identify effects based in the language of the quotes themselves, beyond any factors arising from the speaker or context. Thus, for each (singlesentence) memorable quote M, we identify a nonmemorable quote that is as similar as possible to M in all characteristics but the choice of words. This means we want it to be spoken by the same character in the same movie. It also means that we want it to have the same length: controlling for length is important because we expect that on average, shorter quotes will be easier to remember than long quotes, and that wouldn’t be an interesting textual effect to report. Moreover, we also want to control for the fact that a quote’s position in a movie can affect memorability: certain scenes produce more memorable dialogue, and as Figure 1 demonstrates, in aggregate memorable quotes also occur disproportionately near the beginnings and especially the ends of movies. In summary, then, for each M, we pick a contrasting (single-sentence) quote N from the same movie that is as close in the script as possible to M (either before or after it), subject to the conditions that (i) M and N are uttered by the same speaker, (ii) M and N have the same number of words, and (iii) N does not occur in the IMDb list of memorable 2We also ran experiments relaxing the single-sentence assumption, which allows for stricter scene control and a larger dataset but complicates comparisons involving syntax. The non-syntax results were in line with those reported here. TaJSOMbtrclodekviTn1ra:eBTykhoPrwNenpmlxeasipFIHAeaithrclsfnitkaQeomuifltw’sdaveoitycmsnedoqatbuliocrkeytsl f.woEeimlanchguwspakyirdfsebavot;ilmsdfcoenti’dus.erx-citaINmSnrkeioamct:ohenwmardleytQ.howfeu t’yvrecp,o’gsmrtpuaosnmtyef o rtgnhqieuvrobt.pehasirtdeosfpykuern close together in the movie by the same while the other is not. (Contractions character, have the same length, and one is labeled memorable by the IMDb such as “it’s” count as two words.) quotes for the movie (either as a single line or as part of a larger block). Given such pairs, we formulate a pairwise comparison task: given M and N, determine which is the memorable quote. Psychological research on subjective evaluation [35], as well as initial experiments using ourselves as subjects, indicated that this pairwise set-up easier to work with than simply presenting a single sentence and asking whether it is memorable or not; the latter requires agreement on an “absolute” criterion for memorability that is very hard to impose consistently, whereas the former simply requires a judgment that one quote is more memorable than another. Our main dataset, available at http://www.cs.∼cristian/memorability.html,3 thus consists of approximately 2200 such (M, N) pairs, separated by a median of 5 same-character lines in the script. The reader can get a sense for the nature of the data from the three examples in Table 1. We now discuss two further aspects to the formulation of the experiment: a preliminary pilot study involving human subjects, and the incorporation of search engine counts into the data. 2.2 Pilot study: Human performance As a preliminary consideration, we did a small pilot study to see if humans can distinguish memorable from non-memorable quotes, assuming our IMDBinduced labels as gold standard. Six subjects, all native speakers of English and none an author of this paper, were presented with 11 or 12 pairs of memorable vs. non-memorable quotes; again, we controlled for extra-textual effects by ensuring that in each pair the two quotes come from the same movie, are by the same character, have the same length, and 3Also available there: other examples and factoids. 895 Table 2: Human pilot study: number of matches to IMDb-induced annotation, ordered by decreasing match percentage. For the null hypothesis of random guessing, these results are statistically significant, p < 2−6 ≈ .016. appear as nearly as possible in the same scene.4 The order of quotes within pairs was randomized. Importantly, because we wanted to understand whether the language of the quotes by itself contains signals about memorability, we chose quotes from movies that the subjects said they had not seen. (This means that each subject saw a different set of quotes.) Moreover, the subjects were requested not to consult any external sources of information.5 The reader is welcome to try a demo version of the task at http: //∼cristian/memorability.html. Table 2 shows that all the subjects performed (sometimes much) better than chance, and against the null hypothesis that all subjects are guessing randomly, the results are statistically significant, p < 2−6 ≈ .016. These preliminary findings provide evidenc≈e f.0or1 t6h.e T validity eolifm our traysk fi:n despite trohev apparent difficulty of the job, even humans who haven’t seen the movie in question can recover our IMDb4In this pilot study, we allowed multi-sentence quotes. 5We did not use crowd-sourcing because we saw no way to ensure that this condition would be obeyed by arbitrary subjects. We do note, though, that after our research was completed and as of Apr. 26, 2012, ≈ 11,300 people completed the online test: average accuracy: 27,2 ≈%, 1 1m,3o0d0e npueompbleer c coomrrpelcett:e d9 t/1he2. induced labels with some reliability.6 2.3 Incorporating search engine counts Thus far we have discussed a dataset in which memorability is determined through an explicit labeling drawn from the IMDb. Given the “production” aspect of memorability discussed in § 1, we stihoonu”ld a saplesoc expect tmhaotr mabeimlityora dbislce quotes nw §il1l ,te wnde to appear more extensively on Web pages than nonmemorable quotes; note that incorporating this insight makes it possible to use the (implicit) judgments of a much larger number of people than are represented by the IMDb database. It therefore makes sense to try using search-engine result counts as a second indication of memorability. We experimented with several ways of constructing memorability information from search-engine counts, but this proved challenging. Searching for a quote as a stand-alone phrase runs into the problem that a number of quotes are also sentences that people use without the movie in mind, and so high counts for such quotes do not testify to the phrase’s status as a memorable quote from the movie. On the other hand, searching for the quote in a Boolean conjunction with the movie’s title discards most of these uses, but also eliminates a large fraction of the appearances on the Web that we want to find: precisely because memorable quotes tend to have widespread cultural usage, people generally don’t feel the need to include the movie’s title when invoking them. Finally, since we are dealing with roughly 1000 movies, the result counts vary over an enormous range, from recent blockbusters to movies with relatively small fan bases. In the end, we found that it was more effective to use the result counts in conjunction with the IMDb labels, so that the counts played the role of an additional filter rather than a free-standing numerical value. Thus, for each pair (M, N) produced using the IMDb methodology above, we searched for each of M and N as quoted expressions in a Boolean conjunction with the title of the movie. We then kept only those pairs for which M (i) produced more than five results in our (quoted, conjoined) search, and (ii) produced at least twice as many results as the cor6The average accuracy being below 100% reinforces that context is very important, too. 896 responding search for N. We created a version of this filtered dataset using each of Google and Bing, and all the main findings were consistent with the results on the IMDb-only dataset. Thus, in what follows, we will focus on the main IMDb-only dataset, discussing the relationship to the dataset filtered by search engine counts where relevant (in which case we will refer to the +Google dataset). 3 Never send a human to do a machine’s job. We now discuss experiments that investigate the hypotheses discussed in §1. In particular, we devise pmoetthheosdess t dhiastc can assess 1th.e Idnis ptianrcttiicvuelnaer,ss w aend d generality hypotheses and test whether there exists a notion of “memorable language” that operates across domains. In addition, we evaluate and compare the predictive power of these hypotheses. 3.1 Distinctiveness One of the hypotheses we examine is whether the use of language in memorable quotes is to some extent unusual. In order to quantify the level of distinctiveness of a quote, we take a language-model approach: we model “common language” using the newswire sections of the Brown corpus [21]7, and evaluate how distinctive a quote is by evaluating its likelihood with respect to this model the lower the likelihood, the more distinctive. In order to assess different levels of lexical and syntactic distinctiveness, we employ a total of six Laplacesmoothed8 language models: 1-gram, 2-gram, and — 3-gram word LMs and 1-gram, 2-gram and 3-gram LMs. We find strong evidence that from a lexical perspective, memorable quotes are more distinctive than their non-memorable counterparts. As indicated in Table 3, for each of our lexical “common language” models, in about 60% of the quote pairs, the memorable quote is more distinctive. Interestingly, the reverse is true when it comes to part-of-speech9 7Results were qualitatively similar if we used the fiction portions. The age of the Brown corpus makes it less likely to contain modern movie quotes. 8We employ Laplace (additive) smoothing with a smoothing parameter of 0.2. The language models’ vocabulary was that of the entire training corpus. 9Throughout we obtain part-of-speech tags by using the NLTK maximum entropy tagger with default parameters. in which the the memorable quote is more distinctive than the non-memorable one according to the respective “common language” model. Significance according to a two-tailed sign test is indicated using *-notation (∗∗∗=“p<.001”). syntax: memorable quotes appear to follow the syntactic patterns of “common language” as closely as or more closely than non-memorable quotes. Together, these results suggest that memorable quotes consist of unusual word sequences built on common syntactic scaffolding. 3.2 Generality Another of our hypotheses is that memorable quotes are easier to use outside the specific context in which they were uttered that is, more “portable” and therefore exhibit fewer terms that refer to those settings. We use the following syntactic properties as proxies for the generality of a quote: • Fewer 3rd-person pronouns, since these commonly r 3efer to a person or object that was introduced earlier in the discourse. Utterances that employ fewer such pronouns are easier to adapt to new contexts, and so will be considered more — — general. • More indefinite articles like a and an, since they are more likely ttioc lreesfer li ktoe general concepts than definite articles. Quotes with more indefinite articles will be considered more general. Fewer past tense verbs and more present tFeenwsee verbs, tseinncsee t vheer bfosrm aenrd are more likely to refer to specific previous events. Therefore utterances that employ fewer past tense verbs (and more present tense verbs) will be considered more general. Table 4 gives the results for each of these four metrics in each case, we show the percentage of • — 897 TalfmGebowsnre4pa:in3srGldet sypfne.msrate.lripnctysoe: purncsetaI56gM47e.326D9o710bf% -qo∗u n∗l tyepa+56iG892rs.o7i364ng% wl∗ eh∗i ch the memorable quote is more general than the non- memorable ones according to the respective metric. Pairs where the metric does not distinguish between the quotes are not considered. quote pairs for which the memorable quote scores better on the generality metric. Note that because the issue of generality is a complex one for which there is no straightforward single metric, our approach here is based on several proxies for generality, considered independently; yet, as the results show, all of these point in a consistent direction. It is an interesting open question to develop richer ways of assessing whether a quote has greater generality, in the sense that people intuitively attribute to memorable quotes. 3.3 “Memorable” language beyond movies One of the motivating questions in our analysis is whether there are general principles underlying “memorable language.” The results thus far suggest potential families of such principles. A further question in this direction is whether the notion of memorability can be extended across different domains, and for this we collected (and distribute on our website) 431 phrases that were explicitly designed to be memorable: advertising slogans (e.g., “Quality never goes out of style.”). The focus on slogans is also in keeping with one of the initial motivations in studying memorability, namely, marketing applications in other words, assessing whether a proposed slogan has features that are consistent with memorable text. The fact that it’s not clear how to construct a collection of “non-memorable” counterparts to slogans appears to pose a technical challenge. However, we can still use a language-modeling approach to assess whether the textual properties of the slogans are closer to the memorable movie quotes (as one would conjecture) or to the non-memorable movie quotes. Specifically, we train one language model on memorable quotes and another on non-memorable quotes — guage: percentage of slogans that have higher likelihood under the memorable language model than under the nonmemorable one (for each of the six language models considered). Rightmost column: for reference, the percentage of newswire sentences that have higher likelihood under the memorable language model than under the nonmemorable one. TaG% ble3nipared6stpa:lfeitrnSsyilto.megpareotnsicluaerns mo1s42lto.61g048ae% nseral2w1m.h16e3mn% .comn2p-63ma.0r46e19dm% .to memorable and non-memorable quotes. (%s of 3rd pers. pronouns and indefinite articles are relative to all tokens, %s of past tense are relative to all past and present verbs.) and compare how likely each slogan is to be produced according to these two models. As shown in the middle column of Table 5, we find that slogans are better predicted both lexically and syntactically by the former model. This result thus offers evidence for a concept of “memorable language” that can be applied beyond a single domain. We also note that the higher likelihood of slogans under a “memorable language” model is not simply occurring for the trivial reason that this model predicts all other large bodies of text better. In particular, the newswire section of the Brown corpus is predicted better at the lexical level by the language model trained on non-memorable quotes. Finally, Table 6 shows that slogans employ general language, in the sense that for each of our generality metrics, we see a slogans/memorablequotes/non-memorable quotes spectrum. 3.4 Prediction task We now show how the principles discussed above can provide features for a basic prediction task, corresponding to the task in our human pilot study: 898 given a pair of quotes, identify the memorable one. Our first formulation of the prediction task uses a standard bag-of-words model10. If there were no information in the textual content of a quote to determine whether it were memorable, then an SVM employing bag-of-words features should perform no better than chance. Instead, though, it obtains 59.67% (10-fold cross-validation) accuracy, as shown in Table 7. We then develop models using features based on the measures formulated earlier in this section: generality measures (the four listed in Table 4); distinctiveness measures (likelihood according to 1, 2, and 3-gram “common language” models at the lexical and part-of-speech level for each quote in the pair, their differences, and pairwise comparisons between them); and similarityto-slogans measures (likelihood according to 1, 2, and 3-gram slogan-language models at the lexical and part-of-speech level for each quote in the pair, their differences, and pairwise comparisons between them). Even a relatively small number of distinctiveness features, on their own, improve significantly over the much larger bag-of-words model. When we include additional features based on generality and language-model features measuring similarity to slogans, the performance improves further (last line of Table 7). Thus, the main conclusion from these prediction tasks is that abstracting notions such as distinctiveness and generality can produce relatively streamlined models that outperform much heavier-weight bag-of-words models, and can suggest steps toward approaching the performance of human judges who very much unlike our system have the full cultural context in which movies occur at their disposal. — — 3.5 Other characteristics We also made some auxiliary observations that may be ofinterest. Specifically, we find differences in letter and sound distribution (e.g., memorable quotes after curse-word removal use significantly more “front sounds” (labials or front vowels such as represented by the letter i) and significantly fewer “back sounds” such as the one represented by u),11 — — 10We discarded terms appearing fewer than 10 times. 11These findings may relate to marketing research on sound symbolism [7, 19, 40]. TablesdgF7lieao:sngtPiehnorauefc dtliswevctymeo irnp.des:StoVgeMh10r-fo#ldec9ra265ot42sv5aA6l8942ic.d36720atu57%ri aocn∗yresult using the respective feature sets. Random baseline accuracy is 50%. Accuracies statistically significantly greater than bag-of-words according to a two-tailed t-test are indicated with *(p<.05) and **(p<.01). word complexity (e.g., memorable quotes use words with significantly more syllables) and phrase complexity (e.g., memorable quotes use fewer coordinating conjunctions). The latter two are in line with our distinctiveness hypothesis. 4 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away How an item’s linguistic form affects the reaction it generates has been studied in several contexts, including evaluations of product reviews [9], political speeches [12], on-line posts [13], scientific papers [14], and retweeting of Twitter posts [36]. We use a different set of features, abstracting the notions of distinctiveness and generality, in order to focus on these higher-level aspects of phrasing rather than on particular lower-level features. Related to our interest in distinctiveness, work in advertising research has studied the effect of syntactic complexity on recognition and recall of slogans [5, 6, 24]. There may also be connections to Von Restorff’s isolation effect Hunt [17], which asserts that when all but one item in a list are similar in some way, memory for the different item is enhanced. Related to our interest in generality, Knapp et al. [20] surveyed subjects regarding memorable messages or pieces of advice they had received, finding that the ability to be applied to multiple concrete situations was an important factor. Memorability, although distinct from “memorizability”, relates to short- and long-term recall. Thorn and Page [34] survey sub-lexical, lexical, and semantic attributes affecting short-term memorability of lexical items. Studies of verbatim recall have also considered the task of distinguishing an exact quote from close paraphrases [3]. Investigations of longterm recall have included studies ofculturally signif- 899 icant passages of text [29] and findings regarding the effect of rhetorical devices of alliterative [4], “rhythmic, poetic, and thematic constraints” [18, 26]. Finally, there are complex connections between humor and memory [32], which may lead to interactions with computational humor recognition [25]. 5 I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Motivated by the broad question of what kinds of information achieve widespread public awareness, we studied the the effect of phrasing on a quote’s memorability. A challenge is that quotes differ not only in how they are worded, but also in who said them and under what circumstances; to deal with this difficulty, we constructed a controlled corpus of movie quotes in which lines deemed memorable are paired with non-memorable lines spoken by the same character at approximately the same point in the same movie. After controlling for context and situation, memorable quotes were still found to exhibit, on av- erage (there will always be individual exceptions), significant differences from non-memorable quotes in several important respects, including measures capturing distinctiveness and generality. Our experiments with slogans show how the principles we identify can extend to a different domain. Future work may lead to applications in marketing, advertising and education [4]. Moreover, the subtle nature of memorability, and its connection to research in psychology, suggests a range of further research directions. 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