acl acl2012 acl2012-199 acl2012-199-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

199 acl-2012-Topic Models for Dynamic Translation Model Adaptation

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Author: Vladimir Eidelman ; Jordan Boyd-Graber ; Philip Resnik

Abstract: We propose an approach that biases machine translation systems toward relevant translations based on topic-specific contexts, where topics are induced in an unsupervised way using topic models; this can be thought of as inducing subcorpora for adaptation without any human annotation. We use these topic distributions to compute topic-dependent lex- ical weighting probabilities and directly incorporate them into our translation model as features. Conditioning lexical probabilities on the topic biases translations toward topicrelevant output, resulting in significant improvements of up to 1 BLEU and 3 TER on Chinese to English translation over a strong baseline.

reference text

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