nips nips2012 nips2012-241 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

241 nips-2012-No-Regret Algorithms for Unconstrained Online Convex Optimization

Source: pdf

Author: Brendan Mcmahan, Matthew Streeter

Abstract: Some of the most compelling applications of online convex optimization, including online prediction and classification, are unconstrained: the natural feasible set is Rn . Existing algorithms fail to achieve sub-linear regret in this setting unless constraints on the comparator point ˚ are known in advance. We present algox rithms that, without such prior knowledge, offer near-optimal regret bounds with respect to any choice of ˚. In particular, regret with respect to ˚ = 0 is constant. x x We then prove lower bounds showing that our guarantees are near-optimal in this setting. 1

Reference: text

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1 com Abstract Some of the most compelling applications of online convex optimization, including online prediction and classification, are unconstrained: the natural feasible set is Rn . [sent-6, score-0.342]

2 Existing algorithms fail to achieve sub-linear regret in this setting unless constraints on the comparator point ˚ are known in advance. [sent-7, score-0.561]

3 We present algox rithms that, without such prior knowledge, offer near-optimal regret bounds with respect to any choice of ˚. [sent-8, score-0.441]

4 In particular, regret with respect to ˚ = 0 is constant. [sent-9, score-0.359]

5 1 Introduction Over the past several years, online convex optimization has emerged as a fundamental tool for solving problems in machine learning (see, e. [sent-11, score-0.195]

6 The reduction from general online convex optimization to online linear optimization means that simple and efficient (in memory and time) algorithms can be used to tackle large-scale machine learning problems. [sent-14, score-0.334]

7 The key theoretical techniques behind essentially all the algorithms in this field are the use of a fixed or increasing strongly convex regularizer (for gradient descent algorithms, this is equivalent to a fixed or decreasing learning rate sequence). [sent-15, score-0.273]

8 √ This approach produces regret bounds of the form O R T log((1 + R)T ) , where R = ˚ 2 is the x L2 norm of an arbitrary comparator. [sent-19, score-0.425]

9 A consequence of this is that we can x guarantee at most constant regret with respect to the origin, ˚ = 0. [sent-21, score-0.424]

10 This technique can be applied to x any online convex optimization problem where a fixed feasible set is not an essential component of the problem. [sent-22, score-0.239]

11 For appropriately chosen σ and , this becomes a problem of online convex optimization against functions ft (x) = (σ(at ·x), yt ). [sent-25, score-0.248]

12 1 likely than large ones, but this is rarely best encoded as a feasible set F, which says: “all xt ∈ F are equally likely, and all other xt are ruled out. [sent-28, score-0.3]

13 While 2 algorithms of this form have proved very effective at solving these problems, theoretical guarantees usually require fixing a feasible set of radius R, or at least an intelligent guess of the norm of an optimal comparator ˚. [sent-30, score-0.34]

14 , [3]), there are n experts, and on each round t the player selects an expert (say i), and obtains reward gt,i from a bounded interval (say [−1, 1]). [sent-33, score-0.458]

15 Typically, one uses an algorithm that proposes a probability distribution pt on experts, so the expected reward is pt · gt . [sent-34, score-0.662]

16 Our algorithms apply to an unconstrained version of this problem: there are still n experts with payouts in [−1, 1], but rather than selecting an individual expert, the player can place a “bet” of xt,i on each expert i, and then receives reward i xt,i gt,i = xt · gt . [sent-35, score-0.93]

17 The bets are unconstrained (betting a negative value corresponds to betting against the expert). [sent-36, score-0.173]

18 In this setting, a natural goal is the following: place bets so as to achieve as much reward as possible, subject to the constraint that total losses are bounded by a constant (which can be set equal to some starting budget which is to be invested). [sent-37, score-0.348]

19 Our algorithms can satisfy constraints of this form because regret with respect to ˚ = 0 x (which equals total loss) is bounded by a constant. [sent-38, score-0.359]

20 It is useful to contrast our results in this setting to previous applications of online convex optimization to portfolio management, for example [6] and [2]. [sent-39, score-0.233]

21 Therefore, we consider online linear optimization where the goal is to maximize cumulative reward given adversarially selected linear reward functions ft (x) = gt · x. [sent-49, score-1.077]

22 T , the algorithm selects a point xt ∈ Rn , receives reward ft (xt ) = gt · xt , and observes gt . [sent-53, score-1.303]

23 For simplicity, we assume gt,i ∈ [−1, 1], that is, gt ∞ ≤ 1. [sent-54, score-0.349]

24 If the real problem is against convex loss functions t (x), they can be converted to our framework by taking gt = − t (xt ) (see pseudo-code for R EWARD -D OUBLING), using the standard reduction from online convex optimization to online linear optimization [13]. [sent-55, score-0.755]

25 We study the reward of our algorithms, and their regret against a fixed comparator ˚: x T Reward ≡ T gt · xt and Regret(˚) ≡ g1:T · ˚ − x x t=1 gt · xt . [sent-57, score-1.773]

26 t=1 Comparison of Regret Bounds The primary contribution of this paper is to establish matching upper and lower bounds for unconstrained online convex optimization problems, using algorithms that require no prior information about the comparator point √. [sent-58, score-0.577]

27 To obtain x x x x √ this guarantee, we show that it is sufficient (and necessary) that reward is Ω(exp(|g1:T |/ T )) (see Theorem 1). [sent-60, score-0.258]

28 x Table 1 compares the bounds for R EWARD -D OUBLING (this paper) to those of two previous algorithms: online gradient descent [13] and projected exponentiated gradient descent [8, 12]. [sent-62, score-0.58]

29 For each Our bounds are not directly comparable to the bounds cited above: a O(log(T )) regret bound on log√ wealth implies wealth at least O OPT/T , whereas we guarantee wealth like O OPT’ − T . [sent-63, score-0.746]

30 2 Assuming gt 2 ≤ 1: Gradient Descent, η = ˚= 0 x √ R T R √ T R EWARD -D OUBLING Assuming gt ∞ ˚ 2≤R x √ R T √ R T log n(1+R)T ˚ x √ 2 Arbitrary ˚ x ˚ 2T x T log n(1+ ˚ x 2 )T ≤ 1: Exponentiated G. [sent-65, score-0.794]

31 R EWARD -D OUBLING ˚= 0 x √ R T log n ˚ 1≤R x √ R T log n √ R T log n(1+R)T Arbitrary ˚ x ˚ 1T x √ x ˚ 1 T log n(1+ ˚ x √ 1) T Table 1: Worst-case regret bounds for various algorithms (up to constant factors). [sent-67, score-0.641]

32 algorithm, we consider a fixed choice of parameter settings and then look at how regret changes as we vary the comparator point ˚. [sent-71, score-0.561]

33 x Gradient descent is minimax-optimal [1] when the comparator point is contained in a hypershere whose radius is known in advance ( ˚ 2 ≤ R) and gradients are sparse ( gt 2 ≤ 1, top table). [sent-72, score-0.764]

34 x Exponentiated gradient descent excels when gradients are dense ( gt ∞ ≤ 1, bottom table) but the comparator point is sparse ( ˚ 1 ≤ R for R known in advance). [sent-73, score-0.789]

35 When ˚ = 0, R EWARD -D OUBLING offers constant regret x √ x compared to Ω( T ) for the other algorithms. [sent-76, score-0.383]

36 When ˚ can be arbitrary, only R EWARD -D OUBLING offers sub-linear regret (and in fact its regret bound is optimal, as shown in Theorem 8). [sent-77, score-0.756]

37 Related Work Our work is related, at least in spirit, to the use of a momentum term in stochastic gradient descent for back propagation in neural networks [7, 11, 9]. [sent-80, score-0.191]

38 In Follow-The-Regularized-Leader terms, the exponentiated gradient descent algorithm with unnor1 malized weights of Kivinen and Warmuth [8] plays xt+1 = arg minx∈Rn g1:t · x + η (x log x − x), + which has closed-form solution xt+1 = exp(−ηg1:t ). [sent-82, score-0.339]

39 Like our algorithm, this algorithm moves away from the origin exponentially fast, but unlike our algorithm it can incur arbitrarily large regret with respect to ˚ = 0. [sent-83, score-0.442]

40 Hazan and Kale [5] give regret bounds in terms of the variance of the gt . [sent-85, score-0.774]

41 Letting G = |g1:t | and √ T 2 the H = t=1 gt , they prove regret bounds of √ form O( V ) where V = H − G2 /T . [sent-86, score-0.774]

42 However, they consider the case of a known feasible set, and their algorithm (gradient descent with a constant learning rate) cannot obtain bounds of the form we prove. [sent-88, score-0.243]

43 2 Reward and Regret In this section we present a general result that converts lower bounds on reward into upper bounds on regret, for one-dimensional online linear optimization. [sent-89, score-0.522]

44 In the unconstrained setting, this result will be sufficient to provide guarantees for general n-dimensional online convex optimization. [sent-90, score-0.293]

45 Consider an algorithm for one-dimensional online linear optimization that, when run on a sequence of gradients g1 , g2 , . [sent-92, score-0.272]

46 , gT , with gt ∈ [−1, 1] for all t, guarantees Reward ≥ κ exp (γ|g1:T |) − , (1) where γ, κ > 0 and ≥ 0 are constants. [sent-95, score-0.41]

47 Then, against any comparator ˚ ∈ [−R, R], we have x R R log −1 + , (2) γ κγ letting 0 log 0 = 0 when R = 0. [sent-96, score-0.333]

48 Further, any algorithm with the regret guarantee of Eq. [sent-97, score-0.421]

49 The duality between reward and regret can also be seen as a consequence of the fact that exp(x) and y log y − y are convex conjugates. [sent-101, score-0.721]

50 This bound holds for all R, and so for some small R the log term becomes negative; however, for real algorithms the term will ensure the regret bound remains positive. [sent-103, score-0.483]

51 3 Gradient Descent with Increasing Learning Rates In this section we show that allowing the learning rate of gradient descent to sometimes increase leads to novel theoretical guarantees. [sent-105, score-0.216]

52 To build intuition, consider online linear optimization in one dimension, with gradients g1 , g2 , . [sent-106, score-0.212]

53 In this setting, the reward of unconstrained gradient descent has a simple closed form: Lemma 2. [sent-110, score-0.515]

54 Consider unconstrained gradient descent in one dimension, with learning rate η. [sent-111, score-0.288]

55 On T 2 round t, this algorithm plays the point xt = ηg1:t−1 . [sent-112, score-0.281]

56 Letting G = |g1:t | and H = t=1 gt , the cumulative reward of the algorithm is exactly η Reward = G2 − H . [sent-113, score-0.648]

57 Perhaps surprisingly, this result implies that the reward is totally independent of the order of the linear functions selected by the adversary. [sent-115, score-0.275]

58 Examining the expression in Lemma 2, we see that the optimal choice of learning rate η depends fundamentally on two quantities: the absolute value of the sum of gradients (G), and the sum of the squared gradients (H). [sent-116, score-0.197]

59 One of the motivations for this work is the observation that the state-of-the-art online gradient descent algorithms adjust their learning rates based only on the observed value of H (or its upper bound T ); for example [4, 10]. [sent-119, score-0.373]

60 We would like to increase reward by also accounting for G. [sent-120, score-0.278]

61 We suppose for the moment that an upper bound H on H = t=1 gt is known in advance. [sent-125, score-0.409]

62 In the first epoch, we run gradient descent with a small initial learning rate η = η1 . [sent-126, score-0.196]

63 ¯ Whenever the total reward accumulated in the current epoch reaches η H, we double η and start a new epoch (returning to the origin and forgetting all previous gradients except the most recent one). [sent-127, score-0.514]

64 , gT , all in [−1, 1], where H = ¯ H, R EWARD -D OUBLING -1D obtains reward satisfying T xt gt ≥ Reward = √ for a = log(2)/ 3. [sent-132, score-0.755]

65 t=1 1 ¯ |g1:T | η1 H exp a √ ¯ 4 H 4 ¯ − η1 H, T 2 t=1 gt ≤ (3) Algorithm 1 R EWARD -D OUBLING -1D Parameters: initial learning rate η1 , upper T 2 ¯ bound H ≥ t=1 gt . [sent-133, score-0.815]

66 , k let ti denote the round on which Qi is initialized to 0, with t1 ≡ 1, and define tk+1 ≡ T . [sent-165, score-0.183]

67 By construction, Qi is the total reward of a gradient descent algorithm that is active on rounds ti through ti+1 inclusive, and that uses learning rate ηi (note that on round ti , this algorithm gets 0 reward and we initialize Qi to 0 on that round). [sent-166, score-1.057]

68 At the end of round ti+1 − 1, we must have had Qi < ηi H (otherwise ¯ 3H epoch i + 1 would have begun earlier). [sent-171, score-0.163]

69 We can now apply Theorem 1 to the reward (given by Eq. [sent-176, score-0.258]

70 When the feasible set is also fixed in x √ advance, online gradient descent with a fixed learning obtains a regret bound of O(R T ). [sent-179, score-0.736]

71 By choosing η1 = T , we guarantee constant regret against the origin, ˚ = 0 (equivalently, constant total loss). [sent-181, score-0.448]

72 Further, for any feasible set of radius R, we still have x 5 √ worst-case regret of at most O(R T log((1 + R)T )), which is only modestly worse than that of gradient descent with the optimal R known in advance. [sent-182, score-0.597]

73 ¯ The need for an upper bound H can be removed using a standard guess-and-doubling approach, at the cost of a constant factor increase in regret (see appendix for proof). [sent-183, score-0.488]

74 On ¯ each era i, the algorithm runs R EWARD -D OUBLING -1D with an upper bound of Hi = 2i−1 , and i ¯ initial learning rate η1 = 2−2i . [sent-186, score-0.142]

75 An era ends when Hi is no longer an upper bound on the sum of √ 2 squared gradients seen during that era. [sent-187, score-0.163]

76 Letting c = √2−1 , this algorithm has regret at most √ Regret ≤ cR H + 1 log 3. [sent-188, score-0.428]

77 Extension to n dimensions To extend our results to general online convex optimization, it is sufficient to run a separate copy of R EWARD -D OUBLING -1D-G UESS for each coordinate, as is done in R EWARD -D OUBLING (Algorithm 2). [sent-190, score-0.187]

78 The key to the analysis of this algorithm is that overall regret is simply the sum of regret on n one-dimensional subproblems which can be analyzed independently. [sent-191, score-0.739]

79 , fT from Rn to R, R EWARD -D OUBLING with i = n has regret bounded by n i=1 ≤ +c ˚ x for c = √ √ 2 , 2−1 where Hi = n |˚i | Hi + 1 log x Regret(˚) ≤ + c x √ 2 T 2 t=1 gt,i n H + n log T t=1 and H = |˚i |(2Hi + 2)5/2 − 1 x ˚ 2 (2H + 2)5/2 − 1 x 2 gt 2 . [sent-196, score-0.804]

80 For any coordinate i, define x T T ˚i gt,i − x Regreti = t=1 Observe that n T T ˚ · gt − x Regreti = i=1 xt,i gt,i . [sent-199, score-0.38]

81 x t=1 Furthermore, Regreti is simply the regret of R EWARD -D OUBLING -1D-G UESS on the gradient sequence g1,i , g2,i , . [sent-201, score-0.475]

82 76η, (7) η for all T and R, which is better (by constant factors) than Theorem 4 when gt ∈ {−1, 1} (which implies T = H). [sent-214, score-0.39]

83 Because reward changes by gt xt on round t, it suffices to guarantee that for any g ∈ [−1, 1], N (g1:t , t) + gxt+1 ≥ N (g1:t + g, t + 1) (8) where xt+1 is the point the algorithm plays on round t + 1, and we assume N (0, 1) = 0. [sent-217, score-1.03]

84 ∂g g g √ This suggests that if we want to maintain reward at least N (g1:t , t) = 1 (exp(|g1:t |/ t) − 1) , we t xt+1 = √ should set xt+1 ≈ sign(g1:t )t−3/2 exp |g1:t | . [sent-219, score-0.284]

85 Fix a sequence of reward functions ft (x) = gt x with gt ∈ [−1, 1], and let Gt = |g1:t |. [sent-222, score-1.048]

86 We consider S MOOTH -R EWARD -D OUBLING, which plays 0 on round 1 and whenever Gt = 0; otherwise, it plays xt+1 = η sign(g1:t )B(Gt , t + 5) (9) with η > 0 a learning-rate parameter and B(G, t) = 1 t3/2 exp G √ t . [sent-223, score-0.189]

87 (10) Then, at the end of each round t, this algorithm has Reward(t) ≥ η 1 exp t+5 √ Gt t+5 − 1. [sent-224, score-0.148]

88 Consider the problem of unconstrained online linear optimization in one dimension, and an online algorithm that guarantees origin-regret at most . [sent-235, score-0.397]

89 Then, for any fixed comparator ˚, x and any integer T0 , there exists a gradient sequence {gt } ∈ [−1, 1]T of length T ≥ T0 for which the algorithm’s regret satisfies Regret(˚) ≥ 0. [sent-236, score-0.677]

90 Let Q be the algorithm’s reward x when each gt is drawn independently uniformly from {−1, 1}. [sent-240, score-0.607]

91 On this sequence, regret is at least a with √ G˚ − Q ≥ R kT − R T = Ω(R kT ). [sent-248, score-0.359]

92 Consider the problem of unconstrained online linear optimization in Rn , and consider an online algorithm that guarantees origin-regret at most . [sent-250, score-0.397]

93 For any radius R, and any T0 , there exists a gradient sequence gradient sequence {gt } ∈ ([−1, 1]n )T of length T ≥ T0 , and a comparator ˚ with ˚ 1 = R, for which the algorithm’s regret satisfies x x √ n |˚i | T x |˚i | T log x Regret(˚) ≥ 0. [sent-251, score-0.87]

94 For each coordinate i, Theorem 7 implies that there exists a T ≥ T0 and a sequence of gradients gt,i such that √ T T |˚i | T x ˚i gt,i − x xt,i gt,i ≥ 0. [sent-254, score-0.16]

95 ) Summing this inequality across all n coordinates then gives the regret bound stated in the theorem. [sent-257, score-0.413]

96 The following theorem presents a stronger negative result for Follow-the-Regularized-Leader algorithms with a fixed regularizer: for any such algorithm that guarantees origin-regret at most T after T rounds, worst-case regret with respect to any point outside [− T , T ] grows linearly with T . [sent-258, score-0.457]

97 Consider a Follow-The-Regularized-Leader algorithm that sets xt = arg min (g1:t−1 x + ψT (x)) x where ψT is a convex, non-negative function with ψT (0) = 0. [sent-260, score-0.149]

98 Then, for any ˚ with |˚| > T , there exists a x x x sequence of T gradients such that the algorithm’s regret with respect to ˚ is at least T −1 (|˚| − T ). [sent-262, score-0.471]

99 It should be possible to apply our techniques to problems that do have constrained feasible sets; for example, it is natural to consider the unconstrained experts problem on the positive orthant. [sent-265, score-0.177]

100 Optimal strategies and minimax lower bounds for online convex games. [sent-270, score-0.232]

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[(0, 0.174), (1, -0.168), (2, 0.139), (3, 0.108), (4, 0.07), (5, 0.018), (6, -0.019), (7, -0.01), (8, -0.007), (9, 0.029), (10, 0.118), (11, 0.103), (12, -0.146), (13, -0.029), (14, -0.096), (15, 0.103), (16, -0.104), (17, 0.017), (18, -0.057), (19, -0.074), (20, 0.074), (21, -0.138), (22, 0.012), (23, -0.031), (24, -0.003), (25, 0.003), (26, -0.034), (27, -0.063), (28, 0.003), (29, -0.012), (30, -0.073), (31, -0.105), (32, 0.13), (33, -0.053), (34, -0.038), (35, -0.002), (36, 0.12), (37, -0.014), (38, 0.013), (39, -0.089), (40, -0.005), (41, -0.036), (42, 0.03), (43, -0.04), (44, -0.085), (45, 0.125), (46, -0.08), (47, -0.16), (48, 0.011), (49, -0.041)]

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Author: Brendan Mcmahan, Matthew Streeter

Abstract: Some of the most compelling applications of online convex optimization, including online prediction and classification, are unconstrained: the natural feasible set is Rn . Existing algorithms fail to achieve sub-linear regret in this setting unless constraints on the comparator point ˚ are known in advance. We present algox rithms that, without such prior knowledge, offer near-optimal regret bounds with respect to any choice of ˚. In particular, regret with respect to ˚ = 0 is constant. x x We then prove lower bounds showing that our guarantees are near-optimal in this setting. 1

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Author: Varun Kanade, Zhenming Liu, Bozidar Radunovic

Abstract: We consider the online distributed non-stochastic experts problem, where the distributed system consists of one coordinator node that is connected to k sites, and the sites are required to communicate with each other via the coordinator. At each time-step t, one of the k site nodes has to pick an expert from the set {1, . . . , n}, and the same site receives information about payoffs of all experts for that round. The goal of the distributed system is to minimize regret at time horizon T , while simultaneously keeping communication to a minimum. The two extreme solutions to this problem are: (i) Full communication: This essentially simulates the nondistributed setting to obtain the optimal O( log(n)T ) regret bound at the cost of T communication. (ii) No communication: Each site runs an independent copy – the regret is O( log(n)kT ) and the communication is 0. This paper shows the √ difficulty of simultaneously achieving regret asymptotically better than kT and communication better than T . We give a novel algorithm that for an oblivious √ adversary achieves a non-trivial trade-off: regret O( k 5(1+ )/6 T ) and communication O(T /k ), for any value of ∈ (0, 1/5). We also consider a variant of the model, where the coordinator picks the expert. In this model, we show that the label-efficient forecaster of Cesa-Bianchi et al. (2005) already gives us strategy that is near optimal in regret vs communication trade-off. 1

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Author: Brendan Mcmahan, Matthew Streeter

Abstract: Some of the most compelling applications of online convex optimization, including online prediction and classification, are unconstrained: the natural feasible set is Rn . Existing algorithms fail to achieve sub-linear regret in this setting unless constraints on the comparator point ˚ are known in advance. We present algox rithms that, without such prior knowledge, offer near-optimal regret bounds with respect to any choice of ˚. In particular, regret with respect to ˚ = 0 is constant. x x We then prove lower bounds showing that our guarantees are near-optimal in this setting. 1

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Author: Nicolò Cesa-bianchi, Pierre Gaillard, Gabor Lugosi, Gilles Stoltz

Abstract: Mirror descent with an entropic regularizer is known to achieve shifting regret bounds that are logarithmic in the dimension. This is done using either a carefully designed projection or by a weight sharing technique. Via a novel unified analysis, we show that these two approaches deliver essentially equivalent bounds on a notion of regret generalizing shifting, adaptive, discounted, and other related regrets. Our analysis also captures and extends the generalized weight sharing technique of Bousquet and Warmuth, and can be refined in several ways, including improvements for small losses and adaptive tuning of parameters. 1

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