nips nips2004 nips2004-144 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
Source: pdf
Author: Hans P. Graf, Eric Cosatto, Léon Bottou, Igor Dourdanovic, Vladimir Vapnik
Abstract: We describe an algorithm for support vector machines (SVM) that can be parallelized efficiently and scales to very large problems with hundreds of thousands of training vectors. Instead of analyzing the whole training set in one optimization step, the data are split into subsets and optimized separately with multiple SVMs. The partial results are combined and filtered again in a ‘Cascade’ of SVMs, until the global optimum is reached. The Cascade SVM can be spread over multiple processors with minimal communication overhead and requires far less memory, since the kernel matrices are much smaller than for a regular SVM. Convergence to the global optimum is guaranteed with multiple passes through the Cascade, but already a single pass provides good generalization. A single pass is 5x – 10x faster than a regular SVM for problems of 100,000 vectors when implemented on a single processor. Parallel implementations on a cluster of 16 processors were tested with over 1 million vectors (2-class problems), converging in a day or two, while a regular SVM never converged in over a week. 1
Reference: text
sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore
1 com Abstract We describe an algorithm for support vector machines (SVM) that can be parallelized efficiently and scales to very large problems with hundreds of thousands of training vectors. [sent-2, score-0.411]
2 Instead of analyzing the whole training set in one optimization step, the data are split into subsets and optimized separately with multiple SVMs. [sent-3, score-0.46]
3 The partial results are combined and filtered again in a ‘Cascade’ of SVMs, until the global optimum is reached. [sent-4, score-0.278]
4 The Cascade SVM can be spread over multiple processors with minimal communication overhead and requires far less memory, since the kernel matrices are much smaller than for a regular SVM. [sent-5, score-0.319]
5 Convergence to the global optimum is guaranteed with multiple passes through the Cascade, but already a single pass provides good generalization. [sent-6, score-0.413]
6 A single pass is 5x – 10x faster than a regular SVM for problems of 100,000 vectors when implemented on a single processor. [sent-7, score-0.512]
7 Parallel implementations on a cluster of 16 processors were tested with over 1 million vectors (2-class problems), converging in a day or two, while a regular SVM never converged in over a week. [sent-8, score-0.596]
8 1 Introduction Support Vector Machines [1] are powerful classification and regression tools, but their compute and storage requirements increase rapidly with the number of training vectors, putting many problems of practical interest out of their reach. [sent-9, score-0.184]
9 The core of an SVM is a quadratic programming problem (QP), separating support vectors from the rest of the training data. [sent-10, score-0.454]
10 General-purpose QP solvers tend to scale with the cube of the number of training vectors (O(k3)). [sent-11, score-0.308]
11 Specialized algorithms, typically based on gradient descent methods, achieve impressive gains in efficiency, but still become impractically slow for problem sizes on the order of 100,000 training vectors (2-class problems). [sent-12, score-0.337]
12 One approach for accelerating the QP is based on ‘chunking’ [2][3][4], where subsets of the training data are optimized iteratively, until the global optimum is reached. [sent-13, score-0.481]
13 Eliminating non-support vectors early during the optimization process is another strategy that provides substantial savings in computation. [sent-15, score-0.338]
14 Efficient SVM implementations incorporate steps known as ‘shrinking’ for identifying non-support vectors early [4][6][7]. [sent-16, score-0.301]
15 In combination with caching of the kernel data, such techniques reduce the computation requirements by orders of magnitude. [sent-17, score-0.137]
16 Another approach, named ‘digesting’ optimizes subsets closer to completion before adding new data [8], saving considerable amounts of storage. [sent-18, score-0.154]
17 Improving compute-speed through parallelization is difficult due to dependencies between the computation steps. [sent-19, score-0.176]
18 Parallelizations have been proposed by splitting the problem into smaller subsets and training a network to assign samples to different subsets [9]. [sent-20, score-0.428]
19 Variations of the standard SVM algorithm, such as the Proximal SVM have been developed that are better suited for parallelization [10], but how widely they are applicable, in particular to high-dimensional problems, remains to be seen. [sent-21, score-0.139]
20 A parallelization scheme was proposed where the kernel matrix is approximated by a block-diagonal [11]. [sent-22, score-0.228]
21 A technique called variable projection method [12] looks promising for improving the parallelization of the optimization loop. [sent-23, score-0.232]
22 In order to break through the limits of today’s SVM implementations we developed a distributed architecture, where smaller optimizations are solved independently and can be spread over multiple processors, yet the ensemble is guaranteed to converge to the globally optimal solution. [sent-24, score-0.227]
23 2 T h e Cascad e S VM As mentioned above, eliminating non-support vectors early from the optimization proved to be an effective strategy for accelerating SVMs. [sent-25, score-0.413]
24 Using this concept we developed a filtering process that can be parallelized efficiently. [sent-26, score-0.136]
25 This makes it straightforward to drive partial solutions towards the global optimum, while alternative techniques may optimize criteria that are not directly relevant for finding the global solution. [sent-28, score-0.2]
26 TD / 8 TD / 8 TD / 8 TD / 8 TD / 8 TD / 8 TD / 8 TD / 8 1st layer SV1 SV2 SV3 SV4 SV5 SV6 SV7 SV8 2nd layer SV9 SV10 SV11 SV12 3rd layer SV13 SV14 4th layer SV15 Figure 1: Schematic of a binary Cascade architecture. [sent-29, score-0.96]
27 The data are split into subsets and each one is evaluated individually for support vectors in the first layer. [sent-30, score-0.581]
28 The results are combined two-by-two and entered as training sets for the next layer. [sent-31, score-0.216]
29 The resulting support vectors are tested for global convergence by feeding the result of the last layer into the first layer, together with the non-support vectors. [sent-32, score-0.76]
30 TD: Training data, SVi: Support vectors produced by optimization i. [sent-33, score-0.309]
31 Figure 1 merely represents one possible architecture, a binary Cascade that proved to be efficient in many tests. [sent-36, score-0.127]
32 It is guaranteed to advance the optimization function in every layer, requires only modest communication from one layer to the next, and converges to a good solution quickly. [sent-37, score-0.5]
33 In the architecture of Figure 1 sets of support vectors from two SVMs are combined and the optimization proceeds by finding the support vectors in each of the combined subsets. [sent-38, score-1.041]
34 This continues until only one set of vectors is left. [sent-39, score-0.216]
35 Often a single pass through this Cascade produces satisfactory accuracy, but if the global optimum has to be reached, the result of the last layer is fed back into the first layer. [sent-40, score-0.651]
36 Each of the SVMs in the first layer receives all the support vectors of the last layer as inputs and tests its fraction of the input vectors, if any of them have to be incorporated into the optimization. [sent-41, score-0.878]
37 If this is not the case for all SVMs of the input layer, the Cascade has converged to the global optimum, otherwise it proceeds with another pass through the network. [sent-42, score-0.286]
38 In this architecture a single SVM never has to deal with the whole training set. [sent-43, score-0.348]
39 If the filters in the first few layers are efficient in extracting the support vectors then the largest optimization, the one of the last layer, has to handle only a few more vectors than the number of actual support vectors. [sent-44, score-0.979]
40 Therefore, in problems where the support vectors are a small subset of the training vectors - which is usually the case - each of the sub-problems is much smaller than the whole problem (compare section 4). [sent-45, score-0.832]
41 2 (1) i (2) F o r ma l p r o o f o f c o n v e r g e n c e The main issue is whether a Cascade architecture will actually converge to the global optimum. [sent-54, score-0.216]
42 Let S denote a subset of the training set Ω, W(S) is the optimal objective function over S (equation 1), and let Sv( S ) ⊂ S be the subset of S for which the optimal α are non-zero (support vectors of S). [sent-56, score-0.382]
43 We will write W(F) as a shorthand for W(S*), that is: W ( F ) = max W ( S ) ≤ W (Ω) (4) S ∈F We are interested in defining a sequence of families Ft such that W(Ft) converges to the optimum. [sent-59, score-0.129]
44 Theorem 1: Let us consider two families F and G of subsets of Ω. [sent-61, score-0.219]
45 If a set T ∈ G * contains the support vectors of the best set S F ∈ F , then W (G ) ≥ W ( F ). [sent-62, score-0.362]
46 Therefore, * F * F * W ( F ) = W (S F ) ≤ W (T ) ≤ W (G) Theorem 2: Let us consider two families F and G of subsets of Ω. [sent-64, score-0.219]
47 Consider a vector α* solution of the set T ∈G contains the support vectors of the best set * SVM problem restricted to the support vectors Sv(S F ) . [sent-68, score-0.787]
48 A Cascade is a sequence ( Ft) of families of subsets of Ω satisfying: i) For all t > 1, a set T ∈ Ft contains the support vectors of the best set in Ft-1. [sent-76, score-0.581]
49 ii) For all t, there is a k > t such that: • All sets T ∈ Fk contain the support vectors of the best set in Fk-1. [sent-77, score-0.393]
50 Theorem 3: A Cascade (Ft ) converges to the SVM solution of Ω in finite time, namely: ∃t * , ∀t > t * , W ( Ft ) = W (Ω ) Proof: Assumption i) of Definition 1 plus theorem 1 imply that the sequence W(Ft) is monotonically increasing. [sent-79, score-0.238]
51 This observation, assertion ii) of definition 1, plus theorem 2 imply that there is a k > l such that W(Fk ) =W(Ω) . [sent-83, score-0.212]
52 As stated in theorem 3, a layered Cascade architecture is guaranteed to converge to the global optimum if we keep the best set of support vectors produced in one layer, and use it in at least one of the subsets in the next layer. [sent-85, score-0.92]
53 However, not all layers meet assertion ii) of Definition 1. [sent-87, score-0.17]
54 The union of sets in a layer is not equal to the whole training set, except in the first layer. [sent-88, score-0.488]
55 By introducing the feedback loop that enters the result of the last layer into the first one, combined with all non-support vectors, we fulfill all assertions of Definition 1. [sent-89, score-0.321]
56 We can test for global convergence in layer 1 and do a fast filtering in the subsequent layers. [sent-90, score-0.454]
57 3 Interpretation of the SVM filtering process An intuitive picture of the filtering process is provided in Figure 2. [sent-92, score-0.184]
58 If a subset S ⊂ Ω is chosen randomly from the training set, it will most likely not contain all support vectors of Ω and its support vectors may not be support vectors of the whole problem. [sent-93, score-1.301]
59 However, if there is not a serious bias in a subset, support vectors of S are likely to contain some support vectors of the whole problem. [sent-94, score-0.81]
60 Therefore, a non-support vector of a subset has a good chance of being a non-support vector of the whole set and we can eliminate it from further analysis. [sent-96, score-0.179]
61 Two disjoint subsets are selected from the training data and each of them is optimized individually (left, center; the data selected for the optimizations are the solid elements). [sent-98, score-0.342]
62 The support vectors in each of the subsets are marked with frames. [sent-99, score-0.516]
63 They are combined for the final optimization (right), resulting in a classification boundary (solid curve) close to the one for the whole problem (dashed curve). [sent-100, score-0.309]
64 W i, Gi and Qi are objective function, gradient, and kernel matrix, respectively, of SVM i (in vector notation); ei is a vector with all 1. [sent-102, score-0.145]
65 Gradients of SVM 1 and SVM 2 are merged (Extend) as indicated in (6) and are entered into SVM3. [sent-103, score-0.174]
66 Support vectors of SVM3 are used to test D 1, D2 for violations of the KKT conditions. [sent-104, score-0.216]
67 Violators are combined with the support vectors for the next iteration. [sent-105, score-0.407]
68 Section 2 shows that a distributed architecture like the Cascade indeed converges to the global solution, but no indication is provided how efficient this approach is. [sent-106, score-0.392]
69 This depends on how the data are split initially, how partial results are merged and how well an optimization can start from the partial results provided by the previous stage. [sent-108, score-0.3]
70 1 Merging subsets For this discussion we look at a Cascade with two layers (Figure 3). [sent-111, score-0.276]
71 When merging the two results of SVM1 and SVM2, we can initialize the optimization of SVM3 to different starting points. [sent-112, score-0.148]
72 Q1 Q 21 r Q12 e1 r + e Q2 2 (6) (7) Since each of the subsets fulfills the KKT conditions, each of these cases represents a feasible starting point with: ∑ α i y i = 0 . [sent-114, score-0.184]
73 Intuitively one would probably assume that case 2 is the preferred one since we start from a point that is optimal in the two spaces defined by the vectors D1 and D2. [sent-115, score-0.216]
74 If Q12 is 0 (Q21 is then also 0 since the kernel matrix is symmetric), the two spaces are orthogonal (in feature space) and the sum of the two solutions is the solution of the whole problem. [sent-116, score-0.21]
75 If, on the other hand, the two subsets are identical, then an initialization with case 1 is optimal, since this represents now the solution of the whole problem. [sent-118, score-0.305]
76 While the theorems of section 2 guarantee the convergence to the global optimum, they do not provide any indication how fast this going to happen. [sent-120, score-0.202]
77 Empirically we find that the Cascade converges quickly to the global solution, as is indicated in the examples below. [sent-121, score-0.181]
78 4 E x p eri men tal resu l ts We implemented the Cascade architecture for a single processor as well as for a cluster of processors and tested it extensively with several problems; the largest are: MNIST 1, FOREST2, NORB 3 (all are converted to 2-class problems). [sent-123, score-0.342]
79 One of the main advantages of the Cascade architecture is that it requires far less memory than a single SVM, because the size of the kernel matrix scales with the square of the active set. [sent-124, score-0.3]
80 It has to be emphasized that both cases, single SVM and Cascade, use shrinking, but shrinking alone does not solve the problem of exorbitant sizes of the kernel matrix. [sent-126, score-0.212]
81 A good indication of the Cascade’s inherent efficiency is obtained by counting the number of kernel evaluations required for one pass. [sent-127, score-0.264]
82 As shown in Table 1, a 9-layer Cascade requires only about 30% as many kernel evaluations as a single SVM for 1 MNIST: handwritten digits, d=784 (28x28 pixels); training: 60,000; testing: 10,000; classes: odd digits - even digits; http://yann. [sent-128, score-0.29]
83 How many kernel evaluations actually have to be computed depends on the caching strategy and the memory size. [sent-142, score-0.257]
84 Active set size 6,000 one SVM 4,000 Cascade SVM 2,000 Number of Iterations Figure 4: The size of the active set as a function of the number of iterations for a problem with 30,000 training vectors. [sent-143, score-0.172]
85 Therefore, even a simulation on a single processor can produce a speed-up of 5x to 10x or more, depending on the available memory size. [sent-146, score-0.145]
86 For practical purposes often a single pass through the Cascade produces sufficient accuracy (compare Figure 5). [sent-147, score-0.184]
87 4 Table 1: Number of Kernel evaluations (requests and actual, with a cache size of 800MB) for different numbers of layers in the Cascade (single pass). [sent-156, score-0.245]
88 The number of Kernel evaluations is reduced as the number of Cascade layers increases. [sent-157, score-0.204]
89 13% Table 2: Training times for a large data set with 1,016,736 vectors (MNIST was expanded by warping the handwritten digits). [sent-168, score-0.244]
90 A Cascade with 5 layers is executed on a Linux cluster with 16 machines (AMD 1800, dual processors, 2GB RAM per machine). [sent-169, score-0.216]
91 Shown are also the maximum number of training vectors on one machine and the number of support vectors in the last stage. [sent-171, score-0.706]
92 Table 2 shows how a problem with over one million vectors is solved in about a day (single pass) with a generalization performance equivalent to the fully converged solution. [sent-174, score-0.34]
93 While the full training set contains over 1M vectors, one processor never handles more than 73k vectors in the optimization and 130k for the convergence test. [sent-175, score-0.546]
94 The main limitation is that the last layer consists of one single optimization and its size has a lower limit given by the number of support vectors. [sent-177, score-0.551]
95 Yet this is not a hard limit since a single optimization can be distributed over multiple processors as well, and we are working on efficient implementations of such algorithms. [sent-179, score-0.414]
96 Figure 5: Speed-up for a parallel implementation of the Cascades with 1 to 5 layers (1 to 16 SVMs, each running on a separate processor), relative to a single SVM: single pass (left), fully converged (middle) (MNIST, NORB: 3 iterations, FOREST: 5 iterations). [sent-180, score-0.475]
97 For MNIST and NORB, the accuracy after one pass is the same as after full convergence (3 iterations). [sent-182, score-0.191]
98 Joachims, “Making large-scale support vector machine learning practical”, in Advances in Kernel Methods, B. [sent-200, score-0.174]
99 Platt, “Fast training of support vector machines using sequential minimal optimization”, in Adv. [sent-207, score-0.356]
100 Zanni, “A parallel solver for large quadratic programs in training support vector machines”, Parallel Computing, Vol. [sent-252, score-0.34]
wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)
[('cascade', 0.509), ('layer', 0.24), ('svm', 0.236), ('vectors', 0.216), ('ft', 0.17), ('subsets', 0.154), ('td', 0.153), ('pass', 0.148), ('support', 0.146), ('sv', 0.142), ('norb', 0.139), ('parallelization', 0.139), ('processors', 0.132), ('layers', 0.122), ('optimum', 0.112), ('mnist', 0.106), ('architecture', 0.103), ('definition', 0.097), ('efficient', 0.097), ('optimization', 0.093), ('filtering', 0.092), ('training', 0.092), ('kernel', 0.089), ('merged', 0.088), ('forest', 0.088), ('whole', 0.086), ('evaluations', 0.082), ('svms', 0.08), ('global', 0.079), ('parallel', 0.074), ('fk', 0.071), ('processor', 0.071), ('optimizations', 0.066), ('kkt', 0.065), ('families', 0.065), ('converges', 0.064), ('machines', 0.062), ('converged', 0.059), ('shrinking', 0.058), ('implementations', 0.056), ('collobert', 0.056), ('satisfies', 0.056), ('merging', 0.055), ('digits', 0.055), ('qp', 0.053), ('classification', 0.053), ('vapnik', 0.049), ('indication', 0.049), ('cosatto', 0.048), ('assertion', 0.048), ('caching', 0.048), ('entered', 0.048), ('bengio', 0.047), ('iterations', 0.046), ('combined', 0.045), ('efficiency', 0.044), ('proximal', 0.044), ('accelerating', 0.044), ('parallelized', 0.044), ('convergence', 0.043), ('partial', 0.042), ('cache', 0.041), ('union', 0.039), ('finite', 0.039), ('problems', 0.039), ('indicated', 0.038), ('theorem', 0.038), ('guaranteed', 0.038), ('memory', 0.038), ('difficult', 0.037), ('burges', 0.037), ('subset', 0.037), ('regular', 0.037), ('last', 0.036), ('single', 0.036), ('solution', 0.035), ('split', 0.035), ('converge', 0.034), ('active', 0.034), ('day', 0.033), ('spread', 0.033), ('monotonically', 0.033), ('dual', 0.032), ('million', 0.032), ('final', 0.032), ('never', 0.031), ('theorems', 0.031), ('eliminating', 0.031), ('sets', 0.031), ('represents', 0.03), ('advance', 0.03), ('individually', 0.03), ('sizes', 0.029), ('early', 0.029), ('imply', 0.029), ('vector', 0.028), ('minimal', 0.028), ('interior', 0.028), ('handwritten', 0.028), ('splitting', 0.028)]
simIndex simValue paperId paperTitle
same-paper 1 1.0000004 144 nips-2004-Parallel Support Vector Machines: The Cascade SVM
Author: Hans P. Graf, Eric Cosatto, Léon Bottou, Igor Dourdanovic, Vladimir Vapnik
Abstract: We describe an algorithm for support vector machines (SVM) that can be parallelized efficiently and scales to very large problems with hundreds of thousands of training vectors. Instead of analyzing the whole training set in one optimization step, the data are split into subsets and optimized separately with multiple SVMs. The partial results are combined and filtered again in a ‘Cascade’ of SVMs, until the global optimum is reached. The Cascade SVM can be spread over multiple processors with minimal communication overhead and requires far less memory, since the kernel matrices are much smaller than for a regular SVM. Convergence to the global optimum is guaranteed with multiple passes through the Cascade, but already a single pass provides good generalization. A single pass is 5x – 10x faster than a regular SVM for problems of 100,000 vectors when implemented on a single processor. Parallel implementations on a cluster of 16 processors were tested with over 1 million vectors (2-class problems), converging in a day or two, while a regular SVM never converged in over a week. 1
2 0.20121174 34 nips-2004-Breaking SVM Complexity with Cross-Training
Author: Léon Bottou, Jason Weston, Gökhan H. Bakir
Abstract: We propose to selectively remove examples from the training set using probabilistic estimates related to editing algorithms (Devijver and Kittler, 1982). This heuristic procedure aims at creating a separable distribution of training examples with minimal impact on the position of the decision boundary. It breaks the linear dependency between the number of SVs and the number of training examples, and sharply reduces the complexity of SVMs during both the training and prediction stages. 1
3 0.13847497 92 nips-2004-Kernel Methods for Implicit Surface Modeling
Author: Joachim Giesen, Simon Spalinger, Bernhard Schölkopf
Abstract: We describe methods for computing an implicit model of a hypersurface that is given only by a finite sampling. The methods work by mapping the sample points into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space and then determining regions in terms of hyperplanes. 1
4 0.13375282 183 nips-2004-Temporal-Difference Networks
Author: Richard S. Sutton, Brian Tanner
Abstract: We introduce a generalization of temporal-difference (TD) learning to networks of interrelated predictions. Rather than relating a single prediction to itself at a later time, as in conventional TD methods, a TD network relates each prediction in a set of predictions to other predictions in the set at a later time. TD networks can represent and apply TD learning to a much wider class of predictions than has previously been possible. Using a random-walk example, we show that these networks can be used to learn to predict by a fixed interval, which is not possible with conventional TD methods. Secondly, we show that if the interpredictive relationships are made conditional on action, then the usual learning-efficiency advantage of TD methods over Monte Carlo (supervised learning) methods becomes particularly pronounced. Thirdly, we demonstrate that TD networks can learn predictive state representations that enable exact solution of a non-Markov problem. A very broad range of inter-predictive temporal relationships can be expressed in these networks. Overall we argue that TD networks represent a substantial extension of the abilities of TD methods and bring us closer to the goal of representing world knowledge in entirely predictive, grounded terms. Temporal-difference (TD) learning is widely used in reinforcement learning methods to learn moment-to-moment predictions of total future reward (value functions). In this setting, TD learning is often simpler and more data-efficient than other methods. But the idea of TD learning can be used more generally than it is in reinforcement learning. TD learning is a general method for learning predictions whenever multiple predictions are made of the same event over time, value functions being just one example. The most pertinent of the more general uses of TD learning have been in learning models of an environment or task domain (Dayan, 1993; Kaelbling, 1993; Sutton, 1995; Sutton, Precup & Singh, 1999). In these works, TD learning is used to predict future values of many observations or state variables of a dynamical system. The essential idea of TD learning can be described as “learning a guess from a guess”. In all previous work, the two guesses involved were predictions of the same quantity at two points in time, for example, of the discounted future reward at successive time steps. In this paper we explore a few of the possibilities that open up when the second guess is allowed to be different from the first. To be more precise, we must make a distinction between the extensive definition of a prediction, expressing its desired relationship to measurable data, and its TD definition, expressing its desired relationship to other predictions. In reinforcement learning, for example, state values are extensively defined as an expectation of the discounted sum of future rewards, while they are TD defined as the solution to the Bellman equation (a relationship to the expectation of the value of successor states, plus the immediate reward). It’s the same prediction, just defined or expressed in different ways. In past work with TD methods, the TD relationship was always between predictions with identical or very similar extensive semantics. In this paper we retain the TD idea of learning predictions based on others, but allow the predictions to have different extensive semantics. 1 The Learning-to-predict Problem The problem we consider in this paper is a general one of learning to predict aspects of the interaction between a decision making agent and its environment. At each of a series of discrete time steps t, the environment generates an observation o t ∈ O, and the agent takes an action at ∈ A. Whereas A is an arbitrary discrete set, we assume without loss of generality that ot can be represented as a vector of bits. The action and observation events occur in sequence, o1 , a1 , o2 , a2 , o3 · · ·, with each event of course dependent only on those preceding it. This sequence will be called experience. We are interested in predicting not just each next observation but more general, action-conditional functions of future experience, as discussed in the next section. In this paper we use a random-walk problem with seven states, with left and right actions available in every state: 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 1 7 The observation upon arriving in a state consists of a special bit that is 1 only at the two ends of the walk and, in the first two of our three experiments, seven additional bits explicitly indicating the state number (only one of them is 1). This is a continuing task: reaching an end state does not end or interrupt experience. Although the sequence depends deterministically on action, we assume that the actions are selected randomly with equal probability so that the overall system can be viewed as a Markov chain. The TD networks introduced in this paper can represent a wide variety of predictions, far more than can be represented by a conventional TD predictor. In this paper we take just a few steps toward more general predictions. In particular, we consider variations of the problem of prediction by a fixed interval. This is one of the simplest cases that cannot otherwise be handled by TD methods. For the seven-state random walk, we will predict the special observation bit some numbers of discrete steps in advance, first unconditionally and then conditioned on action sequences. 2 TD Networks A TD network is a network of nodes, each representing a single scalar prediction. The nodes are interconnected by links representing the TD relationships among the predictions and to the observations and actions. These links determine the extensive semantics of each prediction—its desired or target relationship to the data. They represent what we seek to predict about the data as opposed to how we try to predict it. We think of these links as determining a set of questions being asked about the data, and accordingly we call them the question network. A separate set of interconnections determines the actual computational process—the updating of the predictions at each node from their previous values and the current action and observation. We think of this process as providing the answers to the questions, and accordingly we call them the answer network. The question network provides targets for a learning process shaping the answer network and does not otherwise affect the behavior of the TD network. It is natural to consider changing the question network, but in this paper we take it as fixed and given. Figure 1a shows a suggestive example of a question network. The three squares across the top represent three observation bits. The node labeled 1 is directly connected to the first observation bit and represents a prediction that that bit will be 1 on the next time step. The node labeled 2 is similarly a prediction of the expected value of node 1 on the next step. Thus the extensive definition of Node 2’s prediction is the probability that the first observation bit will be 1 two time steps from now. Node 3 similarly predicts the first observation bit three time steps in the future. Node 4 is a conventional TD prediction, in this case of the future discounted sum of the second observation bit, with discount parameter γ. Its target is the familiar TD target, the data bit plus the node’s own prediction on the next time step (with weightings 1 − γ and γ respectively). Nodes 5 and 6 predict the probability of the third observation bit being 1 if particular actions a or b are taken respectively. Node 7 is a prediction of the average of the first observation bit and Node 4’s prediction, both on the next step. This is the first case where it is not easy to see or state the extensive semantics of the prediction in terms of the data. Node 8 predicts another average, this time of nodes 4 and 5, and the question it asks is even harder to express extensively. One could continue in this way, adding more and more nodes whose extensive definitions are difficult to express but which would nevertheless be completely defined as long as these local TD relationships are clear. The thinner links shown entering some nodes are meant to be a suggestion of the entirely separate answer network determining the actual computation (as opposed to the goals) of the network. In this paper we consider only simple question networks such as the left column of Figure 1a and of the action-conditional tree form shown in Figure 1b. 1−γ 1 4 γ a 5 b L 6 L 2 7 R L R R 8 3 (a) (b) Figure 1: The question networks of two TD networks. (a) a question network discussed in the text, and (b) a depth-2 fully-action-conditional question network used in Experiments 2 and 3. Observation bits are represented as squares across the top while actual nodes of the TD network, corresponding each to a separate prediction, are below. The thick lines represent the question network and the thin lines in (a) suggest the answer network (the bulk of which is not shown). Note that all of these nodes, arrows, and numbers are completely different and separate from those representing the random-walk problem on the preceding page. i More formally and generally, let yt ∈ [0, 1], i = 1, . . . , n, denote the prediction of the 1 n ith node at time step t. The column vector of predictions yt = (yt , . . . , yt )T is updated according to a vector-valued function u with modifiable parameter W: yt = u(yt−1 , at−1 , ot , Wt ) ∈ n . (1) The update function u corresponds to the answer network, with W being the weights on its links. Before detailing that process, we turn to the question network, the defining TD i i relationships between nodes. The TD target zt for yt is an arbitrary function z i of the successive predictions and observations. In vector form we have 1 zt = z(ot+1 , ˜t+1 ) ∈ n , y (2) where ˜t+1 is just like yt+1 , as in (1), except calculated with the old weights before they y are updated on the basis of zt : ˜t = u(yt−1 , at−1 , ot , Wt−1 ) ∈ n . y (3) (This temporal subtlety also arises in conventional TD learning.) For example, for the 1 2 1 3 2 4 4 nodes in Figure 1a we have zt = o1 , zt = yt+1 , zt = yt+1 , zt = (1 − γ)o2 + γyt+1 , t+1 t+1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 5 5 6 3 7 8 zt = zt = ot+1 , zt = 2 ot+1 + 2 yt+1 , and zt = 2 yt+1 + 2 yt+1 . The target functions z i are only part of specifying the question network. The other part has to do with making them potentially conditional on action and observation. For example, Node 5 in Figure 1a predicts what the third observation bit will be if action a is taken. To arrange for such i semantics we introduce a new vector ct of conditions, ci , indicating the extent to which yt t i is held responsible for matching zt , thus making the ith prediction conditional on ci . Each t ci is determined as an arbitrary function ci of at and yt . In vector form we have: t ct = c(at , yt ) ∈ [0, 1]n . (4) For example, for Node 5 in Figure 1a, c5 = 1 if at = a, otherwise c5 = 0. t t Equations (2–4) correspond to the question network. Let us now turn to defining u, the update function for yt mentioned earlier and which corresponds to the answer network. In general u is an arbitrary function approximator, but for concreteness we define it to be of a linear form yt = σ(Wt xt ) (5) m where xt ∈ is a feature vector, Wt is an n × m matrix, and σ is the n-vector form of the identity function (Experiments 1 and 2) or the S-shaped logistic function σ(s) = 1 1+e−s (Experiment 3). The feature vector is an arbitrary function of the preceding action, observation, and node values: xt = x(at−1 , ot , yt−1 ) ∈ m . (6) For example, xt might have one component for each observation bit, one for each possible action (one of which is 1, the rest 0), and n more for the previous node values y t−1 . The ij learning algorithm for each component wt of Wt is ij ij i i wt+1 − wt = α(zt − yt )ci t i ∂yt , (7) ij ∂wt where α is a step-size parameter. The timing details may be clarified by writing the sequence of quantities in the order in which they are computed: yt at ct ot+1 xt+1 ˜t+1 zt Wt+1 yt+1 . y (8) Finally, the target in the extensive sense for yt is (9) y∗ = Et,π (1 − ct ) · y∗ + ct · z(ot+1 , y∗ ) , t t+1 t where · represents component-wise multiplication and π is the policy being followed, which is assumed fixed. 1 In general, z is a function of all the future predictions and observations, but in this paper we treat only the one-step case. 3 Experiment 1: n-step Unconditional Prediction In this experiment we sought to predict the observation bit precisely n steps in advance, for n = 1, 2, 5, 10, and 25. In order to predict n steps in advance, of course, we also have to predict n − 1 steps in advance, n − 2 steps in advance, etc., all the way down to predicting one step ahead. This is specified by a TD network consisting of a single chain of predictions like the left column of Figure 1a, but of length 25 rather than 3. Random-walk sequences were constructed by starting at the center state and then taking random actions for 50, 100, 150, and 200 steps (100 sequences each). We applied a TD network and a corresponding Monte Carlo method to this data. The Monte Carlo method learned the same predictions, but learned them by comparing them to the i actual outcomes in the sequence (instead of zt in (7)). This involved significant additional complexity to store the predictions until their corresponding targets were available. Both algorithms used feature vectors of 7 binary components, one for each of the seven states, all of which were zero except for the one corresponding to the current state. Both algorithms formed their predictions linearly (σ(·) was the identity) and unconditionally (c i = 1 ∀i, t). t In an initial set of experiments, both algorithms were applied online with a variety of values for their step-size parameter α. Under these conditions we did not find that either algorithm was clearly better in terms of the mean square error in their predictions over the data sets. We found a clearer result when both algorithms were trained using batch updating, in which weight changes are collected “on the side” over an experience sequence and then made all at once at the end, and the whole process is repeated until convergence. Under batch updating, convergence is to the same predictions regardless of initial conditions or α value (as long as α is sufficiently small), which greatly simplifies comparison of algorithms. The predictions learned under batch updating are also the same as would be computed by least squares algorithms such as LSTD(λ) (Bradtke & Barto, 1996; Boyan, 2000; Lagoudakis & Parr, 2003). The errors in the final predictions are shown in Table 1. For 1-step predictions, the Monte-Carlo and TD methods performed identically of course, but for longer predictions a significant difference was observed. The RMSE of the Monte Carlo method increased with prediction length whereas for the TD network it decreased. The largest standard error in any of the numbers shown in the table is 0.008, so almost all of the differences are statistically significant. TD methods appear to have a significant data-efficiency advantage over non-TD methods in this prediction-by-n context (and this task) just as they do in conventional multi-step prediction (Sutton, 1988). Time Steps 50 100 150 200 1-step MC/TD 0.205 0.124 0.089 0.076 2-step MC TD 0.219 0.172 0.133 0.100 0.103 0.073 0.084 0.060 5-step MC TD 0.234 0.159 0.160 0.098 0.121 0.076 0.109 0.065 10-step MC TD 0.249 0.139 0.168 0.079 0.130 0.063 0.112 0.056 25-step MC TD 0.297 0.129 0.187 0.068 0.153 0.054 0.118 0.049 Table 1: RMSE of Monte-Carlo and TD-network predictions of various lengths and for increasing amounts of training data on the random-walk example with batch updating. 4 Experiment 2: Action-conditional Prediction The advantage of TD methods should be greater for predictions that apply only when the experience sequence unfolds in a particular way, such as when a particular sequence of actions are made. In a second experiment we sought to learn n-step-ahead predictions conditional on action selections. The question network for learning all 2-step-ahead pre- dictions is shown in Figure 1b. The upper two nodes predict the observation bit conditional on taking a left action (L) or a right action (R). The lower four nodes correspond to the two-step predictions, e.g., the second lower node is the prediction of what the observation bit will be if an L action is taken followed by an R action. These predictions are the same as the e-tests used in some of the work on predictive state representations (Littman, Sutton & Singh, 2002; Rudary & Singh, 2003). In this experiment we used a question network like that in Figure 1b except of depth four, consisting of 30 (2+4+8+16) nodes. The conditions for each node were set to 0 or 1 depending on whether the action taken on the step matched that indicated in the figure. The feature vectors were as in the previous experiment. Now that we are conditioning on action, the problem is deterministic and α can be set uniformly to 1. A Monte Carlo prediction can be learned only when its corresponding action sequence occurs in its entirety, but then it is complete and accurate in one step. The TD network, on the other hand, can learn from incomplete sequences but must propagate them back one level at a time. First the one-step predictions must be learned, then the two-step predictions from them, and so on. The results for online and batch training are shown in Tables 2 and 3. As anticipated, the TD network learns much faster than Monte Carlo with both online and batch updating. Because the TD network learns its n step predictions based on its n − 1 step predictions, it has a clear advantage for this task. Once the TD Network has seen each action in each state, it can quickly learn any prediction 2, 10, or 1000 steps in the future. Monte Carlo, on the other hand, must sample actual sequences, so each exact action sequence must be observed. Time Step 100 200 300 400 500 1-Step MC/TD 0.153 0.019 0.000 0.000 0.000 2-Step MC TD 0.222 0.182 0.092 0.044 0.040 0.000 0.019 0.000 0.019 0.000 3-Step MC TD 0.253 0.195 0.142 0.054 0.089 0.013 0.055 0.000 0.038 0.000 4-Step MC TD 0.285 0.185 0.196 0.062 0.139 0.017 0.093 0.000 0.062 0.000 Table 2: RMSE of the action-conditional predictions of various lengths for Monte-Carlo and TD-network methods on the random-walk problem with online updating. Time Steps 50 100 150 200 MC 53.48% 30.81% 19.26% 11.69% TD 17.21% 4.50% 1.57% 0.14% Table 3: Average proportion of incorrect action-conditional predictions for batch-updating versions of Monte-Carlo and TD-network methods, for various amounts of data, on the random-walk task. All differences are statistically significant. 5 Experiment 3: Learning a Predictive State Representation Experiments 1 and 2 showed advantages for TD learning methods in Markov problems. The feature vectors in both experiments provided complete information about the nominal state of the random walk. In Experiment 3, on the other hand, we applied TD networks to a non-Markov version of the random-walk example, in particular, in which only the special observation bit was visible and not the state number. In this case it is not possible to make accurate predictions based solely on the current action and observation; the previous time step’s predictions must be used as well. As in the previous experiment, we sought to learn n-step predictions using actionconditional question networks of depths 2, 3, and 4. The feature vector xt consisted of three parts: a constant 1, four binary features to represent the pair of action a t−1 and observation bit ot , and n more features corresponding to the components of y t−1 . The features vectors were thus of length m = 11, 19, and 35 for the three depths. In this experiment, σ(·) was the S-shaped logistic function. The initial weights W0 and predictions y0 were both 0. Fifty random-walk sequences were constructed, each of 250,000 time steps, and presented to TD networks of the three depths, with a range of step-size parameters α. We measured the RMSE of all predictions made by the networks (computed from knowledge of the task) and also the “empirical RMSE,” the error in the one-step prediction for the action actually taken on each step. We found that in all cases the errors approached zero over time, showing that the problem was completely solved. Figure 2 shows some representative learning curves for the depth-2 and depth-4 TD networks. .3 Empirical RMS error .2 α=.1 .1 α=.5 α=.5 α=.75 0 0 α=.25 depth 2 50K 100K 150K 200K 250K Time Steps Figure 2: Prediction performance on the non-Markov random walk with depth-4 TD networks (and one depth-2 network) with various step-size parameters, averaged over 50 runs and 1000 time-step bins. The “bump” most clearly seen with small step sizes is reliably present and may be due to predictions of different lengths being learned at different times. In ongoing experiments on other non-Markov problems we have found that TD networks do not always find such complete solutions. Other problems seem to require more than one step of history information (the one-step-preceding action and observation), though less than would be required using history information alone. Our results as a whole suggest that TD networks may provide an effective alternative learning algorithm for predictive state representations (Littman et al., 2000). Previous algorithms have been found to be effective on some tasks but not on others (e.g, Singh et al., 2003; Rudary & Singh, 2004; James & Singh, 2004). More work is needed to assess the range of effectiveness and learning rate of TD methods vis-a-vis previous methods, and to explore their combination with history information. 6 Conclusion TD networks suggest a large set of possibilities for learning to predict, and in this paper we have begun exploring the first few. Our results show that even in a fully observable setting there may be significant advantages to TD methods when learning TD-defined predictions. Our action-conditional results show that TD methods can learn dramatically faster than other methods. TD networks allow the expression of many new kinds of predictions whose extensive semantics is not immediately clear, but which are ultimately fully grounded in data. It may be fruitful to further explore the expressive potential of TD-defined predictions. Although most of our experiments have concerned the representational expressiveness and efficiency of TD-defined predictions, it is also natural to consider using them as state, as in predictive state representations. Our experiments suggest that this is a promising direction and that TD learning algorithms may have advantages over previous learning methods. Finally, we note that adding nodes to a question network produces new predictions and thus may be a way to address the discovery problem for predictive representations. Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the ideas and encouragement they have received in this work from Satinder Singh, Doina Precup, Michael Littman, Mark Ring, Vadim Bulitko, Eddie Rafols, Anna Koop, Tao Wang, and all the members of the group. References Boyan, J. A. (2000). Technical update: Least-squares temporal difference learning. Machine Learning 49:233–246. Bradtke, S. J. and Barto, A. G. (1996). 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5 0.12428856 187 nips-2004-The Entire Regularization Path for the Support Vector Machine
Author: Saharon Rosset, Robert Tibshirani, Ji Zhu, Trevor J. Hastie
Abstract: In this paper we argue that the choice of the SVM cost parameter can be critical. We then derive an algorithm that can fit the entire path of SVM solutions for every value of the cost parameter, with essentially the same computational cost as fitting one SVM model. 1
6 0.11294018 33 nips-2004-Brain Inspired Reinforcement Learning
7 0.11099521 192 nips-2004-The power of feature clustering: An application to object detection
8 0.10610229 68 nips-2004-Face Detection --- Efficient and Rank Deficient
9 0.10288729 49 nips-2004-Density Level Detection is Classification
10 0.099715181 84 nips-2004-Inference, Attention, and Decision in a Bayesian Neural Architecture
11 0.098605946 3 nips-2004-A Feature Selection Algorithm Based on the Global Minimization of a Generalization Error Bound
12 0.092236325 69 nips-2004-Fast Rates to Bayes for Kernel Machines
13 0.08561641 168 nips-2004-Semigroup Kernels on Finite Sets
14 0.082434833 115 nips-2004-Maximum Margin Clustering
15 0.080007017 93 nips-2004-Kernel Projection Machine: a New Tool for Pattern Recognition
16 0.079195715 67 nips-2004-Exponentiated Gradient Algorithms for Large-margin Structured Classification
17 0.078900404 191 nips-2004-The Variational Ising Classifier (VIC) Algorithm for Coherently Contaminated Data
18 0.068215802 176 nips-2004-Sub-Microwatt Analog VLSI Support Vector Machine for Pattern Classification and Sequence Estimation
19 0.067058526 178 nips-2004-Support Vector Classification with Input Data Uncertainty
20 0.065922111 133 nips-2004-Nonparametric Transforms of Graph Kernels for Semi-Supervised Learning
topicId topicWeight
[(0, -0.216), (1, 0.065), (2, -0.018), (3, 0.101), (4, -0.01), (5, 0.042), (6, 0.107), (7, -0.182), (8, 0.038), (9, -0.09), (10, -0.046), (11, 0.053), (12, -0.141), (13, -0.054), (14, 0.009), (15, -0.13), (16, -0.037), (17, 0.148), (18, -0.048), (19, 0.012), (20, -0.058), (21, -0.007), (22, -0.081), (23, -0.17), (24, -0.042), (25, -0.109), (26, -0.107), (27, 0.021), (28, 0.196), (29, -0.081), (30, 0.175), (31, 0.053), (32, 0.086), (33, -0.022), (34, -0.042), (35, -0.144), (36, 0.127), (37, -0.016), (38, -0.113), (39, -0.037), (40, 0.055), (41, -0.082), (42, -0.057), (43, 0.02), (44, 0.006), (45, 0.09), (46, 0.047), (47, -0.046), (48, 0.024), (49, 0.001)]
simIndex simValue paperId paperTitle
same-paper 1 0.96436536 144 nips-2004-Parallel Support Vector Machines: The Cascade SVM
Author: Hans P. Graf, Eric Cosatto, Léon Bottou, Igor Dourdanovic, Vladimir Vapnik
Abstract: We describe an algorithm for support vector machines (SVM) that can be parallelized efficiently and scales to very large problems with hundreds of thousands of training vectors. Instead of analyzing the whole training set in one optimization step, the data are split into subsets and optimized separately with multiple SVMs. The partial results are combined and filtered again in a ‘Cascade’ of SVMs, until the global optimum is reached. The Cascade SVM can be spread over multiple processors with minimal communication overhead and requires far less memory, since the kernel matrices are much smaller than for a regular SVM. Convergence to the global optimum is guaranteed with multiple passes through the Cascade, but already a single pass provides good generalization. A single pass is 5x – 10x faster than a regular SVM for problems of 100,000 vectors when implemented on a single processor. Parallel implementations on a cluster of 16 processors were tested with over 1 million vectors (2-class problems), converging in a day or two, while a regular SVM never converged in over a week. 1
2 0.72545433 34 nips-2004-Breaking SVM Complexity with Cross-Training
Author: Léon Bottou, Jason Weston, Gökhan H. Bakir
Abstract: We propose to selectively remove examples from the training set using probabilistic estimates related to editing algorithms (Devijver and Kittler, 1982). This heuristic procedure aims at creating a separable distribution of training examples with minimal impact on the position of the decision boundary. It breaks the linear dependency between the number of SVs and the number of training examples, and sharply reduces the complexity of SVMs during both the training and prediction stages. 1
3 0.52769184 33 nips-2004-Brain Inspired Reinforcement Learning
Author: Françcois Rivest, Yoshua Bengio, John Kalaska
Abstract: Successful application of reinforcement learning algorithms often involves considerable hand-crafting of the necessary non-linear features to reduce the complexity of the value functions and hence to promote convergence of the algorithm. In contrast, the human brain readily and autonomously finds the complex features when provided with sufficient training. Recent work in machine learning and neurophysiology has demonstrated the role of the basal ganglia and the frontal cortex in mammalian reinforcement learning. This paper develops and explores new reinforcement learning algorithms inspired by neurological evidence that provides potential new approaches to the feature construction problem. The algorithms are compared and evaluated on the Acrobot task. 1
4 0.51881653 68 nips-2004-Face Detection --- Efficient and Rank Deficient
Author: Wolf Kienzle, Matthias O. Franz, Bernhard Schölkopf, Gökhan H. Bakir
Abstract: This paper proposes a method for computing fast approximations to support vector decision functions in the field of object detection. In the present approach we are building on an existing algorithm where the set of support vectors is replaced by a smaller, so-called reduced set of synthesized input space points. In contrast to the existing method that finds the reduced set via unconstrained optimization, we impose a structural constraint on the synthetic points such that the resulting approximations can be evaluated via separable filters. For applications that require scanning large images, this decreases the computational complexity by a significant amount. Experimental results show that in face detection, rank deficient approximations are 4 to 6 times faster than unconstrained reduced set systems. 1
5 0.50186217 183 nips-2004-Temporal-Difference Networks
Author: Richard S. Sutton, Brian Tanner
Abstract: We introduce a generalization of temporal-difference (TD) learning to networks of interrelated predictions. Rather than relating a single prediction to itself at a later time, as in conventional TD methods, a TD network relates each prediction in a set of predictions to other predictions in the set at a later time. TD networks can represent and apply TD learning to a much wider class of predictions than has previously been possible. Using a random-walk example, we show that these networks can be used to learn to predict by a fixed interval, which is not possible with conventional TD methods. Secondly, we show that if the interpredictive relationships are made conditional on action, then the usual learning-efficiency advantage of TD methods over Monte Carlo (supervised learning) methods becomes particularly pronounced. Thirdly, we demonstrate that TD networks can learn predictive state representations that enable exact solution of a non-Markov problem. A very broad range of inter-predictive temporal relationships can be expressed in these networks. Overall we argue that TD networks represent a substantial extension of the abilities of TD methods and bring us closer to the goal of representing world knowledge in entirely predictive, grounded terms. Temporal-difference (TD) learning is widely used in reinforcement learning methods to learn moment-to-moment predictions of total future reward (value functions). In this setting, TD learning is often simpler and more data-efficient than other methods. But the idea of TD learning can be used more generally than it is in reinforcement learning. TD learning is a general method for learning predictions whenever multiple predictions are made of the same event over time, value functions being just one example. The most pertinent of the more general uses of TD learning have been in learning models of an environment or task domain (Dayan, 1993; Kaelbling, 1993; Sutton, 1995; Sutton, Precup & Singh, 1999). In these works, TD learning is used to predict future values of many observations or state variables of a dynamical system. The essential idea of TD learning can be described as “learning a guess from a guess”. In all previous work, the two guesses involved were predictions of the same quantity at two points in time, for example, of the discounted future reward at successive time steps. In this paper we explore a few of the possibilities that open up when the second guess is allowed to be different from the first. To be more precise, we must make a distinction between the extensive definition of a prediction, expressing its desired relationship to measurable data, and its TD definition, expressing its desired relationship to other predictions. In reinforcement learning, for example, state values are extensively defined as an expectation of the discounted sum of future rewards, while they are TD defined as the solution to the Bellman equation (a relationship to the expectation of the value of successor states, plus the immediate reward). It’s the same prediction, just defined or expressed in different ways. In past work with TD methods, the TD relationship was always between predictions with identical or very similar extensive semantics. In this paper we retain the TD idea of learning predictions based on others, but allow the predictions to have different extensive semantics. 1 The Learning-to-predict Problem The problem we consider in this paper is a general one of learning to predict aspects of the interaction between a decision making agent and its environment. At each of a series of discrete time steps t, the environment generates an observation o t ∈ O, and the agent takes an action at ∈ A. Whereas A is an arbitrary discrete set, we assume without loss of generality that ot can be represented as a vector of bits. The action and observation events occur in sequence, o1 , a1 , o2 , a2 , o3 · · ·, with each event of course dependent only on those preceding it. This sequence will be called experience. We are interested in predicting not just each next observation but more general, action-conditional functions of future experience, as discussed in the next section. In this paper we use a random-walk problem with seven states, with left and right actions available in every state: 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 1 7 The observation upon arriving in a state consists of a special bit that is 1 only at the two ends of the walk and, in the first two of our three experiments, seven additional bits explicitly indicating the state number (only one of them is 1). This is a continuing task: reaching an end state does not end or interrupt experience. Although the sequence depends deterministically on action, we assume that the actions are selected randomly with equal probability so that the overall system can be viewed as a Markov chain. The TD networks introduced in this paper can represent a wide variety of predictions, far more than can be represented by a conventional TD predictor. In this paper we take just a few steps toward more general predictions. In particular, we consider variations of the problem of prediction by a fixed interval. This is one of the simplest cases that cannot otherwise be handled by TD methods. For the seven-state random walk, we will predict the special observation bit some numbers of discrete steps in advance, first unconditionally and then conditioned on action sequences. 2 TD Networks A TD network is a network of nodes, each representing a single scalar prediction. The nodes are interconnected by links representing the TD relationships among the predictions and to the observations and actions. These links determine the extensive semantics of each prediction—its desired or target relationship to the data. They represent what we seek to predict about the data as opposed to how we try to predict it. We think of these links as determining a set of questions being asked about the data, and accordingly we call them the question network. A separate set of interconnections determines the actual computational process—the updating of the predictions at each node from their previous values and the current action and observation. We think of this process as providing the answers to the questions, and accordingly we call them the answer network. The question network provides targets for a learning process shaping the answer network and does not otherwise affect the behavior of the TD network. It is natural to consider changing the question network, but in this paper we take it as fixed and given. Figure 1a shows a suggestive example of a question network. The three squares across the top represent three observation bits. The node labeled 1 is directly connected to the first observation bit and represents a prediction that that bit will be 1 on the next time step. The node labeled 2 is similarly a prediction of the expected value of node 1 on the next step. Thus the extensive definition of Node 2’s prediction is the probability that the first observation bit will be 1 two time steps from now. Node 3 similarly predicts the first observation bit three time steps in the future. Node 4 is a conventional TD prediction, in this case of the future discounted sum of the second observation bit, with discount parameter γ. Its target is the familiar TD target, the data bit plus the node’s own prediction on the next time step (with weightings 1 − γ and γ respectively). Nodes 5 and 6 predict the probability of the third observation bit being 1 if particular actions a or b are taken respectively. Node 7 is a prediction of the average of the first observation bit and Node 4’s prediction, both on the next step. This is the first case where it is not easy to see or state the extensive semantics of the prediction in terms of the data. Node 8 predicts another average, this time of nodes 4 and 5, and the question it asks is even harder to express extensively. One could continue in this way, adding more and more nodes whose extensive definitions are difficult to express but which would nevertheless be completely defined as long as these local TD relationships are clear. The thinner links shown entering some nodes are meant to be a suggestion of the entirely separate answer network determining the actual computation (as opposed to the goals) of the network. In this paper we consider only simple question networks such as the left column of Figure 1a and of the action-conditional tree form shown in Figure 1b. 1−γ 1 4 γ a 5 b L 6 L 2 7 R L R R 8 3 (a) (b) Figure 1: The question networks of two TD networks. (a) a question network discussed in the text, and (b) a depth-2 fully-action-conditional question network used in Experiments 2 and 3. Observation bits are represented as squares across the top while actual nodes of the TD network, corresponding each to a separate prediction, are below. The thick lines represent the question network and the thin lines in (a) suggest the answer network (the bulk of which is not shown). Note that all of these nodes, arrows, and numbers are completely different and separate from those representing the random-walk problem on the preceding page. i More formally and generally, let yt ∈ [0, 1], i = 1, . . . , n, denote the prediction of the 1 n ith node at time step t. The column vector of predictions yt = (yt , . . . , yt )T is updated according to a vector-valued function u with modifiable parameter W: yt = u(yt−1 , at−1 , ot , Wt ) ∈ n . (1) The update function u corresponds to the answer network, with W being the weights on its links. Before detailing that process, we turn to the question network, the defining TD i i relationships between nodes. The TD target zt for yt is an arbitrary function z i of the successive predictions and observations. In vector form we have 1 zt = z(ot+1 , ˜t+1 ) ∈ n , y (2) where ˜t+1 is just like yt+1 , as in (1), except calculated with the old weights before they y are updated on the basis of zt : ˜t = u(yt−1 , at−1 , ot , Wt−1 ) ∈ n . y (3) (This temporal subtlety also arises in conventional TD learning.) For example, for the 1 2 1 3 2 4 4 nodes in Figure 1a we have zt = o1 , zt = yt+1 , zt = yt+1 , zt = (1 − γ)o2 + γyt+1 , t+1 t+1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 5 5 6 3 7 8 zt = zt = ot+1 , zt = 2 ot+1 + 2 yt+1 , and zt = 2 yt+1 + 2 yt+1 . The target functions z i are only part of specifying the question network. The other part has to do with making them potentially conditional on action and observation. For example, Node 5 in Figure 1a predicts what the third observation bit will be if action a is taken. To arrange for such i semantics we introduce a new vector ct of conditions, ci , indicating the extent to which yt t i is held responsible for matching zt , thus making the ith prediction conditional on ci . Each t ci is determined as an arbitrary function ci of at and yt . In vector form we have: t ct = c(at , yt ) ∈ [0, 1]n . (4) For example, for Node 5 in Figure 1a, c5 = 1 if at = a, otherwise c5 = 0. t t Equations (2–4) correspond to the question network. Let us now turn to defining u, the update function for yt mentioned earlier and which corresponds to the answer network. In general u is an arbitrary function approximator, but for concreteness we define it to be of a linear form yt = σ(Wt xt ) (5) m where xt ∈ is a feature vector, Wt is an n × m matrix, and σ is the n-vector form of the identity function (Experiments 1 and 2) or the S-shaped logistic function σ(s) = 1 1+e−s (Experiment 3). The feature vector is an arbitrary function of the preceding action, observation, and node values: xt = x(at−1 , ot , yt−1 ) ∈ m . (6) For example, xt might have one component for each observation bit, one for each possible action (one of which is 1, the rest 0), and n more for the previous node values y t−1 . The ij learning algorithm for each component wt of Wt is ij ij i i wt+1 − wt = α(zt − yt )ci t i ∂yt , (7) ij ∂wt where α is a step-size parameter. The timing details may be clarified by writing the sequence of quantities in the order in which they are computed: yt at ct ot+1 xt+1 ˜t+1 zt Wt+1 yt+1 . y (8) Finally, the target in the extensive sense for yt is (9) y∗ = Et,π (1 − ct ) · y∗ + ct · z(ot+1 , y∗ ) , t t+1 t where · represents component-wise multiplication and π is the policy being followed, which is assumed fixed. 1 In general, z is a function of all the future predictions and observations, but in this paper we treat only the one-step case. 3 Experiment 1: n-step Unconditional Prediction In this experiment we sought to predict the observation bit precisely n steps in advance, for n = 1, 2, 5, 10, and 25. In order to predict n steps in advance, of course, we also have to predict n − 1 steps in advance, n − 2 steps in advance, etc., all the way down to predicting one step ahead. This is specified by a TD network consisting of a single chain of predictions like the left column of Figure 1a, but of length 25 rather than 3. Random-walk sequences were constructed by starting at the center state and then taking random actions for 50, 100, 150, and 200 steps (100 sequences each). We applied a TD network and a corresponding Monte Carlo method to this data. The Monte Carlo method learned the same predictions, but learned them by comparing them to the i actual outcomes in the sequence (instead of zt in (7)). This involved significant additional complexity to store the predictions until their corresponding targets were available. Both algorithms used feature vectors of 7 binary components, one for each of the seven states, all of which were zero except for the one corresponding to the current state. Both algorithms formed their predictions linearly (σ(·) was the identity) and unconditionally (c i = 1 ∀i, t). t In an initial set of experiments, both algorithms were applied online with a variety of values for their step-size parameter α. Under these conditions we did not find that either algorithm was clearly better in terms of the mean square error in their predictions over the data sets. We found a clearer result when both algorithms were trained using batch updating, in which weight changes are collected “on the side” over an experience sequence and then made all at once at the end, and the whole process is repeated until convergence. Under batch updating, convergence is to the same predictions regardless of initial conditions or α value (as long as α is sufficiently small), which greatly simplifies comparison of algorithms. The predictions learned under batch updating are also the same as would be computed by least squares algorithms such as LSTD(λ) (Bradtke & Barto, 1996; Boyan, 2000; Lagoudakis & Parr, 2003). The errors in the final predictions are shown in Table 1. For 1-step predictions, the Monte-Carlo and TD methods performed identically of course, but for longer predictions a significant difference was observed. The RMSE of the Monte Carlo method increased with prediction length whereas for the TD network it decreased. The largest standard error in any of the numbers shown in the table is 0.008, so almost all of the differences are statistically significant. TD methods appear to have a significant data-efficiency advantage over non-TD methods in this prediction-by-n context (and this task) just as they do in conventional multi-step prediction (Sutton, 1988). Time Steps 50 100 150 200 1-step MC/TD 0.205 0.124 0.089 0.076 2-step MC TD 0.219 0.172 0.133 0.100 0.103 0.073 0.084 0.060 5-step MC TD 0.234 0.159 0.160 0.098 0.121 0.076 0.109 0.065 10-step MC TD 0.249 0.139 0.168 0.079 0.130 0.063 0.112 0.056 25-step MC TD 0.297 0.129 0.187 0.068 0.153 0.054 0.118 0.049 Table 1: RMSE of Monte-Carlo and TD-network predictions of various lengths and for increasing amounts of training data on the random-walk example with batch updating. 4 Experiment 2: Action-conditional Prediction The advantage of TD methods should be greater for predictions that apply only when the experience sequence unfolds in a particular way, such as when a particular sequence of actions are made. In a second experiment we sought to learn n-step-ahead predictions conditional on action selections. The question network for learning all 2-step-ahead pre- dictions is shown in Figure 1b. The upper two nodes predict the observation bit conditional on taking a left action (L) or a right action (R). The lower four nodes correspond to the two-step predictions, e.g., the second lower node is the prediction of what the observation bit will be if an L action is taken followed by an R action. These predictions are the same as the e-tests used in some of the work on predictive state representations (Littman, Sutton & Singh, 2002; Rudary & Singh, 2003). In this experiment we used a question network like that in Figure 1b except of depth four, consisting of 30 (2+4+8+16) nodes. The conditions for each node were set to 0 or 1 depending on whether the action taken on the step matched that indicated in the figure. The feature vectors were as in the previous experiment. Now that we are conditioning on action, the problem is deterministic and α can be set uniformly to 1. A Monte Carlo prediction can be learned only when its corresponding action sequence occurs in its entirety, but then it is complete and accurate in one step. The TD network, on the other hand, can learn from incomplete sequences but must propagate them back one level at a time. First the one-step predictions must be learned, then the two-step predictions from them, and so on. The results for online and batch training are shown in Tables 2 and 3. As anticipated, the TD network learns much faster than Monte Carlo with both online and batch updating. Because the TD network learns its n step predictions based on its n − 1 step predictions, it has a clear advantage for this task. Once the TD Network has seen each action in each state, it can quickly learn any prediction 2, 10, or 1000 steps in the future. Monte Carlo, on the other hand, must sample actual sequences, so each exact action sequence must be observed. Time Step 100 200 300 400 500 1-Step MC/TD 0.153 0.019 0.000 0.000 0.000 2-Step MC TD 0.222 0.182 0.092 0.044 0.040 0.000 0.019 0.000 0.019 0.000 3-Step MC TD 0.253 0.195 0.142 0.054 0.089 0.013 0.055 0.000 0.038 0.000 4-Step MC TD 0.285 0.185 0.196 0.062 0.139 0.017 0.093 0.000 0.062 0.000 Table 2: RMSE of the action-conditional predictions of various lengths for Monte-Carlo and TD-network methods on the random-walk problem with online updating. Time Steps 50 100 150 200 MC 53.48% 30.81% 19.26% 11.69% TD 17.21% 4.50% 1.57% 0.14% Table 3: Average proportion of incorrect action-conditional predictions for batch-updating versions of Monte-Carlo and TD-network methods, for various amounts of data, on the random-walk task. All differences are statistically significant. 5 Experiment 3: Learning a Predictive State Representation Experiments 1 and 2 showed advantages for TD learning methods in Markov problems. The feature vectors in both experiments provided complete information about the nominal state of the random walk. In Experiment 3, on the other hand, we applied TD networks to a non-Markov version of the random-walk example, in particular, in which only the special observation bit was visible and not the state number. In this case it is not possible to make accurate predictions based solely on the current action and observation; the previous time step’s predictions must be used as well. As in the previous experiment, we sought to learn n-step predictions using actionconditional question networks of depths 2, 3, and 4. The feature vector xt consisted of three parts: a constant 1, four binary features to represent the pair of action a t−1 and observation bit ot , and n more features corresponding to the components of y t−1 . The features vectors were thus of length m = 11, 19, and 35 for the three depths. In this experiment, σ(·) was the S-shaped logistic function. The initial weights W0 and predictions y0 were both 0. Fifty random-walk sequences were constructed, each of 250,000 time steps, and presented to TD networks of the three depths, with a range of step-size parameters α. We measured the RMSE of all predictions made by the networks (computed from knowledge of the task) and also the “empirical RMSE,” the error in the one-step prediction for the action actually taken on each step. We found that in all cases the errors approached zero over time, showing that the problem was completely solved. Figure 2 shows some representative learning curves for the depth-2 and depth-4 TD networks. .3 Empirical RMS error .2 α=.1 .1 α=.5 α=.5 α=.75 0 0 α=.25 depth 2 50K 100K 150K 200K 250K Time Steps Figure 2: Prediction performance on the non-Markov random walk with depth-4 TD networks (and one depth-2 network) with various step-size parameters, averaged over 50 runs and 1000 time-step bins. The “bump” most clearly seen with small step sizes is reliably present and may be due to predictions of different lengths being learned at different times. In ongoing experiments on other non-Markov problems we have found that TD networks do not always find such complete solutions. Other problems seem to require more than one step of history information (the one-step-preceding action and observation), though less than would be required using history information alone. Our results as a whole suggest that TD networks may provide an effective alternative learning algorithm for predictive state representations (Littman et al., 2000). Previous algorithms have been found to be effective on some tasks but not on others (e.g, Singh et al., 2003; Rudary & Singh, 2004; James & Singh, 2004). More work is needed to assess the range of effectiveness and learning rate of TD methods vis-a-vis previous methods, and to explore their combination with history information. 6 Conclusion TD networks suggest a large set of possibilities for learning to predict, and in this paper we have begun exploring the first few. Our results show that even in a fully observable setting there may be significant advantages to TD methods when learning TD-defined predictions. Our action-conditional results show that TD methods can learn dramatically faster than other methods. TD networks allow the expression of many new kinds of predictions whose extensive semantics is not immediately clear, but which are ultimately fully grounded in data. It may be fruitful to further explore the expressive potential of TD-defined predictions. Although most of our experiments have concerned the representational expressiveness and efficiency of TD-defined predictions, it is also natural to consider using them as state, as in predictive state representations. Our experiments suggest that this is a promising direction and that TD learning algorithms may have advantages over previous learning methods. Finally, we note that adding nodes to a question network produces new predictions and thus may be a way to address the discovery problem for predictive representations. Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the ideas and encouragement they have received in this work from Satinder Singh, Doina Precup, Michael Littman, Mark Ring, Vadim Bulitko, Eddie Rafols, Anna Koop, Tao Wang, and all the members of the group. References Boyan, J. A. (2000). Technical update: Least-squares temporal difference learning. Machine Learning 49:233–246. Bradtke, S. J. and Barto, A. G. (1996). 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6 0.46747193 49 nips-2004-Density Level Detection is Classification
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topicId topicWeight
[(13, 0.094), (15, 0.168), (26, 0.116), (31, 0.021), (33, 0.143), (35, 0.018), (39, 0.015), (50, 0.051), (51, 0.28)]
simIndex simValue paperId paperTitle
1 0.92679739 107 nips-2004-Making Latin Manuscripts Searchable using gHMM's
Author: Jaety Edwards, Yee W. Teh, Roger Bock, Michael Maire, Grace Vesom, David A. Forsyth
Abstract: We describe a method that can make a scanned, handwritten mediaeval latin manuscript accessible to full text search. A generalized HMM is fitted, using transcribed latin to obtain a transition model and one example each of 22 letters to obtain an emission model. We show results for unigram, bigram and trigram models. Our method transcribes 25 pages of a manuscript of Terence with fair accuracy (75% of letters correctly transcribed). Search results are very strong; we use examples of variant spellings to demonstrate that the search respects the ink of the document. Furthermore, our model produces fair searches on a document from which we obtained no training data. 1. Intoduction There are many large corpora of handwritten scanned documents, and their number is growing rapidly. Collections range from the complete works of Mark Twain to thousands of pages of zoological notes spanning two centuries. Large scale analyses of such corpora is currently very difficult, because handwriting recognition works poorly. Recently, Rath and Manmatha have demonstrated that one can use small bodies of aligned material as supervised data to train a word spotting mechanism [7]. The result can make scanned handwritten documents searchable. Current techniques assume a closed vocabulary — one can search only for words in the training set — and search for instances of whole words. This approach is particularly unattractive for an inflected language, because individual words can take so many forms that one is unlikely to see all in the training set. Furthermore, one would like the method used to require very little aligned training data, so that it is possible to process documents written by different scribes with little overhead. Mediaeval Latin manuscripts are a natural first corpus for studying this problem, because there are many scanned manuscripts and because the handwriting is relatively regular. We expect the primary user need to be search over a large body of documents — to allow comparisons between documents — rather than transcription of a particular document (which is usually relatively easy to do by hand). Desirable features for a system are: First, that it use little or no aligned training data (an ideal, which we believe may be attainable, is an unsupervised learning system). Second, that one can search the document for an arbitrary string (rather than, say, only complete words that appear in the training data). This would allow a user to determine whether a document contains curious or distinctive spellings, for example (figure 7). We show that, using a statistical model based on a generalized HMM, we can search a medieval manuscript with considerable accuracy, using only one instance each of each letter in the manuscript to train the method (22 instances in total; Latin has no j, k, w, or z). Furthermore, our method allows fairly accurate transcription of the manuscript. We train our system on 22 glyphs taken from a a 12th century latin manuscript of Terence’s Comedies (obtained from a repository of over 80 scanned medieval works maintained by Oxford University [1]). We evaluate searches using a considerable portion of this manuscript aligned by hand; we then show that fair search results are available on a different manuscript (MS. Auct. D. 2. 16, Latin Gospels with beast-headed evangelist portraits made at Landvennec, Brittany, late 9th or early 10th century, from [1]) without change of letter templates. 1.1. Previous Work Handwriting recognition is a traditional problem, too well studied to review in detail here (see [6]). Typically, online handwriting recognition (where strokes can be recorded) works better than offline handwriting recognition. Handwritten digits can now be recognized with high accuracy [2, 5]. Handwritten amounts can be read with fair accuracy, which is significantly improved if one segments the amount into digits at the same time as one recognizes it [4, 5]. Recently several authors have proposed new techniques for search and translation in this unrestricted setting. Manmatha et al [7] introduce the technique of “word spotting,” which segments text into word images, rectifies the word images, and then uses an aligned training set to learn correspondences between rectified word images and strings. The method is not suitable for a heavily inflected language, because words take so many forms. In an inflected language, the natural unit to match to is a subset of a word, rather than a whole word, implying that one should segment the text into blocks — which may be smaller than words — while recognizing. Vinciarelli et al [8] introduce a method for line by line recognition based around an HMM and quite similar to techniques used in the speech recognition community. Their method uses a window that slides along the text to obtain features; this has the difficulty that the same window is in some places too small (and so uninformative) and in others too big (and so spans more than one letter, and is confusing). Their method requires a substantial body of aligned training data, which makes it impractical for our applications. Close in spirit to our work is the approach to machine translation of Koehn and Knight [3]. They demonstrate that the statistics of unaligned corpora may provide as powerful constraints for training models as aligned bitexts. 2. The Model Our models for both search and transcription are based on the generalized HMM and differ only in their choice of transition model. In an HMM, each hidden node ct emits a single evidence node xt . In a generalized HMM, we allow each ct to emit a series of x’s whose length is itself a random variable. In our model, the hidden nodes correspond to letters and each xt is a single column of pixels. Allowing letters to emit sets of columns lets us accomodate letter templates of variable width. In particular, this means that we can unify segmenting ink into letters and recognizing blocks of ink; figure 3 shows an example of how useful this is. 2.1. Generating a line of text Our hidden state consists of a character label c, width w and vertical position y. The statespace of c contains the characters ‘a’-‘z’, a space ‘ ’, and a special end state Ω. Let T c be the template associated with character c, Tch , Tcw be respectively the height and width of that template, and m be the height of the image. Figure 1: Left, a full page of our manuscript, a 12’th century manuscript of Terence’s Comedies obtained from [1]. Top right, a set of lines from a page from that document and bottom right, some words in higher resolution. Note: (a) the richness of page layout; (b) the clear spacing of the lines; (c) the relatively regular handwriting. Figure 2: Left, the 22 instances, one per letter, used to train our emission model. These templates are extracted by hand from the Terence document. Right, the five image channels for a single letter. Beginning at image column 1 (and assuming a dummy space before the first character), • • • • choose character c ∼ p(c|c−1...−n ) (an n-gram letter model) choose length w ∼ Uniform(Tcw − k, Tcw + k) (for some small k) choose vertical position y ∼ Uniform(1, m − Tch ) z,y and Tch now define a bounding box b of pixels. Let i and j be indexed from the top left of that bounding box. – draw pixel (i, j) ∼ N (Tcij , σcij ) for each pixel in b – draw all pixels above and below b from background gaussian N (µ0 , σ0 ) (See 2.2 for greater detail on pixel emission model) • move to column w + 1 and repeat until we enter the end state Ω. Inference on a gHMM is a relatively straighforward business of dynamic programming. We have used unigram, bigram and trigram models, with each transition model fitted using an electronic version of Caesar’s Gallic Wars, obtained from We do not believe that the choice of author should significantly affect the fitted transition model — which is at the level of characters — but have not experimented with this point. The important matter is the emission model. 2.2. The Emission Model Our emission model is as follows: Given the character c and width w, we generate a template of the required length. Each pixel in this template becomes the mean of a gaussian which generates the corresponding pixel in the image. This template has a separate mean image for each pixel channel. The channels are assumed independent given the means. We train the model by cutting out by hand a single instance of each letter from our corpus (figure 2). This forms the central portion of the template. Pixels above and below this Model Perfect transcription unigram bigram trigram matching chars 21019 14603 15572 15788 substitutions 0 5487 4597 4410 insertions 0 534 541 507 deletions 0 773 718 695 Table 1: Edit distance between our transcribed Terence and the editor’s version. Note the trigram model produces significantly fewer letter errors than the unigram model, but that the error rate is still a substantial 25%. central box are generated from a single gaussian used to model background pixels (basically white pixels). We add a third variable yt to our hidden state indicating the vertical position of the central box. However, since we are uninterested in actually recovering this variable, during inference we sum it out of the model. The width of a character is constrained to be close to the width (tw ) of our hand cut example by setting p(w|c) = 0 for w < tw − k and w > tw + k. Here k is a small, user defined integer. Within this range, p(w|c) is distributed uniformly, larger templates are created by appending pixels from the background model to the template and smaller ones by simply removing the right k-most columns of the hand cut example. For features, we generate five image representations, shown in figure 2. The first is a grayscale version of the original color image. The second and third are generated by convolving the grayscale image with a vertical derivative of gaussian filter, separating the positive and negative components of this response, and smoothing each of these gradient images separately. The fourth and fifth are generated similarly but with a horizontal derivative of gaussian filter. We have experimented with different weightings of these 5 channels. In practice we use the gray scale channel and the horizontal gradient channels. We emphasize the horizontal pieces since these seem the more discriminative. 2.3. Transcription For transcription, we model letters as coming from an n-gram language model, with no dependencies between words. Thus, the probability of a letter depends on the k letters before it, where k = n unless this would cross a word boundary in which case the history terminates at this boundary. We chose not to model word to word transition probabilities since, unlike in English, word order in Latin is highly arbitrary. This transition model is fit from a corpus of ascii encoded latin. We have experimented with unigram (i.e. uniform transition probabilities), bigram and trigram letter models. We can perform transcription by fitting the maximum likelihood path through any given line. Some results of this technique are shown in figure 3. 2.4. Search For search, we rank lines by the probability that they contain our search word. We set up a finite state machine like that in figure 4. In this figure, ‘bg’ represents our background model for that portion of the line not generated by our search word. We can use any of the n-gram letter models described for transcription as the transition model for ‘bg’. The probability that the line contains the search word is the probability that this FSM takes path 1. We use this FSM as the transition model for our gHMM, and output the posterior probability of the two arrows leading into the end state. 1 and 2 are user defined weights, but in practice the algorithm does not appear to be particular sensitive to the choice of these parameters. The results presented here use the unigram model. Editorial translation Orator ad vos venio ornatu prologi: unigram b u rt o r a d u o s u em o o r n a t u p r o l o g r b u rt o r a d v o s v em o o r u a t u p r o l o g r fo r a t o r a d v o s v en i o o r n a t u p r o l o g i bigram trigram Figure 3: We transcribe the text by finding the maximum likelihood path through the gHMM. The top line shows the standard version of the line (obtained by consensus among editors who have consulted various manuscripts; we obtained this information in electronic form from Below, we show the line as segmented and transcribed by unigram, bigram and trigram models; the unigram and bigram models transcribe one word as “vemo”, but the stronger trigram model forces the two letters to be segmented and correctly transcribes the word as “venio”, illustrating the considerable benefit to be obtained by segmenting only at recognition time. 1 − ε1 Path 1 1 − ε2 a b bg ε1 Ω bg Path 2 ε2 Figure 4: The finite state machine to search for the word ‘ab.’ ‘bg’ is a place holder for the larger finite state machine defined by our language model’s transition matrix. 3. Results Figure 1 shows a page from our collection. This is a scanned 12th century manuscript of Terence’s Comedies, obtained from the collection at [1]. In preprocessing, we extract individual lines of text by rotating the image to various degrees and projecting the sum of the pixel values onto the y-axis. We choose the orientation whose projection vector has the lowest entropy, and then segment lines by cutting at minima of this projection. Transcription is not our primary task, but methods that produce good transcriptions are going to support good searches. The gHMM can produce a surprisingly good transcription, given how little training data is used to train the emission model. We aligned an editors version of Terence with 25 pages from the manuscript by hand, and computed the edit distance between the transcribed text and the aligned text; as table 1 indicates, approximately 75% of letters are read correctly. Search results are strong. We show results for two documents. The first set of results refers to the edition of Terence’s Comedies, from which we took the 22 letter instances. In particular, for any given search term, our process ranks the complete set of lines. We used a hand alignment of the manuscript to determine which lines contained each term; figure 5 shows an overview of searches performed using every word that appears in the 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Figure 5: Our search ranks 587 manuscript lines, with higher ranking lines more likely to contain the relevant term. This figure shows complete search results for each term that appears more than three times in the 587 lines. Each row represents the ranked search results for a term, and a black mark appears if the search term is actually in the line; a successful search will therefore appear as a row which is wholly dark to the left, and then wholly light. All 587 lines are represented. More common terms are represented by lower rows. More detailed results appear in figure 5 and figure 6; this summary figure suggests almost all searches are highly successful. document more than three times, in particular, showing which of the ranked set of lines actually contained the search term. For almost every search, the term appears mainly in the lines with higher rank. Figure 6 contains more detailed information for a smaller set of words. We do not score the position of a word in a line (for practical reasons). Figure 7 demonstrates (a) that our search respects the ink of the document and (b) that for the Terence document, word positions are accurately estimated. The spelling of mediaeval documents is typically cleaned up by editors; in our manuscript, the scribe reliably spells “michi” for the standard “mihi”. A search on “michi” produces many instances; a search on “mihi” produces none, because the ink doesn’t have any. Notice this phenomenon also in the bottom right line of figure 7, the scribe writes “habet, ut consumat nunc cum nichil obsint doli” and the editor gives “habet, ut consumat nunc quom nil obsint doli.” Figure 8 shows that searches on short strings produce many words containing that string as one would wish. 4. Discussion We have shown that it is possible to make at least some handwritten mediaeval manuscripts accessible to full text search, without requiring an aligned text or much supervisory data. Our documents have very regular letters, and letter frequencies — which can be obtained from transcribed Latin — appear to provide so powerful a cue that relatively little detailed information about letter shapes is required. Linking letter segmentation and recognition has thoroughly beneficial effects. This suggests that the pool of manuscripts that can be made accessible in this way is large. In particular, we have used our method, trained on 22 instances of letters from one document, to search another document. Figure 9 shows the results from two searches of our second document (MS. Auct. D. 2. 16, Latin Gospels with beast-headed evangelist portraits made at Landvennec, Brittany, late 9th or early 10th century, from [1]). No information from this document was used in training at all; but letter 1tu arbitror pater etiam nisi factum primum siet vero illi inter hic michi ibi qui tu ibi michi 0.9 0.8 0.7 qui hic 0.6 inter 0.5 illi 0.4 siet 0.3 vero 0.2 nisi 0.1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 6: On the left, search results for selected words (indicated on the leftmost column). Each row represents the ranked search results for a term, and a black mark appears if the search term is actually in the line; a successful search will therefore appear as a row which is wholly dark to the left, and then wholly light. Note only the top 300 results are represented, and that lines containing the search term are almost always at or close to the top of the search results (black marks to the left). On the right, we plot precision against recall for a set of different words by taking the top 10, 20, ... lines returned from the search, and checking them against the aligned manuscript. Note that, once all cases have been found, if the size of the pool is increased the precision will fall with 100% recall; many words work well, with most of the first 20 or so lines returned containing the search term. shapes are sufficiently well shared that the search is still useful. All this suggests that one might be able to use EM to link three processes: one that clusters to determine letter shapes; one that segments letters; and one that imposes a language model. Such a system might be able to make handwritten Latin searchable with no training data. References [1] Early Manuscripts at Oxford University. Bodleian library ms. auct. f. 2.13. [2] Serge Belongie, Jitendra Malik, and Jan Puzicha. Shape matching and object recognition using shape contexts. IEEE T. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 24(4):509–522, 2002. [3] Philipp Koehn and Kevin Knight. Estimating word translation probabilities from unrelated monolingual corpora. In Proc. of the 17th National Conf. on AI, pages 711–715. AAAI Press / The MIT Press, 2000. [4] Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, and Y. Bengio. Reading checks with graph transformer networks. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, volume 1, pages 151–154, Munich, 1997. IEEE. [5] Y. Lecun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio, and P. Haffner. Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE, 86(11):2278–2324, 1998. [6] R. Plamondon and S.N. Srihari. Online and off-line handwriting recognition: a comprehensive survey. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 22(1):63–84, 2000. [7] T. M. Rath and R. Manmatha. Word image matching using dynamic time warping. In Proc. of the Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), volume 2, pages 521–527, 2003. [8] Alessandro Vinciarelli, Samy Bengio, and Horst Bunke. Offline recognition of unconstrained handwritten texts using hmms and statistical language models. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 26(6):709–720, 2004. michi: Spe incerta certum mihi laborem sustuli, mihi: Faciuntne intellegendo ut nil intellegant? michi: Nonnumquam conlacrumabat. placuit tum id mihi. mihi: Placuit: despondi. hic nuptiis dictust dies. michi: Sto exspectans siquid mi imperent. venit una,
same-paper 2 0.84666204 144 nips-2004-Parallel Support Vector Machines: The Cascade SVM
Author: Hans P. Graf, Eric Cosatto, Léon Bottou, Igor Dourdanovic, Vladimir Vapnik
Abstract: We describe an algorithm for support vector machines (SVM) that can be parallelized efficiently and scales to very large problems with hundreds of thousands of training vectors. Instead of analyzing the whole training set in one optimization step, the data are split into subsets and optimized separately with multiple SVMs. The partial results are combined and filtered again in a ‘Cascade’ of SVMs, until the global optimum is reached. The Cascade SVM can be spread over multiple processors with minimal communication overhead and requires far less memory, since the kernel matrices are much smaller than for a regular SVM. Convergence to the global optimum is guaranteed with multiple passes through the Cascade, but already a single pass provides good generalization. A single pass is 5x – 10x faster than a regular SVM for problems of 100,000 vectors when implemented on a single processor. Parallel implementations on a cluster of 16 processors were tested with over 1 million vectors (2-class problems), converging in a day or two, while a regular SVM never converged in over a week. 1
3 0.80222595 82 nips-2004-Incremental Algorithms for Hierarchical Classification
Author: Nicolò Cesa-bianchi, Claudio Gentile, Andrea Tironi, Luca Zaniboni
Abstract: We study the problem of hierarchical classification when labels corresponding to partial and/or multiple paths in the underlying taxonomy are allowed. We introduce a new hierarchical loss function, the H-loss, implementing the simple intuition that additional mistakes in the subtree of a mistaken class should not be charged for. Based on a probabilistic data model introduced in earlier work, we derive the Bayes-optimal classifier for the H-loss. We then empirically compare two incremental approximations of the Bayes-optimal classifier with a flat SVM classifier and with classifiers obtained by using hierarchical versions of the Perceptron and SVM algorithms. The experiments show that our simplest incremental approximation of the Bayes-optimal classifier performs, after just one training epoch, nearly as well as the hierarchical SVM classifier (which performs best). For the same incremental algorithm we also derive an H-loss bound showing, when data are generated by our probabilistic data model, exponentially fast convergence to the H-loss of the hierarchical classifier based on the true model parameters. 1 Introduction and basic definitions We study the problem of classifying data in a given taxonomy of labels, where the taxonomy is specified as a tree forest. We assume that every data instance is labelled with a (possibly empty) set of class labels called multilabel, with the only requirement that multilabels including some node i in the taxonony must also include all ancestors of i. Thus, each multilabel corresponds to the union of one or more paths in the forest, where each path must start from a root but it can terminate on an internal node (rather than a leaf). Learning algorithms for hierarchical classification have been investigated in, e.g., [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 20]. However, the scenario where labelling includes multiple and partial paths has received very little attention. The analysis in [5], which is mainly theoretical, shows in the multiple and partial path case a 0/1-loss bound for a hierarchical learning algorithm based on regularized least-squares estimates. In this work we extend [5] in several ways. First, we introduce a new hierarchical loss function, the H-loss, which is better suited than the 0/1-loss to analyze hierarchical classification tasks, and we derive the corresponding Bayes-optimal classifier under the parametric data model introduced in [5]. Second, considering various loss functions, including the H-loss, we empirically compare the performance of the following three incremental kernel-based ∗ This work was supported in part by the PASCAL Network of Excellence under EC grant no. 506778. This publication only reflects the authors’ views. algorithms: 1) a hierarchical version of the classical Perceptron algorithm [16]; 2) an approximation to the Bayes-optimal classifier; 3) a simplified variant of this approximation. Finally, we show that, assuming data are indeed generated according to the parametric model mentioned before, the H-loss of the algorithm in 3) converges to the H-loss of the classifier based on the true model parameters. Our incremental algorithms are based on training linear-threshold classifiers in each node of the taxonomy. A similar approach has been studied in [8], though their model does not consider multiple-path classifications as we do. Incremental algorithms are the main focus of this research, since we strongly believe that they are a key tool for coping with tasks where large quantities of data items are generated and the classification system needs to be frequently adjusted to keep up with new items. However, we found it useful to provide a reference point for our empirical results. Thus we have also included in our experiments the results achieved by nonincremental algorithms. In particular, we have chosen a flat and a hierarchical version of SVM [21, 7, 19], which are known to perform well on the textual datasets considered here. We assume data elements are encoded as real vectors x ∈ Rd which we call instances. A multilabel for an instance x is any subset of the set {1, . . . , N } of all labels/classes, including the empty set. We denote the multilabel associated with x by a vector y = (y1 , . . . , yN ) ∈ {0, 1}N , where i belongs to the multilabel of x if and only if yi = 1. A taxonomy G is a forest whose trees are defined over the set of labels. A multilabel y ∈ {0, 1}N is said to respect a taxonomy G if and only if y is the union of one or more paths in G, where each path starts from a root but need not terminate on a leaf. See Figure 1. We assume the data-generating mechanism produces examples (x, y) such that y respects some fixed underlying taxonomy G with N nodes. The set of roots in G is denoted by root(G). We use par(i) to denote the unique parent of node i, anc(i) to denote the set of ancestors of i, and sub(i) to denote the set of nodes in the subtree rooted at i (including i). Finally, given a predicate φ over a set Ω, we will use {φ} to denote both the subset of Ω where φ is true and the indicator function of this subset. 2 The H-loss Though several hierarchical losses have been proposed in the literature (e.g., in [11, 20]), no one has emerged as a standard yet. Since hierarchical losses are defined over multilabels, we start by considering two very simple functions measuring the discrepancy between multilabels y = (y1 , ..., yN ) and y = (y1 , ..., yN ): the 0/1-loss 0/1 (y, y) = {∃i : yi = yi } and the symmetric difference loss ∆ (y, y) = {y1 = y1 } + . . . + {yN = yN }. There are several ways of making these losses depend on a given taxonomy G. In this work, we follow the intuition “if a mistake is made at node i, then further mistakes made in the subtree rooted at i are unimportant”. That is, we do not require the algorithm be able to make fine-grained distinctions on tasks when it is unable to make coarse-grained ones. For example, if an algorithm failed to label a document with the class SPORTS, then the algorithm should not be charged more loss because it also failed to label the same document with the subclass SOCCER and the sub-subclass CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. A function implementing this intuition is defined by N H (y, y) = i=1 ci {yi = yi ∧ yj = yj , j ∈ anc(i)}, where c1 , . . . , cN > 0 are fixed cost coefficients. This loss, which we call H-loss, can also be described as follows: all paths in G from a root down to a leaf are examined and, whenever we encounter a node i such that yi = yi , we add ci to the loss, whereas all the loss contributions in the subtree rooted at i are discarded. Note that if c1 = . . . = cN = 1 then 0/1 ≤ H ≤ ∆ . Choices of ci depending on the structure of G are proposed in Section 4. Given a multilabel y ∈ {0, 1}N define its G-truncation as the multilabel y = (y1 , ..., yN ) ∈ {0, 1}N where, for each i = 1, . . . , N , yi = 1 iff yi = 1 and yj = 1 for all j ∈ anc(i). Note that the G-truncation of any multilabel always respects G. A graphical (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 1: A one-tree forest (repeated four times). Each node corresponds to a class in the taxonomy G, hence in this case N = 12. Gray nodes are included in the multilabel under consideration, white nodes are not. (a) A generic multilabel which does not respect G; (b) its G-truncation. (c) A second multilabel that respects G. (d) Superposition of multilabel (b) on multilabel (c): Only the checked nodes contribute to the H-loss between (b) and (c). representation of the notions introduced so far is given in Figure 1. In the next lemma we show that whenever y respects G, then H (y, y) cannot be smaller than H (y , y). In other words, when the multilabel y to be predicted respects a taxonomy G then there is no loss of generality in restricting to predictions which respect G. Lemma 1 Let G be a taxonomy, y, y ∈ {0, 1}N be two multilabels such that y respects G, and y be the G-truncation of y. Then H (y , y) ≤ H (y, y) . Proof. For each i = 1, . . . , N we show that yi = yi and yj = yj for all j ∈ anc(i) implies yi = yi and yj = yj for all j ∈ anc(i). Pick some i and suppose yi = yi and yj = yj for all j ∈ anc(i). Now suppose yj = 0 (and thus yj = 0) for some j ∈ anc(i). Then yi = 0 since y respects G. But this implies yi = 1, contradicting the fact that the G-truncation y respects G. Therefore, it must be the case that yj = yj = 1 for all j ∈ anc(i). Hence the G-truncation of y left each node j ∈ anc(i) unchanged, implying yj = yj for all j ∈ anc(i). But, since the G-truncation of y does not change the value of a node i whose ancestors j are such that yj = 1, this also implies yi = yi . Therefore yi = yi and the proof is concluded. 3 A probabilistic data model Our learning algorithms are based on the following statistical model for the data, originally introduced in [5]. The model defines a probability distribution fG over the set of multilabels respecting a given taxonomy G by associating with each node i of G a Bernoulli random variable Yi and defining fG (y | x) = N i=1 P Yi = yi | Ypar(i) = ypar(i) , X = x . To guarantee that fG (y | x) = 0 whenever y ∈ {0, 1}N does not respect G, we set P Yi = 1 | Ypar(i) = 0, X = x = 0. Notice that this definition of fG makes the (rather simplistic) assumption that all Yk with the same parent node i (i.e., the children of i) are independent when conditioned on Yi and x. Through fG we specify an i.i.d. process {(X 1 , Y 1 ), (X 2 , Y 2 ), . . .}, where, for t = 1, 2, . . ., the multilabel Y t is distributed according to fG (· | X t ) and X t is distributed according to a fixed and unknown distribution D. Each example (xt , y t ) is thus a realization of the corresponding pair (X t , Y t ) of random variables. Our parametric model for fG is described as follows. First, we assume that the support of D is the surface of the d-dimensional unit sphere (i.e., instances x ∈ R d are such that ||x|| = 1). With each node i in the taxonomy, we associate a unit-norm weight vector ui ∈ Rd . Then, we define the conditional probabilities for a nonroot node i with parent j by P (Yi = 1 | Yj = 1, X = x) = (1 + ui x)/2. If i is a root node, the previous equation simplifies to P (Yi = 1 | X = x) = (1 + ui x)/2. 3.1 The Bayes-optimal classifier for the H-loss We now describe a classifier, called H - BAYES, that is the Bayes-optimal classifier for the H-loss. In other words, H - BAYES classifies any instance x with the multilabel y = argminy∈{0,1} E[ H (¯ , Y ) | x ]. Define pi (x) = P Yi = 1 | Ypar(i) = 1, X = x . y ¯ When no ambiguity arises, we write pi instead of pi (x). Now, fix any unit-length instance x and let y be a multilabel that respects G. For each node i in G, recursively define H i,x (y) = ci (pi (1 − yi ) + (1 − pi )yi ) + k∈child(i) H k,x (y) . The classifier H - BAYES operates as follows. It starts by putting all nodes of G in a set S; nodes are then removed from S one by one. A node i can be removed only if i is a leaf or if all nodes j in the subtree rooted at i have been already removed. When i is removed, its value yi is set to 1 if and only if pi 2 − k∈child(i) H k,x (y)/ci ≥ 1 . (1) (Note that if i is a leaf then (1) is equivalent to yi = {pi ≥ 1/2}.) If yi is set to zero, then all nodes in the subtree rooted at i are set to zero. Theorem 2 For any taxonomy G and all unit-length x ∈ Rd , the multilabel generated by H - BAYES is the Bayes-optimal classification of x for the H-loss. Proof sketch. Let y be the multilabel assigned by H - BAYES and y ∗ be any multilabel minimizing the expected H-loss. Introducing the short-hand Ex [·] = E[· | x], we can write Ex H (y, Y )= N i=1 ci (pi (1 − yi ) + (1 − pi )yi ) j∈anc(i) pj {yj = 1} . Note that we can recursively decompose the expected H-loss as Ex H (y, Y )= i∈root(G) where Ex Hi (y, Y ) = ci (pi (1 − yi ) + (1 − pi )yi ) Ex Hi (y, Y ), pj {yj = 1} + j∈anc(i) Ex Hk (y, Y ) . (2) k∈child(i) ∗ Pick a node i. If i is a leaf, then the sum in the RHS of (2) disappears and yi = {pi ≥ 1/2}, ∗ which is also the minimizer of H i,x (y) = ci (pi (1 − yi ) + (1 − pi )yi ), implying yi = yi . ∗ Now let i be an internal node and inductively assume yj = yj for all j ∈ sub(i). Notice ∗ that the factors j∈anc(i) pj {yj = 1} occur in both terms in the RHS of (2). Hence yi does not depend on these factors and we can equivalently minimize ci (pi (1 − yi ) + (1 − pi )yi ) + pi {yi = 1} k∈child(i) H k,x (y), (3) where we noted that, for each k ∈ child(i), Ex Hk (y, Y ) = j∈anc(i) pj {yj = 1} pi {yi = 1}H k,x (y) . ∗ Now observe that yi minimizing (3) is equivalent to the assignment produced by H - BAYES. ∗ ∗ To conclude the proof, note that whenever yi = 0, Lemma 1 requires that yj = 0 for all nodes j ∈ sub(i), which is exactly what H - BAYES does. 4 The algorithms We consider three incremental algorithms. Each one of these algorithms learns a hierarchical classifier by training a decision function gi : Rd → {0, 1} at each node i = 1, . . . , N . For a given set g1 , . . . , gN of decision functions, the hierarchical classifier generated by these algorithms classifies an instance x through a multilabel y = (y1 , ..., yN ) defined as follows: yi = gi (x) 0 if i ∈ root(G) or yj = 1 for all j ∈ anc(i) otherwise. (4) Note that y computed this way respects G. The classifiers (4) are trained incrementally. Let gi,t be the decision function at node i after training on the first t − 1 examples. When the next training example (xt , y t ) is available, the algorithms compute the multilabel y t using classifier (4) based on g1,t (xt ), . . . , gN,t (xt ). Then, the algorithms consider for an update only those decision functions sitting at nodes i satisfying either i ∈ root(G) or ypar(i),t = 1. We call such nodes eligible at time t. The decision functions of all other nodes are left unchanged. The first algorithm we consider is a simple hierarchical version of the Perceptron algorithm [16], which we call H - PERC. The decision functions at time t are defined by gi,t (xt ) = {wi,t xt ≥ 0}. In the update phase, the Perceptron rule wi,t+1 = wi,t + yi,t xt is applied to every node i eligible at time t and such that yi,t = yi,t . The second algorithm, called APPROX - H - BAYES, approximates the H - BAYES classifier of Section 3.1 by replacing the unknown quantities pi (xt ) with estimates (1+w i,t xt )/2. The weights w i,t are regularized least-squares estimates defined by (i) wi,t = (I + Si,t−1 Si,t−1 + xt xt )−1 Si,t−1 y t−1 . (5) The columns of the matrix Si,t−1 are all past instances xs that have been stored at node i; (i) the s-th component of vector y t−1 is the i-th component yi,s of the multilabel y s associated with instance xs . In the update phase, an instance xt is stored at node i, causing an update of wi,t , whenever i is eligible at time t and |w i,t xt | ≤ (5 ln t)/Ni,t , where Ni,t is the number of instances stored at node i up to time t − 1. The corresponding decision functions gi,t are of the form gi,t (xt ) = {w i,t xt ≥ τi,t }, where the threshold τi,t ≥ 0 at node i depends on the margin values w j,t xt achieved by nodes j ∈ sub(i) — recall (1). Note that gi,t is not a linear-threshold function, as xt appears in the definition of w i,t . The margin threshold (5 ln t)/Ni,t , controlling the update of node i at time t, reduces the space requirements of the classifier by keeping matrices Si,t suitably small. This threshold is motivated by the work [4] on selective sampling. The third algorithm, which we call H - RLS (Hierarchical Regularized Least Squares), is a simplified variant of APPROX - H - BAYES in which the thresholds τi,t are set to zero. That is, we have gi,t (xt ) = {w i,t xt ≥ 0} where the weights w i,t are defined as in (5) and updated as in the APPROX - H - BAYES algorithm. Details on how to run APPROX - H - BAYES 2 and H - RLS in dual variables and perform an update at node i in time O(Ni,t ) are found in [3] (where a mistake-driven version of H - RLS is analyzed). 5 Experimental results The empirical evaluation of the algorithms was carried out on two well-known datasets of free-text documents. The first dataset consists of the first (in chronological order) 100,000 newswire stories from the Reuters Corpus Volume 1, RCV1 [2]. The associated taxonomy of labels, which are the topics of the documents, has 101 nodes organized in a forest of 4 trees. The forest is shallow: the longest path has length 3 and the the distribution of nodes, sorted by increasing path length, is {0.04, 0.53, 0.42, 0.01}. For this dataset, we used the bag-of-words vectorization performed by Xerox Research Center Europe within the EC project KerMIT (see [4] for details on preprocessing). The 100,000 documents were divided into 5 equally sized groups of chronologically consecutive documents. We then used each adjacent pair of groups as training and test set in an experiment (here the fifth and first group are considered adjacent), and then averaged the test set performance over the 5 experiments. The second dataset is a specific subtree of the OHSUMED corpus of medical abstracts [1]: the subtree rooted in “Quality of Health Care” (MeSH code N05.715). After removing overlapping classes (OHSUMED is not quite a tree but a DAG), we ended up with 94 Table 1: Experimental results on two hierarchical text classification tasks under various loss functions. We report average test errors along with standard deviations (in parenthesis). In bold are the best performance figures among the incremental algorithms. RCV1 PERC H - PERC H - RLS AH - BAY SVM H - SVM OHSU. PERC H - PERC H - RLS AH - BAY SVM H - SVM 0/1-loss 0.702(±0.045) 0.655(±0.040) 0.456(±0.010) 0.550(±0.010) 0.482(±0.009) 0.440(±0.008) unif. H-loss 1.196(±0.127) 1.224(±0.114) 0.743(±0.026) 0.815(±0.028) 0.790(±0.023) 0.712(±0.021) norm. H-loss 0.100(±0.029) 0.099(±0.028) 0.057(±0.001) 0.090(±0.001) 0.057(±0.001) 0.055(±0.001) ∆-loss 1.695(±0.182) 1.861(±0.172) 1.086(±0.036) 1.465(±0.040) 1.173(±0.051) 1.050(±0.027) 0/1-loss 0.899(±0.024) 0.846(±0.024) 0.769(±0.004) 0.819(±0.004) 0.784(±0.003) 0.759(±0.002) unif. H-loss 1.938(±0.219) 1.560(±0.155) 1.200(±0.007) 1.197(±0.006) 1.206(±0.003) 1.170(±0.005) norm. H-loss 0.058(±0.005) 0.057(±0.005) 0.045(±0.000) 0.047(±0.000) 0.044(±0.000) 0.044(±0.000) ∆-loss 2.639(±0.226) 2.528(±0.251) 1.957(±0.011) 2.029(±0.009) 1.872(±0.005) 1.910(±0.007) classes and 55,503 documents. We made this choice based only on the structure of the subtree: the longest path has length 4, the distribution of nodes sorted by increasing path length is {0.26, 0.37, 0.22, 0.12, 0.03}, and there are a significant number of partial and multiple path multilabels. The vectorization of the subtree was carried out as follows: after tokenization, we removed all stopwords and also those words that did not occur at least 3 times in the corpus. Then, we vectorized the documents using the Bow library [13] with a log(1 + TF) log(IDF) encoding. We ran 5 experiments by randomly splitting the corpus in a training set of 40,000 documents and a test set of 15,503 documents. Test set performances are averages over these 5 experiments. In the training set we kept more documents than in the RCV1 splits since the OHSUMED corpus turned out to be a harder classification problem than RCV1. In both datasets instances have been normalized to unit length. We tested the hierarchical Perceptron algorithm (H - PERC), the hierarchical regularized leastsquares algorithm (H - RLS), and the approximated Bayes-optimal algorithm (APPROX - H BAYES ), all described in Section 4. The results are summarized in Table 1. APPROX - H BAYES ( AH - BAY in Table 1) was trained using cost coefficients c i chosen as follows: if i ∈ root(G) then ci = |root(G)|−1 . Otherwise, ci = cj /|child(j)|, where j is the parent of i. Note that this choice of coefficients amounts to splitting a unit cost equally among the roots and then splitting recursively each node’s cost equally among its children. Since, in this case, 0 ≤ H ≤ 1, we call the resulting loss normalized H-loss. We also tested a hierarchical version of SVM (denoted by H - SVM in Table 1) in which each node is an SVM classifier trained using a batch version of our hierarchical learning protocol. More precisely, each node i was trained only on those examples (xt , y t ) such that ypar(i),t = 1 (note that, as no conditions are imposed on yi,t , node i is actually trained on both positive and negative examples). The resulting set of linear-threshold functions was then evaluated on the test set using the hierachical classification scheme (4). We tried both the C and ν parametrizations [18] for SVM and found the setting C = 1 to work best for our data. 1 We finally tested the “flat” variants of Perceptron and SVM, denoted by PERC and SVM. In these variants, each node is trained and evaluated independently of the others, disregarding all taxonomical information. All SVM experiments were carried out using the libSVM implementation [6]. All the tested algorithms used a linear kernel. 1 It should be emphasized that this tuning of C was actually chosen in hindsight, with no crossvalidation. As far as loss functions are concerned, we considered the 0/1-loss, the H-loss with cost coefficients set to 1 (denoted by uniform H-loss), the normalized H-loss, and the symmetric difference loss (denoted by ∆-loss). Note that H - SVM performs best, but our incremental algorithms were trained for a single epoch on the training set. The good performance of SVM (the flat variant of H - SVM ) is surprising. However, with a single epoch of training H - RLS does not perform worse than SVM (except on OHSUMED under the normalized H-loss) and comes reasonably close to H - SVM. On the other hand, the performance of APPROX - H - BAYES is disappointing: on OHSUMED it is the best algorithm only for the uniform H-loss, though it was trained using the normalized H-loss; on RCV1 it never outperforms H - RLS, though it always does better than PERC and H - PERC. A possible explanation for this behavior is that APPROX - H - BAYES is very sensitive to errors in the estimates of pi (x) (recall Section 3.1). Indeed, the least-squares estimates (5), which we used to approximate H - BAYES, seem to work better in practice on simpler (and possibly more robust) algorithms, such as H - RLS. The lower values of normalized H-loss on OHSUMED (a harder corpus than RCV1) can be explained because a quarter of the 94 nodes in the OHSUMED taxonomy are roots, and thus each top-level mistake is only charged about 4/94. As a final remark, we observe that the normalized H-loss gave too small a range of values to afford fine comparisons among the best performing algorithms. 6 Regret bounds for the H-loss In this section we prove a theoretical bound on the H-loss of a slight variant of the algorithm H - RLS tested in Section 5. More precisely, we assume data are generated according to the probabilistic model introduced in Section 3 with unknown instance distribution D and unknown coefficients u1 , . . . , uN . We define the regret of a classifier assigning label y to instance X as E H (y, Y t ) − E H (y, Y ), where the expected value is with respect the random draw of (X, Y ) and y is the multilabel assigned by classifier (4) when the decision functions gi are zero-threshold functions of the form gi (x) = {ui x ≥ 0}. The theorem below shows that the regret of the classifier learned by a variant of H - RLS after t training examples, with t large enough, is exponentially small in t. In other words, H - RLS learns to classify as well as the algorithm that is given the true parameters u1 , . . . , uN of the underlying data-generating process. We have been able to prove the theorem only for the variant of H - RLS storing all instances at each node. That is, every eligible node at time t is updated, irrespective of whether |w i,t xt | ≤ (5 ln t)/Ni,t . Given the i.i.d. data-generating process (X 1 , Y 1 ), (X 2 , Y 2 ), . . ., for each node k we define the derived process X k1 , X k2 , . . . including all and only the instances X s of the original process that satisfy Ypar(k),s = 1. We call this derived process the process at node k. Note that, for each k, the process at node k is an i.i.d. process. However, its distribution might depend on k. The spectrum of the process at node k is the set of eigenvalues of the correlation matrix with entries E[Xk1 ,i Xk1 ,j ] for i, j = 1, . . . , d. We have the following theorem, whose proof is omitted due to space limitations. Theorem 3 Let G be a taxonomy with N nodes and let fG be a joint density for G parametrized by N unit-norm vectors u1 , . . . , uN ∈ Rd . Assume the instance distribution is such that there exist γ1 , . . . , γN > 0 satisfying P |ui X t | ≥ γi = 1 for i = 1, . . . , N . Then, for all t > max maxi=1,...,N E H (y t , Y t ) −E 16 µ i λ i γi , maxi=1,...,N 192d µi λ 2 i the regret H (y t , Y t ) of the modified H - RLS algorithm is at most N 2 2 µi t e−κ1 γi λi t µi + t2 e−κ2 λi t µi cj , i=1 j∈sub(i) where κ1 , κ2 are constants, µi = E j∈anc(i) (1 + uj X)/2 eigenvalue in the spectrum of the process at node i. and λi is the smallest 7 Conclusions and open problems In this work we have studied the problem of hierarchical classification of data instances in the presence of partial and multiple path labellings. We have introduced a new hierarchical loss function, the H-loss, derived the corresponding Bayes-optimal classifier, and empirically compared an incremental approximation to this classifier with some other incremental and nonincremental algorithms. Finally, we have derived a theoretical guarantee on the H-loss of a simplified variant of the approximated Bayes-optimal algorithm. Our investigation leaves several open issues. The current approximation to the Bayesoptimal classifier is not satisfying, and this could be due to a bad choice of the model, of the estimators, of the datasets, or of a combination of them. Also, the normalized H-loss is not fully satisfying, since the resulting values are often too small. From the theoretical viewpoint, we would like to analyze the regret of our algorithms with respect to the Bayesoptimal classifier, rather than with respect to a classifier that makes a suboptimal use of the true model parameters. References [1] The OHSUMED test collection. URL: [2] Reuters corpus volume 1. URL: [3] N. Cesa-Bianchi, A. Conconi, and C. Gentile. A second-order Perceptron algorithm. In Proc. 15th COLT, pages 121–137. Springer, 2002. [4] N. Cesa-Bianchi, A. Conconi, and C. Gentile. 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4 0.6860618 206 nips-2004-Worst-Case Analysis of Selective Sampling for Linear-Threshold Algorithms
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