cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-301 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Xinchu Shi, Haibin Ling, Junling Xing, Weiming Hu
Abstract: In this paper we formulate multi-target tracking (MTT) as a rank-1 tensor approximation problem and propose an ?1 norm tensor power iteration solution. In particular, a high order tensor is constructed based on trajectories in the time window, with each tensor element as the affinity of the corresponding trajectory candidate. The local assignment variables are the ?1 normalized vectors, which are used to approximate the rank-1 tensor. Our approach provides a flexible and effective formulation where both pairwise and high-order association energies can be used expediently. We also show the close relation between our formulation and the multi-dimensional assignment (MDA) model. To solve the optimization in the rank-1 tensor approximation, we propose an algorithm that iteratively powers the intermediate solution followed by an ?1 normalization. Aside from effectively capturing high-order motion information, the proposed solver runs efficiently with proved convergence. The experimental validations are conducted on two challenging datasets and our method demonstrates promising performances on both.
Reference: text
sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore
1 edu Abstract In this paper we formulate multi-target tracking (MTT) as a rank-1 tensor approximation problem and propose an ? [sent-5, score-0.856]
2 In particular, a high order tensor is constructed based on trajectories in the time window, with each tensor element as the affinity of the corresponding trajectory candidate. [sent-7, score-1.731]
3 Our approach provides a flexible and effective formulation where both pairwise and high-order association energies can be used expediently. [sent-10, score-0.49]
4 To solve the optimization in the rank-1 tensor approximation, we propose an algorithm that iteratively powers the intermediate solution followed by an ? [sent-12, score-0.714]
5 The former tracks multiple targets with observations till the current frame, while the latter collects a batch of evidences within a time span and treat tracking as a multi-frame multiple target association1 problem. [sent-19, score-0.369]
6 Sequential tracking is suitable for online tasks [6, 24], but sometimes meets problems when dealing with target occlusions. [sent-20, score-0.161]
7 Relation of tensor and association, with a 4-frame as- sociation as an example. [sent-23, score-0.662]
8 Each trajectory has a corresponding tensor item computed from the trajectory affinity. [sent-27, score-1.093]
9 However, the integer optimization in MDA is NP-hard for three or higher dimensional association in general. [sent-38, score-0.476]
10 Some alternative works evade the global association by using hierarchical strategies [15, 7], the optimum local associations are achieved first and used to obtain longer tracks later. [sent-39, score-0.57]
11 In this work, we propose a tensor based approach for multi-frame multi-target association. [sent-42, score-0.662]
12 First, we construct a high-order tensor from all trajectory candidates over a time span, as illustrated in Figure 1. [sent-43, score-0.879]
13 Then, we show that the rank1 approximation of this tensor has the same energy formulation as the multi-dimensional assignment. [sent-44, score-0.769]
14 1 tensor power iteration with row/column unit norm is introduced to solve the approximation problem. [sent-46, score-1.105]
15 To validate the proposed method, we apply it to multi-target tracking using two challenging datasets, one containing wide area motion sequences and the other containing public area surveillance videos. [sent-51, score-0.197]
16 Related work Study of data association has a long history, with early research focusing on radar target tracking [3], where Multiple Hypothesis Tracking (MHT) [21] is the classic method. [sent-58, score-0.588]
17 With a batch of observations, MHT finds all possible association combinations and selects the most likely association set as the optimal solution. [sent-59, score-0.918]
18 Multiple target association across multiple frames can be formulated as the multiple dimensional assignment problem. [sent-61, score-0.629]
19 iK ei sa f1i nwithyen o fth teh trajectory yis { tirue and 0} otherwise; ij denotes the observation index in j-th frame. [sent-107, score-0.189]
20 Two-frame association is a special case of MDA, and exact solutions with polynomial time such as Hungarian algorithm are available. [sent-108, score-0.485]
21 However, the solution is NP-hard when the association is computed over three or more frames. [sent-109, score-0.453]
22 When the cost of the trajectory is decomposed as the product of pairwise terms, MDA can be formulated as a network flow problem, which can be solved by using linear programming [16], shortest path algorithms [5], etc. [sent-112, score-0.372]
23 Such network flow formulation, while having global optimal solutions with polynomial time com- plexity, is limited to use pairwise affinity and misses high order kinematic information. [sent-113, score-0.33]
24 Other approaches for solving MDA include greedy search [23, 25] and hierarchical target association [15, 7]. [sent-118, score-0.48]
25 Our approach shares a similar procedure, but we use the tensor framework and propose an analytical iterative solution. [sent-120, score-0.662]
26 In addition, the association ambiguity is retained in our iteration, which reduces the association errors. [sent-121, score-0.916]
27 Tensor formulation In this section, we give a brief introduction about tensor and its rank-1 approximation. [sent-123, score-0.704]
28 A tensor is the high dimensional generalization of a matrix. [sent-124, score-0.662]
29 In the tensor terminology, each dimenasinodn o1f a te ins≤or i sI associated with a mode. [sent-132, score-0.662]
30 Like matrix-vector and matrix-matrix multiplication, tensor has similar operations, we give the following definition. [sent-133, score-0.662]
31 Definition 1 The n-mode product of a tensor S ∈ RDeI1f ×in. [sent-134, score-0.714]
32 Rank-1 tensor approximation Before we introduce Rank-1 tensor approximation, the notation of Rank-1 tensor is given first. [sent-181, score-2.051]
33 If the K order tensor S is computed as the outer product of K vectors tΠen(1s)o, rΠ S(2) i,s . [sent-182, score-0.772]
34 With the ab-othve ( definition, the problem of rank-1 approximation for tensor S is formulated as following: Problem 1 Given a real K order tensor S ∈ RI1×I2×···×IK, find K unit-norm vectors ΠS =∈ {Π(1), Π(2), . [sent-199, score-1.439]
35 (9) To maximize (9), tensor power iteration ([10, 20]) is proposed with a sound convergence proof. [sent-247, score-0.862]
36 Relations to Multi-Dimensional Assignment In this section, we show the rank-1 tensor approximation has the similar optimization formulation with MDA, with an appropriate tensor item definition. [sent-252, score-1.51]
37 Each trajectory (global association) is decomposed as a sequence of edges (twoframe association), which is formulated as = xi1i2. [sent-255, score-0.237]
38 Note the affinity remains depending on the entire trajectory but with a different subscript, i. [sent-266, score-0.344]
39 Also, we note that the affinity values s and the association variables π in (13) are non-negative, thus the equivalence between (9) and (13) is self-evident. [sent-308, score-0.582]
40 Specifically, Π in tensor approximation must have the ? [sent-310, score-0.727]
41 With this extension, the tensor approximation can be considered as the counterpart of MDA in the real-value domain. [sent-315, score-0.727]
42 An example illustrating the relation between rank-1 tensor approximation and MDA is given in Figure 1. [sent-316, score-0.727]
43 It shows that (1) tensor elements correspond to global associations; and (2) vectors approximating the rank-1 tensor are real solutions of local assignment variables. [sent-317, score-1.506]
44 (7), it aims to minimize the element-wise 222333888977 Algorithm 1 Tensor based multi-target association 1:Input. [sent-319, score-0.427]
45 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: t0: Start frame, K:Number of a batch frames Output: target associations while t0 K−1 ≤ M do Collect+ a b−at1ch ≤ o Mf K do frames observations Φ = {O(t0) , O(t0 + 1) , . [sent-321, score-0.298]
46 Compute the trajectory affinities and construct the K−1 order tensor S. [sent-326, score-0.851]
47 t0 ← t0 + K−1 end w←hil te + reconstruction error between the the trajectory tensor and the reconstructed tensor, which is calculated as the outer product of local assignment vectors. [sent-331, score-1.021]
48 In particular, for a trajectory with a high affinity, the optimization tries to make a high-value outer product to match its affinity. [sent-332, score-0.298]
49 Consequently, the higher the affinity a trajectory has, the more likely it will be picked up in the final solution. [sent-333, score-0.344]
50 Tensor Based Multi-Target Association In this section, we introduce the tensor based multi-target tracking approach, and Algorithm 1outlines the framework. [sent-335, score-0.77]
51 Generally, multi-target association is performed with the batch way. [sent-336, score-0.491]
52 When K frame observations are available, association hypotheses (trajectories) are generated first. [sent-337, score-0.491]
53 With all these hypotheses, a tensor is constructed by computing the trajectory affinities. [sent-338, score-0.851]
54 We highlight the tensor-based multi-target association in the following parts and present details about object detection in the experiment part. [sent-341, score-0.427]
55 Further, we use “soft” association variable,s1 t o≤ m kak ≤e tKhe− optimization more f e“asosifbt”le a. [sent-345, score-0.453]
56 1unit norm 1:Input: K − 1 order tensor S ∈ RI1×I2×. [sent-369, score-0.785]
57 gence Note that the original tensor power iteration implied in Theorem 1 is designed for ? [sent-409, score-0.822]
58 The basic idea is to iteratively update the solution by tensor powering followed by an ? [sent-419, score-0.688]
59 The procedure for general rank-1 tensor approximation is presented in Algorithm 2, where “◦” indicates the tHioanda ism parrde product ( eAllegmoerintth-wmis 2e, product). [sent-421, score-0.8]
60 (18) For clear expression, we denote the k-th vector at the nth iteration as Π(k)(n), which has elements Consider the iteration on Π(1) (n), with all other vectors fixed, we has following proposition. [sent-437, score-0.199]
61 1 unit norm iteration algorithm converges to a (local) extreme. [sent-530, score-0.304]
62 Set the association problem (16) as an example, the ? [sent-535, score-0.427]
63 1 unit norm tensor iteration for Π(1) has the formulation as Πˆj(+1)1 = (S⊗2Π(j2) ⊗3Πj(3). [sent-536, score-1.008]
64 Hypothesis generation We follow the traditional approaches to set a bound for association generation. [sent-576, score-0.427]
65 Basically, we make an association hypothesis between two object candidates from two consecutive frames only when they are spatially close to each other. [sent-577, score-0.53]
66 For handling this issue, in each frame we include two dummy targets, a source and a sink, to generate the entrance and exit association for each real target. [sent-582, score-0.528]
67 Tensor computation The tensor S is constructed based on the global associatTihoen hypothesis, w coitnhs tthruec trajectory a ofnfin tihteies g as tahle a tseson-sor elements. [sent-585, score-0.885]
68 Given different affinity representations, there are different optimization formulations. [sent-586, score-0.181]
69 When the affinity is computed as the product of pairwise costs, i. [sent-612, score-0.228]
70 o1πrmsl(∗K u− 1la)tπiol(Kn− 1in)etw(2o8rk) flow ([5]), thus network flow is a special case of the proposed tensor framework. [sent-627, score-0.749]
71 To summarize, tensor approximation provides a flexible framework to take advantage of global and local association energy. [sent-628, score-1.188]
72 Detailed representation about the affinity computation is presented in the experiment section. [sent-629, score-0.176]
73 Initialization and termination The initial point is important for tensor iteration. [sent-632, score-0.662]
74 For exam222333889199 ple, when one target has 4 association candidates, the initial value for each candidate is 1/4. [sent-634, score-0.48]
75 The solution given by tensor power iteration is realvalue, which must be discretized to meet the integer and one-to-one mapping constraints in the assignment. [sent-636, score-0.871]
76 To leverage the conflicts between different local association candi- × dates, we treat the real-value solutions as the costs for corresponding association candidates and feed them into a bipartite problem. [sent-637, score-0.916]
77 The affinity of a trajectory is defined as sl1l2. [sent-657, score-0.344]
78 lK−1 , (29) where alt is the affinity of the local association lt and is computed using histogram appearance and bounding box Table 1. [sent-666, score-0.612]
79 , (30) where Ult is the velocity vector of association lt. [sent-696, score-0.427]
80 We use the same affinity (29) in our approach and ICMlike, and alt is used as the cost in Hungarian algorithm. [sent-698, score-0.185]
81 One reason lies in that the association ambiguity is retained in the iteration process in our approach till final decision. [sent-713, score-0.624]
82 In this experiment, we compare the proposed tensorbased association with ICM-like. [sent-723, score-0.427]
83 We use the same affinity in [8] defined as s = E0 − Econt − Ecurv ? [sent-724, score-0.155]
84 5); pi is the target position in frame i; E0 is a large constant to make the affinity positive; Econt penalizes large position jumps between successive point pair; and Ecurv defines the constantvelocity motion model. [sent-747, score-0.306]
85 The large motion offsets of targets in the low frame-rate dense scene cause multiple association possibilities, which confuse the association algorithms. [sent-751, score-0.973]
86 the association ambiguity till the final binarization stage, thus acquires a better result than does ICM-like. [sent-760, score-0.513]
87 The performance gains of our approach in sparse and higher framerate sequences are small, since the results of ICM-like are close to saturation, and there are less association ambiguities for the data too. [sent-761, score-0.455]
88 Tensor based association has a computation complexity of O(fn) in each iteration, n is the length of the table (i. [sent-768, score-0.427]
89 By contrast, ICM-like has a complexity of O(mn), where m is the total number of two-frame association candidates. [sent-771, score-0.427]
90 Because the iteration on each variable in our approach only needs lookup-table operations, while the iteration of ICM-like on each variable needs the global search across the table. [sent-772, score-0.206]
91 Conclusion In this work, we first consider the global trajectory as the high-order tensor item, and formulate the multiple dimensional assignment task as the (row/column) constrained tensor approximation problem. [sent-776, score-1.72]
92 1 unit norm tensor power iteration algorithm is proposed to solve the optimization, and we provide the convergence proof. [sent-778, score-1.08]
93 The two features in our approach, using global trajectory affinity and maintaining the association ambiguity, advance the global association performance. [sent-779, score-1.266]
94 Power iteration for row/column unit norm Given a matrix E ∈ RM×N, constitutes of elements epq(1 ≤ p ≤ M, n1 a ≤ q ≤ N). [sent-790, score-0.377]
95 1 unit norm iteration, the total score converges to the extreme with each row/column unit iteration. [sent-825, score-0.333]
96 Robust object tracking by hierarchical association of detection responses. [sent-925, score-0.535]
97 Markov chain monte carlo data association for multi-target tracking. [sent-937, score-0.472]
98 Multidimensional assignment formulation of data association problems arising from multitarget and multisensor tracking. [sent-947, score-0.583]
99 Gmcp-tracker: Global multiobject tracking using generalized minimum clique graphs. [sent-986, score-0.157]
100 Global data association for multiobject tracking using network flows. [sent-992, score-0.621]
wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)
[('tensor', 0.662), ('association', 0.427), ('mda', 0.19), ('trajectory', 0.189), ('affinity', 0.155), ('clif', 0.134), ('norm', 0.123), ('psudata', 0.112), ('tracking', 0.108), ('unit', 0.095), ('assignment', 0.087), ('iteration', 0.086), ('kk', 0.083), ('ik', 0.077), ('associations', 0.075), ('power', 0.074), ('constitutes', 0.073), ('targets', 0.067), ('hungarian', 0.066), ('approximation', 0.065), ('batch', 0.064), ('mht', 0.055), ('epq', 0.055), ('item', 0.053), ('target', 0.053), ('product', 0.052), ('multiobject', 0.049), ('till', 0.049), ('ecurv', 0.045), ('formulation', 0.042), ('lk', 0.041), ('trajectories', 0.04), ('convergence', 0.04), ('econt', 0.04), ('associat', 0.04), ('frames', 0.039), ('id', 0.038), ('sl', 0.038), ('ambiguity', 0.037), ('network', 0.037), ('tac', 0.037), ('seq', 0.037), ('frame', 0.036), ('hypothesis', 0.036), ('wm', 0.035), ('entrance', 0.035), ('global', 0.034), ('solutions', 0.034), ('optimum', 0.034), ('mtt', 0.033), ('jk', 0.033), ('motion', 0.032), ('tpami', 0.032), ('outer', 0.031), ('alt', 0.03), ('pi', 0.03), ('exit', 0.03), ('pw', 0.03), ('surveillance', 0.029), ('observations', 0.028), ('sequences', 0.028), ('candidates', 0.028), ('multitarget', 0.027), ('vectors', 0.027), ('format', 0.027), ('notations', 0.026), ('pedestrian', 0.026), ('solution', 0.026), ('optimization', 0.026), ('wrong', 0.026), ('decomposed', 0.025), ('retained', 0.025), ('proof', 0.025), ('flow', 0.025), ('theorem', 0.025), ('polynomial', 0.024), ('element', 0.023), ('integer', 0.023), ('carlo', 0.023), ('formulated', 0.023), ('tiny', 0.023), ('grant', 0.022), ('reformulated', 0.022), ('monte', 0.022), ('formulate', 0.021), ('presented', 0.021), ('nl', 0.021), ('pairwise', 0.021), ('lagrange', 0.02), ('vehicle', 0.02), ('score', 0.02), ('dense', 0.02), ('haibin', 0.02), ('hbling', 0.02), ('cleverly', 0.02), ('lut', 0.02), ('srs', 0.02), ('ttoe', 0.02), ('plexity', 0.02), ('taes', 0.02)]
simIndex simValue paperId paperTitle
same-paper 1 1.0000004 301 cvpr-2013-Multi-target Tracking by Rank-1 Tensor Approximation
Author: Xinchu Shi, Haibin Ling, Junling Xing, Weiming Hu
Abstract: In this paper we formulate multi-target tracking (MTT) as a rank-1 tensor approximation problem and propose an ?1 norm tensor power iteration solution. In particular, a high order tensor is constructed based on trajectories in the time window, with each tensor element as the affinity of the corresponding trajectory candidate. The local assignment variables are the ?1 normalized vectors, which are used to approximate the rank-1 tensor. Our approach provides a flexible and effective formulation where both pairwise and high-order association energies can be used expediently. We also show the close relation between our formulation and the multi-dimensional assignment (MDA) model. To solve the optimization in the rank-1 tensor approximation, we propose an algorithm that iteratively powers the intermediate solution followed by an ?1 normalization. Aside from effectively capturing high-order motion information, the proposed solver runs efficiently with proved convergence. The experimental validations are conducted on two challenging datasets and our method demonstrates promising performances on both.
2 0.19838989 441 cvpr-2013-Tracking Sports Players with Context-Conditioned Motion Models
Author: Jingchen Liu, Peter Carr, Robert T. Collins, Yanxi Liu
Abstract: We employ hierarchical data association to track players in team sports. Player movements are often complex and highly correlated with both nearby and distant players. A single model would require many degrees of freedom to represent the full motion diversity and could be difficult to use in practice. Instead, we introduce a set of Game Context Features extracted from noisy detections to describe the current state of the match, such as how the players are spatially distributed. Our assumption is that players react to the current situation in only a finite number of ways. As a result, we are able to select an appropriate simplified affinity model for each player and time instant using a random decisionforest based on current track and game contextfeatures. Our context-conditioned motion models implicitly incorporate complex inter-object correlations while remaining tractable. We demonstrate significant performance improvements over existing multi-target tracking algorithms on basketball and field hockey sequences several minutes in duration and containing 10 and 20 players respectively.
3 0.19643781 121 cvpr-2013-Detection- and Trajectory-Level Exclusion in Multiple Object Tracking
Author: Anton Milan, Konrad Schindler, Stefan Roth
Abstract: When tracking multiple targets in crowded scenarios, modeling mutual exclusion between distinct targets becomes important at two levels: (1) in data association, each target observation should support at most one trajectory and each trajectory should be assigned at most one observation per frame; (2) in trajectory estimation, two trajectories should remain spatially separated at all times to avoid collisions. Yet, existing trackers often sidestep these important constraints. We address this using a mixed discrete-continuous conditional randomfield (CRF) that explicitly models both types of constraints: Exclusion between conflicting observations with supermodular pairwise terms, and exclusion between trajectories by generalizing global label costs to suppress the co-occurrence of incompatible labels (trajectories). We develop an expansion move-based MAP estimation scheme that handles both non-submodular constraints and pairwise global label costs. Furthermore, we perform a statistical analysis of ground-truth trajectories to derive appropriate CRF potentials for modeling data fidelity, target dynamics, and inter-target occlusion.
4 0.15893082 300 cvpr-2013-Multi-target Tracking by Lagrangian Relaxation to Min-cost Network Flow
Author: Asad A. Butt, Robert T. Collins
Abstract: We propose a method for global multi-target tracking that can incorporate higher-order track smoothness constraints such as constant velocity. Our problem formulation readily lends itself to path estimation in a trellis graph, but unlike previous methods, each node in our network represents a candidate pair of matching observations between consecutive frames. Extra constraints on binary flow variables in the graph result in a problem that can no longer be solved by min-cost network flow. We therefore propose an iterative solution method that relaxes these extra constraints using Lagrangian relaxation, resulting in a series of problems that ARE solvable by min-cost flow, and that progressively improve towards a high-quality solution to our original optimization problem. We present experimental results showing that our method outperforms the standard network-flow formulation as well as other recent algorithms that attempt to incorporate higher-order smoothness constraints.
5 0.15509251 209 cvpr-2013-Hypergraphs for Joint Multi-view Reconstruction and Multi-object Tracking
Author: Martin Hofmann, Daniel Wolf, Gerhard Rigoll
Abstract: We generalize the network flow formulation for multiobject tracking to multi-camera setups. In the past, reconstruction of multi-camera data was done as a separate extension. In this work, we present a combined maximum a posteriori (MAP) formulation, which jointly models multicamera reconstruction as well as global temporal data association. A flow graph is constructed, which tracks objects in 3D world space. The multi-camera reconstruction can be efficiently incorporated as additional constraints on the flow graph without making the graph unnecessarily large. The final graph is efficiently solved using binary linear programming. On the PETS 2009 dataset we achieve results that significantly exceed the current state of the art.
6 0.14625138 224 cvpr-2013-Information Consensus for Distributed Multi-target Tracking
7 0.14308712 203 cvpr-2013-Hierarchical Video Representation with Trajectory Binary Partition Tree
8 0.12794256 425 cvpr-2013-Tensor-Based High-Order Semantic Relation Transfer for Semantic Scene Segmentation
9 0.10444807 170 cvpr-2013-Fast Rigid Motion Segmentation via Incrementally-Complex Local Models
11 0.100559 440 cvpr-2013-Tracking People and Their Objects
12 0.092114866 426 cvpr-2013-Tensor-Based Human Body Modeling
13 0.08745122 386 cvpr-2013-Self-Paced Learning for Long-Term Tracking
14 0.08389312 184 cvpr-2013-Gauging Association Patterns of Chromosome Territories via Chromatic Median
15 0.079803869 314 cvpr-2013-Online Object Tracking: A Benchmark
16 0.077724896 457 cvpr-2013-Visual Tracking via Locality Sensitive Histograms
17 0.073922411 59 cvpr-2013-Better Exploiting Motion for Better Action Recognition
18 0.072235078 461 cvpr-2013-Weakly Supervised Learning for Attribute Localization in Outdoor Scenes
19 0.069565967 126 cvpr-2013-Diffusion Processes for Retrieval Revisited
20 0.067307435 113 cvpr-2013-Dense Variational Reconstruction of Non-rigid Surfaces from Monocular Video
topicId topicWeight
[(0, 0.153), (1, 0.029), (2, -0.022), (3, -0.041), (4, 0.013), (5, -0.034), (6, 0.089), (7, -0.134), (8, -0.003), (9, 0.138), (10, 0.022), (11, 0.018), (12, -0.074), (13, -0.006), (14, 0.034), (15, 0.026), (16, -0.032), (17, 0.021), (18, 0.034), (19, -0.018), (20, 0.078), (21, -0.016), (22, -0.057), (23, 0.127), (24, 0.113), (25, 0.048), (26, 0.083), (27, -0.067), (28, -0.057), (29, -0.073), (30, -0.026), (31, -0.047), (32, -0.004), (33, -0.09), (34, 0.049), (35, 0.01), (36, -0.048), (37, 0.022), (38, 0.024), (39, 0.012), (40, 0.021), (41, -0.038), (42, 0.057), (43, -0.028), (44, -0.047), (45, -0.013), (46, 0.005), (47, 0.026), (48, 0.002), (49, 0.003)]
simIndex simValue paperId paperTitle
same-paper 1 0.95147699 301 cvpr-2013-Multi-target Tracking by Rank-1 Tensor Approximation
Author: Xinchu Shi, Haibin Ling, Junling Xing, Weiming Hu
Abstract: In this paper we formulate multi-target tracking (MTT) as a rank-1 tensor approximation problem and propose an ?1 norm tensor power iteration solution. In particular, a high order tensor is constructed based on trajectories in the time window, with each tensor element as the affinity of the corresponding trajectory candidate. The local assignment variables are the ?1 normalized vectors, which are used to approximate the rank-1 tensor. Our approach provides a flexible and effective formulation where both pairwise and high-order association energies can be used expediently. We also show the close relation between our formulation and the multi-dimensional assignment (MDA) model. To solve the optimization in the rank-1 tensor approximation, we propose an algorithm that iteratively powers the intermediate solution followed by an ?1 normalization. Aside from effectively capturing high-order motion information, the proposed solver runs efficiently with proved convergence. The experimental validations are conducted on two challenging datasets and our method demonstrates promising performances on both.
2 0.8545391 441 cvpr-2013-Tracking Sports Players with Context-Conditioned Motion Models
Author: Jingchen Liu, Peter Carr, Robert T. Collins, Yanxi Liu
Abstract: We employ hierarchical data association to track players in team sports. Player movements are often complex and highly correlated with both nearby and distant players. A single model would require many degrees of freedom to represent the full motion diversity and could be difficult to use in practice. Instead, we introduce a set of Game Context Features extracted from noisy detections to describe the current state of the match, such as how the players are spatially distributed. Our assumption is that players react to the current situation in only a finite number of ways. As a result, we are able to select an appropriate simplified affinity model for each player and time instant using a random decisionforest based on current track and game contextfeatures. Our context-conditioned motion models implicitly incorporate complex inter-object correlations while remaining tractable. We demonstrate significant performance improvements over existing multi-target tracking algorithms on basketball and field hockey sequences several minutes in duration and containing 10 and 20 players respectively.
3 0.82371694 121 cvpr-2013-Detection- and Trajectory-Level Exclusion in Multiple Object Tracking
Author: Anton Milan, Konrad Schindler, Stefan Roth
Abstract: When tracking multiple targets in crowded scenarios, modeling mutual exclusion between distinct targets becomes important at two levels: (1) in data association, each target observation should support at most one trajectory and each trajectory should be assigned at most one observation per frame; (2) in trajectory estimation, two trajectories should remain spatially separated at all times to avoid collisions. Yet, existing trackers often sidestep these important constraints. We address this using a mixed discrete-continuous conditional randomfield (CRF) that explicitly models both types of constraints: Exclusion between conflicting observations with supermodular pairwise terms, and exclusion between trajectories by generalizing global label costs to suppress the co-occurrence of incompatible labels (trajectories). We develop an expansion move-based MAP estimation scheme that handles both non-submodular constraints and pairwise global label costs. Furthermore, we perform a statistical analysis of ground-truth trajectories to derive appropriate CRF potentials for modeling data fidelity, target dynamics, and inter-target occlusion.
4 0.7052204 209 cvpr-2013-Hypergraphs for Joint Multi-view Reconstruction and Multi-object Tracking
Author: Martin Hofmann, Daniel Wolf, Gerhard Rigoll
Abstract: We generalize the network flow formulation for multiobject tracking to multi-camera setups. In the past, reconstruction of multi-camera data was done as a separate extension. In this work, we present a combined maximum a posteriori (MAP) formulation, which jointly models multicamera reconstruction as well as global temporal data association. A flow graph is constructed, which tracks objects in 3D world space. The multi-camera reconstruction can be efficiently incorporated as additional constraints on the flow graph without making the graph unnecessarily large. The final graph is efficiently solved using binary linear programming. On the PETS 2009 dataset we achieve results that significantly exceed the current state of the art.
5 0.68825048 224 cvpr-2013-Information Consensus for Distributed Multi-target Tracking
Author: Ahmed T. Kamal, Jay A. Farrell, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury
Abstract: Due to their high fault-tolerance, ease of installation and scalability to large networks, distributed algorithms have recently gained immense popularity in the sensor networks community, especially in computer vision. Multitarget tracking in a camera network is one of the fundamental problems in this domain. Distributed estimation algorithms work by exchanging information between sensors that are communication neighbors. Since most cameras are directional sensors, it is often the case that neighboring sensors may not be sensing the same target. Such sensors that do not have information about a target are termed as “naive ” with respect to that target. In this paper, we propose consensus-based distributed multi-target tracking algorithms in a camera network that are designed to address this issue of naivety. The estimation errors in tracking and data association, as well as the effect of naivety, are jointly addressed leading to the development of an informationweighted consensus algorithm, which we term as the Multitarget Information Consensus (MTIC) algorithm. The incorporation of the probabilistic data association mecha- nism makes the MTIC algorithm very robust to false measurements/clutter. Experimental analysis is provided to support the theoretical results.
6 0.67697781 356 cvpr-2013-Representing and Discovering Adversarial Team Behaviors Using Player Roles
7 0.61341858 300 cvpr-2013-Multi-target Tracking by Lagrangian Relaxation to Min-cost Network Flow
9 0.59029782 170 cvpr-2013-Fast Rigid Motion Segmentation via Incrementally-Complex Local Models
10 0.57973504 365 cvpr-2013-Robust Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Objects by Volumetric Mass Densities
11 0.56546658 203 cvpr-2013-Hierarchical Video Representation with Trajectory Binary Partition Tree
12 0.52484852 331 cvpr-2013-Physically Plausible 3D Scene Tracking: The Single Actor Hypothesis
13 0.51481825 440 cvpr-2013-Tracking People and Their Objects
14 0.49834543 184 cvpr-2013-Gauging Association Patterns of Chromosome Territories via Chromatic Median
15 0.47833353 285 cvpr-2013-Minimum Uncertainty Gap for Robust Visual Tracking
16 0.45787242 267 cvpr-2013-Least Soft-Threshold Squares Tracking
17 0.45269561 306 cvpr-2013-Non-rigid Structure from Motion with Diffusion Maps Prior
18 0.44030407 174 cvpr-2013-Fine-Grained Crowdsourcing for Fine-Grained Recognition
19 0.41938427 113 cvpr-2013-Dense Variational Reconstruction of Non-rigid Surfaces from Monocular Video
20 0.41172296 126 cvpr-2013-Diffusion Processes for Retrieval Revisited
topicId topicWeight
[(10, 0.092), (16, 0.02), (26, 0.037), (33, 0.621), (67, 0.031), (69, 0.028), (87, 0.067)]
simIndex simValue paperId paperTitle
same-paper 1 0.99913496 301 cvpr-2013-Multi-target Tracking by Rank-1 Tensor Approximation
Author: Xinchu Shi, Haibin Ling, Junling Xing, Weiming Hu
Abstract: In this paper we formulate multi-target tracking (MTT) as a rank-1 tensor approximation problem and propose an ?1 norm tensor power iteration solution. In particular, a high order tensor is constructed based on trajectories in the time window, with each tensor element as the affinity of the corresponding trajectory candidate. The local assignment variables are the ?1 normalized vectors, which are used to approximate the rank-1 tensor. Our approach provides a flexible and effective formulation where both pairwise and high-order association energies can be used expediently. We also show the close relation between our formulation and the multi-dimensional assignment (MDA) model. To solve the optimization in the rank-1 tensor approximation, we propose an algorithm that iteratively powers the intermediate solution followed by an ?1 normalization. Aside from effectively capturing high-order motion information, the proposed solver runs efficiently with proved convergence. The experimental validations are conducted on two challenging datasets and our method demonstrates promising performances on both.
2 0.99873877 113 cvpr-2013-Dense Variational Reconstruction of Non-rigid Surfaces from Monocular Video
Author: Ravi Garg, Anastasios Roussos, Lourdes Agapito
Abstract: This paper offers the first variational approach to the problem of dense 3D reconstruction of non-rigid surfaces from a monocular video sequence. We formulate nonrigid structure from motion (NRSfM) as a global variational energy minimization problem to estimate dense low-rank smooth 3D shapes for every frame along with the camera motion matrices, given dense 2D correspondences. Unlike traditional factorization based approaches to NRSfM, which model the low-rank non-rigid shape using a fixed number of basis shapes and corresponding coefficients, we minimize the rank of the matrix of time-varying shapes directly via trace norm minimization. In conjunction with this low-rank constraint, we use an edge preserving total-variation regularization term to obtain spatially smooth shapes for every frame. Thanks to proximal splitting techniques the optimization problem can be decomposed into many point-wise sub-problems and simple linear systems which can be easily solved on GPU hardware. We show results on real sequences of different objects (face, torso, beating heart) where, despite challenges in tracking, illumination changes and occlusions, our method reconstructs highly deforming smooth surfaces densely and accurately directly from video, without the need for any prior models or shape templates.
3 0.99842238 165 cvpr-2013-Fast Energy Minimization Using Learned State Filters
Author: Matthieu Guillaumin, Luc Van_Gool, Vittorio Ferrari
Abstract: Pairwise discrete energies defined over graphs are ubiquitous in computer vision. Many algorithms have been proposed to minimize such energies, often concentrating on sparse graph topologies or specialized classes of pairwise potentials. However, when the graph is fully connected and the pairwise potentials are arbitrary, the complexity of even approximate minimization algorithms such as TRW-S grows quadratically both in the number of nodes and in the number of states a node can take. Moreover, recent applications are using more and more computationally expensive pairwise potentials. These factors make it very hard to employ fully connected models. In this paper we propose a novel, generic algorithm to approximately minimize any discrete pairwise energy function. Our method exploits tractable sub-energies to filter the domain of the function. The parameters of the filter are learnt from instances of the same class of energies with good candidate solutions. Compared to existing methods, it efficiently handles fully connected graphs, with many states per node, and arbitrary pairwise potentials, which might be expensive to compute. We demonstrate experimentally on two applications that our algorithm is much more efficient than other generic minimization algorithms such as TRW-S, while returning essentially identical solutions.
4 0.99736267 137 cvpr-2013-Dynamic Scene Classification: Learning Motion Descriptors with Slow Features Analysis
Author: Christian Thériault, Nicolas Thome, Matthieu Cord
Abstract: In this paper, we address the challenging problem of categorizing video sequences composed of dynamic natural scenes. Contrarily to previous methods that rely on handcrafted descriptors, we propose here to represent videos using unsupervised learning of motion features. Our method encompasses three main contributions: 1) Based on the Slow Feature Analysis principle, we introduce a learned local motion descriptor which represents the principal and more stable motion components of training videos. 2) We integrate our local motion feature into a global coding/pooling architecture in order to provide an effective signature for each video sequence. 3) We report state of the art classification performances on two challenging natural scenes data sets. In particular, an outstanding improvement of 11 % in classification score is reached on a data set introduced in 2012.
5 0.99715352 189 cvpr-2013-Graph-Based Discriminative Learning for Location Recognition
Author: Song Cao, Noah Snavely
Abstract: Recognizing the location of a query image by matching it to a database is an important problem in computer vision, and one for which the representation of the database is a key issue. We explore new ways for exploiting the structure of a database by representing it as a graph, and show how the rich information embedded in a graph can improve a bagof-words-based location recognition method. In particular, starting from a graph on a set of images based on visual connectivity, we propose a method for selecting a set of subgraphs and learning a local distance function for each using discriminative techniques. For a query image, each database image is ranked according to these local distance functions in order to place the image in the right part of the graph. In addition, we propose a probabilistic method for increasing the diversity of these ranked database images, again based on the structure of the image graph. We demonstrate that our methods improve performance over standard bag-of-words methods on several existing location recognition datasets.
6 0.99694467 59 cvpr-2013-Better Exploiting Motion for Better Action Recognition
7 0.99646664 48 cvpr-2013-Attribute-Based Detection of Unfamiliar Classes with Humans in the Loop
8 0.99646354 260 cvpr-2013-Learning and Calibrating Per-Location Classifiers for Visual Place Recognition
9 0.99616623 343 cvpr-2013-Query Adaptive Similarity for Large Scale Object Retrieval
10 0.99594522 180 cvpr-2013-Fully-Connected CRFs with Non-Parametric Pairwise Potential
11 0.99589729 93 cvpr-2013-Constraints as Features
12 0.99567467 306 cvpr-2013-Non-rigid Structure from Motion with Diffusion Maps Prior
13 0.99562114 379 cvpr-2013-Scalable Sparse Subspace Clustering
14 0.99546492 346 cvpr-2013-Real-Time No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Filter Learning
15 0.99521255 55 cvpr-2013-Background Modeling Based on Bidirectional Analysis
16 0.9950065 357 cvpr-2013-Revisiting Depth Layers from Occlusions
17 0.99466681 340 cvpr-2013-Probabilistic Label Trees for Efficient Large Scale Image Classification
18 0.9939242 178 cvpr-2013-From Local Similarity to Global Coding: An Application to Image Classification
19 0.99376577 203 cvpr-2013-Hierarchical Video Representation with Trajectory Binary Partition Tree
20 0.9934479 378 cvpr-2013-Sampling Strategies for Real-Time Action Recognition