cvpr cvpr2013 cvpr2013-44 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

44 cvpr-2013-Area Preserving Brain Mapping

Source: pdf

Author: Zhengyu Su, Wei Zeng, Rui Shi, Yalin Wang, Jian Sun, Xianfeng Gu

Abstract: Brain mapping transforms the brain cortical surface to canonical planar domains, which plays a fundamental role in morphological study. Most existing brain mapping methods are based on angle preserving maps, which may introduce large area distortions. This work proposes an area preserving brain mapping method based on MongeBrenier theory. The brain mapping is intrinsic to the Riemannian metric, unique, and diffeomorphic. The computation is equivalent to convex energy minimization and power Voronoi diagram construction. Comparing to the existing approaches based on Monge-Kantorovich theory, the proposed one greatly reduces the complexity (from n2 unknowns to n ), and improves the simplicity and efficiency. Experimental results on caudate nucleus surface mapping and cortical surface mapping demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed method. Conventional methods for caudate nucleus surface mapping may suffer from numerical instability; in contrast, current method produces diffeomorpic mappings stably. In the study of cortical sur- face classification for recognition of Alzheimer’s Disease, the proposed method outperforms some other morphometry features.

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Abstract Brain mapping transforms the brain cortical surface to canonical planar domains, which plays a fundamental role in morphological study. [sent-4, score-0.945]

2 Most existing brain mapping methods are based on angle preserving maps, which may introduce large area distortions. [sent-5, score-0.902]

3 This work proposes an area preserving brain mapping method based on MongeBrenier theory. [sent-6, score-0.902]

4 The brain mapping is intrinsic to the Riemannian metric, unique, and diffeomorphic. [sent-7, score-0.543]

5 The computation is equivalent to convex energy minimization and power Voronoi diagram construction. [sent-8, score-0.38]

6 Experimental results on caudate nucleus surface mapping and cortical surface mapping demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed method. [sent-10, score-1.343]

7 Conventional methods for caudate nucleus surface mapping may suffer from numerical instability; in contrast, current method produces diffeomorpic mappings stably. [sent-11, score-0.742]

8 Many prominent approaches, such as conformal mapping [18] and Ricci Flow [20] which have been employed to shape analysis [27, 7] and surface registration [35]. [sent-15, score-0.746]

9 The conformal mapping may bring huge area distortions . [sent-17, score-0.775]

10 In this work, we propose a novel method to compute area preserving mapping between surfaces. [sent-27, score-0.604]

11 We tested our algorithm on cortical and caudate nucleus surfaces extracted from 3D anatomical brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. [sent-30, score-0.969]

12 Figure 1demonstrates the unique power that the area preserving mapping provides for brain cortical surface visualization when compared with its counterpart conformal mapping result. [sent-31, score-2.08]

13 On cortical surfaces, the area preserving may also provide good visualization function to visualize those deeply buried sulci areas which otherwise are usually visualized with big area distortions. [sent-32, score-0.976]

14 Comparison The area preserving mapping is based on Optimal Mass Transport (OMT) theory, which has been applied for image registration and warping [19, 26] and visualization [36]. [sent-41, score-0.667]

15 Comparison of geometric mappings for a left brain cortical surface: (a) brain cortical surface lateral view; (b) brain cortical surface medial view; brains are color coded according to functional area definition in [11]; (c) conformal mapping result; (d) area preserving mapping result. [sent-44, score-3.42]

16 The results show that conformal mapping has much more area distortions on the areas close to the boundary while the area preserving mapping provides a map which preserves the area everywhere. [sent-45, score-1.633]

17 Consider a diffeomorphism f : Ω0 → Ω1, which is mass preservation μ0 = |Jf|μ1 ◦ f where Jfis the Jacobian ofthe mapping f. [sent-50, score-0.398]

18 An optimal mass transport map, when it exists, minimizes the mass transport cost. [sent-53, score-0.703]

19 There are two different approaches to prove the existence of the optimal mass transport map, i. [sent-54, score-0.364]

20 (1) (2) In contrast, Brenier showed there exists a convex function × u : Ω0 → R, such that its gradient map ∇u gives the optimal mass transport map, asn gdr preserves pth ∇e mass: μ0 = det|H(u) |μ1 ◦ ∇u. [sent-63, score-0.449]

21 In our current method, we only discretize the target domain Ω1 to n points, then determine n power weights for them, so that the power Voronoi diagram induced by the points and their power weights gives the optimal mass transport map. [sent-69, score-0.953]

22 Furthermore, the obtained area preserving mapping between two surfaces is solely determined by the surface Riemannian metric, therefore it is intrinsic. [sent-81, score-0.827]

23 Contributions Our major contributions in this work include: a way to compute area preserving mapping between surfaces based on Brenier’s approach in Optimal Mass Transport theory. [sent-84, score-0.679]

24 Thus our method offers a stable way to calculate area preserving mapping in 2D parametric coordinates. [sent-87, score-0.604]

25 To the best of our knowledge, it is the first work to compute area preserving mapping between surfaces based on Brenier’s approach in OMT and apply it to map the profile of differences in surface morphology between healthy control subjects and AD patients. [sent-88, score-1.052]

26 Our experimental results show our work may provide novel ways for shape analysis and improve the statistical detection power for detecting abnormalities in brain surface morphology. [sent-89, score-0.578]

27 Quasi-isometric brain parameterization has been investigated in [13, 6, 12, 3 1]. [sent-93, score-0.345]

28 Conformal brain mapping methods have been well developed in the field, such as circle packing based method in [21], finite element method [3, 23, 32], spherical harmonic map method [17], holomorphic differential method [33] and Ricci flow method [34]. [sent-94, score-0.714]

29 Area preserving mapping has been applied for visualizing branched vessels and intestinal tracts in [36], which combined Kantorovich’s approach with conformal mapping. [sent-95, score-0.759]

30 Optimal mass transport mapping based on Kantorovich’s approach has been applied for image registration in [19]. [sent-96, score-0.613]

31 Comparing to the existing method, our method is based on Monge-Brenier theory to compute the Optimal Transport mapping and achieves the area preserving. [sent-98, score-0.414]

32 The power diagram of {(pi, hi)} is a partition of the Rn iTnhtoe k p ocwelelsr W diia,g sruacmh tohfat { a point x belongs ttioti oWni owfh tehnee vRer Pow(x,pi) = mjinPow(x,pj). [sent-103, score-0.325]

33 We denote the area of Wi as wi, call it the area weight. [sent-104, score-0.338]

34 The dual graph of the power diagram is called the power Delaunay triangulation. [sent-105, score-0.483]

35 The power diagram function is the upper envelope of all supporting hyper planes u(x) := miax{? [sent-107, score-0.325]

36 +21hi} (3) Hence the power diagram on P corresponds, by vertical projection, to the graph of u(x). [sent-111, score-0.325]

37 Fix a finite point set P = {p1, p2, · · · ,pk}, the powers are h = (h1, h2, · · · , hk), {thpe power diagram hofe { p(opwi,e ehrsi)} a ien hRn = partitions ,Ω· t·o , chells t{hWe1 p , Ww2e , ·d ·i ·a , rWamk} o, ft {he( areas are w = (w1, w2 , · · · , wk). [sent-141, score-0.445]

38 Furthermore, we treat the areas w as the function of the powers h, then the mapping h → w is a diffeomorphism. [sent-147, score-0.335]

39 th Fei area pvoeicntotr se ats Pso,c giiavteend ato p tohwee convex rc hell ∈ ∈de Hc,olm e-t position of Ω induced by the power diagram for {(pi, hi)}, tphoesnit itohne mapping w = by tφh(eh) p : eHr →ia Wram mis f a diffeom)or}-, phism. [sent-160, score-0.826]

40 Let the power diagram for h be Dh, the dual Power Delaunay triangulation be Th. [sent-163, score-0.391]

41 From the minimizer h, we construct the power Voronoi diagram Dh, which partitions to convex polygonal cells {W1, W2 , · · · , Wk}, and the power Voronoi diagram feullnsct {iWon u(x) using Eqn. [sent-189, score-0.705]

42 The conformal factor defines a measure on the unit disk μ = e2λdxdy. [sent-195, score-0.394]

43 eTxhies composition mapping pτp−in1 g◦ τ τφ : : S, →xd D) →is an area preserving mapping. [sent-197, score-0.604]

44 In practice, the surface is approximated by a triangle mesh M, normalized by a scaling such that the total area is π. [sent-198, score-0.344]

45 The conformal mapping φ : M → D can be achieved using Tdhiescr ceotnef oRrimccail fl moawp pminetghφo d : [ M34] . [sent-199, score-0.569]

46 Then compute the dual power Delaunay triangulation, compute the lengths of edges in the diagram and triangulation, form the Hessian matrix H using Eqn. [sent-208, score-0.351]

47 Then the power diagram for {(φ(vi) , hi} partitions D to convex polygonal rc deilalgs r{aWmi} fo, rt {he( φB(vrenier map itist given by ·μ + : vWexi p→o yφg(ovni)a. [sent-211, score-0.41]

48 The area preserving mapping is given by τ−1 ◦ φ(vi) = ci. [sent-213, score-0.604]

49 τ 222222333866 Algorithm 1 Area Preserving Mapping Input: Input triangle mesh M, total area π and area dif- ference threshold δw. [sent-216, score-0.365]

50 Output: A unique diffeomorphic area preserving mapping f : M → D, where D is a unit disk. [sent-217, score-0.718]

51 The area wi of epainchg cfel :l MWi → →∈ DD, i sw hcleorsee D Dto i sth ae target area wi. [sent-218, score-0.429]

52 Assign emaecthh osidte [ 3φ4(],v φi) :∈ M MD → →wi Dth, power hDi s= a 0u aint dd target area wi = μ(vi) de)f ∈ined D a wbiotvhe p. [sent-221, score-0.392]

53 Compute the power diagram and calculate the area wi of each cell Wi. [sent-224, score-0.585]

54 Compute the dual power Delaunay triangulation, and compute the lengths of edges in the diagram and triangulation to form the Hessian matrix H using Eqn. [sent-226, score-0.391]

55 Then the area preserving mapping is given by τ−1 ◦φ(vi) = ci, where τ is the Brenier map τ : Wi → φ(vi). [sent-239, score-0.634]

56 Experimental Results We applied our area preserving mapping method to various anatomical surfaces extracted from 3D MRI scans of the brain. [sent-241, score-0.718]

57 The caudate nucleus is a nucleus located within the basal ganglia of human brain. [sent-250, score-0.385]

58 Figure 2 (a) shows the triangular mesh of a reconstructed left caudate surface segmented by FIRST. [sent-252, score-0.423]

59 For example, a conformal mapping on slim surface usually introduces area distortions at the exponential level and may cause big numerical problems. [sent-254, score-0.962]

60 In contrast, our method evenly embeds the caudate surface to the parametric domain and keeps the area element unchanged. [sent-255, score-0.538]

61 Figure 2 (b) shows that most parts of conformal mapping result shrink towards the center, while the area preserving method shown in Figure 2 (c) gives a good mapping, keeping the same area element, without much numerical error. [sent-257, score-1.097]

62 Figure 3 are the histograms of area distortion of result surface triangles to original surface triangles for conformal mapping and area preserving mapping, respectively. [sent-258, score-1.432]

63 It shows that conformal mapping cause up to 220 times shrinkage, while area preserving mapping almost keep the same area. [sent-259, score-1.173]

64 In Figure 4, we put circle textures on both conformal mapping result and area preserving result, it gives a direct visualization of our method’s correctness. [sent-260, score-1.021]

65 Although multi-subject studies are clearly necessary, this demonstrates our area preserving method may potentially be useful to study some morphometry change to classify and compare different subcortical structure surfaces. [sent-261, score-0.426]

66 Comparison of geometric mappings for caudate surface: (a) original caudate surface represented by a triangular mesh; (b) conformal mapping result; (c) area preserving mapping result. [sent-263, score-1.836]

67 The area preserving mapping method evenly maps the surface to the unit disk and eliminates the big distortions close to the upper tip area in (a). [sent-264, score-1.028]

68 Histogram of area distortion: (a) area distortion of conformal mapping; (b) area distortion of area preserving mapping. [sent-266, score-1.268]

69 The area preserving mapping result shows a much smaller area distortion. [sent-267, score-0.773]

70 Application of Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis For Alzheimer’s disease, structural MRI measurements of brain shrinkage are one of the best established biomarkers of AD progression and pathology. [sent-270, score-0.333]

71 Circle packing of different geometric mappings: (a) circle packing of conformal mapping. [sent-272, score-0.487]

72 The parameterizations are illustrated by the texture map of a uniformly distributed circle patterns on the caudate surface, the circle texture is shown in the upper left corner. [sent-274, score-0.369]

73 brain mapping may offer advantages over volume-based brain mapping [5] to study structural features of brain, such as cortical gray matter thickness, complexity, and patterns of brain change over time due to disease or developmental process. [sent-277, score-1.744]

74 According to prior AD researches [15, 14], the brain atrophy is an important biomarker of AD. [sent-278, score-0.44]

75 In this work, we proposed to use Beltrami coefficients [16] computed from area preserving mapping result to conformal mapping result, as a shape signature to analyze the human brain cortical surfaces among AD patients and CTL subjects. [sent-281, score-1.932]

76 f Wore a uusteodmatic skull stripping, tissue classification, cortical surface extraction, vertex correspondences across brain surfaces and cortical parcellations. [sent-297, score-1.029]

77 According to work [11], we labeled the functional areas of a left brain cortical surface shown in Figure 5 (a) and (b). [sent-298, score-0.809]

78 1 ± Cortical Surface Parameterization Results Figure 5 (c)-(f) are the conformal mapping results and area preserving mapping results of the left brain cortical surfaces of a healthy control subject and an AD patient. [sent-301, score-1.957]

79 After the cutting, the remaining cortical surface becomes a genus zero surface with one open boundary. [sent-303, score-0.55]

80 Both algorithms compute a diffeomorphism map between the cortical surface and a unit disk. [sent-304, score-0.497]

81 The results show that the conformal mapping results have much more area distortion on the areas close to the boundary while the area preserving mapping provides a map which preserves the area of each individual functional area. [sent-305, score-1.689]

82 The area preserving mapping has a potential to better visualize certain sulci areas which are deeply buried under gyri, and hence to provide a tool for a more accurate manual landmark delineation operation. [sent-306, score-0.764]

83 (a) and (b) illustrate the functional areas on the left brain cortex [11]. [sent-308, score-0.437]

84 (c) and (e) are conformal mapping results of a CTL subject and an AD patient, respectively; (d) and (f) are area preserving mapping results of a CTL subject and an AD patient, respectively. [sent-311, score-1.173]

85 The area preserving mapping may provide a better visualization tool for tracking sulci landmark curves on cortical surfaces. [sent-312, score-0.939]

86 We tested the discrimination ability of our shape signature 222222334088 on a set of left and right brain surfaces of 50 CTL subjects and 50 AD patients. [sent-317, score-0.449]

87 The histograms show the norm of Beltrami coefficients of cortical surfaces of AD patients are obviously larger than those of healthy control subjects. [sent-321, score-0.58]

88 It means that AD patients may have larger conformality distortion in both area and shrinkage directions because AD patients may suffer a more serious atrophy of brain structures which result from a combination of neuronal atrophy, cell loss and impairments in myelin turnover and maintenance [14]. [sent-322, score-0.903]

89 The AD result demonstrated a stronger and more anisotropic deformation due to a more serious atrophy of brain structures. [sent-326, score-0.44]

90 For the classification experiment, 80% of each category of both left and right brain cortical surfaces are set to be training samples and the remaining 20% as testing samples. [sent-331, score-0.627]

91 F coorm area d ba asreeda method, we computed the surface areas for the base domain and 3 regions mentioned above on each hemisphere as a sig- ± MethodRate % VAorleuame6720. [sent-341, score-0.372]

92 Conclusions and Future Work In this paper, we presented a method to compute area preserving mapping between surfaces based on Brenier’s approach in Optimal Mass Transport theory. [sent-361, score-0.679]

93 Therefore, our method offers a stable and effective way to compute area preserving mapping in 2D parametric coordinates. [sent-364, score-0.604]

94 Our experimental results show our work may provide novel ways for shape analysis and improve the statistical power for detecting abnormalities in brain surface morphology. [sent-365, score-0.578]

95 Correlation between rates of brain atrophy and cognitive decline in AD. [sent-537, score-0.44]

96 Genus zero surface conformal mapping and its application to brain surface mapping. [sent-566, score-1.163]

97 Cortical cartography using the discrete conformal approach of circle packings. [sent-593, score-0.383]

98 3D maps localize caudate nucleus atrophy in 400 Alzheimer’s dis- [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [3 1] [32] [33] ease, mild cognitive impairment, and healthy elderly subjects. [sent-652, score-0.567]

99 Fast optimal mass transport for 2D image registration and morphing. [sent-660, score-0.393]

100 Conformal slit mapping and its applications to brain surface parameterization. [sent-737, score-0.691]

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same-paper 1 0.96144849 44 cvpr-2013-Area Preserving Brain Mapping

Author: Zhengyu Su, Wei Zeng, Rui Shi, Yalin Wang, Jian Sun, Xianfeng Gu

Abstract: Brain mapping transforms the brain cortical surface to canonical planar domains, which plays a fundamental role in morphological study. Most existing brain mapping methods are based on angle preserving maps, which may introduce large area distortions. This work proposes an area preserving brain mapping method based on MongeBrenier theory. The brain mapping is intrinsic to the Riemannian metric, unique, and diffeomorphic. The computation is equivalent to convex energy minimization and power Voronoi diagram construction. Comparing to the existing approaches based on Monge-Kantorovich theory, the proposed one greatly reduces the complexity (from n2 unknowns to n ), and improves the simplicity and efficiency. Experimental results on caudate nucleus surface mapping and cortical surface mapping demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed method. Conventional methods for caudate nucleus surface mapping may suffer from numerical instability; in contrast, current method produces diffeomorpic mappings stably. In the study of cortical sur- face classification for recognition of Alzheimer’s Disease, the proposed method outperforms some other morphometry features.

2 0.93356496 208 cvpr-2013-Hyperbolic Harmonic Mapping for Constrained Brain Surface Registration

Author: Rui Shi, Wei Zeng, Zhengyu Su, Hanna Damasio, Zhonglin Lu, Yalin Wang, Shing-Tung Yau, Xianfeng Gu

Abstract: Automatic computation of surface correspondence via harmonic map is an active research field in computer vision, computer graphics and computational geometry. It may help document and understand physical and biological phenomena and also has broad applications in biometrics, medical imaging and motion capture. Although numerous studies have been devoted to harmonic map research, limited progress has been made to compute a diffeomorphic harmonic map on general topology surfaces with landmark constraints. This work conquer this problem by changing the Riemannian metric on the target surface to a hyperbolic metric, so that the harmonic mapping is guaranteed to be a diffeomorphism under landmark constraints. The computational algorithms are based on the Ricci flow method and the method is general and robust. We apply our algorithm to study constrained human brain surface registration problem. Experimental results demonstrate that, by changing the Riemannian metric, the registrations are always diffeomorphic, and achieve relative high performance when evaluated with some popular cortical surface registration evaluation standards.

3 0.77240193 97 cvpr-2013-Correspondence-Less Non-rigid Registration of Triangular Surface Meshes

Author: Zsolt Sánta, Zoltan Kato

Abstract: A novel correspondence-less approach is proposed to find a thin plate spline map between a pair of deformable 3D objects represented by triangular surface meshes. The proposed method works without landmark extraction and feature correspondences. The aligning transformation is found simply by solving a system of nonlinear equations. Each equation is generated by integrating a nonlinear function over the object’s domains. We derive recursive formulas for the efficient computation of these integrals. Based on a series of comparative tests on a large synthetic dataset, our triangular mesh-based algorithm outperforms state of the art methods both in terms of computing time and accuracy. The applicability of the proposed approach has been demonstrated on the registration of 3D lung CT volumes.

4 0.74554807 297 cvpr-2013-Multi-resolution Shape Analysis via Non-Euclidean Wavelets: Applications to Mesh Segmentation and Surface Alignment Problems

Author: Won Hwa Kim, Moo K. Chung, Vikas Singh

Abstract: The analysis of 3-D shape meshes is a fundamental problem in computer vision, graphics, and medical imaging. Frequently, the needs of the application require that our analysis take a multi-resolution view of the shape ’s local and global topology, and that the solution is consistent across multiple scales. Unfortunately, the preferred mathematical construct which offers this behavior in classical image/signal processing, Wavelets, is no longer applicable in this general setting (data with non-uniform topology). In particular, the traditional definition does not allow writing out an expansion for graphs that do not correspond to the uniformly sampled lattice (e.g., images). In this paper, we adapt recent results in harmonic analysis, to derive NonEuclidean Wavelets based algorithms for a range of shape analysis problems in vision and medical imaging. We show how descriptors derived from the dual domain representation offer native multi-resolution behavior for characterizing local/global topology around vertices. With only minor modifications, the framework yields a method for extracting interest/key points from shapes, a surprisingly simple algorithm for 3-D shape segmentation (competitive with state of the art), and a method for surface alignment (without landmarks). We give an extensive set of comparison results on a large shape segmentation benchmark and derive a uniqueness theorem for the surface alignment problem.

5 0.72730339 289 cvpr-2013-Monocular Template-Based 3D Reconstruction of Extensible Surfaces with Local Linear Elasticity

Author: Abed Malti, Richard Hartley, Adrien Bartoli, Jae-Hak Kim

Abstract: We propose a new approach for template-based extensible surface reconstruction from a single view. We extend the method of isometric surface reconstruction and more recent work on conformal surface reconstruction. Our approach relies on the minimization of a proposed stretching energy formalized with respect to the Poisson ratio parameter of the surface. We derive a patch-based formulation of this stretching energy by assuming local linear elasticity. This formulation unifies geometrical and mechanical constraints in a single energy term. We prevent local scale ambiguities by imposing a set of fixed boundary 3D points. We experimentally prove the sufficiency of this set of boundary points and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on different developable and non-developable surfaces with a wide range of extensibility.

6 0.71898669 226 cvpr-2013-Intrinsic Characterization of Dynamic Surfaces

7 0.71405202 298 cvpr-2013-Multi-scale Curve Detection on Surfaces

8 0.6437909 141 cvpr-2013-Efficient Computation of Shortest Path-Concavity for 3D Meshes

9 0.5849067 432 cvpr-2013-Three-Dimensional Bilateral Symmetry Plane Estimation in the Phase Domain

10 0.58480376 435 cvpr-2013-Towards Contactless, Low-Cost and Accurate 3D Fingerprint Identification

11 0.5707801 90 cvpr-2013-Computing Diffeomorphic Paths for Large Motion Interpolation

12 0.55611682 327 cvpr-2013-Pattern-Driven Colorization of 3D Surfaces

13 0.53855973 316 cvpr-2013-Optical Flow Estimation Using Laplacian Mesh Energy

14 0.52542567 194 cvpr-2013-Groupwise Registration via Graph Shrinkage on the Image Manifold

15 0.52221245 31 cvpr-2013-Accurate and Robust Registration of Nonrigid Surface Using Hierarchical Statistical Shape Model

16 0.50483406 52 cvpr-2013-Axially Symmetric 3D Pots Configuration System Using Axis of Symmetry and Break Curve

17 0.5035966 218 cvpr-2013-Improving the Visual Comprehension of Point Sets

18 0.49449563 423 cvpr-2013-Template-Based Isometric Deformable 3D Reconstruction with Sampling-Based Focal Length Self-Calibration

19 0.45300177 129 cvpr-2013-Discriminative Brain Effective Connectivity Analysis for Alzheimer's Disease: A Kernel Learning Approach upon Sparse Gaussian Bayesian Network

20 0.40258637 286 cvpr-2013-Mirror Surface Reconstruction from a Single Image

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same-paper 1 0.83160675 44 cvpr-2013-Area Preserving Brain Mapping

Author: Zhengyu Su, Wei Zeng, Rui Shi, Yalin Wang, Jian Sun, Xianfeng Gu

Abstract: Brain mapping transforms the brain cortical surface to canonical planar domains, which plays a fundamental role in morphological study. Most existing brain mapping methods are based on angle preserving maps, which may introduce large area distortions. This work proposes an area preserving brain mapping method based on MongeBrenier theory. The brain mapping is intrinsic to the Riemannian metric, unique, and diffeomorphic. The computation is equivalent to convex energy minimization and power Voronoi diagram construction. Comparing to the existing approaches based on Monge-Kantorovich theory, the proposed one greatly reduces the complexity (from n2 unknowns to n ), and improves the simplicity and efficiency. Experimental results on caudate nucleus surface mapping and cortical surface mapping demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed method. Conventional methods for caudate nucleus surface mapping may suffer from numerical instability; in contrast, current method produces diffeomorpic mappings stably. In the study of cortical sur- face classification for recognition of Alzheimer’s Disease, the proposed method outperforms some other morphometry features.

2 0.77521473 85 cvpr-2013-Complex Event Detection via Multi-source Video Attributes

Author: Zhigang Ma, Yi Yang, Zhongwen Xu, Shuicheng Yan, Nicu Sebe, Alexander G. Hauptmann

Abstract: Complex events essentially include human, scenes, objects and actions that can be summarized by visual attributes, so leveraging relevant attributes properly could be helpful for event detection. Many works have exploited attributes at image level for various applications. However, attributes at image level are possibly insufficient for complex event detection in videos due to their limited capability in characterizing the dynamic properties of video data. Hence, we propose to leverage attributes at video level (named as video attributes in this work), i.e., the semantic labels of external videos are used as attributes. Compared to complex event videos, these external videos contain simple contents such as objects, scenes and actions which are the basic elements of complex events. Specifically, building upon a correlation vector which correlates the attributes and the complex event, we incorporate video attributes latently as extra informative cues into the event detector learnt from complex event videos. Extensive experiments on a real-world large-scale dataset validate the efficacy of the proposed approach.

3 0.77499628 208 cvpr-2013-Hyperbolic Harmonic Mapping for Constrained Brain Surface Registration

Author: Rui Shi, Wei Zeng, Zhengyu Su, Hanna Damasio, Zhonglin Lu, Yalin Wang, Shing-Tung Yau, Xianfeng Gu

Abstract: Automatic computation of surface correspondence via harmonic map is an active research field in computer vision, computer graphics and computational geometry. It may help document and understand physical and biological phenomena and also has broad applications in biometrics, medical imaging and motion capture. Although numerous studies have been devoted to harmonic map research, limited progress has been made to compute a diffeomorphic harmonic map on general topology surfaces with landmark constraints. This work conquer this problem by changing the Riemannian metric on the target surface to a hyperbolic metric, so that the harmonic mapping is guaranteed to be a diffeomorphism under landmark constraints. The computational algorithms are based on the Ricci flow method and the method is general and robust. We apply our algorithm to study constrained human brain surface registration problem. Experimental results demonstrate that, by changing the Riemannian metric, the registrations are always diffeomorphic, and achieve relative high performance when evaluated with some popular cortical surface registration evaluation standards.

4 0.76809573 253 cvpr-2013-Learning Multiple Non-linear Sub-spaces Using K-RBMs

Author: Siddhartha Chandra, Shailesh Kumar, C.V. Jawahar

Abstract: Understanding the nature of data is the key to building good representations. In domains such as natural images, the data comes from very complex distributions which are hard to capture. Feature learning intends to discover or best approximate these underlying distributions and use their knowledge to weed out irrelevant information, preserving most of the relevant information. Feature learning can thus be seen as a form of dimensionality reduction. In this paper, we describe a feature learning scheme for natural images. We hypothesize that image patches do not all come from the same distribution, they lie in multiple nonlinear subspaces. We propose a framework that uses K Restricted Boltzmann Machines (K-RBMS) to learn multiple non-linear subspaces in the raw image space. Projections of the image patches into these subspaces gives us features, which we use to build image representations. Our algorithm solves the coupled problem of finding the right non-linear subspaces in the input space and associating image patches with those subspaces in an iterative EM like algorithm to minimize the overall reconstruction error. Extensive empirical results over several popular image classification datasets show that representations based on our framework outperform the traditional feature representations such as the SIFT based Bag-of-Words (BoW) and convolutional deep belief networks.

5 0.76651633 129 cvpr-2013-Discriminative Brain Effective Connectivity Analysis for Alzheimer's Disease: A Kernel Learning Approach upon Sparse Gaussian Bayesian Network

Author: Luping Zhou, Lei Wang, Lingqiao Liu, Philip Ogunbona, Dinggang Shen

Abstract: Analyzing brain networks from neuroimages is becoming a promising approach in identifying novel connectivitybased biomarkers for the Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In this regard, brain “effective connectivity ” analysis, which studies the causal relationship among brain regions, is highly challenging and of many research opportunities. Most of the existing works in this field use generative methods. Despite their success in data representation and other important merits, generative methods are not necessarily discriminative, which may cause the ignorance of subtle but critical disease-induced changes. In this paper, we propose a learning-based approach that integrates the benefits of generative and discriminative methods to recover effective connectivity. In particular, we employ Fisher kernel to bridge the generative models of sparse Bayesian networks (SBN) and the discriminative classifiers of SVMs, and convert the SBN parameter learning to Fisher kernel learning via minimizing a generalization error bound of SVMs. Our method is able to simultaneously boost the discriminative power of both the generative SBN models and the SBN-induced SVM classifiers via Fisher kernel. The proposed method is tested on analyzing brain effective connectivity for AD from ADNI data, and demonstrates significant improvements over the state-of-the-art work.

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