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368 acl-2013-Universal Dependency Annotation for Multilingual Parsing

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Author: Ryan McDonald ; Joakim Nivre ; Yvonne Quirmbach-Brundage ; Yoav Goldberg ; Dipanjan Das ; Kuzman Ganchev ; Keith Hall ; Slav Petrov ; Hao Zhang ; Oscar Tackstrom ; Claudia Bedini ; Nuria Bertomeu Castello ; Jungmee Lee

Abstract: We present a new collection of treebanks with homogeneous syntactic dependency annotation for six languages: German, English, Swedish, Spanish, French and Korean. To show the usefulness of such a resource, we present a case study of crosslingual transfer parsing with more reliable evaluation than has been possible before. This ‘universal’ treebank is made freely available in order to facilitate research on multilingual dependency parsing.1

reference text

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