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164 acl-2013-FudanNLP: A Toolkit for Chinese Natural Language Processing

Source: pdf

Author: Xipeng Qiu ; Qi Zhang ; Xuanjing Huang

Abstract: The growing need for Chinese natural language processing (NLP) is largely in a range of research and commercial applications. However, most of the currently Chinese NLP tools or components still have a wide range of issues need to be further improved and developed. FudanNLP is an open source toolkit for Chinese natural language processing (NLP) , which uses statistics-based and rule-based methods to deal with Chinese NLP tasks, such as word segmentation, part-ofspeech tagging, named entity recognition, dependency parsing, time phrase recognition, anaphora resolution and so on.

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 However, most of the currently Chinese NLP tools or components still have a wide range of issues need to be further improved and developed. [sent-8, score-0.116]

2 Similar to English, the main tasks in Chinese NLP include word segmentation (CWS) , part-of-speech (POS) tagging, named entity recognition (NER) , syntactic parsing, anaphora resolution (AR) , and so on. [sent-12, score-0.716]

3 There are also some toolkits to be used for NLP, such as Stanford CoreNLP1 , Apache OpenNLP2, Curator3 and NLTK4. [sent-15, score-0.054]

4 But these toolkits are developed mainly for English and not optimized for Chinese. [sent-16, score-0.054]

5 In order to customize an optimized system for Chinese language process, we implement an open source toolkit, FudanNLP5, which is written in Java. [sent-17, score-0.19]

6 Since most of the state-of-theart methods for NLP are based on statistical learning, the whole framework of our toolkit is established around statistics-based methods, supplemented by some rule-based methods. [sent-18, score-0.167]

7 However, we find that there are some drawbacks in currently most commonly used corpora, such as CTB (Xia, 2000) and CoNLL (Hajič et al. [sent-20, score-0.122]

8 And in CoNLL corpus, the head words are often interrogative particles and punctuations, which are unidiomatic in Chinese. [sent-23, score-0.124]

9 These drawbacks bring more challenges to further analyses, such as information extraction and semantic understanding. [sent-24, score-0.063]

10 Currently, our toolkit has been used by many universities and companies for various applications, such as the dialogue system, social computing, recommendation system and vertical search. [sent-41, score-0.167]

11 We first briefly describe our system and its main components in section 2. [sent-43, score-0.098]

12 2 System Overview The components of our system have three layers of structure: data preprocessing, machine learning and natural language processing, which is shown in Figure 1. [sent-47, score-0.098]

13 We will introduce these components in detail in the following subsections. [sent-48, score-0.057]

14 So we firstly need to preprocess the input texts and transform them to the required format. [sent-52, score-0.111]

15 Due to the fact that text data is usually discrete and sparse, the sparse vector structure is largely used. [sent-53, score-0.079]

16 Similar to Mallet (McCallum, 2002) , we use the pipeline structure for a flexible transformation of various data. [sent-54, score-0.145]

17 The pipeline consists of several serial or parallel modules. [sent-55, score-0.129]

18 For example, when we transform a sentence into a vector with “bag-of-words”, the transformation process would involve the following serial pipes: 1. [sent-57, score-0.126]

19 String2Token Pipe: to transform a string into word tokens. [sent-58, score-0.057]

20 With the pipeline structure, the data preprocessing component has good flexibility, extensibility and reusability. [sent-63, score-0.104]

21 2 Machine Learning Component The outputs of NLP are often structured, so the structured learning is our core module. [sent-65, score-0.075]

22 Structured learning is the task of assigning a structured label y to an input x. [sent-66, score-0.115]

23 The label y can be a discrete variable, a sequence, a tree or a more complex structure. [sent-67, score-0.12]

24 Thus, we can label x with a score function, yˆ = argmyaxF(w,Φ(x,y)), (1) where w is the parameter of function F(·) . [sent-69, score-0.04]

25 For example, in sequence labeling, both x = x1, . [sent-72, score-0.061]

26 For first-order Markov sequence labeling, the feature can be denoted as ϕk (yi−1 , yi, x, i) , where iis the position in the sequence. [sent-79, score-0.061]

27 F aosr example, einx pcoonnedni-tional random fields (CRFs) (Lafferty et al. [sent-83, score-0.041]

28 , 2006) was proposed for normal multi-class classification and can be easily extended to structure learning (Crammer et al. [sent-92, score-0.039]

29 In structured learning, the number of possible solutions is very huge, so dynamic programming or approximate approaches are often used for efficiency. [sent-99, score-0.075]

30 For NLP tasks, the most popular structure is sequence. [sent-100, score-0.039]

31 To label the sequence, we use Viterbi dynamic programming to solve the inference problem in Eq. [sent-101, score-0.04]

32 Our system can support any order of Viterbi decoding. [sent-103, score-0.041]

33 In addition, we also implement a constrained Viterbi algorithm to reduce the number of possible solutions by pre-defined rules. [sent-104, score-0.072]

34 It is very useful for CWS and POS tagging with sequence labeling. [sent-106, score-0.163]

35 3 Other Algorithms Apart from the core modules of structured learning, our system also includes several traditional machine learning algorithms, such as Perceptron, Adaboost, kNN, k-means, and so on. [sent-110, score-0.164]

36 3 Natural Language Processing Components Our toolkit provides the basic NLP functions, such as word segmentation, part-ofspeech tagging, named entity recognition, syntactic parsing, temporal phrase recognition, anaphora resolution, and so on. [sent-112, score-0.748]

37 1 Chinese Word Segmentation Different from English, Chinese sentences are written in a continuous sequence of characters without explicit delimiters such as the blank space. [sent-118, score-0.177]

38 Since the meanings of most Chinese characters are not complete, words are the basic syntactic and semantic units. [sent-119, score-0.061]

39 We implement a constrained Viterbi algorithm to allow users to add their own word dictionary. [sent-125, score-0.072]

40 2 POS tagging Chinese POS tagging is very different from that in English. [sent-128, score-0.204]

41 For example, there are different morphologies in English for the word “毁 灭 (destroy) ”, such as “destroyed”, “destroying” and “destruction”. [sent-131, score-0.041]

42 There are two popular guidelines to tag the word’s POS: CTB (Xia, 2000) and PKU (Yu et al. [sent-133, score-0.058]

43 We take into account both the weaknesses and the strengths of these two guidelines, and propose our guideline for better subsequent analyses, such as parser and named entity recognition. [sent-135, score-0.341]

44 For example, the proper name is labeled as “NR” in CTB, while we label it with one of four categories: person, 51 Input: 1980 年。 John is from Washington, and he was born in 1980. [sent-136, score-0.04]

45 Table 1 Example of the output representation of our toolkit : location, organization and other proper name. [sent-138, score-0.126]

46 Conversely, we merge the “VC” and “VE” into “VV” since there is no link verb in Chinese. [sent-139, score-0.039]

47 Since a POS tag is assigned to each word, not to each character, Chinese POS tagging has two ways: pipeline method or joint method. [sent-141, score-0.162]

48 Currently, the joint method is more popular and effective because it uses more flexible features and can reduce the error propagation (Ng and Low, 2004) . [sent-142, score-0.046]

49 In our system, we implement both methods for POS tagging. [sent-143, score-0.072]

50 Besides, we also use some knowledge to improve the performance, such as Chinese surname and the common suffixes of the names of locations and organizations. [sent-144, score-0.084]

51 3 Named Entity Recognition In Chinese named entity recognition (NER) , there are usually three kinds of named entities (NEs) to be dealt with: names of persons (PER) , locations (LOC) and organizations (ORG) . [sent-147, score-0.452]

52 The internal structures are also different for different kinds of NEs, so it is difficult to build a unified model for named entity recognition. [sent-149, score-0.231]

53 Our NER is based on the results of POS tagging and uses some customize features to detect NEs. [sent-150, score-0.179]

54 First, the number of NEs is very large and the new NEs are endlessly emerging, so it is impossible to store them in dictionary. [sent-151, score-0.041]

55 Since the internal structures are relatively more important, we use language models to capture the internal structures. [sent-152, score-0.104]

56 Second, we merge the continuous NEs with some rulebased strategies. [sent-153, score-0.094]

57 For example, we combine the continuous words “人 民/NN 大会堂/NN” into “ 人民大会堂/LOC”. [sent-154, score-0.055]

58 4 Dependency parsing Our syntactic parser is currently a dependency parser, which is implemented with the shift-reduce deterministic algorithm based on the work in (Yamada and Matsumoto, 2003) . [sent-157, score-0.223]

59 The syntactic structure of Chinese is more complex than that of English, and semantic meaning is more dominant than syntax in Chinese sentences. [sent-158, score-0.039]

60 So we select the dependency parser to avoid the minutiae in syntactic constituents and wish to pay more attention to the subsequent semantic analysis. [sent-159, score-0.121]

61 Since the structure of the Chinese language is quite different from that of English, we use more effective features according to the characteristics of Chinese sentences. [sent-160, score-0.039]

62 The common used corpus for Chinese dependency parsing is CoNLL corpus (Hajič et al. [sent-161, score-0.117]

63 For example, the head words are often interrogative particles and punctuations. [sent-164, score-0.124]

64 Our guideline is based on common understanding for Chinese grammar. [sent-165, score-0.115]

65 The Chinese syntactic components usually include subject, predicate, object, attribute, adverbial modifier and complement. [sent-166, score-0.057]

66 Table 2 shows some 52 primary dependency relations in our guideline. [sent-168, score-0.074]

67 5 Temporal Phrase Recognition and Normalization Chinese temporal phrases is more flexible than English. [sent-218, score-0.194]

68 Firstly, there are two calendars: Gregorian and lunar calendars. [sent-219, score-0.041]

69 Secondly, the forms of same temporal phrase are various, which often consists of Chinese characters, Arabic numerals and English letters, such as “ 早上 10 点 and “ 10:00 PM” . [sent-221, score-0.212]

70 ” Different from the general process based on machine learning, we implement the time phrase recognizer with a rule-based method. [sent-222, score-0.136]

71 After recognizing the temporal phrases, we normalize them with a standard time format. [sent-224, score-0.148]

72 For a phrase indicating a relative time , such as “一年后” and “ 一小时后”, we first find the base time in the context. [sent-225, score-0.118]

73 If no base time is found, or there is also no temporal phrase to indicate the base time (such as “ 明 天”) , we set the base time to the current system time. [sent-226, score-0.415]

74 Table 3 gives examples for our temporal phrase recognition module. [sent-227, score-0.314]

75 , 今天我很忙, 晚上 9 点才能下班。 周 日 也要加班。 I’m busy today, and have to come off duty after 9:00 PM. [sent-230, score-0.041]

76 Output: 08七周晚今月天日上年二8(9t十点h号2o0ids七a(8AyS9日)u:0ng(duJPastylM)821 20 10 82 - 728- 28 6721 :0 1 The base time is 2012-02-22 10:00AM. [sent-232, score-0.054]

77 6 Anaphora Resolution Anaphora resolution is to detect the pronouns and find what they are referring to. [sent-235, score-0.165]

78 We first find all pronouns and entity names, then use a classifier to predict whether there is a relation between each pair of pronoun and entity name. [sent-236, score-0.225]

79 Table 4 gives examples for our anaphora resolution module. [sent-237, score-0.355]

80 The university has nurtured a lot of good students. [sent-240, score-0.041]

81 Secondly, users can also invoke the main NLP modules to process the inputs (strings or files) from the command line directly. [sent-253, score-0.048]

82 Thirdly, the web services are provided for platform-independent and language- independent use. [sent-254, score-0.044]

83 We use a REST (Representational State Transfer) architecture, in which the web services are viewed as resources and can be identified by their URLs. [sent-255, score-0.044]

84 5 Conclusions In this demonstration, we have described the system, FudanNLP, which is a Java-based open source toolkit for Chinese natural language processing. [sent-256, score-0.126]

85 Besides, we will also optimize the algorithms and codes to improve the system performances. [sent-258, score-0.041]

86 Conditional ran- dom fields: Probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data. [sent-307, score-0.103]

87 Chinese segmentation and new word detection using conditional random fields. [sent-330, score-0.08]

88 The part-of-speech tagging guidelines for the penn chinese treebank (3. [sent-334, score-0.605]

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[('chinese', 0.445), ('fudannlp', 0.249), ('anaphora', 0.231), ('pipe', 0.166), ('nes', 0.164), ('temporal', 0.148), ('pos', 0.134), ('toolkit', 0.126), ('resolution', 0.124), ('guideline', 0.115), ('ctb', 0.11), ('tagging', 0.102), ('recognition', 0.102), ('performances', 0.101), ('cws', 0.099), ('conll', 0.097), ('argmyaxf', 0.094), ('crammer', 0.093), ('entity', 0.092), ('xia', 0.088), ('named', 0.087), ('viterbi', 0.086), ('ner', 0.082), ('segmentation', 0.08), ('haji', 0.077), ('hownet', 0.077), ('customize', 0.077), ('structured', 0.075), ('dependency', 0.074), ('nlp', 0.072), ('implement', 0.072), ('dong', 0.069), ('serial', 0.069), ('olympic', 0.069), ('oxford', 0.067), ('og', 0.066), ('phrase', 0.064), ('drawbacks', 0.063), ('particles', 0.063), ('sequence', 0.061), ('interrogative', 0.061), ('nv', 0.061), ('characters', 0.061), ('pipeline', 0.06), ('currently', 0.059), ('guidelines', 0.058), ('components', 0.057), ('transform', 0.057), ('continuous', 0.055), ('games', 0.055), ('apache', 0.055), ('base', 0.054), ('firstly', 0.054), ('toolkits', 0.054), ('internal', 0.052), ('mallet', 0.051), ('peng', 0.05), ('wan', 0.049), ('modules', 0.048), ('parser', 0.047), ('flexible', 0.046), ('yi', 0.045), ('services', 0.044), ('preprocessing', 0.044), ('functions', 0.043), ('parsing', 0.043), ('besides', 0.043), ('yamada', 0.043), ('locations', 0.043), ('labeling', 0.042), ('nurtured', 0.041), ('busy', 0.041), ('tpr', 0.041), ('uo', 0.041), ('morphologies', 0.041), ('argmyax', 0.041), ('calendars', 0.041), ('aosr', 0.041), ('depar', 0.041), ('destroying', 0.041), ('endlessly', 0.041), ('fudan', 0.041), ('lunar', 0.041), ('patternbased', 0.041), ('rquez', 0.041), ('supplemented', 0.041), ('xjhuang', 0.041), ('xpqiu', 0.041), ('zhangheng', 0.041), ('zw', 0.041), ('names', 0.041), ('system', 0.041), ('pronouns', 0.041), ('secondly', 0.04), ('discrete', 0.04), ('label', 0.04), ('tree', 0.04), ('perceptron', 0.039), ('merge', 0.039), ('structure', 0.039)]

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Abstract: Micro-blog is a new kind of medium which is short and informal. While no segmented corpus of micro-blogs is available to train Chinese word segmentation model, existing Chinese word segmentation tools cannot perform equally well as in ordinary news texts. In this paper we present an effective yet simple approach to Chinese word segmentation of micro-blog. In our approach, we incorporate punctuation information of unlabeled micro-blog data by introducing characters behind or ahead of punctuations, for they indicate the beginning or end of words. Meanwhile a self-training framework to incorporate confident instances is also used, which prove to be helpful. Ex- periments on micro-blog data show that our approach improves performance, especially in OOV-recall. 1 INTRODUCTION Micro-blog (also known as tweets in English) is a new kind of broadcast medium in the form of blogging. A micro-blog differs from a traditional blog in that it is typically smaller in size. Furthermore, texts in micro-blogs tend to be informal and new words occur more frequently. These new features of micro-blogs make the Chinese Word Segmentation (CWS) models trained on the source domain, such as news corpus, fail to perform equally well when transferred to texts from micro-blogs. For example, the most widely used Chinese segmenter ”ICTCLAS” yields 0.95 f-score in news corpus, only gets 0.82 f-score on micro-blog data. The poor segmentation results will hurt subsequent analysis on micro-blog text. ∗Corresponding author Manually labeling the texts of micro-blog is time consuming. Luckily, punctuations provide useful information because they are used as indicators of the end of previous sentence and the beginning of the next one, which also indicate the start and the end of a word. These ”natural boundaries” appear so frequently in micro-blog texts that we can easily make good use of them. TABLE 1 shows some statistics of the news corpus vs. the micro-blogs. Besides, English letters and digits are also more than those in news corpus. They all are natural delimiters of Chinese characters and we treat them just the same as punctuations. We propose a method to enlarge the training corpus by using punctuation information. We build a semi-supervised learning (SSL) framework which can iteratively incorporate newly labeled instances from unlabeled micro-blog data during the training process. We test our method on microblog texts and experiments show good results. This paper is organized as follows. In section 1 we introduce the problem. Section 2 gives detailed description of our approach. We show the experi- ment and analyze the results in section 3. Section 4 gives the related works and in section 5 we conclude the whole work. 2 Our method 2.1 Punctuations Chinese word segmentation problem might be treated as a character labeling problem which gives each character a label indicating its position in one word. To be simple, one can use label ’B’ to indicate a character is the beginning of a word, and use ’N’ to indicate a character is not the beginning of a word. We also use the 2-tag in our work. Other tag sets like the ’BIES’ tag set are not suiteable because the puctuation information cannot decide whether a character after punctuation should be labeled as ’B’ or ’S’(word with Single 177 ProceedingSsof oifa, th Beu 5l1gsarti Aan,An uuaglu Mste 4e-ti9n2g 0 o1f3 t.he ?c A2s0s1o3ci Aatsiosonc fioartio Cno fmorpu Ctoamtiopnuatalt Lioinngauli Lsitnicgsu,i psatgicess 177–182, micNreow-bslogC68h56i. n73e%%seE10n1.g6.8l%i%shN20u. m76%%berPu1n13c9.t u03a%%tion Table 1: Percentage of Chinese, English, number, punctuation in the news corpus vs. the micro-blogs. character). Punctuations can serve as implicit labels for the characters before and after them. The character right after punctuations must be the first character of a word, meanwhile the character right before punctuations must be the last character of a word. An example is given in TABLE 2. 2.2 Algorithm Our algorithm “ADD-N” is shown in TABLE 3. The initially selected character instances are those right after punctuations. By definition they are all labeled with ’B’ . In this case, the number of training instances with label ’B’ is increased while the number with label ’N’ remains unchanged. Because of this, the model trained on this unbalanced corpus tends to be biased. This problem can become even worse when there is inexhaustible supply of texts from the target domain. We assume that labeled corpus of the source domain can be treated as a balanced reflection of different labels. Therefore we choose to estimate the balanced point by counting characters labeling ’B’ and ’N’ and calculate the ratio which we denote as η . We assume the enlarged corpus is also balanced if and only if the ratio of ’B’ to ’N’ is just the same to η of the source domain. Our algorithm uses data from source domain to make the labels balanced. When enlarging corpus using characters behind punctuations from texts in target domain, only characters labeling ’B’ are added. We randomly reuse some characters labeling ’N’ from labeled data until ratio η is reached. We do not use characters ahead of punctuations, because the single-character words ahead of punctuations take the label of ’B’ instead of ’N’ . In summary our algorithm tackles the problem by duplicating labeled data in source domain. We denote our algorithm as ”ADD-N”. We also use baseline feature templates include the features described in previous works (Sun and Xu, 2011; Sun et al., 2012). Our algorithm is not necessarily limited to a specific tagger. For simplicity and reliability, we use a simple MaximumEntropy tagger. 3 Experiment 3.1 Data set We evaluate our method using the data from, which is the biggest micro-blog service in China. We use the API provided by weibo.com1 to crawl 500,000 micro-blog texts of, which contains 24,243,772 characters. To keep the experiment tractable, we first randomly choose 50,000 of all the texts as unlabeled data, which contain 2,420,037 characters. We manually segment 2038 randomly selected microblogs.We follow the segmentation standard as the PKU corpus. In micro-blog texts, the user names and URLs have fixed format. User names start with ’ @ ’, followed by Chinese characters, English letters, numbers and ’ ’, and terminated when meeting punctuations or blanks. URLs also match fixed patterns, which are shortened using ”http : / /t . cn /” plus six random English letters or numbers. Thus user names and URLs can be pre-processed separately. We follow this principle in following experiments. We use the benchmark datasets provided by the second International Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff2 as the labeled data. We choose the PKU data in our experiment because our baseline methods use the same segmentation standard. We compare our method with three baseline methods. The first two are both famous Chinese word segmentation tools: ICTCLAS3 and Stanford Chinese word segmenter4, which are widely used in NLP related to word segmentation. Stanford Chinese word segmenter is a CRF-based segmentation tool and its segmentation standard is chosen as the PKU standard, which is the same to ours. ICTCLAS, on the other hand, is a HMMbased Chinese word segmenter. Another baseline is Li and Sun (2009), which also uses punctuation in their semi-supervised framework. F-score 1http : / / open . we ibo .com/wiki 2http : / /www . s ighan .org/bakeo f f2 0 0 5 / 3http : / / i c l .org/ ct as 4http : / / nlp . st an ford . edu /pro j ect s / chine s e-nlp . shtml \ # cws 178 评B论-是-风-格-,-评B论-是-能-力-。- BNBBNBBNBBNB Table 2: The first line represents the original text. The second line indicates whether each character is the Beginning of sentence. The third line is the tag sequence using ”BN” tag set. is used as the accuracy measure. The recall of out-of-vocabulary is also taken into consideration, which measures the ability of the model to correctly segment out of vocabulary words. 3.2 Main results methods on the development data. TABLE 4 summarizes the segmentation results. In TABLE 4, Li-Sun is the method in Li and Sun (2009). Maxent only uses the PKU data for training, with neither punctuation information nor self-training framework incorporated. The next 4 methods all require a 100 iteration of self-training. No-punc is the method that only uses self-training while no punctuation information is added. Nobalance is similar to ADD N. The only difference between No-balance and ADD-N is that the former does not balance label ’B’ and label ’N’ . The comparison of Maxent and No-punctuation shows that naively adding confident unlabeled instances does not guarantee to improve performance. The writing style and word formation of the source domain is different from target domain. When segmenting texts of the target domain using models trained on source domain, the performance will be hurt with more false segmented instances added into the training set. The comparison of Maxent, No-balance and ADD-N shows that considering punctuation as well as self-training does improve performance. Both the f-score and OOV-recall increase. By comparing No-balance and ADD-N alone we can find that we achieve relatively high f-score if we ignore tag balance issue, while slightly hurt the OOV-Recall. However, considering it will improve OOV-Recall by about +1.6% and the fscore +0.2%. We also experimented on different size of unlabeled data to evaluate the performance when adding unlabeled target domain data. TABLE 5 shows different f-scores and OOV-Recalls on different unlabeled data set. We note that when the number of texts changes from 0 to 50,000, the f-score and OOV both are improved. However, when unlabeled data changes to 200,000, the performance is a bit decreased, while still better than not using unlabeled data. This result comes from the fact that the method ’ADD-N’ only uses characters behind punctua179 Tabl152S0eiz 0:Segm0.8nP67ta245ion0p.8Rer6745f9om0a.8nF57c6e1witOh0 .d7Vi65f-2394Rernt size of unlabeled data tions from target domain. Taking more texts into consideration means selecting more characters labeling ’N’ from source domain to simulate those in target domain. If too many ’N’s are introduced, the training data will be biased against the true distribution of target domain. 3.3 Characters ahead of punctuations In the ”BN” tagging method mentioned above, we incorporate characters after punctuations from texts in micro-blog to enlarge training set.We also try an opposite approach, ”EN” tag, which uses ’E’ to represent ”End of word”, and ’N’ to rep- resent ”Not the end of word”. In this contrasting method, we only use charactersjust ahead ofpunctuations. We find that the two methods show similar results. Experiment results with ADD-N are shown in TABLE 6 . 5DU0an0lt a b0Tsiealzbe lde6:0.C8Fo7”m5BNpa”rO0itsOa.o7gVn7-3oRfBN0.8aFn”7E0dNEN”Ot0.aO.g7V6-3R 4 Related Work Recent studies show that character sequence labeling is an effective formulation of Chinese word segmentation (Low et al., 2005; Zhao et al., 2006a,b; Chen et al., 2006; Xue, 2003). These supervised methods show good results, however, are unable to incorporate information from new domain, where OOV problem is a big challenge for the research community. On the other hand unsupervised word segmentation Peng and Schuurmans (2001); Goldwater et al. (2006); Jin and Tanaka-Ishii (2006); Feng et al. (2004); Maosong et al. (1998) takes advantage of the huge amount of raw text to solve Chinese word segmentation problems. However, they usually are less accurate and more complicated than supervised ones. Meanwhile semi-supervised methods have been applied into NLP applications. Bickel et al. (2007) learns a scaling factor from data of source domain and use the distribution to resemble target domain distribution. Wu et al. (2009) uses a Domain adaptive bootstrapping (DAB) framework, which shows good results on Named Entity Recognition. Similar semi-supervised applications include Shen et al. (2004); Daum e´ III and Marcu (2006); Jiang and Zhai (2007); Weinberger et al. (2006). Besides, Sun and Xu (201 1) uses a sequence labeling framework, while unsupervised statistics are used as discrete features in their model, which prove to be effective in Chinese word segmentation. There are previous works using punctuations as implicit annotations. Riley (1989) uses it in sentence boundary detection. Li and Sun (2009) proposed a compromising solution to by using a clas- sifier to select the most confident characters. We do not follow this approach because the initial errors will dramatically harm the performance. Instead, we only add the characters after punctuations which are sure to be the beginning of words (which means labeling ’B’) into our training set. Sun and Xu (201 1) uses punctuation information as discrete feature in a sequence labeling framework, which shows improvement compared to the pure sequence labeling approach. Our method is different from theirs. We use characters after punctuations directly. 5 Conclusion In this paper we have presented an effective yet simple approach to Chinese word segmentation on micro-blog texts. In our approach, punctuation information of unlabeled micro-blog data is used, as well as a self-training framework to incorporate confident instances. Experiments show that our approach improves performance, especially in OOV-recall. Both the punctuation information and the self-training phase contribute to this improve- ment. Acknowledgments This research was partly supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (No. 2012AA01 1101), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.91024009) and Major National Social Science Fund of China(No. 12&ZD227;). 180 References Bickel, S., Br¨ uckner, M., and Scheffer, T. (2007). Discriminative learning for differing training and test distributions. 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4 0.25476289 44 acl-2013-An Empirical Examination of Challenges in Chinese Parsing

Author: Jonathan K. Kummerfeld ; Daniel Tse ; James R. Curran ; Dan Klein

Abstract: Aspects of Chinese syntax result in a distinctive mix of parsing challenges. However, the contribution of individual sources of error to overall difficulty is not well understood. We conduct a comprehensive automatic analysis of error types made by Chinese parsers, covering a broad range of error types for large sets of sentences, enabling the first empirical ranking of Chinese error types by their performance impact. We also investigate which error types are resolved by using gold part-of-speech tags, showing that improving Chinese tagging only addresses certain error types, leaving substantial outstanding challenges.

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Author: Wenbin Jiang ; Meng Sun ; Yajuan Lu ; Yating Yang ; Qun Liu

Abstract: Structural information in web text provides natural annotations for NLP problems such as word segmentation and parsing. In this paper we propose a discriminative learning algorithm to take advantage of the linguistic knowledge in large amounts of natural annotations on the Internet. It utilizes the Internet as an external corpus with massive (although slight and sparse) natural annotations, and enables a classifier to evolve on the large-scaled and real-time updated web text. With Chinese word segmentation as a case study, experiments show that the segmenter enhanced with the Chinese wikipedia achieves sig- nificant improvement on a series of testing sets from different domains, even with a single classifier and local features.

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