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394 hunch net-2010-04-24-COLT Treasurer is now Phil Long

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Introduction: For about 5 years, I’ve been the treasurer of the Association for Computational Learning, otherwise known as COLT, taking over from John Case before me. A transfer of duties to Phil Long is now about complete. This probably matters to almost no one, but I wanted to describe things a bit for those interested. The immediate impetus for this decision was unhappiness over reviewing decisions at COLT 2009 , one as an author and several as a member of the program committee. I seem to have disagreements fairly often about what is important work, partly because I’m focused on learning theory with practical implications, partly because I define learning theory more broadly than is typical amongst COLT members, and partly because COLT suffers a bit from insider-clique issues. The degree to which these issues come up varies substantially each year so last year is not predictive of this one. And, it’s important to understand that COLT remains healthy with these issues not nearly so bad

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 For about 5 years, I’ve been the treasurer of the Association for Computational Learning, otherwise known as COLT, taking over from John Case before me. [sent-1, score-0.324]

2 A transfer of duties to Phil Long is now about complete. [sent-2, score-0.252]

3 The immediate impetus for this decision was unhappiness over reviewing decisions at COLT 2009 , one as an author and several as a member of the program committee. [sent-4, score-0.207]

4 The degree to which these issues come up varies substantially each year so last year is not predictive of this one. [sent-6, score-0.25]

5 Nevertheless, I would like to see them taken more actively into account than I’ve been able to persuade people so far. [sent-8, score-0.154]

6 After thinking about it for a few days before acting, I decided to go ahead with the transfer for another reason: I’ve been suffering from multitask poisoning. [sent-9, score-0.247]

7 Partly this is Ada , but partly it’s many other things, each of which takes a small bit of my time, in aggregate leaving me disappointing people, myself in particular. [sent-10, score-0.613]

8 Despite the above, I found being treasurer not particularly difficult. [sent-14, score-0.324]

9 The functions of the treasury part of ACL have been Self-insurance for the conference each year. [sent-15, score-0.216]

10 Prior to the formation of ACL-the-nonprofit (which Bob was instrumental in), COLT used to buy insurance against the possibility that some disaster would strike canceling the conference while leaving the local organizer on the hook for substantial expenses. [sent-16, score-0.838]

11 When I came in, the treasury was a little bit low for this function, and when I left, somewhat too high. [sent-17, score-0.323]

12 Local organizers typically have a local account from which they spend for expenses and collect registration fees. [sent-19, score-0.761]

13 Without the ACL, dealing with net positive or negative local accounts from year to year was awkward. [sent-20, score-0.504]

14 A stable point of contact for funding related things. [sent-22, score-0.237]

15 COLT is partly sponsored by several big CS-related companies including IBM, Microsoft, and Google. [sent-23, score-0.318]

16 Providing a stable point of contact definitely helps ease this process. [sent-24, score-0.315]

17 Somewhat to my surprise, the proper role of the treasurer was typically asking the local organizer to reduce registration fees rather than increase. [sent-27, score-0.87]

18 The essential observation is that local organizers, because they operate out of a local account, tend to be a bit conservative in budget estimates. [sent-28, score-0.917]

19 On the other hand, because ACL has an adequate interest bearing account, we should expect and desire to spend the interest in each typical year. [sent-29, score-0.302]

20 After having been treasurer for a little while, I’m convinced that having a nonprofit to back a conference is a good idea easing many difficulties with relatively small effort. [sent-31, score-0.614]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('local', 0.33), ('treasurer', 0.324), ('acl', 0.288), ('partly', 0.251), ('colt', 0.237), ('account', 0.154), ('budget', 0.149), ('treasury', 0.144), ('duties', 0.144), ('phil', 0.126), ('stable', 0.126), ('organizer', 0.126), ('contact', 0.111), ('bit', 0.108), ('transfer', 0.108), ('leaving', 0.108), ('spend', 0.097), ('registration', 0.09), ('organizers', 0.09), ('year', 0.087), ('helps', 0.078), ('issues', 0.076), ('small', 0.074), ('conference', 0.072), ('impetus', 0.072), ('publisher', 0.072), ('suffering', 0.072), ('easing', 0.072), ('unhappiness', 0.072), ('disaster', 0.072), ('nonprofit', 0.072), ('disappointing', 0.072), ('bearing', 0.072), ('ada', 0.072), ('fortunately', 0.072), ('somewhat', 0.071), ('typical', 0.07), ('effect', 0.07), ('association', 0.067), ('ahead', 0.067), ('sponsor', 0.067), ('formation', 0.067), ('acting', 0.067), ('sponsored', 0.067), ('ve', 0.065), ('desire', 0.063), ('ready', 0.063), ('strike', 0.063), ('member', 0.063), ('disagreements', 0.063)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999994 394 hunch net-2010-04-24-COLT Treasurer is now Phil Long

Introduction: For about 5 years, I’ve been the treasurer of the Association for Computational Learning, otherwise known as COLT, taking over from John Case before me. A transfer of duties to Phil Long is now about complete. This probably matters to almost no one, but I wanted to describe things a bit for those interested. The immediate impetus for this decision was unhappiness over reviewing decisions at COLT 2009 , one as an author and several as a member of the program committee. I seem to have disagreements fairly often about what is important work, partly because I’m focused on learning theory with practical implications, partly because I define learning theory more broadly than is typical amongst COLT members, and partly because COLT suffers a bit from insider-clique issues. The degree to which these issues come up varies substantially each year so last year is not predictive of this one. And, it’s important to understand that COLT remains healthy with these issues not nearly so bad

2 0.2389559 482 hunch net-2013-05-04-COLT and ICML registration

Introduction: Sebastien Bubeck points out COLT registration with a May 13 early registration deadline. The local organizers have done an admirable job of containing costs with a $300 registration fee. ICML registration is also available, at about an x3 higher cost. My understanding is that this is partly due to the costs of a larger conference being harder to contain, partly due to ICML lasting twice as long with tutorials and workshops, and partly because the conference organizers were a bit over-conservative in various ways.

3 0.16345391 453 hunch net-2012-01-28-Why COLT?

Introduction: By Shie and Nati Following John’s advertisement for submitting to ICML, we thought it appropriate to highlight the advantages of COLT, and the reasons it is often the best place for theory papers. We would like to emphasize that we both respect ICML, and are active in ICML, both as authors and as area chairs, and certainly are not arguing that ICML is a bad place for your papers. For many papers, ICML is the best venue. But for many theory papers, COLT is a better and more appropriate place. Why should you submit to COLT? By-and-large, theory papers go to COLT. This is the tradition of the field and most theory papers are sent to COLT. This is the place to present your ground-breaking theorems and new models that will shape the theory of machine learning. COLT is more focused then ICML with a single track session. Unlike ICML, the norm in COLT is for people to sit through most sessions, and hear most of the talks presented. There is also often a lively discussion followi

4 0.16000263 89 hunch net-2005-07-04-The Health of COLT

Introduction: The health of COLT (Conference on Learning Theory or Computational Learning Theory depending on who you ask) has been questioned over the last few years. Low points for the conference occurred when EuroCOLT merged with COLT in 2001, and the attendance at the 2002 Sydney COLT fell to a new low. This occurred in the general context of machine learning conferences rising in both number and size over the last decade. Any discussion of why COLT has had difficulties is inherently controversial as is any story about well-intentioned people making the wrong decisions. Nevertheless, this may be worth discussing in the hope of avoiding problems in the future and general understanding. In any such discussion there is a strong tendency to identify with a conference/community in a patriotic manner that is detrimental to thinking. Keep in mind that conferences exist to further research. My understanding (I wasn’t around) is that COLT started as a subcommunity of the computer science

5 0.14875984 437 hunch net-2011-07-10-ICML 2011 and the future

Introduction: Unfortunately, I ended up sick for much of this ICML. I did manage to catch one interesting paper: Richard Socher , Cliff Lin , Andrew Y. Ng , and Christopher D. Manning Parsing Natural Scenes and Natural Language with Recursive Neural Networks . I invited Richard to share his list of interesting papers, so hopefully we’ll hear from him soon. In the meantime, Paul and Hal have posted some lists. the future Joelle and I are program chairs for ICML 2012 in Edinburgh , which I previously enjoyed visiting in 2005 . This is a huge responsibility, that we hope to accomplish well. A part of this (perhaps the most fun part), is imagining how we can make ICML better. A key and critical constraint is choosing things that can be accomplished. So far we have: Colocation . The first thing we looked into was potential colocations. We quickly discovered that many other conferences precomitted their location. For the future, getting a colocation with ACL or SIGI

6 0.11250316 177 hunch net-2006-05-05-An ICML reject

7 0.10892148 87 hunch net-2005-06-29-Not EM for clustering at COLT

8 0.10883003 318 hunch net-2008-09-26-The SODA Program Committee

9 0.10766553 452 hunch net-2012-01-04-Why ICML? and the summer conferences

10 0.10235791 86 hunch net-2005-06-28-The cross validation problem: cash reward

11 0.1016162 242 hunch net-2007-04-30-COLT 2007

12 0.0983226 93 hunch net-2005-07-13-“Sister Conference” presentations

13 0.096803524 356 hunch net-2009-05-24-2009 ICML discussion site

14 0.094875596 454 hunch net-2012-01-30-ICML Posters and Scope

15 0.091640614 324 hunch net-2008-11-09-A Healthy COLT

16 0.090614155 235 hunch net-2007-03-03-All Models of Learning have Flaws

17 0.086187936 332 hunch net-2008-12-23-Use of Learning Theory

18 0.085892178 22 hunch net-2005-02-18-What it means to do research.

19 0.083212547 422 hunch net-2011-01-16-2011 Summer Conference Deadline Season

20 0.079986267 320 hunch net-2008-10-14-Who is Responsible for a Bad Review?

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.195), (1, -0.123), (2, 0.0), (3, -0.022), (4, -0.043), (5, -0.051), (6, -0.027), (7, 0.016), (8, -0.002), (9, 0.012), (10, 0.013), (11, 0.029), (12, -0.109), (13, 0.069), (14, 0.156), (15, -0.064), (16, 0.139), (17, 0.029), (18, -0.034), (19, 0.023), (20, 0.017), (21, -0.008), (22, 0.157), (23, 0.12), (24, -0.128), (25, 0.029), (26, -0.015), (27, 0.039), (28, 0.092), (29, -0.114), (30, 0.004), (31, -0.035), (32, -0.015), (33, -0.053), (34, 0.024), (35, -0.004), (36, -0.03), (37, 0.027), (38, -0.029), (39, -0.106), (40, -0.077), (41, -0.014), (42, 0.006), (43, -0.019), (44, -0.005), (45, 0.0), (46, -0.008), (47, -0.0), (48, -0.062), (49, 0.04)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.98060912 394 hunch net-2010-04-24-COLT Treasurer is now Phil Long

Introduction: For about 5 years, I’ve been the treasurer of the Association for Computational Learning, otherwise known as COLT, taking over from John Case before me. A transfer of duties to Phil Long is now about complete. This probably matters to almost no one, but I wanted to describe things a bit for those interested. The immediate impetus for this decision was unhappiness over reviewing decisions at COLT 2009 , one as an author and several as a member of the program committee. I seem to have disagreements fairly often about what is important work, partly because I’m focused on learning theory with practical implications, partly because I define learning theory more broadly than is typical amongst COLT members, and partly because COLT suffers a bit from insider-clique issues. The degree to which these issues come up varies substantially each year so last year is not predictive of this one. And, it’s important to understand that COLT remains healthy with these issues not nearly so bad

2 0.72213697 89 hunch net-2005-07-04-The Health of COLT

Introduction: The health of COLT (Conference on Learning Theory or Computational Learning Theory depending on who you ask) has been questioned over the last few years. Low points for the conference occurred when EuroCOLT merged with COLT in 2001, and the attendance at the 2002 Sydney COLT fell to a new low. This occurred in the general context of machine learning conferences rising in both number and size over the last decade. Any discussion of why COLT has had difficulties is inherently controversial as is any story about well-intentioned people making the wrong decisions. Nevertheless, this may be worth discussing in the hope of avoiding problems in the future and general understanding. In any such discussion there is a strong tendency to identify with a conference/community in a patriotic manner that is detrimental to thinking. Keep in mind that conferences exist to further research. My understanding (I wasn’t around) is that COLT started as a subcommunity of the computer science

3 0.71711165 242 hunch net-2007-04-30-COLT 2007

Introduction: Registration for COLT 2007 is now open. The conference will take place on 13-15 June, 2007, in San Diego, California, as part of the 2007 Federated Computing Research Conference (FCRC), which includes STOC, Complexity, and EC. The website for COLT: The early registration deadline is May 11, and the cutoff date for discounted hotel rates is May 9. Before registering, take note that the fees are substantially lower for members of ACM and/or SIGACT than for nonmembers. If you’ve been contemplating joining either of these two societies (annual dues: $99 for ACM, $18 for SIGACT), now would be a good time!

4 0.70060092 324 hunch net-2008-11-09-A Healthy COLT

Introduction: A while ago , we discussed the health of COLT . COLT 2008 substantially addressed my concerns. The papers were diverse and several were interesting. Attendance was up, which is particularly notable in Europe. In my opinion, the colocation with UAI and ICML was the best colocation since 1998. And, perhaps best of all, registration ended up being free for all students due to various grants from the Academy of Finland , Google , IBM , and Yahoo . A basic question is: what went right? There seem to be several answers. Cost-wise, COLT had sufficient grants to alleviate the high cost of the Euro and location at a university substantially reduces the cost compared to a hotel. Organization-wise, the Finns were great with hordes of volunteers helping set everything up. Having too many volunteers is a good failure mode. Organization-wise, it was clear that all 3 program chairs were cooperating in designing the program. Facilities-wise, proximity in time and space made

5 0.69572425 482 hunch net-2013-05-04-COLT and ICML registration

Introduction: Sebastien Bubeck points out COLT registration with a May 13 early registration deadline. The local organizers have done an admirable job of containing costs with a $300 registration fee. ICML registration is also available, at about an x3 higher cost. My understanding is that this is partly due to the costs of a larger conference being harder to contain, partly due to ICML lasting twice as long with tutorials and workshops, and partly because the conference organizers were a bit over-conservative in various ways.

6 0.64606488 453 hunch net-2012-01-28-Why COLT?

7 0.62211716 88 hunch net-2005-07-01-The Role of Impromptu Talks

8 0.60656297 416 hunch net-2010-10-29-To Vidoelecture or not

9 0.53841794 437 hunch net-2011-07-10-ICML 2011 and the future

10 0.50274992 447 hunch net-2011-10-10-ML Symposium and ICML details

11 0.49401748 86 hunch net-2005-06-28-The cross validation problem: cash reward

12 0.47672611 452 hunch net-2012-01-04-Why ICML? and the summer conferences

13 0.44464776 318 hunch net-2008-09-26-The SODA Program Committee

14 0.43835524 429 hunch net-2011-04-06-COLT open questions

15 0.42855301 458 hunch net-2012-03-06-COLT-ICML Open Questions and ICML Instructions

16 0.42313719 356 hunch net-2009-05-24-2009 ICML discussion site

17 0.40639147 454 hunch net-2012-01-30-ICML Posters and Scope

18 0.40434465 141 hunch net-2005-12-17-Workshops as Franchise Conferences

19 0.4012562 66 hunch net-2005-05-03-Conference attendance is mandatory

20 0.39661971 221 hunch net-2006-12-04-Structural Problems in NIPS Decision Making

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(3, 0.022), (9, 0.023), (10, 0.041), (27, 0.165), (38, 0.043), (42, 0.025), (53, 0.056), (55, 0.088), (62, 0.355), (94, 0.056), (95, 0.032)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

1 0.96289778 173 hunch net-2006-04-17-Rexa is live

Introduction: Rexa is now publicly available. Anyone can create an account and login. Rexa is similar to Citeseer and Google Scholar in functionality with more emphasis on the use of machine learning for intelligent information extraction. For example, Rexa can automatically display a picture on an author’s homepage when the author is searched for.

2 0.90830451 195 hunch net-2006-07-12-Who is having visa problems reaching US conferences?

Introduction: Many of the large machine learning conferences were in the US this summer. A common problem which students from abroad encounter is visa issues. Just getting a visa to visit can be pretty rough: you stand around in lines, sometimes for days. Even worse is the timing with respect to ticket buying. Airplane tickets typically need to be bought well in advance on nonrefundable terms to secure a reasonable rate for air travel. When a visa is denied, as happens reasonably often, a very expensive ticket is burnt. A serious effort is under way to raise this as in issue in need of fixing. Over the long term, effectively driving research conferences to locate outside of the US seems an unwise policy. Robert Schapire is planning to talk to a congressman. Sally Goldman suggested putting together a list of problem cases, and Phil Long setup an email address to collect them. If you (or someone you know) has had insurmountable difficulties reaching

same-blog 3 0.86761445 394 hunch net-2010-04-24-COLT Treasurer is now Phil Long

Introduction: For about 5 years, I’ve been the treasurer of the Association for Computational Learning, otherwise known as COLT, taking over from John Case before me. A transfer of duties to Phil Long is now about complete. This probably matters to almost no one, but I wanted to describe things a bit for those interested. The immediate impetus for this decision was unhappiness over reviewing decisions at COLT 2009 , one as an author and several as a member of the program committee. I seem to have disagreements fairly often about what is important work, partly because I’m focused on learning theory with practical implications, partly because I define learning theory more broadly than is typical amongst COLT members, and partly because COLT suffers a bit from insider-clique issues. The degree to which these issues come up varies substantially each year so last year is not predictive of this one. And, it’s important to understand that COLT remains healthy with these issues not nearly so bad

4 0.81219184 128 hunch net-2005-11-05-The design of a computing cluster

Introduction: This is about the design of a computing cluster from the viewpoint of applied machine learning using current technology. We just built a small one at TTI so this is some evidence of what is feasible and thoughts about the design choices. Architecture There are several architectural choices. AMD Athlon64 based system. This seems to have the cheapest bang/buck. Maximum RAM is typically 2-3GB. AMD Opteron based system. Opterons provide the additional capability to buy an SMP motherboard with two chips, and the motherboards often support 16GB of RAM. The RAM is also the more expensive error correcting type. Intel PIV or Xeon based system. The PIV and Xeon based systems are the intel analog of the above 2. Due to architectural design reasons, these chips tend to run a bit hotter and be a bit more expensive. Dual core chips. Both Intel and AMD have chips that actually have 2 processors embedded in them. In the end, we decided to go with option (2). Roughly speaking,

5 0.77479953 263 hunch net-2007-09-18-It’s MDL Jim, but not as we know it…(on Bayes, MDL and consistency)

Introduction: I have recently completed a 500+ page-book on MDL , the first comprehensive overview of the field (yes, this is a sneak advertisement ). Chapter 17 compares MDL to a menagerie of other methods and paradigms for learning and statistics. By far the most time (20 pages) is spent on the relation between MDL and Bayes. My two main points here are: In sharp contrast to Bayes, MDL is by definition based on designing universal codes for the data relative to some given (parametric or nonparametric) probabilistic model M. By some theorems due to Andrew Barron , MDL inference must therefore be statistically consistent, and it is immune to Bayesian inconsistency results such as those by Diaconis, Freedman and Barron (I explain what I mean by “inconsistency” further below). Hence, MDL must be different from Bayes! In contrast to what has sometimes been claimed, practical MDL algorithms do have a subjective component (which in many, but not all cases, may be implemented by somethin

6 0.50598216 343 hunch net-2009-02-18-Decision by Vetocracy

7 0.50492817 437 hunch net-2011-07-10-ICML 2011 and the future

8 0.50276256 454 hunch net-2012-01-30-ICML Posters and Scope

9 0.50165164 208 hunch net-2006-09-18-What is missing for online collaborative research?

10 0.49947703 207 hunch net-2006-09-12-Incentive Compatible Reviewing

11 0.49890351 95 hunch net-2005-07-14-What Learning Theory might do

12 0.49890277 229 hunch net-2007-01-26-Parallel Machine Learning Problems

13 0.49841902 89 hunch net-2005-07-04-The Health of COLT

14 0.4978314 204 hunch net-2006-08-28-Learning Theory standards for NIPS 2006

15 0.49782705 22 hunch net-2005-02-18-What it means to do research.

16 0.49768859 320 hunch net-2008-10-14-Who is Responsible for a Bad Review?

17 0.49741331 403 hunch net-2010-07-18-ICML & COLT 2010

18 0.49689546 225 hunch net-2007-01-02-Retrospective

19 0.49678394 194 hunch net-2006-07-11-New Models

20 0.49416173 360 hunch net-2009-06-15-In Active Learning, the question changes