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300 hunch net-2008-04-30-Concerns about the Large Scale Learning Challenge

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Introduction: The large scale learning challenge for ICML interests me a great deal, although I have concerns about the way it is structured. From the instructions page , several issues come up: Large Definition My personal definition of dataset size is: small A dataset is small if a human could look at the dataset and plausibly find a good solution. medium A dataset is mediumsize if it fits in the RAM of a reasonably priced computer. large A large dataset does not fit in the RAM of a reasonably priced computer. By this definition, all of the datasets are medium sized. This might sound like a pissing match over dataset size, but I believe it is more than that. The fundamental reason for these definitions is that they correspond to transitions in the sorts of approaches which are feasible. From small to medium, the ability to use a human as the learning algorithm degrades. From medium to large, it becomes essential to have learning algorithms that don’t require ran

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 The large scale learning challenge for ICML interests me a great deal, although I have concerns about the way it is structured. [sent-1, score-0.483]

2 From the instructions page , several issues come up: Large Definition My personal definition of dataset size is: small A dataset is small if a human could look at the dataset and plausibly find a good solution. [sent-2, score-1.206]

3 medium A dataset is mediumsize if it fits in the RAM of a reasonably priced computer. [sent-3, score-0.797]

4 large A large dataset does not fit in the RAM of a reasonably priced computer. [sent-4, score-0.886]

5 By this definition, all of the datasets are medium sized. [sent-5, score-0.512]

6 From medium to large, it becomes essential to have learning algorithms that don’t require random access to examples. [sent-9, score-0.449]

7 No Loading Time The medium scale nature of the datasets is tacitly acknowledged in the rules which exclude data loading time. [sent-10, score-1.37]

8 My experience is that parsing and loading large datasets is often the computational bottleneck. [sent-11, score-0.815]

9 (No ‘excluding loading time’ number can be found for VW, of course, because loading and learning are intertwined. [sent-14, score-0.722]

10 With an appropriate choice of this initial parameter (which you can freely optimize on the data), training time is zero. [sent-19, score-0.287]

11 Parallelism One approach to dealing with large amounts of data is to add computers that operate in parallel. [sent-20, score-0.422]

12 This is very natural (the brain is vastly parallel at the neuron level), and there are substantial research questions in parallel machine learning. [sent-21, score-0.45]

13 There are good reasons for this: parallel architectures aren’t very standard yet, and buying multiple computers is still substantially more expensive than buying the RAM to fit the dataset sizes. [sent-23, score-0.812]

14 As a consequence of this design, the contest prefers algorithms that load all data into memory then operate on it. [sent-26, score-0.409]

15 These design decisions discourage large scale algorithms (where large is as defined above) in favor of medium scale learning algorithms. [sent-28, score-1.306]

16 The design also favors highly parameterized learning algorithms over less parameterized algorithms, which is the opposite of my personal preference for research direction. [sent-29, score-0.514]

17 It’s probably too late to get large datasets, but using wall-clock time would at least avoid bias against large scale algorithms. [sent-32, score-0.692]

18 Even without any rule changes, it’s outcome tells us something about which sorts of algorithms work at a medium scale. [sent-35, score-0.529]

19 The datasets are also large enough to break every Theta(m 2 ) algorithm. [sent-37, score-0.347]

20 update : Soeren has helped setup an SMP parallel track which address some of the concerns above. [sent-39, score-0.318]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('loading', 0.361), ('medium', 0.347), ('dataset', 0.228), ('parallel', 0.193), ('large', 0.182), ('smp', 0.178), ('scale', 0.176), ('datasets', 0.165), ('ram', 0.149), ('priced', 0.144), ('exclude', 0.128), ('rules', 0.127), ('concerns', 0.125), ('parameter', 0.122), ('buying', 0.119), ('parsing', 0.107), ('parameterized', 0.103), ('algorithms', 0.102), ('sgd', 0.099), ('definition', 0.098), ('operate', 0.093), ('size', 0.092), ('time', 0.09), ('contest', 0.089), ('computers', 0.081), ('sorts', 0.08), ('reasonably', 0.078), ('design', 0.077), ('initial', 0.075), ('fit', 0.072), ('personal', 0.07), ('final', 0.07), ('issues', 0.068), ('small', 0.066), ('data', 0.066), ('declared', 0.064), ('neuron', 0.064), ('parsed', 0.064), ('detailing', 0.064), ('disappointing', 0.064), ('discourage', 0.064), ('soeren', 0.064), ('least', 0.062), ('human', 0.062), ('optimal', 0.062), ('appear', 0.06), ('opposite', 0.059), ('supported', 0.059), ('transitions', 0.059), ('prefers', 0.059)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999994 300 hunch net-2008-04-30-Concerns about the Large Scale Learning Challenge

Introduction: The large scale learning challenge for ICML interests me a great deal, although I have concerns about the way it is structured. From the instructions page , several issues come up: Large Definition My personal definition of dataset size is: small A dataset is small if a human could look at the dataset and plausibly find a good solution. medium A dataset is mediumsize if it fits in the RAM of a reasonably priced computer. large A large dataset does not fit in the RAM of a reasonably priced computer. By this definition, all of the datasets are medium sized. This might sound like a pissing match over dataset size, but I believe it is more than that. The fundamental reason for these definitions is that they correspond to transitions in the sorts of approaches which are feasible. From small to medium, the ability to use a human as the learning algorithm degrades. From medium to large, it becomes essential to have learning algorithms that don’t require ran

2 0.25744739 281 hunch net-2007-12-21-Vowpal Wabbit Code Release

Introduction: We are releasing the Vowpal Wabbit (Fast Online Learning) code as open source under a BSD (revised) license. This is a project at Yahoo! Research to build a useful large scale learning algorithm which Lihong Li , Alex Strehl , and I have been working on. To appreciate the meaning of “large”, it’s useful to define “small” and “medium”. A “small” supervised learning problem is one where a human could use a labeled dataset and come up with a reasonable predictor. A “medium” supervised learning problem dataset fits into the RAM of a modern desktop computer. A “large” supervised learning problem is one which does not fit into the RAM of a normal machine. VW tackles large scale learning problems by this definition of large. I’m not aware of any other open source Machine Learning tools which can handle this scale (although they may exist). A few close ones are: IBM’s Parallel Machine Learning Toolbox isn’t quite open source . The approach used by this toolbox is essenti

3 0.17534176 286 hunch net-2008-01-25-Turing’s Club for Machine Learning

Introduction: Many people in Machine Learning don’t fully understand the impact of computation, as demonstrated by a lack of big-O analysis of new learning algorithms. This is important—some current active research programs are fundamentally flawed w.r.t. computation, and other research programs are directly motivated by it. When considering a learning algorithm, I think about the following questions: How does the learning algorithm scale with the number of examples m ? Any algorithm using all of the data is at least O(m) , but in many cases this is O(m 2 ) (naive nearest neighbor for self-prediction) or unknown (k-means or many other optimization algorithms). The unknown case is very common, and it can mean (for example) that the algorithm isn’t convergent or simply that the amount of computation isn’t controlled. The above question can also be asked for test cases. In some applications, test-time performance is of great importance. How does the algorithm scale with the number of

4 0.16727184 346 hunch net-2009-03-18-Parallel ML primitives

Introduction: Previously, we discussed parallel machine learning a bit. As parallel ML is rather difficult, I’d like to describe my thinking at the moment, and ask for advice from the rest of the world. This is particularly relevant right now, as I’m attending a workshop tomorrow on parallel ML. Parallelizing slow algorithms seems uncompelling. Parallelizing many algorithms also seems uncompelling, because the effort required to parallelize is substantial. This leaves the question: Which one fast algorithm is the best to parallelize? What is a substantially different second? One compellingly fast simple algorithm is online gradient descent on a linear representation. This is the core of Leon’s sgd code and Vowpal Wabbit . Antoine Bordes showed a variant was competitive in the large scale learning challenge . It’s also a decades old primitive which has been reused in many algorithms, and continues to be reused. It also applies to online learning rather than just online optimiz

5 0.14240184 454 hunch net-2012-01-30-ICML Posters and Scope

Introduction: Normally, I don’t indulge in posters for ICML , but this year is naturally an exception for me. If you want one, there are a small number left here , if you sign up before February. It also seems worthwhile to give some sense of the scope and reviewing criteria for ICML for authors considering submitting papers. At ICML, the (very large) program committee does the reviewing which informs final decisions by area chairs on most papers. Program chairs setup the process, deal with exceptions or disagreements, and provide advice for the reviewing process. Providing advice is tricky (and easily misleading) because a conference is a community, and in the end the aggregate interests of the community determine the conference. Nevertheless, as a program chair this year it seems worthwhile to state the overall philosophy I have and what I plan to encourage (and occasionally discourage). At the highest level, I believe ICML exists to further research into machine learning, which I gene

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12 0.10589326 229 hunch net-2007-01-26-Parallel Machine Learning Problems

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15 0.10349647 120 hunch net-2005-10-10-Predictive Search is Coming

16 0.10248989 451 hunch net-2011-12-13-Vowpal Wabbit version 6.1 & the NIPS tutorial

17 0.10209089 129 hunch net-2005-11-07-Prediction Competitions

18 0.10190318 371 hunch net-2009-09-21-Netflix finishes (and starts)

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topicId topicWeight

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same-blog 1 0.95775872 300 hunch net-2008-04-30-Concerns about the Large Scale Learning Challenge

Introduction: The large scale learning challenge for ICML interests me a great deal, although I have concerns about the way it is structured. From the instructions page , several issues come up: Large Definition My personal definition of dataset size is: small A dataset is small if a human could look at the dataset and plausibly find a good solution. medium A dataset is mediumsize if it fits in the RAM of a reasonably priced computer. large A large dataset does not fit in the RAM of a reasonably priced computer. By this definition, all of the datasets are medium sized. This might sound like a pissing match over dataset size, but I believe it is more than that. The fundamental reason for these definitions is that they correspond to transitions in the sorts of approaches which are feasible. From small to medium, the ability to use a human as the learning algorithm degrades. From medium to large, it becomes essential to have learning algorithms that don’t require ran

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3 0.67251545 393 hunch net-2010-04-14-MLcomp: a website for objectively comparing ML algorithms

Introduction: Much of the success and popularity of machine learning has been driven by its practical impact. Of course, the evaluation of empirical work is an integral part of the field. But are the existing mechanisms for evaluating algorithms and comparing results good enough? We ( Percy and Jake ) believe there are currently a number of shortcomings: Incomplete Disclosure: You read a paper that proposes Algorithm A which is shown to outperform SVMs on two datasets.  Great.  But what about on other datasets?  How sensitive is this result?   What about compute time – does the algorithm take two seconds on a laptop or two weeks on a 100-node cluster? Lack of Standardization: Algorithm A beats Algorithm B on one version of a dataset.  Algorithm B beats Algorithm A on another version yet uses slightly different preprocessing.  Though doing a head-on comparison would be ideal, it would be tedious since the programs probably use different dataset formats and have a large array of options

4 0.66471082 365 hunch net-2009-07-31-Vowpal Wabbit Open Source Project

Introduction: Today brings a new release of the Vowpal Wabbit fast online learning software. This time, unlike the previous release, the project itself is going open source, developing via github . For example, the lastest and greatest can be downloaded via: git clone git:// If you aren’t familiar with git , it’s a distributed version control system which supports quick and easy branching, as well as reconciliation. This version of the code is confirmed to compile without complaint on at least some flavors of OSX as well as Linux boxes. As much of the point of this project is pushing the limits of fast and effective machine learning, let me mention a few datapoints from my experience. The program can effectively scale up to batch-style training on sparse terafeature (i.e. 10 12 sparse feature) size datasets. The limiting factor is typically i/o. I started using the the real datasets from the large-scale learning workshop as a conve

5 0.65864009 286 hunch net-2008-01-25-Turing’s Club for Machine Learning

Introduction: Many people in Machine Learning don’t fully understand the impact of computation, as demonstrated by a lack of big-O analysis of new learning algorithms. This is important—some current active research programs are fundamentally flawed w.r.t. computation, and other research programs are directly motivated by it. When considering a learning algorithm, I think about the following questions: How does the learning algorithm scale with the number of examples m ? Any algorithm using all of the data is at least O(m) , but in many cases this is O(m 2 ) (naive nearest neighbor for self-prediction) or unknown (k-means or many other optimization algorithms). The unknown case is very common, and it can mean (for example) that the algorithm isn’t convergent or simply that the amount of computation isn’t controlled. The above question can also be asked for test cases. In some applications, test-time performance is of great importance. How does the algorithm scale with the number of

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Introduction: Much of the success and popularity of machine learning has been driven by its practical impact. Of course, the evaluation of empirical work is an integral part of the field. But are the existing mechanisms for evaluating algorithms and comparing results good enough? We ( Percy and Jake ) believe there are currently a number of shortcomings: Incomplete Disclosure: You read a paper that proposes Algorithm A which is shown to outperform SVMs on two datasets.  Great.  But what about on other datasets?  How sensitive is this result?   What about compute time – does the algorithm take two seconds on a laptop or two weeks on a 100-node cluster? Lack of Standardization: Algorithm A beats Algorithm B on one version of a dataset.  Algorithm B beats Algorithm A on another version yet uses slightly different preprocessing.  Though doing a head-on comparison would be ideal, it would be tedious since the programs probably use different dataset formats and have a large array of options

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4 0.87498051 334 hunch net-2009-01-07-Interesting Papers at SODA 2009

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Introduction: The large scale learning challenge for ICML interests me a great deal, although I have concerns about the way it is structured. From the instructions page , several issues come up: Large Definition My personal definition of dataset size is: small A dataset is small if a human could look at the dataset and plausibly find a good solution. medium A dataset is mediumsize if it fits in the RAM of a reasonably priced computer. large A large dataset does not fit in the RAM of a reasonably priced computer. By this definition, all of the datasets are medium sized. This might sound like a pissing match over dataset size, but I believe it is more than that. The fundamental reason for these definitions is that they correspond to transitions in the sorts of approaches which are feasible. From small to medium, the ability to use a human as the learning algorithm degrades. From medium to large, it becomes essential to have learning algorithms that don’t require ran

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