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19 hunch net-2005-02-14-Clever Methods of Overfitting

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Introduction: “Overfitting” is traditionally defined as training some flexible representation so that it memorizes the data but fails to predict well in the future. For this post, I will define overfitting more generally as over-representing the performance of systems. There are two styles of general overfitting: overrepresenting performance on particular datasets and (implicitly) overrepresenting performance of a method on future datasets. We should all be aware of these methods, avoid them where possible, and take them into account otherwise. I have used “reproblem” and “old datasets”, and may have participated in “overfitting by review”—some of these are very difficult to avoid. Name Method Explanation Remedy Traditional overfitting Train a complex predictor on too-few examples. Hold out pristine examples for testing. Use a simpler predictor. Get more training examples. Integrate over many predictors. Reject papers which do this. Parameter twe

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 For this post, I will define overfitting more generally as over-representing the performance of systems. [sent-2, score-0.675]

2 There are two styles of general overfitting: overrepresenting performance on particular datasets and (implicitly) overrepresenting performance of a method on future datasets. [sent-3, score-1.318]

3 Name Method Explanation Remedy Traditional overfitting Train a complex predictor on too-few examples. [sent-6, score-0.359]

4 Parameter tweak overfitting Use a learning algorithm with many parameters. [sent-12, score-0.463]

5 For example, choosing the features so as to optimize test set performance can achieve this. [sent-14, score-0.599]

6 Brittle measure Use a measure of performance which is especially brittle to overfitting. [sent-16, score-0.769]

7 One common example is pretending that cross validation performance is drawn from an i. [sent-21, score-0.611]

8 Choice of measure Choose the best of Accuracy, error rate, (A)ROC, F1, percent improvement on the previous best, percent improvement of error rate, etc. [sent-29, score-0.531]

9 For example, the performance measure directly motivated by the problem. [sent-35, score-0.455]

10 Use a human as part of a learning algorithm and don’t take into account overfitting by the entire human/computer interaction. [sent-40, score-0.696]

11 One example is a human using a clustering algorithm (on training and test examples) to guide learning algorithm choice. [sent-42, score-0.73]

12 Data set selection Chose to report results on some subset of datasets where your algorithm performs well. [sent-44, score-0.59]

13 The reason why we test on natural datasets is because we believe there is some structure captured by the past problems that helps on future problems. [sent-45, score-0.57]

14 Good Contest performance can’t be faked this way. [sent-49, score-0.316]

15 Reprobleming Alter the problem so that your performance improves. [sent-50, score-0.316]

16 For example, take a time series dataset and use cross validation. [sent-51, score-0.408]

17 Old datasets Create an algorithm for the purpose of improving performance on old datasets. [sent-56, score-0.833]

18 After a dataset has been released, algorithms can be made to perform well on the dataset using a process of feedback design, indicating better performance than we might expect in the future. [sent-57, score-0.652]

19 Some conferences have canonical datasets that have been used for a decade… Prefer simplicity in algorithm design. [sent-58, score-0.512]

20 Making test examples not publicly available for datasets slows the feedback design process but does not eliminate it. [sent-60, score-0.58]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('overfitting', 0.359), ('performance', 0.316), ('datasets', 0.308), ('test', 0.195), ('brittle', 0.175), ('overrepresenting', 0.15), ('measure', 0.139), ('cross', 0.127), ('percent', 0.123), ('reject', 0.122), ('prefer', 0.116), ('use', 0.113), ('old', 0.105), ('algorithm', 0.104), ('dataset', 0.102), ('canonical', 0.1), ('human', 0.096), ('validation', 0.092), ('training', 0.09), ('selection', 0.09), ('set', 0.088), ('papers', 0.086), ('confidence', 0.08), ('standard', 0.078), ('method', 0.078), ('methods', 0.078), ('examples', 0.077), ('example', 0.076), ('rate', 0.075), ('multiclass', 0.074), ('improvement', 0.073), ('choose', 0.072), ('account', 0.071), ('statistics', 0.071), ('captured', 0.067), ('discount', 0.067), ('indicating', 0.067), ('misuse', 0.067), ('participated', 0.067), ('reprobleming', 0.067), ('take', 0.066), ('using', 0.065), ('difficult', 0.064), ('ambiguous', 0.062), ('asymmetric', 0.062), ('bonus', 0.062), ('conjunction', 0.062), ('detect', 0.062), ('doubts', 0.062), ('mutual', 0.062)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 1.0000001 19 hunch net-2005-02-14-Clever Methods of Overfitting

Introduction: “Overfitting” is traditionally defined as training some flexible representation so that it memorizes the data but fails to predict well in the future. For this post, I will define overfitting more generally as over-representing the performance of systems. There are two styles of general overfitting: overrepresenting performance on particular datasets and (implicitly) overrepresenting performance of a method on future datasets. We should all be aware of these methods, avoid them where possible, and take them into account otherwise. I have used “reproblem” and “old datasets”, and may have participated in “overfitting by review”—some of these are very difficult to avoid. Name Method Explanation Remedy Traditional overfitting Train a complex predictor on too-few examples. Hold out pristine examples for testing. Use a simpler predictor. Get more training examples. Integrate over many predictors. Reject papers which do this. Parameter twe

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Introduction: Rich Caruana , Alexandru Niculescu , Geoff Crew, and Alex Ksikes have done a lot of empirical testing which shows that using all methods to make a prediction is more powerful than using any single method. This is in rough agreement with the Bayesian way of solving problems, but based upon a different (essentially empirical) motivation. A rough summary is: Take all of {decision trees, boosted decision trees, bagged decision trees, boosted decision stumps, K nearest neighbors, neural networks, SVM} with all reasonable parameter settings. Run the methods on each problem of 8 problems with a large test set, calibrating margins using either sigmoid fitting or isotonic regression . For each loss of {accuracy, area under the ROC curve, cross entropy, squared error, etc…} evaluate the average performance of the method. A series of conclusions can be drawn from the observations. ( Calibrated ) boosted decision trees appear to perform best, in general although support v

3 0.18508501 26 hunch net-2005-02-21-Problem: Cross Validation

Introduction: The essential problem here is the large gap between experimental observation and theoretical understanding. Method K-fold cross validation is a commonly used technique which takes a set of m examples and partitions them into K sets (“folds”) of size m/K . For each fold, a classifier is trained on the other folds and then test on the fold. Problem Assume only independent samples. Derive a classifier from the K classifiers with a small bound on the true error rate. Past Work (I’ll add more as I remember/learn.) Devroye , Rogers, and Wagner analyzed cross validation and found algorithm specific bounds. Not all of this is online, but here is one paper . Michael Kearns and Dana Ron analyzed cross validation and found that under additional stability assumptions the bound for the classifier which learns on all the data is not much worse than for a test set of size m/K . Avrim Blum, Adam Kalai , and myself analyzed cross validation and found tha

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5 0.15199937 332 hunch net-2008-12-23-Use of Learning Theory

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Introduction: “Overfitting” is traditionally defined as training some flexible representation so that it memorizes the data but fails to predict well in the future. For this post, I will define overfitting more generally as over-representing the performance of systems. There are two styles of general overfitting: overrepresenting performance on particular datasets and (implicitly) overrepresenting performance of a method on future datasets. We should all be aware of these methods, avoid them where possible, and take them into account otherwise. I have used “reproblem” and “old datasets”, and may have participated in “overfitting by review”—some of these are very difficult to avoid. Name Method Explanation Remedy Traditional overfitting Train a complex predictor on too-few examples. Hold out pristine examples for testing. Use a simpler predictor. Get more training examples. Integrate over many predictors. Reject papers which do this. Parameter twe

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Introduction: “Overfitting” is traditionally defined as training some flexible representation so that it memorizes the data but fails to predict well in the future. For this post, I will define overfitting more generally as over-representing the performance of systems. There are two styles of general overfitting: overrepresenting performance on particular datasets and (implicitly) overrepresenting performance of a method on future datasets. We should all be aware of these methods, avoid them where possible, and take them into account otherwise. I have used “reproblem” and “old datasets”, and may have participated in “overfitting by review”—some of these are very difficult to avoid. Name Method Explanation Remedy Traditional overfitting Train a complex predictor on too-few examples. Hold out pristine examples for testing. Use a simpler predictor. Get more training examples. Integrate over many predictors. Reject papers which do this. Parameter twe

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