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689 high scalability-2009-08-28-Strategy: Solve Only 80 Percent of the Problem

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Introduction: Solve only 80% of a problem. That's usually good enough and you'll not only get done faster, you'll actually have a chance of getting done at all. This strategy is given by Amix in HOW TWITTER (AND FACEBOOK) SOLVE PROBLEMS PARTIALLY . The idea is solving 100% of a complex problem can be so hard and so expensive that you'll end up wasting all your bullets on a problem that could have been satisfactoraly solved in a much simpler way. The example given is for Twitter's real-time search. Real-time search almost by definition is focussed on recent events. So in the design should you be able to search historically back from the beginning of time or should you just be able to search for recent time periods? A complete historical search is the 100% solution. The recent data only search is the 80% solution. Which should you choose? The 100% solution is dramatically more difficult to solve. It requires searching disk in real-time which is a killer. So it makes more sense to work on the

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 The idea is solving 100% of a complex problem can be so hard and so expensive that you'll end up wasting all your bullets on a problem that could have been satisfactoraly solved in a much simpler way. [sent-4, score-0.419]

2 Real-time search almost by definition is focussed on recent events. [sent-6, score-0.396]

3 So in the design should you be able to search historically back from the beginning of time or should you just be able to search for recent time periods? [sent-7, score-0.631]

4 By reducing the amount of data you need to search it's possible to make some simplifying design choices, like using fixed sized buffers that reside completely in memory. [sent-14, score-0.338]

5 Sometimes as programmers we are blinded by the glory of the challenge of solving the 100% solution when there's a more reasonable, rational alternative that's almost as good. [sent-18, score-0.576]

6 The lesson to be learned from this is that it is often undesirable to go for the right thing first. [sent-24, score-0.33]

7 It is better to get half of the right thing available so that it spreads like a virus. [sent-25, score-0.31]

8 Once people are hooked on it, take the time to improve it to 90% of the right thing. [sent-26, score-0.208]

9 Unix, C, C++, Twitter and almost every product that has experienced wide adoption has followed this philosophy. [sent-27, score-0.211]

10 Worse-is-Better solutions have the following characteristics: Simplicity - The design must be simple, both in implementation and interface. [sent-28, score-0.395]

11 It is more important for the implementation to be simpler than the interface. [sent-29, score-0.285]

12 Correctness - The design must be correct in all observable aspects. [sent-31, score-0.388]

13 Consistency - The design must not be overly inconsistent. [sent-33, score-0.379]

14 Consistency can be sacrificed for simplicity in some cases, but it is better to drop those parts of the design that deal with less common circumstances than to introduce either implementational complexity or inconsistency. [sent-34, score-0.757]

15 Completeness - The design must cover as many important situations as is practical. [sent-35, score-0.369]

16 Completeness can be sacrificed in favor of any other quality. [sent-37, score-0.365]

17 In fact, completeness must be sacrificed whenever implementation simplicity is jeopardized. [sent-38, score-1.099]

18 Consistency can be sacrificed to achieve completeness if simplicity is retained; especially worthless is consistency of interface. [sent-39, score-1.083]

19 In my gut I think Worse-is-Better is different than "Solve Only 80 Percent of the Problem" primarily because Worse-is-Better is more about product adoption curves and 80% is more a design heuristic. [sent-40, score-0.439]

20 After some cogitating this seems a false distinction so I have to concluded I'm wrong and have added Worse-is-Better to this post. [sent-41, score-0.167]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('sacrificed', 0.365), ('completeness', 0.285), ('simplicity', 0.223), ('search', 0.169), ('design', 0.169), ('news', 0.144), ('twitter', 0.131), ('must', 0.124), ('recent', 0.124), ('thing', 0.118), ('right', 0.117), ('adoption', 0.108), ('simpler', 0.107), ('blinded', 0.106), ('glory', 0.106), ('worthless', 0.106), ('consistency', 0.104), ('almost', 0.103), ('implementation', 0.102), ('breakthe', 0.099), ('strategy', 0.097), ('solve', 0.096), ('retained', 0.095), ('observable', 0.095), ('undesirable', 0.095), ('solution', 0.093), ('blisteringly', 0.091), ('concluded', 0.091), ('hooked', 0.091), ('solving', 0.089), ('gabriel', 0.088), ('overly', 0.086), ('inhow', 0.086), ('hacker', 0.085), ('systemsby', 0.084), ('joseph', 0.084), ('praise', 0.084), ('gut', 0.082), ('clay', 0.082), ('curves', 0.08), ('rational', 0.079), ('distinction', 0.076), ('important', 0.076), ('spreads', 0.075), ('reasonably', 0.075), ('characteristic', 0.075), ('problem', 0.075), ('cases', 0.074), ('consideration', 0.074), ('wasting', 0.073)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999988 689 high scalability-2009-08-28-Strategy: Solve Only 80 Percent of the Problem

Introduction: Solve only 80% of a problem. That's usually good enough and you'll not only get done faster, you'll actually have a chance of getting done at all. This strategy is given by Amix in HOW TWITTER (AND FACEBOOK) SOLVE PROBLEMS PARTIALLY . The idea is solving 100% of a complex problem can be so hard and so expensive that you'll end up wasting all your bullets on a problem that could have been satisfactoraly solved in a much simpler way. The example given is for Twitter's real-time search. Real-time search almost by definition is focussed on recent events. So in the design should you be able to search historically back from the beginning of time or should you just be able to search for recent time periods? A complete historical search is the 100% solution. The recent data only search is the 80% solution. Which should you choose? The 100% solution is dramatically more difficult to solve. It requires searching disk in real-time which is a killer. So it makes more sense to work on the

2 0.12341341 837 high scalability-2010-06-07-Six Ways Twitter May Reach its Big Hairy Audacious Goal of One Billion Users

Introduction: Twitter has a big hairy audacious goal of reaching one billion users  by 2013. Three forces stand against Twitter. The world will end in 2012 . But let's be optimistic and assume we'll make it. Next is Facebook. Currently Facebook is the user leader with over  400 million users . Will Facebook stumble or will they rocket to one billion users before Twitter? And lastly, there's Twitter's "low" starting point and "slow" growth rate. Twitter currently has 106 million registered users and adds about 300,000 new users a day. That doesn't add up to a billion in three years. Twitter needs to triple the number of registered users they add per day. How will Twitter reach its goal of over one billion users served? From recent infrastructure announcements and information gleaned at Chirp  ( videos ) and other talks, it has become a little clearer how they hope to reach their billion user goal: 1) Make a Big Hairy Audacious Goal 2) Hire Lots of Quality People 3) Hug Developers and Users 4) D

3 0.11614029 954 high scalability-2010-12-06-What the heck are you actually using NoSQL for?

Introduction: It's a truism that we should choose the right tool for the job . Everyone says that. And who can disagree? The problem is this is not helpful advice without being able to answer more specific questions like: What jobs are the tools good at? Will they work on jobs like mine? Is it worth the risk to try something new when all my people know something else and we have a deadline to meet? How can I make all the tools work together? In the NoSQL space this kind of real-world data is still a bit vague. When asked, vendors tend to give very general answers like NoSQL is good for BigData or key-value access. What does that mean for for the developer in the trenches faced with the task of solving a specific problem and there are a dozen confusing choices and no obvious winner? Not a lot. It's often hard to take that next step and imagine how their specific problems could be solved in a way that's worth taking the trouble and risk. Let's change that. What problems are you using NoSQL to sol

4 0.1136869 1395 high scalability-2013-01-28-DuckDuckGo Architecture - 1 Million Deep Searches a Day and Growing

Introduction: This is an interview with  Gabriel Weinberg , founder of  Duck Duck Go  and general  all around startup guru , on what DDG’s architecture looks like in 2012. Innovative search engine upstart DuckDuckGo had 30 million searches in February 2012 and averages over 1 million searches a day. It’s being positioned by super investor Fred Wilson as a clean, private, impartial and fast search engine. After talking with Gabriel I like what Fred Wilson said earlier, it seems closer to the heart of the matter: We invested in DuckDuckGo for the Reddit, Hacker News anarchists .                    Choosing DuckDuckGo can be thought of as not just a technical choice, but a vote for revolution. In an age when knowing your essence is not about about love or friendship, but about more effectively selling you to advertisers, DDG is positioning themselves as the do not track alternative , keepers of the privacy flame . You will still be monetized of course, but in a more civilized and an

5 0.10933993 930 high scalability-2010-10-28-NoSQL Took Away the Relational Model and Gave Nothing Back

Introduction: Update : Benjamin Black said he was the source of the quote and also said I was wrong about what he meant. His real point: The meaning of the statement was that NoSQL systems (really the various map-reduce systems) are lacking a standard model for describing and querying and that developing one should be a high priority task for them. At the  A NoSQL Evening in Palo Alto , an audience member, sorry, I couldn't tell who, said something I found really interesting: NoSQL took away the relational model and gave nothing back. The idea being that   NoSQL has focussed on ease of use, scalability, performance, etc, but it has lost the idea of how data relates to other data. True to its name, the relational model is very good at capturing a managing relationships. With NoSQL all relationships have been pushed back onto the poor programmer to implement in code rather than the database managing it. We've sacrificed usability. NoSQL is about concurrency, latency, and scalability, but it

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topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.157), (1, 0.093), (2, -0.016), (3, 0.047), (4, 0.039), (5, -0.008), (6, -0.06), (7, 0.046), (8, 0.008), (9, -0.031), (10, -0.003), (11, 0.058), (12, -0.05), (13, 0.005), (14, 0.022), (15, 0.001), (16, 0.044), (17, -0.031), (18, 0.011), (19, 0.004), (20, 0.044), (21, -0.053), (22, 0.048), (23, 0.034), (24, -0.044), (25, -0.028), (26, -0.002), (27, -0.016), (28, -0.009), (29, 0.08), (30, -0.027), (31, 0.023), (32, -0.057), (33, 0.024), (34, -0.012), (35, 0.033), (36, 0.007), (37, 0.031), (38, -0.074), (39, -0.025), (40, 0.086), (41, 0.015), (42, -0.044), (43, 0.032), (44, 0.013), (45, 0.006), (46, 0.001), (47, 0.017), (48, 0.029), (49, -0.059)]

similar blogs list:

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Introduction: Solve only 80% of a problem. That's usually good enough and you'll not only get done faster, you'll actually have a chance of getting done at all. This strategy is given by Amix in HOW TWITTER (AND FACEBOOK) SOLVE PROBLEMS PARTIALLY . The idea is solving 100% of a complex problem can be so hard and so expensive that you'll end up wasting all your bullets on a problem that could have been satisfactoraly solved in a much simpler way. The example given is for Twitter's real-time search. Real-time search almost by definition is focussed on recent events. So in the design should you be able to search historically back from the beginning of time or should you just be able to search for recent time periods? A complete historical search is the 100% solution. The recent data only search is the 80% solution. Which should you choose? The 100% solution is dramatically more difficult to solve. It requires searching disk in real-time which is a killer. So it makes more sense to work on the

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