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11 fast ml-2012-12-07-Predicting wine quality

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Introduction: This post is as much about wine as it is about machine learning, so if you enjoy wine, like we do, you may find it especially interesting. Here’s some R and Matlab code , and if you want to get right to the point, skip to the charts . There’s a book by Philipp Janert called Data Analysis with Open Source Tools , which, by the way, we would recommend. From this book we found out about the wine quality datasets . There are two, one for red wine and one for white wine, and they are interesting because they contain quality ratings (1 - 10) for a few thousands of wines, along with their physical and chemical properties. We could probably use these properties to predict a rating for a wine. We’ll be looking at white and red wine separately for the reasons you will see shortly. Principal component analysis for white wine Janert performs a principal component analysis (PCA) and shows a resulting plot for white wine. What’s interesting about this plot is that judging by the first tw

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 This post is as much about wine as it is about machine learning, so if you enjoy wine, like we do, you may find it especially interesting. [sent-1, score-0.579]

2 From this book we found out about the wine quality datasets . [sent-4, score-0.689]

3 There are two, one for red wine and one for white wine, and they are interesting because they contain quality ratings (1 - 10) for a few thousands of wines, along with their physical and chemical properties. [sent-5, score-1.027]

4 We’ll be looking at white and red wine separately for the reasons you will see shortly. [sent-7, score-0.832]

5 Principal component analysis for white wine Janert performs a principal component analysis (PCA) and shows a resulting plot for white wine. [sent-8, score-1.232]

6 What’s interesting about this plot is that judging by the first two principal components, a quality is very much correlated with alcohol content and fixed acidity (or pH - it’s basically the same thing). [sent-9, score-1.462]

7 It is true especially for alcohol content, which is listed on every bottle. [sent-11, score-0.507]

8 Now let’s do some more analysis involving quality, alcohol content and fixed acidity. [sent-15, score-0.991]

9 Let’s introduce some terminology: good means rating seven or higher bad means rating four or lower mediocre means rating five OK means rating six. [sent-18, score-1.201]

10 White wine Good and bad Red means good. [sent-20, score-0.67]

11 Horizontal axis is alcohol content, vertical axis is fixed acidity. [sent-22, score-0.921]

12 If alcohol content is at least 11%, or better yet, 12%, you are very likely to have a good wine. [sent-23, score-0.738]

13 Basically, you can get away with lower alcohol content if the wine has relatively less fixed acidity. [sent-27, score-1.537]

14 If you see a wine on the right side of that line, it is very likely to be good. [sent-30, score-0.616]

15 Red wine Alcohol OR acidity, please Similarly to white wines, if alcohol content is 12% or more, probably you’re all set. [sent-35, score-1.38]

16 Also, you want a wine which is either high in alcohol or highly acidic. [sent-36, score-1.038]

17 In other words, there are quite a lot good wines with less than 12% alcohol; what they have in common is high fixed acidity and some mediocre ones between them. [sent-37, score-1.004]

18 Compare with a white wine case - it’s the other way around. [sent-39, score-0.687]

19 To sum up, judging a wine on just two properties is rather simplistic. [sent-42, score-0.644]

20 All other things being equal, we much prefer a two year old wine to a one year old wine. [sent-44, score-0.733]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('wine', 0.517), ('alcohol', 0.475), ('wines', 0.256), ('fixed', 0.243), ('acidity', 0.219), ('content', 0.218), ('rating', 0.182), ('white', 0.17), ('mediocre', 0.146), ('red', 0.145), ('quality', 0.111), ('bad', 0.107), ('charts', 0.091), ('principal', 0.089), ('axis', 0.077), ('assumptions', 0.073), ('janert', 0.073), ('ph', 0.073), ('picture', 0.073), ('terminology', 0.073), ('components', 0.073), ('properties', 0.073), ('book', 0.061), ('analysis', 0.055), ('ratings', 0.054), ('similarly', 0.054), ('judging', 0.054), ('old', 0.054), ('side', 0.054), ('year', 0.054), ('plot', 0.053), ('story', 0.049), ('vertical', 0.049), ('less', 0.048), ('means', 0.046), ('lot', 0.046), ('high', 0.046), ('likely', 0.045), ('horizontal', 0.045), ('pca', 0.045), ('tell', 0.045), ('shows', 0.041), ('component', 0.041), ('lower', 0.036), ('especially', 0.032), ('bear', 0.03), ('contain', 0.03), ('draw', 0.03), ('enjoy', 0.03), ('generalized', 0.03)]

similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.99999994 11 fast ml-2012-12-07-Predicting wine quality

Introduction: This post is as much about wine as it is about machine learning, so if you enjoy wine, like we do, you may find it especially interesting. Here’s some R and Matlab code , and if you want to get right to the point, skip to the charts . There’s a book by Philipp Janert called Data Analysis with Open Source Tools , which, by the way, we would recommend. From this book we found out about the wine quality datasets . There are two, one for red wine and one for white wine, and they are interesting because they contain quality ratings (1 - 10) for a few thousands of wines, along with their physical and chemical properties. We could probably use these properties to predict a rating for a wine. We’ll be looking at white and red wine separately for the reasons you will see shortly. Principal component analysis for white wine Janert performs a principal component analysis (PCA) and shows a resulting plot for white wine. What’s interesting about this plot is that judging by the first tw

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Introduction: Now that we have Spearmint basics nailed, we’ll try tuning a random forest, and specifically two hyperparams: a number of trees ( ntrees ) and a number of candidate features at each split ( mtry ). Here’s some code . We’re going to use a red wine quality dataset. It has about 1600 examples and our goal will be to predict a rating for a wine given all the other properties. This is a regression* task, as ratings are in (0,10) range. We will split the data 80/10/10 into train, validation and test set, and use the first two to establish optimal hyperparams and then predict on the test set. As an error measure we will use RMSE. At first, we will try ntrees between 10 and 200 and mtry between 3 and 11 (there’s eleven features total, so that’s the upper bound). Here are the results of two Spearmint runs with 71 and 95 tries respectively. Colors denote a validation error value: green : RMSE < 0.57 blue : RMSE < 0.58 black : RMSE >= 0.58 Turns out that some diffe

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Introduction: A/B testing is a way to optimize a web page. Half of visitors see one version, the other half another, so you can tell which version is more conducive to your goal - for example selling something. Since June 2013 A/B testing can be conveniently done with Google Analytics. Here’s how. This article is not quite about machine learning. If you’re not interested in testing, scroll down to the bayesian bandits section . Google Content Experiments We remember Google Website Optimizer from a few years ago. It wasn’t exactly user friendly or slick, but it felt solid and did the job. Unfortunately, at one point in time Google pulled the plug, leaving Genetify as a sole free (and open source) tool for multivariate testing. Multivariate means testing a few elements on a page simultanously. At that time they launched Content Experiments in Google Analytics, but it was a giant step backward. Content experiments were very primitive and only allowed rudimentary A/B split testing. It i

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Introduction: Last time we explored dimensionality reduction in practice using Gensim’s LSI and LDA. Now, having spent some time researching the subject matter, we will give an overview of other options. UPDATE : We now consider the topic quite irrelevant, because sparse high-dimensional data is precisely where linear models shine. See Amazon aspires to automate access control , Predicting advertised salaries and Predicting closed questions on Stack Overflow . And the few most popular methods are: LSI/LSA - a multinomial PCA LDA - Latent Dirichlet Allocation matrix factorization, in particular non-negative variants: NMF ICA, or Independent Components Analysis mixtures of Bernoullis stacked RBMs correlated topic models, an extension of LDA We tried the first two before. As regards matrix factorization, you do the same stuff as with movie recommendations (think Netflix challenge). The difference is, now all the matrix elements are known and we are only interested in

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Introduction: This post is as much about wine as it is about machine learning, so if you enjoy wine, like we do, you may find it especially interesting. Here’s some R and Matlab code , and if you want to get right to the point, skip to the charts . There’s a book by Philipp Janert called Data Analysis with Open Source Tools , which, by the way, we would recommend. From this book we found out about the wine quality datasets . There are two, one for red wine and one for white wine, and they are interesting because they contain quality ratings (1 - 10) for a few thousands of wines, along with their physical and chemical properties. We could probably use these properties to predict a rating for a wine. We’ll be looking at white and red wine separately for the reasons you will see shortly. Principal component analysis for white wine Janert performs a principal component analysis (PCA) and shows a resulting plot for white wine. What’s interesting about this plot is that judging by the first tw

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Introduction: Now that we have Spearmint basics nailed, we’ll try tuning a random forest, and specifically two hyperparams: a number of trees ( ntrees ) and a number of candidate features at each split ( mtry ). Here’s some code . We’re going to use a red wine quality dataset. It has about 1600 examples and our goal will be to predict a rating for a wine given all the other properties. This is a regression* task, as ratings are in (0,10) range. We will split the data 80/10/10 into train, validation and test set, and use the first two to establish optimal hyperparams and then predict on the test set. As an error measure we will use RMSE. At first, we will try ntrees between 10 and 200 and mtry between 3 and 11 (there’s eleven features total, so that’s the upper bound). Here are the results of two Spearmint runs with 71 and 95 tries respectively. Colors denote a validation error value: green : RMSE < 0.57 blue : RMSE < 0.58 black : RMSE >= 0.58 Turns out that some diffe

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Introduction: Last time we explored dimensionality reduction in practice using Gensim’s LSI and LDA. Now, having spent some time researching the subject matter, we will give an overview of other options. UPDATE : We now consider the topic quite irrelevant, because sparse high-dimensional data is precisely where linear models shine. See Amazon aspires to automate access control , Predicting advertised salaries and Predicting closed questions on Stack Overflow . And the few most popular methods are: LSI/LSA - a multinomial PCA LDA - Latent Dirichlet Allocation matrix factorization, in particular non-negative variants: NMF ICA, or Independent Components Analysis mixtures of Bernoullis stacked RBMs correlated topic models, an extension of LDA We tried the first two before. As regards matrix factorization, you do the same stuff as with movie recommendations (think Netflix challenge). The difference is, now all the matrix elements are known and we are only interested in

4 0.082970098 47 fast ml-2013-12-15-A-B testing with bayesian bandits in Google Analytics

Introduction: A/B testing is a way to optimize a web page. Half of visitors see one version, the other half another, so you can tell which version is more conducive to your goal - for example selling something. Since June 2013 A/B testing can be conveniently done with Google Analytics. Here’s how. This article is not quite about machine learning. If you’re not interested in testing, scroll down to the bayesian bandits section . Google Content Experiments We remember Google Website Optimizer from a few years ago. It wasn’t exactly user friendly or slick, but it felt solid and did the job. Unfortunately, at one point in time Google pulled the plug, leaving Genetify as a sole free (and open source) tool for multivariate testing. Multivariate means testing a few elements on a page simultanously. At that time they launched Content Experiments in Google Analytics, but it was a giant step backward. Content experiments were very primitive and only allowed rudimentary A/B split testing. It i

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Introduction: This post is as much about wine as it is about machine learning, so if you enjoy wine, like we do, you may find it especially interesting. Here’s some R and Matlab code , and if you want to get right to the point, skip to the charts . There’s a book by Philipp Janert called Data Analysis with Open Source Tools , which, by the way, we would recommend. From this book we found out about the wine quality datasets . There are two, one for red wine and one for white wine, and they are interesting because they contain quality ratings (1 - 10) for a few thousands of wines, along with their physical and chemical properties. We could probably use these properties to predict a rating for a wine. We’ll be looking at white and red wine separately for the reasons you will see shortly. Principal component analysis for white wine Janert performs a principal component analysis (PCA) and shows a resulting plot for white wine. What’s interesting about this plot is that judging by the first tw

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Introduction: Now that we have Spearmint basics nailed, we’ll try tuning a random forest, and specifically two hyperparams: a number of trees ( ntrees ) and a number of candidate features at each split ( mtry ). Here’s some code . We’re going to use a red wine quality dataset. It has about 1600 examples and our goal will be to predict a rating for a wine given all the other properties. This is a regression* task, as ratings are in (0,10) range. We will split the data 80/10/10 into train, validation and test set, and use the first two to establish optimal hyperparams and then predict on the test set. As an error measure we will use RMSE. At first, we will try ntrees between 10 and 200 and mtry between 3 and 11 (there’s eleven features total, so that’s the upper bound). Here are the results of two Spearmint runs with 71 and 95 tries respectively. Colors denote a validation error value: green : RMSE < 0.57 blue : RMSE < 0.58 black : RMSE >= 0.58 Turns out that some diffe

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