nips nips2013 nips2013-221 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

221 nips-2013-On the Expressive Power of Restricted Boltzmann Machines

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Author: James Martens, Arkadev Chattopadhya, Toni Pitassi, Richard Zemel

Abstract: This paper examines the question: What kinds of distributions can be efficiently represented by Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs)? We characterize the RBM’s unnormalized log-likelihood function as a type of neural network, and through a series of simulation results relate these networks to ones whose representational properties are better understood. We show the surprising result that RBMs can efficiently capture any distribution whose density depends on the number of 1’s in their input. We also provide the first known example of a particular type of distribution that provably cannot be efficiently represented by an RBM, assuming a realistic exponential upper bound on the weights. By formally demonstrating that a relatively simple distribution cannot be represented efficiently by an RBM our results provide a new rigorous justification for the use of potentially more expressive generative models, such as deeper ones. 1

Reference: text

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1 In this paper we first develop some tools and simulation results which relate RBMs to certain easierto-analyze approximations, and to neural networks with 1 hidden layer of threshold units, for which many results about representational efficiency are already known (Maass, 1992; Maass et al. [sent-40, score-0.41]

2 Section 2 characterizes the unnormalized loglikelihood as a type of neural network (called an “RBM network”) and shows how this type is related to single hidden layer neural networks of threshold neurons, and to an easier-to-analyze approximation (which we call a “hardplus RBM network”). [sent-54, score-0.505]

3 2 6 softplus hardplus Function values 5 4 3 2 1 0 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 y Figure 1: Left: An illustration of a basic RBM network with n = 3 and m = 5. [sent-57, score-0.793]

4 Definition 1 A RBM network with parameters W, b is defined as a neural network with one hidden layer containing m softplus neurons and weights and biases given by W and b, so that each neuron j’s output is soft([W ]j + bj ). [sent-75, score-1.03]

5 The output layer contains one neuron whose weights and bias are given by 1 ≡ [11. [sent-76, score-0.375]

6 For convenience, we include the bias constant B so that RBM networks shift their output by an additive constant (which does not affect the probability distribution implied by the RBM network since any additive constant is canceled out by log Z in the full log probability). [sent-80, score-0.323]

7 We define a hardplus RBM network in the obvious way: as an RBM network with the softplus activation functions of the hidden neurons replaced with hardplus functions. [sent-83, score-1.655]

8 The strategy we use to prove many of the results in this paper is to first establish them for hardplus RBM networks, and then show how they can be adapted to the standard softplus case via simulation results given in the following section. [sent-84, score-0.722]

9 4 Hardplus RBM networks versus (Softplus) RBM networks In this section we present some approximate simulation results which relate hardplus and standard (softplus) RBM networks. [sent-86, score-0.634]

10 The first result formalizes the simple observation that for large input magnitudes, the softplus and hardplus functions behave very similarly (see Figure 1, and Proposition 11 in the Appendix). [sent-87, score-0.729]

11 Suppose we have a softplus and hardplus RBM networks with identical sizes and parameters. [sent-89, score-0.753]

12 If, for each possible input x ∈ {0, 1}n , the magnitude of the input to each neuron is bounded from below by C, then the two networks compute the same real-valued function, up to an error (measured by | · |) which is bounded by m exp(−C). [sent-90, score-0.397]

13 The next result demonstrates how to approximately simulate a RBM network with a hardplus RBM network while incurring an approximation error which shrinks as the number of neurons increases. [sent-91, score-0.796]

14 The basic idea is to simulate individual softplus neurons with groups of hardplus neurons that compute what amounts to a piece-wise linear approximation of the smooth region of a softplus function. [sent-92, score-1.113]

15 Suppose we have a (softplus) RBM network with m hidden neurons with parameters bounded in magnitude by C. [sent-94, score-0.379]

16 Then there exists a hardplus RBM network with ≤ 2m2 p log(mp) + m hidden neurons and with parameters bounded in magnitude by C which computes the same function, up to an approximation error of 1/p. [sent-96, score-0.886]

17 Note that if p and m are polynomial functions of n, then the simulation produces hardplus RBM networks whose size is also polynomial in n. [sent-97, score-0.648]

18 While the output of a thresholded RBM network does not correspond to the log probability of an RBM, the following observation spells out how we can use thresholded RBM networks to establish lower bounds on the size of an RBM network required to compute certain simple functions (i. [sent-106, score-0.632]

19 If an RBN network of size m can compute a real-valued function g which represents f with margin δ, then there exists a thresholded RBM network that computes f with margin δ. [sent-109, score-0.515]

20 Using Theorem 3 we can prove a more interesting result which states that any lower bound result for thresholded hardplus RBMs implies a somewhat weaker lower bound result for standard RBM networks: Proposition 5. [sent-111, score-0.624]

21 RBM networks are distinguished from these, primarily because they have a single hidden layer and because the upper level weights are constrained to be 1. [sent-122, score-0.294]

22 Intuitively, the j th softplus neuron acts as a “feature detector”, which when “activated” by an input s. [sent-124, score-0.383]

23 By comparison, standard threshold networks only requires 1 hidden neuron to compute such a function. [sent-130, score-0.409]

24 In fact, it is easy to show1 that without the constraint on upper level weights, an RBM network would be, up to a linear factor, at least as efficient at representing real-valued functions as a neural network with 1 hidden layer of threshold neurons. [sent-131, score-0.537]

25 (1994), it follows that a thresholded RBM network is, up to a polynomial increase in size, at least as efficient at computing Boolean functions as 1-hidden layer neural networks with any “sigmoid-like” activation function2 , and polynomially bounded weights. [sent-134, score-0.553]

26 1 To see this, note that we could use 2 softplus neurons to simulate a single neuron with a “sigmoid-like” activation function (i. [sent-135, score-0.533]

27 Right: The output total of the hardplus RBM network constructed in Theorem 7. [sent-142, score-0.626]

28 7 Simulating hardplus RBM networks by a one-hidden-layer threshold network Here we provide a natural simulation of hardplus RBM networks by threshold networks with one hidden layer. [sent-146, score-1.536]

29 Because this is an efficient (polynomial) and exact simulation, it implies that a hardplus RBM network can be no more powerful than a threshold network with one hidden layer, for which several lower bound results are already known. [sent-147, score-0.879]

30 Let f be a real-valued function computed by a hardplus RBM network of size m. [sent-149, score-0.578]

31 Furthermore, if the weights of the RBM network have magnitude at most C, then the weights of the corresponding threshold network have magnitude at most (n + 1)C. [sent-151, score-0.489]

32 3 n2 + 1-sized RBM networks can compute any symmetric function In this section we present perhaps the most surprising results of this paper: a construction of an n2 -sized RBM network (or hardplus RBM network) for computing any given symmetric function of x. [sent-152, score-0.753]

33 Symmetric functions are already known3 to be computable by single hidden layer threshold networks (Hajnal et al. [sent-156, score-0.405]

34 Given that hardplus RBM networks appear to be strictly less expressive than such threshold networks (as discussed in Section 2. [sent-160, score-0.728]

35 Then (i) there exists a hardplus RBM network, of size n2 + 1, and with weights polynomial in n and t1 , . [sent-164, score-0.529]

36 , tk that computes f exactly, and (ii) for every there is a softplus RBM network of size n2 +1, and with weights polynomial in n, t0 , . [sent-167, score-0.489]

37 Our hardplus RBM network consists of n “building blocks”, each composed of n hardplus neurons, plus one additional hardplus neuron, for a total size of m = n2 + 1. [sent-172, score-1.502]

38 The main technical challenge is then to choose the parameters of these building blocks so that the sum of n of these “rectified quadratics”, plus the output of the extra hardplus neuron (which handles 3 The construction in Hajnal et al. [sent-175, score-0.817]

39 Note that this construction is considerably more complex than the well-known construction used for computing symmetric functions with 1 hidden layer threshold networks Hajnal et al. [sent-182, score-0.466]

40 While we cannot prove that ours is the most efficient possible construction RBM networks, we can prove that a construction directly analogous to the one used for 1 hidden layer threshold networks—where each individual neuron computes a symmetric function—cannot possibly work for RBM networks. [sent-184, score-0.585]

41 To see this, first observe that any neuron that computes a symmetric function must compute a function of the form g(βX + b), where g is the activation function and β is some scalar. [sent-185, score-0.304]

42 Then because the positive sum of convex functions is convex, the output of the RBM network (which is the unweighted sum of the output of its neurons, plus a constant) is itself convex in X. [sent-187, score-0.281]

43 1 Lower bounds on the size of RBM networks for certain functions Existential results In this section we prove a result which establishes the existence of functions which cannot be computed by RBM networks that are not exponentially large. [sent-190, score-0.272]

44 Let Fm,δ,n represent the set of those Boolean functions on {0, 1}n that can be computed by a thresholded RBM network of size m with margin δ. [sent-195, score-0.31]

45 In this sub-section we present strong evidence that this is not the case by exhibiting a simple Boolean function that provably requires exponentially many neurons to be computed by a thresholded RBM network, provided that the margin is not allowed to be exponentially smaller than the weights. [sent-203, score-0.311]

46 Using the simulation of hardplus RBM networks by 1 hidden layer threshold networks (Theorem 6), and Proposition 5, and an existing result about the hardness of computing IP by 1 hidden layer thresholded networks of bounded weights due to Hajnal et al. [sent-213, score-1.351]

47 If m < min 2n/3 C , 2n/6 δ 4C log(2/δ) , 2n/9 3 δ 4C then no RBM network of size m, whose weights are bounded in magnitude by C, can compute a function which represents ndimensional IP with margin δ. [sent-215, score-0.339]

48 If m < 2·max{log 2,nC+log 2} · 2n/4 , then no RBM network of size m, whose weights are upper bounded in value by C, can compute a function which represents n-dimensional IP with margin δ. [sent-223, score-0.3]

49 We treated the RBM’s unnormalized log likelihood as a neural network which allowed us to relate an RBM’s representational efficiency to that of threshold networks, which are much better understood. [sent-228, score-0.3]

50 Consider a single neuron in the RBM network and the corresponding neuron in the hardplus RBM network, whose net-input are given by y = w x + b. [sent-331, score-0.897]

51 Suppose we have a softplus RBM network with a number of hidden neurons given by m. [sent-336, score-0.515]

52 To simulate this with a hardplus RBM network we will replace each neuron with a group of hardplus neurons with weights and biases chosen so that the sum of their outputs approximates the output of the original softplus neuron, to within a maximum error of 1/p where p is some constant > 0. [sent-337, score-1.69]

53 First we describe the construction for the simulation of a single softplus neurons by a group of hardplus neurons. [sent-338, score-0.853]

54 At a high level, this construction works by approximating soft(y), where y is the input to the neuron, by a piece-wise linear function expressed as the sum of a number of hardplus functions, whose “corners” all lie inside [−a, a]. [sent-341, score-0.543]

55 Outside this range of values, we use the fact that soft(y) converges exponentially fast (in a) to 0 on the left, and y on the right (which can both be trivially computed by hardplus functions). [sent-342, score-0.487]

56 , g, g + 1, we will set the weight vector wi and bias bi of the i-th hardplus neuron in our group so that the neuron outputs hard(ηi (y − qi )). [sent-358, score-0.914]

57 This is accomplished by taking wi = ηi w and bi = ηi (b − qi ), where w and b (without the subscripts), are the weight vector and bias of the original softplus neuron. [sent-359, score-0.317]

58 Note that since |ηi | ≤ 1 we have that the weights of these hard neurons are smaller in magnitude than the weights of the original soft neuron and thus bounded by C as required. [sent-360, score-0.629]

59 The total output (sum) for this group is: g+1 hard(ηi (y − qi )) T (y) = i=1 We will now bound the approximation error |T (y) − soft(y)| of our single neuron simulation. [sent-361, score-0.322]

60 Note that for a given y we have that the i-th hardplus neuron in the group has a non-negative input iff y ≥ qi . [sent-362, score-0.733]

61 qi ≤ y, then each neuron from i = 1 to i = j will have positive input and each neuron from i = j + 1 to i = g + 1 will have negative input. [sent-366, score-0.398]

62 Thus the approximation error at such y’s may be bounded as: |T (y)− soft(y)| = |(νj (y − qj ) + soft(qj ) − soft(q1 )) − soft(y)| ≤ max{|νj (y − qj ) + soft(qj ) − soft(y)|, soft(q1 )} 2a , exp(−a) ≤ max{qj+1 − qj , exp(−a)} = max g where we have also used soft(q1 ) = soft(−a) ≤ exp(−a). [sent-373, score-0.376]

63 This gives: m max 2a 1 , 2mpa mp 2a 1 , 2mpa mp 1 1 1 = , p p p ≤ m max = max Thus we see that with m(g + 1) = m( 2mp log(mp) + 1) ≤ 2m2 p log(mp) + m neurons we can produce a hardplus RBM network which approximates the output of our softplus RBM network with error bounded by 1/p. [sent-377, score-1.205]

64 Suppose that there is an RBM network of size m with weights bounded in magnitude by C computes a function g which represent f with margin δ. [sent-385, score-0.35]

65 Then taking p = 2/δ and applying Theorem 3 we have that there exists an hardplus RBM network of size 4m2 log(2m/δ)/δ + m which computes a function g s. [sent-386, score-0.623]

66 Let f be a Boolean function on n variables computed by a size s hardplus RBM network, with parameters (W, b, d) . [sent-394, score-0.462]

67 We will first construct a three layer hybrid Boolean/threshold circuit/network where the output gate is a simple weighted sum, the middle layer consists of AND gates, and the bottom hidden layer consists of threshold neurons. [sent-395, score-0.523]

68 It is not hard to see that our three layer netork computes the same Boolean function as the original hardplus RBM network. [sent-399, score-0.617]

69 In order to obtain a single hidden layer threshold network, we replace each sub-network rooted at an AND gate of the middle layer by a single threshold neuron. [sent-400, score-0.47]

70 Consider a general sub-network n consisting of an AND of: (1) a variable xj and (2) a threshold neuron computing ( i=1 ai xi ≥ b). [sent-401, score-0.283]

71 Note that if the input x is such that i ai xi ≥ b and xj = 1, then i ai xi + Qαj will be at least b + Q, so the threshold gate will output 1. [sent-404, score-0.292]

72 We will first describe how to construct a hardplus RBM network which satisfies the properties required for part (i). [sent-410, score-0.578]

73 It will be composed of n special groups of hardplus neurons (which are defined and discussed below), and one additional one we call the “zero-neuron”, which will be defined later. [sent-411, score-0.564]

74 Next we show how the parameters of the n building blocks used in our construction can be set to produce a hardplus RBM network with the desired output. [sent-416, score-0.701]

75 In addition to the n building blocks, our hardplus RBM will include an addition unit that we will call the zero-neuron, which handles x = 0. [sent-432, score-0.504]

76 Finally, the output bias B of our hardplus RBM network will be set to −d. [sent-434, score-0.649]

77 The total output of the network is simply the sum of the outputs of the n different building blocks, the zero neuron, and constant bias −d. [sent-435, score-0.27]

78 ak = −(tk + d) k2 bk = 2(tk + d) k bk = −2kak This claim is self-evidently true by examining basic definitions of γj and ej and realizing that ak and bk are telescoping sums. [sent-438, score-0.28]

79 For all other building blocks (γj , ej ), j < n, since ej ≤ j + 1, this block outputs zero since γj X(ej − X) is less than or equal to zero. [sent-444, score-0.343]

80 Thus the sum of all of the building blocks when X = n is just the output of the (γn , en )-block which is γn · n(en − n) = −γn · n2 + γn en · n = −(tn + d) + 2(tn + d) = tn + d as desired. [sent-445, score-0.282]

81 Plugging in the above expressions for ak and bk from Claim 2, we see that the value of this polynomial at X = k is: ak k 2 + bk k = −(tk + d) 2 2(tk + d) k + k = −(tk + d) + 2(tk + d) = tk + d k2 k Finally, it remains to ensure that our hardplus RBM network outputs t0 for X = 0. [sent-451, score-0.779]

82 When X = 0, this neuron will output t0 + d, making the total output of the network −d + t0 + d = t0 as needed. [sent-454, score-0.363]

83 And note that the magnitude of the input to each neuron is lower bounded by a positive linear function of M and d (a non-trivial fact which we will prove below). [sent-458, score-0.272]

84 From these two observations it follows that to achieve the condition that the magnitude of the input to each neuron is greater than C(n) for some function C of n, the weights need to grow linearly with C. [sent-459, score-0.271]

85 There are two cases where a hardplus neuron in building block j has a negative input. [sent-461, score-0.671]

86 Let f : {0, 1}n → {0, 1} be a Boolean function computed by a threshold neuron with arbitrary real incoming weights and bias. [sent-476, score-0.312]

87 There exists a constant K and another threshold neuron computing f , all of whose incoming weights and bias are integers with magnitude at most 2Kn log n . [sent-477, score-0.421]

88 For each 0 < α < 1, let fα,n be the subset of such Boolean functions that are computable by threshold networks with one hidden layer with at most s neurons. [sent-481, score-0.389]

89 By using Fact 14 repeatedly for each of the hidden neurons, we obtain another threshold network having still s hidden units computing the same Boolean function such that the incoming weights and biases of all hidden neurons is bounded by 2Kn log n . [sent-485, score-0.752]

90 Clearly, there are 2 at most 2Kn log n ways to choose the incoming weights of a given neuron in the hidden layer. [sent-489, score-0.341]

91 Consider any thresholded RBM network with m hidden units that is computing a n-dimensional Boolean function with margin δ. [sent-495, score-0.393]

92 Using Proposition 5, we can obtain a thresholded hardplus RBM network of size 4m2 /δ · log(2m/δ) + m that computes the same Boolean function as the thresholded original RBM network. [sent-496, score-0.817]

93 Applying Theorem 6 and thresholding the output, we obtain a thresholded network with 1 hidden layer of thresholds which is the same size and computes the same Boolean function. [sent-497, score-0.428]

94 This argument shows that the set of Boolean functions computed by thresholded RBM networks of m hidden units and margin δ is a subset of the Boolean functions computed by 1-hidden-layer threshold networks of size 4m2 n/δ ·log(2m/δ)+mn. [sent-498, score-0.582]

95 3 implies that a threshold neuron in a thresholded network of size m is a 2δ -discriminator (α is the sum of the α 18 absolute values of the 2nd-level weights in their notation). [sent-510, score-0.512]

96 For a neural network of size m with a single hidden layer of threshold neurons and weights n/3 bounded by C that computes a function that represents IP with margin δ, we have m ≥ 6δ2 . [sent-517, score-0.683]

97 By Proposition 5 it suffices to show that no thresholded hardplus RBM network of size ≤ 4m2 log(2m/δ)/δ + m with parameters bounded by C can compute IP with margin δ/2. [sent-519, score-0.794]

98 Then by Theorem 6 there exists a single hidden layer threshold network of size ≤ 4m2 n log(2m/δ)/δ+mn with weights bounded in magnitude by (n + 1)C that computes the same function, i. [sent-521, score-0.541]

99 Finally, given a set of activation functions H and a set of inner functions I, an (H, I)- network is one each of whose hidden unit is a neuron of the form Gh, for some h ∈ H and ∈ I. [sent-541, score-0.519]

100 Then, every (H, I) network with one layer of m hidden units computing IP with a margin of δ must satisfy the following: m≥ δ 2 (H, I) 2n/4 . [sent-545, score-0.384]

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[(0, 0.147), (1, 0.078), (2, -0.096), (3, -0.084), (4, -0.039), (5, -0.064), (6, -0.038), (7, -0.011), (8, 0.046), (9, -0.122), (10, 0.241), (11, 0.006), (12, -0.009), (13, 0.026), (14, 0.061), (15, 0.061), (16, -0.009), (17, -0.023), (18, -0.028), (19, 0.015), (20, 0.005), (21, 0.012), (22, 0.14), (23, 0.023), (24, 0.063), (25, -0.015), (26, -0.21), (27, 0.005), (28, -0.009), (29, 0.003), (30, -0.02), (31, -0.056), (32, -0.029), (33, -0.09), (34, 0.07), (35, -0.081), (36, 0.006), (37, 0.043), (38, -0.076), (39, 0.022), (40, -0.093), (41, 0.079), (42, 0.044), (43, 0.041), (44, -0.034), (45, -0.055), (46, -0.028), (47, 0.078), (48, 0.147), (49, -0.015)]

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Author: James Martens, Arkadev Chattopadhya, Toni Pitassi, Richard Zemel

Abstract: This paper examines the question: What kinds of distributions can be efficiently represented by Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs)? We characterize the RBM’s unnormalized log-likelihood function as a type of neural network, and through a series of simulation results relate these networks to ones whose representational properties are better understood. We show the surprising result that RBMs can efficiently capture any distribution whose density depends on the number of 1’s in their input. We also provide the first known example of a particular type of distribution that provably cannot be efficiently represented by an RBM, assuming a realistic exponential upper bound on the weights. By formally demonstrating that a relatively simple distribution cannot be represented efficiently by an RBM our results provide a new rigorous justification for the use of potentially more expressive generative models, such as deeper ones. 1

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Abstract: Designing a principled and effective algorithm for learning deep architectures is a challenging problem. The current approach involves two training phases: a fully unsupervised learning followed by a strongly discriminative optimization. We suggest a deep learning strategy that bridges the gap between the two phases, resulting in a three-phase learning procedure. We propose to implement the scheme using a method to regularize deep belief networks with top-down information. The network is constructed from building blocks of restricted Boltzmann machines learned by combining bottom-up and top-down sampled signals. A global optimization procedure that merges samples from a forward bottom-up pass and a top-down pass is used. Experiments on the MNIST dataset show improvements over the existing algorithms for deep belief networks. Object recognition results on the Caltech-101 dataset also yield competitive results. 1

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1 0.94823557 323 nips-2013-Synthesizing Robust Plans under Incomplete Domain Models

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2 0.93615192 6 nips-2013-A Determinantal Point Process Latent Variable Model for Inhibition in Neural Spiking Data

Author: Jasper Snoek, Richard Zemel, Ryan P. Adams

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Author: Fang Zhao, Yongzhen Huang, Liang Wang, Tieniu Tan

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Author: Marius Pachitariu, Biljana Petreska, Maneesh Sahani

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