nips nips2011 nips2011-182 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

182 nips-2011-Nearest Neighbor based Greedy Coordinate Descent

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Author: Inderjit S. Dhillon, Pradeep K. Ravikumar, Ambuj Tewari

Abstract: Increasingly, optimization problems in machine learning, especially those arising from bigh-dimensional statistical estimation, bave a large number of variables. Modem statistical estimators developed over the past decade have statistical or sample complexity that depends only weakly on the number of parameters when there is some structore to the problem, such as sparsity. A central question is whether similar advances can be made in their computational complexity as well. In this paper, we propose strategies that indicate that such advances can indeed be made. In particular, we investigate the greedy coordinate descent algorithm, and note that performing the greedy step efficiently weakens the costly dependence on the problem size provided the solution is sparse. We then propose a snite of methods that perform these greedy steps efficiently by a reduction to nearest neighbor search. We also devise a more amenable form of greedy descent for composite non-smooth objectives; as well as several approximate variants of such greedy descent. We develop a practical implementation of our algorithm that combines greedy coordinate descent with locality sensitive hashing. Without tuning the latter data structore, we are not only able to significantly speed up the vanilla greedy method, hot also outperform cyclic descent when the problem size becomes large. Our resnlts indicate the effectiveness of our nearest neighbor strategies, and also point to many open questions regarding the development of computational geometric techniques tailored towards first-order optimization methods.

Reference: text

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sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 edu Abstract Increasingly, optimization problems in machine learning, especially those arising from bigh-dimensional statistical estimation, bave a large number of variables. [sent-8, score-0.099]

2 Modem statistical estimators developed over the past decade have statistical or sample complexity that depends only weakly on the number of parameters when there is some structore to the problem, such as sparsity. [sent-9, score-0.158]

3 In particular, we investigate the greedy coordinate descent algorithm, and note that performing the greedy step efficiently weakens the costly dependence on the problem size provided the solution is sparse. [sent-12, score-2.036]

4 We then propose a snite of methods that perform these greedy steps efficiently by a reduction to nearest neighbor search. [sent-13, score-1.164]

5 We also devise a more amenable form of greedy descent for composite non-smooth objectives; as well as several approximate variants of such greedy descent. [sent-14, score-1.379]

6 We develop a practical implementation of our algorithm that combines greedy coordinate descent with locality sensitive hashing. [sent-15, score-1.253]

7 Without tuning the latter data structore, we are not only able to significantly speed up the vanilla greedy method, hot also outperform cyclic descent when the problem size becomes large. [sent-16, score-0.979]

8 Our resnlts indicate the effectiveness of our nearest neighbor strategies, and also point to many open questions regarding the development of computational geometric techniques tailored towards first-order optimization methods. [sent-17, score-0.671]

9 1 Introduction Increasingly, optimization problems in machine learning are very high-dimensional, where the number of variables is very large. [sent-18, score-0.043]

10 This has led to a renewed interest in iterative algorithms that reqnire bounded time per iteration. [sent-19, score-0.098]

11 Such iterative methods take various forms such as so-called row-action methods [6] which enforce constraints in the optimization problem sequentially, or first-order methods [4] which only compute the gradient or a coordinate of the gradient per step. [sent-20, score-0.631]

12 But the overall time complexity of these methods still has a high polynomial dependence on the number of parameters. [sent-21, score-0.032]

13 Modem statistical estimators developed over the past decade have statistical or sample complexity that depends only weakly on the number ofpararneters [5, 15, 18]. [sent-22, score-0.093]

14 Towards this, we investigate one of the simplest classes of first order methods: coordinate descent, which only updates a single coordinate of the iterate at every step. [sent-24, score-1.022]

15 The coordinate descent class of algorithms has seen a renewed interest after recent papers [8, 10, 19] have shown considerable empirical success in application to large problems. [sent-25, score-0.843]

16 Saba and Tewari [13] even show that under 1 certain conditions, the convergence rate of cyclic coordinate descent is at least as fast as that of gradient descent. [sent-26, score-0.886]

17 In this paper, we focus on high-dimensional optimization problems where the solution is sparse. [sent-27, score-0.043]

18 We were motivated to investigate coordinate descent algorithms by the intuition that they could leverage the sparsity structure of the solution by judiciously choosing the coordinate to be updated. [sent-28, score-1.322]

19 In particular, we show that a greedy selection of the coordinates succeeds in weakening the costly dependence on problem size with the caveat that we could perform the greedy step efficiently. [sent-29, score-1.185]

20 The naive greedy updates would however take time that scales at least linearly in the problem dimension O(P) since it has to compute the coordinate with the maximum gradient. [sent-30, score-0.95]

21 We thus come to the other main question of this paper: Can the greedy steps in a greedy coordinate scheme be peiformed efficiently? [sent-31, score-1.396]

22 Surprisingly, we are able to answer in the affirmative, and we show this by a reduction to nearest neighbor search. [sent-32, score-0.538]

23 This allows us to leverage the significant amount of recent research on sublinear methods for nearest neighbor search, provided it suffices to have approximate nearest neighbors. [sent-33, score-1.057]

24 The upshot of our results is a suite of methods that depend weakly on the problem size or number of parameters. [sent-34, score-0.113]

25 We also investigate several notions of approximate greedy coordinate descent for which we are able to derive similar rates. [sent-35, score-1.327]

26 For the composite objective case, where the objective is the sum of a smooth component and a separable non-smooth component, we propose and analyze a "look-ahead" variant of greedy coordinate descent. [sent-36, score-1.171]

27 The development in this paper thus raises a new line ofresearch on connections between computational geometry and first-order optimization methods. [sent-37, score-0.07]

28 For instance, given our results, it would be of interest to develop approximate nearest neighbor methods tuned to greedy coordinate descent. [sent-38, score-1.508]

29 As an instance of such a connection, we show that if the covariates underlying the optimization objective satisfy a mutual incoherence condition, then a very simple nearest neighbor data structure suffices to yield a good approximation. [sent-39, score-0.776]

30 The results of this paper natorally lead to several open problems: can effective computational geometric data structures be tailored towards greedy coordinate descent? [sent-41, score-1.016]

31 Can these be adapted to (a) other first-order methods, perhaps based on sampling, and (b) different regularized variants that uncover structored sparsity. [sent-42, score-0.066]

32 We hope this paper fosters further research and cross-fertilization of ideas in computational geometry and optimization. [sent-43, score-0.054]

33 2 Setup and Notation We start our treatment with differentiable objective functions, and then extend this to encompass non-differentiable functions which arise as the sum of a smooth component and a separable nonsmooth component. [sent-44, score-0.202]

34 Let C : JR" --+ IR be a convex differentiable function. [sent-45, score-0.042]

35 We do not assume that the function is strongly convex: indeed most optimizations arising out of high-dimensional machine learning problems are convex but typically not strungly so. [sent-46, score-0.056]

36 Our analysis requires that the function satisfies the following coordinate-wise Lipschitz condition: A ••omptionAt. [sent-47, score-0.151]

37 The loss function C satisfies IIV'C(w) - V'C(v)ll~ ::; "1 ·llw - vIiI, for some "1> o. [sent-48, score-0.151]

38 In particular, we say that C has "2-Lipschitz continuous gradient w. [sent-50, score-0.071]

39 We are interested in the general optimization problem, min C(w). [sent-59, score-0.043]

40 t Coordinate Descent Coordinate descent solves (I) iteratively by optimizing over a single coordinate while holding others fixed. [sent-66, score-0.75]

41 lYPically, the choice of the coordinate to be updated is cyclic. [sent-67, score-0.446]

42 One caveat with this scheme 2 however is that it could be expensive to compute the one-dimensional optimum for general functions £,. [sent-68, score-0.098]

43 Moreover when £, is not smooth, such coordinatewise descent is not guaranteed to converge to the global optimum in general, unless the non-differentiable component is separable [16]. [sent-69, score-0.383]

44 A line of recent work [16, 17, 14] has thus focused on a "gradient descent" version of coordinate descent, that iteratively uses a local quadratic upper bound rY of the function C. [sent-70, score-0.446]

45 For the case where the optimization function is the sum of a smooth function aod the i l regularizer, this variant is also ca\led Iterative Soft Thresholding [7]. [sent-71, score-0.227]

46 A template for such coordinate gradient descent is the set of iterates: w' = W'-I - ;, VjC(w')ej. [sent-72, score-0.821]

47 [10], Wu and Laoge [19] aod others have shown considerable empirical success in applying these to large problems. [sent-75, score-0.126]

48 Suppose the convex differentiable function C satisfies Assumptions Al and A2. [sent-84, score-0.193]

49 Then the iterates of Algorithm 1 satisfy: ° C(w') _ C(w*) :<; ~I Ilw ~ w II. [sent-85, score-0.098]

50 Letting c(P) denote the time required to solve each greedy step mruq IVIC( w') I, the greedy version of coordinate descent achieves the rate C(w') - C(w*) = 0(. [sent-87, score-1.741]

51 Note that the dependence on the problem size p is restricted to the greedy step: if we could solve this maximization more efficiently, then we have a powerful "active-set" method. [sent-89, score-0.507]

52 While brute force maximization for the greedy step would take O(P) time, ifit cao be done in 0(1) time, then at time T, the iterate w satisfies C( w) - C( w*) = 0(. [sent-90, score-0.92]

53 3 Nearest Neighbor aod Fast Greedy 10 this section, we examine whether the greedy step cao be performed in sublinear time. [sent-92, score-0.813]

54 We focus in particular on optimization problems arising from statistical learoing problems where the optimization objective can be written as n C(w) = ~i(wTx',y'), (2) i=l for some loss functioni : RxR r-> R, and a set of observations {(Xi, yi)}:'~I' with Xi E RP, yi E R. [sent-93, score-0.214]

55 Note that such an optimization objective arises in most statisticallearoing problems. [sent-94, score-0.083]

56 LetJing g( u, v) = V ui( u, v) denote the gradient of the sample loss with respect to its first argument, and ri(w) = g(wT Xi, yi), the gradient of the objective (2) may be written as VjC(w) = L~~I x~ r'(w) = (Xj, r(w)) . [sent-97, score-0.182]

57 It then follows that the greedy coordinate descent step in Algorithm 1 reduces to the following simple problem: maxi (xj,r(w)) I· , (3) We can now see why the greedy step (3) cao be performed efficiently: it cao be cast as a nearness problem. [sent-98, score-2.053]

58 Regarding the time taken to compute the gradient r(w), note that after any coordinate descent update, we can update r' in 0(1) time if we cache the values {(w, x')}, so that r can be updated in O(n) time. [sent-110, score-0.849]

59 The reduction to nearest neighbor search however comes with a caveat: nearest neighbor search variants that run in sublinear time only compute approximate nearest neighbors. [sent-111, score-1.549]

60 This in turn aroounts to performing the greedy step approximately. [sent-112, score-0.516]

61 In the next few subsections, we investigate the consequences of such approximations. [sent-113, score-0.048]

62 1 Multiplicative Greedy We first consider a variant where the greedy step is performed under a mnltiplicative approximation, where we choose a coordinate it such that, for some c E (0,1], IIV. [sent-115, score-1.085]

63 (5) As the following lemma shows, the approximate greedy steps have little qualitative effect (proof in Supplementary Material). [sent-118, score-0.632]

64 The greedy coordinate descent iterates, with the greedy step computed as in (5), satisfy: ~ . [sent-120, score-1.741]

65 c(w*) :0; The price for the approximate greedy updates is thus just a constant factor 1/c 2: I reduction in the convergence rate. [sent-124, score-0.591]

66 Note that the equivalence of (4) need not hold under multiplicative approximations. [sent-125, score-0.056]

67 That is, approximate nearest neighbor techuiques that obtain a nearest neighbor upto a multiplicative factor, do not guarantee a mnltiplicative approximation for the inner product in the greedy step in turn. [sent-126, score-1.771]

68 As the next lemma shows this still achieves the required qualitative rate. [sent-127, score-0.103]

69 Suppose the greedy step is performed as in (5) with a multiplicative approximation factor of (I + ,=) (due to approximate nearest neighbor search for instance). [sent-129, score-1.165]

70 Then, at any iteration t, the greedy coordinate descent iterates satisfy either of the following two conditions, for any' > 0: (a) V. [sent-130, score-1.368]

71 2 Additive Greedy Another natural variant is the following additive approximate greedy coordioate descent, where we choose the coordinate i, such that (6) for some 'odd. [sent-138, score-1.065]

72 As the lemma below shows, the approximate greedy steps have little qualitative effect Lemma 4. [sent-139, score-0.632]

73 The greedy coordinate descent iterates, with the greedy step computed as in (6), satisfy: . [sent-140, score-1.741]

74 Note that we need obtain an additive approximation in the greedy step only upto the order of the final precision desired of the optimization problem. [sent-143, score-0.661]

75 In particular, for statistical estimation problems the desired optimization accuracy need not be lower than the statisical precision, which is typically of the order of slog(P) /. [sent-144, score-0.043]

76 Indeed, given the conoections elucidated above to greedy coordinate descent, it is an interesting futore problem to develop approximate nearest neighbor methods with additive approximations. [sent-147, score-1.578]

77 4 Tailored Nearest Neighbor Data Structures In this section, we show that one could develop approximate nearest neighbor methods tailored to the statistical estimation setting. [sent-148, score-0.682]

78 1 Qnadtree nnder Mntnallncoherence We will show that just a vanilla quadtree yields a good approximation when the covariates satisfY a technical statistical condition of mutual coherence. [sent-150, score-0.26]

79 A quadtree is a tree data structure which partitions the space. [sent-151, score-0.112]

80 Each internal node u in the quadtree has a representative point, denoted by rep(u), and a list of children nodes, denoted by children(u), which partition the space under u. [sent-152, score-0.144]

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Author: Inderjit S. Dhillon, Pradeep K. Ravikumar, Ambuj Tewari

Abstract: Increasingly, optimization problems in machine learning, especially those arising from bigh-dimensional statistical estimation, bave a large number of variables. Modem statistical estimators developed over the past decade have statistical or sample complexity that depends only weakly on the number of parameters when there is some structore to the problem, such as sparsity. A central question is whether similar advances can be made in their computational complexity as well. In this paper, we propose strategies that indicate that such advances can indeed be made. In particular, we investigate the greedy coordinate descent algorithm, and note that performing the greedy step efficiently weakens the costly dependence on the problem size provided the solution is sparse. We then propose a snite of methods that perform these greedy steps efficiently by a reduction to nearest neighbor search. We also devise a more amenable form of greedy descent for composite non-smooth objectives; as well as several approximate variants of such greedy descent. We develop a practical implementation of our algorithm that combines greedy coordinate descent with locality sensitive hashing. Without tuning the latter data structore, we are not only able to significantly speed up the vanilla greedy method, hot also outperform cyclic descent when the problem size becomes large. Our resnlts indicate the effectiveness of our nearest neighbor strategies, and also point to many open questions regarding the development of computational geometric techniques tailored towards first-order optimization methods.

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Author: Ali Jalali, Christopher C. Johnson, Pradeep K. Ravikumar

Abstract: In this paper, we address the problem of learning the structure of a pairwise graphical model from samples in a high-dimensional setting. Our first main result studies the sparsistency, or consistency in sparsity pattern recovery, properties of a forward-backward greedy algorithm as applied to general statistical models. As a special case, we then apply this algorithm to learn the structure of a discrete graphical model via neighborhood estimation. As a corollary of our general result, we derive sufficient conditions on the number of samples n, the maximum nodedegree d and the problem size p, as well as other conditions on the model parameters, so that the algorithm recovers all the edges with high probability. Our result guarantees graph selection for samples scaling as n = Ω(d2 log(p)), in contrast to existing convex-optimization based algorithms that require a sample complexity of Ω(d3 log(p)). Further, the greedy algorithm only requires a restricted strong convexity condition which is typically milder than irrepresentability assumptions. We corroborate these results using numerical simulations at the end.

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Author: Cho-jui Hsieh, Inderjit S. Dhillon, Pradeep K. Ravikumar, Mátyás A. Sustik

Abstract: The 1 regularized Gaussian maximum likelihood estimator has been shown to have strong statistical guarantees in recovering a sparse inverse covariance matrix, or alternatively the underlying graph structure of a Gaussian Markov Random Field, from very limited samples. We propose a novel algorithm for solving the resulting optimization problem which is a regularized log-determinant program. In contrast to other state-of-the-art methods that largely use first order gradient information, our algorithm is based on Newton’s method and employs a quadratic approximation, but with some modifications that leverage the structure of the sparse Gaussian MLE problem. We show that our method is superlinearly convergent, and also present experimental results using synthetic and real application data that demonstrate the considerable improvements in performance of our method when compared to other state-of-the-art methods.

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Author: Levi Boyles, Anoop Korattikara, Deva Ramanan, Max Welling

Abstract: Learning problems, such as logistic regression, are typically formulated as pure optimization problems defined on some loss function. We argue that this view ignores the fact that the loss function depends on stochastically generated data which in turn determines an intrinsic scale of precision for statistical estimation. By considering the statistical properties of the update variables used during the optimization (e.g. gradients), we can construct frequentist hypothesis tests to determine the reliability of these updates. We utilize subsets of the data for computing updates, and use the hypothesis tests for determining when the batch-size needs to be increased. This provides computational benefits and avoids overfitting by stopping when the batch-size has become equal to size of the full dataset. Moreover, the proposed algorithms depend on a single interpretable parameter – the probability for an update to be in the wrong direction – which is set to a single value across all algorithms and datasets. In this paper, we illustrate these ideas on three L1 regularized coordinate descent algorithms: L1 -regularized L2 -loss SVMs, L1 -regularized logistic regression, and the Lasso, but we emphasize that the underlying methods are much more generally applicable. 1

5 0.52558106 143 nips-2011-Learning Anchor Planes for Classification

Author: Ziming Zhang, Lubor Ladicky, Philip Torr, Amir Saffari

Abstract: Local Coordinate Coding (LCC) [18] is a method for modeling functions of data lying on non-linear manifolds. It provides a set of anchor points which form a local coordinate system, such that each data point on the manifold can be approximated by a linear combination of its anchor points, and the linear weights become the local coordinate coding. In this paper we propose encoding data using orthogonal anchor planes, rather than anchor points. Our method needs only a few orthogonal anchor planes for coding, and it can linearize any (α, β, p)-Lipschitz smooth nonlinear function with a fixed expected value of the upper-bound approximation error on any high dimensional data. In practice, the orthogonal coordinate system can be easily learned by minimizing this upper bound using singular value decomposition (SVD). We apply our method to model the coordinates locally in linear SVMs for classification tasks, and our experiment on MNIST shows that using only 50 anchor planes our method achieves 1.72% error rate, while LCC achieves 1.90% error rate using 4096 anchor points. 1

6 0.50757384 142 nips-2011-Large-Scale Sparse Principal Component Analysis with Application to Text Data

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Author: Kristen Grauman, Fei Sha, Sung J. Hwang

Abstract: We introduce an approach to learn discriminative visual representations while exploiting external semantic knowledge about object category relationships. Given a hierarchical taxonomy that captures semantic similarity between the objects, we learn a corresponding tree of metrics (ToM). In this tree, we have one metric for each non-leaf node of the object hierarchy, and each metric is responsible for discriminating among its immediate subcategory children. Specifically, a Mahalanobis metric learned for a given node must satisfy the appropriate (dis)similarity constraints generated only among its subtree members’ training instances. To further exploit the semantics, we introduce a novel regularizer coupling the metrics that prefers a sparse disjoint set of features to be selected for each metric relative to its ancestor (supercategory) nodes’ metrics. Intuitively, this reflects that visual cues most useful to distinguish the generic classes (e.g., feline vs. canine) should be different than those cues most useful to distinguish their component fine-grained classes (e.g., Persian cat vs. Siamese cat). We validate our approach with multiple image datasets using the WordNet taxonomy, show its advantages over alternative metric learning approaches, and analyze the meaning of attribute features selected by our algorithm. 1

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Author: Inderjit S. Dhillon, Pradeep K. Ravikumar, Ambuj Tewari

Abstract: Increasingly, optimization problems in machine learning, especially those arising from bigh-dimensional statistical estimation, bave a large number of variables. Modem statistical estimators developed over the past decade have statistical or sample complexity that depends only weakly on the number of parameters when there is some structore to the problem, such as sparsity. A central question is whether similar advances can be made in their computational complexity as well. In this paper, we propose strategies that indicate that such advances can indeed be made. In particular, we investigate the greedy coordinate descent algorithm, and note that performing the greedy step efficiently weakens the costly dependence on the problem size provided the solution is sparse. We then propose a snite of methods that perform these greedy steps efficiently by a reduction to nearest neighbor search. We also devise a more amenable form of greedy descent for composite non-smooth objectives; as well as several approximate variants of such greedy descent. We develop a practical implementation of our algorithm that combines greedy coordinate descent with locality sensitive hashing. Without tuning the latter data structore, we are not only able to significantly speed up the vanilla greedy method, hot also outperform cyclic descent when the problem size becomes large. Our resnlts indicate the effectiveness of our nearest neighbor strategies, and also point to many open questions regarding the development of computational geometric techniques tailored towards first-order optimization methods.

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