nips nips2011 nips2011-161 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

161 nips-2011-Linearized Alternating Direction Method with Adaptive Penalty for Low-Rank Representation

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Author: Zhouchen Lin, Risheng Liu, Zhixun Su

Abstract: Many machine learning and signal processing problems can be formulated as linearly constrained convex programs, which could be efficiently solved by the alternating direction method (ADM). However, usually the subproblems in ADM are easily solvable only when the linear mappings in the constraints are identities. To address this issue, we propose a linearized ADM (LADM) method by linearizing the quadratic penalty term and adding a proximal term when solving the subproblems. For fast convergence, we also allow the penalty to change adaptively according a novel update rule. We prove the global convergence of LADM with adaptive penalty (LADMAP). As an example, we apply LADMAP to solve lowrank representation (LRR), which is an important subspace clustering technique yet suffers from high computation cost. By combining LADMAP with a skinny SVD representation technique, we are able to reduce the complexity O(n3 ) of the original ADM based method to O(rn2 ), where r and n are the rank and size of the representation matrix, respectively, hence making LRR possible for large scale applications. Numerical experiments verify that for LRR our LADMAP based methods are much faster than state-of-the-art algorithms. 1

Reference: text

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sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 However, usually the subproblems in ADM are easily solvable only when the linear mappings in the constraints are identities. [sent-2, score-0.055]

2 To address this issue, we propose a linearized ADM (LADM) method by linearizing the quadratic penalty term and adding a proximal term when solving the subproblems. [sent-3, score-0.231]

3 For fast convergence, we also allow the penalty to change adaptively according a novel update rule. [sent-4, score-0.099]

4 We prove the global convergence of LADM with adaptive penalty (LADMAP). [sent-5, score-0.131]

5 As an example, we apply LADMAP to solve lowrank representation (LRR), which is an important subspace clustering technique yet suffers from high computation cost. [sent-6, score-0.084]

6 By combining LADMAP with a skinny SVD representation technique, we are able to reduce the complexity O(n3 ) of the original ADM based method to O(rn2 ), where r and n are the rank and size of the representation matrix, respectively, hence making LRR possible for large scale applications. [sent-7, score-0.088]

7 Many of the problems in these fields can be formulated as the following linearly constrained convex programs: min f (x) + g(y), s. [sent-10, score-0.032]

8 , the nuclear norm ∥ · ∥∗ [2], Frobenius norm ∥ · ∥, l2,1 norm ∥ · ∥2,1 [13], and l1 norm ∥ · ∥1 ), and A and B are linear mappings. [sent-14, score-0.116]

9 The accelerated proximal gradient (APG) algorithm [16] is a popular technique due to its guaranteed O(k −2 ) convergence rate, where k is the iteration number. [sent-18, score-0.107]

10 The alternating direction method (ADM) has also regained a lot of attention [11, 15]. [sent-19, score-0.074]

11 However, when 1 A or B is not the identity mapping, the subproblems in ADM may not have closed form solutions. [sent-22, score-0.07]

12 In this paper, we propose a linearized version of ADM (LADM) to overcome the difficulty in solving subproblems. [sent-24, score-0.105]

13 It is to replace the quadratic penalty term by linearizing the penalty term and adding a proximal term. [sent-25, score-0.21]

14 We also allow the penalty parameter to change adaptively and propose a novel and simple rule to update it. [sent-26, score-0.118]

15 Linearization makes the auxiliary variables unnecessary, hence saving memory and waiving the expensive matrix inversions to update the auxiliary variables. [sent-27, score-0.124]

16 Moreover, without the extra constraints introduced by the auxiliary variables, the convergence is also faster. [sent-28, score-0.059]

17 Using a variable penalty parameter further speeds up the convergence. [sent-29, score-0.072]

18 The global convergence of LADM with adaptive penalty (LADMAP) is also proven. [sent-30, score-0.118]

19 As an example, we apply our LADMAP to solve the low-rank representation (LRR) problem [12]1 : min ∥Z∥∗ + µ∥E∥2,1 , s. [sent-31, score-0.035]

20 LRR is an important robust subspace clustering technique and has found wide applications in machine learning and computer vision, e. [sent-34, score-0.083]

21 , motion segmentation, face clustering, and temporal segmentation [12, 14, 6]. [sent-36, score-0.043]

22 However, the existing LRR solver [12] is based on ADM, which suffers from O(n3 ) computation complexity due to the matrix-matrix multiplications and matrix inversions. [sent-37, score-0.072]

23 Moreover, introducing auxiliary variables also slows down the convergence, as there are more variables and constraints. [sent-38, score-0.032]

24 We show that LADMAP can be successfully applied to LRR, obtaining faster convergence speed than the original solver. [sent-41, score-0.04]

25 By further representing Z as its skinny SVD and utilizing an advanced functionality of the PROPACK [9] package, the complexity of solving LRR by LADMAP becomes only O(rn2 ), as there is no full sized matrix-matrix multiplications, where r is the rank of the optimal Z. [sent-42, score-0.141]

26 First, they only proved the convergence of LADM for a specific problem, namely nuclear norm regularization. [sent-47, score-0.097]

27 Their proof utilized some special properties of the nuclear norm, while we prove the convergence of LADM for general problems in (1). [sent-48, score-0.076]

28 Although they mentioned the dynamic updating rule proposed in [8], their proof cannot be straightforwardly applied to the case of variable penalty. [sent-50, score-0.056]

29 So it is difficult to choose an optimal fixed penalty that fits for different problems and problem sizes, while our novel updating rule for the penalty, although simple, is effective for different problems and problem sizes. [sent-53, score-0.128]

30 The linearization technique has also been used in other optimization methods. [sent-54, score-0.048]

31 For example, Yin [22] applied this technique to the Bregman iteration for solving compressive sensing problems and proved that the linearized Bregman method converges to an exact solution conditionally. [sent-55, score-0.173]

32 When solving (1) by ADM, one operates on the following augmented Lagrangian function: L(x, y, λ) = f (x) + g(y) + ⟨λ, A(x) + B(y) − c⟩ + β ∥A(x) + B(y) − c∥2 , 2 (3) where λ is the Lagrange multiplier, ⟨·, ·⟩ is the inner product, and β > 0 is the penalty parameter. [sent-59, score-0.111]

33 The usual augmented Lagrange multiplier method is to minimize L w. [sent-60, score-0.045]

34 (x, y) into two subproblems that 1 Here we switch to bold capital letters in order to emphasize that the variables are matrices. [sent-68, score-0.055]

35 More specifically, the iterations of ADM go as follows: xk+1 = arg min L(x, yk , λk ) x = β ∥A(x) + B(yk ) − c + λk /β∥2 , 2 arg min L(xk+1 , y, λk ) = arg min g(y) + = yk+1 λk+1 = arg min f (x) + (4) x y β ∥B(y) + A(xk+1 ) − c + λk /β∥2 , 2 λk + β[A(xk+1 ) + B(yk+1 ) − c]. [sent-73, score-0.367]

36 (5) y (6) In many machine learning problems, as f and g are matrix or vector norms, the subproblems (4) and (5) usually have closed form solutions when A and B are identities [2, 12, 21]. [sent-74, score-0.084]

37 To overcome this difficulty, a common strategy is to introduce auxiliary variables [12, 1] u and v and reformulate problem (1) into an equivalent one: min f (x) + g(y), s. [sent-80, score-0.064]

38 Moreover, to update u and v, whose subproblems are least squares problems, expensive matrix inversions are often necessary. [sent-84, score-0.115]

39 To avoid introducing auxiliary variables and still solve subproblems (4) and (5) efficiently, inspired by Yang et al. [sent-86, score-0.102]

40 [20], we propose a linearization technique for (4) and (5). [sent-87, score-0.048]

41 To further accelerate the convergence of the algorithm, we also propose an adaptive rule for updating the penalty parameter. [sent-88, score-0.187]

42 Similarly, subproblem (5) can be approximated by βηB ∥y − yk + B ∗ (λk + β(A(xk+1 ) + B(yk ) − c))/(βηB )∥2 . [sent-92, score-0.231]

43 yk+1 = arg min g(y) + y 2 (9) The update of Lagrange multiplier still goes as (6)2 . [sent-93, score-0.093]

44 3 Adaptive Penalty In previous ADM and LADM approaches [15, 21, 20], the penalty parameter β is fixed. [sent-95, score-0.072]

45 ’s adaptive updating rule [8] in their papers, the rule is for ADM only. [sent-102, score-0.094]

46 We propose the following adaptive updating strategy for the penalty parameter β: βk+1 = min(βmax , ρβk ), (10) 2 As in [20], we can also introduce a parameter γ and update λ as λk+1 = λk +γβ[A(xk+1 )+B(yk+1 )−c]. [sent-103, score-0.155]

47 The value of ρ is defined as { √ √ ρ0 , if βk max( ηA ∥xk+1 − xk ∥, ηB ∥yk+1 − yk ∥)/∥c∥ < ε2 , ρ= 1, otherwise, (11) where ρ0 ≥ 1 is a constant. [sent-107, score-0.424]

48 The condition to assign ρ = ρ0 comes from the analysis on the stopping criteria (see Section 2. [sent-108, score-0.046]

49 Our updating rule is fundamentally different from He et al. [sent-111, score-0.056]

50 ’s for ADM [8], which aims at balancing the errors in the stopping criteria and involves several parameters. [sent-112, score-0.046]

51 4 Convergence of LADMAP To prove the convergence of LADMAP, we first have the following propositions. [sent-114, score-0.04]

52 ∥xk+1 − xk ∥ → 0, ∥yk+1 − yk ∥ → 0, ∥λk+1 − λk ∥ → 0. [sent-121, score-0.424]

53 Then we can prove the convergence of LADMAP, as stated in the following theorem. [sent-123, score-0.04]

54 Theorem 3 If {βk } is non-decreasing and upper bounded, ηA > ∥A∥2 , and ηB > ∥B∥2 , then the sequence {(xk , yk , λk )} generated by LADMAP converges to a KKT point of problem (1). [sent-124, score-0.222]

55 So the first stopping criterion is the feasibility: ∥A(xk+1 ) + B(yk+1 ) − c∥/∥c∥ < ε1 . [sent-129, score-0.044]

56 (15) As for the second KKT condition, we rewrite the second part of Proposition 1 as follows ˜ −βk [ηB (yk+1 − yk ) + B ∗ (A(xk+1 − xk ))] − B ∗ (λk+1 ) ∈ ∂g(yk+1 ). [sent-130, score-0.424]

57 (16) ˜ So for λk+1 to satisfy the second KKT condition, both βk ηA ∥xk+1 − xk ∥ and βk ∥ηB (yk+1 − yk ) + B ∗ (A(xk+1 − xk ))∥ should be small enough. [sent-131, score-0.641]

58 This leads to the second stopping criterion: βk max(ηA ∥xk+1 − xk ∥/∥A∗ (c)∥, ηB ∥yk+1 − yk ∥/∥B ∗ (c)∥) ≤ ε′ . [sent-132, score-0.456]

59 (17) 2 √ √ ∗ ∗ By estimating ∥A (c)∥ and ∥B (c)∥ by ηA ∥c∥ and ηB ∥c∥, respectively, we arrive at the second stopping criterion in use: √ √ βk max( ηA ∥xk+1 − xk ∥, ηB ∥yk+1 − yk ∥)/∥c∥ ≤ ε2 . [sent-133, score-0.468]

60 We further introduce acceleration tricks to reduce the computation complexity of each iteration. [sent-142, score-0.064]

61 In the subproblem for updating E, one may apply −1 the l2,1 -norm shrinkage operator [12], with a threshold βk , to matrix Mk = −XZk + X − Λk /βk . [sent-146, score-0.075]

62 In the subproblem for updating Z, one has to apply the singular value shrinkage operator [2], with −1 a threshold (βk ηX )−1 , to matrix Nk = Zk − ηX XT (XZk + Ek+1 − X + Λk /βk ), where ηX > 2 σmax (X). [sent-147, score-0.103]

63 2 Acceleration Tricks for LRR Up to now, LADMAP for LRR is still of complexity O(n3 ), although partial SVD is already used. [sent-151, score-0.04]

64 This is because forming Mk and Nk requires full sized matrix-matrix multiplications, e. [sent-152, score-0.048]

65 To break this complexity bound, we introduce a decomposition technique to further accelerate T LADMAP for LRR. [sent-155, score-0.062]

66 By representing Zk as its skinny SVD: Zk = Uk Σk Vk , some of the full sized matrix-matrix multiplications are gone: they are replaced by successive reduced sized matrix-matrix T multiplications. [sent-156, score-0.162]

67 For example, when updating E, XZk is computed as ((XUk )Σk )Vk , reducing the 2 complexity to O(rn ). [sent-157, score-0.058]

68 Fortunately, in PROPACK the bi-diagonalizing process of Nk is done by the Lanczos procedure [9], which only requires to compute matrix-vector multiplications Nk v and uT Nk , where u and v are some vectors in the Lanczos procedure. [sent-160, score-0.037]

69 So the computation complexity of partial SVD of Nk is still O(rn2 ). [sent-162, score-0.04]

70 Consequently, with our acceleration techniques, the complexity of our accelerated LADMAP (denoted as LADMAP(A) for short) for LRR is O(rn2 ). [sent-163, score-0.074]

71 So one has to predict the number of singular values that are greater than a threshold [11, 20, 16]. [sent-166, score-0.041]

72 Recently, we have modified PROPACK so that it can output the singular values that are greater than a threshold and their corresponding singular vectors. [sent-168, score-0.069]

73 4 T When forming Nk explicitly, XT XZk can be computed as ((XT (XUk ))Σk )Vk , whose complexity is 2 T still O(rn ), while X Ek+1 could also be accelerated as Ek+1 is a column-sparse matrix. [sent-170, score-0.061]

74 while (15) or (18) is not satisfied do T Step 1: Update Ek+1 = arg min µ∥E∥2,1 + βk ∥E + (XUk )Σk Vk − X + Λk /βk ∥2 . [sent-174, score-0.04]

75 Step 2: Update the skinny SVD (Uk+1 , Σk+1 , Vk+1 ) of Zk+1 . [sent-177, score-0.043]

76 First, compute the partial ˜ ˜ ˜T SVD Ur Σr Vr of the implicit matrix Nk , which is bi-diagonalized by the successive matrix˜ vector multiplication technique described in Section 3. [sent-178, score-0.077]

77 Second, Uk+1 = Ur (:, 1 : r′ ), ˜ r (1 : r′ , 1 : r′ ) − (βk ηX )−1 I, Vk+1 = Vr (:, 1 : r′ ), where r′ is the number of ˜ Σk+1 = Σ singular values in Σr that are greater than (βk ηX )−1 . [sent-180, score-0.041]

78 We test and compare these solvers on both synthetic multiple subspaces data and the real world motion data (Hopkin155 motion segmentation database [17]). [sent-192, score-0.088]

79 In particular, for LADM the penalty is fixed at β = 2. [sent-197, score-0.072]

80 As the code of ADM was downloaded, its stopping criteria, ∥XZk + Ek − X∥/∥X∥ ≤ ε1 and max(∥Ek − Ek−1 ∥/∥X∥, ∥Zk − Zk−1 ∥/∥X∥) ≤ ε2 , are used in all our experiments7 . [sent-202, score-0.032]

81 ˜ So each subspace has a rank of r and the data has an ambient dimension of d. [sent-206, score-0.048]

82 However, this does not harm the convergence of LADMAP because (18) is always checked when updating βk+1 (see (11)). [sent-222, score-0.064]

83 Moreover, the advantage of LADMAP(A) is even greater when the ratio r/p, which is roughly the ratio of the rank of Z0 to the size of Z0 , is ˜ smaller, which testifies to the complexity estimations on LADMAP and LADMAP(A) for LRR. [sent-224, score-0.058]

84 5 Conclusions In this paper, we propose a linearized alternating direction method with adaptive penalty for solving subproblems in ADM conveniently. [sent-371, score-0.313]

85 With LADMAP, no auxiliary variables are required and the convergence is also much faster. [sent-372, score-0.059]

86 We further apply it to solve the LRR problem and combine it with an acceleration trick so that the computation complexity is reduced from O(n3 ) to O(rn2 ), which is highly advantageous over the existing LRR solvers. [sent-373, score-0.064]

87 A Proof of Theorem 3 Proof By Proposition 2 (1), {(xk , yk , λk )} is bounded, hence has an accumulation point, say (xkj , ykj , λkj ) → (x∞ , y∞ , λ∞ ). [sent-382, score-0.292]

88 This shows that any accumulation point of {(xk , yk )} is a feasible solution. [sent-387, score-0.228]

89 By letting k = kj − 1 in Proposition 1 and the definition of subgradient, we have ˜ f (xkj ) + g(ykj ) ≤ f (x∗ ) + g(y∗ ) + ⟨xkj − x∗ , −βkj −1 ηA (xkj − xkj −1 ) − A∗ (λkj )⟩ ∗ ∗ ˆ +⟨ykj − y , −βkj −1 ηB (ykj − ykj −1 ) − B (λkj )⟩. [sent-388, score-0.201]

90 Again, let k = kj − 1 in Proposition 1 and by the definition of subgradient, we have ˜ f (x) ≥ f (xk ) + ⟨x − xk , −βk −1 ηA (xk − xk −1 ) − A∗ (λk )⟩, ∀x. [sent-391, score-0.496]

91 We next prove that the whole sequence {(xk , yk , λk )} converges to (x∞ , y∞ , λ∞ ). [sent-397, score-0.235]

92 As (x∞ , y∞ , λ∞ ) can be an arbitrary accumulation point of {(xk , yk , λk )}, we may conclude that {(xk , yk , λk )} converges to a KKT point of problem (1). [sent-401, score-0.45]

93 Distributed optimization and statistical learning via the alternating direction method of multipliers. [sent-408, score-0.074]

94 A closed form solution to robust subspace estimation and clustering. [sent-439, score-0.053]

95 Alternating direction method with Gaussian back substitution for separable convex programming. [sent-445, score-0.037]

96 Alternating direction method with self-adaptive penalty parameters for monotone variational inequality. [sent-451, score-0.097]

97 The augmented Lagrange multiplier method for exact recovery of corrupted low-rank matrices. [sent-467, score-0.06]

98 An accelerated proximal gradient algorithm for nuclear norm regularized least sequares problems. [sent-499, score-0.108]

99 Linearized augmented Lagrangian and alternating direction methods for nuclear norm minimization. [sent-526, score-0.149]

100 Alternating direction algorithms for l1 problems in compressive sensing. [sent-531, score-0.048]

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[(0, 0.078), (1, 0.003), (2, -0.036), (3, -0.058), (4, -0.038), (5, 0.036), (6, -0.032), (7, 0.05), (8, 0.012), (9, 0.04), (10, 0.05), (11, -0.012), (12, -0.006), (13, -0.017), (14, -0.023), (15, -0.038), (16, -0.018), (17, 0.012), (18, -0.017), (19, 0.027), (20, -0.037), (21, 0.03), (22, 0.008), (23, -0.077), (24, -0.066), (25, 0.03), (26, 0.029), (27, -0.084), (28, 0.031), (29, -0.055), (30, -0.034), (31, 0.046), (32, -0.103), (33, 0.045), (34, -0.017), (35, 0.013), (36, -0.046), (37, -0.157), (38, -0.009), (39, -0.17), (40, 0.033), (41, 0.004), (42, -0.024), (43, -0.182), (44, 0.121), (45, -0.069), (46, 0.062), (47, 0.005), (48, 0.009), (49, 0.134)]

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Author: Zhouchen Lin, Risheng Liu, Zhixun Su

Abstract: Many machine learning and signal processing problems can be formulated as linearly constrained convex programs, which could be efficiently solved by the alternating direction method (ADM). However, usually the subproblems in ADM are easily solvable only when the linear mappings in the constraints are identities. To address this issue, we propose a linearized ADM (LADM) method by linearizing the quadratic penalty term and adding a proximal term when solving the subproblems. For fast convergence, we also allow the penalty to change adaptively according a novel update rule. We prove the global convergence of LADM with adaptive penalty (LADMAP). As an example, we apply LADMAP to solve lowrank representation (LRR), which is an important subspace clustering technique yet suffers from high computation cost. By combining LADMAP with a skinny SVD representation technique, we are able to reduce the complexity O(n3 ) of the original ADM based method to O(rn2 ), where r and n are the rank and size of the representation matrix, respectively, hence making LRR possible for large scale applications. Numerical experiments verify that for LRR our LADMAP based methods are much faster than state-of-the-art algorithms. 1

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Abstract: Many machine learning and signal processing problems can be formulated as linearly constrained convex programs, which could be efficiently solved by the alternating direction method (ADM). However, usually the subproblems in ADM are easily solvable only when the linear mappings in the constraints are identities. To address this issue, we propose a linearized ADM (LADM) method by linearizing the quadratic penalty term and adding a proximal term when solving the subproblems. For fast convergence, we also allow the penalty to change adaptively according a novel update rule. We prove the global convergence of LADM with adaptive penalty (LADMAP). As an example, we apply LADMAP to solve lowrank representation (LRR), which is an important subspace clustering technique yet suffers from high computation cost. By combining LADMAP with a skinny SVD representation technique, we are able to reduce the complexity O(n3 ) of the original ADM based method to O(rn2 ), where r and n are the rank and size of the representation matrix, respectively, hence making LRR possible for large scale applications. Numerical experiments verify that for LRR our LADMAP based methods are much faster than state-of-the-art algorithms. 1

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