nips nips2010 nips2010-108 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

108 nips-2010-Graph-Valued Regression

Source: pdf

Author: Han Liu, Xi Chen, Larry Wasserman, John D. Lafferty

Abstract: Undirected graphical models encode in a graph G the dependency structure of a random vector Y . In many applications, it is of interest to model Y given another random vector X as input. We refer to the problem of estimating the graph G(x) of Y conditioned on X = x as “graph-valued regression”. In this paper, we propose a semiparametric method for estimating G(x) that builds a tree on the X space just as in CART (classification and regression trees), but at each leaf of the tree estimates a graph. We call the method “Graph-optimized CART”, or GoCART. We study the theoretical properties of Go-CART using dyadic partitioning trees, establishing oracle inequalities on risk minimization and tree partition consistency. We also demonstrate the application of Go-CART to a meteorological dataset, showing how graph-valued regression can provide a useful tool for analyzing complex data. 1

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Graph-Valued Regression Han Liu Xi Chen John Lafferty Larry Wasserman Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Abstract Undirected graphical models encode in a graph G the dependency structure of a random vector Y . [sent-1, score-0.149]

2 We refer to the problem of estimating the graph G(x) of Y conditioned on X = x as “graph-valued regression”. [sent-3, score-0.145]

3 In this paper, we propose a semiparametric method for estimating G(x) that builds a tree on the X space just as in CART (classification and regression trees), but at each leaf of the tree estimates a graph. [sent-4, score-0.354]

4 We study the theoretical properties of Go-CART using dyadic partitioning trees, establishing oracle inequalities on risk minimization and tree partition consistency. [sent-6, score-1.036]

5 We also demonstrate the application of Go-CART to a meteorological dataset, showing how graph-valued regression can provide a useful tool for analyzing complex data. [sent-7, score-0.146]

6 A common way to study the structure of P is to construct the undirected graph G = (V, E), where the vertex set V corresponds to the p components of the vector Y . [sent-9, score-0.161]

7 In particular, let G(x) be the undirected graph corresponding to P (· | X = x). [sent-14, score-0.161]

8 Then G induces a partition of X , denoted as X1 , . [sent-17, score-0.328]

9 , Xm , where x1 and x2 lie in the same partition element if and only if G(x1 ) = G(x2 ). [sent-20, score-0.318]

10 Graph-valued regression is thus the problem of estimating the partition and estimating the graph within each partition element. [sent-21, score-0.799]

11 We present three different partition-based graph estimators; two that use global optimization, and one based on a greedy splitting procedure. [sent-22, score-0.238]

12 One of the optimization based schemes uses penalized empirical risk minimization, the other uses held-out risk minimization. [sent-23, score-0.399]

13 As we show, both methods enjoy strong theoretical properties under relatively weak assumptions; in particular, we establish oracle inequalities on the excess risk of the estimators, and tree partition consistency (under stronger assumptions) in Section 4. [sent-24, score-0.681]

14 In Section 5 we present experimental results on both synthetic data and a meteorological dataset, demonstrating how graph-valued regression can be an effective tool for analyzing high dimensional data with covariates. [sent-27, score-0.146]

15 One way to estimate G from the sample is the graphical lasso or glasso [13, 5, 1], where one assumes that P is Gaussian with mean µ and covariance matrix Σ. [sent-33, score-0.293]

16 Missing edges in the graph correspond to zero elements in the precision matrix Ω = Σ−1 [12, 4, 7]. [sent-34, score-0.216]

17 A sparse estimate of Ω is obtained by solving Ω = arg min tr(SΩ) − log |Ω| + λ Ω 1 (1) Ω 0 where Ω is positive definite, S is the sample covariance matrix, and Ω 1 = j,k |Ωjk | is the elementwise 1 -norm of Ω. [sent-35, score-0.164]

18 In practice, it seems that the glasso yields reasonable graph estimators even if Y is not Gaussian; however, proving conditions under which this happens is an open problem. [sent-41, score-0.294]

19 We can estimate ΣX , ΣY , and ΣXY by their corresponding sample ΣY X ΣY quantities ΣX , ΣY , and ΣXY , and the marginal precision matrix of X, denoted as ΩX , can be estimated using the glasso. [sent-46, score-0.182]

20 In particular, the conditional covariance matrix of Y | X is ΣY |X = ΣY − ΣY X ΩX ΣXY and a sparse estimate of ΩY |X can be obtained by directly plugging ΣY |X into glasso. [sent-48, score-0.185]

21 However, the estimated graph does not vary with different values of X. [sent-49, score-0.164]

22 h h i=1 i=1 Now we apply glasso in (1) with S = Σ(x) to obtain an estimate of G(x). [sent-56, score-0.176]

23 In this approach, we partition X into finitely many connected regions X1 , . [sent-60, score-0.288]

24 Within each Xj , we apply the glasso to get an estimated graph Gj . [sent-64, score-0.308]

25 We take the partition elements to be recursively defined hyperrectangles. [sent-67, score-0.288]

26 As is well-known, we can then represent the partition by a tree, where each leaf node corresponds to a single partition element. [sent-68, score-0.691]

27 In CART, the leaves are associated with the means within each partition element; while in our case, there will be an estimated undirected graph for each leaf node. [sent-69, score-0.566]

28 The task of graph-valued regression is to find a sparse inverse covariance Ω(x) to estimate Ω(x) for any x ∈ X ; in some situations the graph of Ω(x) is of greater interest than the entries of Ω(x) themselves. [sent-90, score-0.294]

29 We partition X into finitely many connected regions X1 , . [sent-92, score-0.288]

30 , Xm , and within each Xj we apply the glasso to estimate a graph Gj . [sent-95, score-0.291]

31 To find the partition, we restrict ourselves to dyadic splits, as studied by [11, 2]. [sent-97, score-0.303]

32 The primary reason for such a choice is the computational and theoretical tractability of dyadic partition based estimators. [sent-98, score-0.591]

33 Let T denote the set of dyadic partitioning trees (DPTs) defined over X = [0, 1]d , where each DPT T ∈ T is constructed by recursively dividing X by means of axis-orthogonal dyadic splits. [sent-99, score-0.679]

34 If a node is associated to the hyperd rectangle A = l=1 [al , bl ], then after being dyadically split along dimension k, the two children (k) are associated with the sub-hyperrectangles AL = l k [al , bl ] and 2 (k) (k) AR = A\AL . [sent-101, score-0.239]

35 , XmT } the partition of X induced by the leaf nodes of T . [sent-105, score-0.392]

36 For a dyadic integer N = 2K , we define TN to be the collection of all DPTs such that no partition has a side length smaller than 2−K . [sent-106, score-0.591]

37 We denote µT (x) and ΩT (x) as the piecewise constant mean and precision functions associated with T : mT mT µXj · I (x ∈ Xj ) and ΩT (x) = µT (x) = j=1 ΩXj · I (x ∈ Xj ) , j=1 where µXj ∈ Rp and ΩXj ∈ Rp×p are the mean vector and precision matrix for Xj . [sent-108, score-0.177]

38 The penalized empirical risk minimization Go-CART estimator is defined as T , µXj , ΩXj b b mT b j=1 = argminT ∈TN ,µX j ∈Mj ,ΩXj ∈Λj R(T, µT , ΩT ) + pen(T ) [[T ]] log 2+2 log(np) . [sent-120, score-0.346]

39 n where R is defined in (3) and pen(T ) = γn · mT 3 (5) Empirically, we may always set the dyadic integer N to be a reasonably large value; the regularization parameter γn is responsible for selecting a suitable DPT T ∈ TN . [sent-121, score-0.303]

40 The held-out negative log-likelihood risk is then given by Rout (T, µT , ΩT ) = 1 n2 n2 mT tr ΩXj (yi − µXj )(yi − µXj )T − log |ΩXj | · I (xi ∈ Xj ) . [sent-130, score-0.247]

41 The held-out risk minimization Go-CART estimator is T = argminT ∈TN Rout (T, µT , ΩT ). [sent-136, score-0.26]

42 The above procedures require us to find an optimal dyadic partitioning tree within TN . [sent-138, score-0.454]

43 We focus on the held-out risk minimization form as in Definition 2, due to its superior empirical performance. [sent-141, score-0.213]

44 But note that our greedy approach is generic and can easily be adapted to the penalized empirical risk minimization form. [sent-142, score-0.331]

45 First, consider the simple case that we are given a dyadic tree structure T which induces a partition Π(T )={X1 , . [sent-143, score-0.735]

46 For any partition element Xj , we estimate the sample mean using D1 : µXj = n1 i=1 1 I (xi ∈ Xj ) n1 yi · I (xi ∈ Xj ) . [sent-147, score-0.404]

47 i=1 The glasso is then used to estimate a sparse precision matrix ΩXj . [sent-148, score-0.318]

48 More precisely, let ΣXj be the sample covariance matrix for the partition element Xj , given by ΣXj = 1 n1 I (xi ∈ Xj ) i=1 n1 yi − µXj yi − µXj T · I (xi ∈ Xj ) . [sent-149, score-0.509]

49 In practice, we run the full regularization path of the glasso, from large λj , which yields very sparse graph, to small λj , and select the graph that minimizes the held-out negative log-likelihood risk. [sent-151, score-0.156]

50 To further improve the model selection performance, we refit the parameters of the precision matrix after the graph has been selected. [sent-152, score-0.216]

51 That is, to reduce the bias of the glasso, we first estimate the sparse precision matrix using 1 -regularization, and then we refit the Gaussian model without 1 -regularization, but enforcing the sparsity pattern obtained in the first step. [sent-153, score-0.174]

52 The natural, standard greedy procedure starts from the coarsest partition X = [0, 1]d and then computes the decrease in the held-out risk by dyadically splitting each hyperrectangle A along dimension k ∈ {1, . [sent-154, score-0.703]

53 The dimension k∗ that results in the largest decrease in held-out risk is selected, where the change in risk is given by (k) (k) (k) ∆Rout (A, µA , ΩA ) = Rout (A, µA , ΩA ) − Rout (AL , µA(k) , ΩA(k) ) − Rout (AR , µA(k) , ΩA(k) ). [sent-158, score-0.381]

54 L L R R If splitting any dimension k of A leads to an increase in the held-out risk, the element A should no longer be split and hence becomes a partition element of Π(T ). [sent-159, score-0.475]

55 This greedy partitioning method parallels the classical algorithms for classification and regression that have been used in statistical learning for decades. [sent-161, score-0.16]

56 4 4 Theoretical Properties We define the oracle risk R∗ over TN as R∗ = R(T ∗ , µ∗ , Ω∗ ) = T T inf T ∈TN ,µXj ∈Mj ,ΩXj ∈Λj R(T, µT , ΩT ). [sent-164, score-0.295]

57 Note that T ∗ , µ∗ ∗ , and Ω∗ ∗ might not be unique, since the finest partition always achieves the oracle T T risk. [sent-165, score-0.344]

58 Let T ∈ TN be an arbitrary DPT which induces a partition Π(T ) = {X1 , . [sent-168, score-0.328]

59 Let T ∈ TN be a DPT that induces a partition Π(T ) = {X1 , . [sent-183, score-0.328]

60 For any δ ∈ (0, 1/4), let T , µT , ΩT be the estimator obtained using the penalized empirical risk minimizab b tion Go-CART in Definition 1, with a penalty term pen(T ) of the form [[T ]] log 2 + 2 log p + log(48/δ) pen(T ) = (C1 + 1)Ln mT n √ √ where C1 = 8 v2 + 8B v1 + B 2 . [sent-187, score-0.339]

61 Then for sufficiently large n, the excess risk inequality R(T , µT , ΩT ) − R∗ ≤ inf b b T ∈TN 2pen(T ) + inf µXj ∈Mj ,ΩXj ∈Λj (R(T, µT , ΩT ) − R∗ ) holds with probability at least 1 − δ. [sent-188, score-0.34]

62 A similar oracle inequality holds when using the held-out risk minimization Go-CART. [sent-189, score-0.269]

63 Let T ∈ TN be a DPT which induces a partition Π(T ) = {X1 , . [sent-191, score-0.328]

64 Let T , µT , ΩT be the estimator constructed using the held-out risk minimization criterion of b b Definition 2. [sent-203, score-0.26]

65 Then, for sufficiently large n, the excess risk inequality R(T , µT , ΩT ) − R∗ ≤ inf b b T ∈TN 3φn (T ) + inf µXj ∈Mj ,ΩXj ∈Λj (R(T, µT , ΩT ) − R∗ ) + φn (T ) with probability at least 1 − δ. [sent-204, score-0.34]

66 We now temporarily make the strong assumption that the model is correct, so that Y given X is conditionally Gaussian, with a partition structure that is given by a dyadic tree. [sent-207, score-0.618]

67 We show that with high probability, the true dyadic partition structure can be correctly recovered. [sent-208, score-0.591]

68 The true model is Y | X = x ∼ Np (µ∗ ∗ (x), Ω∗ ∗ (x)) T T ∗ where T ∈ TN is a DPT with induced partition Π(T ∗ ) = {Xj∗ }mT ∗ and j=1 µ∗ ∗ (x) = T mT ∗ µ∗ I(x ∈ Xj∗ ), j Ω∗ ∗ (x) = T j=1 Ω∗ I(x ∈ Xj∗ ). [sent-210, score-0.324]

69 A tree estimation procedure T is tree partition consistent in case P Π(T ∗ ) ⊂ Π(T ) → 1 as n → ∞. [sent-214, score-0.496]

70 Note that the estimated partition may be finer than the true partition. [sent-215, score-0.337]

71 Establishing a tree partition consistency result requires further technical assumptions. [sent-216, score-0.392]

72 The following assumption specifies that for arbitrary adjacent subregions of the true dyadic partition, either the means or the variances should be sufficiently different. [sent-217, score-0.508]

73 Let Xi∗ and Xj∗ be adjacent partition elements of T ∗ , so that they have a common parent node within T ∗ . [sent-220, score-0.335]

74 Moreover, the Go-CART estimator in both the penalized risk minimization and held-out risk minimization form is tree partition consistent. [sent-230, score-0.918]

75 inf Π(T ∗ ) inf Π(T ) µT , ΩT ∈MT R(T, µT , ΩT ) − R(T ∗ , µ∗ ∗ , Ω∗ ∗ ) > min{ T T This result shows that, with high probability, we obtain a finer partition than T ∗ ; the assumptions do not, however, control the size of the resulting partition. [sent-231, score-0.42]

76 5 Experiments We now present the performance of the greedy partitioning algorithm of Section 3 on both synthetic data and a real meteorological dataset. [sent-233, score-0.21]

77 In the experiment, we always set the dyadic integer N = 210 to ensure that we can obtain fine-tuned partitions of the input space X . [sent-234, score-0.342]

78 (a) Estimated dyadic tree structure; (b) Ground true partition. [sent-289, score-0.407]

79 The number labeled on each subregion corresponds to each leaf node ID of the tree in (a); (c) The held-out negative log-likelihood risk for each split. [sent-293, score-0.518]

80 The order of the splits corresponds the ID of the tree node (from small to large). [sent-294, score-0.178]

81 hypercube into 22 subregions as shown in Figure 1 (b). [sent-295, score-0.21]

82 For the t-th subregion where 1 ≤ t ≤ 22, we generate an Erd¨ s-R´ nyi random graph Gt = (V t , E t ) with the number of vertices p = 20, o e the number of edges |E| = 10 and the maximum node degree is four. [sent-296, score-0.288]

83 The learned dyadic tree structure and its induced partition are presented in Figure 1. [sent-302, score-0.731]

84 Even though the graphs within each subregion are sparse, the estimated graph obtained by pooling all the data together is highly dense. [sent-306, score-0.361]

85 As the greedy algorithm proceeds, the estimated graphs become sparser and sparser. [sent-307, score-0.212]

86 Out of the 82 simulations where we correctly identify the tree structure, we list the graph estimation performance for subregions 28, 29, 13, 14, 5, 6 in terms of precision, recall, and F1-score in Table 1. [sent-309, score-0.397]

87 Table 1: The graph estimation performance over different subregions Mean values over 100 runs (Standard deviation) subregion region 28 region 29 region 13 region 14 region 5 region 6 Precision Recall F1 − score 0. [sent-310, score-0.611]

88 We also plot the held-out risk in the subplot (c). [sent-351, score-0.212]

89 The whole risk curve illustrates a diminishing return behavior. [sent-353, score-0.173]

90 Correctly splitting the large rectangle leads to a significant decrease in the risk; in contrast, splitting the middle rectangles does not reduce the risk as much. [sent-354, score-0.315]

91 (a) Learned partitions for the 100 locations and projected to the US map, with the estimated graphs for subregions 3, 10, and 33; (b) Estimated graph with data pooled from all 100 locations; (c) the re-scaled partition pattern induced by the learned dyadic tree structure. [sent-357, score-1.267]

92 As a baseline, we estimate a sparse graph on the data pooled from all 100 locations, using the glasso algorithm; the estimated graph is shown in Figure 2 (b). [sent-368, score-0.542]

93 This apparently contradicts the basic domain knowledge that CO2 should be correlated with the solar radiation factors (including GLO, DIR), according to the IPCC report [6] which is one of the most authoritative reports in the field of meteorology. [sent-370, score-0.156]

94 Treating the longitude and latitude of each site as two-dimensional covariate X, and the meteorology data of the p = 15 factors as the response Y , we estimate a dyadic tree structure using the greedy algorithm. [sent-372, score-0.543]

95 The result is a partition with 66 subregions, shown in Figure 2. [sent-373, score-0.288]

96 The graphs for subregions 3 and 10 (corresponding to the coast of California and Arizona states) are shown in subplot (a) of Figure 2. [sent-374, score-0.288]

97 The graphs for these two adjacent subregions are quite similar, suggesting spatial smoothness of the learned graphs. [sent-375, score-0.249]

98 Moreover, for both graphs, CO2 is connected to the solar radiation factor GLO through CH4 . [sent-376, score-0.156]

99 In contrast, for subregion 33, which corresponds to the north part of Arizona, the estimated graph is quite different. [sent-377, score-0.29]

100 In general, it is found that the graphs corresponding to the locations along the coasts are sparser than those corresponding to the locations in the mainland. [sent-378, score-0.174]

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[(0, 0.205), (1, 0.06), (2, 0.123), (3, 0.071), (4, -0.036), (5, -0.067), (6, -0.027), (7, -0.004), (8, 0.037), (9, 0.036), (10, -0.08), (11, -0.003), (12, -0.068), (13, 0.001), (14, 0.005), (15, -0.057), (16, 0.052), (17, -0.112), (18, -0.047), (19, -0.035), (20, -0.14), (21, -0.15), (22, -0.052), (23, 0.039), (24, 0.021), (25, 0.062), (26, -0.009), (27, 0.106), (28, 0.043), (29, 0.042), (30, 0.046), (31, 0.021), (32, -0.128), (33, 0.05), (34, 0.036), (35, 0.11), (36, 0.093), (37, -0.178), (38, 0.086), (39, -0.023), (40, -0.037), (41, 0.151), (42, -0.053), (43, 0.065), (44, -0.023), (45, -0.046), (46, -0.085), (47, 0.049), (48, -0.005), (49, 0.044)]

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Author: Han Liu, Xi Chen, Larry Wasserman, John D. Lafferty

Abstract: Undirected graphical models encode in a graph G the dependency structure of a random vector Y . In many applications, it is of interest to model Y given another random vector X as input. We refer to the problem of estimating the graph G(x) of Y conditioned on X = x as “graph-valued regression”. In this paper, we propose a semiparametric method for estimating G(x) that builds a tree on the X space just as in CART (classification and regression trees), but at each leaf of the tree estimates a graph. We call the method “Graph-optimized CART”, or GoCART. We study the theoretical properties of Go-CART using dyadic partitioning trees, establishing oracle inequalities on risk minimization and tree partition consistency. We also demonstrate the application of Go-CART to a meteorological dataset, showing how graph-valued regression can provide a useful tool for analyzing complex data. 1

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Abstract: We propose a new nonparametric learning method based on multivariate dyadic regression trees (MDRTs). Unlike traditional dyadic decision trees (DDTs) or classification and regression trees (CARTs), MDRTs are constructed using penalized empirical risk minimization with a novel sparsity-inducing penalty. Theoretically, we show that MDRTs can simultaneously adapt to the unknown sparsity and smoothness of the true regression functions, and achieve the nearly optimal rates of convergence (in a minimax sense) for the class of (α, C)-smooth functions. Empirically, MDRTs can simultaneously conduct function estimation and variable selection in high dimensions. To make MDRTs applicable for large-scale learning problems, we propose a greedy heuristics. The superior performance of MDRTs are demonstrated on both synthetic and real datasets. 1

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Author: Han Liu, Kathryn Roeder, Larry Wasserman

Abstract: A challenging problem in estimating high-dimensional graphical models is to choose the regularization parameter in a data-dependent way. The standard techniques include K-fold cross-validation (K-CV), Akaike information criterion (AIC), and Bayesian information criterion (BIC). Though these methods work well for low-dimensional problems, they are not suitable in high dimensional settings. In this paper, we present StARS: a new stability-based method for choosing the regularization parameter in high dimensional inference for undirected graphs. The method has a clear interpretation: we use the least amount of regularization that simultaneously makes a graph sparse and replicable under random sampling. This interpretation requires essentially no conditions. Under mild conditions, we show that StARS is partially sparsistent in terms of graph estimation: i.e. with high probability, all the true edges will be included in the selected model even when the graph size diverges with the sample size. Empirically, the performance of StARS is compared with the state-of-the-art model selection procedures, including K-CV, AIC, and BIC, on both synthetic data and a real microarray dataset. StARS outperforms all these competing procedures.

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