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78 nips-2010-Error Propagation for Approximate Policy and Value Iteration

Source: pdf

Author: Amir-massoud Farahmand, Csaba Szepesvári, Rémi Munos

Abstract: We address the question of how the approximation error/Bellman residual at each iteration of the Approximate Policy/Value Iteration algorithms influences the quality of the resulted policy. We quantify the performance loss as the Lp norm of the approximation error/Bellman residual at each iteration. Moreover, we show that the performance loss depends on the expectation of the squared Radon-Nikodym derivative of a certain distribution rather than its supremum – as opposed to what has been suggested by the previous results. Also our results indicate that the contribution of the approximation/Bellman error to the performance loss is more prominent in the later iterations of API/AVI, and the effect of an error term in the earlier iterations decays exponentially fast. 1

Reference: text

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sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Error Propagation for Approximate Policy and Value Iteration R´ mi Munos e Sequel Project, INRIA Lille Lille, France remi. [sent-1, score-0.056]

2 ca Csaba Szepesv´ ri ∗ a Department of Computing Science University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada, T6G 2E8 szepesva@ualberta. [sent-4, score-0.049]

3 ca Abstract We address the question of how the approximation error/Bellman residual at each iteration of the Approximate Policy/Value Iteration algorithms influences the quality of the resulted policy. [sent-5, score-0.244]

4 We quantify the performance loss as the Lp norm of the approximation error/Bellman residual at each iteration. [sent-6, score-0.233]

5 Moreover, we show that the performance loss depends on the expectation of the squared Radon-Nikodym derivative of a certain distribution rather than its supremum – as opposed to what has been suggested by the previous results. [sent-7, score-0.126]

6 Also our results indicate that the contribution of the approximation/Bellman error to the performance loss is more prominent in the later iterations of API/AVI, and the effect of an error term in the earlier iterations decays exponentially fast. [sent-8, score-0.236]

7 1 Introduction The exact solution for the reinforcement learning (RL) and planning problems with large state space is difficult or impossible to obtain, so one usually has to aim for approximate solutions. [sent-9, score-0.124]

8 AVI starts from an initial value function V0 (or Q0 ), and iteratively applies an approximation of T ∗ , the Bellman optimality operator, (or T π for the policy evaluation problem) to the previous estimate, i. [sent-12, score-0.47]

9 In general, Vk+1 is not equal to T ∗ Vk because (1) we do not have direct access to the Bellman operator but only some samples from it, and (2) the function space in which V belongs is not representative enough. [sent-15, score-0.069]

10 Thus there would be an approximation error εk = T ∗ Vk − Vk+1 between the result of the exact VI and AVI. [sent-16, score-0.081]

11 See the work of Munos and Szepesv´ ri [4] for more information about AVI. [sent-20, score-0.049]

12 a ∗ Csaba Szepesv´ ri is on leave from MTA SZTAKI. [sent-21, score-0.049]

13 1 API is another iterative algorithm to find an approximate solution to the fixed point of the Bellman optimality operator. [sent-24, score-0.069]

14 It starts from a policy π0 , and then approximately evaluates that policy π0 , i. [sent-25, score-0.79]

15 Afterwards, it performs a policy improvement step, which is to calculate the greedy policy with respect to (w. [sent-28, score-0.872]

16 ) the most recent action-value function, to get a new policy π1 , i. [sent-31, score-0.395]

17 The policy iteration algorithm continues by approximately evaluating the newly obtained policy π1 to get Q1 and repeating the whole process again, generating a sequence of policies and their corresponding approximate action-value functions Q0 → π1 → Q1 → π2 → · · · . [sent-34, score-1.006]

18 Same as AVI, we may encounter a difference between the approximate solution Qk (T πk Qk ≈ Qk ) and the true value of the policy Qπk , which is the solution of the fixed-point equation T πk Qπk = Qπk . [sent-35, score-0.425]

19 Two convenient ways to describe this error is either by the Bellman residual of Qk (εk = Qk − T πk Qk ) or the policy evaluation approximation error (εk = Qk − Qπk ). [sent-36, score-0.61]

20 One well-known algorithm is LSPI of Lagoudakis and Parr [5] that combines Least-Squares Temporal Difference (LSTD) algorithm (Bradtke and Barto [6]) with a policy improvement step. [sent-38, score-0.43]

21 Another API method is to use the Bellman Residual Minimization (BRM) and its variants for policy evaluation and iteratively apply the policy improvement step (Antos et al. [sent-39, score-0.856]

22 A crucial question in the applicability of API/AVI, which is the main topic of this work, is to understand how either the approximation error or the Bellman residual at each iteration of API or AVI affects the quality of the resulted policy. [sent-49, score-0.289]

23 Suppose we run API/AVI for K iterations to obtain a policy πK . [sent-50, score-0.445]

24 If so, how does the errors occurred at a certain iteration k propagate through iterations of API/AVI and affect the final performance loss? [sent-52, score-0.205]

25 2 of Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis [16] shows that for API applied to a finite MDP, we have 2γ lim supk→∞ V ∗ − V πk ∞ ≤ (1−γ)2 lim supk→∞ V πk − Vk ∞ where γ is the discount facto. [sent-55, score-0.086]

26 Similarly for AVI, if the approximation errors are uniformly bounded ( T ∗ Vk − Vk+1 ∞ ≤ ε), we 2γ have lim supk→∞ V ∗ − V πk ∞ ≤ (1−γ)2 ε (Munos [17]). [sent-56, score-0.124]

27 One reason is that they are expressed as the supremum norm of the approximation errors V πk − Vk ∞ or the Bellman error Qk − T πk Qk ∞ . [sent-58, score-0.268]

28 Compared to Lp norms, the supremum norm is conservative. [sent-59, score-0.142]

29 It is quite possible that the result of a learning algorithm has a small Lp norm but a very large L∞ norm. [sent-60, score-0.062]

30 Therefore, it is desirable to have a result expressed in Lp norm of the approximation/Bellman residual εk . [sent-61, score-0.151]

31 In the past couple of years, there have been attempts to extend L∞ norm results to Lp ones [18, 17, 7]. [sent-62, score-0.062]

32 A mapping π : X → A is called a deterministic Markov stationary policy, or just a policy in short. [sent-70, score-0.427]

33 Following a policy π in an MDP means that at each time step At = π(Xt ). [sent-71, score-0.395]

34 Upon taking action At at Xt , we receive reward Rt ∼ R(·|x, a), and the Markov chain evolves according to Xt+1 ∼ P (·|Xt , At ). [sent-72, score-0.044]

35 We denote the probability transition kernel of following a policy π by P π , i. [sent-73, score-0.395]

36 The value function V π for a policy π is defined as V π (x) action-value function is defined as Qπ (x, a) ∞ t=0 E E ∞ t=0 γ t Rt X0 = x and the γ t Rt X0 = x, A0 = a . [sent-76, score-0.395]

37 We say that a policy π ∗ is optimal ∗ if it achieves the best values in every state, i. [sent-78, score-0.395]

38 Greedy policies are important because a greedy policy w. [sent-89, score-0.512]

39 3 We define the Bellman operator for a policy π as (T π V )(x) r(x, π(x)) + γ V π (x )P (dx |x, a) and (T π Q)(x, a) r(x, a) + γ Q(x , π(x ))P (dx |x, a). [sent-96, score-0.436]

40 Similarly, the Bellman optimality operator is defined as (T ∗ V )(x) r(x, a) + γ maxa r(x, a) + γ V (x )P (dx |x, a) and (T ∗ Q)(x, a) maxa Q(x , a )P (dx |x, a). [sent-97, score-0.194]

41 For a measurable space X , with a σ-algebra σX , we define M(X ) as the set of all probability measures over σX . [sent-98, score-0.055]

42 In what follows we shall use V p,ν to denote the Lp (ν)-norm of a measurable function V : X → R: p p V p,ν ν|V |p |V (x)|p dν(x). [sent-101, score-0.055]

43 |A| 3 Approximate Policy Iteration Consider the API procedure and the sequence Q0 → π1 → Q1 → π2 → · · · → QK−1 → πK , where πk is the greedy policy w. [sent-103, score-0.481]

44 Qk−1 and Qk is the approximate action-value function for policy πk . [sent-106, score-0.425]

45 For the sequence {Qk }K−1 , denote the Bellman Residual (BR) and policy Approximation Error k=0 (AE) at each iteration by εBR = Qk − T πk Qk , k εAE k (1) πk = Qk − Q . [sent-107, score-0.511]

46 (2) The goal of this section is to study the effect of ν-weighted L2p norm of the Bellman residual K−1 sequence {εBR }K−1 or the policy evaluation approximation error sequence {εAE }k=0 on the perk k k=0 ∗ πK formance loss Q − Q p,ρ of the outcome policy πK . [sent-108, score-1.146]

47 The choice of ρ and ν is arbitrary, however, a natural choice for ν is the sampling distribution of the data, which is used by the policy evaluation module. [sent-109, score-0.426]

48 Because of the dynamical nature of MDP, the performance loss Q∗ − QπK p,ρ depends on the difference between the sampling distribution ν and the future-state distribution in the form of ρP π1 P π2 · · · . [sent-112, score-0.077]

49 Before stating the results, we require to define the following concentrability coefficients. [sent-114, score-0.305]

50 Given ρ, ν ∈ M(X ), ν λ1 (λ is the Lebesgue measure), m ≥ 0, and an arbitrary sequence of stationary policies {πm }m≥1 , let ρP π1 P π2 . [sent-116, score-0.141]

51 P πm ∈ M(X ) denote the future-state distribution obtained when the first state is distributed according to ρ and then we follow the sequence of policies {πk }m . [sent-119, score-0.14]

52 4 ∗ with the understanding that if the future-state distribution ρ(P π )m1 (P π )m2 (or ∗ ∗ ρ(P π )m1 (P π1 )m2 P π2 or ρP π ) is not absolutely continuous w. [sent-121, score-0.072]

53 Also define the following concentrability coefficient that is used in AVI analysis: 1    2 2 ∗ d ρ(P π )m1 (P π )m2 cVI,ρ,ν (m1 , m2 ; π) EX∼ν  (X)  , dν ∗ with the understanding that if the future-state distribution ρ(P π )m1 (P π )m2 is not absolutely continuous w. [sent-125, score-0.377]

54 Then for any sequence {Qk }k=0 ⊂ B(X × A, Qmax ) (space of Qmax -bounded K−1 measurable functions defined on X × A) and the corresponding sequence {εk }k=0 defined in (1) or (2) , we have Q∗ − QπK p,ρ ≤ 2γ (1 − γ)2 where E(ε0 , . [sent-132, score-0.133]

55 (a) If εk = εBR for all 0 ≤ k < K, we have CPI(BR),ρ,ν (K; r) = ( 1−γ 2 ) sup 2 π0 ,. [sent-140, score-0.064]

56 (b) If εk = εAE for all 0 ≤ k < K, we have CPI(AE),ρ,ν (K; r, s) = ( 1−γ 2 ) sup 2 π0 ,. [sent-144, score-0.064]

57 Denote the approximation error caused at each iteration by εk = T ∗ Vk − Vk+1 . [sent-150, score-0.158]

58 (3) The goal of this section is to analyze AVI procedure and to relate the approximation error sequence {εk }K−1 to the performance loss V ∗ − V πK p,ρ of the obtained policy πK , which is the greedy k=0 policy w. [sent-151, score-1.034]

59 Then for any sequence {Vk }K−1 ⊂ B(X , Vmax ), and the corresponding sequence k=0 {εk }K−1 defined in (3), we have k=0 V ∗ − V πK p,ρ ≤ 2γ (1 − γ)2 1 1 2p inf CVI,ρ,ν (K; r)E 2p (ε0 , . [sent-158, score-0.078]

60 , εK−1 ; r) + r∈[0,1] K 2 γ p Rmax , 1−γ where CVI,ρ,ν (K; r) = ( 1−γ 2 ) sup 2 π and E(ε0 , . [sent-161, score-0.064]

61 1 Lp norm instead of L∞ norm As opposed to most error upper bounds, Theorems 3 and 4 relate V ∗ − V πK p,ρ to the Lp norm of the approximation or Bellman errors εk 2p,ν of iterations in API/AVI. [sent-167, score-0.393]

62 The (1−γ)2 lim supk→∞ V use of Lp norm not only is a huge improvement over conservative supremum norm, but also allows us to benefit from the vast literature on supervised learning techniques, which usually provides error upper bounds in the form of Lp norms, in the context of RL/Planning problems. [sent-170, score-0.292]

63 This is especially interesting for the case of p = 1 as the performance loss V ∗ − V πK 1,ρ is the difference between the expected return of the optimal policy and the resulted policy πK when the initial state distribution is ρ. [sent-171, score-0.909]

64 Convenient enough, the errors appearing in the upper bound are in the form of εk 2,ν which is very common in the supervised learning literature. [sent-172, score-0.045]

65 2 Expected versus supremum concentrability of the future-state distribution The concentrability coefficients (Definition 2) reflect the effect of future-state distribution on the performance loss V ∗ − V πK p,ρ . [sent-175, score-0.736]

66 Previously it was thought that the key contributing factor to the performance loss is the supremum of the Radon-Nikodym derivative of these two distributions. [sent-176, score-0.155]

67 Nevertheless, it turns out that the key contributing factor that determines the performance loss is the expectation of the squared Radon-Nikodym derivative instead of its supremum. [sent-178, score-0.075]

68 Intuitively this π m implies that even if for some subset of X ⊂ X the ratio d(ρ(P ) ) is large but the probability ν(X ) dν is very small, performance loss due to it is still small. [sent-179, score-0.046]

69 As an illustration of this difference, consider a Chain Walk with 1000 states with a single policy that 1 drifts toward state 1 of the chain. [sent-181, score-0.426]

70 The growth and the final value of the expectation-based concentrability coefficient is much smaller than that of supremum-based. [sent-189, score-0.305]

71 6 3 5 4 Infinity norm−based concentrability Expectation−base concentrability Uniform Exponential 3 2 2 10 L1 error Concentrability Coefficients 10 1 1. [sent-190, score-0.655]

72 ] It is easy to show that if the Chain Walk has N states and the policy has the same concentrating √ π m π m 1 behavior and ν is uniform, then || d(ρ(P ) ) ||∞ → N , while (EX∼ν | d(ρ(P ) ) |2 ) 2 → N when dν dν √ m → ∞. [sent-200, score-0.395]

73 Neglecting all other differences between our results and the previous ones, we get a performance upper bound in the form of Q∗ − QπK 1,ρ ≤ c1 (γ)O(N 1/4 ) supk εk 2,ν , while Proposition 1 implies that Q∗ − QπK 1,ρ ≤ c2 (γ)O(N 1/2 ) supk || k ||2,ν . [sent-206, score-0.284]

74 3 Error decaying property Theorems 3 and 4 show that the dependence of performance loss ∗ πK K−1 k=0 K−1 p,ρ ) on {εk }k=0 V ∗ − V πK 2r αk p,ρ (or 2p εk 2p,ν . [sent-209, score-0.046]

75 , εK−1 ; r) = This has a very special structure in that the approximation errors at later iterations have more contribution to the final performance loss. [sent-213, score-0.131]

76 This behavior is obscure in previous results such as [17, 7] that the dependence of the final performance loss is expressed as E(ε0 , . [sent-214, score-0.046]

77 It says that it is better to put more effort on having a lower Bellman or approximation error at later iterations of API/AVI. [sent-222, score-0.131]

78 This, for instance, can be done by gradually increasing the number of samples throughout iterations, or to use more powerful, and possibly computationally more expensive, function approximators for the later iterations of API/AVI. [sent-223, score-0.115]

79 To illustrate this property, we compare two different sampling schedules on a simple MDP. [sent-224, score-0.068]

80 The MDP is a 100-state, 2-action chain similar to Chain Walk problem in the work of Lagoudakis and Parr [5]. [sent-225, score-0.044]

81 In the first sampling schedule, every 20 iterations we generate a fixed number of fresh samples by following a uniformly random walk on the chain (this means that we throw away old samples). [sent-227, score-0.196]

82 In the exponential strategy, we again generate new samples every 20 iterations but the number of samples at the k th iteration is ck γ . [sent-229, score-0.183]

83 The improvement of the exponential sampling schedule is evident. [sent-234, score-0.098]

84 Of course, one 7 200 may think of more sophisticated sampling schedules but this simple illustration should be sufficient to attract the attention of practitioners to this phenomenon. [sent-235, score-0.068]

85 4 Restricted search over policy space One interesting feature of our results is that it puts more structure and restriction on the way policies may be selected. [sent-237, score-0.465]

86 Comparing CPI,ρ,ν (K; r) (Theorem 3) and CVI,ρ,ν (K; r) (Theorem 4) with Cρ,ν (Proposition 1) we see that: (1) Each concentrability coefficient in the definition of CPI,ρ,ν (K; r) depends only on a single or two policies (e. [sent-238, score-0.375]

87 (2) The operator sup in CPI,ρ,ν and CVI,ρ,ν appears outside the summation. [sent-246, score-0.105]

88 On the other other hand, sup appears inside the summation in the definition of Cρ,ν . [sent-251, score-0.064]

89 One may construct an MDP that this difference in the ordering of sup leads to an arbitrarily large ratio of two different ways of defining the concentrability coefficients. [sent-252, score-0.369]

90 For general MDPs, the computation of concentrability coefficients in Definition 2 is difficult, as it is for similar coefficients defined in [18, 17, 7]. [sent-256, score-0.305]

91 In our Theorems 3 and 4, we have provided upper bounds that relate the errors at each iteration of API/AVI to the performance loss of the whole procedure. [sent-267, score-0.226]

92 These bounds are qualitatively tighter than the previous results such as those reported by [18, 17, 7], and provide a better understanding of what factors contribute to the difficulty of the problem. [sent-268, score-0.056]

93 Perhaps the most important one is to study the behavior of concentrability coefficients cPI1 ,ρ,ν (m1 , m2 ; π), cPI2 ,ρ,ν (m1 , m2 ; π1 , π2 ), and cVI,ρ,ν (m1 , m2 ; π) as a function of m1 , m2 , and of course the transition kernel P of MDP. [sent-271, score-0.305]

94 A better understanding of this question alongside a good understanding of the way each term εk in E(ε0 , . [sent-272, score-0.058]

95 , εK−1 ; r) behaves, help us gain more insight about the error convergence behavior of the RL/Planning algorithms. [sent-275, score-0.045]

96 Neural fitted Q iteration – first experiences with a data efficient neural reinforcement learning method. [sent-280, score-0.14]

97 [7] Andr´ s Antos, Csaba Szepesv´ ri, and R´ mi Munos. [sent-297, score-0.056]

98 Learning near-optimal policies with a a e Bellman-residual minimization based fitted policy iteration and a single sample path. [sent-298, score-0.542]

99 [8] Odalric Maillard, R´ mi Munos, Alessandro Lazaric, and Mohammad Ghavamzadeh. [sent-300, score-0.056]

100 Performance bounds in lp norm for approximate value iteration. [sent-346, score-0.242]

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[(0, 0.23), (1, -0.407), (2, -0.015), (3, -0.009), (4, 0.03), (5, -0.086), (6, 0.1), (7, 0.01), (8, 0.074), (9, -0.164), (10, 0.031), (11, -0.105), (12, 0.006), (13, 0.043), (14, -0.021), (15, 0.03), (16, 0.129), (17, -0.036), (18, 0.009), (19, 0.002), (20, 0.063), (21, 0.008), (22, 0.012), (23, 0.027), (24, -0.09), (25, 0.038), (26, -0.005), (27, -0.045), (28, -0.031), (29, 0.006), (30, 0.024), (31, -0.076), (32, -0.086), (33, 0.034), (34, 0.108), (35, -0.04), (36, 0.026), (37, 0.038), (38, -0.083), (39, 0.008), (40, 0.035), (41, -0.043), (42, 0.021), (43, -0.055), (44, 0.03), (45, -0.029), (46, 0.096), (47, -0.063), (48, -0.058), (49, 0.003)]

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Author: Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, Alessandro Lazaric, Odalric Maillard, Rémi Munos

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