nips nips2009 nips2009-246 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

246 nips-2009-Time-Varying Dynamic Bayesian Networks

Source: pdf

Author: Le Song, Mladen Kolar, Eric P. Xing

Abstract: Directed graphical models such as Bayesian networks are a favored formalism for modeling the dependency structures in complex multivariate systems such as those encountered in biology and neural science. When a system is undergoing dynamic transformation, temporally rewiring networks are needed for capturing the dynamic causal influences between covariates. In this paper, we propose time-varying dynamic Bayesian networks (TV-DBN) for modeling the structurally varying directed dependency structures underlying non-stationary biological/neural time series. This is a challenging problem due the non-stationarity and sample scarcity of time series data. We present a kernel reweighted 1 -regularized auto-regressive procedure for this problem which enjoys nice properties such as computational efficiency and provable asymptotic consistency. To our knowledge, this is the first practical and statistically sound method for structure learning of TVDBNs. We applied TV-DBNs to time series measurements during yeast cell cycle and brain response to visual stimuli. In both cases, TV-DBNs reveal interesting dynamics underlying the respective biological systems. 1

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 edu Abstract Directed graphical models such as Bayesian networks are a favored formalism for modeling the dependency structures in complex multivariate systems such as those encountered in biology and neural science. [sent-4, score-0.428]

2 When a system is undergoing dynamic transformation, temporally rewiring networks are needed for capturing the dynamic causal influences between covariates. [sent-5, score-0.71]

3 In this paper, we propose time-varying dynamic Bayesian networks (TV-DBN) for modeling the structurally varying directed dependency structures underlying non-stationary biological/neural time series. [sent-6, score-0.83]

4 We applied TV-DBNs to time series measurements during yeast cell cycle and brain response to visual stimuli. [sent-10, score-0.651]

5 In both cases, TV-DBNs reveal interesting dynamics underlying the respective biological systems. [sent-11, score-0.288]

6 1 Introduction Analysis of biological networks has led to numerous advances in understanding the organizational principles and functional properties of various biological systems, such as gene regulatory systems [1] and central nervous systems [2]. [sent-12, score-1.206]

7 However, most such results are based on static networks, that is, networks with invariant topology over a given set of biological entities. [sent-13, score-0.655]

8 A major challenge in systems biology is to understand and model, quantitatively, the dynamic topological and functional properties of biological networks. [sent-14, score-0.452]

9 We refer to these time or condition specific biological circuitries as time-varying networks or structural non-stationary networks, which are ubiquitous in biological systems. [sent-15, score-0.857]

10 For example (i) over the course of a cell cycle, there may exist multiple biological “themes” that determine functions of each gene and their regulatory relations, and these “themes” are dynamic and stochastic. [sent-16, score-0.942]

11 As a result, the molecular networks at each time point are context-dependent and can undergo systematic rewiring rather than being invariant over time [3]. [sent-17, score-0.607]

12 Neural assemblies, distributed local networks of neurons transiently linked by dynamic connections, enable the emergence of coherent behaviour and cognition [4]. [sent-19, score-0.422]

13 A key technical hurdle preventing us from an in-depth investigation of the mechanisms that drive temporal biological processes is the unavailability of serial snapshots of time-varying networks underlying biological processes. [sent-20, score-0.88]

14 Current technology does not allow for experimentally determining a series of time specific networks for a realistic dynamic biological system. [sent-21, score-0.795]

15 Our goal is to recover the latent time-varying networks underlying biological processes, with temporal resolution up to every single time point based on time series measurements of the nodal states. [sent-23, score-0.836]

16 More recent efforts have focused on efficient kernel reweighted or total-variation penalized sparse structure recovery methods for undirected time-varying networks [10, 11, 12], which possess both attractive computational schemes and rigorous statistical consistency results. [sent-28, score-0.466]

17 More specifically, we propose time-varying dynamic Bayesian networks (TV-DBN) for modeling the directed time-evolving network structures underlying non-stationary biological time series. [sent-31, score-1.057]

18 To make this problem statistically tractable, we rely on the assumption that the underlying network structures are sparse and vary smoothly across time. [sent-32, score-0.358]

19 (iii) We can formally characterize the conditions under which our estimation procedure is structurally consistent: as time series are sampled in increasing resolution, our algorithm can recover the true structure of the underlying TV-DBN with high probability. [sent-37, score-0.265]

20 The Achilles’ heel of this latter approach is that edges that are transient over a short period of time may be missed by the summary static network in the first place. [sent-39, score-0.393]

21 We also apply TV-DBNs to real world datasets: a gene expression dataset measured during yeast cell cycle; and an EEG dataset recorded during a motor imagination task. [sent-43, score-0.664]

22 In both cases, TV-DBNs reveal interesting time-varying causal structures of the underlying biological systems. [sent-44, score-0.366]

23 Models describing a stochastic temporal processes can be naturally represented as dynamic Bayesian networks (DBN) [15]. [sent-46, score-0.52]

24 Taking the transcriptional regulat t tion of gene expression as an example, let X t := (X1 , . [sent-47, score-0.332]

25 , Xp ) ∈ Rp be a vector representing the expression levels of p genes at time t, a stochastic dynamic process can be modeled by a “first-order Markovian transition model” p(X t |X t−1 ), which defines the probabilistic distribution of gene expressions at time t given those at time t − 1. [sent-50, score-1.127]

26 Under this assumption, the likelihood of the observed expression levels of these genes over a time series of T steps can be expressed as: p(X 1 , . [sent-51, score-0.597]

27 Each p(Xi |Xπi ) can be viewed as a regulatory gate function that takes multiple covariates (regulators) and produce a single response. [sent-57, score-0.232]

28 The major reason for favoring DBNs over standard Bayesian networks (BN) or undirected graphical models is its enhanced semantic interpretability. [sent-63, score-0.31]

29 In DBNs (of the type defined above), all directed edges only point from time t − 1 to t, which bear a natural causal implication and are more likely to suggest regulatory relations. [sent-65, score-0.413]

30 Contrary to the name of dynamic Bayesian networks may suggest, DBNs are time-invariant models and the underlying network structures do not change over time. [sent-68, score-0.668]

31 3 A New Formalism: Time-Varying Dynamic Bayesian Networks We will focus on recovering the directed time-varying network structure (or the locations of nonzero entries in A) rather than the exact edge values. [sent-72, score-0.339]

32 The edge set t t−1 t E ⊆ V × V contains directed edges from components of X to those of X ; an edge (i, j) ∈ E t t−1 t if and only if Xi is conditionally independent of Xj given the rest of the variables in the model. [sent-88, score-0.223]

33 The directed edges E t := E t (At ) in network G t associated with each At can be recovered via E t = (i, j) ∈ V × V | i = j, At = 0 . [sent-94, score-0.233]

34 Therefore, we make a statistically tractable yet realistic assumption that the underlying network structures are sparse and vary smoothly across time; and hence temporally adjacent networks are likely to share common edges than temporally distal networks. [sent-96, score-0.779]

35 3 Overall, we have designed a procedure that decomposes the problem of estimating the time-varying networks along two orthogonal axes. [sent-97, score-0.322]

36 The first component originates from our assumption that the structural changes of the network vary smoothly across time. [sent-115, score-0.234]

37 This assumption allows us to borrow information across time by reweighting the observations from different time points and then treating them as if they were i. [sent-116, score-0.279]

38 Intuitively, the weighting should place more emphasis on observations at or near time point t∗ with weights becoming smaller as observations move further away from time point t∗ . [sent-120, score-0.298]

39 This is also consistent with the biological observation that networks underlying biological processes are parsimonious in structure. [sent-122, score-0.879]

40 For example, a transcription factor only controls a small fraction of target genes at particular time point or under a specific condition [19]. [sent-123, score-0.516]

41 i· i i· 5 Optimization Estimating time-varying networks using the decomposition scheme above requires solving a collection of optimization problems in (5). [sent-131, score-0.276]

42 In a genome-wide reverse engineering task, there can be tens of thousands of genes and hundreds of time points, so one can easily have a million optimization problems. [sent-132, score-0.512]

43 Therefore, it is essential to use an efficient algorithm for solving the atomic optimization problem in (5), which can be trivially parallelized for each genes at each time point. [sent-133, score-0.515]

44 The shooting algorithm is a simple, straightforward and fast algorithm that iteratively solves a system of nonlin∗ T 2 ear equations related to the optimality condition of problem (5): T t=1 (At xt−1 − xt )˜t−1 = ˜ i xj i· ˜ ∗ −λ sign(At ) (∀j = 1 . [sent-138, score-0.222]

45 Overall, our procedure for estimating time-varying networks is summarized in Algorithm 1, which uses the shooting algorithm as the key building block (step 4 Algorithm 1: Procedure for Estimating Time-Varying DBN 10 Input: Time series {x1 , . [sent-143, score-0.488]

46 In step 5, we uses a warm start for each atomic optimization problem: since the networks ∗ t∗ vary smoothly across time, we can use Ai· −1 as a good initialization for At for further speedup. [sent-164, score-0.39]

47 We conducted 3 experiments using synthetic data, gene expression data and EEG signals. [sent-207, score-0.297]

48 In these experiments, TV-DBNs either better recover the underlying networks, or provide better explanatory power for the underlying biological processes. [sent-208, score-0.358]

49 Synthetic Data In this experiment, we generate synthetic time series using a first order autoregressive models with smoothly varying model structures. [sent-209, score-0.276]

50 At8 , each of which corresponds to an Erd¨ s-R´ nyi o e random graph of node size p = 50 and average indegree of 2 (we have also experimented with p = 75 and 100 which provides similar results). [sent-213, score-0.219]

51 We then study the behavior of TV-DBNs and static DBNs [22] in recovering the underlying varying networks as we increase the number of observations T . [sent-220, score-0.63]

52 We also compare with a piecewise constant DBN that estimate a static network for each segment obtained from change point detection [14]. [sent-221, score-0.222]

53 For all methods, we choose the regularization parameter such that the resulting networks has an average indegree of 4. [sent-223, score-0.46]

54 We can see that estimating a static DBN or a piecewise constant DBN does not provide a good estimation of the network structures (Figure 1). [sent-225, score-0.346]

55 As time-varying networks occur often in biological systems, we expect TV-DBNs will be useful for studying biological systems. [sent-228, score-0.712]

56 Figure 1: F1 score of estimating timevarying networks for different methods. [sent-229, score-0.322]

57 In this experiment, we will reverse engineer the time varying gene regulatory networks from time series of gene expression measured across two yeast cell cycles. [sent-231, score-1.6]

58 A yeast cell cycle is divided into four stages: S phase for DNA synthesis, M phase for mitosis, and G1 and G2 phase separating S and M phases. [sent-232, score-0.536]

59 We use two time series (alpha30 and alpha38) from [23] which are technical replicates of each other with a sampling interval of 5 minutes and a total of 25 time points across two yeast cell cycles. [sent-233, score-0.532]

60 We consider a set of 3626 genes which are common to both arrays. [sent-234, score-0.392]

61 We choose the regularization parameter such that the sparsity of the networks are around 0. [sent-238, score-0.276]

62 During the cell cycle of yeasts, there exist multiple underlying “themes” that determine the functionalities of each gene and their relationships to each other, and such themes are dynamical and stochastic. [sent-240, score-0.632]

63 As a result, the gene regulatory networks at each time point are context-dependent and can undergo systematic rewiring, rather than being invariant over time. [sent-241, score-0.878]

64 A summary of the estimated time-varying networks are visualized in Figure 2. [sent-242, score-0.276]

65 We can see that the most active groups of genes are related to background processes such as cytoskeleton organization, enzyme regulator activity, ribosome activity. [sent-244, score-0.585]

66 We can also spot transient interactions, for instance, between genes related to site of polarized growth and nucleolus (time point 18), and between genes related to ribosome and cellular homeostasis (time point 24). [sent-245, score-0.875]

67 Note that, although gene expressions are measured across two cell cycles, the values do not necessarily exhibit periodic behavior. [sent-246, score-0.426]

68 In fact, only a small fraction of yeast genes (less than 20%) has been reported to exhibit cycling behavior [23]. [sent-247, score-0.517]

69 6 (b) t2 (c) t4 (d) t6 (e) t8 (f) t10 (g) t12 (h) t14 (i) t16 (j) t18 (k) t20 (l) t22 (m) t24 (a) t1 Figure 2: Interactions between gene ontological groups. [sent-248, score-0.293]

70 The weight of an edge between two ontological groups is the total number of connection between genes in the two groups. [sent-249, score-0.521]

71 Table 1: The number of enriched unique gene sets discovered by the static and time-varying Next we study genes sets that are related to specific networks respectively. [sent-251, score-1.076]

72 Here we are interested stage of cell cycle where we expect to see periodic be- in recall score: the time-varying networks better havior. [sent-252, score-0.567]

73 In particular, we obtain gene sets known to models the biological system. [sent-253, score-0.465]

74 1 We DBN TV-DBN use interactivity, which is the total number of edges a TF 7 23 group of genes is connected to, to describe the activity Knockout 7 26 of each group of genes. [sent-255, score-0.437]

75 Since the regulatory networks Ontology 13 77 are directed, we can examine both indegree and outdegree separately for each gene sets. [sent-256, score-1.065]

76 In Figure 3(a)(b)(c), the interactivities of these genes indeed exhibit periodic behavior which corresponds well with their supposed functions in cell cycles. [sent-257, score-0.571]

77 We also plot the histogram of indegree and outdegree (averaged across time) for the time-varying networks in Figure 3(d). [sent-258, score-0.621]

78 This corresponds well with the biological observation that there are a few genes (regulators) that regulate a lot of other genes. [sent-260, score-0.61]

79 This also corresponds well with biological observations that most genes are controlled only by a few regulators. [sent-262, score-0.661]

80 To further assess the modeling power of the time-varying networks and its advantage over static network, we perform gene set enrichment studies. [sent-263, score-0.647]

81 More specifically, we use three types of information to define the gene sets: transcription factor binding targets (TF), gene knockout signatures (Knockout), and gene ontology (Ontology) groups [24]. [sent-264, score-0.952]

82 We partition the genes in the time varying networks at each time point into 50 groups using spectral clustering, and then test whether these groups are enriched with genes from any predefined gene sets. [sent-265, score-1.633]

83 Table 1 indicates that time-varying networks are able to discover more functional groups as defined by the genes sets than static networks as commonly used in biological literature. [sent-267, score-1.375]

84 It can be seen that many of them are dynamic and transient, and not captured by a static network. [sent-269, score-0.27]

85 We focus our 1 We obtain gene sets from http://genome-www. [sent-273, score-0.247]

86 7 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3: (a) Genes specific to G1 phase are being regulated periodically; we can see that the average indegree of these genes increases during G1 stage and starts to decline right after the G1 phase. [sent-277, score-0.631]

87 (b) S phase specific genes periodically regulate other genes; we can see that the average outdegree of these genes peaks at the end of S phase and starts to decline right after S phase. [sent-278, score-1.055]

88 (c) The interactivity of S/G2 specific genes also show nice correspondence with their functional roles; we can see that the average outdegree increases till G2 phase and then starts to decline. [sent-279, score-0.698]

89 (d) Indegree and outdegree distribution averaged over 24 time points. [sent-280, score-0.242]

90 5s al av Figure 4: Temporal progression of brain interactions for subject ‘al’ and BCI “illiterate” ‘av’. [sent-285, score-0.282]

91 We further normalize each EEG channel to zero mean and unit variance, and estimate the time-varying networks for all 5 subject using exactly the same regularization parameter and kernel bandwidth (h s. [sent-292, score-0.329]

92 The estimated time-varying networks reveal that the brain interactions of subject ‘av’ is particularly weak and the brain connectivity actually decreases as the experiment proceeds. [sent-298, score-0.516]

93 This dynamic coherence between visual and motor cortex corresponds nicely to the fact that subjects are consciously transforming visual stimuli into motor imaginations which involves the motor cortex. [sent-301, score-0.439]

94 8 Conclusion In this paper, we propose time-varying dynamic Bayesian networks (TV-DBN) for modeling the varying network structures underlying non-stationary biological time series. [sent-303, score-1.016]

95 Given the rapid advances in data collection technologies for biological systems, we expect that complex, high-dimensional, and feature rich data from complex dynamic biological processes, such as cancer progression, immune responses, and developmental processes, will continue to grow. [sent-305, score-0.582]

96 Thus, we believe our new method is a timely contribution that can narrow the gap between imminent methodological needs and the available data and offer deeper understanding of the mechanisms and processes underlying biological networks. [sent-306, score-0.35]

97 Genomic analysis of regulatory network dynamics reveals large topological changes. [sent-328, score-0.295]

98 Tesla: Recovering time-varying networks of dependencies in social and biological studies. [sent-368, score-0.494]

99 The forkhead transcription factor hcm1 regulates chromosome segregation genes and fills the s-phase gap in the transcriptional circuitry of the cell cycle. [sent-437, score-0.644]

100 Integrating large-scale functional genomic data to dissect the complexity of yeast regulatory networks. [sent-440, score-0.428]

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Author: Le Song, Mladen Kolar, Eric P. Xing

Abstract: Directed graphical models such as Bayesian networks are a favored formalism for modeling the dependency structures in complex multivariate systems such as those encountered in biology and neural science. When a system is undergoing dynamic transformation, temporally rewiring networks are needed for capturing the dynamic causal influences between covariates. In this paper, we propose time-varying dynamic Bayesian networks (TV-DBN) for modeling the structurally varying directed dependency structures underlying non-stationary biological/neural time series. This is a challenging problem due the non-stationarity and sample scarcity of time series data. We present a kernel reweighted 1 -regularized auto-regressive procedure for this problem which enjoys nice properties such as computational efficiency and provable asymptotic consistency. To our knowledge, this is the first practical and statistically sound method for structure learning of TVDBNs. We applied TV-DBNs to time series measurements during yeast cell cycle and brain response to visual stimuli. In both cases, TV-DBNs reveal interesting dynamics underlying the respective biological systems. 1

2 0.86547494 168 nips-2009-Non-stationary continuous dynamic Bayesian networks

Author: Marco Grzegorczyk, Dirk Husmeier

Abstract: Dynamic Bayesian networks have been applied widely to reconstruct the structure of regulatory processes from time series data. The standard approach is based on the assumption of a homogeneous Markov chain, which is not valid in many realworld scenarios. Recent research efforts addressing this shortcoming have considered undirected graphs, directed graphs for discretized data, or over-flexible models that lack any information sharing among time series segments. In the present article, we propose a non-stationary dynamic Bayesian network for continuous data, in which parameters are allowed to vary among segments, and in which a common network structure provides essential information sharing across segments. Our model is based on a Bayesian multiple change-point process, where the number and location of the change-points is sampled from the posterior distribution. 1

3 0.63377887 13 nips-2009-A Neural Implementation of the Kalman Filter

Author: Robert Wilson, Leif Finkel

Abstract: Recent experimental evidence suggests that the brain is capable of approximating Bayesian inference in the face of noisy input stimuli. Despite this progress, the neural underpinnings of this computation are still poorly understood. In this paper we focus on the Bayesian filtering of stochastic time series and introduce a novel neural network, derived from a line attractor architecture, whose dynamics map directly onto those of the Kalman filter in the limit of small prediction error. When the prediction error is large we show that the network responds robustly to changepoints in a way that is qualitatively compatible with the optimal Bayesian model. The model suggests ways in which probability distributions are encoded in the brain and makes a number of testable experimental predictions. 1

4 0.6117717 225 nips-2009-Sparsistent Learning of Varying-coefficient Models with Structural Changes

Author: Mladen Kolar, Le Song, Eric P. Xing

Abstract: To estimate the changing structure of a varying-coefficient varying-structure (VCVS) model remains an important and open problem in dynamic system modelling, which includes learning trajectories of stock prices, or uncovering the topology of an evolving gene network. In this paper, we investigate sparsistent learning of a sub-family of this model — piecewise constant VCVS models. We analyze two main issues in this problem: inferring time points where structural changes occur and estimating model structure (i.e., model selection) on each of the constant segments. We propose a two-stage adaptive procedure, which first identifies jump points of structural changes and then identifies relevant covariates to a response on each of the segments. We provide an asymptotic analysis of the procedure, showing that with the increasing sample size, number of structural changes, and number of variables, the true model can be consistently selected. We demonstrate the performance of the method on synthetic data and apply it to the brain computer interface dataset. We also consider how this applies to structure estimation of time-varying probabilistic graphical models. 1

5 0.46151844 51 nips-2009-Clustering sequence sets for motif discovery

Author: Jong K. Kim, Seungjin Choi

Abstract: Most of existing methods for DNA motif discovery consider only a single set of sequences to find an over-represented motif. In contrast, we consider multiple sets of sequences where we group sets associated with the same motif into a cluster, assuming that each set involves a single motif. Clustering sets of sequences yields clusters of coherent motifs, improving signal-to-noise ratio or enabling us to identify multiple motifs. We present a probabilistic model for DNA motif discovery where we identify multiple motifs through searching for patterns which are shared across multiple sets of sequences. Our model infers cluster-indicating latent variables and learns motifs simultaneously, where these two tasks interact with each other. We show that our model can handle various motif discovery problems, depending on how to construct multiple sets of sequences. Experiments on three different problems for discovering DNA motifs emphasize the useful behavior and confirm the substantial gains over existing methods where only a single set of sequences is considered.

6 0.44411212 203 nips-2009-Replacing supervised classification learning by Slow Feature Analysis in spiking neural networks

7 0.41708753 224 nips-2009-Sparse and Locally Constant Gaussian Graphical Models

8 0.40410292 184 nips-2009-Optimizing Multi-Class Spatio-Spectral Filters via Bayes Error Estimation for EEG Classification

9 0.39904597 108 nips-2009-Heterogeneous multitask learning with joint sparsity constraints

10 0.38472691 38 nips-2009-Augmenting Feature-driven fMRI Analyses: Semi-supervised learning and resting state activity

11 0.37648553 237 nips-2009-Subject independent EEG-based BCI decoding

12 0.37341249 6 nips-2009-A Biologically Plausible Model for Rapid Natural Scene Identification

13 0.37302914 39 nips-2009-Bayesian Belief Polarization

14 0.35869789 215 nips-2009-Sensitivity analysis in HMMs with application to likelihood maximization

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same-paper 1 0.85058117 246 nips-2009-Time-Varying Dynamic Bayesian Networks

Author: Le Song, Mladen Kolar, Eric P. Xing

Abstract: Directed graphical models such as Bayesian networks are a favored formalism for modeling the dependency structures in complex multivariate systems such as those encountered in biology and neural science. When a system is undergoing dynamic transformation, temporally rewiring networks are needed for capturing the dynamic causal influences between covariates. In this paper, we propose time-varying dynamic Bayesian networks (TV-DBN) for modeling the structurally varying directed dependency structures underlying non-stationary biological/neural time series. This is a challenging problem due the non-stationarity and sample scarcity of time series data. We present a kernel reweighted 1 -regularized auto-regressive procedure for this problem which enjoys nice properties such as computational efficiency and provable asymptotic consistency. To our knowledge, this is the first practical and statistically sound method for structure learning of TVDBNs. We applied TV-DBNs to time series measurements during yeast cell cycle and brain response to visual stimuli. In both cases, TV-DBNs reveal interesting dynamics underlying the respective biological systems. 1

2 0.77885813 241 nips-2009-The 'tree-dependent components' of natural scenes are edge filters

Author: Daniel Zoran, Yair Weiss

Abstract: We propose a new model for natural image statistics. Instead of minimizing dependency between components of natural images, we maximize a simple form of dependency in the form of tree-dependencies. By learning filters and tree structures which are best suited for natural images we observe that the resulting filters are edge filters, similar to the famous ICA on natural images results. Calculating the likelihood of an image patch using our model requires estimating the squared output of pairs of filters connected in the tree. We observe that after learning, these pairs of filters are predominantly of similar orientations but different phases, so their joint energy resembles models of complex cells. 1 Introduction and related work Many models of natural image statistics have been proposed in recent years [1, 2, 3, 4]. A common goal of many of these models is finding a representation in which components or sub-components of the image are made as independent or as sparse as possible [5, 6, 2]. This has been found to be a difficult goal, as natural images have a highly intricate structure and removing dependencies between components is hard [7]. In this work we take a different approach, instead of minimizing dependence between components we try to maximize a simple form of dependence - tree dependence. It would be useful to place this model in context of previous works about natural image statistics. Many earlier models are described by the marginal statistics solely, obtaining a factorial form of the likelihood: p(x) = pi (xi ) (1) i The most notable model of this approach is Independent Component Analysis (ICA), where one seeks to find a linear transformation which maximizes independence between components (thus fitting well with the aforementioned factorization). This model has been applied to many scenarios, and proved to be one of the great successes of natural image statistics modeling with the emergence of edge-filters [5]. This approach has two problems. The first is that dependencies between components are still very strong, even with those learned transformation seeking to remove them. Second, it has been shown that ICA achieves, after the learned transformation, only marginal gains when measured quantitatively against simpler method like PCA [7] in terms of redundancy reduction. A different approach was taken recently in the form of radial Gaussianization [8], in which components which are distributed in a radially symmetric manner are made independent by transforming them non-linearly into a radial Gaussian, and thus, independent from one another. A more elaborate approach, related to ICA, is Independent Subspace Component Analysis or ISA. In this model, one looks for independent subspaces of the data, while allowing the sub-components 1 Figure 1: Our model with respect to marginal models such as ICA (a), and ISA like models (b). Our model, being a tree based model (c), allows components to belong to more than one subspace, and the subspaces are not required to be independent. of each subspace to be dependent: p(x) = pk (xi∈K ) (2) k This model has been applied to natural images as well and has been shown to produce the emergence of phase invariant edge detectors, akin to complex cells in V1 [2]. Independent models have several shortcoming, but by far the most notable one is the fact that the resulting components are, in fact, highly dependent. First, dependency between the responses of ICA filters has been reported many times [2, 7]. Also, dependencies between ISA components has also been observed [9]. Given these robust dependencies between filter outputs, it is somewhat peculiar that in order to get simple cell properties one needs to assume independence. In this work we ask whether it is possible to obtain V1 like filters in a model that assumes dependence. In our model we assume the filter distribution can be described by a tree graphical model [10] (see Figure 1). Degenerate cases of tree graphical models include ICA (in which no edges are present) and ISA (in which edges are only present within a subspace). But in its non-degenerate form, our model assumes any two filter outputs may be dependent. We allow components to belong to more than one subspace, and as a result, do not require independence between them. 2 Model and learning Our model is comprised of three main components. Given a set of patches, we look for the parameters which maximize the likelihood of a whitened natural image patch z: N p(yi |ypai ; β) p(z; W, β, T ) = p(y1 ) (3) i=1 Where y = Wz, T is the tree structure, pai denotes the parent of node i and β is a parameter of the density model (see below for the details). The three components we are trying to learn are: 1. The filter matrix W, where every row defines one of the filters. The response of these filters is assumed to be tree-dependent. We assume that W is orthogonal (and is a rotation of a whitening transform). 2. The tree structure T which specifies which components are dependent on each other. 3. The probability density function for connected nodes in the tree, which specify the exact form of dependency between nodes. All three together describe a complete model for whitened natural image patches, allowing likelihood estimation and exact inference [11]. We perform the learning in an iterative manner: we start by learning the tree structure and density model from the entire data set, then, keeping the structure and density constant, we learn the filters via gradient ascent in mini-batches. Going back to the tree structure we repeat the process many times iteratively. It is important to note that both the filter set and tree structure are learned from the data, and are continuously updated during learning. In the following sections we will provide details on the specifics of each part of the model. 2 β=0.0 β=0.5 β=1.0 β=0.0 β=0.5 β=1.0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 −1 0 −1 −2 −1 −2 −3 0 x1 2 0 x1 2 0 x1 2 −2 −3 −2 0 x1 2 0 −1 −2 −3 −2 0 −1 −2 −3 −2 0 −1 −2 −3 −2 0 x2 3 2 x2 3 2 x2 3 2 x2 3 2 x2 3 2 x2 3 −3 −2 0 x1 2 −2 0 x1 2 Figure 2: Shape of the conditional (Left three plots) and joint (Right three plots) density model in log scale for several values of β, from dependence to independence. 2.1 Learning tree structure In their seminal paper, Chow and Liu showed how to learn the optimal tree structure approximation for a multidimensional probability density function [12]. This algorithm is easy to apply to this scenario, and requires just a few simple steps. First, given the current estimate for the filter matrix W, we calculate the response of each of the filters with all the patches in the data set. Using these responses, we calculate the mutual information between each pair of filters (nodes) to obtain a fully connected weighted graph. The final step is to find a maximal spanning tree over this graph. The resulting unrooted tree is the optimal tree approximation of the joint distribution function over all nodes. We will note that the tree is unrooted, and the root can be chosen arbitrarily - this means that there is no node, or filter, that is more important than the others - the direction in the tree graph is arbitrary as long as it is chosen in a consistent way. 2.2 Joint probability density functions Gabor filter responses on natural images exhibit highly kurtotic marginal distributions, with heavy tails and sharp peaks [13, 3, 14]. Joint pair wise distributions also exhibit this same shape with varying degrees of dependency between the components [13, 2]. The density model we use allows us to capture both the highly kurtotic nature of the distributions, while still allowing varying degrees of dependence using a mixing variable. We use a mix of two forms of finite, zero mean Gaussian Scale Mixtures (GSM). In one, the components are assumed to be independent of each other and in the other, they are assumed to be spherically distributed. The mixing variable linearly interpolates between the two, allowing us to capture the whole range of dependencies: p(x1 , x2 ; β) = βpdep (x1 , x2 ) + (1 − β)pind (x1 , x2 ) (4) When β = 1 the two components are dependent (unless p is Gaussian), whereas when β = 0 the two components are independent. For the density functions themselves, we use a finite GSM. The dependent case is a scale mixture of bivariate Gaussians: 2 πk N (x1 , x2 ; σk I) pdep (x1 , x2 ) = (5) k While the independent case is a product of two independent univariate Gaussians: 2 πk N (x1 ; σk ) pind (x1 , x2 ) = k 2 πk N (x2 ; σk ) (6) k 2 Estimating parameters πk and σk for the GSM is done directly from the data using Expectation Maximization. These parameters are the same for all edges and are estimated only once on the first iteration. See Figure 2 for a visualization of the conditional distribution functions for varying values of β. We will note that the marginal distributions for the two types of joint distributions above are the same. The mixing parameter β is also estimated using EM, but this is done for each edge in the tree separately, thus allowing our model to theoretically capture the fully independent case (ICA) and other degenerate models such as ISA. 2.3 Learning tree dependent components Given the current tree structure and density model, we can now learn the matrix W via gradient ascent on the log likelihood of the model. All learning is performed on whitened, dimensionally 3 reduced patches. This means that W is a N × N rotation (orthonormal) matrix, where N is the number of dimensions after dimensionality reduction (see details below). Given an image patch z we multiply it by W to get the response vector y: y = Wz (7) Now we can calculate the log likelihood of the given patch using the tree model (which we assume is constant at the moment): N log p(yi |ypai ) log p(y) = log p(yroot ) + (8) i=1 Where pai denotes the parent of node i. Now, taking the derivative w.r.t the r-th row of W: ∂ log p(y) ∂ log p(y) T = z ∂Wr ∂yr (9) Where z is the whitened natural image patch. Finally, we can calculate the derivative of the log likelihood with respect to the r-th element in y: ∂ log p(ypar , yr ) ∂ log p(y) = + ∂yr ∂yr c∈C(r) ∂ log p(yr , yc ) ∂ log p(yr ) − ∂yr ∂yr (10) Where C(r) denote the children of node r. In summary, the gradient ascent rule for updating the rotation matrix W is given by: t+1 t Wr = Wr + η ∂ log p(y) T z ∂yr (11) Where η is the learning rate constant. After update, the rows of W are orthonormalized. This gradient ascent rule is applied for several hundreds of patches (see details below), after which the tree structure is learned again as described in Section 2.1, using the new filter matrix W, repeating this process for many iterations. 3 Results and analysis 3.1 Validation Before running the full algorithm on natural image data, we wanted to validate that it does produce sensible results with simple synthetic data. We generated noise from four different models, one is 1/f independent Gaussian noise with 8 Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) filters, the second is a simple ICA model with 8 DCT filters, and highly kurtotic marginals. The third was a simple ISA model - 4 subspaces, each with two filters from the DCT filter set. Distribution within the subspace was a circular, highly kurtotic GSM, and the subspaces were sampled independently. Finally, we generated data from a simple synthetic tree of DCT filters, using the same joint distributions as for the ISA model. These four synthetic random data sets were given to the algorithm - results can be seen in Figure 3 for the ICA, ISA and tree samples. In all cases the model learned the filters and distribution correctly, reproducing both the filters (up to rotations within the subspace in ISA) and the dependency structure between the different filters. In the case of 1/f Gaussian noise, any whitening transformation is equally likely and any value of beta is equally likely. Thus in this case, the algorithm cannot find the tree or the filters. 3.2 Learning from natural image patches We then ran experiments with a set of natural images [9]1 . These images contain natural scenes such as mountains, fields and lakes. . The data set was 50,000 patches, each 16 × 16 pixels large. The patches’ DC was removed and they were then whitened using PCA. Dimension was reduced from 256 to 128 dimensions. The GSM for the density model had 16 components. Several initial 1 available at 4 Figure 3: Validation of the algorithm. Noise was generated from three models - top row is ICA, middle row is ISA and bottom row is a tree model. Samples were then given to the algorithm. On the right are the resulting learned tree models. Presented are the learned filters, tree model (with white edges meaning β = 0, black meaning β = 1 and grays intermediate values) and an example of a marginal histogram for one of the filters. It can be seen that in all cases all parts of the model were correctly learned. Filters in the ISA case were learned up to rotation within the subspace, and all filters were learned up to sign. β values for the ICA case were always below 0.1, as were the values of β between subspaces in ISA. conditions for the matrix W were tried out (random rotations, identity) but this had little effect on results. Mini-batches of 10 patches each were used for the gradient ascent - the gradient of 10 patches was summed, and then normalized to have unit norm. The learning rate constant η was set to 0.1. Tree structure learning and estimation of the mixing variable β were done every 500 mini-batches. All in all, 50 iterations were done over the data set. 3.3 Filters and tree structure Figures 4 and 5 show the learned filters (WQ where Q is the whitening matrix) and tree structure (T ) learned from natural images. Unlike the ISA toy data in figure 3, here a full tree was learned and β is approximately one for all edges. The GSM that was learned for the marginals was highly kurtotic. It can be seen that resulting filters are edge filters at varying scales, positions and orientations. This is similar to the result one gets when applying ICA to natural images [5, 15]. More interesting is Figure 4: Left: Filter set learned from 16 × 16 natural image patches. Filters are ordered by PCA eigenvalues, largest to smallest. Resulting filters are edge filters having different orientations, positions, frequencies and phases. Right: The “feature” set learned, that is, columns of the pseudo inverse of the filter set. 5 Figure 5: The learned tree graph structure and feature set. It can be seen that neighboring features on the graph have similar orientation, position and frequency. See Figure 4 for a better view of the feature details, and see text for full detail and analysis. Note that the figure is rotated CW. 6 Optimal Orientation Optimal Frequency 3.5 Optimal Phase 7 3 0.8 6 2.5 Optimal Position Y 0.9 6 5 5 0.7 0.6 3 Child 1.5 4 Child 2 Child Child 4 3 2 1 1 0.4 0.3 2 0.5 0.5 0.2 0 1 0.1 0 0 1 2 Parent 3 4 0 0 2 4 Parent 6 8 0 0 1 2 3 Parent 4 5 6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Parent 0.8 1 Figure 6: Correlation of optimal parameters in neighboring nodes in the tree graph. Orientation, frequency and position are highly correlated, while phase seems to be entirely uncorrelated. This property of correlation in frequency and orientation, while having no correlation in phase is related to the ubiquitous energy model of complex cells in V1. See text for further details. Figure 7: Left: Comparison of log likelihood values of our model with PCA, ICA and ISA. Our model gives the highest likelihood. Right: Samples taken at random from ICA, ISA and our model. Samples from our model appear to contain more long-range structure. the tree graph structure learned along with the filters which is shown in Figure 5. It can be seen that neighboring filters (nodes) in the tree tend to have similar position, frequency and orientation. Figure 6 shows the correlation of optimal frequency, orientation and position for neighboring filters in the tree - it is obvious that all three are highly correlated. Also apparent in this figure is the fact that the optimal phase for neighboring filters has no significant correlation. It has been suggested that filters which have the same orientation, frequency and position with different phase can be related to complex cells in V1 [2, 16]. 3.4 Comparison to other models Since our model is a generalization of both ICA and ISA we use it to learn both models. In order to learn ICA we used the exact same data set, but the tree had no edges and was not learned from the data (alternatively, we could have just set β = 0). For ISA we used a forest architecture of 2 node trees, setting β = 1 for all edges (which means a spherical symmetric distribution), no tree structure was learned. Both models produce edge filters similar to what we learn (and to those in [5, 15, 6]). The ISA model produces neighboring nodes with similar frequency and orientation, but different phase, as was reported in [2]. We also compare to a simple PCA whitening transform, using the same whitening transform and marginals as in the ICA case, but setting W = I. We compare the likelihood each model gives for a test set of natural image patches, different from the one that was used in training. There were 50,000 patches in the test set, and we calculate the mean log likelihood over the entire set. The table in Figure 7 shows the result - as can be seen, our model performs better in likelihood terms than both ICA and ISA. Using a tree model, as opposed to more complex graphical models, allows for easy sampling from the model. Figure 7 shows 20 random samples taken from our tree model along with samples from the ICA and ISA models. Note the elongated structures (e.g. in the bottom left sample) in the samples from the tree model, and compare to patches sampled from the ICA and ISA models. 7 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 1 10 0.8 0.6 0.4 0 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 Orientation 4 0 0 2 4 6 Frequency 8 0 2 4 Phase Figure 8: Left: Interpretation of the model. Given a patch, the response of all edge filters is computed (“simple cells”), then at each edge, the corresponding nodes are squared and summed to produce the response of the “complex cell” this edge represents. Both the response of complex cells and simple cells is summed to produce the likelihood of the patch. Right: Response of a “complex cell” in our model to changing phase, frequency and orientation. Response in the y-axis is the sum of squares of the two filters in this “complex cell”. Note that while the cell is selective to orientation and frequency, it is rather invariant to phase. 3.5 Tree models and complex cells One way to interpret the model is looking at the likelihood of a given patch under this model. For the case of β = 1 substituting Equation 4 into Equation 3 yields: 2 2 ρ( yi + ypai ) − ρ(|ypai |) log L(z) = (12) i 2 Where ρ(x) = log k πk N (x; σk ) . This form of likelihood has an interesting similarity to models of complex cells in V1 [2, 4]. In Figure 8 we draw a simple two-layer network that computes the likelihood. The first layer applies linear filters (“simple cells”) to the image patch, while the second layer sums the squared outputs of similarly oriented filters from the first layer, having different phases, which are connected in the tree (“complex cells”). Output is also dependent on the actual response of the “simple cell” layer. The likelihood here is maximized when both the response of the parent filter ypai and the child yi is zero, but, given that one filter has responded with a non-zero value, the likelihood is maximized when the other filter also fires (see the conditional density in Figure 2). Figure 8 also shows an example of the phase invariance which is present in the learned

3 0.77480334 31 nips-2009-An LP View of the M-best MAP problem

Author: Menachem Fromer, Amir Globerson

Abstract: We consider the problem of finding the M assignments with maximum probability in a probabilistic graphical model. We show how this problem can be formulated as a linear program (LP) on a particular polytope. We prove that, for tree graphs (and junction trees in general), this polytope has a particularly simple form and differs from the marginal polytope in a single inequality constraint. We use this characterization to provide an approximation scheme for non-tree graphs, by using the set of spanning trees over such graphs. The method we present puts the M -best inference problem in the context of LP relaxations, which have recently received considerable attention and have proven useful in solving difficult inference problems. We show empirically that our method often finds the provably exact M best configurations for problems of high tree-width. A common task in probabilistic modeling is finding the assignment with maximum probability given a model. This is often referred to as the MAP (maximum a-posteriori) problem. Of particular interest is the case of MAP in graphical models, i.e., models where the probability factors into a product over small subsets of variables. For general models, this is an NP-hard problem [11], and thus approximation algorithms are required. Of those, the class of LP based relaxations has recently received considerable attention [3, 5, 18]. In fact, it has been shown that some problems (e.g., fixed backbone protein design) can be solved exactly via sequences of increasingly tighter LP relaxations [13]. In many applications, one is interested not only in the MAP assignment but also in the M maximum probability assignments [19]. For example, in a protein design problem, we might be interested in the M amino acid sequences that are most stable on a given backbone structure [2]. In cases where the MAP problem is tractable, one can devise tractable algorithms for the M best problem [8, 19]. Specifically, for low tree-width graphs, this can be done via a variant of max-product [19]. However, when finding MAPs is not tractable, it is much less clear how to approximate the M best case. One possible approach is to use loopy max-product to obtain approximate max-marginals and use those to approximate the M best solutions [19]. However, this is largely a heuristic and does not provide any guarantees in terms of optimality certificates or bounds on the optimal values. LP approximations to MAP do enjoy such guarantees. Specifically, they provide upper bounds on the MAP value and optimality certificates. Furthermore, they often work for graphs with large tree-width [13]. The goal of the current work is to leverage the power of LP relaxations to the M best case. We begin by focusing on the problem of finding the second best solution. We show how it can be formulated as an LP over a polytope we call the “assignment-excluding marginal polytope”. In the general case, this polytope may require an exponential number of inequalities, but we prove that when the graph is a tree it has a very compact representation. We proceed to use this result to obtain approximations to the second best problem, and show how these can be tightened in various ways. Next, we show how M best assignments can be found by relying on algorithms for 1 second best assignments, and thus our results for the second best case can be used to devise an approximation algorithm for the M best problem. We conclude by applying our method to several models, showing that it often finds the exact M best assignments. 1 The M-best MAP problem and its LP formulation Consider a function on n variables defined as: f (x1 , . . . , xn ; θ) = θij (xi , xj ) + ij∈E θi (xi ) (1) i∈V where V and E are the vertices and nodes of a graph G with n nodes. We shall be interested in the M assignments with largest f (x; θ) value.1 Denote these by x(1) , . . . , x(M) , so that x(1) is the assignment that maximizes f (x; θ), x(2) is the 2nd best assignment, etc. The MAP problem (i.e., finding x(1) ) can be formulated as an LP as follows [15]. Let µ be a vector of distributions that includes {µij (xi , xj )}ij∈E over edge variables and {µi (xi )}i∈V over nodes. The set of µ that arise from some joint distribution is known as the marginal polytope [15] and is denoted by M(G). Formally: M(G) = {µ | ∃p(x) ∈ ∆ s.t. p(xi , xj ) = µij (xi , xj ) , p(xi ) = µi (xi )} . where ∆ is the set of distributions on x. The MAP problem can then be shown to be equivalent to the following LP:2 max f (x; θ) = max µ · θ , (2) x µ∈M(G) It can be shown that this LP always has a maximizing µ that is a vertex of M(G) and is integral. Furthermore, this µ corresponds to the MAP assignment x(1) . Although the number of variables in this LP is only O(|E| + |V |), the difficulty comes from an exponential number of linear inequalities generally required to describe the marginal polytope M(G). We shall find it useful to define a mapping between assignments x and integral vertices of the polytope. Given an integral vertex v ∈ M(G), define x(v) to be the assignment that maximizes vi (xi ). And, given an assignment z define v(z) to be the integral vertex in M(G) corresponding to the assignment z. Thus the LP in Eq. 2 will be maximized by v(x(1) ). One simple outer bound of the marginal polytope is the local polytope ML (G), which only enforces pairwise constraints between variables:     µi (xi ) = 1 (3) µij (xi , xj ) = µj (xj ), µij (xi , xj ) = µi (xi ), ML (G) = µ ≥ 0   x x x i j i The LP relaxation is then to maximize µ · θ where µ ∈ ML (G). For tree structured graphs, ML (G) = M(G) [15] and thus the LP relaxation yields the exact MAP x(1) . An LP Formulation for the 2nd -best MAP 2 Assume we found the MAP assignment x(1) and are now interested in finding x(2) . Is there a simple LP whose solution yields x(2) ? We begin by focusing on the case where G is a tree so that the local LP relaxation is exact. We first treat the case of a connected tree. To construct an LP whose solution is x(2) , a natural approach is to use the LP for x(1) (i.e., the LP in Eq. 2) but somehow eliminate the solution x(1) using additional constraints. This, however, is somewhat trickier than it sounds. The key difficulty is that the new constraints should not generate fractional vertices, so that the resulting LP is still exact. We begin by defining the polytope over which we need to optimize in order to obtain x(2) . 1 2 This is equivalent to finding P maximum probability assignments for a model p(x) ∝ ef (x;θ) . the P P P We use the notation µ · θ = ij∈E xi ,xj µij (xi , xj )θij (xi , xj ) + i xi µi (xi )θi (xi ) 2 Definition 1. The assignment-excluding marginal polytope is defined as: ˆ M(G, z) = {µ | ∃p(x) ∈ ∆ s.t. p(z) = 0, p(xi , xj ) = µij (xi , xj ), p(xi ) = µi (xi )} . ˆ M(G, z) is simply the convex hull of all (integral) vectors v(x) for x = z. (4) ˆ The following result shows that optimizing over M(G, x(1) ) will yield the second best soluˆ tion x(2) , so that we refer to M(G, x(1) ) as the second-best marginal polytope. Lemma 1. The 2nd best solution is obtained via the following LP: maxx=x(1) f (x; θ) = maxµ∈M(G,x(1) ) µ · θ. Furthermore, the µ that maximizes the LP on ˆ the right is integral and corresponds to the second-best MAP assignment x(2) . The proof is similar to that of Eq. 2: instead of optimizing over x, we optimize over distributions p(x), while enforcing that p(x(1) ) = 0 so that x(1) is excluded from the maximization. The key question which we now address is how to obtain a simple characterization of ˆ ˆ M(G, z). Intuitively, it would seems that M(G, z) should be “similar” to M(G), such that it can be described as M(G) plus some constraints that “block” the assignment z. To illustrate the difficulty in finding such “blocking” constraints, consider the following constraint, originally suggested by Santos [10]: i µi (zi ) ≤ n − 1. This inequality is not satisfied by µ = v(z) since v(z) attains the value n for the LHS of the above. Furthermore, for any x = z and µ = v(x), the LHS would be n − 1 or less. Thus, this inequality separates ˆ v(z) from all other integral vertices. One might conclude that we can define M(G, z) by adding this inequality to M(G). The difficulty is that the resulting polytope has fractional vertices,3 and maximizing over it won’t generally yield an integral solution. It turns out that there is a different inequality that does yield an exact characterization of ˆ M(G, z) when G is a tree. We now define this inequality and state our main theorem. Definition 2. Consider the functional I(µ, z) (which is linear in µ): (1 − di )µi (zi ) + I(µ, z) = i µij (zi , zj ) (5) ij∈E where di is the degree of node i in the tree graph G. ˆ Theorem 1. Adding the single inequality I(µ, z) ≤ 0 to M(G) yields M(G, z). ˆ M(G, z) = {µ | µ ∈ M(G), I(µ, z) ≤ 0 } (6) The theorem is proved in the appendix. Taken together with Lemma 1, it implies that x(2) may be obtained via an LP that is very similar to the MAP-LP, but has an additional constraint. We note the interesting similarity between I(µ, z) and the Bethe entropy [20]. The only difference is that in Bethe, µi , µij are replaced by H(Xi ), H(Xi , Xj ) respectively.4 The theorem also generalizes to the case where G is not a tree, but we have a junction tree for G. In this case, the theorem still holds if we define a generalized I(µ, z) inequality as: (1 − dS )µS (zS ) + S∈S µC (zC ) ≤ 0 (7) C∈C where C and S are the junction tree cliques and their separators, respectively, and dS is the number of cliques that intersect on separator S. In this case, the marginal polytope should enforce consistency between marginals µC (zC ) and their separators µS (zS ). However, such a characterization requires variables whose cardinality is exponential in the tree-width and is thus tractable only for graphs of low tree-width. In the next section, we address approximations for general graphs. A corresponding result exists for the case when G is a forest. In this case, the inequality in Eq. 6 is modified to: I(µ, z) ≤ |P | − 1, where |P | denotes the number of connected components of G. Interestingly, for a graph without edges, this gives the Santos inequality. 3 Consider the case of a single edge between 2 nodes where the MAP assignment is (0, 0). Adding the inequality µ1 (0) + µ2 (0) ≤ 1 produces the fractional vertex (0.5, 0.5). 4 The connection to Bethe can be more clearly understood from a duality-based proof of Theorem 1. We will cover this in an extended version of the manuscript. 3 2nd best LPs for general graphs - Spanning tree inequalities 3 When the graph G is not a tree, the marginal polytope M(G) generally requires an exponential number of inequalities. However, as mentioned above, it does have an exact description in terms of marginals over cliques and separators of a junction tree. Given such marginals on ˆ junction tree cliques, we also have an exact characterization of M(G, z) via the constraint in Eq. 7. However, in general, we cannot afford to be exponential in tree-width. Thus a common strategy [15] is to replace M(G) with an outer bound that enforces consistency between marginals on overlapping sets of variables. The simplest example is ML (G) in Eq. 3. ˆ In what follows, we describe an outer-bound approximation scheme for M(G, z). We use ML (G) as the approximation for M(G) (more generally ML (G) can enforce consistency between any set of small regions, e.g., triplets). When G is not a tree, the linear constraint in ˆ Eq. 6 will no longer suffice to derive M(G, z). Moreover, direct application of the inequality will incorrectly remove some integral vertices. An alternative approach is to add inequalities that separate v(z) from the other integral vertices. This will serve to eliminate more and more fractional vertices, and if enough constraints are added, this may result in an integral solution. One obvious family of such constraints are those corresponding to spanning trees in G and have the form of Eq. 5. Definition 3. Consider any T that is a spanning tree of G. Define the functional I T (µ, z): (1 − dT )µi (zi ) + i I T (µ, z) = i µij (zi , zj ) (8) ij∈T where dT is the degree of i in T . We refer to I T (µ, z) ≤ 0 as a spanning tree inequality. i For any sub-tree T of G, the corresponding spanning tree inequality separates the vertex v(z) from the other vertices. This can be shown via similar arguments as in the proof of Theorem 1. Note, however, that the resulting polytope may still have fractional vertices. The above argument shows that any spanning tree provides a separating inequality for ˆ M(G, z). In principle, we would like to use as many such inequalities as possible. Definition 4. The spanning tree assignment-excluding marginal polytope is defined as: ˆ MST (G, z) = µ | µ ∈ ML (G), L ∀ tree T ⊆ E I T (µ, z) ≤ 0 (9) where the ST notation indicates the inclusion of all spanning tree inequalities for G.5 Thus, we would actually like to perform the following optimization problem: max ˆ µ∈MST (G,z) L µ·θ ˆ as an approximation to optimization over M(G, z); i.e., we seek the optimal µ subject to all spanning tree inequalities for G with the ambition that this µ be integral and thus provide the non-z MAP assignment, with a certificate of optimality. Although the number of spanning trees is exponential in n, it turns out that all spanning inequalities can be used in practice. One way to achieve this is via a cutting plane algorithm [12] that finds the most violated spanning tree inequality and adds it to the LP. To implement this efficiently, we note that for a particular µ and a spanning tree T , the value of I T (µ, z) can be decomposed into a sum over the edges in T (and a T -independent constant): I T (µ, z) = µi (zi ) µij (zi , zj ) − µi (zi ) − µj (zj ) + (10) i ij∈T The tree maximizing the above is the maximum-weight spanning tree with edge-weights wij = µij (zi , zj ) − µi (zi ) − µj (zj ). It can thus be found efficiently. The cutting plane algorithm proceeds as follows. We start by adding an arbitrary spanning tree. Then, as long as the optimal µ is fractional, we find the spanning tree inequality that µ most violates (where this is implemented via the maximum-weight spanning tree). This constraint will necessarily remove µ from the polytope. If there are no violated inequalities 5 ˆ ˆL Note that M(G, z) ⊆ MST (G, z) ⊂ ML (G). 4 but µ is still fractional, then spanning tree inequalities do not suffice to find an integral solution (but see below on hypertree constraints to add in this case). In practice, we found that only a relatively small number of inequalities are needed to successfully yield an integral solution, or determine that all such inequalities are already satisfied. An alternative approach for solving the all spanning-tree problem is to work via the dual. The dual variables roughly correspond to points in the spanning tree polytope [16], optimization over which can be done in polynomial time, e.g., via the ellipsoid algorithm. We do not pursue this here since the cutting plane algorithm performed well in our experiments. ˆ As mentioned earlier, we can exactly characterize M(G, z) using Eq. 7, albeit at a cost exponential in the tree-width of the graph. A practical compromise would be to use inequalities over clique trees of G, where the cliques are relatively small, e.g., triplets. The corresponding constraint (Eq. 7 with the small cliques and their separators) will necessarily separate v(z) from the other integral vertices. Finding the maximally violated such inequality is an NP-hard problem, equivalent to a prize collecting Steiner tree problem, but recent work has found that such problems are often exactly solvable in practice [7]. It thus might be practical to include all such trees as constraints using a cutting plane algorithm. 4 From 2nd -best to M-best Thus far, we only dealt with the 2nd best case. As we show now, it turns out that the 2nd -best formalism can be used to devise an algorithm for M best. We begin by describing an algorithm for the exact M best and then show how it can be used to approximate those via the approximations for 2nd best described above. Fig. 1 describes our scheme, which we call Partitioning for Enumerating Solutions (or PES) for solving the M best problem. The scheme is general and only assumes that MAP-“like” problems can be solved. It is inspired by several pre-existing M best solution schemes [4, 6, 8, 19] but differs from them in highlighting the role of finding a second best solution within a given subspace. for m ← 1 to M do if m = 1 then Run MAP solver to obtain the best assignment: x(1) ≡ arg max f (x; θ) CONSTRAINTS1 ← ∅ else k ←− arg max ′ k′ ∈{1,...,m−1} f (y(k ) ; θ) // sub-space containing mth best assignment x(m) ← y(k) // mth best assignment // A variable choice that distinguishes x(m) from x(k) : (m) (v, a) ← any member of the set {(i, xi (m) ) : xi (k) = xi } CONSTRAINTSm ← CONSTRAINTSk ∪ {xv = a} // Eliminate x(k) (as MAP) from subspace m CONSTRAINTSk ← CONSTRAINTSk ∪ {xv = a} // Eliminate x(m) (as 2nd -best) from subspace k y(k) ← CalcNextBestSolution(CONSTRAINTSk , x(k) ) end y(m) ← CalcNextBestSolution(CONSTRAINTSm , x(m) ) end return {x(m) }M m=1 /* Find next best solution in sub-space defined by CONSTRAINTS */ Function CalcNextBestSolution(CONSTRAINTS, x(∗) ) // x(∗) is the MAP in the sub-space defined by CONSTRAINTS: Run MAP solver to obtain the second-best solution: y ≡ arg max f (x; θ), and return y. x=x(∗) ,CONSTRAINTS end Figure 1: Pseudocode for the PES algorithm. The modus operandi of the PES algorithm is to efficiently partition the search space while systematically excluding all previously determined assignments. Significantly, any MAP 5 Attractive Grids Ranks Run-times 1 50 Mixed Grids Ranks Run-times 1 50 0.5 0 S N B 0 Hard Protein SCP Ranks Run-times 1 50 0.5 S N B 0 0 S+R N+R B+R 0.5 S+R N+R B+R 0 S+R B B+R 0 S+R B B+R Figure 2: Number of best ranks and normalized run-times for the attractive and mixed grids, and the more difficult protein SCP problems. S, N, and B denote the STRIPES, Nilsson, and BMMF algorithms. Algorithms marked with +R denote that regions of variables were added for those runs. solver can be plugged into it, on the condition that it is capable of solving the arg max in the CalcNextBestSolution subroutine. The correctness of PES can be shown by observing that at the M th stage, all previous best solutions are excluded from the optimization and no other assignment is excluded. Of note, this simple partitioning scheme is possible due to the observation that the first-best and second-best MAP assignments must differ in the assignment of at least one variable in the graph. The main computational step of the PES algorithm is to maximize f (x; θ) subject to x = x(∗) and x ∈ CONSTRAINTS (see the CalcNextBestSolution subroutine). The CONSTRAINTS set merely enforces that some of the coordinates of x are either equal to or different from specified values.6 Within the LP, these can be enforced by setting µi (xi = a) = 1 or µi (xi = a) = 0. It can be shown that if one optimizes µ · θ with ˆ these constraints and µ ∈ M(G, x(∗) ), the solution is integral. Thus, the only element ˆ requiring approximation in the general case is the description of M(G, x(∗) ). We choose as ˆ this approximation the polytope MST (G, x(∗) ) in Eq. 9. We call the resulting approximaL tion algorithm Spanning TRee Inequalities and Partitioning for Enumerating Solutions, or STRIPES. In the next section, we evaluate this scheme experimentally. 5 Experiments We compared the performance of STRIPES to the BMMF algorithm [19] and the Lawler/Nilsson algorithm [6, 8]. Nilsson’s algorithm is equivalent to PES where the 2nd best assignment is obtained from maximizations within O(n) partitions, so that its runtime is O(n) times the cost of finding a single MAP. Here we approximated each MAP with its LP relaxation (as in STRIPES), so that both STRIPES and Nilsson come with certificates of optimality when their LP solutions are integral. BMMF relies on loopy BP to approximate the M best solutions.7 We used M = 50 in all experiments. To compare the algorithms, we pooled all their solutions, noting the 50 top probabilities, and then counted the fraction of these that any particular algorithm found (its solution rank). For run-time comparisons, we normalized the times by the longest-running algorithm for each example. We begin by considering pairwise MRFs on binary grid graphs of size 10 × 10. In the first experiment, we used an Ising model with attractive (submodular) potentials, a setting in which the pairwise LP relaxation is exact [14]. For each grid edge ij, we randomly chose Jij ∈ [0, 0.5], and local potentials were randomized in the range ±0.5. The results for 25 graphs are shown in Fig. 2. Both the STRIPES and Nilsson algorithms obtained the 50 optimal solutions (as learned from their optimality certificates), while BMMF clearly fared less well for some of the graphs. While the STRIPES algorithm took < 0.5 to 2 minutes to run, the Nilsson algorithm took around 13 minutes. On the other hand, BMMF was quicker, taking around 10 seconds per run, while failing to find a significant portion of the top solutions. Overall, the STRIPES algorithm was required to employ up to 19 spanning tree inequalities per calculation of second-best solution. 6 This is very different from the second best constraint, since setting x1 = 1 blocks all assignments with this value, as opposed to setting x = 1 which blocks only the assignment with all ones. 7 For BMMF, we used the C implementation at talyam/ inference.html. The LPs for STRIPES and Nilsson were solved using CPLEX. 6 Next, we studied Ising models with mixed interaction potentials (with Jij and the local potentials randomly chosen in [−0.5, 0.5]). For almost all of the 25 models, all three algorithms were not able to successfully find the top solutions. Thus, we added regions of triplets (two for every grid face) to tighten the LP relaxation (for STRIPES and Nilsson) and to perform GBP instead of BP (for BMMF). This resulted in STRIPES and Nilsson always provably finding the optimal solutions, and BMMF mostly finding these solutions (Fig. 2). For these more difficult grids, however, STRIPES was the fastest of the algorithms, taking 0.5 - 5 minutes. On the other hand, the Nilsson and BMMF algorithms took 18 minutes and 2.5 7 minutes, respectively. STRIPES added up to 23 spanning tree inequalities per iteration. The protein side-chain prediction (SCP) problem is to to predict the placement of amino acid side-chains given a protein backbone [2, 18]. Minimization of a protein energy function corresponds to finding a MAP assignment for a pairwise MRF [19]. We employed the dataset of [18] (up to 45 states per variable, mean approximate tree-width 50), running all algorithms to calculate the optimal side-chain configurations. For 315 of 370 problems in the dataset, the first MAP solution was obtained directly as a result of the LP relaxation having an integral solution (“easy” problems). STRIPES provably found the subsequent top 50 solutions within 4.5 hours for all but one of these cases (up to 8 spanning trees per calculation), and BMMF found the same 50 solutions for each case within 0.5 hours; note that only STRIPES provides a certificate of optimality for these solutions. On the other hand, only for 146 of the 315 problems was the Nilsson method able to complete within five days; thus, we do not compare its performance here. For the remaining 55 (“hard”) problems (Fig. 2), we added problem-specific triplet regions using the MPLP algorithm [13]. We then ran the STRIPES algorithm to find the optimal solutions. Surprisingly, it was able to exactly find the 50 top solutions for all cases, using up to 4 standard spanning tree inequalities per second-best calculation. The STRIPES run-times for these problems ranged from 6 minutes to 23 hours. On the other hand, whether running BMMF without these regions (BP) or with the regions (GBP), it did not perform as well as STRIPES in terms of the number of high-ranking solutions or its speed. To summarize, STRIPES provably found the top 50 solutions for 369 of the 370 protein SCP problems. 6 Conclusion ˆ In this work, we present a novel combinatorial object M(G, z) and show its utility in obtaining the M best MAP assignments. We provide a simple characterization of it for tree structured graphs, and show how it can be used for approximations in non-tree graphs. As with the marginal polytope, many interesting questions arise about the properties of ˆ M(G, z). For example, in which non-tree cases can we provide a compact characterization (e.g., as for the cut-polytope for planar graphs [1]). Another compelling question is in which problems the spanning tree inequalities are provably optimal. An interesting generalization of our method is to predict diverse solutions satisfying some local measure of “distance” from each other, e.g., as in [2]. Here we studied the polytope that results from excluding one assignment. An intriguing question is to characterize the polytope that excludes M assignments. We have found that it does not simply correspond to adding M constraints I(µ, z i ) ≤ 0 for i = 1, . . . , M , so its ˆ geometry is apparently more complicated than that of M(G, z). Here we used LP solvers to solve for µ. Such generic solvers could be slow for large-scale problems. However, in recent years, specialized algorithms have been suggested for solving MAP-LP relaxations [3, 5, 9, 17]. These use the special form of the constraints to obtain local-updates and more scalable algorithms. We intend to apply these schemes to our method. Finally, our empirical results show that our method indeed leverages the power of LP relaxations and yields exact M best optimal solutions for problems with large tree-width. Acknowledgements We thank Nati Linial for his helpful discussions and Chen Yanover and Talya Meltzer for their insight and help in running BMMF. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful advice. 7 A Proof of Theorem 1 Recall that for any µ ∈ M(G), there exists a probability density p(x) s.t. µ = x p(x)v(x). Denote pµ (z) as the minimal value of p(z) among all p(x) that give µ. We prove that ˆ pµ (z) = max(0, I(µ, z)), from which the theorem follows (since pµ (z) = 0 iff µ ∈ M(G, z)). The proof is by induction on n. For n = 1, the node has degree 0, so I(µ, z) = µ1 (z1 ). Clearly, pµ (z) = µ1 (z1 ), so pµ (z) = I(µ, z). For n > 1, there must exist a leaf in G ˆ (assume that its index is n and its neighbor’s is n − 1). Denote G as the tree obtained ˆ by removing node n and its edge with n − 1. For any assignment x, denote x as the corresponding sub-assignment for the first n − 1 variables. Also, any µ can be derived by ˆ ˆ adding appropriate coordinates to a unique µ ∈ M(G). For an integral vertex µ = v(x), ˆˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ x denote its projected µ as v (ˆ ). Denote by I(µ, z ) the functional in Eq. 5 applied to G. For ˆ any µ and its projected µ, it can be seen that: ˆˆ ˆ I(µ, z) = I(µ, z ) − α (11) where we define α = xn =zn µn−1,n (zn−1 , xn ) (so 0 ≤ α ≤ 1). The inductive assumption ˆ ˆ ˆ gives a p(ˆ ) that has marginals µ and also p(ˆ ) = max(0, I(µ, z )). We next use p(ˆ ) to ˆx ˆz ˆx construct a p(x) that has marginals µ and the desired minimal pµ (z). Consider three cases: ˆˆ ˆ I. I(µ, z) ≤ 0 and I(µ, z ) ≤ 0. From the inductive assumption, pµ (ˆ ) = 0, so we define: ˆˆ z µn−1,n (xn−1 , xn ) p(x) = p(ˆ ) ˆx (12) µn−1 (xn−1 ) which indeed marginalizes to µ, and p(z) = 0 so that pµ (z) = 0 as required. If µn−1 (xn−1 ) = 0, then p(ˆ ) is necessarily 0, in which case we define p(x) = 0. Note that this construction ˆx is identical to that used in proving that ML (G) = M(G) for a tree graph G. ˆˆ ˆ II. I(µ, z) > 0. Based on Eq. 11 and α ≥ 0, we have I(µ, z ) > 0. Applying the inductive ˆ µ, z ) = pµ (ˆ ) > 0. Now, define p(x) so that p(z) = I(µ, z): ˆ assumption to µ, we obtain I( ˆ ˆ ˆˆ z xl , l ≤ n − 2 δ(xn−1 = zn−1 ) δ(xn = zn ) p(x) no constraint 0 no constraint As in Eq. 12 0 0 ∃ l x l = zl 1 ∀ l x l = zl 1 µn−1,n (zn−1 , xn ) 1 1 p(ˆ ) ˆx 0 I(µ, z) Simple algebra shows that p(x) is non-negative and has µ as marginals. We now show that p(z) is minimal. Based on the inductive assumption and Eq. 11, it can easily be shown that I(v(z), z) = 1, I(v(x), z) ≤ 0 for x = z. For any p(x) s.t. µ = x p(x)v(x), from linearity, I(µ, z) = p(z) + x=z p(x)I(v(x), z) ≤ p(z) (since I(v(x), z) ≤ 0 for x = z). Since the p(z) we define achieves this lower bound, it is clearly minimal. ˆˆ ˆ ˆ III. I(µ, z) ≤ 0 but I(µ, z ) > 0. Applying the inductive assumption to µ, we see that ˆ µ, z ) > 0; Eq. 11 implies α − I(µ, z ) ≥ 0. Define β = µn−1 (zn−1 ) − pµ (ˆ ), which ˆˆ ˆ ˆˆ z pµ (ˆ ) = I( ˆ ˆ ˆˆ z ˆ is non-negative since µn−1 (zn−1 ) = µn−1 (ˆ n−1 ) and p marginalizes to µ. Define p(x) as: ˆ z ˆ xl , l ≤ n − 2 δ(xn−1 = zn−1 ) δ(xn = zn ) no constraint 0 no constraint ∃ l x l = zl As in Eq. 12 0 ˆ ˆ z µ (z ,x ) p(ˆ ) n−1,n βn−1 n α−I(µ,ˆ ) ˆx α µ (z ,z ) p(ˆ ) n−1,n βn−1 n ˆx (z ,x ) ˆˆ ˆ µ I(µ, z ) n−1,n αn−1 n 1 0 0 1 1 ∀ l x l = zl p(x) 1 which indeed marginalizes to µ, and p(z) = 0 so that pµ (z) = 0, as required. 8 References [1] F. Barahona. On cuts and matchings in planar graphs. Math. Program., 60(1):53–68, 1993. [2] M. Fromer and C. Yanover. Accurate prediction for atomic-level protein design and its application in diversifying the near-optimal sequence space. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 75:682–705, 2009. [3] A. Globerson and T. Jaakkola. 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4 0.73523247 111 nips-2009-Hierarchical Modeling of Local Image Features through $L p$-Nested Symmetric Distributions

Author: Matthias Bethge, Eero P. Simoncelli, Fabian H. Sinz

Abstract: We introduce a new family of distributions, called Lp -nested symmetric distributions, whose densities are expressed in terms of a hierarchical cascade of Lp norms. This class generalizes the family of spherically and Lp -spherically symmetric distributions which have recently been successfully used for natural image modeling. Similar to those distributions it allows for a nonlinear mechanism to reduce the dependencies between its variables. With suitable choices of the parameters and norms, this family includes the Independent Subspace Analysis (ISA) model as a special case, which has been proposed as a means of deriving filters that mimic complex cells found in mammalian primary visual cortex. Lp -nested distributions are relatively easy to estimate and allow us to explore the variety of models between ISA and the Lp -spherically symmetric models. By fitting the generalized Lp -nested model to 8 × 8 image patches, we show that the subspaces obtained from ISA are in fact more dependent than the individual filter coefficients within a subspace. When first applying contrast gain control as preprocessing, however, there are no dependencies left that could be exploited by ISA. This suggests that complex cell modeling can only be useful for redundancy reduction in larger image patches. 1

5 0.63430876 32 nips-2009-An Online Algorithm for Large Scale Image Similarity Learning

Author: Gal Chechik, Uri Shalit, Varun Sharma, Samy Bengio

Abstract: Learning a measure of similarity between pairs of objects is a fundamental problem in machine learning. It stands in the core of classification methods like kernel machines, and is particularly useful for applications like searching for images that are similar to a given image or finding videos that are relevant to a given video. In these tasks, users look for objects that are not only visually similar but also semantically related to a given object. Unfortunately, current approaches for learning similarity do not scale to large datasets, especially when imposing metric constraints on the learned similarity. We describe OASIS, a method for learning pairwise similarity that is fast and scales linearly with the number of objects and the number of non-zero features. Scalability is achieved through online learning of a bilinear model over sparse representations using a large margin criterion and an efficient hinge loss cost. OASIS is accurate at a wide range of scales: on a standard benchmark with thousands of images, it is more precise than state-of-the-art methods, and faster by orders of magnitude. On 2.7 million images collected from the web, OASIS can be trained within 3 days on a single CPU. The nonmetric similarities learned by OASIS can be transformed into metric similarities, achieving higher precisions than similarities that are learned as metrics in the first place. This suggests an approach for learning a metric from data that is larger by orders of magnitude than was handled before. 1

6 0.56446993 168 nips-2009-Non-stationary continuous dynamic Bayesian networks

7 0.51700324 28 nips-2009-An Additive Latent Feature Model for Transparent Object Recognition

8 0.51500058 231 nips-2009-Statistical Models of Linear and Nonlinear Contextual Interactions in Early Visual Processing

9 0.50668967 35 nips-2009-Approximating MAP by Compensating for Structural Relaxations

10 0.50645405 247 nips-2009-Time-rescaling methods for the estimation and assessment of non-Poisson neural encoding models

11 0.50013489 224 nips-2009-Sparse and Locally Constant Gaussian Graphical Models

12 0.49288177 188 nips-2009-Perceptual Multistability as Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inference

13 0.48946884 137 nips-2009-Learning transport operators for image manifolds

14 0.48634657 51 nips-2009-Clustering sequence sets for motif discovery

15 0.48599976 237 nips-2009-Subject independent EEG-based BCI decoding

16 0.48454338 131 nips-2009-Learning from Neighboring Strokes: Combining Appearance and Context for Multi-Domain Sketch Recognition

17 0.48240668 250 nips-2009-Training Factor Graphs with Reinforcement Learning for Efficient MAP Inference

18 0.48196545 225 nips-2009-Sparsistent Learning of Varying-coefficient Models with Structural Changes

19 0.47997761 58 nips-2009-Constructing Topological Maps using Markov Random Fields and Loop-Closure Detection

20 0.47905543 72 nips-2009-Distribution Matching for Transduction